Yasir Qadhi – Mothers of the Believers – 07 – Aisha Bint Abu Bakr

Yasir Qadhi
AI: Summary © The age gap between Islam and modernity is discussed, including the need for political correctness to address the issue. The complexities of marriage and relationships, including the negative impact of small talk and couples not being married, are also discussed. The speaker emphasizes the importance of the Prophet's blessings for women and the power of men to influence them, as well as the story of a deceased Prophet's death.
AI: Transcript ©
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hamdulillah Isla is niram

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was Salam ala rasulillah Allah Allah He was a woman with a hammer. But today we begin the first of our series about Chateau de la Juana. We're still doing the mothers of the believers. And we now move to the single most famous and the most beloved of the wives of the process of in her lifetime. And that is I have been to Abu Bakar, Eben earthman. They've been Ahmed have been Caribbean sorry they've been attacked me but the more I've niqab, the middle, I even had an affair, and she joins the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in her nessa in her sixth grandfather and that is more or less a big gap even though I her mother is a middle man and that's your cornea. We do not know her name. Some

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say her name was the knob. Some say her name was dad. But she was not known by her name. So it's lost in history. She was known as a middleman. And she was not from the whorish. She was from the tribe of Kenan Abubakar. So dia had at least two maybe more wives in his lifetime, or middle man was the second of his wives. He had another wife that did not embrace Islam. And she is the mother of a smart so a middle man embraced Islam and he was the wife that he kept in Islam, and I should not be alone. And I was born while her parents were Muslim. So her parents already accepted Islam and she said, my earliest memories of my parents were that they were already Muslim. So she never saw her

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parents in the state of paganism. So she was born in Islam. And she herself says no day went by in Mecca, except that the Prophet system came and visited us. So her earliest memories are with Islam and with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in a famous Hadith inside a body. She mentioned that one day, my father decided to build a Masjid in his front of the house. So in the MCO, we're talking about so she has a memory as a child, maybe three, four or five years old, that Abu Bakar has to deal with decided to build a Masjid, by Masjid, that doesn't mean a message it means a place to pray. A Masjid here means like one prayer place. So when she says Masjid, don't think of a

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structure, she means he's going to set aside an area to pray. So there's going to be a carpet whatever there's going to be so that he took that as a Masjid, quote, unquote, and he would then stand and pray salah and read the Koran, in front of the street in his messages. So there's an area outside and the masjid where his Masjid is there, and the street is in front. And the ladies and the children of the Quran began to gather and pay attention to him. Because Abu Bakar was a gentle man with a gentle heart. When he would recite the Quran, he would cry, so the ladies and the children would be and he said, a sight. It's a spectacle to see when a worker is crying. And the Hadith goes

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on. That worker attempted to do hedgerows and hedgerow to Abby senior This was and that didn't happen. And I mentioned that to disturb Oh, but the point is, Ayesha remembers that vaguely. So she must have been maybe four years old at the time, which again, fits in perfectly to the issue of her age that we're going to be talking about in another lecture. I'll just mention it briefly today. So I showed you a long line, how she has embraced Islam, basically. And he at her birth, basically, she didn't choose to embrace meaning she was born into the household of Islam, and a middle man has already converted to Islam. Now, the question arises that what is her age? What was she when was she

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born? And the fact of the matter is that this is one of those things, I will have to give an entire maybe half lecture or full lecture about, even though I don't want to, but just to talk about methodology, and to explain

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the science of looking at the past the science of looking at these narrations and trying to sift through in a nutshell, the age of Russia has become a very, very controversial issue in our times, only. It has never been an issue of controversy for the entire Islamic history. And the age of Arusha was a given. It was something that was understood to be very young. Why because there is an authentic hadith in Bukhari and Muslim in her own voice. She narrates that I was six years old when the new guy took place with the process and I'm and I was nine years old when the new guy was consummated, and every bit of information that we know fits into this narrative, so why deny it

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I clear everything that we know, including what I just said, I was born and my parents were already Muslim, etc, etc. Everything we know, fits into this narrative. So why should there be a controversy now? Come 2019, the year that we are in now or go back a decade or two, and obviously, the uncomfortable age gap becomes a politically sensitive issue. Right. And we all know that the far right uses a very, very pejorative term that out of respect to the process of I will not even utter, but you know what that term is, and it is now common to, for that group of people to describe the process and with that very negative, very disgusting slur. And they mentioned this point of this age

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gap. And they say this is something that would constitute this crime in our society and culture. And so one of the reactions of those who want to defend the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has been to relook at the classical tradition, and to derive from it that everybody was wrong for the last 14 centuries, including Ayesha herself, or she made a mistake, or it's a mistake in the narration. And that somehow, magically and I can't help but be sarcastic, and you're going to see my position in the next lecture. That's magically they derive that she was Mashallah diabolical, a perfect 18 or 19 years old was just completely coincidentally happens to be the age of consent in the modern lens,

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right. That's a complete coincidence, of course, and a quote unquote, I'm being sarcastic here. And so the point is that this issue has become very sensitive. And in order to shed some light on this, and I am against this, this is called revisionism and revisionism is not always wrong. By the way, this is why I have to be careful here, if there is a real legitimate reason to relook at the past, and really sift through the narrations and try to present a different narrative, okay, Bismillah. No problem. But in my humble opinion,

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political correctness is not a legitimate reason. That's really my point. What modern society says is valid and invalid should never be a barometer, a compass for us to judge what is right and wrong. And I am very much against this completely. And that's one of my main reasons, I am very dismissive of what is called progressive Islam, because they don't have a backbone, you know, whatever is the flavor of the month becomes politically correct and becomes Islam for them. And that's not the case. At the same time. It's a valid point, that should not lead us to overreact and become and become overly fanatical or fundamentalist to defend the past that might not necessarily be valid in the

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first place. And that's why there's a healthy balance, sometimes we do need to rethink through, we're not, we're not Gianni fanatically wed to something that might be incorrect, for example, if it is incorrect, so that's why there is some discussion to be happening with this. And so, I will talk about that discussion and another lecture If not, you know, the one after this the maybe the one after that, but we will discuss it in this series of shuttle de la weinheim. Just so that we shed some light about the the soul and how we derive these issues, and to explain back and forth, but for today's lecture, I will assume that there is no controversy for today's lecture, we'll stick with

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the past. Okay, so just keep in mind that in the next lecture, we're going to go back and revisit But for today, inshallah, let's just assume that we live 50 years ago, and I am not joking when I say for the entire Islamic history, there was never a single piece of controversy, never, not one minor secondary opinion, because it's pretty clear. This is a very, very modern era, a very modern

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rethinking through and I am very much opposed to it. And for today's lecture, we will assume that there is no controversy, we will come back to this controversy later on. So, today we will assume exactly as the Hadith in Sahih, Muslim Sai Bahati, all the books of Hadith mentioned Ayesha herself narrates with the golden is not through her own nephew, so, his or her own nephew narrating it is the golden is not so you cannot there is no way you can doubt this unless you doubt all of headed, that's really where we're heading, heading. And that's what these guys do. And now he says that I was six years old when the new guy took place, and I was nine years old when the consummation took

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place. So we will accept this heading at face value with this idea, therefore, we learned that issue was born in the period of Dawa in Mecca. The Tao has already taken place, right? And so her parents are already Muslim at this stage. And that's why her earliest memories are memories of Islam. She doesn't remember any time of paganism and she also has another idea that I don't remember anything except that my parents were Muslim meaning I only caught my parents when they were Muslim. I only saw them growing up and they were Muslim. I never saw them pre Islam and

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Of course, I should being the daughter of a bucket of soda, we can go into a tangent, I won't go into it all the blessings of a bucket, we can put over here, the daughter of a bucket share some of those blessings. Now I talked about the blessings of a bucket. Three years ago, whenever we did the stories of the Sahaba, we began so all of those blessings have a locker. Partially they can apply to Ayesha, because as a Muslim, whoever your parents are, you will share something as a non Muslim, it doesn't matter who your parents are, you're not going to share any of those blessings. So she is the daughter of a Lakota and therefore, the football in Davao, Booker become upon her as well. Now,

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obviously, as a lady, we do not have much about her looks, neither has had been narrated, nor is it befitting to be narrated as a lady and as our mother. But there are illusions there are indirect references from which just like, we know that so that certain things about her similarly, we know some things about her. So for example, and of course, realize before the hijab had been revealed, the men had seen all of the women without hijab, because there was no laws of hijab. And so we have, for example, a phrasing and body that kind of demonstrates something, and that is that

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aroma rhodiola, one said to his daughter, hafsa, who was also married to the process, and she will be our next lecture series after Ayesha that he said to have said that, oh, hafsa Is it true that sometimes you argue with the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, and that you abandon him until the night like you become angry, and you don't speak? You know, as all couples do, at one point in time they happens? Is that true? And I have said, Yes, we all do that. We all argue with him, we all go back and forth. And we all sometimes we don't talk for a while, right? So obviously Omar became very angry at hafsa at his daughter outside is a long paragraph. And basically any do not destroy and

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humiliate yourself, do not do this. What if Allah gets angry at you because of the anger of the messenger against you. So he is speaking as Yanni you know, a person to speak and obviously we have to say but the relationship of HEFCE with her husband is not the relationship of houses father, without a pseudo law system. This is a very important point here that husband and wife couple that we will see this in today's lecture in all the future lectures that

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they'll get away with what nobody else will get away with. Right? Husband and wife, they have certain tensions, that tension, when it comes to husband and wife and the relationship, the process of them is forgiven and overlooked, because this husband and wife, whereas if any other person would have said or done something like this, it might actually be a type of gopher. And so Omar is thinking like a man, obviously. And he's not really realizing but his daughter is not going to treat her husband, even if he's rasulillah as as the way that anybody else will. Nonetheless, he's rebuking his daughter, he's getting angry at her. And then in the course of this long paragraph,

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there is a phrase here that we can use here. And it is, do not be deceived by the actions of your companion, who is prettier than you.

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show scores, Ayesha Isha will get away with much more than you. That's what he's trying to say. Don't be deceived. Meaning that don't think that just because she can do it, you can do it. Why? Because everybody knows Ayesha has a higher status and love we know this, right? But the phrase that he used was the one that is prettier than you. Okay? He didn't want to mention her name. But he's saying and the one that is prettier than you. So we understand that obviously, Jani I should have your loved one has she had that these descriptions? And as well, one of the things that we can kind of sort of extract is that she might have been maybe a little bit taller than other ladies of her

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time. Okay. This seems to also be suggested, and of the suggestions in this regard, is the fact that when the ABA seniors were playing in the masjid, and she was still a young growing lady, maybe 1011 years old, so already she is reaching the cheek of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam by simply standing behind him, and she just has to not fully on her tiptoes, but basically just put her head up. And so that's as a young lady, and she's not even yet, you know, she's going to continue growing, obviously, because she hasn't reached that age of stopping to grow. So at this young age, she's already basically that similar level to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, as well in

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another Hadith in Sahih, Muslim and other books as well. Again, we derive these things because obviously, obviously, nobody's going to describe our mothers and neither should they, but we have as we said, some very, you know, indirect references and of them is the famous Hadith in which once there was a spat between some of the wives

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and he became irritated at something Sophia had said, and so on.

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She made a motion that Sophia was short

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of the lohana. Okay, now obviously, Sophia is short implies she is taller than Sophia, or else they wouldn't have the right to do that. Okay. And we'll get to the Sofia story that maybe she was a little bit shorter than the rest of the wise. But if I show was average height, then maybe this wouldn't make fully sense the fact that it is of a superior height, quote, unquote, superior I mean, any, you know, you get the point here. And of course, the process of got angry at this and said that, oh, Arusha you have done something that if it were to be mixed with the waters of the ocean, then it would cause the waters of the ocean to become polluted. Okay. You have done something that

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if this one act were to be put into the ocean, meaning this is a Soria This is sarcasm, this is the zap. And this is not something that is legitimate. So he rebuked our issue, that you did something so bad, if the waters of the ocean could be polluted by it, they would all be polluted. But again, the point being that she motioned that Sofia short, which implies that she is relatively taller than that. So this is what we know about her description and is not befitting to go beyond this. Also about her marriage, we know a number of details, because she herself narrated quite a lot of those details. She said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to her that I saw you in a dream

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twice. I saw you in a dream twice the process of me saying, I should before I married you, I saw you twice, somebody was carrying you in a silk cloth and told me this will be your wife. And when I lifted up the cloth I saw you. And if I said to myself, if this is from Allah, then it will come to pass. When did he see this dream? He saw this dream after the death of Khadija, after the death of Khadija he saw that gibreel came to him and Jubilee brought out Asia in a silk caravan or a silk holder or whatever. And she was covered up, and he lifted the cover and he saw her so he saw Asia and he was told by God that you will marry Arusha. However, he did not act upon this. And he said,

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if it is true, of course, here if it is true, it does not mean if it's not true, it's basically a saying that, okay, well, it's going to be true, and Allah will find a way this is going to happen. He did not, he was maybe too embarrassed to Escobar or whatever the reason might be he did not approach a woodworker. And he said, Allah will find a way for this to happen, because I've been shown this and we know that's exactly what happened. The story is already known. We mentioned it last lecture. However, I've been to Hakeem was the one who Yani thought of this, but of course, a lot already decreed it. And how well I've been tagging him after that Khadija she's the one who

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said, You're rasulillah You seem sad and lonely. What if you were to get married again? So he said, Who do you have in mind? And she said, Well, if you want to divorce lady soda, and if you want to previous the unmarried lady, issue, so he said, go speak to both of them see, so he left to however he left to go, you go and see if either of them or both of them are interested. And of course, so that we know they got married? And then how will How will that went to a middle man and told her the good news that the processor is interested? And so on middle man rejoiced. They want to overcome the both of them. Oh, no, middleman and Abubakar rejoice that but then he said, but is the Prophet says

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I'm not my brother. Is he not my athlete? Why? Because the processor would call a workarea. Here, he will call him my brother. And I will buck or thought that this Brotherhood in Islam is basically a type of brotherhood that makes Macromedia Okay, so he said, Isn't he my brother? And so because the everybody knew how close the process was with Obamacare, out of all of the Sahaba he would usually say to a worker, and so a worker started thinking I am his blood brother type of deal. And so when I went back and said Yasuda law, a worker is hesitant that is he your brother? And so the profitsystem said that he is who he feel Islam, one a hopeful Islam, I am his brother, he is my brother in Islam.

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Yes. Doesn't mean my harami is established. Again, this is early Islam realize that Obama doesn't know that when you call somebody else he, you know, it doesn't mean that it establishes the Miami we're in the process of missing yet. Okay, so the process of Denson Howard aback that He is my brother and he looked at how he said it. He is my brother and I am his brother in Islam, like he affirmed both ways. So Pinilla is a folded Robocop. But his daughter is headed for me in Islam. He is my brother, not by blood. And so how old I went back and I will bucker was about to agree that a middleman said Oh, wait, Didn't you promise multimillion ID that you would give our Isha to his son,

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Jubail? And Abu Bakar the way it goes, Abu Bakar was a man who never reneged on his promise, once he had made a promise. Now, obviously, in those days, even in our times children are agreed to be married. You know how

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It goes in many cultures and societies and it was very common even the processes daughters were engaged with a Buddha have sons, we know this, right? So

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it is possible that Isha had been promised, there's no nikka. You know, it's just talk, as it happens between two friends that job at one more time, we talked about multivitamin or the A lot of times, right, a job a job and more time. And he was, you know,

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a little bit older than her. So maybe there was talk between the two of them. So Obamacare was a man who kept his promise. So what do I do now? So Booker, asked permission to visit more time. And when he entered in immediately, multiple M's wife to Barry's mother began attacking aboubaker and saying, Are you trying to convert us to your religion? Are you going to send your daughter into our household so that she begins to convert us as well? And so already now the from their side, they're not too happy at this arrangement, right? So a worker jumped on this opportunity. By the time the conversation ended, it was understood that there is no marriage taking place. So he did not go back

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on his word. The both of them mutually agreed that, you know, that's not going to be happening. Okay. And so I said, then, obviously, there's no, as we said, there was no nikka minimum standards, just talk but I will bucket as a man of his word. So he doesn't want to break his promise. So it was their side that said, we're not interested basically, his wife and whatnot, they they got rid of that promise because they didn't want Islam entering their household. And so with this impediment, gone aboubaker then invite to the Profit System to his house and then the guy who was performed in the house of Abu Bakar. And at that point in time, she was either six or seven years old. Even

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hedger says that this means she was six starting seven one then it got exposed because we find the Wyatt that Jani she was six or seven. And if you look at the books, basically, she had done six years and now she is entering the seventh year. And as I said, there is no data whatsoever up until Mashallah 2018, whatever, 2018 Michelle, everybody rediscovers. But anyway, so we'll get to that sarcasm when we get to it. But anyway, so the marriage takes place after the death of hadiza as we know and after the marriage of soda, so our issue becomes the third wife that the process and marries Khadija soda and then Isha, but when was the actual nikka there's a little bit of a laugh a

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year and a half before the hedge for two years before the hedge because then a guy of soda was right after his death, okay. It should took some time how much time either a few months or the next year, basically, this is what it is okay? Is it show one of the year of hideous death or show while after the Euro could be the death and in the end of the day, it doesn't matter because this is just a nigga, there's no confirmation the living is going to occur in Medina, they're going to live together in Medina. So

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then the guy takes place before the hedgerow by most likely and most likely the next year after so does marriage. So and again, there's no evidence either way, but it just seems that there was no need to hurry all of this discussion with a middleman with more time and all this is going to take some time. So maybe the next year by show while the neglect takes place. And the Mahara according to Alisha herself was the same with all of the wives of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, and that is the equivalent of 50. Durham's, which, as I said, is a very, very, very nominal amount. It's like a few $100 that's what it is 50,000 Homes is not a fortune, is it's and it's not like pocket change, you

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know, a few $100 is any it's it's not, as I said, it's not pocket change, but it's not a fortune, it's a token amount that is decent, but it is not something that you can live off of, but all of them are always was this amount of 50. Durham's and I shall remembers the time that the prophets the same came to her house, to discuss the hedgerow. So again, this shows that she's now what eight, nine years old, eight years old, she remembers this very clearly. And she describes that the process of came when it was we talked about this in the history, the longer narration to summary when it was burning hot, and the process of never visited at this time, everybody was sleeping, and he knocked

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on the door. And when he left, Abu Bakar began crying out to joy. You know, the whole story I mentioned before, and I never knew somebody could cry out of joy until I saw my father cry that the profitsystem had chosen him to perform the digital with. So obviously, I wish I did not perform the digital with them, obviously because they're alone. So I should perform the digital, most likely with the same batch as a man because they will be taking a caravan separate, you know at this timeframe. And interestingly enough, the the number of books report a miracle that occurred along the way. The famous book called Bharani, which is a famous book of Hadith, it mentions a miracle

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that occurred to Asia on the way to

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Medina and that is that when the camels, the caravan was going to Medina, it just so happened that at one point in time our issue was alone on a camel. Generally they would share camels for whatever reason I was alone on a camel. And when the caravan was walking up a mountain, a particular difficult Ridge, one camel, the one that was show was on, decided to bolt and run away. Now camels are different than horses camels are different than other animals, they are very independent and very stubbornness is well known but to those that have interacted with camels, camels are a very different type of breed of creature. And that is why you have to tie your camel as it goes because

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camels are notorious for running away from their masters because they don't need their masters to live unlike horses. Unlike other animals that need to be fed camels are able to manage for themselves by and large because they're able to you know eat and drink and maintain their as you know diet without eating and drinking for many weeks on end. So the camel bolted without a shadow on it. And it just says I will never forget my mother screaming in the distance. Yeah, I Risa or little bride or little bride. Okay, she's been betrothed. Okay, little ride, Danny. She's worried My daughter is going in the name that comes out his little bride I Risa. So she said, I'll never forget

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my mother's screaming and the camel running away with me on it. But I heard a voice say to me isn't an angel. I heard a voice say to me, hold on to its rain. And so I held on to the rain, and it calmed down and turned back and returned as if a guide was guiding the camel. I didn't know what's going on. I'm just holding on. She doesn't know how to guide the camera. She's a young girl. But the Indian Angel basically helped her and it went back to the you know the caravan that is going to Medina when they arrived in Medina. As we know the Prophet system spent a few months with Abu will on Saudi. In the meantime, the masjid is being built, and the house is being built as well, his

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houses are being built as well. And at this point in time when the machine is built, he only commands for two houses to be built along with the machine. And that is for soda and for Ayesha. Okay, so within a few months they are built. And then the conservation takes place and enters into the household of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and into her new house. And when does this take place, it takes place in show one of the first year of the hedgerow, okay, so basically seven months after the actual hedgerow the conservation takes place in Arusha becomes a wife of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And she used to say, I actually used to say that my nigga took place in

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show while and my consummation took place in show while and which of the other wives is as lucky as I am. And the reason for this is that show while and this is a very deep and theological point, and

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I don't have time to go into this tangent, I actually should have used this example in my lecture on beta a few weeks or months ago, show what used to be considered a fortunate month in the days of jaleo for marriage, okay. And here is saying, My nigga was in show one. And my consummation was in show while no other wife has that, quote, unquote, good fortune as I do, okay? And Isha would say, to her own nieces and families, you know, children of her siblings, that they should get married and show one. So she would make a point to get married and show while as well. And this is a classical controversy is it was to have to get married and show whether or not because of these incidents.

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When this goes back to the interesting point, there is no Hadeeth on this, but I shall have the law 100 did not find any problem, looking at a pre Islamic cultural practice and then adopting it because they didn't go against any athlete anything of this nature, right? If you listen to my bit, I lecture you will see my philosophy and this fits in perfectly with what I was saying over there. It's not a ritual per se. And nothing goes against the fact that she herself got married and she while she took this as a positive Omen, she took this as something positive and anything positive linked to Allah, we said is always good. In any case, um, so she was married and show while of the

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first year of the hedgerow. Now, some early historians are very small motor, you say the second year of the digital, but really, it messes everything up. And the vast majority of inside then is health and all of them, they say, the first year of the hedgerow, so this makes complete sense. And it fits in perfectly as well with the age as well, because she was married at the age of six and a half or seven, and then the neglect takes place. Sorry, the conservation takes place at nine which she herself says, and if you do the math, from the death of Khadija the next year up until this was exactly everything fits.

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And it is, as she says, and by the way, this is one of my main criticisms of this counter narrative is that it doesn't just destroy the one statement of Ayesha. It basically destroys every fact that we know. And you don't have an explanation of how everything is fitting together. Other than, you know, it doesn't make sense that she was nine years old, in any case. So she mentioned the famous story of her getting married, and had eaten Bahati. The small version of the longer version is in many books of Hadith, that she said that

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one day I was playing outside with my friends, when I heard my mother called me. So I came panting, you know, my breath short, because I'm running so fast. And my mother took me to the house of such and such of the ladies of the unsought. Now, pause your footnote, it is obvious that this would have been the lady that is basically the equivalent of the beauty salon, right? throughout cultures and societies and histories. There are always ladies that beautify other ladies. And this would have been one of those ladies that her job is to beautify to make the bride look beautiful. And so she enters in and she said, I saw a room full of unsightly ladies, all of them making dua for me, all of

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them smiling at me. And the one of them started washing my face with water, the other started combing the other started so basically getting her ready as a bride in their way that they would do. And all the while, you know, she's still trying to calm down from the running that she has been doing. And then they, you know, comb my hair wash my face that made me ready, she just said made me ready. You understand, when you make a bride better, you make her ready. And the next thing I knew, I was introduced to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he was brought to his room in the bluehat, time mourning time. So this she was playing with her friends, and then this happens. And

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then she is brought to them with the process. And now obviously, she knows that she's betrothed, she knows she's going to get married. But she hasn't been told the exact day until it happens. And that was probably the way that they did it back then I don't know how it was, you know, maybe but this is, you know, the way culturally, that's what they would have done. And again, one of my main points is that our modern sensibilities number one, it's not fair to back project them on to another society and culture and time. And number two, I should never complain. So who are we to complain or find fault? I should never was irritated. any of this. So doesn't make any sense for some modern,

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you know, person to then say, oh, that doesn't any Who are we? She enjoyed a beautiful marital life. She was a happy, the luckiest Lady and the luckiest wife in all of history. And who are we then to back project our sensibilities on this, it's a different time, different culture. And the main point, it is not wise to replicate the culture of seventh century Arabia. nobody's saying we need to take this and do it in our time. That's the key point here. And I'll jumping the gun here, but I have no problem advocating that in our culture, our time our era, we can make it illegal in a Islamic system to marry a lady of a young age, no problem. This is masala Han Mufasa. It's not watch

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him to marry a lady of this age, obviously, and culture changes and does play a role in fine tuning. So if we want to make modern laws, and this happened, a number of countries where some ruler must support it, other than opposed it. Recently, one country wanted to raise the age to I think it was 15 or something. Was it 15 Do you know that it?

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No, I mean, your country, which was the age the Shura Council. Yes. Your country is 15.

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Law. You're not sure this last two months ago what happened anyway? And then the country below that the one that they're at war with they also had another? No not.

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There was another age debate as well in that country, and some rula objected.

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Some Roma objected, and they quoted this thing of Asia. And other allameh said, No, the age of Russia doesn't become a shutter, a benchmark that legitimizes later dates, the age of Arusha was something that was permissible at that time. It doesn't have to be permissible now, and biologically, intellectually, you know, these things change. Ladies become mature, we understand. Although this is not explicit, but it is understood it's common sense. What happened at nine that I showed then became consummated, it's obvious she hit puberty is understood. That's the whole point. And in the Islamic religion, puberty is the sign of adulthood. We all know this. And culturally

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speaking, puberty varies from time to time, place to place era to era. It varies. And biologically speaking, it used to be that puberty was also the onset.

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of maturity, and you know, manliness and or womanliness, whatever, it's our timeframe that has reversed. This is our timeframe that has this famous phrase fame that has this phase called adolescence. And that complicates things, right? You're neither a child, but nor are you an adult. Whereas in reality, you know, when you hit puberty, you are treated like an adult and you start acting like an adult. So the point is that Isha, the size would have been there. And so she is now legitimate to be married to and so marriage takes place. It's as simple as that. And so, I show the loved one who enters the household of the process, and we actually have a narration in muslimah.

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Mohammed about those first few minutes as well.

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And that's from a smart Binti yazeed, who was one of the unsightly ladies who prepared Asia, and she's the one who brought her into the house, okay. So she narrates and

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a smart vintage into z said that I was the one who prepared our Isha, and who then called the Prophet salallahu. It he was setting them to, you know, look at her when she was prepared. Like, obviously, as the bride she's prepared as the bride. And the process of them came and sat next to her, and a glass of milk was given. And other books mentioned this was gifted by side they've been robota. The milk was gifted by side Eben rabada. And the Prophet salallahu. It he was seldom drank, then he gave it to Arusha. But she was embarrassed and shy and lowered her head. Okay, so she understands fully what's going on. She's a shy bride knows exactly what we expect, mature why she

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knows what is going on. It's not as if she has no clue. Maybe a nine year old of our times, obviously would not have any clue nor should they in our society and era. But this is not our society in Europe. She knows what's going on. She's embarrassed, like any bride is going to be like every bride would have been in the good old days, these days. It's a different struggle together. And she is shy and she lowers her gaze. And so she doesn't take the leaven, she doesn't take the milk. As smart said, I poked her.

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I said, I poked her. And I said, Take the gift of the prophecies like she's instructing. She has to be taught like you don't reject now he's giving you so take the the gift of the prophet SAW Selim and drink from it. And so she drank a little bit, and then she didn't know what to do with the cup. So the Prophet system said, give it to your friend meaning Esma or give it to your friend. But you can now see she is awkward, she's shy, doesn't anything has to be told what to do. Right? So she handed it to a smart. This is a smart man, the second not a smarter older sister. This is the one who prepared her as smart and as smart then drank from it. And then the process and said give it to

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the other ladies as well behind you. And the other lady said we are not thirsty Yasuda Allah, and he said, Do not combine. Lying with hunger means I know you're hungry and thirsty. You know, don't combine lying with hunger when you're hungry take when you presented food. There's no tickle of we have in our culture, right? This is where it comes from. Okay, food and drink. If you're hungry, then take from it. And so basically, he told me they knew they were hungry. So he said, you're thirsty. He said drink from it. And I assure herself said that we met for the first time in my house in our house means she was brought to the house she was going to live in and no camel was

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sacrificed, nor even a sheep slaughtered. The only thing was that he gave me some milk and I drank from it.

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This was the wedding of the prophecies some they couldn't afford at that time. This is early early Medina, they could not afford a camel or a sheep at this point in time. This is the harshness again later on. They will be festivals. And they later on, there will be one eema right now he could not the only thing that was there was

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milk Levin. And this shows us how the most blessed marriage took place. Without any Davos without any festival without any $100,000 banquet hall, nothing. Just some milk was there. That's all they had even that milk was a gift of Saturday. And oh, by the end, it was the most blessed marriage of all of history. And of course, we know from so many ahaadeeth as well that

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I should continue to have her circle of friends in that early phase and mahadi itself mentioned that had eaten Bahati that sometimes the process would come visit me and my friends when they would see him coming, they would run away out of fear. You know, they would all run away and I would stand they're not scared. I'm going over now she was married to him. And once he saw me with these dolls that I play with the famous Hadeeth is there and he picked it up. He says what is this

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And I said it is a horse. So he said, what a horse? What are these things? statuses wings? So he said, what a horse with wings? And she said, Don't you know Solomon had a horse with wings? He's teaching about Sulaiman. Right? Don't you know Solomon had a horse with wings. And so the process of laughed so hard that you could see his mother teeth, the thing of the famous, it's a phrase in Arabic, they laughed so hard, you could see as mothers it means he laughed loudly. Okay. So the point is that, again, it's very clear that any, you only play with these toys at a certain age, and she is playing with them at this age. And again, all of this fits in perfectly with what she herself

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narrated. Now.

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One of the most.

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There's so much to say about Ayesha, honestly, I don't know where to begin to be honest. And so I'm just going to mention some interesting narrations, and then really, we'll have to move on. Because here's the point. There are more narrations about our Isha than all lives otherwise combined.

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And most of these narrations are about her a heads because she narrated the most headed as we know. So in terms of actual life, only a few, we're gonna try to mention them. So one of the most

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interesting anecdotes that I'm going to mention to you, involves the well known love that the Prophet system had for Arusha compared to the other wives. And

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there's a very famous incident that takes place, probably in the eighth year of the hedgerow. So this is seven years down the line, okay, much later on, when there are at least seven, eight wives of the Prophet sallallahu, Alayhi, wasallam. And the love that he had for our show was well known to everybody, not just to his wives. And

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let me set up the stage for you that what began to happen was that anytime somebody had a petition that they had to write, or a letter, or a gift, they would ask around, this is the men that would ask around, What day? Is he going to spend it on his house?

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then depending on that day, they would send their servant go give him on that day. Okay, and so on the day of Arusha, all of these petitions, letters, gifts would come. And on the other days, nothing. Now, is this something he himself is doing? No. But understandably, how do you think the other wires are going to feel and it really became a genuine source, we sympathize with both sides, you see. So Pamela, and there is nothing that can be done, really, what can be done, the process and M has internal love, externally, he's not doing anything that you can criticize. He's not gifting himself, I show more, okay, he's not, you know, spending more money on one versus the other, this

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would be now unfair injustice, but he's not doing that. Other people are doing something not in his control. And so the otherwise became very genuinely, understandably hurt at this. And so they petitioned his daughter, Fatima.

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And they got Fatima on their side. They got Fatima on their side, and they knew the status of Fatima. And

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they sent Fatima to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to make shefa on their behalf. And Fatima says that this is the Hadith in Sahih Muslim, that your avati my father, your other wives are asking for a deal compared to her issue. Now, if you only read this Hadith, without looking at the books of history and the books of Sierra, you're going to be drawing an incorrect conclusion. Right? This is the danger of a novice, this is the danger of cursory reading, you will derive an incorrect conclusion that the process is not showing either between his wives. Whereas in reality, the detail that we need to know is not mentioned as a Muslim. You have to go to other books, you find out what

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was happening was other people were gifting. You can't control other people's actions. So the otherwise they said this is not adult, whereas in reality,

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has nothing to do with the other little processor, but they felt it and so they petition Fatima. And so, the prophet system said to Fatima, do you not love whom I love? She said of course. He said a hubby has he then love this lady. And he pointed to Ayesha Halas Fatima got the message. She went back to the other wives and she said I can't do anything. They were not happy. So then they chose because they thought you know Fatima is an outsider to us. You know, she's a daughter in the end of the day, she's has a soft spot for her father. She's not gonna argue the way one of us would argue. So they decided to up the grade in terms of argument that in terms of felida Fatima is better than

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all of them in terms of felida but to degrade in terms of in terms of law.

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Your skills and they chose the one who was the most competitor to Arusha amongst them and that is

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In terms of status and love, Xena,

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Xena, we'll get to her story. Okay. They chose Zainab bint the judge.

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she came. And it so happened that she visited the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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n show was

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wrapped up in a blanket now.

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I was trying to understand or think why she would go to our issues house and I don't have an answer. Maybe there was no other opportunity. Or maybe she wanted to do this in the presence of Ayesha, which would also make sense Allah knows best like she wants to be clear about what's going on. But she is there in the room. And the complaints are about her, obviously. And she began listing all the grievances. Now the narrator, obviously out of AdMob does not go into detail. And neither should these are things that we just know, the generics is good enough, we should not go into the actual details and wording and whatnot. And it is not proper for us to delve deeper, even if it existed,

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but it doesn't exist. So Xena began getting irritated, raised her voice saying things about about our issues. And our issue is getting angrier and angrier in the blanket.

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And she is looking at the Prophet system to defend him to defend her.

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And he is quiet. Because what is he going to say? And at some point, she looks at him for a verb not another verbal for a

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shout out for a

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sign that is she allowed to defend herself or not. And the rewire says he gave her that sign. What was it? Maybe it was just a nod of the head. Maybe it was just a yes, whatever it is. But he didn't say anything because he is trying his best to be fair verbally. Now, because

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both sides have a point is the point there's no clear cut. I mean, we can understand that these other wires are hurt, we can understand. But at the same time, what can the process of them do? How can he stop others from doing something of this nature. So he doesn't, he doesn't say anything, he doesn't take an actual side here. And he gives the shadow Tuesday to Asia to respond back and defend herself. And then lets loose her anger in such a manner that Xena became quiet and look to the process to defend her against Russia.

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Right now, like I didn't realize this was going to come. Okay. And the prophets are sort of just shrugged and said, in the two of you because they

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can't do anything. She's the daughter of a worker that's gonna expect it from her, you know? Now what did he mean by this? Very, very interesting point here, that our issue was known to be the most eloquent of all of the wives of the Prophet.

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The most eloquent and the most poetic as well. And Abu Bakar was eloquent and poetry was well known to him as well. Okay, so when he is saying she is the daughter of a vocalist means that eloquence that comes from her dad. What do you want me to do? She's, she's the daughter of a will go to Serbia right? And so, Zainab goes back and basically says I couldn't do anything. So battle round three now.

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They send their last and they send Ole Miss selama almost selama is now the wiser let's say so they have different tactics right the daughter of the Fatima then the argument in one color and then like the voice of reason maybe who knows like that so oma Salah, now comes this negotiation tactics right should take notes here, right? Or maybe the sisters take notes everyone so

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almost selama is sense now. And she argues a rational case, whatever it might be, again, we don't know the details because neither should it be mentioned. And now the process simply just has to say something. And he said LA to Zuni Aisha Don't irritate me more about her issue for LA he the why only comes down when I'm with her, not with any of the others.

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Like if you need if you're pushing me now, like you keep on coming, coming coming. Then let me just tell you, it's not just me. jabril comes down and allows why he comes down.

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Only meaning when I'm with my wife.

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Language my wife, meaning in the same bed, obviously, the only time it comes down is when I'm in the bed of Ayesha. Otherwise none of the others, Jubilee comes. So there's even a felida, from Allah subhana wa Tada. And when this was brought in, then that's it, the case is closed. And this also shows us and this is a very deep point. And I've skirted around this quite a lot. And even to this day, after eight, nine years, I am hesitant to give a blunt lecture about this, because my show are almost very, very

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emotional in a positive manner. But even the Sahaba, and especially the wives of the process, and they understood his humanity from his rissalah.

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They understood his human nature, and they differentiated from his prophethood. So when Allah was brought in, they were quiet. When it came to the issue of and even what the drama, what did the Omar say that are you not worried that Allah might get angry for his anger, he differentiate between the anger of the processor, and that wasn't as big of a deal versus the anger of Allah for the anger of the processor. Anyway, so the point is that this is a very, very sensitive topic. And I've, in my whole eight, nine years, I've been very delicate about this issue. And I've just basically set it in that gentle, generic manner, as I'm saying right now, and that's beyond the scope of our class.

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Nonetheless, when he said this, then that said, case, basically, closed. And this also shows us that, you know, marital disputes any, and again, the human nature of the process of is shown over and over again. And his wives, our mothers, they're negotiating back and forth, and their thing asking for things, and there's no clear cut right and wrong, they do have in their own way, a valid point. I mean, they do. At the same time, he also has available, like, I'm not doing anything there, other people are doing it. And then look, I'm not the one preferencing Ayesha, only Allah himself has a fleet of Ayesha that none of you have, it's not just me. And they couldn't say anything to to

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that. So the point is that these types of minor disputes or whatnot is all a part of a marriage. And there is no marriage, except that these types of things take place. And another beautiful story also about the marriage of Irish in the process of in this regard. It's a very, very beautiful story. And it's mentioned many times and when people talk about the marital Romance of the process, and whatnot. This is one of those stories that is mentioned. And I've mentioned it as well in many lectures, and that is that, once Abu Bakar visited

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the both of them, and our issue was angry, for some reason at the profitsystem. Okay, obviously, we don't know what and again, it's not our business, it happens, this is life. And for whatever reason, she began speaking, and continued to speak, and raised her voice,

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almost like yelling in her anger. And at some point, abubaker Siddiq became furious now he's tried to hold it back, hold it back. Now he just, he becomes angry. And he stands up and raises his hand.

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And he says, Do you dare raise your voice and yell at the profits of the law while he was setting them? And like, this is the culture of the time in our culture is politically incorrect for anybody to physically discipline anybody, right? But this is modern times, again, even 30 years ago, parents discipline their children, that was politically correct. That was the norm. And our times if you do it, your 10 year olds going to call 911 you're going to go to jail. Things change. That's the reality. So our bucket is the Father. And he feels that my daughter is out of line. She can do this especially to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. So he stands up and raises his hand, okay to

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physically discipline her.

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And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam gets in between, and acts as a human shield to protect the very lady that was yelling at him 10 seconds ago.

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Now, obviously, when

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the process is there, obviously, a worker raised lowers his hand and walks out angry at Artesia, like he's angry at Arusha. Okay. And when he leaves, the process of them turns to Arusha and says, Don't you see how I protected you from that man?

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And he calls him that man, radical rajul. This is the joking, right? And this is how to law isn't this. Now, here's my point that I've been saying for the last 10 years. This glimpse of humanity, I can relate to.

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If you portray the Prophet system, like an angel, superhuman, he doesn't do anything. Then he becomes unrelatable to someone like me, this incident here, he becomes the perfect role model human being. You see what I'm trying to say here, right. the humanity of

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The process that we should not be embarrassed by there's nothing awkward. In reality, it makes him the perfect role model because he's human, this marital spat that takes place, and the back and forth and the teasing. If this isn't the perfect marriage, what is and I've said this many times, if Allah had willed

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the marriage of the process, and it would have been, absolutely, you know, no problems, no dispute, no nothing. Isn't that possible, but it wasn't the case. Why? Because Where will the role model be, then? How will we learn? What will we benefit from? So this is why again, I find it dangerous theologically, even, to ignore what I call the problematic stories, right? And to then paint a narrative that is simply not true. Because in the long run, you're going to end up you know, creating a false picture. And then when you find out the reality, your only man is going to be struck and not the reality. So the point is that the process of then teased audition said, look at

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that man over there meaning her own father, right. And this is what you will say you're not going to say your father here. See that man, how it protected you from him. Okay? So Bucher comes down. And he comes back to basically negotiate and see what he can do now. And he's he asked for permission to come in and when he comes in, lo and behold, they're laughing and talking as if nothing happened. Like married couples. Hmm, one minute, they're so angry, it's like, the ball is gonna explode. And Mashallah within 510 minutes? Yeah. nicolaas Okay, back to normal, right. This is any married couple? Will any good married couples have a hotel, okay. So the worker comes in and he finds them

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laughing and joking. And he had come in to basically try to mend because he saw the anger. He saw them almost all the processes and didn't yell but you know, he was trying to find the solution. So he said he had a pseudo law. Allow me to enter into your peace treaty, like I entered into your war covenant as well. Okay. Allow me in your sin as I was in your house. Okay. So I participated in your war. Now allow me to participate in your peace as well. Okay. So, the this again shows us the humanity of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Now again, much can be said and we will continue inshallah Allah next time, I just want to finish off with some basic things about her

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status and blessings that out of

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all of the Sahaba and Sahaba yet Isha narrated more than all of them acceptable Herrera.

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You cannot find a single book of Hadith except that it shows narrations form the bulk of them. The only person who narrated more than her visible horror in terms of unique IDs. It is Artesia over 2200 narrations from our Asia alone of them 118 with tuffa Ali, you can write an entire booklet of modificata Hadith narrated by Arusha and have almost like a shot he said the famous Sahabi he said, any time any of us the Sahaba had a difficulty understanding a hadith. We would go to Arusha to clear it up. Okay, I sure would clear up the difficult a hadith and English you have a Zohar. He said, If the knowledge of Arusha alone were to be weighed with all of the other wives, in fact, of

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all other women of the world is already is saying Isha would be heavier in her knowledge than all of the ladies of the world. And even hedger said, Arusha, the faculty of this oma, the scholarly Lady of this issue would give it to her, and she would give filk and she would teach no other wife of the process and reach that level of giving fatwa that our Isha did, and this was even in her own lifetime, you could send she's understanding the intent of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, one of the famous Hadith that is discussed in the books are filled all the time, when we do the book of the horror and also engineers and whatnot. There's a famous Hadith that is always mentioned that

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a lady from the unsought came to the Prophet system and she was without issue, he was without issue, and she said Yasuda law and she asked a lot of questions some of them very blunt and embarrassing what you have to do in any class that needs to be done. So one of the things that she said that tell me how to do also after hailed after my mentors, how do I do also, so the process them gave the long Hadith which we have done this, I did this exact Hadith when I did the fischoff to harden, who said many, many years ago, we did this idea then he told her take also bad what not he then there's a phrase in there. Then take a piece of cloth or cotton and put some mask or perfume on it, and then

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wipe away. Okay, and then he went on. The lady said, What do you mean, wipe, wipe What?

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And the profitsystem became red, he lowered his head he said suparna low wipe. Okay. And I shall call the lady said he means wipe the traces of blood from that area. Like

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The area where the height comes in, and he basically, they didn't have soap back then they didn't have, you know, the so take some pad equivalent of a scrub and put some perfume because it is not just that is going to be dirty would not. So in those days, it didn't have soap, obviously. So he is telling her take a cotton pad and put some perfume on it. And make sure especially in that area, that there's no traces left of obvious these not gonna say this explicitly. So he says take a pad and put some perfume, and then him say wipe away. She's like, why, where, at these like ISIS, I'll explain to you what, so here again, this understanding automatically, and if she knows what is being

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intended, obviously, without, you know, the profits of the law, it was said them himself saying so. And

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I'll just mention one more thing I know so much is has to be left inshallah we're gonna continue that our issue said that. She said some of her closest female students who said, I have been blessed over other women by 10 blessings. And they said, What is this? So then she listed all of these blessings or formulas that she had. So she is basically telling her close students and then her students tell later on that of them. The Prophet says I'm never married a virgin other than me. I'm the only one of that and of them is that no lady? No, none of his wives had both of their parents as Mohajer, which is a blessing. That is a blessing. And both of my parents are Mahachi. None of the

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otherwise both of their parents are Mahajan. Some of them only one some of them neither. I am the only both of my parents have the highest level of software. And that is the muhajir and of the of these blessings is that Allah revealed my innocence from the heavens. So we're going to get to this next lecture. But you all know what the references and this is, by the way, one of the most significant and important blessings that Allah revealed or are that is recited to this day across the globe, about our Isha and the purity of Ayesha and the blessings of Ayesha, no other wife of the process of men in this regard, even Khadija did not have these types of verses. As I said, we're

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talking about Khadija she definitely has blessings that Ayesha does not, but he has blessings Khadija does not and this is the number one on the list that Allah revealed, versus the first page of a surah for the innocence and the purity and the good manners of Russia. And then she goes on to list and of my blessings are of my felida is that God brought me to the process in a dream you know the story we talked about her so she brought me in a dream. And the process of saw me in a dream, and of the blessings is that I did with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam from this same container. And he wouldn't do that with any of his wives other than me. Okay. So they will tell also

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together and this is something that we're going to come to as well, in case I don't come to it. I'll say it right now that it is authentically narrated that I showed the law one her she was in fact asked later on many, many years later, by one of the ladies is that allowed for our husbands to do also with us after Geneva? And she said that come to LSE to honor what also said Amina in wired, she said this is an authentic it is well known.

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And the body version mentions that this explicit narration is there that I would do hosted with the processor from one container, meaning understood that it is one container. And there is a narration in Swahili inhibin, which is an authentic book of Hadith, and is a very interesting phrase. And it is important that this said because again, this shows us not only the fact that it has had, which is of course, not on this point, but that again, the humanity of the Prophet system and the marriage that they had, that she literally said the phrase, I could see him and she could see me on todo la Juan Braden, literally the phrases there. Okay, so the point is that we will do also together like a

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husband and wife do household together with one container. And the reason for mentioning the one container is this that there is not going to be a setup between the one container is there. And so she said this phrase. So now she is saying here, I do also with him from the same container. And he wouldn't do that with any of his other wives, then of the blessings that I have, that he would pray in my room while I am lying in front of him. That isn't Bahati, we know this that in the tahajjud prayer, the process would have to poke the leg of Arusha and then do such that where her leg was, so she would move around. And then he would do such as that over there. And of those blessings is that

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the way would come down. While he was with me, we already mentioned the Hadith, okay, that none of the other wives the way he would come down well while he was with them, but in his case, the way he would come down and have the blessings was that he died on the night. It was supposed to be my turn anyway. Now, remember

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At the end of his life, the professor, he asked permission from the other who was too weak to move. He asked permission, can I just stay here in the house of I showed they gave him that permission. He stayed weak for a few days around a week, until finally it was the night of our issue again, and he passed away. On the night. It was supposed to be the night of Ayesha. Anyway, that's what she's trying to say. Right? So the night was going to be mine anyway, so he was in my house that entire time. And it was my turn again, that was the day he passed away. And then, of the blessings that he had of that Ayesha has, excuse me, is that he breathed his last while his head was between my neck

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and my chest. Because the prophets Allah said and passed away, and I show was cradling him, okay. And he's panting, he's, you know, sweating, and he was taking the sweat away, like any loving wife, she's literally, you know, cradling him. And so he passed away, and the Prophet system was on her chest. And that is a big blessing, and something that she has every right to mention. And she said, and he was buried in my house, these are all blessings, nobody else can claim. It's my house and all the otherwise I was bred in my house, and in the other Hadeeth, as well, which is mentioned in Bahati. And so it's clear any issue is legitimately she feels a sense of blessing. knishes feels a

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sense of buttock, and she has every right to feel it and you know, other lady as this, that she said that he died, what do you whom I really my saliva and his saliva were mixed together, he died, and my saliva was in his mouth. How, because the one of the last acts that he did was miswak. Remember that one of the last things that he did before he passed away was

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Abu Bakar his son, Abdul Rahman entered our he has brother right. And, and he had miswak. And the process was too weak to even speak. But he's looking at the miswak. And this is a wife, she knows, she senses so she sees the process of once the miswak. So she took the miswak, chewed it softened it with her with her saliva and whatnot. And she cut out a new piece. So you know, if you know the miswak, you can make a new piece with her. So she made a new piece, and she mixed with her saliva to make it soft. And she said the process of toolkit, and he brushed his teeth, the miswak as vigorously as he had ever done in his life, like the energy comes back right before he passes away

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to clean his mouth before he meets puberty and it goes to my dad. And so he does the miswak and then basically a few minutes later he passes away. So he passed away and she said what do you do is my saliva, my identity that is real, and my real core together, like my saliva was in his mouth when he passed away. And she would also say of the things that she would say that I am the daughter of his family and his califa Who else can say this that I am the daughter of his Canadian holiday forward to take any holiday will be a worker and his halifa and a worker was the califa of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So much more can be said and will be said this is not the end. This is

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end of part one. We'll come back in sha Allah

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either next week or the week after that depending on other situations.

Shaykh Yasir Qadhi now moves on to discuss the life and personality of one of the most favorite wives of the Prophet ﷺ – Aisha Bint Abu Bakr RA.

Aisha Bint Abu Bakr RA was the daughter of Abu Bakr As Siddiq RA who was the beloved companion of the Prophet ﷺ. Her mother was Umm Ruman. She was from the Banu Taym tribe. She had 2 sisters – Asma Bint Abu Bakr RA and Umm Kulthum RA. She had 2 brothers – Muhammad Ibn Abu BAkr and Abdul Rahman Bin Abu Bakr RA. She was a tall and pretty lady. She was married to the Prophet ﷺ at the age of 6 and the marriage was consummated at the age of 9 as per authentic Hadiths.

How did this marriage take place? This marriage happened due to the matchmaking efforts of Khawlah Bint Hakim. What was the impediment in this union? Listen intently to discover the details. The Prophet ﷺ married Aisha RA a year after his marriage to Sawda RA and in the month of Shawwal, IH, the consummation takes place. The Mahr was ascertained at 50 dirhams. The love that the Prophet ﷺ had for Aisha RA superseded that for the other wives and this set into place, unhappiness and discord amongst the rest of the wives.

They decided to bring this matter to the fore by addressing the same to the Prophet ﷺ by various petitions from Fatima RA and Zaynab Bint Jahsh RA. After seeking permission form her husband, Aisha RA gives a befitting reply to Zaynab RA . What does the Prophet ﷺ say to Zaynab when this happens? It is a very interesting incident. Do listen intently. When Umme Salama came next with another petition, the Prophet ﷺ said a statement that ended all these complaints altogether. What must have been the statement?

Some of the blessings that Aisha RA enjoys above others are as follows:

  • She was the only virgin that the Prophet ﷺ married.
  • She is the only one whose both parents are Muhajirs.
  • Her innocence during the slander incident has been revealed from the Heavens itself.
  • She was the only one with whom the Prophet ﷺ would take Ghusl from the same container  and no other wife enjoyed this privilege.
  • Allah’s Wahi would come down only when he was with Aisha RA and no other wife.
  • The Prophet ﷺ breathed his last when his face was between her neck and chest and is buried in her house.
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