Fatima Barkatulla – How do I Stop Sinning Now?

Fatima Barkatulla
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss five areas where humans should focus on in order to cure their crimes, including seeking joy in the present world, avoiding sin, finding joy in material sense, and increasing our Taqwa of Allah. These areas are important for cureing their crimes, and increasing our Taqwa of Allah's consciousness will help increase our ability to sin and avoid harm. The speakers also discuss ways to transform behavior and become a person who makes a decision, including using emotions to control behavior and striving for change.
AI: Transcript ©
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bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillahi Rahmani Raheem Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah. While early he was so happy woman Well,

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Dear Brothers and Sisters in Islam as salam, o alaikum, Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh My name is Fatima Baraka Tula. And in sha Allah, I'm going to be speaking to you about the cure to all sin.

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Now, this is a huge topic, but I've distilled it, and I'm going to share with you five ideas or five areas that we really need to focus on. If we are to cure, our inclination,

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and our habits when it comes to singing,

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the first area to really focus on is

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something that we already have and have an understanding of and that is death, reminding ourselves of death.

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Human beings, we tend to sin because we're seeking some sort of pleasure in this world. And because we are so in so involved in so enamored by this world that we we forget temporarily, that actually, we're not going to be here forever. And this world is merely a stopover merely merely a matter of a few days. And what we do in this world is actually going to determine what our real life which is the life hereafter is going to be like.

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So when we forget about death, and when we, you know, indulge in all these different forms of escapism, this is when we become more susceptible to sin. But a person who is very aware and

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awake when it comes to death and the subject of death, and His understanding that he's going to die

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is a completely different person. Call it mortality, motivation, right? Mortality, motivation is the only motivation you need. The fact that you know that you're going to return to God. The fact that you know, that Allah subhana, Allah is waiting for you and you're going to return to Him. And this life is not the ultimate life, this life and its pleasures are temporary, is a huge factor in really getting the right mindset to avoid and cure our sins.

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In a we try to seek Jana on this earth. And that's one of the big reasons why we go astray and why we inclined towards sin. Our knifes wants us to experience Jana on this earth. But anyone who tries to seek gender on this earth, through material means will be sorely disappointed, will be left feeling terrible and disgusting. And

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and that's the feeling that people have after they've sinned, isn't it? The feeling we have when we sinned, we, we have this lingering guilt, we have this lingering sense of unease with ourselves.

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So seeking Jana on this earth, in the material sense is futile. Really the only Jana that we can experience on this earth and that we should seek to experience on this earth is

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the Jana that you know some of the scholars talked about, and that is the sweetness of Eman. The sweetness of Eman and the sweetness of your mind is something we won't experience unless we let go of sin. Now, of course all human beings make mistakes and all of us can fall into sin.

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Some of us will sin

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on purpose some of us will sin accidentally. But

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the thing that differentiates the believer from the ignorant person is that the believer will after their sin, be quick to repent. The believer will intend to rectify the believer

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may make mistakes but the bill

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Evil won't insist on those mistakes, and will hold themselves to account because he is so conscious of the fact that he will die.

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And that the person who is actually encouraging him towards sin is shaped on and shape on is not his friend. Shaitan is our enemy. He hates us, and there's nothing he enjoys more than to get us to fall into sin. Because he's our avowed enemy. As he said to Allah subhanaw, taala.

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Before we came down onto this earth, he said, that he would do everything in his means to cause us to go astray, he would love to see human beings, the son of Adam, trip up, he would love to see the son of Adam, become from the lowest of the low. And so when you have that in mind, and you have the hereafter in mind, and you have the, the knowledge that it's Shavon, who's trying to trip you up, and he is just laughing at you, when you do get tripped up and when you do sin and when you do indulge in that sin.

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And when you don't repent and when you don't intend to change and when you don't change, then it kind of gives you a stronger resolve. It will give you a stronger resolve in order to cure sins.

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The second very important means that we can take is to increase our Taqwa of Allah. Increase our Taqwa of Allah. And what does that mean? Taqwa of Allah is our consciousness of Allah, the consciousness that Allah subhanho wa Taala is there. And some people translate it as fear of Allah. And there is an element of fear there. Because when you respect somebody highly, or when you have somebody like your father, or or somebody who you love, but respect, there is also a level of fear because you don't want to upset that person. You don't want to cause them to be disappointed in you. And then you don't want to break their rules. And so that poor is consciousness of Allah that

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prevents a person from sinning. And Allah subhanaw taala tells us so many times in the Quran, where May Allah Allah Maharajah that

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who he who has Taqwa of Allah Allah will give them a way out when May a tequila your zoom in highflyer that's it when my yet tequila Yeah, Allah human um Emery usara that Allah will provide for you. If you have Taqwa of Allah from means that you can't imagine. So you don't need to turn to that haram. You don't need to sin in order to try to get your provision. You don't need to sin in order to

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stay away from illegal relationships. For example, because if you have Taqwa of Allah, He said yatta yatta Allahu Maharaja, he will find a way out for you. He will give you a way out. And he said, Yes, Allahu Minh Ambree he used surah he will

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make your affair easy and fine.

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And he said you got fear on who say t that Allah subhanaw taala. For the person who has Taqwa of Allah will expiate your sins and give you a clean slate for the day of judgment. So Allah subhanaw taala is telling us again and again that by having consciousness of him and the fact that he's watching us he's they're having a sense of maraca of Allah what Baba is that sense that Allah is watching, watching you and he's watchful over you. You know, Allah says in the Quran

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Well Who am I come at nama condom. Allah says in the Quran, who am I come at nama come to me He is with you, wherever you may be.

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So knowing that knowing that Allah Subhana Allah is with us wherever we may be,

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helps increase our Taqwa of Allah.

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Reading the book of Allah helps us to know Allah and knowing Allah increases our Taqwa of Allah because we are in such awe of him. Our Creator, who has been so kind to us has given us so much, who gave us the very limbs and the very faculties and the very ability to sin. And who doesn't strike us down, you know, as soon as we sin. In fact, you know, we are misusing the things that he gave us the resources he gave us when we sin, because we're using the very body the very faculties he gave us

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and misusing them using them in a way that he has no

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allowed us to use them. And so when we feel that all of Allah and we feel that connection with Allah, through our salah, through learning about Allah through the Quran, it really stops us from sinning because we know how great the one who you're sending against is. And it also makes us conscious of our small sins. You know, one of the things that leads to a person falling into the big sins

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is is not that, you know, suddenly overnight, they became they become a major sinner. Often it's because they became careless with the small sins, right? The everyday sins that he started thinking are insignificant, and they started gathering up and he became desensitized, and his Eman plummeted. And because of that, you know, he fell into more and more sense. So, you know, there's a famous line of poetry that is often attributed to Mr. Tom Medela an Hoh, but it's a beautiful line of poetry. In Arabic, it goes Hallelu Abba, sorry, Raha kabhi Raha vaca. Taka Wassenaar Kamesh Infocomm are the shoki Yeah, hello, Myra, let Tirana so the rotten in algae Bella Minahasa that leave off all the

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sins that you can small ones and big ones that is stucco.

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And be like a person who is walking on a piece of land that is covered in thorns being very very cautious and careful due to what he can see in front of him right of all the traps in this and the phones that could hurt him

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lather Khurana sorry rotten don't ever belittle or think insignificant of the small sense don't think the small sins are insignificant in LG Bala min al Hassan because even a huge mountain is actually made up of pebbles of of smaller things, right? So when we become conscious of our small sins, and we start holding ourselves to account for the little things, you know, and not letting ourselves off the hook, then we become automatically more careful about the bigger things. You know, if you think about sometimes you you might hear that a religious person fell into a major sin like Zina, for example. And people wonder how could it be possible that a person like that, who was

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religious fell into that sin?

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When you look into it, sometimes you find out that, ah, it didn't happen overnight, you know, they started becoming relaxed about certain smaller things, things that seemed smaller, and those smaller things led to them becoming relaxed about the bigger things. So for example, maybe talking and chatting with the opposite * in a relaxed way. And then

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you know, being alone with somebody of the opposite *, then going beyond the balance when it comes to communication and, you know, talking and flirting and things like that. And then eventually,

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you know, that led to the biggest sin being committed. So once we become very conscious of the smallest sense, it really helps us to

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actually bring ourselves to account and not even go anywhere near

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the biggest sins.

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The third means that we can take is to do whatever we can to increase our Imam

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and that will help us cure our inclination towards sin. How does one increase the Imam?

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Well, if you think about the soul, the knifes the nafs is a bit like a wild horse. And a wild horse is some thing that you know it will just go crazy. If you try to sit on its back. It will go crazy. It will go try to throw you off, do anything it can to throw you off because you're trying to control it.

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Now, if you resist if the rider resists the horse trying to throw it off, and keeps resisting and keeps resisting no matter how much

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the horse tries to throw the rider off its back. Eventually, the horse will be contained. The horse will become tame but it

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If the rider gives up and falls off the horse, then the next time the rider tries to tame the horse, he will actually have to probably try even harder and it will take even longer.

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So the NASS is is a lot like that, in the sense that it is wild it wants to indulge in its desires and it is inclined to falling into desires, which is why Allah subhanaw taala told us that we are the wife that you know in Sun was created the life.

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But when a human being makes the conscious decision to control their knifes, and to prevent himself from sinning, then it's as if he is that rider on that horse. And the trick is or the key is to stay on the horse as long as you can until the horse is teams, we have to stay on the case of our knifes and force ourselves away from sin as much as we can, until eventually our NAS actually becomes inclined away from that sin and becomes habituated away from that sin.

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Another way to increase out your mind is to increase in good deeds, increase in good deeds, whatever good you can do of the good deeds that Allah subhanaw taala has given us

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the most important way to increase our iman is to

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connect with Allah Subhana Allah through Salah and through dua, right? A person who consciously talks to Allah, and is constantly in conversation with Allah, you know, so casually, whenever they have trouble, whenever they have a thought they talk to Allah, that sort of person is not going to be inclined towards sin, because they're so conscious that Allah is there with them, you know, they would not be able to bear the thought of sinning while Allah is looking upon them. And sometimes, you know, when we have a sense of low Iman, then what we tend to do is stop doing good deeds. And that's actually the opposite of what we should do. So we have to force ourselves and when we are in

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that state to do more good deeds, okay, like that might mean taking a piece of paper out and literally listing all of the good things that you could do, you know, and then going out and doing them forcing yourself to do them. And initially, yes, it is difficult, you have to force yourself right. So for example, a system who wants to wear hijab, start observing hijab, she knows that she's in a state of sin when she's not observing hijab.

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And that may Allah make it easy for all of us.

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So initially, she might have to force herself to wear hijab, she might have to force herself even though you know, a nurse keeps telling her no stop, you've got to stop, you know, you don't look good. You people are staring at you, whatever it is, that the mask and Shavon keeps telling her, she has to force herself to wear the hijab initially. And then, over time, she will actually grow her knifes will be tamed. And she'll grow to love the job at you, man will increase. Right? So

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the third means is to do what we can to increase our iman. And that is through increasing our obedience to Allah and increasing our good deeds and that might mean forcing ourselves to do so.

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Right? The fourth means to curing ourselves from our inclination towards sin is

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really to read about Allah subhanaw taala as punishment.

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Yes to read about the punishment of Allah.

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Often we hear very rosy descriptions of what religion and what ALLAH SubhanA dialers religion is, but we forget that actually, ALLAH SubhanA, Allah in the Quran,

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told us a lot about his punishment as well. And the reason why he did that is because it's highly motivating for human beings. Right? When we know the danger that we are in when we become indulgent in sin.

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We realize the harm that we're causing, because Allah subhanaw taala doesn't is only punishing us. He's punishing us because there is harm inherent in that sin. And the harm that is caused to society as a result of our actions and harm that is caused to ourselves or others. Right.

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Or somebody's right that has been taken away.

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And believe me, every sin has some aspect of that in it. Either you are oppressing yourself or you are oppressing somebody around you, or you are sinning against Allah.

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So when a person becomes conscious of the fact that actually Allah subhanaw taala has, has warned us, that He will punish those who don't pray, he has warned us that He will punish those who do not obey the messenger. He's, he's promised us that He will punish those who are heedless, or those who know the truth and they don't act upon it. Right? When we become conscious of that, and we can look up, you know, some of the Hadith that actually talk about specific sins and the punishments for those sins, and it will scare us. And that's actually a good thing. Because it's better to be scared in this life, and scared into action than to wait until the next slide when all we can feel there is

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regret. So yeah, becoming acquainted with Allah subhanaw taala as punishment, and realizing that, no, you know, you can't get away with the sense, there will be a day when you're going to stand in front of Allah and answer him for every single thing that you've done.

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The fifth means to curing sin is to strive to become a person who it makes a decision, a conscious decision to change. You know, when we read the Quran, the Quran forces us to change. If it doesn't force us to change, then it means we're not reading the Quran properly, we're just reading it as some sort of ritual or, you know, we're just looking for some kind of philosophy in it. The Quran isn't a book of of flowery words and philosophy, it's a book that's supposed to

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make you act, it's a book that's supposed to change you and transform you.

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So once you make that decision, that actually I'm going to strive to change,

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then it means repenting, it means turning to Allah and asking him to help you. Because if you if you turn to Allah and ask him to help you, he's not going to turn you away. And then it means taking action, towards good and away from evil. So that might mean changing our friends, that might mean changing our environment, because a certain environment is inclining us towards sin, certain people, when we're around certain people, they're sort of encouraging us to fall into sin. Basically, you have to find the triggers, the things that are triggering you into keeping up that habit of sin.

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And you have to change that you have to remove those triggers.

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And that might mean changing your friends, changing your environment, removing certain triggers, from around you. So, you know, if a person for example is is viewing things on the internet that they shouldn't be viewing, that person might need to block certain words from being able to be searched on the internet, or might have to take a break from the internet, or might have to remove anything that could kind of trigger them to wanting to look at those things. If a person falls into sin, because they feel very lonely, and they don't have a spouse, and you know, they find that times of loneliness caused them to sin, then that person should, you know, try to put themselves in an

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environment where they don't, you know, get triggered to commit those sins. So that might mean being around people, MacDuffie people, people who fail a lot. Being in the company of excellent people who remind you of Allah is one of the greatest ways to kill sin. It might mean fasting, it might mean you know, putting him or herself in such a state and such an environment, that the things that used to trigger them to commit that sin are removed, or to replace that thing that sin, the reward that that sin was giving that person right. What was it was it a feeling of fulfillment or temporary fleeting feeling of fulfillment or or was it a feeling of satisfaction, you know, from some need

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that they had

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and finding a way to fulfill it if it is a halal, you know, feeling that he's seeking

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in a halal way. So for example, if if up

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person has, you know needs in terms of sexual needs, then removing the Haram and now pursuing a halal way to fulfill his sexual desires or sexual desires is the way forward so they would

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do their utmost to get married for example, or seek other ways of, you know, controlling that urge, because we all have urges. But the difference between us and the sinful person and the debased person is, should be that we

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control our urges, we harness them and use them in the right way.

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So those are five means that we can take to help us to cure sin. May Allah Subhana Allah, Allah help us all. None of us are immune from falling into sin and and when we think we're immune, there's a probably a problem and we become complacent. So may Allah protect us from that? And may Allah lift us out of sin? And May He make us aware that the one we are sinning against is someone so great,

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you know, and may that be a means to stopping us from falling into sin may forgive us, and in Nova last and lift us up

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and lift the armor of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam out of the quagmire that we find ourselves in because the main cause my brothers and sisters have whatever negative state that you find the Muslim on my end today is our sins. So let us repent, let us fix ourselves one person at a time, you know ourselves and then our families and then the community around us. And in that way in sha Allah, the amount of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam will be will be rectified again.

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May Allah help us to be a tool in that cause? I mean, some men

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in sha Allah with that I will leave you

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just Kamala Heron was salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato Subhanak hola como de him they got a shadow Allah inlanta Stuff

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by setting up WordPress moving on

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