Farhan Abdul Azeez – The Blessings of Ramadan

Farhan Abdul Azeez
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of acceptance of good deeds and a strong bond to create a special relationship with the Holy Spirit during the upcoming holiday season. They emphasize the need for acceptance of good deeds and a strong bond to create a special relationship with the Holy Spirit, as well as the importance of fasting and providing prayers. The H wa of hearts is a powerful source of inspiration for one, and the importance of being satisfied with one's food habits is emphasized. The H wa of hearts is recognized as a day for the calendar, and the success of the book of the road is highlighted.
AI: Transcript ©
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in Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Hina Hama the who want to stay in a home on a stock Farah who were not from Innova he won at the local LA when I was a bIllahi min sure Ori and fusina Woman Surya Dr Molina Maya de la HuFa la medalla Who among you Bilal who for HuFa la hottie Allah, masha Allah Illa Illa Allah Hua hula Cherie Kala, we should want to say you don't want to be in our Habiba, Idina wa Maulana Muhammad Abdul houbara Sula, who also Allahu Allahu taala. Bill Hockley Bashir on one of the era Amma bad for Kabbalah Allahu taala. Phil Quran Majeed powers bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim yah Johanna SUTA Hora Kamala Xia Calacatta min of Sinha Hedda mahal hum

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in Huzzah. Jaha overflow min hamari Geralyn cathedra and one is what the hula hula Z Tessa Luna behave a lot of harm in Allah Ghana aleikum wa Kiba Yeah, you're Latina I'm gonna talk aloha to him Allah tomato Nyla one to Muslim on Yeah, yeah hola denominates the hola hola hola hola said either you slept in a coma Malcolm way a fella comes number come on man yo Tia Mahabharata Sula, who had the fire Sophos on Azima bahala Alayhi Salatu was Salam for COVID Dino Comicon. Finance the Allah DC Kitab Allah wa hiatal hernia Dr. Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam are short on Memorial Day said to her find Nicola Mahuta certain Vida Wakanda with that didn't Allah Allah, Allah Allah with

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Infinera Allahu Allah.

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We're in Alberta, Alberta, landbirds of Messina Abba and my bad oosik Hola Hola zu me the ITA he was the FC and Mahalo for the Obama he was here and he Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammad Abdi Guevara Sulochana below me while early he was so happy he was Olympus Lima other than Mahuta but he l Mk. CalMac Wahoo guitar book, what are the Allahumma ansata Tina Habiba carbomer was manually when the Sahaba Dejima in on a tab at number 30 him based on within Praise be to Allah and only Allah and peace and blessings of Allah be upon our beloved prophet Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his family, his companions and his ummah, till the Day of Judgment, bear witness that there is no God

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worthy of worship except Allah. And I bear witness that Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is the last and final messenger of Allah. My dear brothers and sisters, for the past several weeks, many of us were making this dua Allahumma Boliviana Ramadan O Allah help us to reach Ramadan, and now we are just few days away from Ramadan. The companions of the prophet of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to prepare for this man several months in advance, and once the month would be over, they would beg Allah subhanaw taala asking Allah subhanaw taala to accept all the good deeds that they

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have performed in the blessed month of Ramadan Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam described this month, where he said a talcum shahada Ramadan shahada on Mobarak every aspect of this month is full of blessings. What the prophet of allah sallallahu alayhi salam conveyed to us was, every single week of this month, every single day of this month, every single hour of this month, every single minute of this month, every single second of this month is full of blessings. So I remind myself and then to you take time to make time for the one who made time, I repeat, take time to make time for the one who made time. The only thing that is more important than the actual performance of the good

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deeds is the acceptance of the good deeds. So for example, if we were if we have to appear in an exam, we work very hard, we prepare for it for many days and nights and we write the exam. The only thing that becomes more important than us appearing in the exam or writing the exam is the outcome of the exam, or the result of the exam. So we hope and we pray that Allah subhanahu wa taala will accept all the good deeds that we are going to perform in this blessed month of Ramadan as we are reminded in the Holy Quran where Allah subhanho wa Taala says, Rob Burnett, Minaya Cantor Samuel Aleem, oh Allah accept this service from us, or Allah accept this duty from us. Indeed you are all

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knower and all here

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also my dear brothers and sisters, as a reminder to myself first and then to you. The purpose of Ramadan is separate from the purpose of fasting. Don't mix up the two. What is the purpose of Ramadan? Allah subhanho wa Taala in the Glorious Quran reminds us where he says, shahada Ramadan Allah, Allah fie hella Quran, who deadly nasty OBE anatomy alHuda Al Furqan This is a blessed month of Ramadan, in which Quran was sent as a guidance to mankind with clear proof for mankind to distinguish between right and wrong. This is the purpose of Ramadan to create a very special bond to create a very special relationship with the Holy Quran. This is a month where Muslims all over the

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world tried to finish Quran multiple times, they try to create a very special bond with the Holy Quran. So that is the purpose of Ramadan. What is the purpose of fasting? Allah subhanho wa Taala reminds us in the Holy Quran where he says yeah, Johan Levina, Manu kuchibhotla, ecommerce CMO, karma cookie but Allah Allah, Allah Allah cantata phone, all you who believe fasting has been prescribed upon you, as it was prescribed on people before you so that you may become God conscious. That is the purpose of fasting. So we hope and we pray My dear brothers and sisters, that Allah subhanho wa Taala will accept all the recitation of the Quran that we are going to do in the month

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of Ramadan, and all the fasting that we are going to perform in the blessed month of Ramadan. I'm reminded of this very famous Hadith Hadith Narrated by Abu Huraira. The Alon Rasulullah sallallahu sallam said, Allah subhanho wa Taala our creator says, every good deed performed by the son of Adam is a credit for him. But fasting is exclusively mine, and I gave reward for it. Fasting is a shield against sins. Therefore, when any one of you is fasting, he should neither indulge in obscene language nor raise the voice. If anyone abuses him or quarrels with him. He should say I'm fasting by him, in whose hand is Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam soul, the smell coming out of the mouth of a

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person fasting is more pleasant to Allah subhanho wa Taala than the smell of musk and he who fast has two occasions of joy. One is when he breaks the fast and the second one is when he meets his Lord. This hadith is mentioned in both Muslim and Buhari in the first part of Ramadan, we asked for Allah's mercy. In the second part of Ramadan, we seek his forgiveness. And in the last part of Ramadan, we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala we plead to Allah subhanho wa Taala to release all of us from fire, and we make this very famous dua Allahu Akbar, for one two people are fine now or Allah, you are the partner you love to pardon to pardon me. So this is the dua that we make. This is the

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month of Quran. This is the month of fasting. This is the month of Laila to hug as Allah subhanho wa Taala reminds us in the Holy Quran, where he says in Allah who feel a little warmer Ragamala a little harder, Leila

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Fisher had a night of power a night of glory, which is better than 1000 months, which comes to 83 years and four months of Ibadah what a great blessing if we get Laila to Hydra once in our lifetime. Allah subhanho wa Taala out of his Rama out of His mercy is giving us this reward. Just imagine if we get a little harder multiple times in our lifetime. Allah subhanaw taala in this month shows his mercy

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To all of us and gives us this huge reward and one of my local Imams he used to say all of us can benefit from little kodra all we have to do is during the last part of Ramadan, every single day we come to the masjid and we offer Fajr Salah and Isha Salah in JAMA. Inshallah we will benefit from Laila to codon, I would suggest that you take a step further, at least make sure that in the month of Ramadan, you come every single day and offer prayers in JAMA. The least you could do is pray Fajr and Isha in JAMA, the Mother of the Believers. The wife of the Prophet allah sallallahu Sallam I shot on the Alon has said, look for Laila. During the odd nights of in the last part of Ramadan,

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Madiba and sisters, Ramadan is a time for change. Ramadan is a time to reflect Ramadan is a time to reaffirm and recommit ourselves to the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala following the footsteps of our beloved prophet Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Ramadan is a time to strive to become a better person, a better parent, a better spouse, a better child, a better colleague, a better neighbor, a better citizen, a better Muslim, and overall, a better human being Madiba ancestors This is a month in which torah was revealed to Musa alayhis salam. This is a man that he was revealed to thou la Salam. This is a month in which injeel was revealed to isa Ali Salaam. This is a month in

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which Quran was revealed to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the batch of brothers took place in this month of Ramadan. The conquest of Makkah happened in the month of Ramadan. Ramadan means burning of sins through hunger, thirst and obedience. So we should thank Allah subhanho wa Taala for giving us an opportunity to witness another Ramadan the highest purpose of fasting is to establish the taqwa of hearts and the Hawa has many definitions. The most famous meaning was shared by Imam earlier of the Alon, where he said, The Hawa is fearing Allah subhanaw taala, abiding by the revelation being satisfied with little and being prepared for the Day of Judgment. In Ramadan, most

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of us are satisfied with less, most people give up long established habits, we sleep less, and we pray more, and we eat less, and we gain a better understanding of the needy who are accustomed to go hungry every single night. And this we practice being satisfied and thankful to our Creator Allah subhanaw taala for what we have received what he has bestowed upon us, which is a missing trade many times for most of their mothers and sisters, I remind myself and then to you, if you have parents, honor them, take good care of them as the Quran command commands us where Allah subhanaw taala says will be validated. Yes, Anna, be kind and beautiful towards your parents. You can put it on a piece

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of paper and write down somewhere if you want to be successful. If you want to be prosperous. Take good care of your elderly parents. Take this as a great blessing. Ask those individuals who have lost their parents who do not have their parents around them. Ask them what they are missing. So if your parents are alive, take this as a great blessing from Allah subhanaw taala and take good care of them. Also, my dear brothers and sisters, Ramadan is a time when we are obligated to make lots and lots of doers do ours is an essence of our worship. Do not underestimate the power of dua. Make lots and lots of doors for yourself, for your family members, for your spouse, for your children,

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for your parents. Do not underestimate the power of dua Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the best mankind has ever seen, or the best mankind would ever see would make dua on a regular basis. He would do a staffer on a regular basis, one of the very famous doers of the Prophet of allah sallallahu sallam was Yamaha level Hello Halaby Allah Denecke Oh changer of the hearts make firm my heart upon your deen if the best of the best was making Dewar's and doing a stuffer? What about you and me my diverse ancestors. This is a time where all of us try to offer extra prayers we come to the masjid we offer therapy prayers and extra novel pillar prayer so that we can seek the pleasure

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of Allah subhanaw taala as we are reminded a Salah to

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be salah is a form of communication between a slave and His Lord, and that is the reason why Muslims all over the world they make a very special attempt to come to the masjid and offer extra prayers. Inshallah we'll try to conclude in the next few minutes. The great scholar in the Hydra Rahim Allah, who was who is considered as a classic Islamic scholar whose lifelong work constitutes the final submission of the science of Hadith. Oxford central Islamic Studies considers him one of the most influential thinkers of the 15th century and this is what he had to say

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He authored many books for the Albury, the Delta has he been many others, and in his research, he says Ramadan was a month in which Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam used to recite Quran with the Dubray Salaam. And he used to memorize Quran. And Abraham writes that when you recite Quran, your heart is content. And when the heart is content, it becomes very generous. And this is the reason why he says Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was extra extra extra generous in the month of Ramadan. And his generosity has been described by the companions of the prophet of allah sallallahu Sallam has kept me held more Salah like a blowing wind. When the wind blows, it takes the blessings

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to everyone who is around them, it touches everyone who is around them, it doesn't discriminate, it doesn't pick and choose. Just think for a second if all of us decide to go outside and stand under the sky and if the wind is blowing, it will touch everyone who is standing over there. And this is how the generosity of the Prophet of allah sallallahu wasallam has been described. So this is a month of Quran. This is a month of fasting This is a month of little huddle. This is a month in which we are commanded to perform good deeds. This is a month of generosity. I remind you that if you can please help your Masjid be very generous support your Masjid support important causes all

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those organizations who are doing amazing work around the world, helping the poor and the needy. Try to support them. Keep in mind that Zakat is not a favor of the rich upon the poor. It is the right of the poor upon the rich. This is the right that Allah subhanho wa Taala has given it to them so none of us has the right to deprive them of this God given right Rasulullah sallallahu sallam said Zakat is a proof of one's faith. He said Pay your circuits for that your Islam becomes complete. Rasulullah sallallahu sallam said when any amount of wealth is destroyed on land or sea it may be that it's occurred was not paid by the American sisters. In one word, Allah subhanho wa Taala

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explained to us who are the eight different categories of individuals who are entitled to receive your zakat. He did not leave the issue of Zakah to an emperor or a king or a president he did not leave the issue of zakat when Allah Mora scholar he did not even leave the issue of zakat on prophets. Allah subhanho wa Taala in surah Tauba chapter number nine verse number 60. Explain to us who are the eight different categories of individuals who are entitled to receive a casa card so pay your card as soon as you can pay it in the beginning of Ramadan. Don't wait don't wait until the last day also fit around my dear brothers and sisters. Whatever the masjid management and the Imam

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decides, try to pay your fee try as soon as you can. When you make a mistake in Salah What do you do you offer says Dear Sir, who what says this or who is for Salah fitrah is for fasting so don't wait until the last day or the day of the Eid to pay your fitrah try to paid as soon as possible so that it can be distributed among those who are in need. And finally my brothers and sisters the day of Eid as the prophet of allah sallallahu sallam said the Quran the home in Eden was that every community has its festival and this is ours. This is how the Prophet of allah sallallahu Sallam established the day of equal faith as the principal Muslim festival of the year. So try to make this

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day a memorable day for yourself, for your children, for your spouses for your families. Don't be angry on this day. Don't try to be frustrated on this day. Try to create good memories for your family and celebrate this day with your friends and family members. The blessings of this great month is so huge so large that it carries over to the following month. Once you finish the festivities of the Eid in the month of Shawwal try to Fast Six days as the prophet of allah sallallahu Sallam told us as narrated by a poor human side of the Alon, where he said that whoever fast the entire month of Ramadan then fast the six days of short while for that person the reward is

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as of he has fasted for an entire year. So try to avail this opportunity that Allah subhanaw taala has given to us were to boil Allah He Jamia your holy moment when Allah Allah come to flare horn yah yah Lavina Amano to boo Illallah hito batana sua

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hamdulillah Al Hamdulillah Hara Billa Alameen Hamden. cathedra Anthea bin Mubarak and fie wa Salatu was Salam ala l Mursaleen. Enamel Moroccan hydel oral Magdalene Nabina Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam while early he was hard to hear after you've been hearing for Isabella administrate Anna rajim Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim in Allahu wa Mala eco you saw Lunarlon Nabhi yeah your Levine Armando Salalah he was a limiter sliema Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala Sayidina Muhammad in command Selita live Rahim Allah Allah Ibrahim and Naka Hamid Majeed Allahumma barik ala Muhammad wa ala Muhammad Ibrahim Ibrahim Anika Hamid Majeed Robina Tina for dunya Hassan Adama Villa

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Banagher Allah minallah Zachary cover shook CRICOS neighbor that Allah Khomeini so local mafia Allah Romania so the Kalama Nafion what is 111? One Milan, Milan Allahumma India so local Jana has become an NRI Allah

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mainly I was becoming alcohol free well for free while Isabelle harbor Allahumma Nadal fallen to HIPAA law for Fana Robina HetLand ominous virgin I was reacting

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tacchini Mama Allahu my Nia silica Iman and Carmela were your finances. What is Tanwar sia halben Harsha while the sun and zakura wahala and think about why will Adam saleha with over 10 A Suha with over 10 Have a little mouth what I've written in the mouth or maxilla Tamarama 10 Baddeley mouth wala phobia in the Lisa Mufasa regenerative on najman Mitica Yara Bella Alameen Subhana Rabi Cara Felicity Amaya seafood wa salam ala moana Selena Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen in Allah Hi yah motivate Sanibel Ito data is a horrible way unhandled fascia you will Mancha, Wahlberg he does a cruel movie Musala

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also magnificent sisters

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