Haitham al-Haddad – Biggest Demonstration in History of Europe for Palestine

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The speaker discusses the importance of political pressure in winning any conflict, especially in winning political support. They emphasize the need for everyone to play a major role, including the importance of moral support and graduation from any conflict. The speaker also mentions the success of their own campaign and the large number of support for their cause.
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Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim Al hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah. Now we are in the Hyde Park. This is one of the biggest demonstrations I have ever witnessed. I in fact, it might be the second biggest demonstration after the major demonstration in 2003, against the Iraq War. Why are we here? This is part of the political pressure that needs to be exercised now and years, in order to support the just cause of our brothers and sisters in Palestine. My dear respected brothers and
sisters, now we have to be smart. Yes, they are doing their job, we have to do political pressure, because the political, the political pressure is so important in winning any conflict. If there is any conflict in the world, without political pressure, there will lose, we have to understand this. And this is part of exercising political pressure, first of all, on the British government here, and then later on, it will become a global political pressure. And we have seen in this conflict, that
the political pressure has played a major role. The language of the American president has a change from calling Palestinians as terrorist groups, then he called them something else. Also. Now, it's a no one voted for Israel, it lost the vote,
and so on. So the point is, we need everyone has to play a major role, especially on a political level, media level as well, and let alone the moral support when the Palestinians in Gaza and by the way, they have sent a number of messages, whether the Palestinians over Gaza or our codes or elsewhere, they send they said clearly that the moral support the messages that you send to us, they play a major role in making us firm and descending and fighting for our code. And brothers and he
says Allah, Allah, Allah said, you're welcoming. Come on man to hear the hideaway.
Then Wonka. This is part of enjoying the good and forbidding the evil. And the Prophet sallallahu Sallam says Meramec common Koran follow it or whoever sees amonkar he should they change it by his hand. Otherwise, why his tongue or by his heart, we can do a lot. And don't please don't belittle any anything you do to, from a political perspective, or from a media perspective. And of course, from either perspective. I am so happy also, to see the storm so many Muslims. So many young says,
yeah, so I'm so happy in sha Allah those young people in the future will we will see them member of Parliament's maybe we'll see them Prime Ministers maybe we will see them playing a role or roles on an international level. Keep it up. Congratulation for our brothers and sisters in Palestine. Look, hundreds of 1000s of people in the UK are supporting your just cause you should be proud of this. This has never happened before. Yeah, Joseph Kabila Hara salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.
Keep it up. And in sha Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah promise while after battling with data in victory will be with the righteous people.
Yen savvy headed in China Hi, Kenny, my
friend from knowing