Daood Butt – The Muslim DNA 01

Daood Butt
AI: Summary © The importance of taqwa, a guidance from Allah Subhana, is discussed, as it provides a way out for unhappiness and provision from where one is now. It is also crucial to protect oneself from evil behavior and avoid harms' behavior. The importance of sh matter and sh matter in shaping oneself is also emphasized, along with the need for forgiveness and a stronger life. The recitation of the Prophet's statement is also discussed, as it is a gauge for salvation and a way to celebrate the beginning of the new Islamic year. The importance of confidence in one's life is emphasized, and advice on making it easy for others to understand is given.
AI: Transcript ©
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Benefits of taqwa First of all, all of these are based on proofs from the Quran. Okay, so I'm just going to read through very quickly I'm going to give you a few examples. From the benefits of taqwa guidance. Okay, guidance for the McDuck moon, the people who have Taqwa Allah Subhana Allah guides them. So the more we try to build ourselves in a relationship with Allah Subhana Allah the easier it becomes. Because Allah naturally will pull us down that road. Okay? Help truly allows with the people who have Taqwa. So the help of Allah subhana wa tada comes when we are near to Allah, and you'll notice people, as soon as they're afflicted with something difficult in their lives, now they

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turn to a law. Where were we further, you know, the past 1015 2030 4050 years of our lives, we didn't reach out to Allah subhana wa tada and now we're reaching out to him. And the problem with that is, there's nothing wrong with reaching out to Allah subhana wa Tada. But the problem is, that we expect an immediate response and solution from Allah Subhana Allah when we do turn to Him, how can we expect that and you know, you look at some of the examples of the pastor was talking to one of the brothers before and mentioning a YouTube Allah has sent him 80 years of his life he was going through hardship, seven years sorry, going through ease and contentment, right 80 years he had

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wealth he had family had property. He had you know, health he had a family had everything that he wanted. For seven years though he struggled for seven years. He went through hardship and his wife question him, you're a prophet Can't you ask Allah for help?

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But he felt ashamed. After eight years of being given everything and now only seven years of struggling, how can I expect a lot to come to my assistance in such a short time,

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but a lot can but he felt ashamed to do that. Yet Allah subhanho wa Taala noticed that and recognized it within him and granted him ease, close friendship with Allah Subhana which Allah has developed, right just like Ibrahim Allah has sent him He is known as Anita law.

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We develop love covering over our wrong action so our sins get concealed, for example,

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from the benefits of taqwa is that it provides a way out for unhappiness and provision from prison provisions from where one does not expect one man yet tequila Hydra Allahu Maharajah will resume in high school a massive loss of Hannah with Anna says whoever has taqwa in him, he provides for them an escape route from something difficult in their lives. So you can imagine if there's an emergency inside of this room right now, where do we go?

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We go through the exit it says exit on the door, right? We leave. And you'll notice in some countries, the exit sign is actually a man like this running and there's a flame or flames of fire behind them. And that's exactly what taqwa is. In the sense that Allah Subhana Allah says will not yet law whoever has taqwa in Allah subhanho wa Taala Yeah, Jana who Maharajah Allah will grant for that person a massage and escape from what from the fire.

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And that I love when I see that sign. It's just a men running or a person running because you can't really tell the gender person running and there's flames behind them. They're running away from the fire showing us that if there is an emergency within this room, we leave, but a lot doesn't stop there. He says way out zoku Minh highschooler Yeah, that's it, once you leave the emergency or the problem or the difficulty in your life. On the other side, Allah Subhana which Allah continues to provide for us from places that we can't even imagine. That's Allah subhana wa Tada. That's when he loves us. That's when he wants so much goodness for us that he takes us away from hardship and

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continues to give us more and more in return. Right.

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We move on to the next page in sha Allah who to Allah taqwa also grants us an entrance into Jenna as Allah Subhana which Allah mentions in the Quran truly there are for the people of taqwa with their Lord gardens of bliss and salvation. It saves us from the fire like we just mentioned in the example

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Number two that which awakens taqwa. So someone is wondering now how can I activate my taqwa? How can I activate my consciousness of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Every time I go to do something that I know is wrong, I'm not reminded of a law. How do I set that alarm to wake me up in the moment that I'm about to do or commit a sin? Here's what we do. That which awakens taqwa fear of punishment in the next life, first of all, understand the verses of Allah Subhana. Allah in the Quran, where he talks about the severity of the punishments for those who disobey Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, sorry.

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Secondly, fear of a punishment in this life. We all know that when we disobey Allah subhana wa Tada, sometimes things don't go so well.

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And that can be because of our actions, that we were not obedient to Allah subhanho wa Taala previously, so now things are becoming difficult. So be conscious and aware of that, and know that there could be a punishment and consequences in this life. Three, hope of worldly rewards, hope to get something in return from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now, hope for reward in the hereafter. So I'm going to get something great in the hereafter. Fear of reckoning, I am scared to actually give account to Allah subhana wa tada about this. Now, imagine if I was to send a random person up right now and tell them hear take the microphone, tell us of the most major sin that you've recently

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Would any of us be free and willing to actually do that? No. Right? I'm not giving you the opportunity to agree to do it. None of us would, we wouldn't want to we wouldn't, we wouldn't. We would feel shy and scared and embarrassed. And we'd probably run out of the room before we actually started to speak about the sin that we committed. That was a major sin very recently, or the last thing that we can remember. Because we all know that we forget our sins very, very easily. And we always remember all the good things that we do in our lives, right. As opposed to someone who's going through a rough marriage. They remember all the bad things that's gone on in their marriage.

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And it's only after a divorce when they remember all the good times that they had. Right? That's typically the trend. When things are easy in our life. We forget about the opposite. Okay.

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showing gratitude for his blessings by obeying Him. Number eight knowledge because of his words and so on. We move on to the bottom of the page degrees of taqwa the different degrees or levels of taqwa,

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the slave or the worshipper of Allah subhanho wa Taala should protect himself or herself from Cofer, covering over the truth. And that is the station of Islam.

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So believing submitting to you should protect himself from acts of disobedience and forbidden things and it is the station of turning to Allah or repenting Toba. Okay, so that's another level of taqwa. Number three, he should protect himself from doubtful matters. And that is the station of caution or carefulness. Water. Okay, being cautious, being careful, protecting one's own self. Number four, he should protect himself from even those things that are permitted. And that is the station of doing without, and that is zote protecting ourselves from the things that are permitted. Now, that does not mean that you need to have patches on your knees.

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As opposed to what a lot of people think, oh, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was someone that was a hit. So we need to have patches on our knees and our pants and our clothing. We need to live extremely poor. No.

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being someone who is ahead Xu hood is I could buy an afford the new iPhone x.

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But I don't need it.

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I don't need it.

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I want it. Yeah, but I don't need it. So I can control myself against it. I can buy a brand new BMW, but I already have one. I'm not saying I do. Right. And I don't use iPhones. So I think I'm talking about me, like, well, Marshall like Canadian, he's super rich now. Right? I drive a 16 year old Toyota.

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So the things that we want to have in our lives and can afford it. We choose not to have for the sake of not just giving into our desires all the time. This is an important aspect of the life of a human being even more particularly the young adults today. Because young adults have such a hard hard time controlling themselves from buying or giving in to the things that they just want.

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And that's so true. You ask anyone who's older, you know at your time when you want

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Did something and your parents could afford it? Would you get it? No. Why? Because it meant we would have to jeopardize education as well or meant we would have to jeopardize a meal or we'd have to jeopardize something else. Right. So they understand struggle, and they know what struggle is. Whereas the younger generation, and I don't know if it's so common here in South Africa, but in Canada, so panela, many of our young adults going to university don't know how to do the simplest things in life, because it's always being done for them.

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Breakfast, laundry, right packing a lunch to go to school. They don't even bring lunch anymore, they just swipe their parents credit cards and just pay for their food, right? Anything that a university student needs, a lot of the time the parents are just giving it to them. So they don't know. And they've never known what struggle really is. It was really interesting hearing chef datasheets before how he didn't even know what Islam was. But he just jumped on this bus and went off to madrasa and lived his life as a Muslim. Right? how Allah subhanho wa Taala takes someone and changes them in the process.

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So we need to understand that the things that we might want, and I say this because I know in South Africa, there are a lots of people who have and have things that technically they don't need. And in fact, they probably don't even enjoy. I've been to people's homes in South Africa, I've been here so many times now.

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I can't even count Subhanallah how many times I've been to South Africa now. And the amount of times that I've gone to people's homes, invites etc. And they're entitled to their wealth, they're entitled to enjoyment. There's nothing wrong with that islamically.

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But if a person wants to sacrifice more for Allah, and use that wealth somewhere else, that's better.

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That's better they can they can use it and enjoy it because the Lord gave it to them, they have it, but they could do something better with it.

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And that's important for us to understand, okay. And the fifth level is the level of Mashallah Haida where a person should protect himself or herself from the presence of other than Allah Subhana Wits Anna in our heart. And it is the presence of witness, which is Michelle header. So I know that for example, someone goes to pray, right, I was going to use myself but I don't want to someone goes to pray their prayer. And as they're going, they know very well that they usually don't pray.

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But because they're at another culture course, and they came because there's, you know, that sister who they're interested in that as a prospect for marriage, and she's gonna tell her parents Oh, you know what, Baba, he was there. He's learning Islam, he's pious. So he goes in praise because everyone else is going to pray. Not because he normally prays only because everyone else is going to do it.

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That's where a person needs to understand. Allah knows what you're doing in your personal life, what you're doing in your public life, where people can't even see through your skin. So that level of mu Shahada where Allah subhanho wa Taala knows and is aware, okay, five ways of gaining or increasing taqwa. Hey, I'll give you these really quickly. They're just part of my notes. So you can just write them in inshallah, five ways of gaining or increasing taqwa.

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Number one, worship along without others knowing.

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So we always try and say conceal our sins, conceal your good deeds as well. Worship along without others knowing in the middle of the night, early in the morning throughout the day, no one knows what you're doing. conceal your good deeds, keep that between you and Allah number two, random acts of kindness. For example, pay it forward. You go to a restaurant you go to a store, you're buying something small you see someone else's buying something as well pay the cashier for what the person behind you in line is going to buy as well. Right pay it forward, do a good act and leave. Okay. In Canada, we have a lot of drive throughs so what I tell our Muslims do you have drive throughs here.

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Yeah, drive thru like at a restaurant for example. You go and you pick up your food and leave or a coffee shop, you just drive through pick up your coffee and go you have them. I haven't really seen them much here but I haven't really been shopping much here either. So I always tell people you know what you're in the drive thru pay for the order behind you because as soon as you drive off, that person doesn't have the opportunity to come and give you the money or you know, question you why you did it. So you planted a nice seed of character in that person's heart and mind where they feel you know what I need to do something good to you did something nice for them. They

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Do the need and want to do something nice for someone else. Number three, pray when others are asleep. You want to increase your taqwa when other people are nice and comfy and cozy in their beds, especially the past few months, right in South Africa was winter. So everyone was cozy underneath all these thick heavy blankets, right? Because you don't have central heating like we do in Canada. We heat our houses so much you take the blankets off my kids don't sleep with a blanket summer or winter, no blanket, right? And it's minus 40 degrees outside but inside the house, nice cool, comfortable temperature, right?

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We have central heating, otherwise, everything would freeze our pipes would freeze the toilets would burst all the water would go everywhere because it's cold. So panela so in the middle of the night when no one knows, get up and pray. Number four, remember a lot Invicta often do Vicar regularly you're walking just to so far, so much so that it's a habit you don't even know you're doing but you're doing it. So you consciously start yourself. It's like lighting a barbecue, there's a pilot light.

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You get yourself going you flicker that thing it lights the barbecue on us. You're about to go for a walk this Mila you start reciting some of the Quran you walk and you're reciting the Quran you don't even know you're doing it, but you're doing it. Okay. Number five.

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Hurry up to fulfill the greater acts of Islam. So if you have the ability to go for Hajj, for example, go

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if you have not been paying your car, start paying it. So the greater acts of Islam, do them, fulfill them and make sure that you're maintaining those.

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We ask Allah Subhana which Allah to make it easy for us to increase in our taqwa. I mean

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we move on the self.

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External struggle. Where are we? There we are.

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Well, Annika lessons from sorta Ibrahim. Now Allah Subhana. Allah says in verse number 12, for example,

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on monarca test Judah in a modern talk, Allah.

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Allah petani mean.

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This is the story of Adam alayhis salam and Hawa and it lease and how they reached out, Adam took the fruit, shared it with how they ate from the tree. And Allah subhanho wa Taala had warned them not to do that.

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And here Allah subhanho wa Taala Anna shows us in verse number 12

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Allah says what prevented you from prostrating when they commanded you to he's telling this to a police.

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Merman aka alert us to the amount of took on a higher woman. I am better than him. arrogance, right. This is a struggle that we deal with on the outside. We deal with arrogance.

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I think some of you need to be woken up.

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Usually for rochet wakes people up

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especially when it hits them in the face.

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Hopefully doesn't though.

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You'll get one just because I feel like giving you one you're not you're not tired or sleepy. I haven't seen you tired or sleepy but I just I just feel like you. You should get one.

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Stand here all the time. And I just feel this presence here under law, always keeping that seat warm, um, the law.

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Okay, so we see here how Allah subhanho wa Taala is questioning a police shape on color for the man Fabiola of Hawaii 10 Isla groden ella home serata Kilmister. Team, he refuses to bow down to Adam alayhis salam, when Allah commands him and the angels to do so. And he says I am better than Adam.

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You created him from mud from clay.

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And what was at least made of fire? As a human being? Do we just put our hands over the fire? No, we go near it to warm up, but we don't actually touch it. It's too hot. It burns, right. So that's an example of how it bleeds himself thinks you know what, I'm better than this human being much better. He's made out of clay and soil and dirt. Why should I bow down to him? Why should I listen to you? That arrogance, that shape on displays Allah subhanho wa Taala says you're going to be cursed for the rest of time. But he asks to be let go to be let off. Don't punish me now. Punish me later from the Day of Judgment onwards and ultimately

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Pan which Allah grants that to him

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in verse number 20 but what's what's on a woman's shape on when you have a dnn?

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Seven team work on a man

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beaucoup de Sha Giada de la in

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takuna monokini o takuna Amina hon Ed and now he please comes to Adam and what you need to eat from this tree. If you eat from it, you're going to be from the angels you will transform into an angel and you're going to live forever, if any one of us was told that we would want to eat from that tree as well. Right?

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Right. Good.

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So we would want to eat from that tree. They were warned about it, but now shavon is whispering to them working on them trying to make sure that they're distracted from the alkota course.

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That's what too much food does to you. Right?

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So Allah subhana wa tada shows us then afterwards on our banner

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for Santa Ynez, tofi Nana

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Nana coonan Amina flossing. They call out to Allah subhana wa tada after making that mistake and taking from the fruit and being removed from Jenna removed from Paradise. They call out to Allah subhanho wa Taala Rob vollum and fusina what ilam tofield Lana, whatever Hannah, Lana coonan amino caecilian Oh our Lord, we have wronged ourselves. You notice that? There's arrogance there and these lessons for us the arrogance is not with them. But the lesson for us is that at times when we do feel as though we are arrogant or we feel as though we are challenging the command of Allah Subhana Allah, there's still hope. What is the hope? Turning back to Allah subhanho wa Taala repenting

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asking Allah Subhana which Allah for forgiveness, right? forgiveness from what?

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forgiveness from what?

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From eating too much. Oh, some have a little

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awesome handle that you have a baby.

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So you get another one as a mercy from me. And a third one is another mercy from me.

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And another one is a mercy from me because the prophets in the long run as salaam said your mother, your mother, your mother.

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And that one could be for the Father. That that miskeen when they're sorry. And it sees the baby. She's still sleeping though.

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This is this is a lesson never throw anything in a course when students are falling asleep. But she wasn't falling asleep. She was looking after her babies of Hannah law.

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Like Like we say in South Africa.

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no, no, no. You see, make me more off, right?

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That's like fully submitting like, not don't just forgive me like make me forgiveness. I need it so planula caught us. So Allah Subhana Allah teaches us that lesson there. When we are dealing with people in the outside world, a lot of the time we need to focus again on ourselves. Turn back to Allah subhanho wa Tada. Now, one of the biggest problems in society is shaitan resisting shape on how do I resist shape on what things do I need to do in my life in order to push shape on away from me and my family?

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First of all, we should not give into shaytans whispers and we know that but it's too easy to say, you know what, I'm just not gonna listen to shake on. Someone comes and says, You know, I have a problem. I always do what I know I'm not supposed to do. And so the Imam says, then don't do it.

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And you're looking at the mom like, Yeah, I know. I'm not supposed to do it, but I always end up doing it. What should I do? And the moms like, Don't think of doing it. Yeah, it's like those are not solutions. So we're gonna look at a few things inshallah. Tada. First of all, shaitan likes to attack us from four different ways or four different methods. Okay.

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The heart,

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the knifes

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The article and our desires, okay, so these four things we need to really look at and pay attention to in our lives, I could be affected from shaitan through my heart

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and we all know that that can affect us very easily. The lower self, right the knifes our ego, pride, jealousy, etc. Okay? The aka stealing cheating thinking I can be better than others, right? Thinking of the ability that you know I can influence someone I'm right, you're wrong, etc. And fourthly, power which is giving into our desires, the things that we want and those can actually apply to different areas as well. Okay, that sort of intertwined in themselves. Concerning this.

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Actually, we're gonna skip that part.

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We move to the verse, verses are surah Allah subhanho wa Taala says, well, Ruth will have been us money can nurse Illa hin us mincha bill was was on us and lead us with Sophie Salinas, mineralogy, nutty oneness. Do you think a lot doesn't know that shaitan is whispering to you?

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Of course he knows. Allah tells us in the Quran that shade on is going to whisper to you, what do you do? Well,

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there have been us, so Ooo, Billahi min ash shaytani r rajim. I seek refuge in Allah, I'm asking a lot for help and assistance. What do you do before you go to bed?

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What do you do before you go to bed as a Muslim?

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Right, we recite more are with the Colorado bureau bill Falak Well, I was a bit of Finance. Sort of last, we prepare ourselves for sleep, we recite Surah 230 we say that we make will do we lay on our right side, right? We blow on our hands, rub it on us. panelo there's certain things that we can do to protect ourselves from shape on a lot of the time we ask ourselves, you know, shame Thanos comes in whispers to me, I always do things because shavon you know, he's just affecting me. But what are we doing to prevent shape on from getting to me?

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And this is important for our children. And I'll give you this solely because I'm still really upset. For the for Russia, right? Is the baby still asleep? Okay, good. What do you do when the baby goes to sleep?

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No, not.

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Not after the baby's sleeping. How do you prepare your baby for sleep?

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Also, panela baby just woke up.

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That's good. This is good. Now what you have to do is the next time you put the baby to sleep, you need to make sure that you follow through all the different things we mentioned. So for the baby, you are going to recite sorta till fat you have for example, you're going to recite soda to class when I was a bit a bit, fella. I was a bit of goodness. You're going to recite the DA Allahumma bismi camuto. Right You can you can even recite upon the child, are you boo ki bikini mountain la hitam equally shavon in Warhammer woman, Colleen llama and blow on the child. Make that a habit from now Do you have any other children?

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Is this your first child or no? Make it a habit from now. And you'll see that this child will make that habit a part of their life.

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As this child grows, when she's about to go to sleep, she will recite these to herself. And you would have never had to say Okay, sit down. Here's a book we have to do this you have to learn that it became a natural habit in her life. Why? Because you did it for her. And that's an example for every single one of us. We don't do that enough with our children, because we don't do it enough with us.

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We don't care when we go to sleep to just, you know, do anything more than jump on the bed and knockout because we're super tired, right? You get home it's late at night. You just want to knock out.

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But what's important is that we remember to remember a lot because in the middle of the night is when shavon loves to get to us.

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Because one of the most important prayers is the first thing in the morning.

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And that blanket is heavy. But not if we ask Allah subhana wa attallah for help to push the blanket away and seek refuge in Allah from shavon. Okay, we move on.

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Page Number 28 is no tinium Rahim Allah says there's nothing that Allah has enjoined except that shape on has ways of dealing with it either by inclining people towards falling short and being negligent or being excessive and to exaggerate. He does not care which of these two mistakes a person makes. He may come to a person's heart and if he

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finds that he is lazy, negligent for concessions. Then he goes along with that.

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Very easy, very simple, very straightforward. Okay, on the next page

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continues if one of them washes his hands and face three times shape on tells him that he should wash seven times. If he performs whoo for every prayer the shape on tells him that he should perform with listen for it, and other kinds of exaggeration and excess shape and tries to get to us by making us feel we are not doing enough. We need to do more.

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You did Whoo. But there was something wrong in your room, or you prayed your son, No, you didn't pray your son, or you know, you know, you read Quran but you didn't read Quran because your heart wasn't there. So you go and you read it again. So shaytaan messes with us that way, by making us frustrated doing the actions that are pleasing to Allah subhana wa Tada. Does that make sense to you? Good. Also, he says Satan's aim in both cases is to steer both of them away from the straight path. One by not letting him approach it or come anywhere near it and the other by making him go too far and overstep the mark. So sometimes shaitan makes us feel no point and other times it's like, oh

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man too much can't do it. What's the point? Okay. Remember in civil law, the status of this is important.

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Dora is a means or do I itself I should say means to remember. I will stand in front of a law on the Day of Judgment.

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Okay, remember, I will stand in front of a law on the Day of Judgment. Whoo, I will Okay, let me ask Allah for forgiveness, right. So when we make dua we're remembering there will be a time when I stand before Allah subhanho wa Taala if I don't ask for forgiveness, now, I may have to answer why I did certain things. Okay.

00:32:04 --> 00:32:31

Do I itself is worship. We know that we don't want to spend too much time on it. Vicar is done by the hearts. Okay, the code or remembrance of Allah subhanaw taala is done by the heart, the body and the tongue. So we need to say the remembrance of Allah subhana wa Tada. We need to act, the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala at times, okay, who can give us examples?

00:32:34 --> 00:32:40

Who can give us examples of remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala where we need to use our bodies physically We have to do something.

00:32:41 --> 00:32:43

So now very good. What else?

00:32:45 --> 00:32:47

giving charity good.

00:32:48 --> 00:32:53

reciting for an which is using the tongue Yeah, that's one part good. What else? Hey.

00:32:56 --> 00:32:57

What do you say

00:32:59 --> 00:33:17

are burning? Yes, very good. Do you have to actually do an action hedge as well? You need to go and do something right. So those are all examples of vicco by using remembrance of Allah Subhana Medina by using not only our tongues but also our body as well as our hearts.

00:33:18 --> 00:33:32

The word decode means remembrance and in the Islamic context, it is used in the sense of remembrance of Allah subhana wa tada as Allah mentions, yeah, you and Athena Amano Koto la COVID con Cafiero remember Allah subhanho wa Taala a lot.

00:33:33 --> 00:33:37

What do you say when you are hurt or something happens suddenly?

00:33:40 --> 00:33:42

When something suddenly happens to you, what do you say?

00:33:44 --> 00:33:47

Is that a word that has four letters and starts with an F

00:33:51 --> 00:33:55

or word that has four letters and starts with an S? Right?

00:33:58 --> 00:34:12

know, when something suddenly happens to us, remembrance of Allah should come out of our mouths. If it doesn't, that means we are not doing enough Vicar. That is your gauge. So you could ask someone

00:34:14 --> 00:34:16

to throw forever say back at you.

00:34:17 --> 00:34:20

I feel really bad. I have to ask Allah subhana wa tada for forgiveness in this one

00:34:22 --> 00:34:26

and see what you say. Or you ask someone next to you.

00:34:28 --> 00:34:31

Don't do this. Okay. So randomly punch you

00:34:33 --> 00:34:34

when you least expect it.

00:34:36 --> 00:34:50

I actually do this with our youth. Sometimes what I do with our I run like a youth program. We call it Friday night Hangouts. And I asked the youth to randomly test their friend. So I'll tell a couple of them. You know, just step on your friend's foot really hard.

00:34:52 --> 00:34:59

Right? Just just test them see what's going on. Right. And when they least expected 567 810 minutes later. 20 minutes later. They're just

00:35:00 --> 00:35:01

stomp on their foot.

00:35:02 --> 00:35:04

And when you hear something come out of their mouth, they're like,

00:35:08 --> 00:35:09

more thicker as needed.

00:35:12 --> 00:35:21

But that's important because it's a gauge. It's a gauge that we use for ourselves to teach us that we need to be more connected with Allah subhanho wa Taala. Okay.

00:35:35 --> 00:36:16

We could look at many other examples and I don't want to spend too much time on it but like, you know, the test be after Sala reciting ayatul kursi for example, all of these have been prescribed upon us. The significance of Vicar love remembers the one who remembers him as we saw earlier. First Karuna of Kodachrome. Allah subhanho wa Taala remembers a person who remembers them, that is a means of blessing and rewards. So a person gets rewarded when they do the code, we know that the code is vital toward our salvation. And we mentioned examples of this before Alhamdulillah what is the manner or method of performing or fulfilling the obligation to do the code page number 32.

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There are many prescribed ways of decoda that are acceptable and praiseworthy in our religion, it is important to remember that the code must be done in these prescribed ways as a law tells us

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and celebrate His praises as he has directed you.

00:36:35 --> 00:36:41

Now, one thing that's really interesting in these past few days, first of mohalla, right.

00:36:42 --> 00:37:05

And I remember last year, on the first of Mojave, almost every single Imam spoke about the beginning of the newest lambic year, and what to do at the beginning of the new Islamic year, and some resolutions to take at the beginning of the Islamic year. And a lot of the congregants in the masajid in Canada and Toronto where I live, they were like, you know, we never really heard so many imams talk,

00:37:06 --> 00:37:17

you know, throughout the duration of an entire clip, but about doing so many of these things, you know, celebrating the beginning of the Islamic New Year, it seems very new.

00:37:18 --> 00:37:19

And that is kind of true.

00:37:21 --> 00:37:41

What I mean by that is that many people have now resorted to doing things in the Islamic New Year or for the Islamic New Year, like the non Muslims will do for the regular New Year, right like January 1, so they'll have resolutions this year. I'm going to do this and I'm going to do that and so on and so forth. Where did that come from?

00:37:42 --> 00:37:52

We should be doing the remembrance of Allah in the methods shown to us by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam or commanded to us by Allah subhanho wa Taala.

00:37:55 --> 00:38:17

And no doubt the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam teaches us or as we learned in the Quran, the court of law has the crown cafe remember Allah subhanho wa Taala a lot, but remembering him a lot doesn't mean that a person does something that goes against the Sharia. Okay, so Vicar of Allah subhana wa Jalla is to be done as Allah has shown us or directed or instructed us to do so.

00:38:18 --> 00:38:42

The Quran itself is thicker, reciting the Quran, listening to the Quran, right appreciating the recitation of the Quran. Many people nowadays just listen to the Quran and say oh Mashallah, and I absolutely can't stand that when people come after Salah or something in the like Mashallah. subotica law, you know, that imams recitation was so nice and it's like, Okay, what sort of did he recite?

00:38:44 --> 00:38:45

Like, I don't know.

00:38:46 --> 00:38:53

What do you mean you don't know? What's what I did that Imam who recited so beautifully in Salah that you admired so much what's what I was reciting?

00:38:55 --> 00:39:00

I don't know. I'm sorry, brother. I'm not a half of the vocal and he was reciting Porter who Allahu Ahad.

00:39:03 --> 00:39:25

You know, or sort of told Fatiha there was a beautiful sutra that he recited, but we didn't even pay attention that that was sort of the Fatiha. So we're so distracted nowadays, many people rush like, I remember I was in another country once and there was one of the Imams of the home that was visiting. And everyone rushed to the masjid in that city to go and pray behind the Imam of the huddle.

00:39:26 --> 00:39:31

And I remember I was teaching a class afterwards and asked the students like so which sorta did he recite

00:39:32 --> 00:39:33

and they're like

00:39:35 --> 00:40:00

oh my show last year you know from the bottom came like know what surah DD recite. You know, you guys are so hooked on you prayed behind the huddle, the Imam of the huddle and that's what it was. Everyone had their phone and everyone was just you know, messaging the world like Oh shit, you know, so and so is here and they were taking pictures throughout it. So everyone after Salah, right, had recorded it so people were and even at the beginning of the sauna and the first thing I've got people doing

00:40:00 --> 00:40:06

Want to start selling out right away? The beginning of Salah half the congregants were praying and the other half were like this.

00:40:07 --> 00:40:15

Standing in the rows and the mustard is full. There's recording, you know, and then the Imam gets near the end of the first knock on

00:40:17 --> 00:40:31

Subhana Allah, do we actually care that the Quran is being recited, there's a message in the recitation of the Imam that he's trying to simply deliver by reciting it to us in Salah.

00:40:32 --> 00:40:42

And, in fact, it was such a powerful reminder that he based his entire lecture after prayer on the verses he recited in salata, lorisha

00:40:44 --> 00:40:47

his entire lecture was based on the verses he recited,

00:40:48 --> 00:41:06

and most people didn't even know he recited it in the prayer. Right? You know why we know that they didn't know. Because after the lecture, someone asked the question, she can you recite the verses that you used in your Hanukkah, in your lecture, recite it nicely, like you recite in prayer.

00:41:07 --> 00:41:16

And we were like, Oh, he just did that somehow a lot. This was a few years back. And this was, you know, we were in Malaysia at the time. So Panama.

00:41:17 --> 00:41:37

On the next page, page 33 other prophetic words of remembrance. So things that we can say to remember Allah subhana wa Tada, we say Subhana Allah Al hamdu, lillah Allahu Akbar istockphoto La, La, La La La La quwata illa Billah. If someone is going through hardship, difficulty comes to them. And usually this only happens when there's a death, right? What do we say?

00:41:38 --> 00:42:15

So you Everyone knows in alila here in LA, hey, Roger your own. But if your lunch was cold, and you wanted it to be hot, you could have said in alila, who I nearly had it on as well, because that was a masiva that was a problem for you. For some people, that's fine for other people is a problem. If it's too hot up there in the air conditioning is not on in that Illa here in LA Rajon, right. If you're disappointed with your instructor in that Illa you are in LA Raja own. Those are all things that we need to do we remember a lot at the times in our lives that are relevant for us. Islam is real and to be applied to our lives. Many of us have taken Islam and made it black and white.

00:42:17 --> 00:42:30

We need to step away from the black and whites until we've implemented that in our lives, and then go back and get some more black and white and implement it in our lives. Just like the Sahaba of the Allahu anhu used to do.

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The thick of Vicar That's for you, you can read it on your own in sha Allah. I want to give you some benefits of Vica Okay, it's not in your notes, I'll read them out to you in sha Allah, just before we finish

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this session, I have 18 of them. I'll just give you a few inshallah. Okay, so benefits of the code.

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It increases it is it increases our provisions was that kid in vichara 10 federal limit meaning remember Allah, why? Because that remembrance benefits the believers, okay. So it increases the risk provisions. The second benefit, it increases our health.

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It increases our health.

00:43:18 --> 00:43:29

Or it can even give you a longer life. You're nice to your parents because you remember a lot because we learned through the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a person who was nice to their parents, they live a longer life.

00:43:31 --> 00:43:42

And so you remember a lot more by being nice to your parents. Number three, it repels harm before it even arrives. it repels harm before it even arrives.

00:43:45 --> 00:43:49

Number four, it stops illness before it arrives.

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Vicar stops illness before it arrives.

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Number five, it strengthens the heart a person feels at ease and content. Something you know really, really bad just happened to you. Alhamdulillah right you just start thinking of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, you're reciting a little bit of Vicar or you recite some Quran your heart becomes at ease.

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Number six, it brightens the face so you will notice a natural glow on a person's face who is always remembering Allah subhanho wa Taala so it brightens the face.

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Number seven, it removes depression.

00:44:31 --> 00:44:37

It removes depression and a B victory law he talks about interval kolu.

00:44:39 --> 00:44:41

Okay, it removes depression.

00:44:47 --> 00:44:50

vichar can strengthen the body.

00:44:51 --> 00:44:59

It can strengthen the body. For example, in prayer we mentioned there's certain types of Vicar where you need to use your body so prayer you become strong

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I challenge people all the time my youth, right? I tell them this sometimes. All right, we're gonna have a competition. Like yeah competitions, right? young adults, they love competitions. So I think it's an arm wrestling competition. So we say who's going to make a perfect such de and maintain it the longest?

00:45:21 --> 00:45:36

Have you ever tried to make a long such like really long? past one minute, two minutes, sometimes three minutes, you start to feel your triceps burning. Right? And then your arms start to shake. Hello. Ooh, this is tough.

00:45:37 --> 00:45:44

Imagine the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam how strong he had to be to make such that for long periods of time.

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Make sense? Right? You and I we make along such that's like saying some time that'll be five times sometimes it'll be five times instead of three. That's a long such day. Right? Imagine in your such that you're making do out for an hour.

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how difficult that would be so it strengthens the body Vicar strengthens the body, okay?

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It cures the soul. It gives you confidence.

00:46:12 --> 00:46:54

It gives you confidence. When you remember Allah subhanho wa Taala for example, you're going into a job interview you really need this job You worked hard at university you studied etc. You really need this job. You're about to go into it. You need confidence within you you're scared you don't know what to do. You think of Musa Allah has sent them rubbish. heraclius Audrey wire Sidley Emery, local data melissani of koko de Musa alayhis salam asked Allah subhanho wa Taala remove that feeling in my chest make it easy for me. Right open my chest? Well, yes, certainly Emily and make this this interview this issue that I'm going to face something right now make it easy for me. Why New York,

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Dr. melissani of Coca Cola and make that not on my tongue become untied so that I could speak fluently eloquently with wisdom, right? That people will understand. So it builds confidence in us. Now you go into an exam or you go into a job interview, go to do something in your life. And you remember Allah subhanho wa Taala because it gives you confidence. How many did I give you so far? 10 has that's enough 10s enough.

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this one

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