Daood Butt – Purification Of The Soul 05

Daood Butt
AI: Summary © The speakers emphasize the importance of showing off one's behavior online to increase social media recognition, including praying, training, and doing things privately. They stress the benefits of doing things privately and online, including rewarding oneself, fixing one's intention, and finding the root of the disease of the heart. They also touch on the topic of love in relationships and forgiveness, emphasizing the need for forgiveness and finding the root of the disease of the heart.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Nabi he'll carry him Allah He of one of salatu wa automata same. Rubbish rocklea sodbury were Sidley MD Wagner naka de 10 milissa Ania Gabor Kohli. My brothers and sisters in Islam Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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Oh, you sound like you're all excited. You have two weeks off from class and stuff, right?

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I don't know why, but for some reason, when I give some without the microphone, people respond louder. So yeah, I don't know. It's just a weird thing. It's kind of law. Okay, today, we're gonna do a topic, again, related to the hearts in sha Allah hotel. And I know last time, you know, we spoke about social media. And a lot of you were saying, Hey, wait a second, I thought we're going to be doing something related to test get to know us purification of the heart, the soul, etc. So we're gonna do that today in sha Allah, and we're gonna touch upon a topic that

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is relevant to pretty much every single one of us, especially when it comes to the youth. And this is a topic of showing off. But it's not only showing off because sometimes people boast sometimes we were like, yeah, you know, they just want to show off, right? They drive the nice car, or, you know, kids are showing off their new shoes, or the new clothing, etc. But it's not only showing off, it's getting the attention of others, when we're supposed to be seeking the attention of Allah subhanho wa Tada. And it's Islam. This is known as Does anyone know?

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Not jealousy, not bragging? Yeah, exactly. Is that what you're gonna say?

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Yeah, so it's known as Rhea, Rhea is also known as ostentation, or showing off. Now, yeah, itself is one of the diseases of the heart. It's something that affects many of us, if not all of us in some way, shape, or form. And I usually teach this to adults. And we go into very specific examples on how we can maybe identify that it may exist within us. And today, that was the

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that was the struggle that I went through some how to LA trying to put together tonight's halaqa and making it relevant to a younger crowd, while still keeping it interesting for the older crowd. And I actually at one point in time, about 20 minutes into actually more than that about 40 minutes while I was sitting at my desk, looking over some of my, you know, notes in my books and stuff like that, and sitting in front of my computer, trying to create, you know, a flow of things. I got a little bit frustrated, I went downstairs SAT, you know, on the stairs, and my wife and my children was sitting on the floor in the living room, and my wife looks at me and she's like, what, like, I

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honestly don't know how to teach this to a younger crowd. Like usually you teach this to an older crowd because it's very closely linked with

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rendering a partner with Allah subhanho wa Taala, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he says the thing that I fear the most for you, meaning us as believers, is, what is it? No, no, yeah, he doesn't say immediately. He says it's hidden shift. And this habit of the Allahu anhu they were confused. Like, what is hidden shift? Like, what did we know what choke is? Does anyone know what shift is?

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You raise your hand very quick. Oh, you're putting your clothes on? Mashallah, what about you? You raised your hand before? Do you know what ship is? shipped?

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And don't don't look behind you. You Yeah, you know? No, not behind you. You. Yeah. No, you don't know good. hamdulillah. Okay, you're going to learn now. Okay, you're going to learn?

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Exactly, to worship something or someone other than Allah subhana wa Tada. Or while we're worshiping Allah, we're also worshiping a partner with Allah, or we're putting our trust. And this is where it gets into the more minor levels, where we're putting our trust, or we're putting our thoughts or we're trying to be recognized by something or someone other than Allah. subhanho wa Taala. And this is what it ties into, because it's a habit of the long run, whom they asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and they're like, Yeah, I just want to know what is what do you mean by this? What is hidden? schicke? Like, it doesn't make sense. We don't know what that is. And he responds to them

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by telling them it is real ostentatious showing off. Now, it's not only showing off, like I said, because when we think of showing off, we think of someone who's got like bling bling, and they're just showing off and they just want to be recognized. But it could also be someone who does something for the sake of being noticed by someone else who may, you know, it may be completely irrelevant. It might not even be important, but this person does it because they just want to be noticed. And last week, we spoke about social media and a lot of what has to do with social media is just that it's being recognized online, or being recognized on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,

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You know, whatever, being recognized by other people, not for the sake of doing something positive or pleasing Allah subhana wa Tada, but for the sake of being recognized online so that people could say something nice about you, or people will say, oh, Mashallah lots of watercolor, you know something good about you and a handler, look at him, look at her, you know, he's doing this and she's doing that and he gave charity or she gave charity or they went here, they went there, they did this, they did that. And it's trying to get that recognition that is dangerous. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he shows us as we learn in that Hadith,

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that you know, the thing one of the things that he feared the most for us is if we were to you know, combine his statements that he had showing off, but Allah subhana wa tada also mentions, you know, in multiple places in the Quran. Let me take two examples in sha Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala says, When leadin

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Allah subhana wa tada says, and those who when they give their wealth when they are spending, right and they might even be putting it in the donation box, and we see someone you know, stopping after Juma, for example, or after Salas were leaving, they stop in front of the donation box, they take out their wallet, they take out some money they put in where like all Mashallah lots of Alcala, you know, that's a great thing. Maybe we should do the same thing, right. But maybe that person's intention. And this is where we have to clarify as well, that the whole point of learning about Ria or showing off ostentation is not so that we can identify other people, it's so that we can identify

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it, if it exists within me. If I have this problem inside of me, then I need to recognize it so that I can fix it. And so we might see someone else doing something and say, oh, Subhanallah, that's an amazing thing. They're giving a donation, putting it in the box, we think this is a great thing. But maybe their intention was so that you can notice them, putting it in the box.

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Right? Maybe they maybe they timed it like they knew, okay, at about 845 all of us is going to be leaving. So they made sure that as soon as everyone was getting up to leave there, the first one out the door, they stopped in front of the donation box, they're shuffling through and hopefully no one, you know, stops getting donations because of that, right? But they're shuffling through their, their wallet, and then they take out some money and put it in just as about five or six people walk through the door. So they can be recognized as the person who's giving regularly or who gives a lot. Or sometimes people instead of just reaching in their pocket and just putting it in quickly. They'll

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take it out and just be like,

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Oh, I dropped $1,000 Sorry, guys, let me just pick up my $1,000. Right. No, they don't do that. But somehow that sometimes people will make it very apparent that they have their cash or whatever they're doing, and do that publicly. Now, if we're doing it for the sake of pleasing a lot, because this happened during the time of the profits. And along with it. He was suddenly where he was asking this a habit of the long run home to give to give wealth, whatever they had whatever they could, for a tribe that was in need. And no one was giving this a habit of the alohar on whom it was tough times, right. They weren't giving the wealth that they had. And one of this habit of the long run

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home in front of everyone he gave, he raised his hand you know when he said I'm gonna give and he gave the amount that he gave.

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Now, some people will look at this and say, Oh, he was showing off. But he wasn't because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam congratulated him and spoke nicely about him. Because what he did was an action for the sake of encouraging others. He didn't do it to show off. He did it to encourage others to give. So he was the icebreaker. And so it all goes back to our intention. What am I intending to do? Am I intending to show off? Am I intending to give or to do something for the sake of people noticing me? Or am I doing this because Allah wants it from me? And if people see me, it doesn't matter, right? It doesn't matter. I don't really care what they think if they see me or

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they don't see me. Okay? Another example Allah Subhana Allah Allah mentions in the Quran.

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Allah subhana wa Johanna says I'm sort of through benina right a lot of us know this sorta let's take this one he says, One

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Ooh, in Leon Budo la mostly Selena hood D in Corona

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will be masala

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to toe with Nika de

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m. So Allison sorry with alika Dino kajima. So Allah subhanho wa Taala says one O'Meara I have not commanded or ordered you to do anything except what one that will mean Illa Li Ergo de la her mostly Selena hodin. I haven't ordered you or told you to do anything, except that you do it for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala on me

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You don't do it for any other reason her enough.

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And that means purity like you do it sincerely and solely purely for Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now let's look at what Ria are showing off can do to our actions. First of all, let's take some examples. Who can give me an example of showing off or seeking attention?

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Very good. So you win something and you go to your friends and you say, Hi, you maybe next time, you can get it, but I got it this time.

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Right, and you go and you show off in front of them good, what else?

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you volunteer for something, maybe you don't want to volunteer, but you're doing it because someone else is volunteering. And you want that other person to recognize you. Right. And this happens a lot when our you know, youth grow to the age of, you know, high school University, and they start to interact with the opposite gender. They sometimes in you know, volunteer or do things just to get recognized by someone else. someone of the opposite gender. Very good. Yes.

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You get the most rare Pokemon card in the world, and you brag about having it and no one else has it and handed in a good example. You know, what's really interesting? We'll take another one yes to more.

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In many cases, politicians do things to seek attention.

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And get

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Okay, gain attention and so on from society. Good. Last one.

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Okay, let me try and understand that so you helped someone, and they want to buy you something?

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To thank you for what you did. Okay.

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So you show Oh, you mean the person who's buying shows? Okay, very good. So someone helps you, and you want to show off that you have more than they do by buying them? things help them, you know, doing nice things to them, which seems nice. But in reality, you're just showing off in front of them. Very good. Now. Okay. We'll take one more.

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You ask someone?

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You asked a question that made you look like you were smart, for example, right? made you look like you knew what you were talking about? Very good. Luck. Yes.

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Very good.

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Very good. That's a good example. Sometimes people don't really open the window, right. But they will drive around thinking they have the fanciest car just in the way that they do things. So for example, they might buy the fanciest car and then come and park in, you know, let's say the, what do you call that the handicap parking spot. They don't need to be parking there. But they parked there on purpose. Why? Because they think oh, you know, I don't want anyone to hit my car, I deserve this spot. Look at the car, I'm driving, right, I need an extra three feet on the sides of my cars. Because you know, I don't want anyone to open the door and hit my car. Well, what makes your car

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more special than our car, because you could afford that car, that car has that equivalent value to you, but to the person who can't afford it, then their car is you know, just as good. And so some kind of lens is good. A very good example. Sometimes people will show off by doing things to their cars as well, right? You know, scooping them up putting things on it and just to be recognized. And this happens a lot again, with the young adults, right? They'll do something or do things or dress a certain way in order to be recognized. Now, when we look at certain examples with regards to showing off for seeking attention, do children seek attention regularly?

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exactly. And I was hoping the parents would say that right? Do children seek attention regular the parents should be saying yes, our children always want our attention, right? Unless your children really don't think you're cool or anything and they just don't care what you're doing. Right? And yet you have the most amazing relationship with your children that they do that they want and you do what you want. But how do they usually our children always want our attention. Now that in itself is not necessarily showing off first of all, because their children, they're young, they don't know any better. Secondly, because they want attention from their parents, which is their right. As children,

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they have the right to have that attention.

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Their parents, and parents handler, we should feel like we always give our attention to our children, of course in moderation and what's healthy for them, right and not spoil them too much and make sure that they have the attention, but at times, they don't get it. So children will always want attention. But at school, you'll see sometimes children seeking attention as well, not from their parents, but from their teachers or the principal. They'll do things in class sometimes to get attention, like, someone is about to ask a question before they even say the question. Their hand is up in the air. So you don't even know the question is, yeah, but I know the answer.

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Okay, you don't even know the question. Right? He says, Okay, I know the answer. I'm smart. Don't worry. I'm smart. I know the answer, right. And so that might be one thing that they do. But at the same time, children do the opposite as well. Sometimes they will become naughty on purpose. So they might realize, you know, Mom and Dad don't really care about me, every time we sit down to eat supper, they're on their phones, they don't care. So after supper today, I'm going to take a rock and throw it through a glass window and break a window. What's that going to do? That's a bad thing. But what does it do to the child? What do they feel attention, they get attention. At school, the

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same things happen, sometimes you see that children are bullying other children, they do that because they want attention, they get attention from doing these things. And so Subhanallah, we need to teach our children the importance of recognizing Allah subhanho wa Taala. So that as they grow older, they're going to they're going to want to do things for the sake of pleasing Allah, and not for the sake of seeking attention from other people, whether it's the teachers, even their classmates, colleagues, and so on and so forth. Okay. Now, as adults, do we sometimes seek attention?

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Now, don't talk about yourself, I don't want anyone to talk about themselves. Always talk in third person. So for example, you might say, yeah, you know, sometimes adults will do this, or sometimes adults will do that. Okay. So as adults, and I'm asking the adults now, do we sometimes seek attention?

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Of course, of course, right. Like we said earlier at the beginning, that we will probably identify that every single one of us has something in us that we need to correct something that we need to fix inside of us. I'll give you a simple example. Actually, I want you to give me examples, first of how adults sometimes seek attention.

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Very good. That's a really good example of how Allah I didn't think of that one earlier. Sometimes parents will show off with their children, as in they will show off in front of their friends, that their children are better than their friends, children. Like, look, yeah, you know, my son finished. You know, he finished high school with honors, and he's already going straight into university. He skipped grade 12 He didn't even need to do it. You know, he's like, you know, medical doctor in two years. inshallah, don't worry, everything's fine, you know, somehow, or they're just showing off because of how, you know, maybe they think their children are good, or their children actually are

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really good. But Subhana Allah, they show off that way. Yes. How else? I want to hear from some of the adults, yes. You're not an adult. But

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ah, very good. When the parents yell, hopefully your parents don't do this. Right. Don't tell us we don't need to know. Right. When the parents yell, sometimes they get the children's attention. Right. And that's very true. So sometimes our children are not listening to us. And the only way or sometimes we feel the only way that we can get their attention is if we raise our voice, which Pamela sometimes we can debate is that the good The best thing to do or not, right? Yes.

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Pray and show off while we're praying. Very good. I wanted to use that as an example. Okay. I wanted to use that as an as an example. And I will, but we'll hear some more examples from some of the adults going.

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Very good. Sometimes the parents will show off or an adult's will show off in front of their colleagues either at work or maybe at university. Maybe they're doing a test or some sort of project that they're supposed to do at work and they show off in front of others to show that they're better. And maybe they're deserving of a higher position or more money, right, a higher salary. Very good. Yes.

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Very good. So very similar to what we just mentioned that sometimes in the workplace, someone will excel or push themselves even harder, simply to show off or to be recognized that I did this and I

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did that. Now we have to understand that because some people might misunderstand and say, Oh, so we're not allowed to excel, like, we're not allowed to do good anymore. So now I can't, you know, push myself hard to reach a higher level or get a higher position at work. No, not at all You're allowed to, you can, but make sure that we tweak our intention for the sake of pleasing Allah subhanho wa Taala, Hannah, I'm going to work really hard, because when I work really hard, I will get the higher position, I will be earning more money, and that's going to go towards my family. And all of that is what Allah subhanho wa Taala loves. Allah wants me to provide better and more for my

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family and to give more sadaqa more charity to do goodness towards society. I will do that through seeking the higher position. Yes.

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Very good. Sometimes adults will show off on social media, right? They will show off like, Oh, you know, I donated this amount to this charity, you need to do the same thing. Right? Very good. That's a good example. What about some of the older sisters? Right? Or some of the older you know, brothers, I don't mean to old as in, we're old now. Right? Anyone who raises their hand they're gonna think oh, they're old? No, I mean, like an adult. Any adults halus we'll take an example. I'll show you something with regards to prayer that this brother mentioned right? in prayer, sometimes we show off.

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And what's really important is that we understand as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us, you know, our actions become void or can become void when we show off because we're not doing that action for the sake of pleasing Allah subhanho wa Taala. So for example, you're about to praise Allah. And the way that you pray usually is Allahu Akbar, on and on and

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sent me a lot, a lot a lot a little off and a lot but a locker room up right back up again.

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All of a sudden someone walks through the door, and you're like, No, I'm anatomy and on and on again in New York, and he, you know, said all funny and list out the most at all, Nina and airily him. Why did your recitation change? Why did it just change because someone came through the door. So you were reciting? Because they came through the door in order to be recognized by that person? And that's something that adults do sometimes, right? We're really busy some kind of line we can ask ourselves, we don't need to point fingers at our own self or admit, no, that's not what we're here for. We're here to learn. Sometimes when we pray on our own at home, for example, our prayer is

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totally different than how we just prayed here in the masjid, or our son. This is a good example because the compulsory prayer, you know what people might say, I always pray in congregation I'm always in the muster that hamdulillah but the Sunnah prayers, right? Do I pray this prayer at home? Or do I only pray it when I'm around other people? Now the question we need to ask ourselves because there's different levels. And I usually go into this in detail when I teach adults, but we're not going to go into detail today, we'll just give you an example. There's a difference between someone who says, You know what, I feel motivated when I'm around other Muslims. So because everyone is, is

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you know, practicing Islam, everyone is praying together, I'm hearing people reciting the Quran. I feel like praying extra to it. I have some not great, that's not showing off. That's being motivated. But someone says, Oh, you know, everyone's here. Everyone's praying, son. You know what, I should pray some that too, because if I don't pray, they're gonna notice that I didn't pray. They'll hear the door opening here. And everyone's gonna look and be like, oh, oh, brother downloads leaving before everyone else finishes or Sunday is not praying this Sunday. So you don't want people to recognize you that way. So what you do is you end up staying and praying your Sunnah, just

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because you don't want people to recognize you leaving, right? So when we do something differently, because people are noticing or recognizing us, that's where we fall into this category of react, which is dangerous, because it can make our actions completely nullified. void, invalid. Now that's really interesting when we say that because a person might say, well, how is it that if I prayed to Dhaka with you know, slow recitation, beautiful recitation, I did everything the way I'm supposed to do it. Mitel court was perfectly fine. My back was super straight. You could put a glass on it and the water wouldn't fall out, right? Everything was perfectly fine. My suit was perfect. My arms were

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out my fingers were facing the Qibla everything was perfectly fine. How can someone say that my Salah was not or is not correct, no one can say that. But with Allah subhana wa Tada, he will, he will look at our prayer, or you look at our actions and judge and say, You know what, you're doing all of this, but you're not doing it for me.

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You're doing all these actions. You're doing everything nicely and perfectly incorrect, but you're not doing it for me and we're supposed to do everything for the sake of pleasing Allah Subhana

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Without a first, right. And so we see how sometimes our actions can either nullify completely, or it can completely be nullified based on our intention. Or we might lose out on some of the reward, because some people might. And again, this goes into the stages, but there are certain stages where we might still have an essence of where we're showing off a little bit, but we still get a little bit of reward for it, because our full intention was not to completely show off. Okay.

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Let's move on. And Shall I want to take a few other things. Now, in the example of Sala, right, there's a few things that we can learn there. First of all, someone came through the door, and this person changed the way that they were reciting. Or they change the way that they were actually doing the actions. They slowed it down. But sometimes people don't pray. Right. We use prayer as a general example. Sometimes people don't pray. They don't give sadaqa they don't recite the Quran, but they only do that when they're around other people. And this is where we need to be careful because we could fall into the trap of actually showing off in that moment. Right? Good.

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What do you mean, give me an example.

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Good. So the goal or the end does not justify the means in Islam. That's that's what we you know, hold on to that the end goal does not justify your means you want to become a doctor, you want to help the Ummah but in order to do that, you either need to cheat or you need to steal, or you need to, you know, show off or you need to become Teacher's pet just because you need those extra marks etc. No, we should work extremely hard to please Allah subhanho wa Taala and extremely hard in order to study and get those good grades without having to show off in front of others or to use alternative means. Okay, that's a very good question. So Pamela, very good. Michelle, that's about

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to come on.

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I don't want to go through any actually have a lot written down somehow, but I don't want to go through it. I want to the signs or indications that we might have react within us. Okay, so how can I identify that I am someone who shows off? How can I identify that I am someone who you know, likes people's attention. The first thing is that we are lazy with regards to doing something but we will be quick to get up and do it when other people are around. Okay, very simple example. We'll go back to Sala we'll use a general example Sala when someone is lazy to pray. They're at home, they're not praying, they skip prayers, they might miss two days, three days of prayer. But all of a sudden they

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have visitors over at their house. And you know, they invited them for dinner for example. And because their visitors are there, they're like, Oh, you know, brothers, it's gonna be time for muffin had been about 20 minutes. If anyone needs to make wuzhou then we should get ready and go make Whoo. But that person on their own, they're too lazy to get up for prayer. Whether they do pray on time or they don't pray at all. There's that element of laziness inside of them. If we feel lazy and not motivated to pray, because Allah wants us to pray or Alan knows that we are not praying, then that's a sign within us that we might have to or ostentation. Okay. Another example is or

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another indication

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is that we react when people praise us. So, for example, someone says, Mashallah to watercolor. You know, I saw you reciting the Quran the other day. No, no, no, I saw you playing basketball the other day, right? Because with youth, sometimes we need to, instead of the Quran and Solow, we need to give them examples of games, right? And playing and having fun. Just like martial arts of Article I saw you the other day, man, you're out there. You look like the future Michael Jordan. And then all of a sudden, when he's playing every time he's playing, he's like, Yo, man, what's up, I'm Michael Jordan, and he goes out there and he pushes himself extra hard. Sometimes he might even fall down

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and hurt himself because he's just being foolish. But Hana law, that person will love to be praised or loved to be recognized. And when you see that you do things differently, because people recognize you. That's an indication that we have real inside of us in whatever it is that we do anything that we do. Right. So those are two things that I want us to focus on in sha Allah who tada with regards to recognizing that we have this element of showing off. Now how do we cure that? Yeah, we said it's a disease of the heart. How do we cure it? Yes.

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Very good.

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Very good.

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Good. You mentioned two things. I'm gonna elaborate on them in Sharla. Yes.

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Right. So for example, you're gonna pray your son Before leaving, and there's other people here. So your intention is not to do it because other people are here, right? You would have done it, even if no one was here, but you're doing it for the sake of pleasing Allah. Two things were mentioned here. First of all, is too far. Right? I'm in. Remember, I'm going to come back to you, right? I just want to get to it before I forget. The first thing was, is still thought constant remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala. But constantly asking Allah for forgiveness. If we did something wrong, that's very, very good and very powerful. But before that's before anything, we need to recognize that

00:31:05 --> 00:31:43

there is a problem within us. So analyze yourself, do I become lazy when I need to do some sort of some sort of, you know, worship of Allah subhanho wa Taala? Do I get lazy? Do I feel that I'm happy or more motivated when people praise me or say something nice about me. Those are things that we need to understand first, if we recognize it in us, then we need to begin the curing process. First of all, like our brother mentioned, seeking is to follow regularly asking Allah for forgiveness. The second point, intention is my intention solely for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Now the intention has three things that we're focusing on here, I'm coming to, Okay, I'm coming to you just

00:31:43 --> 00:32:26

remember what you're going to say. There's three things with regards to the intention. We have to purify our intention. before, during and after the action. Okay, before, during and after the action. How do we do that? Before I want to do something before I pray the two o'clock I have so now when everyone is here, I'm thinking to myself and in my heart, I'm doing this for the sake of pleasing Allah subhanho wa Taala Halas you begin the action. Right? You go and pray button play basketball because you want to please Allah subhanho wa Taala through being active, and that's a huge part of our Deen being physically fit is important in our Deen. A lot of people don't think it

00:32:26 --> 00:33:06

is they're like, Oh, that's just playing games. No being physically fit is important in our Deen, right. And then throughout the action while we're doing that, while we're praying, while we're reciting the Quran, while we're playing basketball, or hockey or soccer or anything, while we're doing what we're doing, we remember Oh, why am I doing this? Because sometimes we intend to pray. For example, we take prayer. And as we're praying, someone comes in and our intention changes. And then we catch yourself, Oh, you know what, I'm actually doing this differently because this person came in. So let me change my intention, I will continue to do it nicely. But for the sake of

00:33:06 --> 00:33:40

pleasing Allah subhanho wa Taala. I don't care what this other person thinks of me. Good. Now you've changed or you corrected your intention throughout the action. At the end of the action, you're done your prayer, you might think to yourself, oh, you know, some kind of law. I actually, I totally forgot to check my intention while I was praying, and I changed my intention for prayer, because someone walked in or because I heard someone was watching me, or because I thought, you know, while you're praying, you hear two brothers in the back. And they're saying, Mashallah, lots of watercolor look at him when he prays. He always has so much devotion and concentration, and his recitation is

00:33:40 --> 00:33:44

so beautiful Subhanallah and you turn around and you say, but watch how I make subdued right?

00:33:46 --> 00:33:58

So somehow Allah, you know, you hear other people talking about you. And so you changed your prayer. And then at the end of it, you're done. Now you think to yourself, oh, I made a mistake.

00:33:59 --> 00:34:21

I did something because they recognize me. So at the end, you do is too far and you tweak your intention? Again, you fix your intention, you purify the intention, yeah, Allah did this for your sake, forgive me if I did anything wrong, right. So those are two very good powerful points. Okay. One, two, and three, I remember don't worry.

00:34:35 --> 00:34:36

Very good.

00:34:47 --> 00:35:00

Very good panel, that that is very, very powerful. Subhan Allah, that you make it a habit to do something, whether you're alone, or in front of others, but you train yourself to do it when you're alone.

00:35:00 --> 00:35:31

So for example, like a brother was saying, you see some garbage on the floor, you pick it up and put it in the garbage. You're walking through the park, you see something, you know, someone ate a Mars bar and they left the wrapper on the ground, you pick up the wrapper, you keep walking, you see the garbage, you put it in the garbage, no one is around, no one sees you, you don't care that other people can or can't see you, you're doing it because this is good. And a loss of kind of talent loves when you do good things, cleanliness, etc, cleaning, helping society. So you did it. I'm coming to you in Shaolin. Okay. So that's a really good thing that you do you train yourself to do

00:35:31 --> 00:35:39

goodness, so that when you're in front of others, or you're alone, it doesn't matter. You're doing it because you recognize Allah subhana wa, Tada. Very good. Yes.

00:35:48 --> 00:36:13

Very good. So it ties into what he was saying, right? When you're alone, do your actions or whatever you're doing the same way you would do it, whether you're alone or in front of people, right. And another thing that ties in with this is that we don't boast about what we do. So for example, you woke up in the middle of the night at three o'clock in the morning to pray 200. And then you go online, and you post to everyone you like, yeah, just enjoying 200, it's three o'clock in the morning.

00:36:15 --> 00:36:33

Why are you doing that? And we don't need to tell people that have a lot, right. 200 is something to yourself, you keep it to yourself. Or if you want to encourage people, you encourage someone else like on their own, but you don't publicly just go and say, Oh, you know what I'm doing this, and so on and so forth, just to seek that recognition. Yes.

00:36:40 --> 00:37:18

Good. So if you want to give some sort of charity or you know, sadaqa, then do it privately try to do it as privately as you can. Remember one of the categories the loss of hanway to Hana will shade one of the categories of people that will be under the shade on the Day of Judgment is a person who gives sadaqa to the extent that their right, their left hand has no idea what the right hand is giving. Right, they give charity, not seeking attention of others that their left hand has no idea how much they gave up on the right side as in, you just reach in whatever comes out, you give it to us. It's done. You don't even need to know how much it was nothing. You just give it and your left

00:37:18 --> 00:37:36

hand has no idea you didn't like take it out. And then you're shuffling like well, you know, okay, now let me not give 20 today, let me just give five right. And then you put some back in your pocket and you only get some that your right hand has, you know, no connection with the left hand. Right. That's a really good point. Some handle? Ah, yes. Do you remember what you wanted to say?

00:37:38 --> 00:37:39


00:37:40 --> 00:37:43

What about soap? You clean it with soap and handle a very good

00:37:46 --> 00:38:19

Toba. I thought he said soaps kind of allows like so what do you mean? So some kinda very good, Toba. Right. So we cure Ria with Toba. So recognize, you know, conceal your good deeds, we mentioned all of these things. knowledge of the dangers of reo understand that reo can invalidate all of my actions. So why do it? Like what's the point of me praying when other people can see me when it's not even going to be written down as praying? Right? So some kind of, I'm wasting my time. Let me change my intention so that I'm not wasting my time and I'm pleasing Allah subhana wa, Tada. Yes.

00:38:22 --> 00:38:23


00:38:42 --> 00:39:03

But that's good. That's very good, that you do something for the sake of pleasing a law, you do something good. You see an apple car on the ground, you pick it up, you throw it in the garbage, and other people come around, and they see you doing it. But you're still doing it for the sake of pleasing Allah. Then when you pick it up and put it in the garbage, they will see you or maybe it's organics, right? Because

00:39:04 --> 00:39:41

and then people see you and they will want to do the same thing. You will then get the reward for them learning from your actions. Right? Yeah. So it's good to do that. Right. It's good to do good things for the sake of wanting to get more reward from Allah subhanho wa Taala without showing off, but if someone does learn goodness, through your actions, Alhamdulillah right. So you don't go around counting. Okay, must have learned something from me. He's doing that. All right. So I'm getting his rewards. And you know, Fatima, my sister, she saw me Okay. All right, so I'm going to get hold of Fatima's rewards. No, we don't do that. Right. But we just do good things so that we can

00:39:41 --> 00:39:48

get more rewards and shot a lot of data. So will suffice with that in sha Allah Tada. Are there any questions before we do the quiz?

00:39:57 --> 00:39:59

If you do something to please Allah

00:40:00 --> 00:40:00


00:40:02 --> 00:40:03


00:40:05 --> 00:40:39

Yes it can. So a simple example to bring light to, you know, to bring context to your example, is an Imam, someone who's young who memorize the Quran and all of a sudden they're given the position to lead Yamaha to lead out are we to lead Sala right to teach the Quran classes in the evening for example, this person now feels like Oh, you know what, I'm getting this recognition. I intended to do this for the sake of pleasing Allah Subhana Allah, but now I'm getting this recognition. So I want to do more of it because people recognize that let me mention something that I was supposed to begin with.

00:40:40 --> 00:40:53

There's a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that tells us the first person that will be thrown into jahannam or the sorry the first person that will be questioned on the Day of Judgment is Does anyone know?

00:40:55 --> 00:41:09

No, right Heidi's you're thinking of it. Yes. Shaheed, someone who died as a martyr. The second person that will be quiet, that will be questioned, brought to reckoning on the day of judgment as a prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us is

00:41:11 --> 00:41:16

this scholar, the person who sought knowledge or learnt the Quran and the third person is

00:41:23 --> 00:41:25

that was the first one. The third one now

00:41:27 --> 00:42:04

a, the one the one who was constant in a regular in giving charity. These three people they will be brought in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala as in categories of people, right? So the martyr the scholar, let me do it this way, the martyr the scholar and the person who is giving charity, they will be questioned by Allah subhanho wa Taala What did you do in your life? They'll say Oh, you know what I learned knowledge of Islam and I learned the Quran and I taught people that were earn and I was spreading the deen and the other person will say, you know, I sacrifice my life and everything I gave it for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala the other person will come the third one and will

00:42:04 --> 00:42:41

say you know what, I gave everything I had all the charities and so on all the welfare earned a gave it away and charity. And Alon knows our intention. So Allah subhana wa, tada will say, You're lying. You're a liar. You lied about what you did. You're not telling the truth. And you wanted to, you did all of that. So that you can seek fame from people and people will give you recognition for God. And it was done. People said good things about you. They praised you, they they recognized your actions. It was done for you. That was your reward. That's what you wanted. That's what you got. Now, you go to john. And those are the first three categories of people some kind of law. That's powerful,

00:42:41 --> 00:42:52

because those are like people who, technically when you think of it, they sacrifice everything they have for the sake of Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, and it's good that you reminded me about that because it comes in the quiz. All right.

00:42:53 --> 00:43:01

Any questions inshallah will suffice with that in sha Allah to Allah, I don't want it to go too long. I know. Yeah, you have a question.

00:43:47 --> 00:43:50

But the parent was the one that was lying or the child.

00:44:09 --> 00:44:46

So Allah can forgive and does want to forgive. We know that Allah Subhana Allah is merciful. So the brothers asking a question, you know, arguments between parent and child and maybe the parent lies in order to prove something to the child? He's asking, will the parent be forgiven by Allah subhanho wa Taala. If the parent asks for forgiveness, and we should encourage them if we know they did something wrong or said something wrong, we should encourage them to ask for forgiveness, like our brother was mentioning, is still constantly asking for forgiveness from Allah subhanho wa Taala. On love will, with his own will and desire, forgive people for the things that they did or said. All

00:44:46 --> 00:44:53

right, very good question or shout out to Monica. Let me just hook this up in sha Allah and we will do the quiz did it turn off

00:46:18 --> 00:46:59

Okay, so for those of you that don't know Kahoot This is something that we've been doing regularly. If you have a phone or tablet and you have internet connection, just go to kahoot.it k h, o t, it, just go to the website and then it's gonna ask you to put in your game pin. So you punch in this game pin, and then come up with a username that is nice and good, right? Nothing that's bad. And you'll see the names showing up here. So so far, there's two players and hopefully we get a lot more than two inshallah, usually we get about 30 or 40. So anyone can do this. And I actually encourage the adults, a lot of the adults don't do it some kind of law, right? They just pretend like all you

00:46:59 --> 00:47:03

know, this is for children. No, this is good, we should all take part in it.

00:47:04 --> 00:47:08

Personally, if I was not the one running it, I would do it as well. And I have.

00:47:15 --> 00:47:50

So I thought today you know what, we'll mix it up a little bit, we'll do a prize for the number one brother and a prize for the number one sister, right? So that it's not like, because there's more brothers and it's a lot easier for the brothers to win all the time. Right. So we'll do one for the top score on the brother side and one for the top score on the sister side, you play the same game, the highest one will win inshallah to Allah. And then I'm giving away, you know, money. And some people might say, oh, you're not allowed to do any transactions in the masjid. Right, some people might become concerned with with regards to that. We're not doing any business transaction here

00:47:50 --> 00:48:05

anyways, whether I was giving you a chocolate or $5 or $100, or a piece of gold, it's not a business transaction. This is a gift, right? It's an idea. It's a gift. That is not a business transaction. So you didn't do anything for me in order for you to get this right.

00:48:06 --> 00:48:11

So don't think it's bad or we're not allowed to do this. We're allowed to do it. Don't worry and shall not okay.

00:48:14 --> 00:48:17

So we'll give you another minute and shot a lot to join.

00:48:28 --> 00:48:39

Does anyone need more time? Or is everyone done? You need more time to register? a shirt because it's just looking at me? Oh, it's still loading. Anyone else need more time?

00:48:40 --> 00:48:42

Yeah. Okay, we'll give you another minute inshallah.

00:48:51 --> 00:48:55

So we have some weird names that I can't pronounce. Yes.

00:49:01 --> 00:49:02

You're supposed to be paying attention.

00:49:04 --> 00:49:11

But I don't think that's gonna come on the question on the quiz. There's a good, I'll add it to the quiz for next time.

00:49:24 --> 00:49:26

All right, so we have 25 players so far.

00:49:29 --> 00:49:32

Anyone else? need more time? Raise your hand if you need more time.

00:49:36 --> 00:49:36


00:49:37 --> 00:49:38

You need more time?

00:49:39 --> 00:49:41

No. Alas, everyone's good.

00:49:43 --> 00:49:44

But are you on?

00:49:46 --> 00:49:49

Yeah, I'm the law you're in. Don't worry. What's your name?

00:49:52 --> 00:49:55

Not all of them are there though. It just shows like the top ones.

00:49:57 --> 00:49:59

Hey, you ready? Miss Miller?

00:50:00 --> 00:50:01

We're gonna start inshallah

00:50:03 --> 00:50:04

There we go.

00:50:06 --> 00:50:07

Yeah, showing off.

00:50:11 --> 00:50:21

Who will be the second person to be judged on the day of judgment? Someone who was poor, someone who died as a martyr someone who learned knowledge and the Quran or someone who is extremely wealthy.

00:50:30 --> 00:50:33

You're not supposed to tell the answers otherwise other people will win.

00:50:36 --> 00:51:03

Okay, time's up. The correct answer was someone who learned knowledge of the Quran that is the second person that will be judged on the Day of Judgment. We just finished going over that Hadeeth. Right. And that's why I went like this 123 so that you can remember 123 which one is which? Don't worry if you answered it wrong, you can still win. Don't worry. All right. So we have winner who's winner.

00:51:04 --> 00:51:24

shot a lot, a lot of a lot. And then we have Dean squad. Where's Dean squad? Right there? A few of you. How many? 300? Illa. Okay, good. We're gonna move on. Question two, does the use of social media encourage people to sometimes show off? Yes. Never always know.

00:51:46 --> 00:52:15

Hi. So the correct answer is yes. Social media does sometimes encourage people to show off. So I put the word sometimes in there because sometimes people will be like, does social media encourage us to show off? Someone might debate and say yes, someone might say no, someone might say No, I never does, right. But if we put the word sometimes it throws you off. And so the correct answer was yes. And it seems like most of you got it. Alhamdulillah. So HK Hong Kong is in first place.

00:52:17 --> 00:52:20

That's because your internet must be slow.

00:52:32 --> 00:52:33

Hey, we're gonna go to the next one. Okay.

00:52:34 --> 00:52:38

What does it do to our actions or deeds?

00:52:39 --> 00:52:46

Makes them visible, makes them valuable, makes them beautiful and awesome. Makes them void or deficient.

00:52:49 --> 00:53:16

Right. What does that do to our actions or deeds? Of course, it makes them visible and valuable, right and beautiful and awesome, but the correct answer that we're looking for is obviously it makes them void or deficient. Okay. Yes, yeah, it does make our actions visible but that's not what we're trying to do. We're trying to hide our actions or try to conceal them for the sake of Allah subhana wa tada only okay.

00:53:18 --> 00:53:20

So HK, Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

00:53:21 --> 00:53:27

Where's HK whose HK, their martial arts a lot of Kala hamdulillah you're fast and you're fast.

00:53:29 --> 00:53:41

Alright, next question, who said the thing I am most afraid of for you is Austin tation. Teacher Deadwood, Imam Abu hanifa. Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam or Allah subhanho wa Taala.

00:53:42 --> 00:53:47

Who said that the thing I'm most afraid of for you is Ria. ostentation

00:53:56 --> 00:54:09

prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Mashallah some of you got tricked on that and you chose number five a you chose Allah subhanho wa Taala. And so far the score is at h k.

00:54:11 --> 00:54:14

Next question, do we have any sisters on the scoreboard here?

00:54:16 --> 00:54:17

Any sisters in the top five?

00:54:18 --> 00:54:19

No, what if I

00:54:21 --> 00:54:26

will see you later? Ah, okay. Don't worry. We know who he is. He's smart. He's quick. Um, the last

00:54:28 --> 00:54:36

question five are prank videos put up online linked to showing off? No, yes, always No way.

00:54:45 --> 00:54:49

Our prank videos put up online linked to showing off.

00:54:52 --> 00:54:59

And the answer is yes. prank videos. Why would people choose nose Hello when someone does a prank right? They're usually doing it.

00:55:00 --> 00:55:01


00:55:03 --> 00:55:29

so that others can see them, you know, performing the prank and then putting it up online so that people could watch them. So that is considered showing off you're doing something to be recognized by others. And the reason why I put some of these, you know, examples in there is so that we can recognize, sometimes we do this without realizing we're actually seeking attention from others, without even thinking of doing something nice for Allah subhanho wa Taala. Okay.

00:55:30 --> 00:55:39

hk is still on top of hamdulillah we move on to the next question. Question six children tried to get attention through

00:55:40 --> 00:55:47

calling on their parents over and over being naughty, posting pictures of them on the internet or getting in trouble at school.

00:55:52 --> 00:55:55

Hurry up, hurry up. You got to quit choose one choose one quickly.

00:56:01 --> 00:56:31

They're all correct. Right? We spoke about this, how children will do various different things to get noticed by their parents or by people in general. So children will call on their parents over and over, they'll be like Mom, Mom, mom, right? Trying to get their attention. They will be naughty, right? Where you gave the example of breaking the glass window, they will get in trouble at school to seek attention. And they will post pictures of them on the internet to try and get attention from other people as well. Right, which is what we discussed last week. Also, with regards to

00:56:33 --> 00:56:46

social media. Last question in sha Allah, Who tada seems like we have the same five in the top five, right? Now the last question this is a make or break is showing off in worshipping Allah always bad?

00:56:48 --> 00:56:50

Yes, sometimes No, never.

00:56:55 --> 00:56:58

Be careful with how you answer this one. Don't be too quick.

00:57:01 --> 00:57:04

is showing off in worshipping Allah always bad?

00:57:07 --> 00:57:10

The correct answer is sometimes.

00:57:11 --> 00:57:13

Why is the correct answer sometimes?

00:57:15 --> 00:57:16


00:57:21 --> 00:57:28

Okay, sometimes you don't intend to show off you intend to pray What else? We spoke about the levels of showing off right? Why is it?

00:57:32 --> 00:57:33

Sorry, if we say

00:57:35 --> 00:57:57

if we say no, it's correct. Also, is showing off in worshipping Allah always bad? Yeah, you could say no, but always. Right. And the point here that I wanted to put was is showing off in worshipping Allah. When you're showing off in your Salah, for example, or in your recitation, but you're showing off to Allah. Is that a bad thing?

00:57:59 --> 00:58:39

Hey, guys, if you're showing off in your sauna, or you're showing off in your recitation of the Quran, but you're showing off to a law instead of to a person, is that a bad thing? No, it isn't. So we can show off in front of Allah subhana wa Tada. And we should we should do our best in front of a lot, right? So that's why I put here as a correct answer sometimes. Okay, because sometimes our level of rehab might be one that we also gain a little bit of reward, we might be sending a little bit but we get a little bit of reward as well. So I think this one threw off those that are leading and let's see if HK is still on top.

00:58:41 --> 00:58:46

Oh, top score is fattest, but that's not the result is it?

00:58:48 --> 00:58:51

This is new, Mashallah. This is very new.

00:58:57 --> 00:59:09

Oh, we're supposed to do a rating. There's a new rating thing. I don't know. They changed it. So the top score is faddis. Let me see if I can exit full screen. And that's in the way so we can't see a score but the top score is faddis.

00:59:11 --> 00:59:11


00:59:15 --> 00:59:18

and you can't even see who's in the third place. I don't know who that is.

00:59:21 --> 00:59:33

They changed it. They just changed it. It wasn't like this. Let's have a look at the top scores. faddis. And are there any sisters there? Any of the sisters see themselves? I don't know who this is here. It looks like another version of HK.

00:59:34 --> 00:59:36

Go back to ratings. See if we could find it.

00:59:40 --> 00:59:44

Now we can't see it. Tell us so we're gonna give it to faddis. Who's fat is?

00:59:46 --> 00:59:47

I don't know. What's your name?

00:59:48 --> 00:59:51

Monique. I think you might be the sixth.

00:59:55 --> 01:00:00

I can't see I can only see the first five. So who's faddis who is this mysterious fattest.

01:00:00 --> 01:00:10

martial arts of Attica law we will give this to you and I had told the sisters that I will give them the top score but I can't see unless maybe if I save the results because they just change this

01:00:12 --> 01:00:13

download let's see

01:00:17 --> 01:00:21

let's save to desktop results save

01:00:22 --> 01:00:24

on us. Let's see what happens here

01:00:34 --> 01:00:34

there we go

01:00:36 --> 01:00:37

I don't see any names though.

01:00:42 --> 01:00:47

Okay, there we go. Mashallah. So first place we had faddis

01:00:48 --> 01:01:24

hK, Abu bathia let me know any sisters if you see your name, who's MK Oh, we know who MK was shala Adnan? Khan question if someone doesn't know if they're a con or not, they're just con I'm confused. Right? Who's the confused con? You're confused? You're confused hon. Carlos, you're you're not so confused because you were the top sister who won right? So this is for you. And this is for faddis. Wherever faddis is you can come and get this inshallah. And this is for you. Yeah, we'll go through it. We'll see who you are. Okay. So sixth place we had hon. That's for you. Sorry.

01:01:25 --> 01:01:35

About a philosophique then we have another con who knows who they are. Right? This con knows who they are. Then we have better champion shiras Myra.

01:01:36 --> 01:01:45

Winner who wasn't the winner? Malik. Oh Malik. There you are charismatic. Yeah, you're in 13 Mashallah. Very good. You actually were

01:01:47 --> 01:01:55

you're in the top first half. All right. Then we have learner Dean squad number, whatever, whatever, whatever. You could just look at whoever's there.

01:01:57 --> 01:02:39

And in last place, we have the three brownies. Is that you guys in that in a in a Rajon harness? So you Yeah, you're stopped working after the second one. So that was that hamdulillah and we ask Allah subhanho wa Taala to make it easy for us to cleanse ourselves from any element of Ria or showing off or ostentation, and we ask Allah subhana wa tada to make it easy for us to work together to try and help each other, you know, to purify our intentions for the sake of pleasing Allah subhanho wa Taala and to encourage others to seek forgiveness from Allah subhanho wa Taala, which is a common level Clayton must have a lot of sentiment about again Ana de Namur hamdulillah early us looking to sell

01:02:39 --> 01:02:42

them or sell them on eco management Allahu Akbar cattle

05 – Purification of the Soul (Tazkiatu Al-Nafs) – Sh. Daood

Dec 23, 2016 @ Al Falah Islamic Centre

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