Kamil Ahmad – Allahs Most Beautiful Names 18 Al-Karim, Al-Akram & Al-Jawad

Kamil Ahmad
AI: Summary ©
The title of Islam is a combination of a combination of a combination of the three names, including twelfth-place Islam, third-place Islam, and the names of disputing the origin of the title. The importance of using the names for a specific reason and the potential meaning behind certain names is discussed, along with the use of multiple names for different purposes. The concept of morality and the importance of avoiding sin is emphasized, along with the need for regular inquiry and continuous monitoring of deeds and reward for good deeds. The speaker emphasizes the importance of finding reward for good deeds and avoiding sin.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa

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salatu salam ala rockmelon Allah for you the flotilla he urged Marine, but Allah Allah He was Rafi woman their behavior was still gonna be similar to he la Mateen Allah along the aluminum and corona onefamily Turner was eat dinner

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where Elina helped to help them or is looking at De Barra. We already know the belt we LaBelle, Sweden what we're looking at now, which I mean when yesterday una sola to be runer center.

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Salam alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

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Last week we went through

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some names of Allah subhanho wa taala.

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Related to

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him hearing us, hearing our dua being near us and answering us a semi or Corrib and an emoji.

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Today we move on to another three names of Allah.

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And these three names are related to

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the generosity of Allah.

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The generosity of Allah subhanho wa taala.

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So these three names are al Karim,

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at crumb,

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and l Joanne

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L. Kareem a crumb, and l Java.

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And so l Kareem. And all three of these names basically means the most generous and Kareem

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the generous one L a crumb, the most generous and Al Jawad the generous one.

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As far as Kadeem, it's been mentioned twice in the Quran as a name of Allah.

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It's been mentioned twice in the Quran, as a name of Allah. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala says in Surah tunnel.

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And this was the statement of Solomon Alayhis Salam.

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He said women Shakira in your school enough say

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whoever is grateful he's only grateful for his own self.

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Woman Cathar author in rugby, Rosani uni carry.

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And whoever disbelieves and whoever is ungrateful, then indeed my rub is runny and carry.

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He is the one who doesn't need anything. He is self sufficient and Rosani And Kareem the most generous.

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And the other place al Karim has mentioned is unsuitable in photography. Yeah, are you insane? Nah or rocker be rub decal carry the Are you insane?

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Now for rocker Bureau decal Kareem Oh man, what is it that has made you so emboldened

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against your Rob, who is Al Karim?

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Is al Karim the most generous meaning?

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What is it that causes you to disbelieve and to disobey when your Lord is Al Karim? The most generous one.

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And Kareem has also been mentioned in various Hadith.

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And so for example, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, in Europe back home, he Yun Karim

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and we mentioned this hadith last week.

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When talking about dua, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said indeed your Lord is

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shot shy and generous Kevin.

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Yes, Damon Abdi, either Rafa, Isla de la.

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He is ashamed

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turn away the hands of his servant, when he raises them to him, empty handed.

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Allah is too shy to turn you away. When you raise your hands to ALLAH asking him

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he doesn't want to leave you with nothing

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when you call upon Him,

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and so here are the profits

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All along it was ALLAH referred to Allah as Karim, the most generous. Now Kareem has also been mentioned in the Quran.

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In other instances not to describe Allah, so we shouldn't get confused here. When we hear Karim in the Quran, it's not always referring to Allah.

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These are the only two places I mentioned where it's referring to Allah as a name of Allah.

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But Kareem has been mentioned otherwise,

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to describe other things. So for example, it has been mentioned, describing the harsh of Allah, the Throne of Allah.

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Era Illa Hua Rob bull our shall carry,

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the Lord have

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of carrying the Lord of

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the noble throne. So carry monitor is mentioned with respect to other than Allah, it means something noble, something honorable. So the throne is something noble something honorable. And Allah has used Karim to describe the Quran

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in the hula kolam carry in the hula Quran carry in the hula Quran will carry it is a noble and honorable Quran.

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And Allah has also used Karim to describe

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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in our locker room Rasul and Kareem

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or Gibreel. Ali has said

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that this revolution is brought down from,

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from Gibreel al Karim, the most noble, the most honorable.

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And it has been mentioned to describe other things as well as we will see in sha Allah,

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the reward of Allah agilon Karim.

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The provision of Allah rhetorical Karim.

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However when it comes to Allah, as a name of Allah, it's only been mentioned twice as for Accra. It has only been mentioned once in the Quran

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and that is in which Surah

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this mural decal

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and Lady

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Rob Bukal, Quran, Quran whare Bukal a Quran

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Allah refers to himself as an outcrop the most generous

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what does that have to do with

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Allah teaching us how to read

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because right after that, what does Allah say? Google Chrome and levy I lemma will Kalam. The one he taught how to use the pen.

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I lemon in Santa Malam Jana who taught man well he did not know.

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It is from the generosity of Allah that He has taught us

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when we didn't know anything,

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this apart of Allah's generosity.

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So this is an account as for Al Joab

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it's not an endo has been mentioned in the Quran. And Jawad has not been mentioned in the Quran. However, it has been mentioned in various Hadith. And so for example, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says in the hadith of Ibn Abbas probably Allah I'm gonna

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in Allah to Allah jolla dune you should buildroot

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indeed Allah is angelegt and he loves a Jude which means generosity.

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So Allah is the most generous and he loves generosity. When you hit boom it Allah slot when your Kra suffer Sita and he loves noble high manners, morals, and he hates low, low manners and morals.

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Also in the hadith of Ns, Denali through the Allogram the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in hola Joanne don't carry even

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this is another version of the same Hadith that I mentioned earlier

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in the La Jolla don't carry the other heavy said in Europe back home, huh you don't carry your Lord is shy and generous here it says Joanne don't carry a lot is generous and also can you so both have been mentioned here?

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Yesterday Mina Abdullah Muslim Edina who and Euro deities Shiferaw Elisa fee Masha

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he's too ashamed to

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return your hands when you raise them to Allah

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to return them to you with nothing in your hands.

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So, what do these names mean?

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What do these names mean al Karim and a Quran, Allah Joanne.

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They basically teach us that Allah subhanahu wa Tahara

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is the one who is the most generous,

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both physically and spiritually giving us of his generosity,

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material wealth of the dunya as well as

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spiritually for our souls giving us guidance giving us Eman, giving us Taqwa

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he is the one who endlessly gives all manners of in all manners of gifts. And bounties that have no limit, he is the one who is not bothered by how much he gives or who he gives.

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And he is the one who is eternally providing and giving, even to those who seem to us as not deserving.

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You look at certain people and you think

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they're kuffaar and they're disbelievers, or even they may be Muslims, but they may be

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wicked people and Allah gives them

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and so it shows how generous Allah is. He gives to the righteous as well as to the non righteous he gives to the Muslim as well as to the Catholic.

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He is the one who gives without any reason to give.

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without expecting anything in return.

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Allah created you

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and gave you

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when he didn't even have to do that.

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Allah gives without reason

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to give.

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He created you and he provided for you. And he didn't have to do any of that.

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And without expecting anything in return.

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We humans when we give we expect something in return. That is not the case with Allah subhanahu wata Hana. Why because everything belongs to Allah.

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What is it that we will give to Allah,

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it is his possession in the first place?

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And he is the one who gives without us asking?

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And before us asking.

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He gives without us asking and before we ask, and without

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and without us thanking him after he gave us

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he gave us knowing that we won't be grateful. And yet he still gives

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all of these meanings show us the generosity of Allah that cannot be compared to any generosity.

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So this is Al Karim al across elgiva.

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Now what are some of the lessons that we can learn from these names? First and foremost?

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If human generosity means that the needy

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will never be left empty handed,

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or that the misguided are never left without being advised and guided

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or that the Lost are never abandoned without

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being directed. Then what about their generosity when it is from none other than Allah subhanahu Uttara himself and Karim

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Karim al Jawad. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala Lord that

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has given him such names. He's given himself such names. He will never feel too overwhelmed to overwhelm you and will never leave you empty handed.

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This is what these names teach us.

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Secondly, believing in these names

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should make us feel ashamed

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that with all of our disobedience

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and singing, he is still generous to us.

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And so he is still giving to us showing us his generosity, even after we disobey and constantly disobey.

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And so this should bring a feeling of fear in our hearts

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a feeling of

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the greatness of Allah

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a feeling of being ashamed

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in front of Allah subhanahu wa Tada

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with our loads of sin,

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and they say exactly what Allah subhanho wa Taala wanted to bring our attention to, when he said what he said in Surah Al infradata. Yeah, are you in San Nova rocker Bureau we can carry?

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Oh man, what is it that has caused you to become so emboldened against your Lord who is Al Karim

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even cathedra.

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In his Tafseer of this area, he says, the meaning of this area is, oh son of Adam, what has embolden you against your lord the most generous, so that you went for disobeying Him, and you met him with that which was unbefitting.

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So when we learn these names of Allah, we should feel

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a sense of shame that

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look at how Allah gives us and look how he is so generous to us. And as we said, not just material wealth of the dunya.

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But he has given us what he has not given to others have email,

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of guidance, of Taqwa.

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And yet we still this will be.

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The third lesson that we learned from these names

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is that these names should cause us to become attached to none other than Allah subhanahu wa Tahara, putting our trust in Him, depending on him, putting our reliance upon him, and only seeking our needs from him alone.

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Why? Because his generosity has no limit.

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His generosity has no limit, contrary to human beings, that no matter how generous a person may be, with his wealth, he could be the most generous of people.

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But still, his generosity has a limit.

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And so it's limited to what he owns what he has, what is in his hand.

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Also, he cannot give you everything he has, he needs to keep some of it for himself.

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And this is where

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our human stinginess comes in.

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That's why Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Allah, and

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he was the only person know to overcome this,

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this evil attribute of stinginess of greed when he came, and he gave all of his wealth, leaving nothing for himself. Even for himself, he didn't leave anything.

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And Romanova who had came after him and gave half of his wealth,

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keeping half for himself.

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So when he found out that Abu Bakr gave more than him, he said,

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I cannot compete with him. I cannot compete with Abubakar.

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So the point here is

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that no matter how generous a person is, his generosity has a limit.

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Whereas the generosity of Allah subhanho wa Taala knows no limit. It has no limit to

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that's because

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nothing that is in

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the Dominion and the kingdom of Allah and from the treasures of Allah. None of that has any limit.

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Even if all of us were to come together, as mentioned in the Hadith,

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of Abu Dhabi, Allahu hun. If all of humanity and all of the jinn were all to come together, in one place at one time and ask Allah for all of their needs, and if Allah was to give them everything that they asked for, it would not diminish from what Allah has, except like a needle

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takes from the water of the sea when it is dipped in it.

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So the generosity of Allah subhanahu wa taala means that we should not be asking others but rather we should be asking from Allah Allah.

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Fourthly, believing in Allah's generosity should make us to turn to him in a dua

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asking him for our needs, know how to no matter how great they may be,

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don't think that there is something too great for Allah subhanahu Attallah to give you, whether it be of material things of the dunya, or whether it be

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certain tasks that you find difficult, that you find impossible.

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And you've tried everything you could, to resolve it, to solve that problem, to fulfill that task.

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And you've tried consulting everyone.

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No matter how big it is, there is nothing too great for Allah to give you.

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And so when we make too, and we ask, and we ask, and we're constantly asking Allah for something, we should not think that Allah has not given me

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therefore he is not generous.

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But rather,

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we have to have good thoughts of ALLAH SubhanA who were to have.

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And so it could be

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that Allah not giving you what you asked for that in and of itself is him being generous to you, how

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it could be that what you are asking for,

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turns out to be something that will result in your misery

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in this dunya, or in the next.

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And so Allah subhanho wa Taala knew that if he was to give you this, it would cause you to transgress all boundaries. And so he prevented, he prevented you from evil from harm. And that in and of itself is him being generous to you.

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And so to Allah subhanho wa Taala alone belongs the knowledge of the Unseen and of the future.

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If that veil was lifted, and we could see

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what lies in our future, we wouldn't ask Allah for many things.

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And so the point here is not that we should not be asking, that's not the point here. The point is ask and continuously ask Allah

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and do not give up asking Allah subhanahu Attallah for your needs. But do not conclude

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that Allah subhanahu Attallah is not generous.

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The next lesson that we learned is that Allah is generosity is not restricted to what he gives us in this dunya but rather,

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even greater is the reward with Allah subhanahu Attallah in the US era.

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Which is why Allah subhanho wa Taala refers to that reward as a jewel and Kareem

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and it is going to carry

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and medical inquiry. So for example, in Surah Nisa, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, intentionally boo Qaeda Iran is meet

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in touch then he will cannot cover Iran natural * now. Look if Iran come see it come onto the scene with the Colin terima

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if you stay away from the major sins,

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we will remove from you. We will remove from you your lesser sin and we will admit you an entrance that is clean. That is gentle

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and it was helpful with Allah says in spiritual and fair hula Iike human meaning

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they are the true believers

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Lafonda Raja tune in the rugby Him will not fear or tune worries couldn't carry for them.

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For them, what does Allah give them forgiveness? And

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he gives them forgiveness and a provision that is pretty it is good carry provision that is correct. Again, referring to Jana and its provision and Allah subhanahu wa Allah says in surah two hijab to here to whom yo male Kona who Salah

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their greeting on that day that they will meet that they will be met with is set up where I turned in at what I had done at home, where I Delhomme edge Iran, Karina and he has prepared for them a reward that is carry meaning genuine. And so what gift

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in existence could possibly be more greater

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and enduring a comprehensive, then, goodness that is described in this way, as genuine.

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Also from the lessons that we learn from these names is

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that from the generosity of Allah

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is not only being generous

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with giving us things, whether it be in this dunya and in the next, but also

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being generous with rewards,

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being generous with rewards for good deeds. And so ALLAH SubhanA, who

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does not record

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our bad deeds, our sins that we do?

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He does not record them, if we have not reached the age of puberty

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and he does not record them,

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if we do them out of forgetfulness, and he does not record them, if we do them

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out of ignorance,

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and he does not record them, if we do them,

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under compulsion, being forced to do them.

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So look at the generosity of Allah.

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He does not hold us to account for committing sins

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in these in these cases.

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However, when it comes to good deeds,

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what does he do?

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He doesn't just give us the reward for that good deed. And that's it.

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It's not like one good deed you get one reward.

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But rather what does Allah subhanho wa Taala do? He multiplies.

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He multiplies the rewards,

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up to tenfold

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up to 700 times, and even more.

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So in a beautiful Hadith

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, In Allaha Qatada al Hassan that was saying yet, Allah subhanho wa Taala has written

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the good deeds and the bad deeds. And then he explained clearly how they should be recorded, how they should be written.

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He said, Whoever intends to do a good deed.

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So we start with the good deeds.

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Whoever intends he makes an intention to do a good deed.

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But he does not do it.

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He intends to do a good deed but he does not do it. Allah subhanho wa Taala records it for him as a full good deed.

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You intended that you're going to

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you're going to come for salata, Tara, tonight, But it so happened, something prevented you or you weren't able to come, Allah records that as if you came and you print.

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You intended that today

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I'm going to give this much insalata

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it was a firm intention.

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But something prevented you from giving. Allah records it for you

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as one full good deed.

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And then he said

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if he intends to do the good deed, and then he ends up doing it, then Allah subhanahu Attallah records it writes it down for him

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from 10

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to 700 fold.

00:28:51 --> 00:28:59

It's written for him anywhere between 10 to 700. In terms of the agile in terms of the Hassan act

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and we have examples of this, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that when you recite the Quran

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for each heart for each letter that you recite, you're getting 10 rewards.

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

00:29:21 --> 00:29:39

I don't say that Elif Lamin is one half is one letter, but rather at least one half lamb on health Neyman herb. Ellis is one out of one letter. Lamb is one letter mean is one letter. How much reward did you get just by reading additional mean 30

00:29:41 --> 00:29:44

As were 700 times that's mentioned in the Quran.

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The reward for giving in sadaqa that Allah multiplies it 700 times. The point is that our good deeds that we intend to do and we end up doing it as long as we do it.

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In a manner that is acceptable by Allah, this is something important to remember. As long as we do it in a manner that is acceptable by how many people out there, they do so many good deeds, but they may come on the Day of Judgment, not finding any of its reward. Why? Because something was missing, either their intention was not sincerely for the sake of Allah. Or they did it in a manner that was not prescribed. That was not taught to us by the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So, if Grace was important, and following the Sunnah of the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam is important, when it comes to doing good deeds that we want to find its reward with Allah subhanahu wa, then he said.

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So the so this is regarding the good deeds, as for the bad deeds, if He intends to do a bad deed, if he only intends to do a bad deed,

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and he does not end up doing it.

00:31:07 --> 00:31:18

So you intend to commit a sin, but you don't end up doing it? He said, Allah subhanahu wa taala will write it down for him as one full good deed.

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He'll write it down for you, as one full good deed.

00:31:26 --> 00:31:32

You intended to do something haram, but you didn't end up doing it. It gets written for you as one full good deed.

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And then he said, but if he intend to do it, and he ends up doing it,

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it only gets written, Allah writes it down for him as one bad thing.

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Only as one bad deed.

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So look at the four scenarios that were mentioned.

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Out of the four scenarios that were mentioned,

00:31:57 --> 00:31:58

how many of them?

00:32:00 --> 00:32:02

Do you get written as a bad deed?

00:32:04 --> 00:32:05

Only for one of them.

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And that is a sin that you intend to do and you actually do. And even then, it's only written as one sin,

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not multiplied,

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not multiply, the only time it gets multiplied. There are certain there are certain instances when it does get multiplied.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned examples of that, for example, if you commit a sin, and other people follow you in that sin

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all the people who do that sin it'll get, it'll get recorded for you.

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As mentioned, in the case of Kobe, where he killed his brother,

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us that everyone who murders every human being after that, who murders another person, he gets us in fourth. But the point here is

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the point here is that from Allah's generosity, is that He rewards you for a good deed that you simply intended.

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But you never did.

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And not punishing you for a sin that you intended. But you never ended up doing.

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Forgetting about overlooking

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it, so can there be anyone more generous, they're not

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even your teachers.

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When you sit an exam, and you put so much effort into it, and you write your exam, your teacher is going to give you marks based on the answers that you got right?

00:33:47 --> 00:33:49

He's not going to give you extra

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but with Allah subhanho wa Taala that is not the case. So look at the generosity of Allah subhanho wa Taala finally, the last lesson that I like to mention

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is that from Allah's generosity, from his Karim is

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pardoning and overlooking our errors

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and our sins. And so for those who repent, Allah subhanahu Attallah offers to erase an entire lifetime worth of sins with a single moment of repentance with a single moment of repentance.

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So imagine that a person who comes and sincerely repent to Allah for a life of sin.

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Justice means that Allah punish you.

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But the generosity of Allah

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overrides that.

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The Mercy of Allah

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override his anger as a Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned

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the Mercy of Allah has overridden the anger of Allah subhanho wa taala. So yes, Allah does get angry, but he is also merciful to those who turned to him in repentance. And so who could do that except one who is except one who is generous. So these are the lessons that we learn from these names of Allah. Al Karim Allah Karim, Al Jawad. All of them names referring to the generosity of Allah subhanho wa taala. And so, what we want to take from this is that it is a month of Ramadan let us not neglect turning to Allah subhanho wa Tada asking ALLAH SubhanA who went to Hannah for our needs.

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And so the month of Ramadan is a time when Allah He is more generous than any other time.

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And so turn to Allah subhanahu Attallah make dua make dua to Allah for the best of this dunya and the next, the best of this dunya and an X and just a reminder that we are currently in the last hour of Jumeirah, and so there is an hour on Friday. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that in this hour Allah subhanahu Attallah, accepts and answers the dua of those who call upon Him.

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And many companions, the translated this to mean the last hour of Friday, the last hour of Friday, today is Friday and we are currently in the last hour. Add to that the fact that you are fasting.

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Add to that the fact that you are fasting and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us that the fasting person, he has a dua that Allah accepts and it is at the time that he breaks his fast. So we asked Allah subhanahu Attallah to make us from among those who he is generous to and from among those who he answers their dua. Masala Allahu wa salam ala Nabina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi hmm amo Salaam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

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