Daood Butt – Friday Night Quran Class – November 27, 2020
AI: Summary ©
AI: Transcript ©
Salam O Allah and OB Hill Kadeem Ali of formosana, to attempt to sleep in rubbish roughly so the way I said Lee and Marie doc that Emily's any of Gabor Kohli, my brothers and my sisters a set them where they come from at Allahu Akbar castle. So prize for the first person who joins today and it is none other than safe, so safe you're the first person who came on today. And the prize for you is
a devout man of loss of how to avoid to either make you from amongst the first people in your entire family who see Jenna and who bring the rest of your family members into gendo with you and and if you want to another prize, then just let me know we'll find another one for you inshallah. So today, inshallah I that we're going to be finishing up our chapter on the etiquettes of the Quran. And we've gone through a number of things from time to love with regards to the Koran. And I was thinking today, what are we going to do next? Like it's been such an amazing journey through the etiquettes of the Quran, you know, talking about how to recite the Quran, the best way to respect
the Quran and things like that. And, you know, we're going to open it up for a question and answer session at the end of today's class as well, to see
if you have any remaining questions on the etiquettes of the court and, and things that we can cannot do, or should do that are encouraged and so on and so forth. But also to maybe get some feedback from you, I have an idea of what I want to do moving forward in sha Allah, and I was wanting to hear from all of you to see if you were interested in continuing on with, you know, something to do with the Quran link to the Quran or considering we're on this journey of etiquettes maybe continue along in a journey about different etiquettes that we can learn from the some of the profits on a longer I think he was selling them for example, you know, just just to give you a
simple example of what we might take
from the etiquettes that are
you know, an option for us to learn could be the etiquettes of setup, getting set up, right salutations meeting people, how do we greet them? So I'd have a setup.
Deb event, right how to present ourselves or how to introduce ourselves in a way that's, that's meaningful, but also respectful, right? seeking pardon from others.
I definitely call how do we how do we interact with one another things that we can do in order to better our interaction with one another? What's permissible, what's not permissible? Who should we hang out with? Who Shouldn't we hang out with? adabas? ziana? Right. So if we are going to visit someone, or even visiting the graves, right, what are the etiquettes of that? But you know, visiting someone who's going to visit someone's house, what are the etiquettes? Should we just walk in? Should we knock on the door? How many times do we seek pardon? Before entering someone's home?
a deadly alpha, right? So
if you are,
you know, the guests inside someone's home, or you're going to invite guests, I should say into your home, what do you need to do in order to show them kindness? I remember when I was a student in Medina, one of my friends, we we traveled around the country. And we went down south and visited one of one of the brothers who I met to we became very close with Ahmed, and he was looking after us more than we felt he should. And he told me he's like, no, it's a law in our country. If I am not going to show you hospitality and treat you well and give you you know, what you need and what you're looking for for five days, then you can take me to court and I was like, That's amazing,
right? These are like Islamic principles that you know, people live by. So these are some of the things there's a devotee muchness, like, sitting in a gathering or attending a Hanukkah, what are what are the rulings with regards to that? What are the etiquettes? Should I come with Hulu? Should I not come with Hulu? Do I have to sit next to my family? Or should I just come and sit in the back? Or do I need to move forward and fill up the gaps in the front? These are all examples of things that we can learn that a kid was sure right. How do we eat properly? What are the etiquettes with regards to eating and drinking? Right? What how do we eat and what should we eat? And how much
should we eat and and how did the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam eat and how do we share things with others and how do we show thankfulness to Allah subhanaw taala for the things that he's shared with us, and so many other things that we can look at a doubleheader on Masjid you know, the etiquettes on attending the masjid how do we attend the masjid? What is the best way to attend the masjid? But I've never been known. How do we go to sleep, the etiquettes with
Regards to sleeping, right? Do I need to make Hulu before going to sleep? Should I ever say I have to record a car night? What are the things that I need to do? Do I blow on myself? Do I do all these weird funky things? Or what is from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam right? So sometimes we see things and we don't know about it. And we think it's weird until we learn it. does suffer. Traveling, what do we need to know with regards to traveling? Yeah, that's somebody visiting the sick, visiting people who are sick, or the etiquettes. Should I make an appointment? Should I call them an investment? Should I just show up? Should I show up with a gift? Or with a gift? Do
they prefer flowers? Or do they prefer chocolate? How long should I stay? Should I stay for half an hour? Should I stay for four hours? You know, when visiting someone who's sick? These are all etiquettes that we can learn a Deb Leber's was Xena. So etiquettes on, you know, clothing etiquettes to do with clothing and beautification looking nice and presentable.
I dabbled recoup well mushy. So the etiquettes in you know, boarding a animal or, you know, getting onto an animal or getting into a car for example, how do we begin our journey? How do we begin? You know, going somewhere if I'm going to walk from point A to point B, how should I walk? Which side of the road Should I walk on? What do I begin? Is there something I'm supposed to say? What do I say when I arrive at my destination? Right? What happens if I get lost along the way, all of these things are important. I'd have a buddy
the Jaguar
the etiquettes on sneezing, right etiquettes of sneezing and yawning right. So I honestly want to continue on this journey of etiquettes but I want to hear from all of you as well you know I'm going to begin the class but in the chat session or in the comment section please do type in whether you want to continue learning etiquettes or you want to go back to to see it of the end. So just write etiquettes or put on for what you choose and what you feel you prefer in continuing to study throughout our Friday night programs and chalong data.
Alright, so let's get back to it today we're going to be concluding this chapter on the etiquettes of the Quran.
And we look at Point Number 22 that we've taken which is cut all he had to talk below and most half the fact that it is discouraged or it is disliked to kiss the most half to kiss because I'm
actually not going to use it I was gonna I was gonna you know hold a crown in my hand and show examples.
But we won't do that I could just use my my piece of paper here my cue card if I need to.
So what is permissible what is not permissible we know that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that he emelina hermelin Lisa. Sorry, but the men at FFC MD now Heather.
Melissa Minh, who for whom the profits on a lot of us sending them said whoever innovates introduces something that is new, and we're talking about new but linked to worship very bad for whoever right as long as it's not from what the prophet sallallahu wasallam taught then it is rejected. Okay. Now one of the things that the scholars mentioned is you know how some people will when they're reading the Quran before they read it, they'll kiss it right or they'll kiss it and then put it on their head right rub it on their forehead or put their nose on it their forehead on it, you know, some people will kiss the front and kiss aside and kiss the you know, the middle you know, all these
different things is this from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam or not? And the answer obviously is No. It is not from the Sunnah of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam to kiss the most half. Why did I say obviously because they didn't have physically printed physical printed copies of the Quran. Okay, they didn't have physical printed copies of the core and during the time of the Prophet sent along, he was sending them they had them printed on or written on or engraved on bones and branches and leaves from trees and bark and stuff like that right? stones, you know, engrave it or write it on the stone and so on.
So they had these different things parchments and so on, where they would have a court and a out of the court and in the sort of the Quran written so, and it was not from their practice to kiss the Quran or kiss the most half. Okay? In fact, when we see that example, people will say but all we're doing is showing respect to the Quran.
But the way we look at it is
You're not showing respect to the Quran by doing something the prophets on a long ladder he was sending them he himself did not do. Okay, so you're not showing respect to the Quran by kissing it and rubbing your head and your nose on it like this and you know doing this whole twisty turny upside down thing with the Quran, or with the most half that is not showing respect to the Quran. In fact, showing respect to the Quran is doing exactly what Allah subhanho wa Taala asked from us to do with the Quran. And we see that in the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he taught us how eurocon mentai lemon core Erna where Allah the best from amongst you are those who learn the
poor and and teach it to others.
And of course, part of learning the Quran is implementing it in our lives, right? So that's how we show respect to the court. Now people are saying Oh, but you know, there's nothing wrong while you're doing just kissing the Quran and it's just kissing it. But really what you're doing is some of the scholars see that as when you kiss the Quran, you're seeking nearness to a loss through an item through something
that the Prophet some a long rally, he was selling them he himself did not encourage us to do. And so that is not encouraged for us to do, right. You are seeking nearness and elevating the status of something in a way that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not show us to do as well.
We have some examples.
And that's all and that remark. So around rhodiola and when he saw the hajnal s word, the Blackstone at the Gabba. Right when he went to perform his philosophy around the carrabba
he said
he you don't benefit. There's no harm and there's no benefit in it. It's a stone right there's no harm, there's no benefit. And had the prophets on a longer I'd even send him had the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam
not kissed you. I wouldn't have kissed you.
Right. And he's basically saying this to the Blackstone. But we learn from that there are a lot of middle kebab is indicating to us. This is an item. It's an item. It's a thing something right? This the Blackstone. Now I know we're not, we're not here to diminish the honor or level of value of something, no doubt that we hold it to a higher level of honor and respect. But this is the way that the Sahaba or the Allahu anhu would speak very straightforwardly sometimes to show us just wake up and think logically what you're doing. Right. It's a stone at the end of the day. And it's something the prophet SAW along with it. He was seldom showed respect towards but he showed respect towards
that stones specifically. Now there's history with that stone for the prophets and a lover and even some of them remember, at the time, when the tribes were arguing amongst themselves, they were trying to debate on which corner to put the stone or which area they should put the stone and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam put the stone on, you know, like a tarp and had the tribes the leaders of the tribes Fold the corners or the edges of that, you know, tarp or cloth. And then they walked over together and the prophets and a lot of it was and then put the stone there. So there was some sentimental value but also we know that this is a stone from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Right.
But I'm going to know how Bob he's indicating to us that we should not raise it higher in honor and status than that of what was shown to us by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam now that example is an example that we can use to also indicate that we should not hold the level of honor and status of the Quran or the must have higher than that of the profits on the longer end he was selling them so do what the profits on a lot of it he was selling them did and don't do what the profits on a longer it was seldom did not do. Okay.
Another example,
Maria, what are the long run
when he made the offer on the carrabba
and he went over and kissed all the corners of the Kava
and even our bus about the love and humor. When he saw him,
he indicated to him that this was not something that should be done. Right. It's not something that should be done. And he basically said to him
what he should do
anything more than that
anything more than the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is not from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. So, going around and kissing every single corner of the caribou was not from the sum of the profits in the long run he was he would go to the Blackstone kissed of Blackstone, right? And then when he came around to the rock in India, Melanie, the Yemeni corner, he would rub his hand across it right he would basically put his hand on it or touch it, you know, the chimney corner and then move on to the next corner, which is the Blackstone. So the empty corners that is the corner of the cabinet just before the black stone.
So he indicates to more out of the line that that is not from the Sunnah. And what is from the sun, that is what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did, and so we look at what he did, and we don't do anything extra than what he did. And the third and last example that we'll look at, is that of it minimal say you
were he saw a men
sorry, where he saw a man. Yes, performing lots of report and lots of sujood after Salatu fudger.
Okay, so he saw someone who after salata, vegetables, performing lots of report, and lots of sujood. And so he stopped him, he went to him, and he basically told him, he shouldn't be doing this. You shouldn't be doing extra sajida an extra report after Salatu fudger. So the person responded to it. And he said to him, yeah, by Mohammed
says, oh, Abu Mohammed.
Are you saying that a lot would punish me for performing Sunnah?
And he says, No.
Well, I can. I laughed, he laughed.
He says, No, alone punish you for Sunnah. But He will punish you for what you do that's against the Sunnah of the Prophet, son, a lot of us you're performing extra record and so do it as an extra prayer after Salah till fudger. That was not from the Sunnah of the Prophet, son along it was something that's not from his way, that's not from his teachings. So he says to him, he's like, Are you saying that Allah is going to punish me for praying more prayers? He says, No, unless I'm going to punish him for Primo parrot prayers, but he's going to punish you for doing what goes against the son of Muhammad Sallallahu. And he would send them even if it's prayer, even if it's prayer, some
people will be like, Wait a second, that doesn't make any sense. Why would we get punished for prayer, because that's not the time for it. The prophets allowing it to send them actually discouraged prayers to be done after fudger until after the sun had risen. So don't use this time for that that's not a time for it. That's a time for us to count the time for due out it's a time to, you know, refrain from making sujood and neurocore. Right from bowing down because the sun is rising. And so he said no, Allah is not going to punish you for your prayers, but he'll punish you for not following the Sunnah of the Prophet on a longer anytime in fact for going against the Sunnah
of the Prophet son, a lover it was not for not following it before going against it and doing the opposite of what the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam encouraged us to do. Therefore my brothers and sisters when we take these examples, when we bring it back to
the call to an or the must have And should we kiss the most half or put it on our heads like this and do things like that or people you know, look at it and rub it and salt No, that is not from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam so don't do it. Simple, very simple.
That's how simple it is to learn etiquettes
now the scholars have mentioned to conclude on this on this topic itself.
The scholars mentioned we that there's no proof for kissing the Quran or the most house
and doing these sorts of things. There's no proof for that from the Quran, or the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.
But what what proof we do have is that the Quran is something that should be recited and should be pondered or pondered upon or pondered over and should also be acted upon. Okay, so we don't have any evidence in the UN or the some of the prophets in a long line of kissing the urn or kissing the most half, you know, and rubbing it on us or putting it on our heads and stuff like that. But what we see is from what we learned of the prophets on line where it was something related to the Quran, is that we read it. We learned it
We teach it. And also, we ponder over the Quran and also that we live by the court and we try to implement the Quran. People read the Quran and don't understand what it says put it aside, then people learn the Quran but don't want to implement it in their lives. I know lots of people and this is like something that boggles my mind. I know some people who attend classes on the plan.
And I'm not talking about the one off like family program about the Quran. I'm talking about people who are like attending, you know, regular daily classes or you know, every other day to learn the Quran and stuff like that. They know so much about the deen or they know so much about the Quran, but you don't find it in their lives. You don't see it in their behavior. You don't hear it in their speech, right? You don't see it in their actions. And so that is a deficiency in implementation of the knowledge that we can. Okay, it's a deficiency in the implementation of the knowledge that we gain.
Now, the last thing that we'll take for today, inshallah tada is,
what is the ruling with regards to hanging a out of the urn in our homes or on our walls? Or in our businesses? or, or, you know, workplaces or office and stuff like that? Is it permissible or not? Generally speaking, there's nothing to really indicate whether this should or shouldn't be done. Okay.
However, scholars have gone to the extent of saying that it is how long I've heard, some scholars say that it's hot on how they come to the conclusion of it being hot, um, is interesting, because we need to have some sort of evidence there to prove that it's hot. So we say that there are scholars who also say that it is permissible, okay, so there are those who say it's how long to hang, you know, picture frames with a out of the gun on it, or to have it painted or engraved, you know, an eye or a sword out of the corner as a courtesy or calling a lower headquarters with a bit of color with a bit of a nurse. You know, some people say that this is impermissible. Some people say it's
hot. Um, some people say that it is disliked, some people say it's permissible and is fine. However, when we look at it,
what we need to look at is, what is the purpose that it is serving?
What's the purpose that that's serving? If it is simply for beautification? Is that permissible? Or not? So I wrote a few points down, and I want to go through them with you in sha Allah. The first point that I want to go through is the fact that what people hang on the wall, and let's take the example of an ayah of the Quran that is written beautifully with calligraphy and put on the wall. Is that permissible? Well, it is not permissible, in the case that someone thinks they can hang it in the room, and that will protect them from any evils or harm. And you'll see this in some people's houses where, you know, you walk into their house and right above the door, on the on the wall, just
above the door, there's a piece of paper, you know, that will have like a out of the Quran, or numbers or words and stuff. And sometimes just I add sometimes as a circle, you know, those that is actually safe. That's magic, right? That's not permissible. That's how long if any of you have that in your house, my humble advice to you is, Fear Allah subhanho wa Taala. And get rid of that. Why? Because that's not going to bring us closer to a lot. That piece of paper isn't going to protect us, we need to understand that I have a loss of kind of whatever. What does it mean? You need to protect yourself from evils by reciting the Quran, recite the poem, and you'll be protected and shot along
the time, right be in a state of Oulu, you'll be protected from the evils that are out there. Right, but simply hanging a piece of paper. And usually it's a photocopied piece of paper, which doesn't make any sense to me is like, well, you couldn't even get a handwritten one. You had to just go and photocopy it and hang it over the door. And that's gonna protect you. That was that picture frame with a photocopied piece of paper that was probably written like 60 years ago, again to protect you from anything. It isn't. It isn't. And so, if the ayah let's go back to what we were saying. If it's like an ayah or I know it's funny, if it's like an AI, or, you know, a surah of the Quran, basically
Ayat of the Quran, that are written beautifully or basically written there, and you're seeking protection through that by having that in the room and you feel that if it's removed from the room, that you won't be safe.
Then it's hot, um, in that case, right, that's shipped, that's not permissible. And people say how is an ayah of the urn?
used as an example for shift? Yes. And it's not the ayah. It's not the ayah, or the ayat or the surah. It's the person's intention, and trust and
expectation. You could even say of that idea or those ayat, okay. So there's nothing wrong with the plan. The issue is in what the person is seeking from that. Now we know that I add to the Quran themselves when being recited when believing in them, right, as in believing in Allah Subhana Allah revealing these verses and believing that Allah Subhana Allah says that in the Quran, there is Shiva, well known as the domina, or any man who were she thought, Allah Subhana, Allah tells us that there is a cure in the hands of the Quran, right? When we recite them, that's fine, but to hang them on the wall and think if this thing is removed or damaged or taken out of this room, about the law,
something's going to happen, then that is what's not permissible. Okay.
Second thing with regards to hanging out of the court and on the wall?
How do you properly dispose of it when you no longer want it anymore? Think about it.
Is Huff's are still on here? So this mug look familiar to you?
I saw her login, I don't know if she's still there.
I add to the hanging on the wall.
And you no longer want it. How do you dispose of it? I can tell you one thing that really makes me annoyed, really makes me annoyed is that people will decorate their homes with you know, things that they got from hide your own widow or you know, they went they traveled somewhere. And then they bring it back from another country or they go to a store and they buy it and put on their walls or they
they receive it as a gift. And they don't like it. So you know what they do? They bring it to the masjid. And they just open the door leaning against the wall inside the masjid. And walk away.
Why we actually have a whole stack, we have a whole stack of
you know, picture frames and you know things have ayat and stuff like that, you know, pieces of leather that have calligraphy or AI apps written on them that people brought in, because they didn't want and they just left it, they opened the door they put on the table and they leaned it against the wall and they leave. Right they just they don't want it. They figure if I bring it to the masjid, they'll do something with it. How many people are going to drop this off at the machine? The reason why they're bringing it in is because they have nowhere to put it. They don't know what to do with it. And they figure you know what, bring it to the machine, someone else will deal with it. How
do you want the people at the machine to dispose of it? Why didn't Why was it bought in the first place? Now if it was bought for the purpose of giving as a gift, or it was bought for the purpose of actually serving some sort of purpose, then great. But if it's just you know, people saying, Ah, you know, this thing is old, it looks ugly. I don't like it in my home. So why are you giving it to someone else? What if you don't like something yourself? And it's really old, why you bring it to the mustard and just leaving it there was to put in the mustard or the mustard looks ugly? No, I'm not saying that the ads are ugly. I'm saying like, sometimes a picture frame is just nice. It's so
old. It's like it's this this is not not our style, right? Why leave it here? So that's the second, you know, point that we learned with regards to this. How do you dispose of the things that you have that you don't want anymore? it's problematic, it becomes very problematic. It's like, where do you put it? You put in the recycling? Do you burn it? Do you just throw it in the garbage? I don't want to be throwing the name of a lot of hands on in the garbage. How can you do that? Right. So this is where it becomes problematic. And that's why again, the scholars discourage, you know, the use of these, you know, picture frames or, you know, having these beautiful things put on our walls,
because eventually you don't want it anymore. And eventually you change your style. Or you know, the modern world becomes even more modern, and you just no longer want it. Now what do you do with it? You're stuck with it. Right stuck with it. And then what we see happening as well is that people just throw it in the garbage I remember.
I remember
seeing you know those clothing bins
where you
To drop off used clothing that can be given to others, I remember seeing so much, so much of these beautiful, you know, pieces of art of I out of the plan that were thrown next to it on the ground outside because the bend was falls all over the ground. And where did all that go, it ended up being smashed because it was glass on it was smashed, and it was broken, and no one is going to use that now No one's going to take it basically all just went into the garbage. That's what it seemed like, it seemed like it was going to be thrown into the garbage. So it's like, Who's going to take care of this, no one's gonna take it, no one's gonna want it, it's all broken and old. And then somehow, it
just ends up, you know, being thrown into the garbage disrespecting the name of a less accountable, right? So we need to be very careful with that. Okay, be very careful of it. The third point I want to bring out is sometimes people will take this calligraphy or this art, right I advocate on, and they will put it in their business or their office place or whatever. And it beautifies the office, but they're neglecting it as in they're not even paying attention to it. The purpose of it being there sometimes gets covered up by more junk, right? You end up sticking post it notes all over it well, Mashallah, you have a total quotacy Allahu La Ilaha Illa, who will have you written here on
the wall. And, you know, you need to stick a post it note somewhere and you like stick post it notes all over it, and you totally forget that I had two eclipses even there. So now you're neglecting the verses of the Quran, or you're neglecting the ayat of the Quran. And so in order to protect ourselves from neglecting the Quran, the scholars say, again, it's discouraged to hang this on the walls. Now, the next point
to avoid having
that item
being used in an inappropriate way.
As in very similar to what I just mentioned, you know, it's there, it's on the wall, sometimes it just gets used as a mirror, right? Or it just gets used as a partition between you and the person next to you put on the window and Casa can't see them anymore. So it's like, Where's the honor in that. So the purpose of the Quran is to recite it, to reflect over it, to gain rewards from reciting it, to learn from it, to implement that in our lives to teach the Quran, right, and so on, and so forth. All the things that we learned that we're supposed to do, as for hanging it on the walls now. And this is, you know, what I have learned from my teachers with regards to this is, if someone is
going to hang something, or have something written or engraved on their walls
of the ads of the gun, then it should serve a purpose. It should serve a purpose. And if its purpose is good, and you know, permissible, then that's okay. For example, if it's an idea that reminds you of being patient,
or for example, with me, there are certain things like has to be a long one no matter what key if I see that and I come in every time I walk in my office if I see that on the wall has to be alone. aeromedical key Yes, that's right, has to be a long linear medical key. Right?
Or, you know, any I you know, boohoo a lot, I had reminds you or your children the importance of reciting these solos after, you know, they make woohoo and prepare themselves to go to sleep at night, they should recite them. So if it's there as a reminder and hamdullah they can recite it. You know, I remember when I was a student in Medina, when I was trying to learn more of Arabic vocabulary, and also, you know, memorizing Hadith and stuff like that, I would write it on a piece of paper, okay, write it on a piece of paper, then wherever I'm sleeping, right? I used to sleep on my right side facing the wall. So when I sleep on my right side, I'm facing the wall. So I would
tape it to the wall this way. So the writing is going that way. It's going upwards. Right? Why is it going this way? Because when I'm laying down, I can actually read it. So I would read those words and read those ayat or read those headings and memorize them as I'm laying down going to sleep. So if it's serving a purpose, then that's where it becomes permissible, according to the scholars that I've asked when I was a student in Medina, that if there's a purpose to it, then that's okay for now, but subida Alec, that's fine. However, there's no proof in you know, the
the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the
They would you know, do this it was not something that they would do nowadays you see it in massage it right you see it in musty, the Nebo v as well, okay you see is of an engraved, you see the names of Allah on the on the pillars and stuff like that, if it's there to serve a purpose, then you know in sha Allah there's there's some good in it however, we need to also be very careful if it is not serving a purpose or if it is going to, you know,
serve a negative purpose or just be forgotten or not even be noticed, then there's no point in having that there. Which brings us to the end of the chapter on the etiquettes of the poor. So it's been a wonderful journey, somehow a lot a wonderful journey through the etiquettes of the Koran. And I honestly would like to continue this journey learning more and more etiquettes with all of you in shuttleq Tana so I want to see now in the chat, those of you that want to continue learning etiquettes of the Quran, just type it in there just type the word etiquettes or morals or continue and those of you that want to go back to what we were doing before which was tough see it of the
Quran, going through a lot and learning those eight hours, which we do regularly anyways in July and stuff like that. But those of you that want to go back to the Quran tafsir then let me know in the chat as well. Okay.
So please do that now. And also I see that there's a couple of questions here. So I'll look at what those questions are and see if I can answer some of these questions now inshallah.
Okay, so this is not really a question. It's more, you know, comment. Why would we need to worship an object when we need to praise Allah subhanho wa Taala. Very good, right? We do need to praise Allah subhana wa Tada, why would we worship an object? Or why would we, you know, give that object some status and honor as opposed to doing what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did, or refraining from doing what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam didn't do?
is having an evil eye hanging or obtained in life is permissible?
What do you mean by having an evil eye hanging? I don't know what I mean by that.
Would this be work? Wouldn't this be work? Not really sure I understand your questions me.
Okay, I don't really understand your question.
Okay, so some people are saying continue with etiquettes. Okay, we have some smart people that can do shave who say both?
Not sure how I'm supposed to do that, but we'll do it inshallah. So the good thing about learning etiquettes, as we mentioned before, just to go over because I know many of you were not on so I'll go through some of the different chapters of etiquettes that you can learn.
So the next chapter would be like, the setup, the etiquettes on senem. And greetings and meeting people in salutations.
Then, you know,
like introducing yourself, but also pardoning yourself, right, I should say, pardoning yourself. I double click on meeting people, what are the etiquettes of meeting people? iDubbbz out of visiting people, what are the etiquettes of hosting people, right? You're having people in your home? What are the etiquettes that you need to follow from the phone and from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I'd have been much less so sitting together in a gathering, either in the masjid or Hanukkah, or, you know, at someone's home, you're invited to someone's home, you're sitting in a gallery? What are the etiquettes? Are we supposed to be backbiting? We know that it's
backbiting? What are we supposed to do? Right? So these are some of the different etiquettes that will occur, we're sure so etiquettes with regards to eating and drinking, what do we do? How do we do it? How do we you know, thank the last panel data for it, what can we do? What Can't we do? And so on and so forth.
Can we speak while we're eating? You know, are we supposed to have room to eat or not? Are we supposed to wear hijab, you know, dupatta? Can I even mind dupatta while I'm eating or not? Not me, but a woman, you know, stuff like that. But, so like, etiquettes of, for example, relieving oneself going to the bathroom, you know, or etiquettes with regards to purifying ourselves or etiquettes with regards to attending the masjid. etiquettes related to going to sleep, preparing for bed, and visiting the sick and going on a journey, and etiquettes of clothing and beautification and so on and so forth. So I personally feel that that's, you know, amazing chapters and things that we need
to continue to learn. And I do feel that that's something that we should continue doing.
What do you do for and drops onto the floor? Okay, good question. What do you do if you're putting on drops onto the floor? Well, you start by picking it up
and you pick it up. You pick it up.
And if you feel that you did something wrong, then say a stop for a while and pass, I must have handled it. Allah knows, you know what happened, he is not, you know, unable to understand or to know what took place, Allah has knowledge of everything. And so we shouldn't worry too much about that. And how do we dispose of certain certain things that are hanging on the wall so you can basically the best thing to do would be to bury it. And the best thing would be to bury that if a person's not able to bury it, if it's like pieces of paper and stuff like that, it can be burnt, then burn it, and then bury the ashes.
So the blue stone with evil I get rid of it. Yes. So those blue stones that people have that, you know, you see in some cultures, don't keep that if that is if that is something that you're using to protect you from evil that's out there than that and it's it is evil. Get rid of that and get rid of that.
Well, you start by picking it up. Oh yeah. I shall. I shall lots of auricula sister Jamie, how you doing? How's my brother doing? I hope he's doing well inshallah, and it will be still doing his calligraphy. I look at his stuff all the time, every day.
And the law. Okay, let's look at some of the questions here. Do morals morals etiquette models? Okay, so good. It seems like everyone wants to learn some of these etiquettes How do we know we are qualified to teach? Okay, because the best thing to do is to learn and to teach the Quran. So how do we know that we're qualified to teach the Quran just having our teachers telling us that we can teach it Is that enough? Okay, so, the prophet some Allahu Allahu wa sallam said, Ben, do I need a spread or convey from me even if it is 1am I Oh, we could translate as verse of the Quran or a lesson. A Sunnah. Something that you know of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam
Oh, so my brother Kadeem is in the studio right now. Just remind him about this. Okay, sister Jamie, remind him about
ellerby zicatela. He taught my inner Kuru Allah be decree law to my inner guru. You'll know something that madhwa had asked him for shall law. Okay.
So going back to it, how do we know that we're qualified the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said ballyhoo I knew I convey for me even if it is one idea or one thing one lesson. So whatever you learn from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, share it with others, but with the Koran and specifically, you need to be careful. You can learn the recitation of the Quran and convey it to others teach it to others, you learn how to recite Alhamdulillah here have been learned and me. And so you teach that to someone else.
But don't start doing your own to see it. Because you might not understand. Okay, you might not understand. And so
you may not know Arabic, you may not know the reason for revelation, you may not understand the words and what exactly they mean, which is fine. It's not something bad, right? It's we're all learning every single one of us is learning. However, we shouldn't just make things up. Remember the prophets A lot of it he was sending them said that whoever men Kedah mencoba la Mota admit and forget about what my father whom in and now whoever lies intentionally in says something wrong intentionally about the Prophet sallallahu wasallam then prepare their place in john them as in you are intentionally trying to destroy the son of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam therefore, you
are someone who intends evil and will receive evil right will receive a punishment from the last panel which had
so convey only what you know. And stick to that. When you don't know something. Feel free to say. I don't know.
Can we do to see it in etiquettes? Whenever to see it focuses on it. Yes.
Sharla Okay.
Can a woman cover her head when she goes to the washroom?
Very interesting question. If I was to stay, now, let me change this around. If I was to say no, then how would a woman use the bathroom
If she's in public, she has to take off her hijab before going into the bathroom.
Right. So now you reworded your question. He said, should women cover their head when going to the washroom? Well, we'll leave that for the day that we talk about the etiquettes of the bathroom. Now, inshallah we'll talk about it now. So, it is a cultural thing from what i've, you know, seen and studied, culturally, especially in the Indian Pakistani culture. You know, if you're going to eat you should cover your head if you're going to recite the Koran, you should cover your head if you're going to go use the bathroom, you should cover your head.
But it is not something that is obligated aesthetically. So it's more cultural thing than a religious thing. Okay.
So look nursing answer my question. Okay. Where's your question? Let me look for it
while reciting the Quran in Sala
and then if I make any mistake that I figure out later, what should I do? Okay. So if your mistake in slot is in the recitation of a call and but not in Surah till five. So if you recited suit up to 30, how completely fine. And then in your recitation after Fatiha, you made a mistake. And you thought of it afterwards. Let's say you were near the end of the Salah, and you thought Oh, you know what actually made a mistake in that. How on earth did I do that? It's like, Oh, I can't believe I made that mistake. That's okay. Okay, that's okay. Because the recitation of the Quran after sorbitol Fatiha is not as important as the recitation of sort of the Fatiha Prophet sallallahu
alayhi wa sallam said that there's no Salah except with Fatiha. So fatty has sort of two fatty has important in order to have our solid complete and correct. If there's a mistake made in the other recitation of the Quran, there's no need for you to do such that A so Allah subhana wa tada knows best. So don't worry about it too much. Just review your Quran for the next time chama any tips for if sometimes your mind wanders off while praying them us? Yes. But see, this is a modern issue that we have. Okay. So now people are saying, Are there any tips that you can give us if shavon is coming and messing with my mind while I'm inside? Okay, I need to get something. Give me three seconds. 123
I forgot to say zero. There we go. I'm back. So now this is the modern day issue. The modern day issue is you're going to be wearing this mask.
Right? I mean, if you're praying at home, then that's fine. But usually if you're in the masjid and you're praying the machine, you're wearing a mask. Now what are you gonna do?
you're praying salah and shavon is messing with you. You're like, you know, you're thinking of math. You're thinking of coding, you're thinking of economics, you're thinking of your finances. You're thinking of the world, you're thinking of your husband, you're thinking of your wife, you're thinking of your children, you're thinking of your parents, you're thinking of everything that's out there.
And then you realize what am I doing this is wrong. shavon is messing with me from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam is to turn slightly to the left, and to dry spit
three times, after seeing a Ruby learning in a shape on is large enough
to say I will be learning a shape on the regime.
Right now you're wearing your mask, you spit shake on shape on camera back in you, you inhale check on again. I'm just joking. You didn't inhale shape bar
was a light hearted joke. Hopefully no one gets offended with it. What's meant there is that
in your sauna, if your mind starts to wander, and you catch yourself in that moment, then simply turn a bit to the left. Make sure you have your mask on so you're not spinning on anyone else because we're on spread COVID and just say a Ruby liner shape on every gene
and then continue to look down and continue your prayer. That's it. Very simple. Just remind yourself to seek refuge in Allah Aruba Billahi min ash shaytani r Rajim a dry spit as in just blow
and that's it. I have seen the craziest things. I've seen crazy things I've been standing in salah and a brother turned right to me
What are you doing like I'm not shame on me spitting on me for I have also seen someone and somehow Allah This is like in in Medina back in the days in Medina. Standing in salons was like, Oh, the villa
spits on the floor. I'm like, What? Like,
what are you doing? This carpet underneath us? Some how to love you Don't spit
You just blow it's called you know enough that it's a dry spit you basically just blowing three times out. Okay? And you then continue your sauna. Okay?
Tell us how to do such that to several shows it I explained that when we went through the chapters are thick. So if you go to the Sunday night programs, the fick class that I teach on Sunday nights at eight o'clock, Toronto time.
Go back a few months and you'll find the chapter on salah and such the decel of women that aren't allowed to pray in niqab covering their face? How is praying with a mask? Okay, very good question. This question came up months ago, when we had to stand six feet apart from each other, and we're supposed to be shoulder to shoulder How is it okay to pray six feet apart? It's an exception, because of the current circumstances. Okay, based on the current circumstances, or based on any condition that people are in Islam has taught us ways to work with whatever situation we are going through. So is it permissible islamically to cover a person's face insult up. And it's not only the
women, sister, Jamie, it's not only the women that are not supposed to cover their face, it is the men as well. In fact, the emem should not have his face covered. Why? Because the people who come in to join the prayer need to be able to see who the Imam is, so that they can either pray behind this person or not pray behind that person. So it's not ugly, that mm is supposed to have their face uncovered. And the people are supposed to not cover their face during sauna. However, during a time where there's a necessity for it, then it becomes permissible, like now, there's a pandemic, there's a need for us to be wearing masks in order to protect ourselves, our health is important, and it's
now and so therefore, because of that, it becomes permissible during this time. But in regular times when there's no pandemic, then no, we're not to cover our faces. And the men should make themselves especially the men should make themselves known to the people who are going to be standing behind them. Sometimes you'll see people coming with their Shema or with their with a hood on a hoodie, you should take the hoodie off. If you're wearing the scarf like a shame of like the Saudi shimoff you should turn to face your congregation before beginning the Salah, so they know who you are. So they could see who is this person who's going to lead us in Salah? If I see that the person is a non
believer, why would I stand in solid behind them? If I see that this person is someone who commits ship, why would I stand behind them? And so we shouldn't cover our faces. It's not from the dean to do that last panel Tyler knows best. Scroll down and see if there's any question there.
Okay, good. No questions. There are no questions here. Um, the left seems like
seems like we're all done with the questions. All right. So here's what we're going to do. Next week. Next Friday. We are going to continue learning about etiquettes
in Sharla, lot of data eight o'clock Friday night, Toronto time, right? You know, Toronto time doesn't exist really like New York time, right? Because Americans always better than us. Hmm.
Right Americans.
But next Friday, eight o'clock shot love data, we will continue our class and don't forget this Sunday. Every Sunday we have our fifth class at 8pm on Sunday evening, and that is more for a mature crowd more for adults. Remember, we were talking about the we're going through the chapter of marriage now.
And last week, we were talking about some pretty interesting things related to marriage and intimacy. So if anyone missed last Sunday's fit class, you can go back to watch the recording from last Sunday inshallah.
I know Jamie are in the United States. But please come to Canada. Right. Our brother Kadeem can very simply easily help you come here and in fact, we welcome both of you and Milton. Milton is an awesome place. We need your talent, we need your skills and we need you to help us with our youth here and Shawn law does not come along feynan for attending all of you verticals econ. We'll see you very soon inshallah. Sunday night eight o'clock.
With some along with cinema Baraka and Amina Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam was said Mr. alikum warahmatu cat
borders are open door.
challah you comes in. For those those of you who are wondering Jamie
As a very famous international artist, and her husband is a good friend of mine, Kadeem javadi, who is also a very famous international calligraphy artist. Who she has it knows as well I'm pretty sure shot Yeah, she has it. You met Kenny at Arts Festival in Malaysia, same Lou Ababa by so we know each other and have the love from traveling the world and doing conferences together. And
brother Kadeem is supposed to be working on something from my wall. And that'd be Vicki law. He thought my email Kullu supposed to be here on my wall very soon, inshallah. So that's coming up from the US. Our Postal Service is open, Justin, open the Postal Service borders so you can send that up anytime. And we look forward to seeing all of you and hamdulillah we have amazing talent in our communities. And we do hope that we can all work together and cooperate sometime soon. I'll see you soon. Santa Monica, to live better Catholic.