Daood Butt – Ramadan Gems 11

Daood Butt
AI: Summary © The success of Pakistan, India, and the importance of contributing to the deen is discussed, along with the success of a fundraising event and the importance of being friends with people from different backgrounds. The speakers emphasize the need for parents to bring their children in to ask for advice and help them grow in their name, and the importance of educating oneself and others about their values to avoid harming others. The success of the US and China is also discussed, with a drop in demand for movie tickets but growth predicted for The Greatest Man. The transcript ends with excitement for the upcoming film.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa ala happy but today Matatini will suddenly suddenly Marlena v Hill Karim Ali of masala to atomic tasleem rubbish roughly Saudi UAE acidity Emery blue Aqua 10 melissani of Coco coli. My brothers and sisters are sent Mr. aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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Today is the 23rd day of Ramadan. Subhan Allah and every day seems like just flies by. And we ask Allah subhana wa attallah to make it easy for us to maximize and benefit as much as we can from the last few days and nights of this month of Ramadan. I mean, we also notice how Subhana Allah, today was a victorious day for many people around the world. Apparently over 650 million people around the world tuned in to watch Pakistan, India.

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And I you didn't know hamdulillah good. This is the blessings of Lt. calf. I actually jokingly I posted about it today. And I said, hopefully the brothers who are performing or the people performing urtica around the world don't know that Pakistan, India, and I started getting hate mails, literally right away, and people were sending me pictures of their mustard. How like the TV screens, they rigged it with the internet. And they were in decaf watching cricket. And I was like so how to love what's going on here. Unbelievable. panela. So that's really interesting. And then, you know, because I posted about it, a few people started to send me messages like please don't, you

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know, Don't joke around when it comes to cricket. And I must have had a lot. I'm not joking around about cricket. And this is Ramadan, and people are going crazy about cricket during Ramadan. And it was very interesting to see the whole world is literally just not the whole world. But you know, millions of people around the world, just going crazy for crickets or Panama.

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Yeah, I heard 650 million tuned in to watch it. But then we know, like, I didn't watch it, but zindabad right.

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But hamdulillah that's nice to see that people are happy. And the best thing or the most important thing is that it brings unity between us I saw a few people sent me some video clips, and I honestly just disregarded most of them.

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But a couple of them were showing how, you know some people because of you know, the tensions between India and Pakistan all the time.

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Some some people were arguing amongst themselves, you know, wearing an Indian flag and wearing a Pakistani jersey and stuff like that, you know, just, it's just not neat. It's panela we should enjoy the game playing with each other and then at the end of the game or match. You know, someone even criticized me because I said over you know, going crazy over a match and they're like, it's not just any match and I was like the lovely the amount of people's emotions that get stirred when you talk about cricket or you talk about certain countries it's amazing some kind of law and we wish that we would get motivated like that when it came to talking about Allah subhanho wa Taala or you

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know, increasing our Iman or our knowledge with regards to the Quran or Hadith and, and the sciences of the deen and so on and so forth. But Subhana Allah just isn't really the case. And we would see that if we were to let it have a chance if we were to open our hearts and our minds and give the dean a chance to enter into ourselves, we would be a lot more excited to learn the deen and to

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implement aspects of the deen in our lives than we would about a cricket match right? So some kind of love We ask Allah subhana wa tada to give us a deeper understanding of this Deen and to allow us to open our minds in our hearts to what is more beneficial to us in the Hereafter, as well as also allowing us to enjoy ourselves and and you know, sometimes just de stress with the cricket and whatever else we like to watch in terms of sports. I mean,

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today we're going to look at some verses from sort of a soft, that's just a few of them. inshallah, then we'll take some from sort of Sidon Xamarin

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and maybe a couple more in Charlottetown as time permits. And one thing that we might conclude with and please forgive me, I know you're sitting here thinking yesterday we mentioned no fundraising. Well, I don't know what happened but subpanel I think the mustard management heard that we were talking a little bit about motivating people to give yesterday and so I got messages from the management saying today you know, encourage people to pledge and donate, which I'm not going to do a fundraiser at the end inshallah, but we will hopefully if I remember, as was requested from me to just remind, you know, our congregation in sha Allah, about the importance in contributing towards

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the masjid inshallah Tada. So today we'll take verses 50 to 61 of Surah Surah which surah we're looking at sort of two soft fat and in verses 50 to 61, Allah Subhana

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Allah gives us the example of friends, and teaches us about friends and how, as friends, we might find that in this world, we are connected. In this world, we would do everything for each other in this world, we would go out of our way for one another. And a lot of the time, you'll find people say, you know what, I die for this person, like husband and wife, sometimes they add die for them, which we technically should not say. Right, we shouldn't say that statement. Because a lot of the time we wouldn't die for someone else, we should die only for the sake of pleasing the loss of Hannah winter, if someone is harming us, etc, we only protect ourselves for the sake of pleasing

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Allah subhanho wa Taala, defending ourselves, and so on and so forth. But here we see examples that illustrate kind of with and it gives him a quote on about friends, and how on the Day of Judgment, friends will be looking for each other. And Allah Subhana wits, Allah will then have the angels take a friend to look for their friend, and look down and find them down below them, and think to themselves panela and this is, you know, just paraphrasing, just going over it very quickly. And briefly, how Allah Subhana Allah gives us the example of how, as friends, we may easily fall into the influence that we get from the people around us, right? Our friends influence us a lot. And they

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tend to encourage us to do certain things that at times, we know jeopardizes or jeopardize our own values. So it takes away from our values values that we were raised upon values that we ourselves feel very strongly about. But at a time where we're we are influenced by our friends, at times, we tend to do things thinking, Oh, this is the right thing to do, because they're encouraging us because they're promoting it because it's just happening around us. And we see here how Allah subhanaw taala shows us that there may be from amongst us friends that we have that are very close, but we stay away from them for the sake of Allah Subhana Allah Tada. And because of that, we noticed

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that they end up in destruction later on, but we ourselves are protected. And it could go both ways, vice versa as well. How we at times might think that we are doing the right thing, but people who stay away from us are the ones that are protected. And so we ask Allah Subhana Allah to make us from those that are constantly encouraging one another to do better. I mean, we also see how Subhana Allah,

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says Allah Maru, Muhammad,

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam teaches that a person is going to be with those who they love, we will be raised, and we will be in the company of those who we loved in this world, in the Hereafter, as well. So in this world, who are who are our friends, who are the people that we love, who are the people that we spend time with, who are the people that, you know, we give our time, our energy, our wealth, our health, our families to at times, and I know some panela growing up, I used to think of this a lot, I used to think of some of the family friends that our parents had, and this was going back when we were really small, like young, like 234, or five, six years old, growing up

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the families and, you know, the the people that our parents would stick around, and a lot of the time it had to do with people who, and this is like, you know, mid 70s, or early, mid 70s going into, that's not how old I am, right? But I'm just saying when our parents came to Canada, when my father at least came to Canada, and my mom came a lot before that, you know, the friends that they had around them were people that were typically

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I would not know how to say they're basically friends from back home, right? friends from back home, I don't like using this term back home, because back home to me is here, right? So some kind of law, it was friends from back home. And you'll know back in the 70s, it was very difficult to find people that's a from the same cultural background or the same, same ethnic background as you. And so you would stick around people just because of the culture. But that's not exactly or not necessarily, are not specifically the best people to be hanging around with, right, because they may not just have a positive influence are upon us simply because they're from the same background or same

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cultural background. And so I noticed when we were growing up some of the people that we stuck around with, as in our family, friends, they were not necessarily the best people and and Hamdulillah, my parents managed to, as we were growing older, realize that for the sake of our children, we need to separate ourselves from some of these people and and have more like minded individuals around us and to have people who they and their children will have a positive influence upon our children. And for those of us that deal with the community, we know very well that the majority of the problems that our youth our youth here in Canada are facing our Muslim youth in

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particular, is the fact that they are being influenced by their friends. And I'm not saying our Muslim youth have non Muslim friends, no, our Muslim youth have friends, whether Muslim or not, that are influencing them positively or negatively. And the majority of the time when parents bring their children in, bring them into you know, ask for advice or counseling and so on and so forth. We noticed that the friends that

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They are around is usually the reason why those children of those parents are not doing the things that they should be doing. Right is because of the influence of the friends that they are hanging around. And so Allah subhana wa tada highlights that for us in the Koran,

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and how a person will see their friends being dragged into john, I'm thinking to themselves is that going to be for me is that going to be my destiny as well or the outcome for me as well. But Allah subhanho wa Taala in our lives, allows us to pull away and make the choice to decide to either be with those that are going to be a positive influence for us or going to be a negative influence upon us. And we ask Allah subhana wa Jalla to make it easy for us to choose the best of friends to be around. I always like to give this piece of advice that our teachers used to share with us. Don't make friends with people who you are an influence upon.

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Okay, don't make friends with people who you are an influence upon like you are the one influencing them, they should not be the friends that you make, they will naturally be your friends, as in, they will come to be with you, they'll always be with you and want to be around you because they feel that you're influencing them in some way, shape, or form, whether it's good or bad. But we should make our friends, the people who we are benefiting from that I benefit from being around that person, that person is influencing me. So you choose your friends based on people who will influence you in the areas or avenues of knowledge or education that you want to benefit from from them. And

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that way, you will notice that your friends are always people that are better than you, your friends are always people that are above you more educated than you that you are striving to be around. And similarly, the other people who are not as educated as you or don't have something that you have, they will naturally want to be around you. And that's okay. The point is not to push anyone away. The point is that you should make your friends, your close group of friends, be the people you benefit from the most. And the others that benefit from you will naturally want to hang around you will call you message you be around you and so on and so forth. So we try to keep that as a

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principle for ourselves as adults, as well as teach that to our children in short life. I found that that has been extremely beneficial upon myself. And this is what our teachers in Medina used to tell us never make your circle of friends be the people who you are benefiting. That shouldn't be your circle of friends. Those should be people who you benefit. They come around you they've made you your friend and their friend, but you make your friends people who you can benefit from. We'll move on in sha Allah hota hai

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vs verses 62 to 70 Allah subhana wa Jalla discusses

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Jen and jahannam and Zakouma and so on and we took this last year I don't want to go over the same verses that we covered last year. So what our new story the story of nor Allah has sent him we highlighted as well. Ibrahim and his people is Marielle and Ibrahim and their interaction with one another lesson Hannah Medina mentions that in this sorta as well sort of the soft fat, the story of the sacrifice of Ibrahim telling his smile Allah, his Salah about the sacrifice. And you'll notice here when we talk about friends in the soda, a loss of Hannah, which added transitions into him and his family, are they him a Cena and Allah subhanho wa Taala teaches us something important there

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with regards to friends, who are our friends, as parents, our friends should be our children as well as in we should make our children be our friends to us. And we want them to be friends with us. And we want to be friends with each other, that our children will always feel close to us just like Ibrahim alayhis salam was close with his marine and vice versa. And so it's Mariela Allah has sent him anytime his father came to him and said, I need to do this or do you know do you want to engage in this with me? Allah Subhana Allah has asked me to build the Cabo whatever the case is, he's married to Allah Hassan was always there for his father. And that's the example of a child with the

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parent. How whenever the parents was, is to say something, the child will do it. And I remember some handle on one of our teachers telling us or explaining about the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam where a father will go out to fetch milk and bring the milk back to the family,

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but will always serve that milk after dealing with the animals and so on always serve the milk to his parents first before his children before his his wife and children. And there's a they will come upon that family a time where the father will come home with the milk to give to his parents. Now, his parents are elderly. He's also a parent himself, right? He's a father, but he will notice that Subhanallah his parents are asleep and he will not serve the milk to his children, waiting for his parents to wait

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Either throughout the night or later in the, you know, later in the night earlier towards the morning to wake up and want to drink from this milk. And you ask yourself this question, why would a father restrict his own children from having milk when his children are thirsty, his children are hungry? Why would a father do that? Your responsibility is to give to your family. Why would you restrict your own children from drinking from that milk? Does anyone know?

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To save time, it's part of Tobia. It's part of Tobia it's part of training as an adult, as a parent, training your children so that your children see you making the sacrifices you need to make in your life as a parent as an adult, towards your children, sorry, towards your parents, that you as an adult, even though you have milk you earned you brought back the wealth you can give to your children, you can indulgent it yourself, you can drink or consume it yourself. But you don't you restrict it upon yourself and you restricted upon your children, for the sake of your children, seeing that you did that for your parents, when you are an adult so that when our children grow

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older, they will not just put us in an old folks home, they will also sacrifice from their own life from their own wealth from their own family, our grandchildren, they will sacrifice from that for us. And that's the wisdom of it. Subhana Allah, and we get that through tarbiat through training with dealing with our own children in the correct manner in the way that we learned through the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the stories and lessons of the people of the past. And so here Allah subhanho wa Taala highlights Ibrahim in Israel, Allah hid my Salaam and the story of the sacrifice and how his Marielle is requested, to, to submit to submit to the will of Allah

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Subhana Allah to Allah. He doesn't end up getting sacrificed. But the point is along the way he submits. And when he submitted to what Allah subhanho wa Taala wanted from them, Allah gave them something even better. Then it transitions off into the story of Musan, heroine and loot. And Eunice and Amos senem and Eunice with the story of the ship that he goes out and he jumps off of the ship and into the water and so on. But what's really interesting here is the amount of people that Eunice na has sent him left behind the amount of people and in some narrations over 100,000 people in his city, and they were followers. They were believers. Right. They believed at a time when Eunice Ani

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has sent them left. And he was not commanded by Allah subhanho wa Taala to leave and they submitted to what Allah subhanho wa Taala wanted from them, and Eunice Allah has sent him had gone. But what we see here is the example of Yunus and he has said I'm leaving going through the experience of jumping into the waters followed by the whale at the bottom of the sea in the middle of the night, and then going through the hardships of being affected on his body physically, you know, the the acids of the whale's stomach and so on, affecting his body, and then he's in the in the sun and his skin is you know, hurting him and Allah Subhana Allah provides for him and so on and so forth, only

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to return to find his people had all submitted to Allah subhana wa etana in some nations over 100,000 people, right. But what's really interesting there is the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam teaches us to not say that you are better than UNICEF in Mata

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right? Don't say that you are better than Yunus don't think that Eunice Ida has sent a made this mistake and he ditched his people, he left them and he went in he did his own thing. Don't do that. Never assume that you are better and this is why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would say and he would not say that I am better than Yunus COVID mata that unit than Yunus Allah His setup. Why? Because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is teaching us again tarbiyah respect. Right? So this is what I Subhanallah we learn a lot of tarbiyah we learned a lot of respect. We learn how to deal with one another we learned about parenting we learned about being good children even though

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we might be 2030 4050 years old and our parents are still alive. We learn about that here in this sorta sorta to solve that. Let's move on in sha Allah to Allah.

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So Allah saw it will jump to vs. Number 20 I don't know why I had it here. 26 I left it there on purpose.

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In surah Saad Allah subhanho wa Taala and I like this a lot because a lot discusses that Buddha Allah has set up and dealt with it his senem you know, Prophet Deadwood is important to me because it's my name. And I'll just give a good lesson with regards to that. This shows us the importance or the the, the wisdom behind giving good names to our children, giving them names that they will live by giving them names that they will be

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Encouraged with giving them names that they will want to live up to. And it doesn't necessarily have to be the name of a Sahabi. It doesn't necessarily have to be the name of a prophet or messenger of the past, but a name that has a good meaning and name that is positive. And that's from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in fact, is discouraged to use names of things, or people that don't really have a positive meaning to it, right. And so from the wisdom of the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wa sallam in his training of the Sahaba of the Allahu anhu was that we give our children names that are important and valuable. And so you'll notice some kind of luck with regards

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to the names that we have our own names, many of us will not even know what our names mean. And that's because of culture. That's because of, you know, language sometimes. And that doesn't mean that the names are bad or wrong. No, but a lot of the time, we just don't teach our children what their names mean. Like, we might give our child the name, Abdullah, or the name Muhammad, and they grow to change their names into Mo. Right? As we know, that's a simple, overused example. And Chicana likes to use that a lot, right? Mo, as, as an example, not naming children, right, must have had a lot. What's interesting there is that our children because of the fact that we failed to teach

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them the importance of their names, like why did we choose this name? Why did we give them that name, we noticed that when they grow older, they become ashamed of their name. And they only become ashamed of their names, either because their name has no meaning, or is some weird, weird name that they don't even know of, and neither did their parents know of, or SubhanAllah. They were never taught what their name actually means. And the people who carry that name did, and their contributions to society, and so on, and so forth. And so it's important for us to give our children good names. I know the other day, some kind of someone came to me and was asking me about names,

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names for children. And it is very, very popular in some cultures to simply open the Quran and point anywhere. And that is the name that people give to their children. And there was a sister who came to me and she said, You know, my name is Ania.

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You think to yourself, what

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your name is what she's like, zanya, but because it sounds nice, like zania in some, like people who don't understand Arabic, right, it was always zania said, This is beautiful. Like, it starts with a Zed. And you know, at the end is like, yeah, you know, zania but somehow that's actually that means

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adulterous write someone who commits adultery. That's not a nice name. And she knows it. Now she learned it, she's, you know, just a teenager. And she's like, you know, this is the name that my parents gave to me. And I remember some kind of when I was a student, in Medina, some of our teachers going through the attendance list, they used to get really upset, seeing the names of some of the students like Who on earth gave you these names.

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And some handle on what a lot of our, you know, students from around the world would say is our parents, you know, they come from villages or towns and don't think I'm picking on Pakistan or India right, because I know Today's a cricket match. We're leaving Pakistan in India out today completely. But you know, different parts around the world like Russia and, you know, parts of China and so on, where there's there's no Islam, and there's no understanding of Arabic, the people just live in small villages. And so they would just open the Quran and think anything that comes out of the Quran, there's hive and Baraka in it, there's goodness in it, right? Because it's the Quran is the

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word of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So they just choose anything from there, wherever they open, and point and fanastic give that name to their children. So is that that's actually very dangerous of Pamela. Very, very dangerous, because we might actually give names not knowing what that meaning is just like the example that I gave. So can a person change their name in that sense? Yes, a person. In fact, throughout the time of the Prophet salallahu idea, you ascend them, there were many people who had names that were names associated with, with shift. Okay, so lots of sorry, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam would encourage them to change their names. And that's something that's

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very easy to do here in Canada, you notice people change their names all the time, they get married, and they change their names. And that's another thing with regards to names. In the deen in Islam, a woman is not meant to change her name to the name of her husband after she gets married to him. I know that's done culturally. Even here within Canada a lot of people still do it right non Muslims as well, but it's not part of our Deen we should hold on to our lineage. And here we see some kind of luck in the story of that would Allah has sent him we're not actually touching upon his story. We're just learning about names and learning about the importance of our Deen through the importance

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of the names that we give to our children. And I remember some handler growing up always wanting to learn about death. Buddha Allah has sent him rarely ever being told or taught about it, about the story of death who died

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His setup and I don't want to bore you about the story of God, I know you're not gonna get bored because he's a prophet of Allah subhana wa tada must have had a lot for me there's a lot of lessons in it. Like First off, I like to relate certain things about the prophets and the messengers of the past or people who had the names or shared the same names as us. It could even be as a hobby

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whose panela we learn certain things about like Dawood Allah has sent him he was very Allah subhanho wa Taala gave him the ability to mold iron with his bare hands, right like he could mold iron with his bare hands to the extent there was a time where he was holding on to an iron rod, and he was thinking of Allah subhanho wa Taala he would do a lot of Vicar, a lot of remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala and he was thinking a lot and remembering a lot in busy in his Vicar of Allah Subhana Allah to the extent that his his thumb had pressed all the way into the metal rod, right, just not even knowing it. And so that would Anna has sent him he had that ability to mold steel. And

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so growing up my father was an up until now was a welder, someone who would melt steel to stick steel together, right, you weld. And I always when I learned that, that would be his son, um, had that ability. When I was younger, I actually took a an interest in welding as well, and asked my dad teach me how to weld and, of course, we were forced to do it, right, he's probably watching now,

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you know, thinking back to how you need to weld, you know, some kind of love, but that's important that we try to learn certain things. So what I learned from that was not that I need to be a welder, but I need to be someone who's skilled, I need to be someone who does Buddha has said, I'm, for example, was skilled, he was so skilled that he would never take money from the people, even though he was the king, he would never take money from the people for his own benefit. He would work and build things and mold things and make things out of iron, whether it was armor, or whether it was, you know, whatever we make out of steel, so kind of out of iron, he would make that and sell it. And

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that would be his Sam was skilled in that sense that Allah gave him a skill, and he was a king. And he worked using the skill in order to earn his own wealth. And that's a lesson that we learned. And so whatever it is that we learn from our names, we should not just do it. Now a lot of people say, Oh, you know, I'm gonna name My child, Mohammed, because I want him to be a scholar of the demons on know, give him or her a name, that is important for them to relate to, not only and just trying to be like that person, because every single person is their own self. Not everyone will be and I like to use this example when someone's looking to get married, what do we say? If you're not Mohammed,

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don't expect to find Khadija. Right? So don't expect to find someone who's like the Khadija or the Allahu Allah, or the eyeshadow or the Allahu anhu at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when you yourself are not trying to be as best as you can, like Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, right? So when we take that as an example, every single person is different. We try our best to be like the people that we learn from of the past. But at the same time, what am I going to do that's different? What footprint Am I going to leave on the face of this earth? When I leave? What will people recognize me by? What will people say about me at my genizah? What will people

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remember of me? 10 2030, maybe even 50 or 100 years, and maybe even 1000 years after I've passed away? Will people even remember me? On the day after that I've passed away? These are things that we need to ask ourselves. And so we take examples of the people of the past in order to try and live as better people. That's what they did. They didn't just sit back and say, Oh, well bucket of the Aloha and was someone who is interested in fabric and materials. So I'm going to open a fabric store because my name is Abu Bakar. No, do something that's great. Abubakar, the Aloha and that was his profession. But he was so great, so honest, so soft and gentle and kind and understanding and

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merciful upon others, that Abu Bakar of the Aloha and became the closest friend of the profits on a longer idea us and them and then became the halifa of the home of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And so the things that we learn through the names that we are given is important. And that's why Subhana Allah for our children, I know nowadays, we live at a time where we give names to our children, based on whether the people in society will be able to say their names, right. Like we give names to our children based on whether the people in society will be able to pronounce that name. So are people going to say, Abdullah, okay, they might. What about? I don't know, give me give

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me a name that's difficult.

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is married it's very easy, right? But people will say Ishmael right, or they might say is male.

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Right, but panelists some names become very difficult to difficult to pronounce. So parents say, you know, we won't give those names to our children know if it's a good name, try and give a name that is suitable for the society that we live in as in people will not, you know, say the name wrong or mispronounce it or say something wrong etc. But at the same time, we will bring out some values of that name.

00:30:23 --> 00:30:25

So, I knew something must be going on

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within two days, you know.

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So that's with regards to names in sha Allah hotel. Now we see that Allah has sent him as a prophet of Allah subhanho wa Taala. He was also not only a king, not only skilled, but he was very wise. He was very wise and Allah subhanho wa Taala, you know, gave him that.

00:30:54 --> 00:31:02

That instruction not to use your own whims and desires, right? The verse is not coming to my head and I don't have it up in front of me and I didn't write it down.

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What is the verse Does anyone know where his or her father is?

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Not to give into your whims and desires on a self signed inshallah. I don't want to waste time finding it. But I believe it's somewhere between the first verse and the last verse of sort of salt.

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This is not coming to my head right now, right? Because there's so many things I was thinking in my mind, but that was only his salon was given wisdom. Okay, he was given wisdom. And it's important when we have wisdom, we have knowledge, we know something, that we act upon that knowledge that we actually implement the knowledge that Allah Subhana Allah gave to us, and not just act upon our own whims and desires based on the pressures of society or based on what people are seeing from us, or based on what people want from us. And I like to use this as an example all the time because I am someone who deals with the community, and a lot of the time may Allah Subhana, Allah protect us and

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save us from India and from, you know, being in the sight of people and being influenced through their sight. But one thing that we that we recognize is that Allah Subhana, Allah teaches Deadwood, Allah has sent him a lesson that every single one of the leaders, Imams, Messiah, speakers, whether they're male or female, teachers of the Quran, and so on and so forth, should implement in their lives. Never ever be influenced by the people to do something that you know, jeopardizes the dean,

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do not do that. Don't give into your own thoughts, or the pressures of society, do what is best, according to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Always. And now don't think that this just applies to the Imam or to the leader or to the Koran, teacher, and so on and so forth. Every single one of us has a parent, or an adult, or a child, whether 50 or 60, or 80 years old, we are still children, right to our parents. And we need to always do what is best and most liked by Allah subhanho wa Taala. Use that judgment. And at times, we want to say that you know what, let's just put our values aside, let's put our Islamic values aside to do what's best according to society. Now, we need to look at

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Islam in certain ways, because Islam will always promote what's best, according to society. So don't think that we're putting Islam aside, because we need to do what society wants from us. Because Islam is always encouraging what's best for society. The problem with us is that we don't understand Islam enough. It's not that there's a disconnect, don't think that there's a disconnect between Islam and the society that we live in. Not at all. There's no disconnect. There's a huge connection. The problem is me and you, we haven't understood our Deen enough. We haven't understood how to bridge that gap between our Deen and the little knowledge that we have, and to see how it fits in

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with the society that we live in. And Deadwood Allah has sent him he did that really well. So Panama, he did it really well because even his own son so in a man it has sent them learned from him. He learned how to implement that wisdom. He learned how to deal with people honestly and justly and not to just do what people want but to do what was best and give two people their rights and give to people using honesty and trust. And that's what we learned from Deadwood and Sony man, it him a setup. We learned that Subhana Allah doing what is right according to Allah subhanho wa Taala is part of our Deen. But when we don't find the solution in our Deen, it's because it's not because

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our Deen doesn't have the solution. It's because we haven't educated our selves enough in our Deen. And this is where we go to the people of knowledge and we ask that people have knowledge, how can we do this? What can we do? Is it possible to do something etc. within our society, and the reason why I'm mentioning this is because we live in a society where the mass majority of the people are non Muslim. And a lot of the time as Muslims we feel disconnected. But we shouldn't feel this

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connected. This is our, our country we live here, it's our country as well, for those of us that maybe came from another country Alhamdulillah, because of the laws of the land. And we always use the laws of the land that we live in. We are known as, and I'm not saying me because I'm born and raised here. But those that came from other countries, because you live here, because you've spent a certain amount of time here because you contribute to society, because you follow the rules and the laws and so on and so forth. You become a Canadian as well, or you become maybe a permanent resident. And so Alhamdulillah, it's part of our belief, to give back to the land that we live in.

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Why because we are always in constantly trying to do good to spread good wherever it is. That was what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did with the Sahaba of the alohar unhung. He sent them out to other lands, he sent them out to other territories, he sent them out to other tribes, to mix with the people to meet the people. And Allah subhanho wa Taala says in the Quran that we created, you have different tribes, different people, Lita, fou, de taharah, food to get to know each other, and we can't know each other if we don't know ourselves first. We can't teach other people about us if we don't know ourselves first, and our own belief first correctly and properly. And so it's

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important for us to educate ourselves about ourselves in order to get to know other people as well. And you see, when we do that society gets to know us, in the ways that the media doesn't portray.

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Society gets to know us as being good people, as being people who we sacrifice from our food throughout Ramadan, so that we can give to others. Those of us that can't fast, we still have to sacrifice from our food, even though we can't fast you'll notice some of the brothers and some of the sisters, they're not fasting, either because they're sick, or they have some sort of illness or you know, whatever the case is, but Allah subhanho wa Taala still wants from them to give from their food to those that don't have food. And the rest of society sees that. They don't see us as people that are harming others. They don't see us as people that are going out there trying to make life

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difficult for one another. They don't see us as people that are just frowning and looking down upon others all the time. No. Our Dean teaches a smile. Our Dean teaches us help others, our Dean teaches us to be exemplary individuals for society. And that's what we get from Deadwood. And so Damon had a humorous setup, because he was a king, who became

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sorry, he is dealt with his hand was a king who was a prophet as well, whose son also became a king, and a prophet. But still, they never took from the people for their own benefit. They would constantly give back and we ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to make us exemplary individuals for the society that we live in. I mean,

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we'll move on in sha Allah Allah tala.

00:37:51 --> 00:37:58

I think it was verse number 26, that I was talking about before. See, now it came to me when I didn't need to know it. Move on to sorta to Zuma.

00:38:00 --> 00:38:01

And sorta to Zuma.

00:38:06 --> 00:38:09

Reverse number. Just give me a second here.

00:38:15 --> 00:38:35

To zoom out versus number 49, to 52. Allah subhanho wa Taala had a highlights going through hardships in life, and how hard the hardships that we face in our lives can be a blessing and in fact, actually are a blessing from Allah subhana wa Tada. And that people change for the better once they go through the hardships that we experience.

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But it's only those who reflect upon the difficulties that we are going through in life. Only those who reflect upon what this test actually is who who will succeed in their lives throughout the difficulties that they experience and will notice them panela that everyone has a difficulty in life. Everyone experiences some sort of some sort of hardship. I remember on the very first day of Ramadan right here, this brother came to me here, he might even be here in the masjid. I don't know, even if he's here, I wouldn't identify him, right? But he came to me in the masjid on the very, very first day of Ramadan.

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And he was telling me some kind of law. He said, You know, this is the first time for the first time in my life.

00:39:19 --> 00:39:20

I can't fast.

00:39:21 --> 00:39:22

I was like some kind of law.

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And you could feel the emotion in him. You could see tears in his eyes, you could tell that this was something difficult for him. And his family was telling him Don't you know, don't fast, don't fast. And it's very difficult for us at times where we think to ourselves, well wait a second. I've been fasting for so many years. I did it before I can do it again. I fasted last year the days were hot. The days were long. I did it before I can do it again. But now you just can't do it because of health reasons because of issues that you know a person might face or challenges and difficulties. And so kinda he said I even tried fasting and halfway through the day I started to vomit I started

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to throw up

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And I just couldn't do it just just can't do it. And he's like I want to, but I can't. And my family's telling me I shouldn't do my doctor said I should not be fasting because of the health issues, diabetes and so on and so forth heart condition and whatnot. And so some panela a person goes through difficulties in life, not realizing that is a blessing from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Had, you had the chance you had the opportunity to fast for so many years, and handed in law now Allah subhanho wa Taala is giving you that break, you're not fasting, but you still want to fast and so in itself, there's a challenge there. The challenge is that you in the past were capable of

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withstanding that fasting and it was difficult, it was not difficult for you. It was not difficult, it was easy. And you think of it now every single person sitting here we're like, you know what we fasted hamdulillah some adversity or you know, we're partying throughout the day, Pakistan's in Nevada and so on and so forth. And they're like in the hot in the sun and, you know, dehydrated they're waiting for some ice, you're in your Buxton, Jersey, right? Hey, waiting, waiting for some water to drink some kind of law. And you know, it was a difficult time, difficult day. But at the end of the day, you take a sip of water, you're like hamdulillah. And then next year Ramadan, you're

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thinking to yourself, Well, last year we did it, it was easy. We fasted the days were long, it was hot, and we remember that cricket match, Mashallah, right? We won, and so on and so forth. And we were able to do it. So why can't we do it now. But there comes a point in time where now Allah gives you ease. But that eases your difficulty. Does that make sense? That now Allah has given you that ease now, because of what you're going through. Yes, there's other difficulties in place, a person might have illness, and so on and so forth. But he is in terms of not testing that you can eat when everyone else is sacrificing their food and drink you're eating.

00:41:43 --> 00:42:13

You know, you we would like to enjoy the foods that we smell, when we smell it while we're fasting. We want to eat it. But now that person who has whatever difficulty they're going through in their life, they can indulge in that food, but the indulging in that food is their difficulty and challenge. And that's your test. That whatever we go through in life, it might even be a moment of ease. But for some people, it's a difficulty in itself. It's a challenge. I know. So Pamela, you know, this this month,

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throughout the month of Ramadan, three times we went to see my wife's parents, they live in the east end of the GTA. My wife's father is what 8182 years old and her her mom is 76 years old, I think. So panela this year, my father in law, he himself, he's not fasting, or he's not fasting, he's got a, you know, getting old. And the doctor told him you need to eat, you need to eat more than three meals a day because of you know, your body and it needs its strength and so on. And so panela we would go and see them. And I know for my father in law, there were certain things that he would always do throughout his life, always from childhood. I remember this, like I remember being a child

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and hamdulillah my father in law was, you know, one of the people and in a group of people that established the mustard in Montreal that was established in 1954, one of the oldest massage, in fact, the first mustard in all of Quebec and the eastern provinces, from from what we know, and so so panela that's how old I know him from being in the mustard from a little child, we would see him in the masjid. And there were things that you would never sacrifice Salah he would never sacrifice certain principles he would never sacrifice. But now because of old age, I as someone who's grown decades after, right now I'm 3136 years old, and some handle on when I see him, I still remember him

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as me being the little child in the masjid seeing him as always doing the same things he would do having the big white beard going and making his blue taking his time and so on and so forth. But now because of old age and time has gone on, I still in my mind, remember him that way, but he's no longer the same person. He's not praying his tada we end the mustard because it's too difficult for him to go. He needs to use the bathroom like every hour, our bodies, they start to change as we get older, you now need to, you know, relieve yourself more often some kind of law. And you know, I remember shake up the lady was telling me this the other day he said he went to the doctor and he

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was telling the doctor, I think something's wrong. You know, maybe it's diabetes or something. You know, I'm getting up a few times in the in the night to go relieve myself and the doctor says okay, that's old age, right? It's coming to you and Allah Subhana Allah, we ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to allow us to benefit as much as we can from the people of knowledge before they leave us. I mean, but Subhana Allah, there are challenges that we will all experience in life that we don't realize at the time, they are a blessing upon us. That's a blessing from Allah subhanho wa Taala. And for those of us that are sacrificing more trying to give more and it's harming ourselves, relax,

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relax, because that in itself is a blessing from Allah, just like the person who's traveling, the person who's traveling, why does the loss of Hannah Montana allow the person who's traveling to pray only to Dhaka for her to for her son, and to for

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For a shot, and why does Allah Subhana Allah allow us to even combine the prayers vada Nasir can be combined Muslim in Asia can be combined. Why does Allah make it easy for the person who's who's traveling because there's difficulty in their life. And so the fact that we can have the ease is a blessing from a loss of data because there's other difficulties that we're going through. So never look at a difficult moment as something that is a hardship upon you. Rather, it's a blessing from Allah and Islam has come with ways to make that blessing that hardship easier for us as well. So we ask Allah subhana wa tada to give us the knowledge of this Deen so that we can learn to implement

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the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in our lives. We also see in Surah, two zomer verses 68 to 70, Allah subhana wa tada highlights the blowing of the trumpet, and that indicates the beginning of the day of judgment. So this world will end with the blowing of the trumpet. Oh no, if you have your sword, and that sword will be blown again as in the Trumpet will be blown and everyone will stand in immediately rushed to Allah subhana wa tada as an immediately rush to now being given or giving account for the things that we've done in our lives. And so these are things of Hannah law that are mentioned within the sutra.

00:46:17 --> 00:46:22

And we'll move on and shout Allahu taala. To the next one, I'll take a few verses in sha Allah.

00:46:25 --> 00:46:28

Just give me a second here, scroll up.

00:46:30 --> 00:46:53

So we moved to sort of coffee. And we'll end with this and shot a lot of data because I know we have about five we want to finish we want to always conclude about 10 minutes before the end. So it gives people time to make a little make do and so on. Here we'll only take the first few verses. Allah subhanho wa Taala in the first few verses of Surah hafid. In fact, the name itself speaks for itself. Mahathir

00:46:54 --> 00:46:56

Mahathir What does that mean?

00:46:58 --> 00:47:38

forgiveness that's right across here. A little bit difficult for me to pronounce right now because thirsty right Subhana Allah, but sort of Prophet Allah subhanho wa Taala is highlighting the fact that He is merciful, he is forgiving. And Allah subhana wa Taala shows us that here. Amin terenzi leuke talebi mean Allahu la zeylanicum aha if it is them be well Corbin it Toby Shadi della kabhi, the boly La ilaha illa Hu la Hill musli Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us in the very first three verses of the sutra, he highlights forgiveness, he highlights of course the Quran coming down Tenzin will Kitab you mean Allahu

00:47:39 --> 00:48:21

Allah says Allah Allium, Allah subhana wa tada teaches us that the Quran came down from him, but then he says of off it is them. Allah subhana wa tada is the one who forgives our sins and this is the time to seek forgiveness from Allah subhanho wa Taala to add the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam throughout the last 10 nights of Ramadan or the last 10 days of Ramadan. He would encourage us a habit of the Allahu anhu to say Allahumma in Naka Afu one to Hezbollah halfword Firefly honey Allahumma in naka hifu one to Hezbollah halfword Firefly me asking Allah subhanho wa Taala You are the one who forgives, forgive us. You love to forgive, so forgive us. And so this is a time so

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Pamela we come to the conclusion of our halaqa with these verses how Allah subhana wa Taala loves to forgive, but he also forgives the sins that we've committed in the past. What call a beloved Toby and he accepts our repentance. So don't just seek forgiveness from Allah subhana wa Tada. The difference is, one is just asking for forgiveness from the sins that we've made in our lives. Right? The little things that we've done the minor sins and we know that between Ramadan and Ramadan is forgiveness.

00:48:52 --> 00:49:36

Muslim and I'm Oban Eamon and wacky cyber warfare Allahumma Taco Bell meta cobalamin dombey The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says whoever fasts throughout the month of Ramadan, with Eamon with belief and with steadfastness and sacrificing from themselves. Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah forgives the sins of the past. Those are the minor sins and that's what is still photos for it to forgive the minor sins, but there also needs to be this next element that Allah subhanho wa Taala says what arbella Tov will carbonate Toba asking Allah subhanho wa Taala to forgive us through repentance, actually feeling that I've done something wrong and thinking and I'd like to encourage

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us to do this throughout the last 10 nights and it's usually the advice that I conclude the month of Ramadan with usually on the last day of Ramadan, the last few hours of Ramadan. This is something that I like to do on a personal sense as well. And I'd like to encourage those that know me when I when we attend halaqaat on the last day I always tell people Today's the day of Toba Today's a day ask Allah subhanho wa Taala repent to Allah in the last few months.

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Before, before Ramadan, ends before motive on the last day, sit down with yourself and Allah subhanho wa Taala no one else and think, what have I done? What have I achieved and so on and so forth. But also think of what have I done in my past? What are the things that I committed sins that were major in the past that I asked Allah Subhana Allah for forgiveness now and seek repentance now, because I never did it before. And I should be doing it now. Because you'll notice some handle that as human beings, it's too easy for us to forget. We forget the little sins that we commit. We don't even know that we're committing the sense, right? The little sins, but some handle that for many

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people. major sins become easy as well or become the norm. And this is why we need to sit alone and think, what have I done? What do I do? What is my personality? Like? Do I treat people honestly, do I cheat? Do I lie? Do I steal? Do I do things that are unjust and so on and so forth? And if I do then I need to ask Allah subhana wa tada through repentance, to forgive me for that. And part of repentance is to not go back to it and this is why we end the month of Ramadan, usually asking a lot for forgiveness, but also making it clear with myself with our own selves, that I will not embark upon this after today. caught us it's done. Right? We ask Allah subhana wa attallah to make it easy

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for us to seek forgiveness from Allah subhana wa Tada. Throughout this month of Ramadan. We ask Allah subhana wa tada to forgive us of our sins. We ask Allah Subhana Allah to accept our repentance, we ask Allah subhana wa Taala to make it easy for all those that want to fast but are having a difficult moment and cannot fast. We ask Allah Subhana Allah to grant them ease and comfort in our in their hearts. And we ask Allah Subhana which Allah to make it easy for us to constantly contribute towards those that have less than us. miniato Bella alameen wa sallahu wa cinema Baraka anabaena Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam, which is a common level height and was said mid

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camara to LA he all about our cattle. Before I forget, I almost forgot.

00:52:00 --> 00:52:46

That was requested by the mustard management to encourage us to contribute towards the mustard. You'll see on the screen outside of you, the brothers were telling me earlier today, there are short 230,000 for what their goals are target was for this time of the year. So humbly, I'm not doing the fundraiser, but humbly I request to simply think of the easiest way out. The easiest way out is for all of us to contribute a small amount, not for a few of us to contribute a large amount. If we were all to contribute, for example, if 100 people sitting here today, were to contribute $1,000 a year by breaking that down into either $80 a month or $100 a month for 10 months. There'll be $100,000

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right there.

00:52:47 --> 00:53:26

Right? So some handle that would be easy for us. Or no 100 people $1,000 100,000 right. Yeah, that would be easy for us, right? Some kind of law. But some handler, what we notice is that we we tend to find that guilt trip fundraiser that happens all the time, right? Like, guilt trip fundraiser as in, you're going to feel guilty, right now we're going to make you feel really bad. So you're going to raise your hand and give money. And that's not what we're gonna do. Right? I'm just encouraging all of us to think of it, it's so easy Subhanallah if we simply are to think of the amount that we spend on our cable, or our satellite, or our you know, even the Tim Hortons bill, and I know many of

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us spend a lot of money at Tim Hortons. In fact, we should do that. Many of us don't realize how much we spend at Tim Hortons. Just do it just for your own personal sake, and see how much you spend in a month at Tim Hortons. Apparently, you'd be surprised if people spend a couple $100 just at Tim Hortons in a month, right? See how much you spend on your phone bill, see how much you spend on, you know, various things, your internet, your rent and so on. And then think you know, can I give a little bit extra, of course we can, we can always give a little bit extra, it might just mean cutting back on something else. And so I encourage all of us do what we can the information is just

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on the wall outside here on the opposite wall of the clock. And you'll notice how Subhanallah if we were all to do a little bit, it would go the distance and it would relieve a lot of those who are sacrificing a lot of their wealth. So Pamela, maybe they could use a little bit of that on their families as well. Just like on the local Phaeton

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