Daood Butt – Friday Night Quran Class – November 20, 2020

Daood Butt
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the upcoming class on the Quran, emphasizing the importance of respect and learning the etiquette of the title. They stress the importance of data center and keeping things organized for one's well-being, as well as the importance of reciting the Quran for optimal productivity and avoiding interruptions. The speakers also emphasize the need for practice and attention to ensure that individuals are aware of the recording and its potential impact on their personal and professional lives.
AI: Transcript ©
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He follows Sala to attend with a slim rubbish Rockley suddenly were Sidley Md westlock that Emily Sani of Cabo Kohli, my brothers and my sisters said Mr Alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. I hope everyone is doing well on this beautiful fine Friday evening.

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I hope most of you are not staying awake past your bedtime because I know that the sun sets super early now. So a lot of people have been complaining eight o'clock is super late. But we continue with our class on the etiquettes of the Quran. So for those of you who are new to joining the session, or having attended before or were attending in person in the mosque, on Friday nights, what we used to be doing was having the class in person and talking about certain verses of the Quran, and discussing them and explaining them and learning them together. But what we're doing now is we're actually going through the etiquettes of the Quran, so not specifically, the rules, Tajweed

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rules or the Maha cottage the ways to pronounce the letters in the Arabic language, but actually, you know, things revolving around respecting them, and respecting its recitation respecting, you know, the knowledge that we gain and trying to implement that in our lives, to better ourselves and better our own interaction with other human beings in society, and to perfect our abilities that you know, living throughout this this world that we live in, and also to attain higher levels in paradise. When Allah subhanaw taala invites us in there right and opens those doors of paradise for us today. In the form of football we were talking about a salon, the name of Allah Subhana Allah to

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Allah and Allah subhana wa tada says in the Quran will labia the ruler data center. So Allah is a Salaam and the second point that I was making was that a centum which is of course when you translate senem it means peace, right? But Allah is a centum, the owner of peace, the one who provides peace, the one who's in charge of it, and it's not only peace, right? It is the fact that Allah subhanho wa Taala is perfect in every way. And the absence of anything that is harmful or anything that is negative. Right. So Allah subhana wa Adana, Allah azza wa jal is a center and he does not sleep he does not, you know, need food, he doesn't feel tiredness, Allah subhanho wa Taala

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doesn't go through anything that that we experience in life that may be considered negative or bad. Allah is our Creator and has provided for us Give me one second inshallah, because I think they're trying to fix the eating office.

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I'll just keep teaching us do what you have to do.

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So having said that, Allah Subhana Allah says as well luckily, at the data center, right, he invites us to data set on which is paradise and what do we find in Paradise, we find that everything is amazing. We find that we have no hardships, we when we eat, we, we don't even feel the need to relieve ourselves. There's no such thing as relieving ourselves. Like when we go to the bathroom in this world, we don't do that in the hereafter. You know, a simple burp is what digests our food. And that burp is not even an evil smelling one or a bad smelling burp. It's something that's nice, right? So everything that is in perfect. Everything that also Penwith added created for us in

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Paradise is, as he says data center. It's what we as human beings would see is perfect. Like this is amazing. There's there's no there's nothing that's negative there, right? There's no complaints, there's no arguments, there's no you know, tension, or friction between spouses or children or family or friends and stuff like that. Everything is just amazing and awesome. But in order to get there, we have to go through hardships, we have to go and endure some sort of challenges of this world. Nothing's going to be easy, and nothing is easy, what seems like you know, a hardship to one person that seems like ease to others. And we see people sometimes that feel happy with their lives,

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and they are going through so much joy and so much happiness and everything is perfectly fine for them. But they may be suffering and struggling on the inside. Their brains might be trapped, right? where they feel they're stuck in their minds, they can't escape from the thoughts or they're stuck on social media, they can escape from letting go of their phone or letting go from what other people are going through and and feeling like other people are enjoying themselves, how come I can enjoy myself. So every single person goes through some kind of hardship, but the hardships that we face in life, you know, are interesting, because this goes on and this is bringing it back right to the

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coin. This urn is what brings peace to us brings you know, ease and comforts right?

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The Vicar or remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala LLB, Vickery law, he taught my inner guru, and there'll be victory law, he taught my inner globe and it's not just the remembrance of Allah

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Through the recitation of the Quran, it is the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala in general as well. So yes, specifically the Quran but generally any kind of remembrance of Allah subhana wa tada brings, you know, calm and peace and ease to ourselves. So whenever you're going through some sort of hardship, ask yourself, how is your sauna? Right? Whenever you're you feel trapped or stuck, ask yourself, how is my you know, forgiveness? Have I been asking for forgiveness in the last few days? You know, have I been saying some kind of law? Have I been saying like you're out when I wake up in the morning? Have I been saying my door out when I go to sleep at night? Have I been saying my door

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out before I eat or drink a lot?

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You know, do I say Bismillah? Before I do things, do I pour you know something into, you know, pour some tea into a cup by saying Bismillah first, you know, remembering the loss of Henry China is what brings peace to us because anything that's hardship that is hard or difficult for us in life is linked to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And that hardship no longer feels like it's something hard or difficult if we are going to link it to a loss of hundreds. And if I accept that this is from a law, that is from a law, I can get through this. It's fine. It's a test from Allah subhanho wa Taala. Question is, how am I going to do that? Right? What are the things that I need to do in order to get

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through these tests and challenges that we'll also handle the data has blessed me with because really, that's what they are their blessings from Allah subhanho wa Taala. So coming back to it now is, you know, when we are reciting the Quran, how do we recite the Quran in ways that is going to make us maximize from our recitation. And we've been going through that for a number of weeks now. And today, what we will continue with is a stick above it decided where I didn't. So the fact that it is encouraged for us to link our, our recitation and keep it ongoing always, as in not to have any disruptions in our recitation, and to make sure that there are no disturbances in that. So what

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we mean by this basically is that it is encouraged for someone who is reciting the Quran to recite it continuously until they plan to stop reciting. For example, someone says, I'm going to sit down and recite one entire Joseph the one chapter of the Quran you might say or a part, right, because chapters are hundred and 14, and there are 30 parts of the Quran 30 inches.

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Or see Baba for those who speak with you, right? I know, growing up, that was the word that we use, right? So someone says I'm going to recite 20 pages of a Quran or I'm going to recite the Quran for one hour, it is encouraged for us to continuously recite the Quran for that full hour, and not to stop. And now let me give you an example of what I mean by this because some people might say what do you mean by not stop? So you'll see sometimes you come to the masjid you sit down and you say, well, there's another 20 minutes until Salah starts or it might be 10 minutes because now with COVID You know, we're not having that luxury of time on our hands in the masjid. So you might say, okay,

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for the next 10 minutes, I'm going to sit down and I'm going to recite the Quran. So you open up the Quran, and while you're reciting the Quran,

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Oh, I got a message. So you know you have next to you. And you just like, you know, you toss it aside, you pick up your phone, you're like checking your messages, okay, you reply to it, then you continue to read. And you're, as you're reading, you're reading reading, do, you got another message? So you check it, okay. All right. And then as you're reading, you're thinking to yourself, oh, man, you know what I was supposed to put something on my calendar for tomorrow. Because tomorrow, I got to do this, I need to make sure I put on my calendar. So you put your coat on the side, and then you like go through your calendar again, and you're doing that.

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That is shavon messing with us. That's what we mean by I done.

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Gotta look good. So don't break up your recitation by going and doing other things. Don't be disturbed in your recitation. And one of the ways to do that is to make sure that there are no disturbances prior to beginning our recitation of the Quran. Now, how does a person assure that they're not going to be disturbed by their phone, for example, well begin by putting your phone on mute, and taking your phone and putting it upside down, right or putting it in your pocket. So it's not on vibrate, it's on mute, you're not going to hear it, you're not going to feel it. And you're not even going to see it. If someone is calling you or a message comes in and it blinks and stuff

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like that. So that's a way to make sure that there's no disturbances from your phone. But then what about everything else, you might be sitting right in the middle of your living room, right? And you're like, oh, let me read some fun. You pick up your phone and you start to read, you know, your children are coming home in 10 minutes, and you're like, I'll read for an hour, your children are coming home in 10 minutes from school, for example. Or from playing or whatever they're doing, and you're reciting the Quran right in the middle of the living room, they come home, they usually sit down they'll have something to eat, then they'll, you know, grab a bite or watch some TV or whatever

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it is that they do. So if you're right in the middle of

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The most busiest part of your house and you expect to have full recitation, sorry, full concentration of your recitation of the plan, this isn't going to happen, right? So choose a place where you're not going to be disturbed as well. So make sure that your distractions are away from you make sure that the place that you are is not a place that's going to be distracting. Make sure that you inform people in your house, for example, you know, I'm going to be reciting the Quran for the next hour, can you just make sure they don't bother me? Or you know, just letting you know, I'm going to be reciting the Quran for the next hour. I appreciate not being you know, disturbed during

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this time. Okay, I'm the law, you can you can do that, right.

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Also making sure that you are ready to recite the Quran for that amount of time prior to starting. So you might be sitting there and you're like, Okay, let me read the Quran for the next 20 minutes. Okay, do you have Hulu? Okay, did you go to the bathroom, relieve yourself so that you're not like sitting there going, Oh, man, I need to use a bathroom right? Now you get make sure that you get yourself into that mind frame. So now a lot of people will say, Well, now you're making it too difficult to recite the Quran? No, the point is to make sure that you try to recite the Quran and you focus on that recitation. And then the last thing that I want to say about it is that you don't

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let any disturbances pull you away from the recitation of the plan. So for example, there was something on my finger, like a piece of skin that was coming off, and I kept picking at it, and it started to hurt me. And so I was like, You know what, I could stop teaching.

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Focus on it, and then come back to you. Or I can just keep teaching and not let it disturb me not let it bother me, right, just let it go.

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So we see in an example of

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even armor, body armor and Homer, when he was reciting the Quran, he didn't use to let things disturb him, or he didn't use to stop throughout his recitation with little things that were happening here and there around him. And there were times when he would recite long sword I was like, for example, so I am on right or long sword I was and he was known, sorry. So through ibaka, he was known to continue to recite until he reached his destination or until he planned to stop reciting. So you would recite for example, for his whole journey until he received he reached where he was going. So he was known to not let things disturb him in his recitation of the Quran. If I had

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the added to ignore so the the

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thing that had been our model the lover and Roma was known for right, was that he wouldn't let things disturb him from the his recitation of the Quran, except, except in the case, that he needed to teach something to someone, except in the case that he needed to teach something to someone. So when he needed to share his knowledge or spread knowledge or teach, then he would stop his recitation of the Quran and teach that person or share something with that person. Why? Because he considered that to also be an act of very bad, right it's also an act of a bad day to teach the knowledge that you have

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the people have the right for you to come mentor LML Ghana where Allah the best from amongst you are those who

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learn the Koran. So therefore, you had to recite the Quran in order to learn the Quran and teach it to others. So he would stop his recitation of the Quran in situations where he had to teach someone something otherwise, he would continue reciting and not let little things bother him in his recitation.

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The next point that we'll take is, that is from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to say, Subhana Allah,

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when verses of praise are mentioned, or were verses where Allah subhana wa, tada is to be glorified, or is glorified in those verses of the prophets that along I think he was send them would say, Subhana Allah, for example. Or he would say, oh, there'll be law, when there was a verse of a punishment, right, that was being mentioned. Or if he was reciting through the verses, and there was an eye of Rama, right, and I have mercy or that mentioned Rama and mercy. So he would then at that point in time, you know, highlights either his hemmed praise of a loss of data, or some have a lot more in handler or a lot about or I will be left right. So it is from the Sunnah of the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to do that. You'll see that in some plans or in some massages some people will have in the prints that they use of the most have, you'll see on the side there were there'll be little words that are written, why it's important for us to learn, you know, not only the poor and the how to use them was half itself, like what are the things that are indicated to us within the most important

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For us to know that the next point that we'll take in sha Allah tala is that it is from the Sunnah of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam as well to perform the such de tietoa as such to have the recitation of the Quran when we recite through an idea that requires, or that indicates that this is a place of such depth, and there are 25 different places within the okay there are 25 different places within the Koran that are highlighted for us to make such that usually you will see a line on top of that word and usually it's the word such the or Sajid or something like that, right? So you will find a line on top of those words, there's 25 places in the world I'm

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not 25 places 15 places in the Koran, my mistake 15 places in the Quran,

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where a such data is,

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is is encouraged. And the reason why I don't say is required is because it is a Sunnah of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam. So if someone does it, then they are rewarded. And if they don't do it, then they are not punished. Okay?

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just gonna make a little note here.

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There we go.

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All right. So it is not something that's Wajid. Why? Because we see certain examples that we find in the lives of the habit of the line home for example, one of those is

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zaidan tablet, or the other one was praying with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and

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he, in the recitation of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he did not perform a such de when he came to a spot, when he was there indicates you know, a sajida in that in that verse, also zaytoven sabot.

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Was was reciting with the prophets, sorry, it was praying with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he was reciting surah to Niger, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not make that such that they're also in the example of I have a few examples that I had written down, is trying to find which one Oh, yes, I'm gonna do.

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I'm gonna do love, I was delivering his football. And in his, in his football, as he was, you know, delivering it,

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he came to the sunset in Surah tunnel, and he performed as such, and then the following week in his football, he did the same thing. And he did not perform the such in the middle of the football. And he announced to the people that, you know, for those who want to perform, they're such that they can and those who don't, then that is okay as well, that the such data is for those who wish to do it. As in it is not something that is compulsory to do, indicating to us that at times you can do it and at times you don't have to do it, however, is encouraged to perform this such that the such the Tila the subject of recitation of the Quran. Yes, it is encouraged to do it. Why because it is part of

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our Deen and it is the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and we should always try to do as much of as much of the Sunnah as we possibly can. So when we uphold the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, we are increasing our Eamon we are coming closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala. Right in his good books, you could say, but also, we are helping to uphold the values of the believer and the deen of Allah subhanho wa Taala. Okay, so we're following through with what was done by the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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the such that Tila was so there's such light that is made when we are reciting through the Koran and we come to one of those 15 spots

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just does the such does. So now this is getting a little technical, but just answering some questions that some of us have, do we need to have to do we need to you know, basically fulfill the shorter with the conditions of Salah of prayers in order to perform that such that or can we just simply perform that such that, like, do we need to stand and say Allahu Akbar the entire hands and then go down? Like what do we need to do? Generally, there's no specific ruling with regards to how this such that is performed, except that it's performed likely performance such that in prayer. What we mean by that is, you don't need to have Lulu you know, you don't it doesn't need to be within a

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Take time, and so on and so forth. You don't need to meet the conditions of the prayer. However, it's encouraged to try to be as best as we possibly can in our such stuff. So for example,

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you know, someone says, Oh, I need to make some stuff, but I don't have loose, I'll make it later. No, you don't need to have little you can make that such that right now. Okay.

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A point of benefit here is, that is from the Sunnah with regards to the such that Tila

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to make that such de, if you are listening to someone reciting to you,

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okay, so for example,

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I'm reciting the Quran.

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And as I'm reciting through,

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you know, the verses, I come to a part where there is a such data, okay? If I'm reciting to you,

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or you're reciting to me, and I'm listening to you, or you're listening to me, like your purpose of listening, okay, we'll make it easy. We'll just say that. I am listening to your recitation of the Quran as a teacher, and you're reciting it to me, and I'm your teacher. As you're reciting it to me, you come to a part that requires or that that is a Sunnah to make such data. Okay? So you as the person who's reciting, you will make the such and me as the person who's listening to you, because I'm actually listening to your lesson or listening to your recitation, I will also make that such duh. But if someone is in the room, for example, like I'm teaching here, and you know, the brothers

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were coming and going just now fixing the heating and stuff like that. And I'm reciting, and they're just doing their work, where they're just passing by, they're walking by they're doing their own thing, but you're reciting in an area where they are, if their purpose is not to sit there and listen to you reciting. And you recite a verse where there's a such that it is not, you know, important, or it is not also upon them to perform that such that, okay, why because they're not the decider. And they're not the ones listening to the decider for the purpose of listening to the recite, or whether it's to listen and just, you know, learn from the court, or the teacher or, you

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know, just just sitting paying attention, they have a secondary, they have a primary purpose for them being in the area, and they're hearing of the court and is a secondary thing. Okay, so in that case, the person who is just passing by, you know, it's not, it's not, you know, encouraged for that person to perform the subject, however, the person who's listening the teacher, then they should also perform that such stuff. Here's another question.

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What if you are reciting through the quote on

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or you're memorizing and you're reciting a verse over and over and over again, in order to memorize it, and that verse has a sajida in it? Do you have to count the amount of times that you recite that verse and then perform that many sujood? Or can you make one such dap for the amount of times regardless of how many times you've recited that verse, so the answer there is that you will perform one such data for that sitting. So for example, you're sitting down and you're reciting through a soda, and there's a such debt. And you're memorizing, right, so you're reciting every ayah, like 1520 2530 times, maybe, maybe even more. And so you're reciting this one over and over and over

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again. But because you're in that same sitting, you're just going to make one sentence afterwards. Okay, you just gonna make one such that you don't need to make 30 or 40, or 50. Such as,

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also, and this is the last thing that will take in sha Allah Tyler,

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is that

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sometimes when people are reciting through the Koran,

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and there is a sense that they come across, they will

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just whisper that ayah they will not recite it out loud, or they will just not even whisper it because they'll be like, Okay.

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And then we'll continue reading, right? They'll just say it in their head or say it in their heart. And I remember when we were when we were young, we were brought up thinking that this was what we're supposed to do.

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If you're not in a place where you can make such data easily, right, let's say you're in a bus or you're in the car, you can't stop and make such that and stuff like that. Then what our teachers taught us when we were small, right, this was new. Remember, we didn't really have teachers who learn to stem they were just going based on the culture what they were taught without learning it.

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From a teacher, you know, they were taught that okay, if you're reciting, and you're not able to perform that, such that now because of whatever reason, then don't recite the verse, right? For example, you might say, thinking,

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and I don't want to say a verse that says 90 because all you're gonna have to go and make sense.

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But you know, you recite through a verse. And there's a sense though there, so sometimes you're reciting.

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And you keep reciting. So you just say that part that has the sense that in your mind and in your heart, that's not encouraged in this now, say, the verse. If you can't make this such though remember, it's a sin of the Prophet sent along there, I need to send them and if you can't make it there, and then at that time, then you can make it later on. Right? If you're sitting in the car, you're in the bus, you're in the train, you're traveling, wherever it is that you are, you're walking outside, are you doing your groceries and you're reciting, or you're listening to the call, and as you're doing whatever, you know, just do that such that afterwards, okay? Or you don't have

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to absolutely do that such or perform that Saturday. All right, so that's all it will take for today inshallah, because I know, there were a few things there that were a little technical.

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Next week, inshallah, when we continue on Friday night, next week, inshallah we continue from

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talking about whether it's permissible or not to kiss the most house, and you know, to basically put it against us or like, you know, people rub it on their face, kind of do a twist kind of thing with the most half in court. And so that's what we will pick up with next week in Charlottetown. And when we come back, I will look at the chat and see if there's any questions, we'll take some of these questions in chat a lot, Chad.

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someone says, When I listen to a school with a such debt in my car, while driving, do I have to make sujood preferably after I pray my next sauna, again, so I think sister Linda, we just finished answering that question. You know, you you don't necessarily have to make it on the spot or at that time, you can perform that such that later on. What about listening to YouTube? Do you have to perform such stuff? So yes, if you're specifically sitting there listening to it, you know, you're listening to the recitation or you have it playing and you're listening, you're paying attention to it. Again, if someone is just a passer by, and they manage to hear, and they want to perform the

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Sonata, that's perfectly fine, they can write it's not like or you're not allowed to, because you weren't paying attention, though they can, right, we can make such an effort to a lesser kind of data, you know, as we wish, as long as it's permitted within as long as within the times that are permitted and also in a way that's permissible. And for the, for the purpose of, you know, making such that to a loss of kind of data. But if someone's listening to YouTube listening to recitation of the Quran, and they hear that, you know, such that being that verse of such that being recited, then that's fine, they can, you know, perform that such as well, there's nothing wrong with that. Do

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we have to say the prescribed Do I have for such as you know, or can we say some Hamlet would be a good question, okay. So there are certain door, if you go to a door, I'll book you'll find that there are three or four or five different, you know,

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narrations of do either the prophet SAW longer, it was someone saying that in such de, or a person can say, so Hannah would be an ad as well. So you could say some ham, I don't be an ad. And what's encouraged is that you say some kind of a be an ad x at least once and then you follow it up with do afterwards.

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Let me see if there's any other questions in sha Allah, is it a single such data or is it more like to such does Okay, so it is a single such data, okay, a single such data for such data Tila, when you're reciting the Quran and you come across an ayah that has such that in it, it is one single such that so you'll go down, and then you'll come up and that's it. Okay? Not like in Salah where you're gonna make to such this. I'm

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just gonna quickly scroll here and see if there's any other questions

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CMD there. Let me just pull this camera out and see here.

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Okay, so I don't see any questions there. And I've taken all the BS So does that come a love affair and for attending me a loss of Henry Jana bless all of you and your families. Please do make lots of drive to Allah subhanho wa Taala

00:29:21 --> 00:29:39

you're saying that is very difficult to hear. Was it difficult to hear tonight? Because I had my phone in front of me but maybe because of the laptop blocking it may have been difficult so you tell me now send me a if it's difficult now to hear or is this better? So if this is better, I'll make sure that I don't block the phone next time inshallah.

00:29:41 --> 00:29:59

As I was saying, Please do make dua to Allah subhana wa tada Look, the numbers of cases of covid are going up. And you know, we we do see that the appeal and appeal and Toronto regions have gone into lockdown once again.

00:30:01 --> 00:30:43

We have been advised that in those regions they will not be allowed to have more than 10 people inside places of worship, which means a Masjid that typically would have congregational prayers and Juma would not be able to have that with more than 10 people so the amount of in nine people so please do remember to make dua to Allah subhana wa tada that, you know, this gets sorted very fast in sha Allah. Numbers are going up and going higher, we need to be careful once again, we need to make sure that we do what is right, based on what we know from you know, health professionals and advisors and we ask Allah Subhana Allah to Allah to bless us with the best of this life in the

00:30:43 --> 00:30:56

hereafter. mean does Akuma logo Faden for attending medical level fee con, or some Allahu wa sallam about account and a b&m early usa usa limb was sent Mr alikum warahmatu Allahi wa barakato cattle

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