Siege on Masjid al Aqsa Ramadan 1442AH

Haitham al-Haddad


Channel: Haitham al-Haddad

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The speaker discusses the upcoming generation of umi and their desire to defend the umi against extreme groups. They emphasize the importance of supporting those individuals financially and organizing protests to exercise pressure on the occupation. The speaker also mentions the upcoming generation of umi and their desire to have victory and may Allah help them desert the Kamala Hira realizations.

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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah we must to know what is happening now in

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in Palestine in this Ramadan 1440 to a 2021. While many of us are observing their fasting and getting ready to do the decaf in the last 10 days of Ramadan, we see our brothers and sisters in goods, they are doing a different type of EBA by defending AXA against some extreme groups who are trying to occupy AXA, they are trying to read the AXA on 28th of Ramadan on 10th of May, which corresponds to the year the occupation completed the occupation of AXA 50 plus years ago, and they

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will take this opportunity in order to apply or impose the policy of fait accompli in order for them to occupy Al Aqsa and it will be a status quo that they are the owners of Al Aqsa, my dear respected brothers and sisters I don't want to take much of your time. Those people are defending the honor of the Ummah they are doing the city BB a BB, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says it above which means standing firmly in the front lines in front of the enemies of Allah, Allah Allah is

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standing, one day of Riba is better than fasting and doing pm for the entire month. The Prophet sallallahu wasallam says is standing for Reba out for one day is better than the entire dunya

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those people they have right over us. They have right over Muslims else everywhere in the world, in the in the world because they are defending, defending our honor defending one of the three holy places. Al Masjid Al Aqsa, what can we do for them? First of all, internally, we should not forget them, this is the most important thing. And as a result of this, we should, during our RT can do a lot of your honor for them My dear respected brothers and sisters, number three, they have so many

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there are Alhamdulillah so many legitimate organizations that are asking for support for donations to support to those people who are suffering there. So we need to support them financially, as much as we can. Also my dear respected brothers and sisters, we need to talk about their, their situation, we need to let the entire world to talk about their situation. And also my dear respected brothers and sisters, we need to send it through social media through other means letters of support

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for them. So they will be they will be encouraged and they will know that the entire Ummah is with them. Those also another point those who can defend them from a legal perspective, they should do that as well. Maybe later on, we can organize some protests in order to in order to exercise pressure on the occupation that is supporting those extreme groups who are trying to occupy Al Aqsa and remove upcycle Aqsa from the hands of Muslims. So my dear respected brothers and sisters, let us

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not forget them while we are observing this earthy calf May Allah Allah Allah give them victory and may Allah Allah Allah help us to be able to help them desert Kamala Hira Salam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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When? When Nelly and fleet bootcut up be well,

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the N gotta call Bernoulli carry the N gotta Rooney yeah carry