The Importance of the First 10 Days of Dhul Hijjah

Haifaa Younis


Channel: Haifaa Younis

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The importance of reminding people about their good deeds is emphasized, along with the need to be generous and fasting. The speaker also discusses the creation of Islam and its importance, while emphasizing the importance of not living in the same place and not missing important events. The speaker encourages people to act differently and attend events in a different way.

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For the best days that Allah created, that's actually the use of rasool Allah salt was the best days someone created that he loves the good deeds in them is these 10 A luxury and he called it luxury. And that's why the verse is not one of us comes and says, Well Fajr well I am in hushed by the Dawn by the 10. Knights are these scholars differ this way I want you to give me your heart. They said they are even some groups as they are even these days, the days are better than last 10 days of Ramadan.

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And some says the days are better than the last days of Ramadan, and the nights of Ramadan better than the last nights of Ramadan. And the third the group they say they are equal.

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The hadith was that Sahabi the companion Asada Suarez Otto Sinha, not even geometry sebelah not even somebody went for fighting for the sake of Allah and did not come back, died. And he said not even that.

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So don't take it lightly. Here's why I want to remind everybody, myself number one. And if you are, I'm sure majority of you in our groups remind each other. We remind each other for a lot of things remind people about this, because when you live in the West, you don't know it. You know, because nothing changes, except when is the aid when it's out often. That's good, I suppose the problem is going to be Friday are often at Saturday, or Saturday and Sunday, Allah knows. But the point is reminding each other number one, every text you send to people, to remind them of a good deed, it's a good deed for you, let alone the person if he did it, or she did it, not only they will get the

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reward, you will get the reward also, so we'll get the reward of sending it reminding, and you will get the reward of someone doing a good deed. And what is the best good deeds is done in these days. It's quicker to Dicker in these 10 days F in general, every good deed is a good deed because he said the hammer was sada he said good deed. But then when you see the actions of the Sahaba say not Beloved Muhammad is very well known. And I say not a lot. And I want to say now Google regular used to go together and enter into the malls. These days, they call it market to do what not because there is a sale. Not because let's go on by let's go and have a coffee. Only one reason they enter

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from one door and exit from another door to remember almost pantalla and to remind people, and they used to say cloud, they caught a tetrapyrrole Mukluk these 10 days you say Allahu Akbar. Anytime, everywhere in your home, in your room, in the car at work, if you're not working in a Muslim place, then at least inside you. And then when the ad starts comes in, they called a beautiful island resort saying Allahu Akbar, after every sauna, you see it, if you come to massage it even here, they will do it. So don't forget this. Make sure you have a list of good deeds of good deeds. Everybody is different. Some people can't fast. It's very difficult. They see it and it is not easy. Some

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people can fast but they cannot do Camlin some people can do Quran, whatever. Put a list of good deeds, good deeds with you and Allah. And don't forget the second group. What I'm gonna say

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the good deed between you and people. Don't forget this good deed is not only between me and Allah, it's between me and and you and you and me. Forgive. Pardon. This is huge good deeds. We don't look at it as a good deed. You can fast. forgive somebody who have done wrong who have wronged you. That's a good deed. Give, be generous. You can't give money. You don't have enough. People are different. You can smile, you can make someone happy. You can help someone even by a good word, by a text. How are you feeling this morning? Write the best deed I see it reflect around you. And look at the beauty of Allah's creation mountains. How many of you look at the mountain and think of Allah

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subhanaw taala and then remember the verse when Allah said is worth money. And I said on a canyon Juba, they asked you about the mountains. They ask you what's going to happen to them for calling and see who have been telling them a lot we destroy them. Allah will make them like earthquake Theodorou ha and soft sofa. It will become ashes and like plain Earth. That's a difficult. You look at a bird. You look at the weather. It's very nice to talk to people who doesn't live in the same place because they see things you don't see it the changes of the weather in one day here.

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You wake up in the morning, especially these days and what do you see it

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lot of fog on the other day, I couldn't drive literally I couldn't drive I have to stop. And then after an hour or two, the beautiful sun and the beautiful breeze and then by 12 or one o'clock, very hot, you're Allah right 90s And then by before sunset, beautiful breeze, the beautiful sun, this creation of Allah, this is all signs of Allah. This is not you and me. This is a vida This is act of worship. So make sure you all do this Hukm of Quran it's like Ramadan, do your best to read the read if you can finish one you can finish two. If you are not yet comfortable with finishing at least pick up a couple of iron and understand what I was saying.

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And Kabiru ha That's why it's when when you have them sha Allah for Taqwa group, Allah says it also what what hygiene in the chapter of hygiene versus time of hygiene by the way, we don't feel it because we're not there. But these are the days of hygiene. And Allah says so to have in between talking about the hygiene so is anyone, woman anybody, glorify the symbols of Allah is a sign of your Topo

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and the 10 days of the hedgerows, is symbols of Allah, why the 10 days Allah chose it. Why not the 10 days offshore. That's like my Taqwa. I submit to Allah. Don't forget, for those of you who can pass the whole 10 days, the day you do your best to fast is out of

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our office, it will wipe the sins of the year before and it's only for the people who are not on French. The hajis they are not supposed to actually at all. It's fun Allah because the evader of our offer when you are there, the act of worship when you are there is

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May Allah invite us I still didn't lose hope very unlikely, but you never know. What is the act of worship on day of out of if you're there.

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Dua only you only make dua, there's no Salah actually, in fact, Salah is combined and shortened. Yep. May Allah invite you all. There's nothing it's only to have he still stood at his office around from after Salah to Baba, he did it together, he gave a hot way gave a settlement till the sunset on his crosswalk raising his hand making dua.

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It's about four or five hours we cannot do five minutes to the point I was I'm trying to remind you because by next week, if Allah give us life, and I'll need to the hotshot already entered. So take advantage is not time for having fun. We're doing this we're doing that. It's exactly like the nights of Ramadan. If not, even as I said some say it is more. So make a covenant with Allah do your best to act differently. Even dress differently, literally dressed differently for Allah, more pleasing to 200 Now we all do that but let's do it even more. You know what I'm saying? And I say this to myself before anyone else in law here on the west shore Allah the best of you. You know,

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when you get invited to somewhere or somebody is coming to your home, and you're so happy and you want to show them the best, we all do that. Do this and attendees inshallah.

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Bismillah your Walkman you're walking