Haifaa Younis – Where am I now Mid-Ramadan self-evaluation

Haifaa Younis
AI: Summary © A speaker discusses the importance of the book of Allah and how it is crucial for everyone to improve their relationship with him. They ask a question about how they improved their relationship with him and how they want to do more with him. The speaker also mentions two more weeks and the importance of focusing on their actions for the next two weeks.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Saturday, the 15th of Ramadan Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen. May Allah subhanaw taala accept from all of us and hamdulillah May Allah make us of those who are grateful to him that he gave us life to witness the two weeks of from along helped us for too fast to pray in sha Allah to do even more a more good deeds. Two questions for everyone, myself included,

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have I and you improved our relationship with two things? The book of Allah subhanaw taala and him Subhana we are in the middle of the month, it's time to reflect and think, How did I do with his book? How did I do with him? Subhana my thoughts, my salah, my do out. And if it is great, definitely much better than I expected. Alhamdulillah your brand, I mean, if whatsoever. If it is, for whatever the reason was not where I wanted it to be Alhamdulillah we still have time. There's two more weeks. Let's start from today. Let's ask him, beg him to bring us closer to him yet Allah to accept from our Salah to make us from among those who put him as a priority in our life to do

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everything to please and to bring us closer and closer and closer. That Hamdulillah He gave us two weeks. Y'all not don't deprive us from the next two weeks.

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