Haifaa Younis – Builders of a Nation #14 Safiyyah bint Huyay (ra)

Haifaa Younis
AI: Summary © The transcript describes the women of Seder, including a woman who was born inrows and married a Jewish family in Afghanistan. They later married another woman from the Jewish tribe in Afghanistan, and later married another woman from the Jewish tribe in Afghanistan. The couple had a difficult time accepting their new wife, but eventually they were able to work together and become friends. They also discuss the feeling of jealousy and hesitation to say certain things to their partner.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa barakato we are continuing with our journey, learning and living with the builders of this nation of Allah Roma. And today we are going to be living with a unique one. A Seder. Sofia been to Hawaii a uniqueness about her that she was Jewish. She came from a Jewish family. She was born raised in Medina, and this woman was described as the following. Very beautiful. And this was actually described by another woman, almost Tulane who prepared her for the marriage. And she described her as extremely beautiful. She was very intelligent. This described as also being very generous that she arranged money for her family and for the poor Seder. Sofia was

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married before she married or Swati salatu salam. She is the daughter of the leader of the Jewish tribe in Medina. bonobo year, she actually married the twice. One time she got divorce, and the second time she became widowed. At one point in her life. The Jews were removed from Medina to the outskirts of Medina, and she had to leave. And she stayed away from her home. In one of the battle was by no no lawyer,

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her father was killed, and her husband was killed. She was actually taken as a capture of war. At that point, even before marrying or Swati Saul to Sudan. She accepted Islam. Now she is a widow, away from the family and your religion and a capture of war. And this is a woman who was the daughter of a leader.

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What a test era Swati salatu salam wanted to marry her for many reasons. Number one is to bring the tribes of Medina together, bring her back her honor, as an honorable woman, daughter of a tribe leader, when that time came in, for a soiree, saw to Sudan to marry her, he actually gave her the choice. And we all these days love to have choices. So let's see what choice he gave her. He said, Your Sophia, the meaning of you came from a noble family, and you still have some of your family and the outskirt of Medina, if you want, I will set you free, and you go back to your family. Or if you want, I'll keep you and not only keep you, but I will marry you. And you will be one of the Mothers

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of the Believers. And she said the following, or prophet of Islam, I admired Islam, and I admired you, before you called me to be the wife or to be a Muslim. I have no interest in Judaism. And I have no father, or a brother to go back for. And if you give me the choice between Judaism and freedom, versus Islam, I am not going to choose anything but Islam and by Allah, the Prophet, peace be upon him. And Islam is way more beloved to me than Judaism and my family. What did you see the SOFIA went through? Because she accepted Islam. And because she married the Rasul Allah salatu salam, something many women will feel the other wives were jealous of her, including Sayed Aisha,

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including, say designer, Ben Josh, which both were very beautiful. And the jealousy was to the point where they used to indirectly say things to her. That hurts. So let's share a story. The wives of rasool Allah salatu salam found it difficult to accept her so we can feel how she felt. Again, she grew up in Medina, the others all grew up in Makkah. She was Jewish. Most of them were Muslims. Her parents are actually specially the father was one of the main enemies Torah, Swati salatu salam, so they did not accept her. And sometimes they were not shy of declaring their unacceptance one of the challenges she had even they questioned her sincerity in faith. So they used to indirectly remind

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her that she was still Jewish. say to her, she used to be jealous of her. To the point. Say the Sofia was a good cook. So one day she cooked a meal and send it to La Swati. Salatu Salam he was carrying that

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dish and cedar, Ayesha made it a point to break the dish.

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And he looked at her

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and she said, How can I make this up for Sophia? He said you gonggar The same dish, you cook, and you send it to her and say the hi Aisha is commenting that I did this because I was jealous. Human beings naturally feel this feeling. And also out of the jealousy one time, or Sally saw to Sudan was mentioning Sophia. And he said Aisha looked at him and says, Enough, you mentioned Sophia, she is this and this, indirectly, indicating she was short.

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Another soiree salatu salam set to say Dasha, you said the word if it would be mixed with the water of the sea, the see will be polluted. And this is how he was telling her that this is not a nice thing to see. And we always have to remember this is a teaching for us also, we don't belittle people and call them names, or call them with their description, even if it is true, but the way we say it, to put them down cedar, have sub into Alma

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also had a not very much acceptance to say the Sufi as she called her, the Jewish. So say the SOFIA went to Roswaal. He saw it was set up crying. And she said they call me this. And he said, Go back and tell them my father is a prophet. Let's see No Musa. My uncle is a prophet. Let's see No hold on. And my husband is a prophet Jazeera. SWATI salatu salam.

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So why you are looking or saying this to me. One of the rulings of Hajj related to the woman during her * was actually done and legislated because of our incident happened to see the Sofia. So she was in Hyderabad or Swati salatu salam, and in the last day, as they finished the hajj and they were planning to go back to Medina. They told her Swati salatu salam Sofia has not done yet. The farewell tawaf circumambulation around the Kaaba. And he said, why not? They said, she has *, and then he said, a hobby Setsuna he, are we going to be waiting till she finish. And then he said, if she's menstruating, then the farewell to off, it's not an obligation for her. And

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we can all leave and up till this day. This is one of the rulings when the woman gets her menstruation. The farewell toe off is not an obligation on her anymore. She was a noble woman, loved Islam, went through tests, because of her acceptance to Islam trials. But she was sincere. She loved her Swati salatu Sera. This has narrated that in during his final days when he was sick, she looked at him and says, I wish what you are feeding and suffering is given to me and you will be free and healthy. Have any pain in any suffering. The wives of rasool Allah salatu salam when she said that, they looked at each other and Allah soiree Salah. So Sara looked at them and said, By Allah, I know

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Sofia is truthful and loyal. And what she said she mentored she was very generous. She donated all what she had to the poor to the needy, and supported her family. She passed away 52 years after he dropped at age 60. In Medina, she was better than Boqueria. She passed during the time of Mahalia May Allah Subhana Allah be pleased with her. May Allah subhanaw taala make us so dedicated to our deen even if we have to leave the other religion, be different from our family, where we go through difficulties during our marriages, but we still stay firm and sincere to Allah subhanaw taala

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