Fatima Barkatulla – IslamiQA on Islam Channel #02

Fatima Barkatulla
AI: Summary © The host of Islam-themed shows encourages viewers to call in and send questions about Islam, and encourages parents to share their own experiences. The importance of praying and following regulations is emphasized, and parents are advised to avoid harms in the workplace. The Art Institute is discussed, and people are encouraged to make as manyaker as possible during the pandemic. During the pandemic, Muslims may not allow anyone to have a dog, but there is a practice of making as manyaker as possible.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah Dear brothers and sisters As salam o Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, and welcome to Islamic law. I'm your host today, Fatima Baraka tila. And I'm very excited because it's my first show. And I'm looking forward to engaging with you, and answering your questions about Islam, brothers and sisters. In this session, we bring scholars who can answer your questions about any aspect of Islam. In this particular show, I would like to really encourage, especially the parents out there who have questions about raising Muslim children raising children, especially those of us who are living in the West, or who are struggling to raise

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children in any way as believers. I would like to encourage you in particular, to pick up the phone to call into the studio and ask your questions. Or to of course, there's there's a whatsapp number, you can send questions in through the WhatsApp number which should be on the screen in sha Allah.

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Raising believers in our context is so important. The prophets, Allah subhanaw taala tells us in the Quran, doesn't he? Yeah, you have Lavina M N O QU and for sarcoma Alikum Nowra. O you who believe protect yourselves and your families from a fire? Who's whose fuel is men and stones. If you just think about us as parents, if our child was going towards a fire in this world in this dunya, what would we do to protect our child from that fire? We might do anything, we might even put ourselves in harm's way right? In order to protect our child. Well, brothers and sisters, the fire of the next life is worse. And so it is our duty as parents to do what we can to

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nurture our children upon Islam, to nurture our children to be servants of Allah subhanho wa taala. And I know it's not easy. It's not easy, right? None of us can actually guarantee that our children will be believers, even some of the prophets if you think about it, the prophet no holy salaam,

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the Prophet, Lord Elisa, and he couldn't guarantee that his wife or that his children, would continue to be believers. Okay, and even jacobellis Salam, if you just think about his sons, and how much stress and grief that they caused him, right, his his older sons.

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So Pamela, if the prophets are tested as parents, then don't you think that we will be tested as parents?

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Nonetheless, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us

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each of you are shepherds. Each of you are shepherds, and you are responsible for your flock. A man is a shepherd over his family, and he is responsible for his flock, a woman is a shepherd s over her husband's home, and she is responsible for her flock. So just as a shepherd guides, gently sometimes sometimes, you know, the Shepherd has to be a little bit tough show a bit of tough love to that to that to his sheep.

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We, as parents are guides, we've got to do our part, to nurture our children and leave the results in Allah's hands, the results of whether our children will be guided or not, are in Allah's hands. However, the Quran and Sunnah have given us a lot of tools, lots of tools to use, in order to help us to raise believers. So I encourage you, if you've got a parenting question,

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to please call in or to send a WhatsApp message. And there's another type of viewer that I would really like to encourage to call in, or to send a message in. And that is, if you are not a Muslim, you know, perhaps you're somebody sitting at home, who occasionally watches Islam channel, just out of curiosity. And you're thinking, you know, I've always had these questions about Islam. I've always wanted to know what these Muslims believe and what they're doing and why they do what they do.

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Or maybe you're a new Muslim and the you've got questions that you've, you know, you're just trying to get to grips with practicing Islam, or you're somebody who's thinking of you're you're considering becoming a muslim, you're not yet a Muslim. I'd like to encourage all of you to call in and to send messages in and there's no question that is considered too silly or too minor. You know, a lot of the time

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When you ask a question, there are hundreds or if not 1000s of people who are wondering the same question but they just haven't had the opportunity or maybe they don't have the guts to ask that question, right.

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Inshallah, I'm gonna go straight to the questions that are coming in on WhatsApp. Let me see what we've got here.

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Somebody is asking a Salam o aleikum, sister, my children completely forget to pray. namaz to pray the Salah, when football is on, I feel like it's better, then they are on the streets, etc. Okay, so I think this parent is essentially saying that, although she or he prefers that

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her child is watching football rather than being on the streets,

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that the children forget about the prayer? Well, you know, as a parent, you have a lot of influence in this regard, don't you? It's very easy for you to actually talk to them and say, Look,

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we might, you know, watch football, we might watch sports, we might indulge in any kind of Halal activity or Halal entertainment, right? However,

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the salah is a red line, the salah is the time for which we will move away from our studies, we will move away from our work, we will move away from our entertainment for the sake of Allah, and the Salah is intended to interrupt you, right? Because it's like that phone call you have five times a day with Allah subhanaw taala, isn't it? So you've got to have that conversation with your children. And, in fact, especially if they are older children, you know, like 10 years and older, especially, if not seven years and older, I would say to get them into the habit. You've got to say to them, it's a rule of our house. You know, it's one of the rules of our house, just like you have other

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rules, right? You wouldn't accept, for example, that your children say, Well, I'm not going to brush my teeth this morning. You wouldn't accept that your children say, you know, I'm not going to wear my seatbelt. Or I don't feel like going to school this morning, you wouldn't accept that right? All of us have certain rules that we expect our children to follow. Well, of course, we want to instill people's love for Salah, we want our children to love the Salah, we want them to understand and feel connected to Allah. And I hope that you've been doing that, when they were little, you know, you should have been bringing the map, understanding and connecting with Allah and His creation.

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And understanding that we owe a debt of gratitude to Allah and that he's commanded us to pray these five prayers. But now that they're possibly older, you know, you've also got to make it a rule of the house. So the condition for watching football, or any sport, or any kind of Halal entertainment is that, you know, when it comes to the salah time, we're going to pray, we're going to just take a little break and pray. And of course, if it's half time, you could try to time it so that, you know, half time they they put the television off and they pray, et cetera. But of course, don't let the salah slip. And this is very important. It's not to be taken lightly, especially as your children,

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if your children have reached puberty, definitely, you've got to take it seriously. If they're above the age of 10, I would say you should be taking it very seriously. And insisting and if need be switching that television off, you know because that's you've actually got the power to do that. Haven't you as a parent?

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sha Allah may Allah Subhana Allah make it easy. And just remember that you're doing this out of love. If our children established the salah, it protects them from the harms of society protects them from Shavonne it protects them from so many other things. So you're not doing something to be harsh. You're not doing something out of you know, anything but desire for their well being. So don't feel guilty about it feel absolutely. That it's your duty to do that. May Allah subhanaw taala help you in sha Allah. Let me see.

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We've got a comment here I think as salaam alaikum I just wanted to say it's amazing to see a female scholar presenting a Slavica Masha Allah well done to everyone on the team Zirkel heron, thank you for your welcoming message. Because, yeah, it is a bit nerve wracking the first time you do something like this, but does Aquila Heron for that lovely message and the smiley at the end as well. I've got another question here. As salam o aleikum. I'm a primary teacher and I have to cope with songs, children's music, dance and Christmas.

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parties, and you name it. I'm so concerned, am I sinful?

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Well, look, when you're at the workplace, because the school is your workplace, right, you're a teacher,

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you've got to be able to have those meetings with your superiors with the people who are, you know, employing you.

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Maybe the governor's maybe the head teacher,

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you've got to be able to have those conversations with them. And to let them know, what you are allowed to, and what you're not allowed to take part in, and what you feel comfortable taking part in and what you don't feel comfortable taking part in, right?

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I think sometimes as Muslims, we can be a bit hesitant to assert our rights. And you know, as an employee, you do have certain rights, you can probably look those up, look those rights up. And there's probably mentioned of them in your contract, right. But I think it's really important, and it's completely within your right to go and talk to them and say, Look, when it comes to Christmas parties, when it comes to things that are basically religious, right, they have a religious origin,

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then I'm not going to take part in those, if you feel uncomfortable with taking part in, you know, if it's just singing, like singing with the voice, then you know, Inshallah, that's fine. But if it's singing with music, you don't want to take part in that you have every right to go and at least have a conversation with them and say, Look, I don't want to take part in that for religious reasons. Can another member of staff manage, you know, certain areas, and I be a Can I avoid doing those things. At least if you have that conversation, you will know where you stand. And I'm sure you know, 99% of the time, employers are very accommodating, because they want you to feel

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comfortable, don't they, they want you at the end of the day not to have to be fighting against your conscience or something like this, right. And I think it's quite understood that if you're Jewish, for example, or if you're a Muslim, you don't celebrate Christmas. So you're well within your right, to go and talk to them about that in sha Allah, and to do your best.

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And that's what Allah subhanaw taala asked us to do. Right? Do your best, make sure you've done your due diligence and avoid the Haram as much as possible.

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Be willing to walk away from a job if it's absolutely necessary. You know, we've all got to understand that. Although it's not possible for everyone you know, it depends on your situation, your financial situation, or you know, your needs. Allah Subhana Allah, Allah does tell us, doesn't he, that whoever has Taqwa of Allah, He will find a way out for them. So when you try to do the right thing, when it comes to work, when it comes to employment, when it comes to anything, in this life, when you sacrifice something, for the sake of Allah, by the way, I'm not telling you to go away from your job. I'm saying, Go and have that conversation. And try to make sure you can avoid

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the Haram things. But I'm saying even if the person had to walk away from their job for the sake of Allah, they should know that over surety, Allah subhanaw taala, will give them something better in return. And I can tell you that in my own personal life, that has always been the case, you know, there have been jobs. Sometimes we've been in difficult situations where my husband decided that he wouldn't take a particular job, even though it was, you know, very lucrative, et cetera. He decided not to take it because of some major haram element in it, for example, you know, interest based transactions or something like this. And I can tell you, it's hard to walk away. But if you do it

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and you say to Allah subhana, Allah, Allah, give me something better. Show me the way. Allah subhanaw taala always does. And I've always experienced that in my own life.

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let's go to one more question. Let's try and fit one more question in we've got another comment as salaam alaikum, welcome to library go to a big welcome Sister, Fatima. And there's a hug.

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Because I appreciate the hug.

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Another question, I'm looking to get married share, what's the best way to find a pious husband? That's a great question. There's many ways to try to find a pious husband. I think the first thing is be pious yourself, you know, be somebody who would kind of be attractive to a pious person yourself, right? It's no good not practicing Islam yourself. And then, you know, expecting a great, pious person to marry. Right. So that's one thing. The other thing is to spread the word in your community, you know, especially with

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to look out for prospective people, and maybe have somebody in between who could approach them, you know, potentially for marriage, to go to your parents and talk to them about it. Right. I think all of these are different means that you can take. And I think we've got to have people in our community who are willing to be a go between, you know matchmakers, who help young people find prospective spouses. So, I think I mentioned a few things that hopefully will be useful to you.

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Let's see if we can fit one more in before the break. We've got a question.

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If a mother wants to go ombre or Hajj with her son, but the Son is not practicing Islam, Is this allowed? Yes, of course, it's allowed, you know, of course, she should encourage her son to practice Islam, at least to do the five pillars of Islam, you know, to do the basic minimums, but it's not a condition of whether her Hajj or Umrah is accepted or not. Whether her son practices Islam, you know, he's just accompanying her as a matter. Um, so I hope

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that that answers the question and hopefully, going on camera will help that son to become more practicing because it's such an amazing experience, isn't it? When you stand in front of the garba, when you see the millions of Muslims in sha Allah, that will be

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a way that will encourage you in sha Allah, we're going to the break and I'll see you straight afterwards.

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Salaam Alaikum and welcome back to Islam occur with me. Fatima Baraka, Tala. This is my first show, and Alhamdulillah I'm really excited to be here with you. Before the break, we answered some questions, especially questions about Islamic parenting. And I do believe that we've actually got a caller on the line right now. So I'm gonna go straight to the caller in sha Allah to see what question they have. A Salam aleikum. Caller

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Yes, salam alaikum What's your name?

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Yes, what's your name and where are you calling from?

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My name is Alicia.

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And Alicia Okay. Mashallah. Where are you calling from Alicia? London. Mashallah.

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Are you what kind? What kind of age are you Alicia? If you don't mind me asking?

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We Ah, yeah.

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A level Oh Masha Allah. I'm so I'm so glad that you had the courage to call in. That's really great. How can I help you? What is your question?

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So my I had two questions. I forgot that I had to say another question. Okay, go ahead. Sometimes, my friends say, my Muslim friends, Muslim friends, they say that is bad, too, like dogs.

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it a bad thing or good thing?

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That's a very good question. So I'll write that down. And what's the second question that you had?

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Can you repeat that again? For me? What's the second question that you had?

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My second question.

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Is that

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is it? Is it good to pray online? Because I used to go to Wimbledon mark.

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Do you mind if I die online?

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Like basically, I pray online, basically, like calling my karate chop on site?

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You mean recite Quran online to a teacher? Yeah. Yeah. You don't mean do the prayer that the Salah, you don't mean? You mean reading Quran to a teacher? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Thank you for those two questions. I'm going to be answering them now.

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Okay, so when it comes to the question about liking dogs, that's really interesting, because I know what it's like, like when I was growing up, as well. A lot of the Muslim students or Muslim kids, all of us we had this kind of aversion to dogs, right. Like we didn't like dogs. But I think you see, most of it is actually to do with that aversion to dogs is actually it goes back to something else. Right. So So basically, you know, if a dog for example, licks you, right, or if having a dog in your house, for example, that's something that you know, most of the mother hip, the Islamic schools of law, don't, you know, allow for

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person to have a dog in the house, you know. And of course, we're living in a culture in Britain where dogs, you know, dog is man's best friend apparently. Right? So everyone has dogs, dogs, dogs are like a part of the family, right for for a lot of Western people or people, you know, in our community in our society.

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So for Muslims who aren't used to having dogs in the houses, I think they've kind of grown, they have this kind of aversion to dogs. But actually, there's nothing in Islam that tells us that we should dislike dogs, you know, like, dogs are an animal that are the creation of Allah. You can like dogs, it's okay to like dogs. Even if a dog, for example, lick to you, or, you know, you would have to go and wash before you pray. Right?

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If, for example, a dog licks a bowl or drinks out of a bowl, I mean, this is something that the prophets Allah Salam talked about. So there were dogs in the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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that would be wandering around, etcetera. If a dog licks a bowl, you know, there's a famous question that can you then use that bowl? Well, you're supposed to wash it is supposed to wash it seven times, you know, supposed to wash it with and wash it with might as well, right. So in other words, you could use soap and wash it very, very thoroughly, seven times. So it's really that because dogs are kind of linked to impurity, certain impurities, that Muslims, and many Muslim cultures have grown to have some kind of aversion to dogs. But actually, Islamically there's nothing wrong with liking dogs, you know, you can like dogs, you can even stroke a dog, etcetera, right? But of course,

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you know, if you're going to pray, for example, and in order to be clean, you've got to like wash your hands, etc. If you were ever to, you know, touch a dog, etc.

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As for your second question?

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Okay, Alicia, I think you're still there on the phone?

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Did that answer your question, Alicia, about the dogs pattern. Did that answer your question that did you feel that? Do you understand now?

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Yeah, so you can say you can say to your friends, there's nothing wrong with liking dogs, you know, in fact, in some Muslim societies, you know, in one of the Islamic schools of thought, Maliki the Maliki school of thought

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you're even allowed to have a dog as a guard dog, you know. So, we don't have we don't need to hate dogs. You know, it's not part of our religion to hate dogs. SubhanAllah. This, in fact, it's the opposite. We're supposed to care about animals, right? But the point is that a Muslim wouldn't kind of own a dog usually, and have them in the house, etc. But it doesn't mean you have to hate them, you can still like them, you can still even stroke a dog, etc. But you just have to kind of wash your hands, etc. You know, before you pray, and things like that. Yeah. Does that make sense? And can you remind me of your second question again? It was about reading Quran online, right?

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I think you've already asked myself the question. The reading Quran online, there's nothing wrong with it, you know, there's nothing that it's actually good. It's good to have a teacher. Of course, if you can have a teacher in person that's very, that's even better. Because, you know, just it just helps you to focus doesn't it?

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But if you've got a teacher online, then that's fine. It's good to have a teacher, you know, try to keep their camera on because it helps you to focus more. But in terms of like, whether it's better or worse, there's no preference. You know, I would say the fact that you're reading Quran regularly is a very, very good thing. So well done. Jazak Allah Ferran Alicia. Inshallah. I'm gonna go to some other questions now. Okay. Santa Monica.

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Oh, we've got another caller. So as salam aleikum, Kula, what's your name? And where are you calling from?

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My name is cooler.

00:24:24 --> 00:24:24

My name?

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Sorry, brother, could you just make sure that your television is either off or the volume is down in the background? I've muted the volume. Okay, thank you very much.

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Yeah, that was a girl when she was sort of echoing in the Oh, okay.

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So Marsha,

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very, is a couple of questions. One is in relation to the asana starts on the other time for her.

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We try to do it on time but then

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Within five minutes, your shows is a starting slam channel. And

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so too, is it okay to rush and then come back and listen to you show and then do all those cards later? Or just delay the press until the oldest question answer finishes. That's one question. Okay. Second is in scheduled? Do I? Is it okay to do those with the Rabbana? Because somebody is saying that, you know, all the rubber not Memnon, who brought this up all the rubber doors, it is better to do it after the prayers, and do allow more doors in this dude. So

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you're not

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Is that okay?

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Okay, thank you, brother. I'm gonna answer the question now, before the end of the show, because we're coming to the end soon. So as for your first question about the Avant, okay.

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Well, really, it's your call, you know,

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I think you do have time to pray and the break, if you don't want to miss the first half, you know, then you're still within the time of the hook. So that's fine. You know, you could always pray in the break. Or if you like, you know, if you'd like, and it's obviously better to pray as soon as the time comes in, then please do you know, in sha Allah, you're not going to miss anything, too.

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Too much. And also we repeat the show, you know, there's repeats of the show that you could probably catch up on in the future. And we'll also be putting the shows online. As for your second question, making the Art Institute, there's no prescription, you know, there's no actual prescription when it comes to sujood in terms of like, of course, you say, Subhan Allah be Allah, Allah three times, minimally. But, you know, apart from that, you can make any dua you want, you know, you can say what I'm going to add Tina, or any, any guy that starts with Rabbana, or Lahoma is fine. Any actually is fine. In the search that and in fact, we're encouraged to make dua in the search that and there's no

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rule about you know, whether you can do Robina or alone, but to be honest, Robina and Allahumma mean the same thing. You know, when you say Allahu Akbar, you're saying, Oh, my Lord, right? Oh, our Lord. And Robina means our Lord. Right? So, so don't don't worry about that. I think sometimes people have these misconceptions, you know, so make as much dua as you can in your search. That's the most important thing.

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Because when we're in our search that we're the closest that we are to Allah subhanaw taala you know, when the Muslim puts their forehead to the ground, they're lifted up to the highest level and in that state, we should make as much as possible. So brothers, sisters, we come to the end of the show to Zach and allow her and inshallah I'll see you in a future show. So panic Allah Morbihan ndic A shadow Allah ilaha illa Anta esta Heruka wa to be like, a Salam or Aleikum, wa rahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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