Haitham al-Haddad – This Ramadan We Have A Job To Do

Haitham al-Haddad
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of following the Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore Moore
AI: Transcript ©
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They cannot fast according to Saudi Arabia, I am not following Saudi Arabia. Unfortunately some scholars, they start giving fatwas they pour freewill into the fire part of our data is to support our brothers and sisters in and that's why they are using statements extremists are taking over London they want to ban MCB forget about democracy for a get about human rights freedom rule of law, all of the British values if using the British values work against our interests were the ones who were pushing the agenda for everyone at the end of the day we are working for the entire society not just the Muslim community and this is my appeal to all that. I wanted this Ramadan to be a different

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Ramadan. Someone who can work from A to war to all our dear viewers welcome to this episode of unscripted with me Salam I'm sorry, I mean, Solomon have managed to finally get rid of Dr. Someone and get back on here. But Hamdulillah we have our day chef if you hate them, so I'm really grateful la Salaam Alaikum tilava the Castro brothers, masha Allah Allah accept it from you I understood that you are

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in Makkah right now is that true? Alhamdulillah Shia Yes, yes, I got here in the morning. I did my perform my camera earlier this morning and now the Haram is behind me so yes, hamdulillah all is well.

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Accepted. Okay, make make sure that you're out for us and for the Muslim ummah and for everyone, definitely, definitely, Sheikh will continue to do so. So we don't have much time we're gonna jump straight into it, Chef. And maybe it's Yeah, Harry Mica. And I guess the first question I'm gonna ask you chef is Hamdulillah we are on the cusp of Ramadan. May Allah azza wa jal allow us to see it. And typically, let's see the Ramadan when it begins, the moon is going to be cited. And normally what comes with this is a discussion. Where has the moon be cited? Who's been cited by? Has it been cited here in Saudi projects? Like why do we have to do this every year? Local Moon sighting central

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Moon sighting please help us chef. Okay Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah. See, we can look at this matter from two angles from one angle that okay the Muslim ummah is unable to resolve this matter, but we can look at it from the other side, which is the positive side, I always like to look at the positive side of any incident or any matter in front of us that okay, this there is a hamdulillah discussion among the Muslim ummah, the, the Muslim ummah, is not sleeping, the Muslim ummah is actually concerned about this matter. So that's why there is debate, as you know that we don't have enough so we don't have a single representation for the Muslim ummah. And that's

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why there is no single authority that can decide on such matters. And therefore, it is natural to see different views that disagreement was the disagreements between the OMA now

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in just to fast forward to, to get into the point. In the West, I have declared my position which is I believe, the Islamic position, not my interpretation of the Islamic position,

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that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, a psalm well matter so Manuel Fitzroy Yama to Stonewall Abhyanga to Byron Hadith, a viola authentic hadith in Sudan autonomy, the autonomy the actually commented on this hadith and he said, according to this, the people of knowledge act, they acted upon this hadith which means that you start your fast when the majority or the OMA around you first, you stop fasting when the Muslims stop fasting, the day of sacrifice is the day Muslims decide that this is the day of sacrifice. Obviously, Muslims will not choose that completely the wrong day they will choose a date that is possibly to be the day of the beginning of Ramadan, or the

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beginning of the month of Shawwal which means which which marks the end of Ramadan, this hadith, and a Tirmidhi said that the people of knowledge acted upon this

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Howdy, this hadith will resolve the matter, but it is Yanni very unfortunate that many scholars are not listening to this hadith. And they become they look at the matter from their

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from a narrow angle from their point of view and they are ignoring this hadith. Okay, I said, if the Muslim community in the UK decided upon a day whether their decision was based on the local one citing

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the global Moon citing the nearest country, their calculation, whatever, okay, if the of most of Muslims accepted one of those criterias we should go for it. And that's why in many years, not last year, the year before and the year before that even in two or three years, I give fatwa to the people to the Dutch Brothers, the German brothers and the Turkish brothers, the Turkish brothers, I have given them many factors it's out number of years that they have to follow the anit Okay, the decision of Dianna, which is the authority that Islamic authority in their country, they cannot fast according to Saudi Arabia, they cannot stop fasting according to Saudi Arabia, I made it clear to

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them in numerous occasions, and as I said two years ago and three years ago, I made it clear to the brothers in Holland go with the majority in your country, if most of them went for

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the the viewpoint of the internet, okay, which is the Turkish authorities because they have a big number of Turkish community in the Netherlands go for that similarly, the situation is the situation in in Germany.

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So, this is the point look at the majority in your country, what do they do? Okay, do they follow the moon cite the local Moon sighting? Just do it? Do they follow Saudi Arabia follow it, do they follow Morocco follow it, do they follow Turkey follow it, do they follow up calculation do it but the vast majority and you know and see i It is not the time to discuss this matter in details I have mentioned or I have written about it a lot.

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I have a challenged all the brothers

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who have different views to substantiate their review I said to them, if you go to a country for example, the brothers who travel from the UK to Pakistan in Pakistan, what do you do? Do you follow the local Pakistan decision or you fast according to Saudi Arabia or do you first according to Britain, it is the consensus of all the scholars you follow what the people in your country similarly it is the situation here follow the people in your country none of these colors I came across allow two leads to be established in one city or in one country. Now if we do not if we cannot establish do it then what does that mean? Go with the majority? Okay, that's it as simple as

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that. Now, I don't want to keep discussing this matter. Brother, Omar, and when people by the way when people say what about Moon sighting? I said yes. We need to Okay. See,

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let us understand it like this the lay people and the people of authority the people of authority granted work

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fast according to the moon sighting, because the prophets Allah Allah Allah you it was seldom said what said so moody or at war of the ruler at this is the general rule that

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the lay people the masses, they should follow the people of authority. Now, if the people have authority for whatever,

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for whatever reason, is there they did not follow the moon sighting. They followed the global moons I think they followed the local moons I think they followed the calculation. They follow the nearest country because the local Moon sighting is not possible. Then we have to follow the people of authority

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In our country, now, if there is no single authority in our country, then the vast majority of Muslims in the country stand for what? They stand as a replacement for the people of authority in the country. One law here, if we apply this formula, it will be so easy. Unfortunately some scholars they start getting fat was against this and they pour their poor freewill okay into the fire. Yeah, I don't want to name only but even some some fact to our communities. They decide for the moon or the beginning of Ramadan, maybe a month before Ramadan, this okay, even if even it is against the Sunnah of the Prophet iclm I don't want to go into that, but that goes definitely against what fast

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when you all first stop fasting when you hold stop fasting, this goes against the

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well established principle that the vast majority of the Ummah agreed upon had the scholars been mature to discuss it like this. Okay, and to

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to advise people just follow the majority of Muslims in your country, I think this disagreement will be resolved. However, please are not. Okay. We have other important things.

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discussing, okay, I stopped discussing it, but this is, as you asked, this is just a clarification of my viewpoint because some people think that I'm just blindly following Saudi Arabia, I am not following Saudi Arabia, I am following the majority and the the majority of Muslims in the UK and so far the majority of Muslims in the UK, they follow the moon sighting of Makkah, hence, I am following that. That's it. If I was in Turkey, as I have said, I will allow Turkey and I will not follow Saudi Arabia. If I was in Oman, I will follow Oman. I'm mentioning those countries that normally have different view points. If I am in Pakistan, I will follow Pakistan. If I am in

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Morocco, I will follow Morocco. That's it simple. The cycle of hair. Let us move to the second question. I will ask them Yeah, I will move on to the next question inshallah. But just you know, not I'm not talking about Moon sighting, as you haven't seen generally share. You know, if something's become a self fulfilling prophecy, though, you see hamdulillah you've always been an agent of change. And so if you allow things to be the way they've always been,

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and unity, they will always continue to be a chef.

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Yeah, did you get my point? I'm an agent of change and unity. Okay agent of change and unity a chef? Yes.

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We follow that criteria. Wallah, he, we will see more unity within the Muslim community here and in the Ummah at lot. Yes. Just like a lot. Okay. The key lesson I'm taking from that is, if we do want to change we need to do it in a unified way.

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Is that hamdulillah Okay, Czech

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people can they can stop you in the street and ask you your opinion further if they want to a moon sighting, Moon sighting and whether vinegar is halal. These are two questions that Chef loves answering. So

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anytime he's the chef

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hamdulillah Okay, so onto something. Perhaps a little bit more serious in nature chef, look.

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Ramadan is very much upon us. The language of welcoming, almost celebrating Ramadan, yet at the same time, what's happening? Because it's still very much at the front of our minds. People are going into Ramadan. How how do we navigate the chef at the same time, this balance between worrying about what's happening there?

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And then kind of being self absorbed in Ramadan in your personal about that shit? Yeah. Okay. So now how this is a good question. See, to be honest with you.

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We need to understand the true meaning of a data and the true meaning of our purpose. In this life, the true meaning of a data is

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As many scholars stated, and they have extracted this meaning from, from the verse one 100 to denote inside an isolated gene and for one purpose which is to worship me to worship Allah, Allah Allah. Now,

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this if a word Allah Allah says you have one job to do which is worshiping Me this this means that Allah Allah Allah wants us to do everything for him okay, this means that

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that hour the entire life of the Muslim should be what should be an act of data or should we act of a bad day because he said I created you okay to worship me. So, you have no other thing to do except worship Allah Allah Allah Allah.

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Now, this means that our eating

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our playing our marriages,

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our businesses, okay, all of this should be considered to be as act of a badass let us not think that act to favor that include fasting include going to the masjid for prayer, giving a charity making the proof Allah Allah Allah, that's it, no, these are their main and they listed a Baghdad these are the five pillars of Islam and the listed regulated a bear that that we cannot change

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life is not limited to those rubber duck and hence my dear brothers and sisters during the month of Ramadan, if there is if there is any bad that is required from us at that time, we should do it. Okay. Now, in normal circumstances, the main labor that is required from us is too fast. And then I tonight is to do a play on labor. Yeah, during the between to do resuscitation of Quran, okay, and so on. However, let me just mention a simple example. Imagine if there is a person who doesn't have that much income, he cannot take a holiday during the month of Ramadan. He has to work in order to provide for his family. Okay, let us take another example. The wife at home. Yeah, the family, they

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need to eat and drink. They need to break their fast they need to make a whole who is going to prepare the food for them.

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It is the wife now, can the wife say it? Can the wife say that? Oh, listen, I want to do my evader. I don't want to prepare the food for you. Because I want to focus on my first thing my vicar, my salah, etc. Can she do that? No, she cannot do that. And we say that actually my dear sister, my dear mother, you part of your ADA is to prepare the food. The father part of your Aida is to work to bring money to the family. Okay to sustain the family, we say to the children and part of your Ibadah is to support your parents. So this is part of Ivanka now, when there is a need for other types of a buy that okay other than working, then there is a need for that. Imagine, imagine.

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In a Muslim country, a policeman, the police has to work in order to maintain security, so that policing is considered to be an act of a bad okay, now.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam implemented this in the best form of it. That's why in the second year of Elijah, the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam carried out the battle, the battle of better.

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The Battle of murder took place in 17th of Ramadan, in the middle of Ramadan, which means that a few days before the Battle of whether the Sahaba were going to meet the caravan of Quraysh and

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Then after that they have to come back, which means that they got into the 10. The last 10 nights of Ramadan. Yeah. Okay.

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Now, the Prophet salallahu illegal and he was, he was in them was forced to,

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to choose that time.

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And then when it was when he was forced to do it, he did it to the best of his ability. He didn't say, Well, this Jihad and going to, you know, going for the caravan of Quraysh. This is not an act of a dad, I need to stay in the masjid, I need to do my dhikr I need to do my salah. He didn't do that. Okay, so we need to observe the context in order to what in order to know the best a bada the best idea that we need to do in a particular context. Hence,

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if during the month of Ramadan, we need to support our brothers and sisters in Russia in different ways. Maybe we need to raise funds for them. Yeah, this is an act of a bad because it is, as we said, the prophesy Salem did not just stay in the in his home. He went for this exibit expedition, not only by the way in the second year of an era, but also in the ninth year of an Haider when he opened Maccha. Okay, so these are considered to be acts of a bad and hence for us

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at this time, part of our Ibadah Yes, brothers and sisters, let me clarify this part of our data is to support our brothers and sisters. In versa. We need how to, to learn how to support them. Yeah. And different people support them in different ways. But this is part of our idea that during this month of Ramadan,

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Chef, one thing is planning supporting them. But some people so when is for advisor, but the other way is benefiting from Ramadan. What advice do you give those people who are feeling a little despondent that everything that's happening and it's starting after such a prolonged amount of time, nothing's changing. It's only got worse. And so the normal vigor with which they'd enter Ramadan, making dua begging of Allah azza wa jal, they're feeling a bit broken. And you know, perhaps not mentally as well balanced as they would be normally. So what advice would you give to them? Yeah, first of all, just maybe as a continuation for the previous question. We, as I said, part of our

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event, during this month of Ramadan is to do whatever we can do to support our brothers and sisters in Palestine, in Gaza, in particular, and different people in support in different ways.

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See, the general elections, the general election is coming. And maybe we need to do something during the month of Ramadan in order to be ready for the general election because we know that it can make a difference, okay, that the whom we whom whoever we choose to be empowered, does make a difference for Muslims in the UK. Now, maybe minor difference, major difference, but it does make a difference and we need this difference to be in our favor as Muslims, okay. And we need to it use to try to choose the right people to be empowered. This will be part of our evaluation. Now, having said that, my dear brothers, my dear sisters, I strongly believe that if we manage our time, we can achieve a

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lot in terms of the activities that we can do during the month of Ramadan, whether

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with a for the listed eval that which is fasting.

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The recitation of Quran giving sadaqa dhikr focusing on our solar night prayer, okay, and the other connected listed a badass to those that I believe with some time management, we can achieve a lot during those those days of the blessed man

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of Ramadan. Now, going back to your point now, which is that people feel disheartened people feel low down because the war took a long time and as some people say it is getting worse and worse see this is

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see maybe it is not the time to discuss

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this in details, but there are a number of reasons for this feeling some of those some of those reasons are related to our understanding of

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of what is required from us okay. So, you can say it is a theological reason,

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some of those reasons are related to our understanding of the dynamics of change, okay, maybe they are social, political reasons. Now, regarding the and there are many other reasons, as I said because of time, let us just maybe mentioned the key reasons here. The what is required from us, brothers and sisters what is required from us is to do

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not to see,

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okay, what is required from us is to do, woman, Allah della irata was ALLAH has Yeah, we're Anessa yah hoo. So for your our, Allah, Allah, Allah Allah said, your pursuit will be seen your work, your effort will be seen that your effort is the criteria that Allah Allah, Allah judges you according to Okay.

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You will be judged by Allah according to what not according to the outcome you achieved, not according to the goals you achieve, not according to to the results. Allah, Allah, Allah will judge you according to the effort. You have put along with your intention to things your intention and your effort. The outcome is not a criteria of judgment. Generally speaking, okay. Now we all know know alayhi salam, Allah Jalla Allah says about no holiday Santa Televisa V fee him and facility in in LA from Siena Harmon, he continued giving dower for 950 years. How many people accepted that? Yeah, Allah, Allah, Allah says, woman and a man who luckily, only few people accepted his doubt for

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950 years.

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When I'm out in luckily, only few people accept Islam. Yeah.

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Now, does that mean that no Allah He Salam will be punished by Allah. Allah, Allah. Allah. Does that mean that he's failed? Does that mean that Allah Jalla Khaled? That no other he said I'm did not do what Allah Allah Allah wanted him to do? No, of course not. Yeah. Because no Alayhis Salam in Surah tinola Yeah.

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He, he describe the way he gave them. Dawa.

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Okay. TAO to call me later on when a Ha, day or night. Yeah. And Alan Jerome was rough to the home is rara. I made it open. I made it private. He tried his best way to

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to convey the dollar to them. Now, very few people imagine this is really frustrating.

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Imagine if we give not 950 is just think about it. Brothers. Yeah. We've been, you know,

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this this

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invasion of Gaza has been there for a few months. Not a few years. Yeah. We've been giving dower for a few years, not 950 years, and just a few people to accept Islam.

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So we have okay, this is so from a theological perspective. This is the criteria. This is what is required from us. And that's why also the prophets Allah, Allah and Islam says, one they're humble

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sadaqa may be better than 100,000 of their hands of sadaqa How is that a person has to Durham's? What is his effort,

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he gave one of them. So he put the maximum effort which is what he gave 50% of his wealth as sadaqa.

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Yeah, and the other person is very rich, he just took okay from his money, no effort, no real sacrifice.

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But the outcome is bigger. Allah, Allah, Allah said, No, the effort of the poor person who has to their homes is better than the effort of this person. That's why on top of this, the Prophet sallallaahu Salam said, if the Day of Resurrection is about to start, and you have a plant,

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what to do? Are you going to throw it and say, Oh, who is going to benefit from it? No one is going to benefit from it. The prophesy SLM said, this is as he said, This is not your job to ask who's going to benefit from it? Just to work? Loved it.

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Okay. Okay. Now, the other point sorry.

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Historically, is global conflict cannot be resolved in one month, two months, one year, two years, three years.

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Yeah. The needs of Belgrade is it Belgrade, the siege of Belgrade? How long is that continued for three years?

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Look, in history. There are so many sieges that in fact, look at the profits of ourselves and the seeds of the province in that, Benihana, how long that continued for

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three years,

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three years until what happened?

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The profit with the company this is the Prophet sallallahu Sallam with the Companions used to eat what

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yeah, the leaf of the trees.

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One of them there was one narration that he he found

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he found what is it a skin Yeah, a piece of his skin

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and a throne and he washed it and he ate it because of hunger. So, so brothers, no need to feel down no need to feel low. It means that you are not actually interested to work. You are interested to see you are not interested to do but you are interested to

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to see

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of yesterday we are human beings we are weak. We need to keep reminding ourselves that no Keep going Keep going keep going and see from is if you look at the Quran, the Quran linked victory to what to Ferber were interesting test bureau with a double, double concave dome shape.

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Yeah, yeah, you already know a little was a little variety to what up Hola. Hola. Come to the room.

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the sobor along with Taqwa. Yeah. solver means Okay, be patient. Be patient, be patient.

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Then victory will come? Yeah.

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Just like a hash chef. Patience and perseverance for sure.

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I mean, coming closer to home also share, I guess,

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connected to there, but patience and perseverance is that there's been a lot of discussion with regards to Islamophobia and parliament. And this issue seems to be on the rise in the UK, every other group seems to be taken care of, but when it comes to Muslims, it's you know, open season

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how should we navigate this to understand the shift?

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it is very evident that the the elite and many politicians are demonstrating Islamophobic attitude. And you know, the way

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it is is that

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the establishment

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the establishment that is represented by some politicians, whether

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the to report

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Tea with the Labour Party. Normally the establishment is there and it is influencing the key players within each party.

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So the establishment and the those who are representing the establishment,

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they are unable to digest the fact that Muslims became part and parcel of this country, which Muslims, Muslims who will say to them, no

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Muslims who will oppose their agenda, they are unable to fathom this, they are welcoming Muslims, if the Muslims continue to be the old Yes, sir man that they have, quote unquote, imported from the subcontinent in order to serve them to work for them to fix their country or to rebuild their country. This is in their mind, okay to rebuild their country, of course to rebuild also the subcontinent or sorry, the European continent after the Second World War. So yes, in their subconscious, we imported those people to our, you know, our country, and it is our country, it belongs to us. And then now, those their children, they claim that it is their country. Yeah. And

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they have a say, in it, and running it. Okay, in setting the external policies or the internal policies, they, they cannot understand this, they cannot digest this. And,

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of course, generally speaking, the establishment in any country, they don't want anyone to say no to them to oppose them. That's why the war on Gaza have created a global shock, whether in the global system or globally in different Western countries, because the mass is coming in millions who oppose the

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the policies of the establishment, or the establishments in their countries. So that establishment, unable to digest that. And they felt when especially in Britain, that, Oh, look, these demonstrations were hundreds of 1000s of people go, and they are discovering the fallacy, the hypocrisy of our establishment. We cannot let this to continue. Yeah.

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And they, and that's why they are using the statements that okay. extremists are taking over the streets of London. Yep. The extremists are taking over London now. We have here heard statements like this. Yeah. We don't allow this to happen. And they want to criminalize, you know, going for a protest they want to criminalize certain is blowguns. They want to, you know, a banned certain movements, even we have seen recently they want to ban MCB. They will ban

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differential phonexa. They want to ban the Palestine Solidarity campaign. Yeah. They want to ban those organizations. Why

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is the police have confirmed the police have confirmed that the loss of protests are the best protest, they have the minimum, the minimum recorded, you know, yeah.

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incidents of violence. So why do you want to, to, to ban them? Isn't that part of the democratic process? Or now you do see that democracy is working against you. And hence, if democracy is working against you, we are ready to sacrifice democracy, but not to sacrifice what not to sacrifice our agenda. Yeah. And this is and this is a shock.

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Imagine, you know, the Prime Minister to call for a public, you know, a statement or talk, as George Galloway won the by election. Normally, we all know this is the practice, the Prime Minister wouldn't call forth, you know, a press conference.

00:40:22 --> 00:40:55

Make a statement, unless there is a huge thing that is taking place. Okay. What is the huge things, George Galloway won the by election? Were not in Westminister, not in London. Okay. He didn't become the mayor of London. He didn't become he just in rush them? Why is this considered to be a threat for them? And now they are considering this as a threat? Oh, no. Muslims are putting the the war and the ceasefire.

00:40:56 --> 00:41:36

The invasion of Gaza and voting overseas fire in Russia, they are putting this in the front of their agenda. Wow. Why are they this? So anyway? So this is the description? Yeah, the analysis of that is they are unable to accept that. As simple as this. Yeah. And forget about democracy for a get about the human rights, forget about freedom, forget about even rule of law, forget about all of the British values.

00:41:37 --> 00:41:50

If using British values work against our interest, and that's why, you know, that's why what I am saying if I may say that

00:41:52 --> 00:42:18

Muslims and those who want to live independently, and they want to enjoy the true, quote unquote, British values, that the true values, they should, you know, stand together, in order to hope we will not allow this bully bullying to take place. Yeah. And we will not allow,

00:42:19 --> 00:42:45

we will not allow you to use democracy when it is in your favor, and just abandon democracy, when it is when it goes against you. You want to go for you know, the rule of law, when it serves you, you want to be tolerant when it serves you, but you want you you want to throw it in the men when it goes against you. Now, see,

00:42:48 --> 00:42:49

if I may say,

00:42:50 --> 00:43:12

Sure, someone might say that it is a natural struggle, okay, that the Muslims have to go through it, okay, because we are in a they are until now seen as the others in Europe, okay. They have to go through that struggle, we need to continue.

00:43:13 --> 00:43:23

And we need to develop our institutions, whether in institutions to deal with political issues, to deal with

00:43:24 --> 00:43:34

legal issues, to deal with media to deal with financial issues, to deal with social issues, we need to develop our institutions, mature our,

00:43:35 --> 00:43:45

our discourse, mature our strategies, in order to deal with these, with these challenges, we shouldn't

00:43:46 --> 00:44:33

be pessimistic, we should be optimistic, and I think I think I still believe that the highest is coming, inshallah. Inshallah, if I can also attract if you allow me, I think that with the Islamophobia, there's actually a wider way of looking at this one is when we look at it from just as an inward community perspective, oh, they're coming after us. But I think that, number one, the government is kind of blaming Muslims to hide where everywhere that they are failing, from a welfare perspective, from a justice perspective, from a moral values perspective. And Muslims are the ones who are actually protecting and giving rights to the average British person, they are championing

00:44:33 --> 00:44:59

those values of equality and fairness and morality and welfare that everything that you're speaking about you so we've taken that responsibility to give to the people what the government isn't. So I think it's quite a noble position to be in check. You know, Muslims really should be proud of this. And we are always in the front of the spear. You know, okay. In

00:45:00 --> 00:45:00


00:45:02 --> 00:45:06

injustice, and nationally or internationally?

00:45:07 --> 00:45:37

Yeah, absolutely check that their values that they claim to have, were the ones who were pushing the agenda for everyone at the end of the day. So hamdulillah and I think we should be able to have that conversation with society at large, that it's not Muslims. It's what we're calling to fauna, principles bases, that it's your rights, that we are actually calling for protection of not just ours. Definitely. Definitely. Yeah. Yeah. As as you are mentioned.

00:45:38 --> 00:46:36

Yeah. As you are mentioning, this, you know, the coming election, the general election is coming soon. And I would like to call upon Yanni Muslims to be ready for this election. We have seen that when Muslims came together, they organized themselves in Rochdale. Okay, and they have set alight with the right people in Rochdale, they managed to remove any candidate that was not working in in their best interest, and in the interest of the entire community and wash them, and to replace it with someone, hopefully, will work for the best interest of the entire community in Washington, whether Muslims or non Muslims, so we can make a difference. Yeah, we can make a difference.

00:46:40 --> 00:46:49

You know, in some constituencies, and in some, I don't want to mention certain individuals here in London, there are some constituencies

00:46:50 --> 00:47:19

in individuals, in particular, one individual was okay. And he is like, he won last elections by 5000 votes, those wives 5000 votes, many of them are, or most of them are Muslims. So if Muslims voted this strategically, this particular individual who is, you know,

00:47:20 --> 00:47:31

going to have a weighty individual who is going to to be maybe the next in Labor Party. Okay.

00:47:32 --> 00:48:29

He can be removed easily. Yeah, he can lose easily. Yeah. So and, by the way, by the way, I want to reconfirm that. The the Muslim agenda? Yeah. Is not agenda is not an agenda for them personally, is, as you said, brother Omar, that we are working for what for the entire society, not just the Muslim community, and we have not worked against the rest of the society. Okay. In terms of anything? Yeah, yes. Yeah. I think definitely share has this, this isn't the time for apathy, the message that you've given, definitely shake is about making the effort. We have an opportunity, those who haven't registered to vote, they should do. Look, you know, there's two kinds of examples of this. On one

00:48:29 --> 00:49:18

side, we saw the Pakistani elections, which I know has been spoken about, where people came out that you came out spend the entire day in this country, it doesn't have to be like that for something they believed in. The other example is you so I know, it's a bit of an extreme example, shift, but the American soldier who was moved to the point of burning himself alive, you know, and we say that we're feeling upset. We don't like what's going on. And a little bit of effort may be required from us. We can't not make the effort now. Exactly. And you know, I have spoken about Kate, out on a bush now, yes, okay. That's American soldier who burned himself. And it is really very sad. And I have

00:49:18 --> 00:49:26

said it before, I am saying it now, condolences to his family, he was a brave individual. And

00:49:27 --> 00:49:59

it is, it is a big loss, okay to lose such an honorable individual who could not handle it. But I also said that this puts a lot of responsibility upon us as Muslims, to reach out to those honorable, humane individuals, and to pass the message of Islam to them, because at the end of the day, we don't want their sacrifice to go in vain. We want to them to sacrifice and then to enjoy

00:50:00 --> 00:50:16

The outcome of their sacrifice in Jannah, we want to see them in paradise along with us, those who really worked hard for, for the betterment of the humanity, and in particular,

00:50:18 --> 00:50:32

the advancement of the Muslim causes. And by the way, I was in an academic conference yesterday in, in Cambridge. And, you know, at one point when I was giving my,

00:50:33 --> 00:50:57

my presentation, I use the word the invasion of Russia and the war between Russia, sorry, I did not use invasion, I use the war between Russia and the occupation, just because I'm in academic setup, and I don't know who is who they're, etc. Yeah, so I said the word between us and the occupation.

00:50:59 --> 00:51:22

I don't want to mention, okay, the word is ill because I always say the so called etcetera, etcetera. And then there were two academics attending and they kind of show that they didn't like what I said. And you know, I presume I gave a good presentation, etc, people liked it, and you know, some bit of,

00:51:24 --> 00:51:43

you know, presentation or use some bit of presentation skills, etc. So then I was he speaking to two those two gentlemen. And one one, actually, he is a professor, and he was born raised up in,

00:51:44 --> 00:52:24

in England, about he moved to different countries, and now he's a professor in Denmark. Yeah, okay. He's been living in Denmark for the last maybe 1516 years. And the other one is a professor of he is a lecturer in in Cambridge, and the lecturer was in Cambridge, he said no, I didn't like what you saw what you say what you said I said, Well, I have to use a careful language I don't want to upset anyone we are okay this is not my you know, my

00:52:26 --> 00:52:28

demeanor environment.

00:52:29 --> 00:52:36

So, he said No, for me, you have used soft language

00:52:37 --> 00:53:03

you should have used genocide, what is happening in Gaza is self evident that it is a genocide, this is the minimum to say what is happening in Gaza, the Israelis have said this and this is this is common sense, we see it in front of our eyes. So, what I'm saying is that, you know, there are so many

00:53:04 --> 00:53:22

good people who stand for justice stand for values, they are not swayed by the interests of the elite or the of some politicians, those people we have, let me say it and maybe you know,

00:53:23 --> 00:53:38

later on we can explore on it, we have really to develop our discourse, to be able to, to appeal to those people, posters,

00:53:39 --> 00:54:12

at the moment, do not develop our discourse to appeal for those people, then we have, we will be losing and we will be losing this great opportunity that might not be repeated. And this is my appeal to all the art especially the English speaking your art, to think of ways not only how to, you know, to develop their discourse, but how they develop their

00:54:13 --> 00:54:37

their marketing tools to develop their ability to reach out okay to, to those non Muslims. Yeah. And in the meantime to develop their discourse in order to appeal to those millions, millions if making millions of non Muslims

00:54:39 --> 00:54:39

absolutely check.

00:54:41 --> 00:55:00

Just like when I had Shaq, it's, it's always always amazing. hamdulillah share the language of positivity of being unified, being almost centric, and hereafter centric never escapes us. If we can finish if you can indulge me chef bye

00:55:00 --> 00:55:31

Only on will come back her mother and Milazzo did allow us to see Ramadan I remember often every Ramadan you give us some secrets. I remember one split one year especially you spoke about multiple intentions with a charity. That was my my secret that Ramadan that benefited from if there's one thing that you can give us as a secret to supercharge our Ramadan. What would it be chef? Yeah. See, the first point is brothers and sisters set targets.

00:55:33 --> 00:56:18

Without setting targets you will not achieve the maximum of this Ramadan set targets in terms of how much you want to fix your relationship with Allah. Allah Allah. Yeah, how much you want to get closer to Allah Allah Allah Allah, how much Baba and it might not be quantifiable, but try Okay, how much you can read. And don't say I will just complete Quran once only during the month of Ramadan go for to go for three those who have memorized the Quran the minimum to go for is three. Those who know Arabic the minimum to go for is to complete Quran three times during the month of Ramadan.

00:56:20 --> 00:56:33

The nights are quite long, you will pray Taraweeh and the masjid for the brothers sisters might not be able to pray in the masjid or even if they manage to pray in the masjid. Do more.

00:56:34 --> 00:57:05

Do more ADA. Yeah, brothers, make sure that you are able to pray your five daily prayers in the masjid also Brothers Sisters set targets in terms of sadaqa every single day give sadaqa every single day. Yeah. Also brothers and sisters set targets in terms of in terms of improving your o'clock. I have a bad temper. Okay, I you know, I have a bad

00:57:06 --> 00:57:13

anger. Okay, I cannot manage my allegation that we've actually yeah, let me improve

00:57:15 --> 00:58:05

that I have a bad language, let me improve that. Okay. So, these are targets, every single one should ask himself, what, what deficiencies I have, and how should I rectify those deficiencies and what is the target for me, and I try to do that with your families, brothers and sisters. So that is maybe the tip for you know, this Ramadan, which is what set targets and don't just set those targets in terms of the listed Ibadah set targets in for the guy that set targets for your A hula as well.

00:58:06 --> 00:58:10

Okay for you, as well. And

00:58:11 --> 00:58:52

we ask Allah, Allah Allah to help us to get the best from this month of Ramadan. By the way, one of the targets is to say to yourself, I want this Ramadan to be a different Ramadan to be better than the previous Ramadan and this will Allah He helps the person who push himself to the maximum May Allah Allah Allah give us life to live for this Ramadan and other Ramadan and give us the baraka of this Lavon and Ramadan be in any law.

00:58:53 --> 00:59:01

I mean, just like Kamala Harris share amazing set targets, set targets that targets, this is really important in Sharla in all of the different ways.

00:59:02 --> 00:59:41

Thank you everyone for listening us and joining us, hopefully you were able to put up with me as your host Hamdulillah. Just like when I had Inshallah, you've heard the advice there. This isn't the time to slow down or relax, it's time to set ourselves big targets, heavy targets, get everyone involved in those targets, posted personally and at a community and a societal level and Hamden in LA for Islam and hamdulillah Allah azza wa jal has blessed us with this faith, unless Wheaton has given us this opportunity. And don't forget the elections as well set a target for who you're gonna vote for in Sharla does that go ahead? So I like them, but I had to lie here but I got to

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