Why would God allow my cat to die? Why are rich people jumping from buildings? What’s wrong with the world? Would Frederick Niche accept Islam? Did Jesus come to fix the World? Why do you wear shoes in the house? Who created ISIS? What about the yearly 5000-7000 thousand Hindu dowry killings in India you never hear about? Egyptian powers and inhuman torture no one talks about, How the media functions and much more on this week’s exciting new show with Prof. Dr Jonathan brown
Muslims On Isis Honoring Killings And Islam
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Salam aleikum, greetings of peace. I'm really enjoying talking with
this week's special guests. Dr.
Jonathan Brown. If you guys were with us last week, you got to hear the interview that we're going to continue on with this week, we're talking about the new atheism. You know, many people get caught up in a trap, monkey see monkey do. And they think, Okay, this guy's an academic. Why would he be agnostic? We don't believe there's something anything as a true atheist, everyone deep down inside believes. And we talked about the research that was done proving this by academics, and he's an academic, he accepted the true purpose of life founded in this beautiful way of life. So why don't we continue on with the rest of the interview with Dr. Jonathan Brown, and this week's show? Enjoy.
So Mike,
this is the
this is the
this is the
this is a amazing a French philosopher, had said that we have found
over time, civilizations that were without science or arts, but none of them without religion. And we see that through through we're not talking about people now. Because obviously, in Islam, that completes complete submission to the Creator. It's pure monotheism, only worshiping the Creator, not the creation. And you have people, if not worshiping the Creator, they end up worshiping maybe a abstract idea. Maybe dictators, a government a system, like you know, communism, whatever the case, but what do you think, you know, when someone has to as they confirm, that disbelief is acquired, is something that you have to work hard to fight against? And nowadays, you see many Muslims monkey see
monkey do, they'll have the professor, they'll walk into a class, and this guy's very intelligent, and think, how can someone be so intelligent, and he's an agnostic or an atheist, and then Muslims get caught into this trap? And then now they start to, you know, go towards arguing Darwinism. And, you know, what, what do you have you been in these experiences and talk to somebody? maybe having a? Yeah, I mean, I think it's just it's very people need to understand that reason, is not a, an independent tool. Right. So it has to be anchored, either, you know, anchored from below or anchored from above. And you what that means. I mean, it's sort of like political parties, I mean, you can
find really intelligent will become democrats really tells you will become Republicans. I mean, it isn't, obviously, if intelligence was a faculty that if it was, you know, the more intense the more the stronger it is, the more likely it is to lead to certain
conclusion, then you wouldn't have people going to virgin direction directions. So, you know, is it just, it's difficult, because we're sort of taught to say, Oh, this person's really intelligent, therefore, what they're saying must be correct. Actually, that's not true at all. In any way, people can be extremely intelligent, and then they decide that they want to murder and, you know, eliminate entire race. And they can be in like James Bond villains, and always a super geniuses, like, I need to destroy the entire human race. So that I mean, so the point is that intelligence doesn't lead you to truth intelligence leads you to if you know, if you're rational, it means that you can follow it
a chain of sequence of cause and effect very accurately, but if the either the original premise of that sequence is wrong, or any premise that you inserted in there at a certain place is wrong, then you're going to end up with a wrong result. So that I think this is very important, you know, that you the students understand this. And that intelligence is very different from being correct on issues of metaphysics or issues of truth. So that's what I certainly try to get
people to understand that one of the direct results I think, of people turning away from, from faith from God from having that connection, their heart connecting to the Creator, is what we've seen, not too long ago on Tokyo, when you had the stark stock market bust, you had people who had millions jumping off of buildings.
But here, I mean, what do we see like,
the antithesis here we see when people actually have a connection with the creator at times, like I was sharing my story, you know, with the toe. I mean, thank God, it wasn't something
Worse, but we have an anchor, we have a reference point that we go to that it can always be worse. You know, there's always light at the end of the tunnel. I mean, what what what do you tell when you have a heart to heart with someone who's going down that road? What hope does a person have at the end of the day? Do you just become dust you die, you just go to sleep, it's finished, you know. And this is Can this be now this is the direct result people jumping off buildings, because all hope is lost.
You know, for example, now, and this is kind of a silly example. But it always comes into my mind number. When I was in, I was in my visiting my friend in Las Vegas and went to this block party on his block, and there was this woman there. And she was saying, you know, I can't be religious because you know, my cat died. And why would God Oh, kill my cat? And I mean, I don't actually I understand that. Because, you know, I used to, we used to have cats. And I love those cats. Yeah. I mean, they were my friends. And I love them dearly. But I think what this is a good example of she's saying, you know, I can't, but this pain for her. And this loss was so significant that she
she couldn't accept that somehow, some, some God would allow this to happen. Yeah. Now,
I think one of the you often find this in kind of weird, popular versions of Christianity, that there's this notion that the world is something is wrong with the world. And so you have to believe in God in order to compensate for that. So, for example, you have to believe in the redemptive power of Jesus, because Jesus has come to fix the world. So for Muslims, you don't believe anything's wrong with the world. This is, the cat didn't die because something's wrong. That's what happens. I mean, animals die, human beings die. Cats run into the street and get hit by cars of people run to the street and get hit by cars. This is the sunlight. This is the sun, none of Allah. This is the
way that God's creation works. There's disease, people get disease, they die from the disease, people try to find cures for disease, sometimes they do. Sometimes they don't. This is what happens. This is exactly what God has planned for us. And either these things are these things are tests for us. They're tests. If you're my mother died, God rest her soul, she died of brain aneurysm in when she was in Ethiopia. Now, I could get upset about that and say, Oh, if only she hadn't been in the high altitude Addis Ababa, she wouldn't have had this brain aneurysm she wouldn't have died. You know, so and, you know, too angry about this, but you know, that this is what God God
took her. This was written just had to happen. Okay.
And, you know, instead of getting angry about that I'm upset about that is a test for me. I said, hamdulillah thank God, that I had my mother in my life, thank God that she, you know, had her her life. Thank God that, you know, she guided me in certain ways. Thank you. I mean, you don't think about what you've lost. You think about what you were blessed with. And you think that it is always God gave us life God gave us
things he can also take these things away from us as a test, and that you fail the test when you become angry and ungrateful, like the root of Cofer, as I'm sure you know, Kufa, in pre Islamic Arabia, Arabic is actually in gratitude. So Crawford is in gratitude. In gratitude, ultimately. And so when you fail the test is when you become even you you hurl these things back at God You ungrateful Why did you do this? Why did you take this from me? God takes things from us because this is the son of Allah. And our job is to, not to become ungrateful, but to still say hamdulillah. And when you do that, it's not just because you're not just passing a test in God's eyes, you're
actually happier as a person. You're not going around angry all the time. Always, always angry at the world.
We're gonna go ahead and take a break. And we'll be right back with more of Dr. Jonathan brown here on the dean show. Don't go anywhere, please subscribe to the show. Follow us on our official Facebook and Twitter pages in the links below. Please also help support the show by making a donation in the link below.
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Tell me, Dr. Brown. What was it for you for me, for example, you know came to a point in my life and I really had experienced many of the finer things in life there was a empty void I started searching and looking and really using the gift of, of intelligence that God Almighty gave us and at the same time, you know, inside yearning to want to be guided and I started to look to different religions. And
in short, what I loved about Islam was all the authenticity of it is preservation. When I looked at just a basic book, like brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam has a lot of the different quotes from the Quran on science, about the
Human Development from the early stages of the embryo, the mountains, I was fascinated and then some of the things that from the way of the Prophet Mohammed that he had talked about, and I was just amazed. It wasn't anything that now it was unbelievable. The message was just to believe in one God worship him along the day of judgment that fascinated me. What was it about Islam? That had you fascinated? And now you're living it here with purpose today?
Oh, so when I first learned about Islam, I learned about it in, you know, class and university. And I learned, I really learned about through the books of Muhammad Asad read his book, The message of the Quran, sorry, the road to Mecca. I read this translation of the Quranic message of the Quran. And so I really learned about it from a very,
I would say, sort of modernist and rationalist perspective. And that's not in any way criticism. But I mean, is that, you know, he has his own perspective on Islam and on the Koran. But I think that's for me, and I mean, to this day, I still, I believe this, but you know, I think like you it was about, you know, I taken a class on the Old Testament.
And I just said, this is a, I mean, this is a great book, it's obviously very interesting, but there's just no way I'm gonna believe this. I mean, as a religion, I mean, there's just no, this is so inauthentic, it's just so historically on non intact, how could I ever base my, my belief, I need something that is intact? I need it. I mean,
if you're gonna start asking questions about what a book means, at least you have to know the book is intact. So the first thing you know, is that the intact nature of the Quran
and then the fact that, you know, human beings are supposed to use their reason, they're not supposed to believe in things because they're irrational or believing things because they are, you know, outrageous.
You know, like Pascal said, and then you know, Blaise Pascal died 1662. And earlier, Santa St. Augustine died 1434 30 ad, you know, this idea that, I believe because it's absurd, I believe something because it's absurd. Sometimes we can believe things that are absurd. And that absurdity doesn't mean that they're untrue. That's fine. But you don't, I don't think you should believe things because they're absurd, right? So you, you should be led to believe by reason. And then once your, your belief is confirmed, or your belief is set, then you need to right recognize that just because certain let's say consequences, or certain things that might unfold from that may seem
absurd, that doesn't invalidate the original belief. But I don't think you believe in things because they're absurd. So I think that really kind of the, the historical antagonists of the crown and then the urge to use reason was really drew me towards this struck me as being a fundamentally human requirements for belief.
It reminds me of a lot of people. You mentioned the theology class or on the Bible. Many people quote Nietzsche is it He also took a theology class came out of it was like, this stuff doesn't make sense. And went towards
agnosticism or atheism. There's a quote that people they love to quote him, I think, is God is dead. And then there's two interpretations. I heard to this. It's possibly he meant it for him or the people around him, his his people at that time had gone away. Yeah, well, I think what he meant, I mean, obviously, Nietzsche is a very profound and sometimes unsystematic. Writer. But I think what he meant is that, I think the full quote is, you know, God is dead. I think we have we ourselves have killed him or something. I think if the original quote is a guy is talking about reading a newspaper, and the headline is, God is dead. This is we ourselves have killed him. I can't read the
exact context of the quote. But I think what he meant is that
European society in the late 1800s, had already moved beyond a belief, kind of a Christian belief in God, it was that that that that belief was, in effect, obsolete for that society, that that society had killed God and that.
You know, for Nietzsche, that wasn't necessarily
mean that's not in and of itself bad. It just means that people need to come to terms with the moral universe that they are created for themselves. And if you sort of, if you live in a post, if you don't really believe in God anymore, you continue to live in this world where you have God but you're not really living in
According to that, then there's this sort of internal contradiction and hypocrisy that is going to, there's this dissonance in your worldview that is going to
hobble you that is going to prevent you from moving forward. So he wanted to kind of super supersede that, that post that sort of early, postmodern, or late modern 19th century worldview. I think that so when he says, God is dead, I think what he's saying is that
modern and then post modern European and Western civilization,
yes, it killed its belief in God. And that's true. I mean, but you know, you don't, that doesn't mean that it just means that's the belief of a certain society, it doesn't make it true or true. Yeah, I have no doubt if he would have walked in, and took a theology class of the basics of this universal message of peace acquired by submission to the Creator, not the creation, he will, he would have learned of the pure monotheism of Islam, original goodness, you know, often make this example if you got a computer, and it was full of viruses, you instead,
to be happy with that. So the concept of us being born with a stigma attached to us, this doesn't make sense to the human being, nor worshipping a human being other than God, but when you talk about worshipping only the one who created Jesus, Moses, Abraham, not the sun, not the moon, nothing in creation, but the one who created creation, doing the best that you can be to be the utmost and righteous person. And then the concept of accountability, Day of Judgment, something about this pure message of Islam, it just resonates with the heart connects with the heart. And I believe that if people like him at his time, and people today, if they would give Islam a shot and sit back, humbly,
earnestly looking at it sincerely, that they would also recognize it as a truth. What are your thoughts?
I think that
Nietzsche would not be become Muslim if he learned about basic Islam. Come on. No, no, but I The reason I think that is if it was sincere. Now if he was sincere, and he and he, I think, I think that if you took Nietzsche as a child, yeah. Put him on the island. So he would be cute would be Mom, you probably know much more about people. I mean, by the time people are, let's say, they're millionaire, they're, they're teenagers, or their early 20s. I mean, they've already the lot of their background beliefs are very firmly set. And sometimes they can change those beliefs. But the power of custom and the power of convention mean, what's the people, the people who hear about the
message of Islam from the Prophet? What do they say, you know, we did not find our forefathers doing this. You know, why do Americans wear shoes in the house? It's ridiculous to wear shoes in the house. I mean, think about you walk outside, you step in dog poo, you walk into your house. But you know, you sometimes you watch people when they Americans, or they talk about, you know, Orientals taking their shoes off. It was oriental custom, it's actually a really intelligent thing to do. But people don't want to give up what they're used to. The power of custom, the power of culture is so strong, it's so strong. And
even if it's irrational, even if it's baseless. So, you know, when you look at Nietzsche's thought, I mean, I think he was so fundamentally believed in the, that it was human beings who create meaning, and that
human beings have to kind of rebel against the gods rebelled against the divine. And that's how they create meaning. Yeah, I think that he that was so stuck in his mind that I don't think that he could ever have believed believed in a religion that was about submission, because for him submission was fundamentally
if you're being tricked into submitting, if you're submitting, you're being tricked into submitting, and that so i think that i don't want to sit and talk about Nietzsche too much as one I'm not a Nietzsche specialist to those at the point of this discussion, but I mean, that I think that it would to make a maybe better point, which is that if someone believes its submission is in and of itself on acceptable, then you can never get them to submit. I mean, they'll no matter what you tell them they're submitted to, but what what about if somebody because we know there's hindrances obstacles to connecting with God, one is your desires, right? Another one can be imitation of
society, right? Another one, arrogance is a key, but if someone might have had a calamity in their life now they've been humbled for whatever reason, and they earnestly at that point, they realize you know what, I'm not truly self sufficient, and they truly like deep down inside they called upon God
alone. And they were like really trying to let's let's remove some of the obstacles, any person via an agnostic and atheist, whoever's out there, whatever, Professor no matter what, you know, class they come from, if that human being now sincerely wanted to know the truth, and within themselves at that moment, whatever, you know, we all have those moments, but like you You mentioned kids, you know, work everything, you know, clouds, the vision clouds, the mind, you're just, you know, trying to rise that ladder to the top of whatever our shallot, you know, wherever you're at. But if that person is being sincere with themselves with God,
would they find what they're looking for in Islam? And would God guide them? If they were sincerely asking because I asked many people, I say, look, have you ever thought about the purpose of life? Have you ever even asked the creator for guidance? And if they did that, wouldn't God have at his mercy guide them?
You get the question. Yeah, I do. I mean, I think God guides who? Whoever God wants to guide? Yes. That's, I mean, so I can't say that. God would always do this or do that. But I would say that, I think the most dominant, one of the most dominant features of the human being is it's the human power to forget, I mean, if you think about I mean, this is also the Doctor Who episode that talks about that. But I mean, the, the point is that, you know, you
How is it that you take a human being you, he, the human being is on an airplane, the airplane starts juggling about the person's calls out to God sincerely mukluks in La COVID Dean, and says, you know, please God, say, if I, if I'm saved from this, I'll believe and I'll search for the truth, I'll do whatever you ask me. And he's saved. And the person immediately just thinks, either doesn't think about ever again or says, Oh, well, the plane is gonna land anywhere, I was just, you know. So the point is that people forget, all the time they willingly forget, they willingly dismiss their experience. And that's one of the features that the Quran talks about. Human beings are forgetful,
they're always forgetting. And that forgetfulness is, you know, allows people to continue, even after they've had maybe proof of the truth or experience with the truth. And what I think sets apart people who who accept guidance is the ones who, who don't forget at least long enough to to accept the guidance that's given to them.
So again, some people will think it's always about reason and whether something sincere or something, but a lot of times, it's just people forget. Yeah, people always forget, that well reminds me when you look back, and you look at Oman, even a tablet in the long run, if you look at holiday that will lead if you look at through Mama, even without he was on his way to know that was almost he was he
was going to kill the Prophet peace be upon them. So imagine how much hate you have there for mama even without he was an enemy of the state. He also he was the leader of one of the tribes at that time, and he also had tried to kill the Prophet peace be upon him. And he has said I had never hated anyone as much as as I hated you. I had never hated a religion as much as you. He was a hater. He turned into a lover. So my point is, these people, they try to kill the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, but what they wants, can you imagine he's tied up in the mosque for Mama. He's hearing the Dow he's getting to hear the pure message of Islam. What's going through when people actually when
they clear these prejudices, these biases, and they get to sit sincerely and here the pure message because of what we have this fitrah right. So my point is, what are your thoughts on that when you know if because somebody now is a professor, God guides him to watch the deen Show. I'm trying to spread that message of hope for everybody you know, and give a shot a try because you're an academic. You gave it a shot a trot. You're here with us today on the deen show. I mean, I think that I would hope that people
you know, ask themselves, this is some the question that I asked myself when I learned about Islam, is it?
Do you? Are you looking for truth?
If you find the truth, will you follow it?
If you're not looking for truth, and who cares, whatever, go your way.
If you don't care, if you find the truth, you rather continue with what you're doing and don't want to bother yourself, okay, then fine.
But if you are looking for the truth, and if you will find it when you see it,
then be serious about that. You know,
follow that logically. Don't think about how much it's gonna hurt or how much
means you change your lifestyle or something like that. You know, follow the truth. If you want if you seek the truth and if you follow it where you find it then
do so and that's I think what you when you see that the Arabs, the time of the Prophet lays that Salaam, their their culture was this very I mean had a lot of problems but it was really a very
a direct culture people didn't cloud their decisions a lot. So, you know, if they believe something they did that they didn't believe something they didn't do it right I mean, you know, that's why people would come to the you see they come to the prophet and they would experience something and say, I believe you know, and then they would follow the Prophet so they you know, of course you had you know hypocrites and then people who later their belief altered, but I mean when you a lot of the Arabs in the town of the Prophet they make these decisions that are really you know, if I if someone convinces me something's true, I'm gonna follow them and then they do that. Yeah, they don't say
someone can shoot them and follow them then they're like, Yeah, but you know, I really have, you know, I need to go back home and cook dinner and stuff like that. So they're, they're very direct in their decisions, which is something that is admirable. A couple more questions. We're almost out of time. Someone is watching the Dean's show.
You know, they're connecting with you. You're a professor, you know, they're searching for meaning in life purpose in life, you know, they liked this message of, they've investigate a little bit more the worshipping the creator of the creation, the full system of Islam, helping you to develop to be the best human being possible. They hear a lot of derogatory things against Islam, they keep hearing this, I mean, radical Islam being thrown out there is there's no such thing as radical Islam. ISIS, you hear Donald Trump, you know, people having a certain agenda using Islam now to create fear and division and, and the person says, look, Dr. Jonathan Brown, why is all the chaos in the world
violence attributed to Islam? And they're scared of it? When I tell them, it's very simple. I mean, look, don't just because people say stuff a lot doesn't make it true. I mean, it's I know, that sounds obvious to say, but if you think about it, you know, people say stuff. So I mean, I remember one time I was on the airplane couple years ago, this guy gets on the airplane to the big beard. I got scared. I mean, you're like, you know, I mean, honestly,
when I got How can I? The point is that, you know, even if you know someone, people would it surrounds you constantly, it becomes like truth to you. And you have people have to know that they have to resist it. And just you have to just sit down, sit back and ask yourself, what's actually happening. Okay, if you actually look at the world, I mean, you know, this physicians for social responsibility did study about two years ago, about a year and a half ago, you know, many people have died since because of the war on terror. I think they're, I think it was 15 million people. I mean, since not since 911, if I hope I'm quoting this correctly, physicians for social
responsibility, you can find the report online, if I'm wrong, somebody correct me, I'm just off top my head, about 15 million people died since I mean, the,
you know, every day like on dowry killings in India, every year in Delhi, or in India, there's like some five years five to 7000 women are killed in dowry killings, in bite in Hindu Indians. No one even knows about that. In the United States. All they hear about honor killings. They're more honored. There's more honor killings in one, you know, in one day in Delhi, amongst Hindus, then are all the Muslims, you I challenge you to find out data on honor killing and Muslim countries in one day in Delhi, there's probably more dowry killings
than in the Muslim population in the world, in that timeframe. So
what my point is that people
they don't they hear so much about Muslims of violence, ISIS and all this stuff. You look at the number of people ISIS, I don't like ISIS, okay. I don't support ISIS.
There's lots of things they do that are absolutely unacceptable. But if you look at the number of people that say that the Egyptian Government now has in prison, number of people that the Egyptian Government killed since the coup 2013. I mean, you're talking about 1000s and 1000s of civilians, you know, maybe dozens of 1000s of people in prison, are wrongly being tortured and raped in prison. When is, you know, what, what's the difference between that and ISIS? Really, I mean, you know, you're talking about governments or organizations that kill 1000s of innocent people in prison or torture 1000s of innocent people. But no one thinks about, here's how bad ice is they don't think
about other things that so they are convinced that somehow Islam leads to these evils. But there's exactly the same number of evils or amount of evil being done by something that's absolutely on. It's not justified by Islam at all. We're not even attempting to justify itself. So I think this is, you know, ISIS exists because the United States invaded Iraq, and destroyed all the institutions by country and left it a complete mess. That's That's a fact. Okay.
ISIS doesn't
exists because of Islam because Islam was in Iraq before 2003. And there was no Sunni extremist. There was no Sunni terrorism, there is no ages before 2003 This result is emerged in Iraq at because of the United States invasion. That's what causes Islam didn't cause ISIS. But if you look at the US media, it's obsessed with getting people to talk about Islam, the cause of ISIS, ISIS because of Islam. Why does it do that? Because the function of media and government is to prevent people from actually, in this case, prevent them from actually reflecting on the actual causes of this phenomenon, which is United States, unjust warmongering. Because if people sat there and said, Wait
a second, we got talking invade this country, it was a total disaster. Now we have this ISIS business, then they might say, Hmm, maybe we shouldn't go and invade countries the next time we're asked by our government to support a war.
That's not what the kind of power elite or the military media industrial complex wants, they don't want people thinking like that. So they have to sit and place the focus on some other cause it was because of Islam. They don't want Americans actually thinking about really caused this thing. So when I when I, when I tell you, you know, Muslims or even non Muslims about this is, don't be bamboozled. By what you see on TV is very simple. I mean, it No, it's obvious, but just because people say stuff a lot on TV doesn't make it true. And you have to practice. I mean, you really have to practice on my you know, I know, my wife's gonna get super angry at me for saying this. But like,
for example, if you believe that people are guilty until proven innocent, you really have to stick to that. I mean, and he has a parent. So for example, Bill Cosby.
I don't know what Bill Cosby did. He may have raped all these women. And if you did, that's terrible. But the bottom line is, he's not been proven guilty, yet. The guy has to have a trial. So it is tempting it is to just sit there and say, Oh, he's guilty of all these things. No, if you believe that people are guilty until proven innocent, you have to hold that belief. And say, even if you despise somebody, even if you despise with your accuser, even if you think they're almost certainly guilty, you have to say this person is not guilty until they've been proven. So in a court of law, because this is what this is how the media function functions to make us forget the
processes that we have in place to prevent us from acting on emotion, like, due process, like
the presumption of innocence, these things are so important to keep in mind. Last question, tell me, for the person. Now, a lot of times, I mean, it's very clear anyone who reads a verse before and after, you know, for instance, in the crowd have a written Word of God, God Almighty is saying chapter five, verse 32, whoever kills, you know, one innocent being, as if you kill the world, saving one innocent life as you save the world. And so many teachings of mercy and compassion, the one who is the Prophet, peace be upon him said the one who's not merciful to God's creation, God won't be merciful to them. And this is for all of mankind. But now you have many haters out there,
who when you go ahead, and you try to illustrate and show, you know, the mercy of Islam, what do you say you've actually written a book called misquoting Mohammed, they will attack and they'll say, you know, what kind of Prophet was they call them a *? They'll quote different verses from from the Quran and violence and whatnot. Too many points to cover, but there's so many misconceptions we know there's no honor killing Islam. There's no forced marriages. All of these things are just hogwash. baloney, phony, whatever, mumbo jumbo. But what advice do you get from someone who's been affected? They've been affected by the false media hype and also people you know of hate throwing
one verse out there and now they're like, bewildered. Oh, you guys are just sugarcoating it.
You cover a lot of these things in your book, which is cool. Yeah, I would say read my book on misquoting Mohammed. I wrote the book one of the reasons I wrote the book Yeah. But But what do you in a nutshell for somebody now? Maybe they don't have time they don't they don't have time to go and purchase the book. What advice do you give this person they like? The message appeared Montrose theism. You know, they like the message that Islam and say that you have to keep in mind that the world is a human The world is a bigger place than urban America. Okay, the world is bigger place than Daily Show audience. I mean, what I mean is there there are things in the world that you think
are you are going to think are weird, and that you're not going to like and that doesn't mean that those things aren't inherently wrong. It just means that they're, you're not used to them, like
people in some parts that will eat dog meat. Americans think eating dog meat is absolutely disgusting.
I mean, you know, Americans, if you've served them dog, they're gonna get physically sick.
Like, this is unnatural to eat this. But then there's all people in the world who eat dog meat, they love it. So you're you feeling something is revolting doesn't mean anything. It just means you think something is real. Like you've been taught to think this is revolting. There's no proof of anything. That's what I would say to people. Just don't
Don't just simply dismiss something because it seems weird to you all the time. You have to look into it. Is there? Is there really a reason that this is wrong that I should reject this? Or is it just my my preconceptions? The way? I'm used to looking at the world misquoting Mohammed? Yes. Where can they get the book?
the bookstore? No, I mean, I don't know places you get books. You guys know where to get books. amazon.com. So someone wants to get a little more detailed and really, you know, academic really are just someone who wants to watch answers to some of these more. Yeah, I mean, wants to investigate. misquoting Mohammed. Yes. God bless you. Peace be with you. We started with with Pinot Noir. Thank you.
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