Daood Butt – Friday Night Etiquettes Class – August 20, 2021

Daood Butt
AI: Summary © The importance of sharing healthy eating habits during Islam is discussed, including practice sharing food and avoiding counting money. The success of sharing food with others is also emphasized. The speaker emphasizes the need to avoid counting money and not try to get too busy. The importance of healthy eating and avoiding processed foods is also emphasized, as it can lead to weight gain and health issues. The speaker also discusses the importance of healthy foods and exercise for overall health and wellness, as well as the need for more practice and practice to improve one's health and eat less and drink more.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu wa he was Salam. ala Anna v Hill Karim. Allah of Masada to atoma tasleem rubbish. ahi Sabri were silly and Mary Helen occidental melissani of Coco Kohli, my brothers and my sisters, a set em where la come ora warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.

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Tonight is Friday, August 20,

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not 28th 20, Friday, August 23 2021. And we're going to be finishing up our chapter on the etiquettes of eating, right, the etiquettes of eating and drinking. And then we're going to move off into the etiquettes of using the bathroom or relieving ourselves. So that's what we're going to be starting next. Not next week, but the week after inshallah. So just as a reminder, next Friday, we will not have class.

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But in two weeks from today, we will begin a new chapter in sha Allah data, which is the etiquettes of using the bathroom and relieving ourselves. For today, we're going to finish up the remainder of the chapter of eating and drinking.

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And we start off by looking at is the hubbub of HTML out of how it is encouraged within Islam for us to sit together and to eat in groups and not to eat individually on our own. So from the dean from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is that we,

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that we, you know, gathered together that we sit together that we don't do what we find in many modern families today, happening where you know, people come home, children are eating or one child will eat, and then another child to eat, and another child will eat. And the mother and the father are too busy doing things. And then the father takes his food and goes and sits in front of the TV and the mother's like upstairs in her room, or you know, whatever. So that's not from the son of the Prophet sallallahu ala son, I'm not encouraged, of course, at their time, no one was going upstairs and sitting down and watching TV on the sofa. Right, so food was a big deal. And one of the main

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reasons why food is a big deal at the time of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam is because it was so scarce, and it was not common to have a large meal or to even have food at the end of the day, sometimes they would just have dates, right, or, you know, a little bit of bread and water or you know, just dates and water or some some sort of soup, like shorba, which is you know, the meat that they had boiled or someone had boiled meat and sent over some of the broth.

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So those are like, you know, things that we need to keep in mind how this habit on the lower end home, you know, they didn't have food every single day to eat. And when it was time to eat, it was like everyone came together. A television didn't matter. You know, homework didn't matter. Chatting with friends didn't matter. It was you know, so much importance was given to the food because it was so rare to actually have, which makes us wonder to ourselves, like, you know, how spoiled Are we really so how do I you know, you go to some towns or some villages in remote parts of the world where people don't have food. And if you come with like a truck of food, you literally get swamped.

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You get swamped with people coming to try and get a little bit of food and they're so respectful. They're not like jumping you and taking it, you know, because they're hungry and starving. No, they're respectful, they will wait and they will take from you what you give to them. And then you'll find that they will share with others as well so they won't be greedy with that food also. So from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is that we sit together and we eat together, we share the food with others. And one of the reasons why we share the food with others is because there's Baraka in that food, what is Baraka? Baraka is an extra amount, something extra, so

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one plate of food might look like a plate of food, but Allah Subhana Allah can put Baraka in it, which is extra food in there. And it's not necessarily extra food per se, right? Because the food that you see on the plate may not multiply or increase, but the energy that you get from that food could be increased. So where you would typically sit down and eat the same meal every single day, one day you share your meal with someone else and you realize, hey, at the end of eating half of that meal, you're just as full and just as energized as you were to eat as if you were to eat the entire plate on your own.

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So that's one thing to keep in mind. How do you feel the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were jabby they've been Abdullah the Allah and Homer says, similar to Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in your call. He said, I heard the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say, by me where he said he feel his name. What biomol his name? Yes.

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erba biomol arbella yaxha Semenya, he says, job it'll be a loved one, I heard the messenger of a loss on a longer it will seldom say that the food for one person is sufficient for two people. And the food for two people is sufficient for four people. And the food for four people is sufficient for eight people. What do we see in this, we see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, first of all, is encouraging us to share with others, then, if we're going to share,

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typically, in our minds, we think that we are losing out that we have less food to ourselves, because we're sharing with others. But here the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is showing us that there is some sort of divine thing that happens. And that is Baraka that comes from Allah subhanho wa Taala, where the amount of food that you have is multiplied. So the amount of food you have for yourself is generally always going to be easy for two people to consume and sufficient for two people. Right? And he says, with I'm in any field or bar, and the food for two people is sufficient for four people. And when you think of this, now, when you go to a restaurant to eat, you

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know, sometimes you go to a restaurant and you think to yourself, well, we could all sit there and order individual meals, and every single one of us will have extra food leftover, and we're going to be taking that food home with us, hopefully, right? We're not throwing it in the garbage.

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Now, if you were to pause for a second and think about that,

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how much do we eat before we say, That's enough, I can't eat anymore, I'm going to take the rest home. Usually, we try our best to finish the meal that we have, like we force ourselves to try and finish the food that we have in front of us. And then once we come to a point where we can't fit any more food into us, that's when we say okay, now I'm going to take the rest home, right? But if we were to just stop and say, Hey, wait a second, why don't I order one meal and the two of us will eat? You see, when two people eat from it, you eat and then you realize when the food is done, you're both happy, because you shared food with each other. And you're both not hungry, because the

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food was sufficient. Right? And so that's an important piece of advice from the Prophet sallallahu wasallam we'll go over it again. jebaited bin Abdullah Ravi Allahumma. He says, I heard the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say that the food for one person is sufficient for two. And the food for two people is sufficient for for and the food for four people sufficient for eight, which means we should be sharing that food with others. Also the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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eat together and do not divide yourselves. For in the biomol y dx feel his name For verily the food of one is sufficient for two. So again, the advice of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in another narration, another Hadees where he says eat together and don't be divided. Don't keep what's mine, mine and what's yours? Yours, right? share with each other. And you know, if you're sitting there eating a bag of, you know, Doritos, or you're sitting there eating a bag of ruffles are sitting there eating a bag of Lay's and it's the flavor that you like. And someone else is like, well, I want this flavor. And then it's like, well, can I try your chip? Like No, this is mine.

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Right? Right, like our children always do. In fact, they're actually sitting on the other side of these screens right now. crunching and munching away on chips. So if you hear a little bit of munching happening behind you, or in front of you, it's because it's coming from behind the screens, right? So we have to keep in mind that when we share with others, it actually multiplies. So if you think of this in your mind, hey, I have this bag of chips and it's mine. But if I share some with my brother, sir, share some with my sister. Allah may put more Baraka in that. Now in our minds, like I said before, we think, okay, so the food that's on this plate, there's let's say, I was just take a

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bag of chips, for example, there are 40 chips inside that bag of chips. Okay.

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And you think to yourself, well, there's 40 chips. If I give, you know, half to my sister, that's 20 chips for her 20 chips for me. But sharing don't count. Don't count, just give the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam at times would be with us a habit of the lover. I know him and they will gather and he would give them to drink and we took this Hadeeth already right? And he was pouring out to drink pouring out to drink pouring out to drink. And you would never think that that many people could drink or that many people could eat from the pot of food that was being served. But the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam shows us that there's Baraka in it. When you share with others.

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Don't hold back. You know, don't don't think to yourself, oh, you're looking inside. Oh my god, it's running out. Oh my god, it's running out. And this is something I learned when I was a student too.

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Medina, many of the African students they would always say never look in the pot, a good friend of mine filial, he would always say, never look in the pot of food, share it with others. And you'll see that Allah will multiply it and you'll have enough for everyone. And he used to say, never look in your pocket either. Never count your money.

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I remember this specifically a good friend of ours khaleel from Bradford, he used to say, never count your money. Allah will put Baraka in it, just like Allah multiplies the food, Allah will multiply your wealth, right? So he used to say treat others don't count and be like, Oh my god, I don't have enough, no treat someone else if you have intention to treat them. And you'll see Allah subhana wa tada will multiply your wealth and how a loss pennyweights and multiplies it. You might think to yourself, I have $20 and if I go out to eat, it cost me $10. But if I share with a friend, then it's going to cost me $20 and you share with them and then you think to yourself, but I have no

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more money for tomorrow. And tomorrow, your friend takes you out to eat. And he invites a few other people. And those other people then invite you The following night out to eat. So you spent $10 on one person, you got a meal for yourself, then the next day you got a meal from your friend who you spent on right. And then the following day, he invited a few people over that previous day. So they invite you over as well. And you get more than one meal out of the $20 that you have. This is Allah subhanho wa Taala his way of multiplying for us so when we trust that Allah Subhana Allah will bless us and increase our risk our provisions. Allah will do it and we'll do it in ways that we can't

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comprehend. Don't think that your 100 has to become 200 think that your 100 will go much further than what $100 can buy. Simple thing to keep in mind Okay.

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Um, another Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam that mentions

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in fact, this is

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narrated by where she even home that his father, right he from his father,

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from his grandfather on the US, how about I saw the law he saw a longer ID USL llama call that the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, you have a sort of law in netcool wonersh that we eat, and we become full.

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So he said some Allahu Allahu wa sallam.

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Perhaps it is that you guys are eating individually or perhaps it is that you are divided amongst yourselves. And they said to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam now? Yes, so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam set, fudge dummy or albireo army comm was charisma law he la Uberti killer, calm fee, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, gathered together when you're eating your food, fetch 10 that rule fetched me rule if army can gather together when you're eating your food. What good is what Kuru small E, LA and say Bismillah when you're about to eat that food, so gather together, say Bismillah when you're about to eat, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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says you were the killer comfy, Allah will put Baraka in it for you. Right? So Allah subhanho wa Taala will increase that for you and not only in the food, but you'll find that in your health, in your level of energy, in your wealth, in your life, in your family life in your dealings with others, Allah puts Baraka in so many things, right? So don't just think that Baraka from Allah subhanho wa Taala is limited to food and money, or food and wealth. Baraka is and can be in anything, your sleep, right? You might go to sleep at night and think to yourself, oh, I only have three hours of sleep tonight. Because tomorrow, have an early day and I'm finishing late, and you

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start to count the hours you're like, oh man, how am I gonna? How am I going to perform tomorrow with only three hours of sleep? And of course, we look at the time and we're thinking to ourselves, hey, you know, it's gonna be tough. My wife is you know, behind the screen making faces at me because I'm always complaining like, oh, man, I'm so tired. And so Allah will put Baraka in it, you're three hours of sleep might only be three hours, and you only get three hours, but it's a solid three hours where your body is fully replenished and ready to go for another day and you don't even feel it right. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala works in these mysterious ways, right? works in

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these beautifully in mysterious ways. Alright, the next thing that we're going to look at in sha Allah and I'm going to pick up the pace a little bit.

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Actually, we're good we only have a few more things to cover inshallah. The next thing we'll look at is cut out here to excel means

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that it is disliked for us to eat too much, right? to consume too much food

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to the point that

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You've got Earth altruism, that it makes our bodies become weak. What happens when we eat too much food,

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we want to go to sleep,

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we start to become tired. And we feel like I need to go to sleep. The profits on a longer it was used to eat for energy, not eat for sleep. And this is a mistake that we make. But it's so hard for us to change. I know what it feels like, we all know what it feels like, we probably feel this at least, sometimes maybe even once a day. Right? At least, some have a lot. So let's look at this.

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First of all, when we eat too much, it makes us weak. Right? It makes us weak in our bodies, it makes us sleepy. And what that what what that extends to is not just weakness of the body, but weak in our a bad week in our worshipping of Allah subhana wa Tada. And I remember, you know, back in the day when we were kids, little kids and our quota and teachers just tell us don't eat too much, and destroys your memory. Well, it doesn't necessarily destroy your memory. But it makes you feel tired, it makes you feel lazy makes you feel heavy. And then you just have no energy left, and you were setting and you're like falling asleep and you don't know what you're saying. And so if we want to

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be sharp, and we want to be bright, and we want to be fast and want to be on our toes, then we need to be people that eat right. Now take the example of the athlete, right, the Olympics just finished look at the athletes, those athletes have like, they are ripped, right? They've got muscle cuts all over the place, not cuts as in like, you could see the cuts in their, in their muscles, like they're so defined, they're chiseled out, right? And what's what do you what do you need to do in order to get that way? Well, you need to work hard, you need to do a lot of exercise and you know, strength training, and so on and so forth. But you need to eat right as well. Right in the habit of the law.

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They were not weak, lazy people. They were strong. They were fighters, they were, you know, they were active, they would carry around or rhodiola and carrying an entire bag of you know, flour or wheat on his back with another, you know, container of oil, bringing it out all the way to the house of the lady whose children were hungry. And he went in his servant right? asked him. Yeah, I mean, I mean, like, do you want some help here? You know, I can help you. I can carry this for you. I can. He's like, No, on the day of judgment, Allah is gonna ask me about it. Right? He's gonna ask me about it. It's my responsibility. And so he carried it himself. And he went over, he was not weak.

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They fought in battles. The swords that they held were heavy. They wrote horses, you know, hard and difficult that is to ride a horse. I know, they make it look really easy on TV and in the movies and videos and stuff like that, right. But once you start to ride a horse, you realize how this is not a joke, right? This is something that requires a lot of brain power, requires a lot of energy requires a lot of stamina, a lot of strength, this habit of the longer I know, they didn't have the luxuries that we have as well, like when you feel a little bit tired and drained from the heat outside. Because it's so hot, we go into our homes and we crank up the air conditioning we sit down, we start

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to feel cool. They didn't have that luxury, right. So they had to be strong people that could persevere that can keep going through all the hardship that was present and you know, a huge part of their life. So that was this habit of the Aloha. Now they needed to have that energy. Now, when you think of Ramadan,

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think of the month of Ramadan. When you wake up in the morning, we would eat some food. And then five hours later, we're like all men starving, how am I going to do this? I'm going to get through the rest of the day.

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While the Sahaba the longer I'm home, yes, people will argue and say, but they lived in the Arabian Peninsula. You know, the days were shorter. And it was a lot easier. Yeah, they were dealing with the heat of the law, we have air conditioning, we have heating, right when it's cold, we have the heating, when it's hot, we have the air conditioning,

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you know, but think of the types of foods eat foods that will take you throughout the entire day. Foods that will last and usually it's foods that are natural, right foods that are not processed. Problem with us in our diet these days is that we eat so much processed foods, right everything is processed why because we need to preserve it longer. So we need to process it and you know, break it down and take out the things that are going to spoil and take out the things that are you know, good and healthy as panela you'll notice that healthy foods usually spoil very quickly. Right? It's like the example of you know, everyone always talks about the McDonald's burger that can last forever and

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will never rot it'll never get moldy. Right? And then you turn around and you look at another you know meal somewhere else and you're like some how it will happen like a day in the fridge and is gone. Why? Well

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Hey You know why? Right so somehow Allah we have to think of eating healthier and eating right?

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famous hadith of MC even mera de Caribe. Nick Damn, even madikeri where he says Samaritan Rasul Allah he's on a longer alayhi wa sallam all I heard the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say,

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a human being fills no vessel

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worse than his stomach.

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It is sufficient for a human being to eat a few mouthfuls to keep his spines straight. But if he must fill it, then 1/3 of food and 1/3 for drink and 1/3 for air.

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Let's take a step back here. Okay. He says, about the long run. I heard the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam say,

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a human being fills no vessel worse than his stomach. So our stomach is the worst thing to fail.

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But we feel that all the time.

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Okay. Our stomach is the worst thing that we can feel like fill completely. Why? Because we just finished talking about it for the last 20 minutes right? What happens when we do fill our stomachs? What happens to us our inability to perform our sauna, our inability to wake up for fauja our inability to stand long hours right during a mobile and that in the middle of the nights I love we're like all tired, right? So our inability to perform at a bed as best as possible comes from filling our stomachs. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says the human being fills no vessel worse than his stomach.

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It is sufficient for a human being to eat a few mouthfuls to keep his spine straight. As in, you need energy. Those of you who have gone for Hajj with us, you know that feeling right? You know that feeling when you're so hungry, so drained. You went through the day of our fi you went through was done. If you went to the Jamaat you went to Mecca, you perform. If you come back, your ankles are swollen, your knees are swollen and your back is hurting, right you can't even stand straight back is hurting, and you get any like give me the outbreak.

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Like anything, I don't care what it is give me anything I need to eat. Right? This is why Subhanallah we carry like granola bars with us and nuts and fruits and vegetables and stuff like that to eat on. Right. So the profits and along that I need to send them tells us that it's sufficient for us to eat a few mouthfuls in order to keep our back straight to keep us going. You remember at the very beginning of this this class,

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tonight's class I was talking about how

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you know, food was rare. And they would gather because nothing was more important than food. Instagram was not more important than food, right? Video Games is not more important than food watching TV or a sports game was you know is not more important than food. Food was like a means of survival.

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And when it was present and available and hamdulillah maybe we should try this maybe we should only eat one meal a day.

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Right little snacks here and there throughout the day. Right? And dates are so important how to lie yesterday Brother, you know, who traveled he went to Dubai. He came back he gave me some dates. I've been snacking on them last night and today and after Juma I was like feeling drained of like a little bit of water and the dates right. And Subhanallah it's it's so good. It's so true, right? In fact, you know house that has dates and it is the house that never goes hungry. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is encouraging us to eat what is enough for us and not to fill that stomach of ours. And then he says that along with some of them.

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It's sufficient for a human being to eat a few mouthfuls to keep his spine straight. But if he must fill it, if he must, or she must fill her stomach.

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This is the maximum and I always say this people say oh, it's sonet to eat 1/3 solids, food 1/3 liquid and 1/3 err, know, from the Sunnah. The maximum that we're supposed to fill our stomachs is 1/3 solid 1/3 liquids and 1/3 not desert 1/3 air to keep some space in the stomach. Right? Why? So that we don't feel lazy? And we don't go back to what we were talking about just just a few minutes ago, right?

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So the maximum maximum that we're supposed to eat is 1/3 solids 1/3 liquids and leave the rest empty. Now, here's a question for you. How big is your stomach? And I know some people will be like, shift my stomach this big.

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This big I could, I could eat like 10 burgers and you know this and that and you know, I've been in a competition about my stomach's this big.

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Well, the reality is, make a fist.

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Okay, make a fist. Our stomach

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is the size of our fist.

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So now you ask yourself, How big was the burger that you ate after Juma? How big was the pizza that you ate after Juma? How big was the shawarma that you consumed after July? Right? How much rice and biryani or rice and cups or rice and kababs did we consume after Jumeirah

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and our stomach is only this big. The size of your fist. So look at your fist and think to yourself now 1/3 of this 1/3 this

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is supposed to be for solids.

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And then 1/3 is liquid and 1/3 is air.

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So if I was supposed to eat just this much, man that's like that's like the smallest button kebab

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maybe even less than that, right? Say super, super tiny. And that's the most

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out of solids and liquids combined. Now our stomach will say well how is it that I'm able to fit so much in there like a big tray of biryani this big you know Mashallah masajid. Back in the day, we used to have biryani and people will pick it up and take it home and sit down and eat the whole thing with like, half a chicken in it with two cups of rice, fill ourselves with it. When we think of that, our stomach stretches and expands like a balloon. So the more we eat, the more it expands. And this is why when it's so full, we're like, oh, I can barely breathe because it's like pushing on everything inside of us. And so we need to control the amount that we eat and consume.

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So that we can follow through with what the maximum is. And remember just before the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam taught us the maximum, he said that the human being it's sufficient for the human being to consume just a few mouthfuls. What does that teach us that teaches us

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that we should eat until the hunger is gone. And that's it.

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You know, when you're craving something, you get this massive steak in front of you or whatever it is your food that you're like old man, you smell the barbecue like lava butter smells so good. And you see any like this villain, you take a bite, you take another bite, and you take another bite. You look at your plate, you're like, I gotta finish this on full, I need to finish it. No, we shouldn't force ourselves to finish it. Take smaller plates but less food on it, maybe share it with others or keep it for another meal.

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Easier said than done. Right? Easier said than done.

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Allah, may Allah make it easy for all of us. I mean,

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here's a statement from phobail even one of the scholars of the past. He said there are two things which harden the heart. Two things which harden the heart. Okay.

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He says careful not to kill, or care for to kill.

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from looking at what the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has taught us this is true, right to things that hard in the heart. He says eating talking too much and eating too much.

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So talk less and eat less.

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Right? And Shut up, things will get better for us. Alright, the last thing that we're going to look at insha Allah Allah is to haimo Judas, Allah either behalf comer. So this is very simple. We all know this very well. That it is how long for us to sit at a table or at a desk or con or at a sofa or in our you know, in a setting and a you know, an invitation or something where alcohol or intoxicants, intoxicants are being consumed. It is hard on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said men can you know below he will Yomi Fela jaquard Allah either you Chicago or LA our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said whoever believes in Allah and the final day, the last day, the day

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of judgment

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Do not sit at a table spread

00:30:05 --> 00:30:46

where people are drinking intoxicants. Unless plan without to protect us all. Keep us all safe. And Allah subhanaw taala allow us to benefit from these etiquettes of eating and drinking that we learned from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam May Allah make it easy for us to, you know, eat less and consume less, but eat what's right and what's good for us, you know, eat what's healthy, and going to bring strength to our body to our mind to our soul. May Allah subhanho wa Taala grant us the ability to continue in this life, you know, doing what is right and somehow I'll share something with you that came to mind just before salata Madrid,

00:30:48 --> 00:31:24

one of my friends in Singapore messaged me, and we were talking throughout the day, you know, communicating throughout the day. And he after no before motive, I noticed he sent me some advice. He's like, dude, you know, we're getting older. He's like, I'm in my 40s, you're 40. You know, it's time for us to start to think wise, you know, think long term, we have to eat properly and do lots of exercise. And he's like, I'm not talking about just a regular workout. I'm talking about like, training proper, like, push yourself hard. Because I know it's harder. We're getting older. But we have to do this now. Right? Not No, two months, three months, four months, you know, exercise. And

00:31:24 --> 00:32:05

that's it. No regular training without fail. And food. Right. But healthy foods. And I'm like, yeah, insha Allah, you know, it's tough. But, man, you sound so strict, right? Like, you're telling me, you're telling me to do all this, but he's saying it in a way that sounds so strict. And then he goes, Yeah, cuz you're addicted to sugar. It's like, really? What makes you think I'm addicted to sugar. Now, when we think of it, somehow many of us are addicted to sugar in the sense that like, as human beings we naturally, you know, either flock towards desserts, or we eat things filled with carbs. That of course then is sugar right just transforms in our bodies. So somehow, I was like,

00:32:05 --> 00:32:15

Man, I'm not addicted to sugar when you're talking about, I go have a wife that bakes and loves to bake right. She's a baker. And so someone's got to eat it. It's not my choice, right.

00:32:16 --> 00:32:17

But so how do I you know,

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it's so true. As we get older, we realize that we need to eat healthy. We need to and hamdulillah we have you know, we have a star Baker on with us tonight. Right?

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We have

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Yeah, believe sister Rafi cat is on humbler you know so hamdulillah you know, we could learn a lot from from, you know, her showing us some healthy tricks here and there, you know doing things that might be able to tweak our, our meals and our desserts and stuff to make it easier for us to be a little healthy and remember everything in moderation in you know, proper size, shorter amounts or smaller amounts, I should say. As we mentioned earlier handling law.

00:33:02 --> 00:33:11

Just like Kamala Hayden, for attending. That's all the time that we have a hope no one feels like all men. And you know, we got to change how we do things. But

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yeah, my wife's in the background going it's good if we feel that way, right. It's good if we feel like we need to change ourselves. For us. That's that's the point of the classes, right? That we motivate ourselves according to the Sunnah of the Prophet, some longer alayhi wa sallam. Okay? So that's all the time that we have, we will not have class next Friday. So we do have class on Thursday, sorry, on Sunday. So in two days, we'll have our essential fifth class, but next weekend, next Friday, and next Sunday, we will not have our evening classes. So just keep that in mind. And then, in two weeks, when we do resume, we are starting a new chapter on a different set of

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etiquettes from the life of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wasallam. We're starting on the etiquettes of using the bathroom and relieving ourselves. Okay, so that's something to keep in mind. I know the children were like, Oh my God, why are we talking about this? It's part of our Deen. We need to learn how to stay clean and stay, you know, in a good state ready for that rebounder. The worship that we're doing? A lot of Hello FICO, desikan Hello, Hayden, simpatico, omo vmdk Chateau La La Land and istockphoto governor Toby lake. I'll see all of you soon was Salam or aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh Capital

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