Fatima Barkatulla – Aisha (RA) – Mother of the Believers #14

Fatima Barkatulla
AI: Summary © The host discusses various topics related to Islam, including the origin of the word "ham ham" and the causes of various diseases. They also mention a video about Ella Collins and the concept of hazard, which is when people desire a positive response. The speakers emphasize the importance of avoiding negative emotions and doing things that make one feel sorry for others. They also discuss various incident related to envy, including cutting news out and forwarding information, and the use of slander in dressing oneself and the negative consequences of it. The segment also touches on the negative impact of negative comments on people's minds and personal relationships, and ends with a discussion of recording sessions and sharing them on YouTube.
AI: Transcript ©
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I shall. I shall.

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I shall I shall.

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She was

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peace be upon him. We

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are amazing father

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hamdulillah salat wa salam ala rasulillah the sisters are Salam aleikum. Wa Rahmatullahi wa barakato.

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Um, I've got my daughter here with me. And she's just gonna say Salaam to you guys.

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Say Salaam

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lost a lot

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of money.

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This isn't for everyone.

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This is a very good girl say sir.

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Go see it, then you can go.

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Okay, can go now.

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I want to go.

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I just thought I'd include her a little bit, since she's gonna be

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locked out of the room for the next hour. Okay, sisters, I hope you're all well, you know, I'm sorry about last week I was. I was not very well.

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But hamdulillah I'm back. How is everybody just want to check in with all of you.

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And just as we're waiting for people to continue joining us,

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I'm just going to point out a couple of things that you might be interested in. One is on the Islam 21 c.com website, you'll find an article that I wrote recently,

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which is basically about Ella Collins, Ella Collins.

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Ella Collins little is basically Malcolm X his older sister, I wrote an article about her with some quite quite a lot of research that I did

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into her life and her the family memoirs, you know, that her son basically wrote.

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So, I think you'll find it really interesting lessons from Ella Collins life. And the article is called the woman who led Malcolm X. Ella Collins, the woman who led Malcolm X. So do check that out on the Islam 21 c.com website. And leave me some feedback if you can. And another interesting thing you might be interested in is

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on the L feed

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l feed YouTube channel, you'll find I recently

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did one of the podcasts so

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I haven't done a podcast for some time, because it's locked down. Our studio was closed, but and hamdulillah I managed to do a virtual discussion. And it was with Chef he also got it so I hope you're you'll enjoy that and benefit from that is a quite an interesting discussion about lessons from COVID you know, the lockdown and pandemic

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about aspects of reviving the Muslim Ummah, and also about

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the benefits from the era of civil use of cars, he has a book that's going to come out soon on a series of so those are just some things you might be able to, you might want to catch up with.

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inshallah we can continue today. So

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I'm going to begin inshallah, by talking about envy.

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Because I've been promising that I'm going to talk about it, and, you know, has said or envy is one of the

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really like, worst one of the worst diseases of the heart. And the definition of hazard is basically that you dislike, that someone has a blessing, okay?

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Or that they have something to be happy about. Right? And you want that blessing to be removed from that person. Right. And that you wish that you had that blessing yourself.

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So that's the definition of hazard. It's to desire that a blessing or a cause of happiness basically departs from the one who possesses it, and becomes transferred to oneself. And the reason why I wanted to talk about hazard is because it's really, I think it's one of the causes of a lot of problems, you know.

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And I'm not gonna say, especially amongst women, but, you know, I, in my experience, you know, you,

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between sisters, there seems to be,

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it seems to be more kind of

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noticeable, right?

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Maybe men hide it better, I don't know. But, of course, it's something that men and women can experience.

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It's a disease of the heart. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said about it, do not be envious of one another. Do not cut ties with one another, do not hate one another and do not turn away from one another are worshipers of Allah be brothers. Okay, now there is another type of feeling or of envy or some sort of something that's related to envy, but it's not really envy. And it's called Lydda. ellipta. Okay.

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And lifta is a positive thing. It's basically when you see somebody has something, and you know, you just like, you think, Wow, that's great, Mashallah, you know, I would like to have that thing, okay. But you don't wish ill on that person, you know, wish that that thing was taken away from them, you simply have that sort of sense of aspiration.

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And you're motivated, because you see that blessing in someone else. Okay. And that's a good thing, that's not a negative thing. You know, that's not considered to be a negative thing, if you just desire a similar blessing to a blessing that someone has, that's not a bad thing, you know. And the evil aspect, the hazard aspect is when you actually wish that that person didn't have that thing, or you wish harm on that person, right.

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And the danger of hazard is that it eats away our good deeds, like fire eats away, wood, okay, as the profits or loss of unsaid

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because due to that feeling, a person ends up doing so many sins, right? Usually, the person will backbite that other person, or they will just obsess over them, or they will try to do something negative to harm them. Right. So, you know, it's really something that we've got to be aware of something that we've got to make sure that we keep in check, okay.

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And to remember that it was actually the first sin, you know, envy was the first sin, it believes hated Adam, as soon as he saw him, and it's because he was so envious of Adam. Right? He says, you know,

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he saw the privilege that Adam had, and that he had more knowledge. And that allows asking the angels to bow down to Adam. And because of that, he felt jealous, he felt envious, you know, and it led to him to disobey Allah and then be thrown out of genda. Right. And then also,

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it was the first sin on earth that caused the first murder on Earth. If you think about it, right, the first homicide. So we know the story of happyland kabhi. kabhi was jealous of Hobbes right? He was envious of him, and he just could not stand it that that have been was better than him or that he was more blessed than him or that he had something that

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he wished he had all that basically how bill was more pious than him, you know.

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And yet, our bill was was so envious. He caused his death, right? So Pamela, so that's why it's really important for us to keep this emotion stroke, feelings, stroke, disease of the heart in check.

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And the reason why it's such an evil

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kind of characteristic, okay?

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Or it can cause evil is because when a person is envious of another

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he's actually doubting the wisdom of Allah. If you think about it, you know, because why would you? You're showing displeasure first.

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Of all a blessing that Allah gave to somebody else, right?

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Which means that you're questioning Allah Subhana Allah His

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decision, right, you're questioning something that he decided.

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And so that's why it's actually rooted in our credo in terms of, it's rooted in our very, you know, fundamentals of our Deen in terms of the harm that it causes, you know, because it makes a person almost angry with Allah. Allah Billa, right.

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And obviously, I'm talking about extreme

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levels of envy here, right. And so we don't have time to really go into what causes envy, you know, I've got some good material on that. But inshallah, perhaps in a future class, we can really go into it. But I'm just going to mention some of the things that can help us to cure and battle envy. Okay, because at some point in all of our lives, we,

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most of us will have seen someone or, you know, felt that something was unfair, or, you know, someone had something and we wish that we had it.

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The point is, we don't want it to become worse than it needs to be, right, want to keep that emotion in check, and not wish ill on that person at all right.

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And the way you battle hazard, or the way you hear it is number one, through certain knowledge. So, you know, realizing that having this emotion or indulging in this emotion is gonna ultimately cause your own harm, right? It's not gonna harm the person who you're envious of. Right? Ultimately, it's going to harm you, right? It's gonna eat you up, basically. And you're the one who ends up suffering from that, right. I'm also knowing that envy is a crime against the person, you know, has said is a crime because,

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you know, you're basically being insincere towards another believer, right? And you're showing enmity, and

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you're basically indulging in thoughts that are very harmful. And not just to yourself, but also to your IP that your relationship with Allah.

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The third thing, or the third way to kind of really, battle envy is reflecting on the harms of envy. If you just notice the effect that having that emotion is having on you, right? Maybe obsessive thoughts, maybe you're spending so much time thinking about this very person who maybe you don't really like, right.

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And instead of trying to pursue and better yourself, your energy and your time is going into something that you can't even do anything about, right. And something that's, that's harmful to yourself, you become preoccupied your heart has become preoccupied with that. So just reflecting on how messed up it is, can also help, right?

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The fourth way to

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cure envy is to realize that, you know, in order for you to have something, somebody else doesn't need to lose out. Right?

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You know, your success does not depend on other people's failure. Right? You can have good things in your life as well. And they can have good things in their life. This is what you know, some self development types they call an abundance mentality, right? Have an abundance mentality, but there's plenty Allah has created plenty, for there to be good for everyone. Right. And if he wants, if Allah wants, he can give you good, he can give you even better than what that person has, right? So the real person or being that your energy should be going towards is Allah, because ultimately, he's going to be able to give you what it is that you want,

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And you're, you're envying somebody is not going to stop them from getting that thing, right.

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Also, number five, striving

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to be content, you know, because if you reflect and you achieve this by reflecting on the blessings that Allah has given you, you know, sometimes we become so blind to the things Allah has given us.

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We don't realize that, you know, half the world would wish to live the life that we're living, right? You know, and instead, we focus on

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The one or two things that we don't have, or that someone has better than us, right? So Pamela, and it's ultimately a sign of gratitude, right? That we do that.

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you know, just really reflecting on the blessings that Allah has given you. And realizing that it's Allah who's going to ultimately give you anything else that you want.

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Number six,

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doing things that are going to defy that envy, right. So, and the reason why I'm also mentioning this is because we talked, didn't we about the relationship that I should have had with her co wives. And I'm not really talking about her in particular, but generally speaking, this emotion of

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jealousy, protect protective jealousy is a natural thing that a woman or a man has for their spouse, right? That's fine. That's a natural kind of sense and the prophets lesson and did not blame OSHA for having that. Right. So I'm not talking about that type of jealousy. But when that protective jealousy crosses over, into becoming envy, okay, that's when it becomes harmful. And that's why I wanted to talk about it here.

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So doing actions that defy that sense of, you know, envy growing, or that sense of basically, hatred growing, you know, is one of the cures, so what do I mean by that? What I mean by that is, the last thing you feel like doing right is being really nice to the person who you're envious of. But that's exactly what you should do. That's exactly what you should do. Right? So whether it means making the offer them,

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saying something nice about them, right, in the absence, or in front of them,

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going out of your way to get them a gift, do you something that kind of basically slapped shape on in the face, right? Because it's shaped on is kind of constantly whispering to you to do the wrong thing.

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Okay, so, do something that defies that natural sense of Andy mentioned their good qualities, avoid backbiting them, etc, right?

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And stay humble, stay humble, you know,

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in front of that person, or when you're talking about that person, etc. show kindness, because those are the things that you don't feel like doing. And so the way to fight your knifes, the way to fight your,

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you know, your inclinations,

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yourself, the negative inclinations of yourself, is to do the opposite of what they're telling you to do.

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Also, don't indulge in those envious thoughts. So you know, when a negative thought comes into your mind, about somebody that thought is,

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is like a little seed, right? And they'll see it that's just been dropped into, onto some soil, the soil of your mind. And now you have the ability to either

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nurture that seed and allow it to grow, water it right, by indulging and thinking about it, over analyzing, you know, spending your time and energy focusing on that thing, okay?

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which will then ultimately make that seed grow and grow and grow. Or you will have the, or you have the ability to pick that seed up out of the soil before it takes root and throw it out. Right. And that's what you want to do. You want to throw it out.

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Before it takes root. The problem with us is what we tend to do, as human beings, is when a negative thought comes into our mind, instead of throwing it out and trying to distract ourselves, listen to something positive, do something bigger, just get away from that thought is we start indulging in it right? And so we make it worse. We make the roots of that thought so deep, right and so entrenched into the ground, but then

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it's hard to take them out. It's hard to uproot to that right. So before it takes root, that's the time when you want to

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Basically deal with it right?

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Making the offer the one you envy, right.

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And the scholars of Islam, you know, they said that doing that will actually help cure that sense of envy

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is the other making is the other thing I will do below him in a shape on a regime, right asking Allah to remove that kind of negative thoughts and negative whisperings from your heart. And of course the vicar, right, Vicar, Vicar to Allah, Allah to Allah, whatever it is my sisters that we want,

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you know, sometimes we want a specific thing.

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And there's something way better that we haven't even imagined yet that a lot could give us instead, right? So, rather than thinking that we know what's best for ourselves, we should delegate that or relegate that to Allah Subhana Allah right, knowing that he's the one who's who actually knows what's best for us. So we could, we should seek Him His wisdom, we should seek Him to only

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do what's best for us seek from him, and allies waiting for us to call on him. Right, whatever it is that we want, whatever it is that we think that we're lacking. So put our energy and time into that into focusing on online.

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So I'm just going to check in with you and see if everyone's Okay, so that's, that was us talking about envy and some of the ways to cure envy. I hope that was beneficial. And we're going to now go on to talking about

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the slander of a shirt or the alarm.

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Okay, sisters asking what were the first two things to help us manage envy? I believe the first one was to

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knowledge right to actually think about it and realize that it's an evil thing, that Allah has said that it's an evil thing.

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And the second one, I believe, was to reflect on the fact that you

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you're actually harming yourself, you know, by indulging in herself. I think those were the first okay.

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Assistant is saying, am I correct in saying that a few weeks ago in your lessons to the Prophet, Solomon a choice between being an abbey and having a rich life or a soul and living a simple life?

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Yeah, that is correct.

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If you would like to have, okay, I need to make a note of that. In sha Allah, I will do my best to

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find the Hadith, but you can do a search for it, I'm sure.

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Yes, so the prophets, Allah Salim was given the choice between being a nebby, which is a prophet, not a messenger, a prophet who is a

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king, or a messenger and a messenger is a higher status than in Libya, of course, who

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is a slave? Right? Who is you know, there's a simple life, so he chose the latter.

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Okay, so inshallah, I'll do my best to look for that. If I've, if I've promised any of you anything. And I've forgotten by the way, I kind of remember somebody else asking me for a reference for heavy. I'm not sure if I gave it

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please send me an email, you know, just to remind me before the next session and my email addresses, contact,

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contact at

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basically, I'm going to type in the chat.

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There we go. Okay, contact at Fatima benefits, calm.

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So if there are any questions or requests, you can always send them there, because that will be better for me. Because sometimes it's difficult for me to write down the questions. Okay. So let's talk about let's go into the slander of eyeshadow dilemma. And this was probably one of the most painful incidents that took place in the life of Ross will last a long while he was selling because it affected or it was regarding his own personal

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honor and his own family, right. The people who are most close to him and the person who he loved the most.

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And we know that, you know, verses of Quran revealed about this incident, addressing this incident. So in Charlotte

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Today we're going to go through the hadith of this incident may not be able to finish it in the time. So we'll carry on next time. And then we're going to look at what Allah Subhana Allah said in reply to this incident or in teaching the Muslims how they should have dealt with this incident. And we're going to talk about the evils of Nami Mk. And, and backbiting, you know, because that's really what this story kind of highlights, okay? Unfortunately, in our community,

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we've become very light, we take it very lightly,

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the issue of NEMA and and, you know, backbiting, backbiting or, you know,

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Riba is basically saying something about somebody and that they would not like, okay, saying something about someone that they will not like, and it can be in their presence, or it can be in the absence. So some people think, you know, you say it to their face, it's okay. No, anything that would hurt that person or make them feel bad, or make them look bad. You're not supposed to do that in their presence or in their absence.

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That's libo which is bad enough, right? Which Allah, Allah condemned in the Quran, Nam No, Mima is even worse. And the Mima is when

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a person hears something that somebody said about somebody else write something negative. And then they go and tell that person? Do you know what someone said about you? Right? And they let them know what that person said about them. Right? Because that, obviously, is going to cause

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enmity and hatred between people, right? So it's an even worse type of backbiting. It's carrying tails. And it's exactly what Allah Subhana Allah condemned, the wife of Abu lahab. For right, she's to carry tails used to, I don't know what the English term is for it. Huh. Carrying tails, I think that's the best term for it, right? Where you basically stir things up between people, you know,

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stir trouble.

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And, you know, another aspect of that is carrying bad news in general, right? So unfortunately, what happens in our community is,

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you know, somebody will say something about somebody else did you know this such and such happened, or such and such, and then people will just carry that on to the next person and the next person and the next person? Right? Or if there's some scandalous piece of news, right, about some famous person in the Muslim community,

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instead of keeping it quiet and thinking, you know, what, this needs to be verified? Or it's not my business? Or, you know, it's got nothing to do with me. Right, the people who need to deal with that, need to deal with that, if that's true, instead of that, we feel and I think this is something I don't know if we've adopted it from the west. But definitely that kind of tabloid culture, you know, that tabloid culture of trying to expose people since trying to expose and talk about lewd things in public. And just, you know, letting everything hang out that kind of attitude.

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we've adopted that from the west, I feel, you know, from from the newspaper culture from the tabloid culture. Whereas actually islamically that's not the correct culture to have, you know, even if there is truth in a bad piece of information about somebody,

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it's not good for that information to spread. Right. So for example, the more people talk about, for example, you know, scandals, especially to do with, you know, sexual scandals or Zilla, etc, right? The more people talk about those types of things in society, the worse that society gets, because it desensitizes people do that. Right?

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Especially when it's kind of famous people, right? People don't realize it, but actually this society has slowly gone downhill. I'm talking about Britain here.

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One of the reasons is because of the normalization of these negative behaviors and scandals, right? Everyone's thinking, well, the Prime Minister does it right. Or the royal family does it or so and so the

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it. And so then that thing slowly but surely becomes something that people don't take that seriously anymore. Right?

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Anyway, that's a general, you know, a general thing that I wanted to highlight about scandals carrying tails and Mima. And I just want to say, especially to my sisters, when it comes to any kind of news that comes to you, on WhatsApp, especially, you know, you see people just forwarding it immediately, anything comes, oh, it sounds really juicy, let's just forward it. And that's very, very harmful, that's very harmful. That's not the way that we should be behaving, we should be being much more discerning much more careful about the way that we forward information. Right.

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it's better to, to err on the side of caution, you know, the world is not going to end if you don't fall forward, that WhatsApp message, you know, is probably better for you that you don't

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so, and that's why you see people forwarding, obviously fake pieces of information, and whipping up kind of anxiety amongst the Muslim community. It's actually so easy to do that. Why? Because we stopped being discerning pray, we just pass on the first thing that comes to us. So

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we need to change that culture. My sister's and so these are some of the things that the story of the salon who the man had kind of highlights to us, I think, you know,

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so what happened?

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I'm just gonna read the Hadith, right? The translation of that, because it should have done her beautifully tells it to us beautifully, right? She tells it to us.

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Without us needing to comment on it really, because, and that's one of the great things about Aisha right. She was so eloquent. She's a real storyteller. She'll tell you all the details that you need to know. So here we go.

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Narrated it shot of the lion, her, the wife of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Whenever Alliance messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam intended to go on a journey, he would draw lots amongst his wives and would take with him the one upon whom the lot fell. Okay. So, you know, drawing lots is basically like,

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it's a bit like, you know, you put people's names into a hat and then pick a name out, right? I don't know exactly the way they used to do it. You know, is it straws? I don't know, who gets whoever has the shortest straw, I don't know.

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But any of that kind of method, you know, we are randomly choosing somebody, you're allowed to do that.

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In order to make certain types of decisions.

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Okay, so

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then she says

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during a husband of his one of the was the Word, he drew lots amongst us and a lot fell upon me and I proceeded with him after Allah had decreed the use of the he jumped by women. Okay, so she's highlighting that this happened after the hijab, right? So she which she's you'll see why she mentioned that later.

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So she was fully covered right? Especially as the wife of the Prophet she would have had that little number we mentioned the holder Well, the whole dodge is like a little box kind of house courier thing

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on the back of a camel right?

00:34:02 --> 00:34:09

So she says I was carried in a holder on the camel and dismounted while still in it.

00:34:10 --> 00:34:14

Okay so at some point that must have stopped and she must have gotten out right

00:34:15 --> 00:34:16


00:34:17 --> 00:34:19

when Allah apostle

00:34:21 --> 00:34:42

when Allah apostle was at finished the reservoir and we were returning home we approached the city of Medina so they got close to the city of Medina right, but they stopped because obviously such a long journey you're going to need to stop them before they entered sorry before they entered the city and but they know they stopped. They were not far from entering the city.

00:34:43 --> 00:34:51

Allows apostle ordered us to proceed at night, when the order of setting off was given.

00:34:52 --> 00:35:00

I walked till I was passed to the army to answer the call of nature. Okay, so she had gone far from

00:35:00 --> 00:35:01

The rest of the people in order to,

00:35:03 --> 00:35:07

you know, go to the bathroom, basically, in the way that they used to at that time.

00:35:08 --> 00:35:20

And after finishing, I returned to the camp, to depart with the others, and suddenly realized that my necklace was missing. Okay.

00:35:21 --> 00:35:28

So I returned to look for it, and was delayed because of that. So she basically moved away from the

00:35:30 --> 00:35:38

from her place, right? Campbell, basically, to look for this for this necklace.

00:35:41 --> 00:35:45

The people who used to carrying carry me on the camel, okay,

00:35:46 --> 00:35:58

came to my house and put it on the back of the camel, thinking that I was in it. As at that time, women were light in weight and thin and lean,

00:35:59 --> 00:36:01

and did not use to eat much.

00:36:03 --> 00:36:10

So those people did not feel the difference in the heaviness of the holder while lifting it,

00:36:11 --> 00:36:14

and they put some put it over the camera.

00:36:15 --> 00:36:18

At that time, I was a young lady.

00:36:19 --> 00:36:39

They set the camel moving and proceeded on. Okay. So in other words, they thought that she was inside that holder already. And you know, the like four people would probably carry it up and put it on top of the camel, something like that, right. And so those people, they

00:36:42 --> 00:36:53

thought she was in there, because she was so light, they could not tell anyway. And they put the holder back on the camel, and the caravan started to move on.

00:36:54 --> 00:37:04

Now you notice that it should have been on her, she doesn't mention the names of those people. She must have known them. You know, it seems like they were the same people each time. But

00:37:05 --> 00:37:46

she's protecting them. It's as if she's protecting their identity. And she's not blaming them, she's actually making excuses for them, which shows the good nature of our mother eye shadow. You know, usually when we tell a story about something traumatic that happened to us, you know, we probably try to highlight all the people who made mistakes, right? in that story. Because there's like a number of people who kind of made mistakes. But here you see, actually the line has good nature. She's actually making excuses for those people. Right? That, you know, we used to be light, and you can't really blame them, you know, they thought that I was in there. And they just put it on the

00:37:46 --> 00:37:46


00:37:48 --> 00:37:56

By the way, one point I wanted to make here is, you know, it kind of goes to show that it's always good to double check, you know,

00:37:58 --> 00:38:02

when you need to check if something important has been done, you know,

00:38:03 --> 00:38:04

sometimes, you know,

00:38:06 --> 00:38:30

and I don't know if this is the case in this situation. But I know that sometimes, you know, especially men and women in order to prevent, like talking or unnecessary free mixing etc. They might not speak even about things that are important, right. And that's wrong. That's not the right kind of attitude, it's better to be,

00:38:31 --> 00:38:55

especially when it comes to important things. It's better to check. It's better to communicate, right. So I was just reflecting on this. And I was thinking so Pamela they never called her right. They never called in and said, Yeah, what meaning Are you in sight? They never did that. You know, that wasn't something they thought to do. Maybe they've just lifted it up. And if they assume she's in there, and they put it

00:38:56 --> 00:38:57

but actually,

00:38:58 --> 00:39:00

you know, it's always better, isn't it?

00:39:02 --> 00:39:24

That when something important needs to be done, and it's your responsibility to make sure you communicate, and you check that that thing has been understood, or that person is there, or whatever, right? whatever is needed. And it's important that we do that. Rather than assuming that something is the way it is right?

00:39:26 --> 00:39:27

Um, so

00:39:28 --> 00:39:59

she makes excuses for them. She says they set the camel moving and proceeded on. I found my necklace after the army had gone and came to their camp to find nobody. So I went to the place where I used to stay thinking that they would discover my absence and come back in my search. While in that state, I felt I felt sleepy and I fell asleep. So Pamela so you know, she's very young at this time. Remember?

00:40:00 --> 00:40:01

sent me a teenager.

00:40:02 --> 00:40:43

And so basically she's saying that she's, you know, she, she realized that, okay, they've moved on they've gone, you know. And if you think about it, that's actually quite brave of her, you know, she didn't panic. She didn't seem like the sort of person who panicked. She knew, okay, they're gonna realize I'm not there, and then they're gonna come back and get me. Right. But actually, you can lose quite a scary situation, if you think about it, because God knows how long it's going to take them to realize that she's not there. Right. And also, you know, it doesn't seem that she had any water or any kind of provision with her, you know, so it really shows you the courage of I showed

00:40:43 --> 00:40:47

that on her and her tawakkol that she thought, Okay, let me just be patient and wait.

00:40:48 --> 00:40:54

And that's what she did. And also shows, you know that how tired she was she fell asleep.

00:40:56 --> 00:41:00

Then she says SFX one bin mozzarella salami.

00:41:02 --> 00:41:22

Okay, of the kewanee was behind the army and reached my abode in the morning. Okay, so he was at the back of the, you know, Army, and he happened to come across her. And

00:41:25 --> 00:41:28

when he saw a sleeping person,

00:41:29 --> 00:41:54

so he saw that, okay, there's someone here sleeping, he came closer to see. And she says, and he used to see me or he had seen me before, before I had started to wear the hijab, right before the hijab, he had seen her so he knew that it was her right when he saw her, and she'd obviously removed maybe, you know, uncovered a face.

00:41:56 --> 00:42:20

So she said, so I go talk when I heard him, when I heard him saying in a lie you nav Rajon. That's all he said, you know, software one, when he heard this, when he saw this, that panel is the wife of the Prophet salla sallam. He said in 911 when they had Roger on and did to Allah we belong and to Him, we return

00:42:21 --> 00:42:44

and then he made his camel kneel down, he got down from his camel and put his leg on the front legs of the camel, and then I got on and sat over it. So one set out walking, leading the camel by the rope till we reached the army who had halted to take rest at midday.

00:42:46 --> 00:42:52

Okay, so in other words, so, now they're wherever they were to, and then Medina

00:42:53 --> 00:43:19

the caravan had gone, and now they stopped somewhere in between that for a bit of a rest. And so someone he was just a bit behind. He had found her. He, he put you told her to get on to his camel or he, you know indicated for her to do that. And then he just loved the camel to meet the rest of the group. Right.

00:43:20 --> 00:43:22

Before they would enter Medina

00:43:23 --> 00:43:24

and of course

00:43:26 --> 00:43:36

Abdullah bin bin cellule who is the Chief of the monarchy in in Medina, right. Remember Abdullah bin obey?

00:43:37 --> 00:43:39

What do you know about him?

00:43:41 --> 00:43:44

If you could mention in the chat, what do you know about him?

00:43:45 --> 00:43:55

The chief of the monotherapy in the Malathion are those people who pretend to be Muslim, right? They're not really Muslim, they don't really believe.

00:43:56 --> 00:44:00

They pretend to be Muslim and they live amongst the Muslims.

00:44:03 --> 00:44:11

The hypocrites right it's usually translated as the hypocrites. What do you know about Abdullah bin obey? What was his special reason for

00:44:13 --> 00:44:17

hating the prophets Allah or your seller or hating the Muslims?

00:44:25 --> 00:44:59

Yes, he was not happy for the Prophet salallahu alaihe salam to be the leader of Medina because he was going to be or he was pretty much the leader of Medina before the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came, right? So he felt like his kingdom. His Little Kingdom of Medina had been well yesterday about the time had been taken right? by the prophets of Allah when he was selling. Yes, and you're right. His son was a pious man. He was a vice pious, the hubby. The prophets Allah Allah knew that Abdullah bin obey is a hypocrite.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:09

Right, but he still prevented the Muslims from harming him. Right. Um, and that's because he,

00:45:10 --> 00:45:13

first of all, he wasn't given permission to, you know,

00:45:14 --> 00:45:48

execute him or anything like that. But also, because of the law being obey, outwardly lived as a Muslim, you know, for all intents and purposes, the hypocrites they seem like Muslims and anyone who. And that's the thing about Islam, right? Anyone who is outwardly a Muslim, anyone who says I am a Muslim, were supposed to treat them as a Muslim, right? until something very big, you know, shows otherwise, or just, you know, a ruling is established against that person, right.

00:45:49 --> 00:45:54

So, you know, he was treated as a Muslim, just before this incident of the slander of Asia.

00:45:56 --> 00:46:34

There had been an incident that had taken place in which, you know, loving obey, had insulted the prophets, Allah Salaam, and the Muslims, and verses had been revealed about him, okay. And so he was quite upset. He was quite upset, okay. And so and we don't have time to go into the incident that happened previous to this, but he was very upset. And so he was kind of looking for something, some way that he could get his own back, right? against the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and the and the Muslims.

00:46:36 --> 00:46:52

And so what happens, he sees someone walking. And behind him is his candle, and the wife of the prophets Allah Salaam is on that candle. And so what happens when evil people see

00:46:53 --> 00:47:00

circumstances like that, you know, them the evil mind start working? Right? That's what happened with

00:47:01 --> 00:47:03

his evil mind started to work.

00:47:04 --> 00:47:10

And so Pamela, you know, we see this even, I'm just gonna say like, even in our times, you know,

00:47:12 --> 00:47:57

it's so it's so terrible the culture that we've gotten used to, again, I'm going to mention the tabloid culture, right? Where you see two people walking together, and you just start creating news about them, right? Obviously, we're talking about celebrities, and people who probably learn his best probably are, you know, having relationships and stuff. But just that whole notion, you know, of constantly looking for something disgusting, some some disgusting explanation, right? From the most innocent of things. It's a disease and a blessing obey. He saw this as his opportunity. So our issue says,

00:48:01 --> 00:48:02

I should says, Then,

00:48:03 --> 00:48:08

whoever was meant for destruction fell into destruction.

00:48:09 --> 00:48:12

And so she means, you know, people started to

00:48:13 --> 00:48:22

make rumors, okay, against her. And the leader of the false accusers, was a beloved being obeyed in saloon.

00:48:24 --> 00:49:04

And you notice in this Hadith, that actually she doesn't actually mention, and even the LMR of Islam whenever they talk about the son of Alisha, and never mentioned explicitly, the nature of slander, you know, what exactly was being said? So, panela, right. And that shows you that a dub that they had, you know, so Pamela, when it comes to evil things, right, when it comes to slanderous things, when it comes to things that are luid in nature, a believer doesn't even want that thing to be in the same sentence as their name, you know, let alone be spelled out explicitly.

00:49:05 --> 00:49:58

And again, I'm going to mention we live in a culture in which every lurid detail of every scandal, right, is mentioned with full detail in the newspapers, in the, you know, in, in articles, etc, leaving nothing to people's imaginations, right. And that causes harm to society. It's another way of causing desensitization to those types of evil forts and things right. But we noticed that the Sahaba and you know, the Alomar and even our children herself, they never mentioned the exact details of the slander, you know, out of respect and other for, you know, the profits or loss on him and his family. But we know that they were evil

00:49:59 --> 00:49:59


00:50:00 --> 00:50:05

You know, things that they were accusing, it should have been honor

00:50:06 --> 00:50:08

and soft one of.

00:50:10 --> 00:50:13

After that, she says we returned to Medina.

00:50:14 --> 00:50:22

And I became ill for one month while the people was spreading the forged statements that the scandal

00:50:23 --> 00:50:51

of the false accusers, okay, so she didn't even know that rumors were flying about her. Things were being said about how she didn't even know. She was such an innocent person. She literally came back and you know, after that sometimes I don't know if you've experienced this after a journey, you become ill, right? You can, maybe because of the change of climate, whatever, or fatigue. She actually was ill and so she didn't even know what was going on. So Pamela.

00:50:53 --> 00:50:57

And she said, the only thing I noticed, okay,

00:50:59 --> 00:51:14

was that I was not receiving the usual kindness from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, which I used to receive from him when I got sick, but he would come and say,

00:51:15 --> 00:51:23

come and greet me and say, how it How is she? meaning how is? How are you doing? Right.

00:51:24 --> 00:52:05

I did not know anything of what was going on, till I recovered from my element, and went out with Mr. I'm gonna pause there. Okay, because I do have to end the class at 555 today. So So Pamela, we see that I should have done her. She noticed that the profits on a lot of what he was saying his demeanor had changed. But that's all she noticed was different. You know, he wasn't as soft and as friendly or as, as he usually was. Right? So in other words, there's something troubling him there's something on his mind. So So Pamela, you can see how

00:52:07 --> 00:52:11

this incident was affecting him, right? Something was affecting him.

00:52:12 --> 00:52:42

And so panela isn't it the case that when you when you hear somebody saying something negative about you, it's about your family, especially, I mean, if it was something of that, on that scale, especially, but even if it's something less than that, it hurts you, it, it puts a kind of a bad taste in your mouth, right? When it comes to life. You can't really live and focus normally, when something evil is being said about you or your family.

00:52:44 --> 00:52:51

Especially when it's not true Subhan Allah. And so our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, you know,

00:52:52 --> 00:52:58

felt, felt that because he was a human being, right, he was a human being.

00:52:59 --> 00:53:14

So, I'm just going to read some of the questions. And we're going to carry on with that narration next time. So Pamela, we've kind of gone through a third of it, I would say, I'm sure we can finish it next time. Um,

00:53:16 --> 00:53:18

okay, one of the sisters has point

00:53:37 --> 00:53:43

sister has as opposed to the headache if that had been his daddy, if we're almost telling the story of the

00:53:44 --> 00:53:56

of that thing, you know, the choice that was given to the wives of the profits or loss on him? I think the the sisters asking for the Hadith, or any kind of evidence about

00:53:58 --> 00:54:07

a shared idea that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam been given a choice between being a prophet or a messenger. So inshallah we'll look that up.

00:54:09 --> 00:54:10


00:54:14 --> 00:54:16

Okay. So if there are no questions,

00:54:18 --> 00:54:20

then inshallah

00:54:23 --> 00:54:28

Sr. is asking, Are your previous sessions on this topic available on record?

00:54:30 --> 00:55:00

system? I think you must be new to this session, then Well, welcome to the session. And yes, all of the recordings for this session, okay. Or this class are on YouTube. So, you can basically look at the other one, our YouTube channel or my YouTube channel, Fatima Baraka Tila, and you'll find it there in sha Allah, and we keep uploading them, you know, we try to upload them every week. So I think we've got

00:55:00 --> 00:55:01

Uploaded 13 now,

00:55:02 --> 00:55:07

okay, so in Sharla sisters with that I will end because, you know,

00:55:08 --> 00:55:25

our time is up, because I couldn't Allah hair, please make but I for me, my family, I make golf for you and your family may Allah bless all of you and reward you, and may we be united with our mother. Ayesha look around her in general insha Allah,

00:55:27 --> 00:55:47

you know, we meet at one day, we can tell her, we used to study her life, and we were inspired by her. Right, inshallah. I mean, thank you. So I'll see you next week and we'll carry on with this story. And if there are any thoughts that have come into your mind, you know, you might have noticed things that maybe I haven't mentioned.

00:55:48 --> 00:55:52

Hold back and is next time at the beginning of the session.

00:55:53 --> 00:55:59

Share them with me know Is there anything you've you've really stood stood out for you especially so far,

00:56:00 --> 00:56:14

especially in this narration of the Sandra baisha please let me know that love her and subhanak aloha mo behind the Chateau La ilaha illa Anta sulfuryl go to be like salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah. He

00:56:17 --> 00:56:18

was the first

00:56:21 --> 00:56:22

woman scholar.

00:56:26 --> 00:56:28

She was in

00:56:31 --> 00:56:31

third grade.

00:56:37 --> 00:56:37

She was

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