Daood Butt – Essential Fiqh Class – Sunday September 12, 2021

Daood Butt
AI: Summary © The transcript describes a jumbled mix of narratives and characters, with some portions indiscernible. The speakers discuss animals that have no blood or backbone, and suggest small milking goat as an animal that is less than a year. They also discuss the rule of pika, which is obligatory, and the importance of offering something on behalf of a family to help them. The experience is slowly slipping away because people are sending their money and using a card, and the experience is also slowly slipping away because people are sending their money and using a card.
AI: Transcript ©
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Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu wa he was Santa Elena v. Hill Karim Halle of pata SATA to tasleem rubbish. Shakti Sabri were silly. emri wahaca 10 milli Sani of Coco Kohli, my brothers and my sisters Sena la Kumara, hermit Allahu Akbar capital. I hope everyone is doing well. Sorry, I will put that on silent. That's my mistake. I hope everyone is doing well inshallah. Today is September 12 2021. It is a Sunday evening. And

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it is our essential thick night. So we will continue on with our chapter

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that we're going through related to foods. And as I mentioned last week, we're going to start with sacrificial animals. I'm not going to delay too long to get started. In fact, we'll try to get started as quickly as possible because a lot today shows at 915 so I want to make sure that I wrap up before that as well as the fact that I'm losing my voice from a little too much

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from using it too much today. hamdulillah.

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So, forgive me if my voice sounds a little weak. It's just because I honestly drink some water inshallah.

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Okay, Bismillah so we said, we're going to be talking about sacrificial animals over here, go to burning Burnie and this refers to the animals that are slaughtered or sacrificed for the sake of Allah subhana wa tada on the day of sacrifice Yeoman. When is the Omen? Well, it is the 10th day of the ledger

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is a tentative ledger. It's the day they eat, right the day they're eaten out how it's also known as Yeoman of the day that the animals are sacrificed for Allah Subhana what to add up and also sacrifice on the A Yama tishri which is the

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the next three days after eat. So the 20 1112 and 13th of the ledger

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and shriek means

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sorry, a Yamato shriek those are the days that come after the day varied and

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the animals are sacrificed as a means of coming closer to Allah subhana wa tada Of course, right? It's an offering of sadaqa towards others that we do in the name of loss of hundreds that is and we sacrifice the animal In the name of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And we give the meat away in South Africa as a donation as a charity to those that are in need. We keep some for ourselves, we share some with our friends and family we give the rest to those that are in need. And this is something that is part of our Deen that of course we do every single year on the day of varied of ha so there are two reads to celebrations that the Muslims have every single year. There is the read that the

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celebration that comes right after the month of Ramadan, which is known as read a fetter and then there's airy, the other which comes basically in the middle of the days of Hajj, right the 10th day of the last calendar month of the Islamic Hijri calendar. So what is the ruling on sacrificing animals on those days on the 10th 11th 12th and 13th of the ledger

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the sacrifice is considered according to the majority of the scholars considered as soon

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as any to some other profits and a lot of it was Sallam never missed out on it always did and performed. And some of the scholars consider it to even be legit right compulsory an obligation for the Muslims, especially those that can afford it. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Whoever has the means, but did not make the sacrifice should not approach our place of prayer. And what is meant by that is that this person, or those people had the opportunity to do something that is so great in reward, and submission to and and is so great in terms of submission to Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, and helps those who are in need, and so on and so forth. A lot of benefits.

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And they chose not to do it. And so the Prophet sallallahu wasallam says that whoever had the means to do but did not make the sacrifice should not approach our place of prayer. That doesn't mean that they are forbidden from entering the places of prayer. We don't take the Hadith, you know, face value, right? We try to understand what is meant by it. And of course, we look at the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam with the Sahaba with the companions or the llama at home. What is meant is that

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is not to stay away from the mustard and they should not come and pray with the Muslims. Rather what it means is that this person or those people missed out on such a great reward from Allah Subhan

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Kind of water Allah, and they had the opportunity to come closer to Allah but they didn't. Right? It says if there is no benefit for them to come closer to Allah, they chose not to come closer to their Creator in submission in doing something that is expected from us within the dean. Okay?

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What animals qualify for the sacrifice? Okay, what animals qualify for the sacrifice. In fact, before that I mentioned something I said, The reward is so great. And I mentioned a few things to add to the reward up for sacrificing the animal on the day varied. Or the days of shriek afterwards on the 11th 12th and 13th of the hijjah. First of all, that the sins of the people offering that sacrifice is forgiven, before the first drop of blood from the animal even touches the ground. Right, the sins of the people who are offering the sacrifice are forgiven before the first drop of blood even touches the ground.

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Also, there's a narration or there are a few narrations about the amount of sins being forgiven equivalent to looking at the amount of strands of fiber that are on the animal, you know, in terms of the abundant amount of forgiveness from the sins that we commit in our lives. And so it's really really important for us to offer that sacrifice. Now what animals qualify for the sacrifice.

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The sacrificial animal can be a camel sheep, goat or a cow. Okay, it could be a camel sheep goat or a cow. Allah subhana wa tada says in verse number 34, suta till Hajj. He says in for every nation, we have appointed religious ceremonies, that they may mentioned the name of a lot over the beast of cattle, that they that He has given them for food is in the celebration that they have is to sacrifice that animal that was given to them gifted to them, provided for them by their creator by Allah subhanho. What.

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And of course, they mentioned the name of Allah subhanho wa Taala when offering that sacrifice,

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a camel or cow suffices for how many people how many people is

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a camel sufficient for in terms of looking at family.

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Even our best for the long run when I said we were traveling with the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and in the time of the sacrifice came,

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okay, they were traveling and it was time for it to sacrifice the date to sacrifice the animals 10 of us would share in one camel and seven would share in one cow. Okay, so in terms of shares, what we what we mean by shares is

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for the larger animals, the cow and the camel, you can divide that camel or that cow into multiple shares. So, for example, you know, seven families will will take part in the sacrificing of one cow 10 families will take part in the sacrificing of one, camel, okay?

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a sheep or a goat suffices for one man and his household. Okay, so for one person and their household, a sheep or a goat is sufficient. So remember when we spoke about the cow, seven shares when we talk about the camel, because it's a larger animal, it can be broken down into 10 shares. And each share is a person with their household. Okay, so the head of the household with all of the people who inhabit that household as well. So even if your parents live with you, you're an adult, for example, myself, myself, my wife and our children, one animal, one small animal or a share in a larger animal is sufficient. If my parents lived with me or my wife's parents lived with us, then

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the same applies one smaller animal like a sheep or a goat, or a share in a larger animal is sufficient. Okay, that hopefully that's, you know, easy and easy to be understood and make sense. i'll bomb in the ASR

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said I asked about a noble and sorry How was the sacrifice among you during the lifetime of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said, during the lifetime of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and then would sacrifice a sheep on behalf on his behalf. And on behalf of his household, he would

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eat from it and feed others, then the people started to boast. And things became as you see them now. And so we learned from this Hadeeth that the share in the larger animals we spoke about, but in the smaller animals, small animal is not a chicken, okay? It's not a quail. A smaller animal is a sheep or a goat. Okay, someone might say but what about a lamb? a lamb is a baby sheep. Okay? And we'll talk about the age very shortly inshallah Tad okay.

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So, a smaller animal like a sheep or a goat is sufficient for the entire household. And that's what was done during the time of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And he also says that that person or their family would take some of the meat and cook it and eat it and they would share the rest with others.

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A buffalo.

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So some of the scholars look at it as you know, different kinds of animals or different categories of animals. So the buffalo is also

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one that could be included there. Okay, Shama, don't think we sacrifice buffaloes here in Canada, but

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what is not permissible as a sacrificial animal what animals are not permitted to be sacrificed or not? sufficient in terms of being used to be sacrificed. Very briefly, in a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he mentions four types of animals are not sufficient for the sacrifice.

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A one eyed animal that is obviously one eyed. Okay, so an animal that only has one eye, okay? A sick animal, which is obviously ill. Okay, so not like, Oh, you know, maybe this animal just looks weird. No, it's been proven and established that this animal has some health problems, some condition.

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Thirdly, a lame animal with an obvious limp. Okay, so an animal that has maybe some sort of defect, okay, birth defect.

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And lastly, an old animal that has no marrow and is extremely lean and skinny, and all the animal that has no marrow and is extremely lean and skinny. Okay.

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We also need to add what we see in another narration

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that a small milking goat of less than one year is not suitable for the sacrifice. Okay, a small milking goat or even a sheep that is less than a year is not sufficient. Some of the will take the head Ethan Sharma. But I've been as I said, one of my maternal uncles called a Buddha sacrifice before the prayer.

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One of his maternal uncles called Evo Boga, sacrificed his animal before the prayer, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told him the sheep you slaughtered is just the sheep for meat, as in what you just slaughtered, is not considered the old idea. It's not considered the core Bernie, because it happened before the prayer. First of all, secondly, he says the sheep you slaughter is just the sheep for meat. He said, Well, messenger of Allah, I have a small milking goats of less than one year, the prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told him slaughter it, and it will not be appropriate for anyone other than you. Then he said, Whoever slaughtered before

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the prayer has slaughtered for himself and whoever slaughtered after the prayer has completed the rights and was in accord with the practice of the Muslims. Okay. I know, within the UK, we see differences of opinion as well, some might say, but I was told six months, okay, there's a way of looking at the teeth of the animal to see the age and the growth and the maturity of the animal. One of the mistakes that is made, and this is honestly a very sad, sad reality of the time that we live in right now. And I noticed that this was being done even locally here. Okay, this was being done here locally, where I live.

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It's something that has been done in my birth city, Montreal for quite some time for quite a few years, where it was permitted by some

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imams who told some of the stores or some of the halal meat providers

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to just have a fixed price

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for the animals. So for example, instead of weighing the animal or the meat of the

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animal in charging for that.

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Usually, at the time of Ada lotto, and I know this because my dad used to own a halal meat store, right. And we had to do our research on it to make sure we were doing what was right for the community and that what was wrong,

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you usually will, at the time of need a lot how to purchase a number of animals that are all over a certain age, okay, they can't be too young. So we usually look at an animal that is over a year old.

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But what some people were doing, some of the stores had meat stores, and some of the Imams or any men, you know, permitted this was to charge a fixed price.

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So instead of saying, Well, you know, this person has to pay $225, and that person has to pay $268, and that person has to pay $209, you know, based on the price of the price of the animal was based on the weight of the animal.

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What they did was they fixed a price. And said, Look, let's just make it easy, because we don't know who's getting a which animal in this. Now, let's just go in there and sacrifice a whole bunch of animals, you know, we need 50 animals or sacrifice all 50 of them No, first of all, the name of Allah subhanho data being mentioned, and the name of the people on behalf of who you are sacrificing for. Secondly,

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you are charging people for what doesn't exist.

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So if the animal is a certain amount of weight, and the fee per pound, for the meat of that animal is a certain amount, and you weigh it, and it's for example, you know, $400

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another animal's $370. And other animals a little bit heavier, $408, one animal is a little bit lighter. And it's you know, maybe $375. What we were seeing is people charging a fixed price. And this is happening now as well.

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$450, flat price, simple and easy. $450. It's $450 as a fixed price, this read animals are really expensive. And I noticed that some people were putting the fixed price on goats, which are usually smaller than the sheep and have less meat on them than the sheep as well. Yeah, it was more expensive.

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And sad to say that this is something that's not right. Okay, it's something that is not right and needs to be changed. And this is why I'm saying it here and next year in sha Allah to add it before he died. Hmm, I will say this to the community in advance

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that people should not be paying a fixed price for an animal that most likely doesn't even come near the cost of that animal.

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So be very careful. Someone is charging you a fixed price for an animal at the time of any delay, or you go to the store and they say how much is you know, I needed a lamb or a sheep and they say, Okay, we have fixed price. $450 minimum, how is it $450 divided by what and they just simply go? Well, you know, it's a $22 a pound divided in here. There's how many pounds?

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How do you know the sheep? Was that weight? Right? Where's the sheep come? Did you weigh it? Just No, No, you didn't. They're charging you a fixed price. You should not you should not get involved in that. Okay, and those stores? May Allah subhanaw taala help you. I don't think what you're doing is right. In fact, they know that what you're doing is not right, and it needs to be spoken about

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the IP aka slaughtering an animal due to the birth of a child. Okay, should we take it? Do we have time for the acting I

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think we do.

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Let's go through very quickly. If pika refers to what is slaughtered due to the birth of a child, so the animal that is sacrificed due to the birth of a child, what is the ruling statically we see that this is something that is obligatory right as in its wajib and again, some of the scholars say that it is a son.

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However, we go with the opinion that it is something that is obligatory that must be done okay.

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Or should be done, if possible. If the person the parents are able to the family has the wealth to be able to afford the animal for the birth of a child that was a gift to them from Allah so they offer something to others

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as a sacrifice that they make for Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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So the arctica is something that is offered by sacrificing an animal for the child that was born if it is a daughter than one animal sacrifice. For example, one sheep

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If it is a boy than two sheep

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of roughly similar age right the sheep

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he shuffled the lover and her said that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us to have an article for for a boy to sheep and for a girl to one sheep, okay for avoid two sheep and for a girl one sheep

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what is the timing of the pika?

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the Sunnah is to slaughter or sacrifice the animal on the seventh day after the birth of the of the child. Okay, so the Sunnah is to sacrifice the animal on the seventh day after the birth of the child. If that is missed, then it should be on the 14th day and if that is missed them on the 21st day, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said in a hadith narrated by Ryder, or the Allaha and that the article where he said some Allahu Allahu sanlam that article is to be slaughtered on the seventh or the 14th or the 21st. Day. Okay, yeah, because to be slaughtered on the seventh through the 14th or the 21st day,

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what is recommended to be done for the child? So what things do we do? What is what does an athlete look like and what things should be done for the child when the child is born? First of all, the first thing is technique. Okay technique when most of your lover and said I had a son, so I went to the profits on a long ladder, he was suddenly he named him Ibrahim, he did technique with a date, he prayed for blessings for him and gave him to me. That was abou says, eldest son. Okay.

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So what did the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam do a technique, what is that you take some dates, or something sweet. Okay, that is not going to harm the baby. And for example, if it's a date to date is very hard, you can't just put a date in the mouth of the child. First of all, there's a pit in it. So you basically just bite off a little piece of the date. And you chew it and moisten it in your mouth. And then you take a little bit of it and you put it with your finger into the mouth of the baby and you let the baby have something sweet. Okay? Generally dates.

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The second thing is that is recommended to be done for the child that is born is shaving the head on the seventh day, and to give in charity, okay?

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To give in charity, equivalent to the weight of the hair of the baby in silver.

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So you're going to shave the head and weigh it now. The amount that it weighs is hardly anything, right? Literally in terms of dollars for us, it's not much. And so this is why I always encourage people given saticon give what you can, right give a larger amount doesn't have to be a smaller amount you can always give more

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often narrated that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to follow the model the longer and when she gave birth to a lesson or the longer and shave his head and give in silver the weight of his hair in charity to the poor. This Hadeeth is Hassan.

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Sharif Benny Rahim Allah also recorded it as hasn't, and it's recorded by Imam Ahmed Al Baghdadi. Okay, and be happy.

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Lastly, what we'll look at is circumcision on the seventh day. So the Africa on the seventh day, a technique putting something sweet in the mouth of the baby, shaving the head, giving something in sadaqa

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equivalent to or more than the amount of of the weight of the hair in silver. And also circumcision.

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Bhavani recorded in a more Angela sillier from Jadoo that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had an article for a lesson in her saying, and he circumcised them on the seventh day. So circumcision is also part of this Deen. And we'll leave it at that in sha Allah to Allah.

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So we'll open it up for some questions if anyone has any questions. Yeah, then is going to go in about 12 minutes. So we'll just take a few questions inshallah. And then we'll call it a day, close a weekend in fact.

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So after if a core says is it permissible to do a core burning or the here in the name of someone on their EAD? who passed away and is there any benefit to it, okay. So if, for example, your parents pass away a family member passes away, it is permissible to

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Sacrifice an animal in their name, or I should say, In the name of Allah, on behalf of those who had passed away, okay.

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And you feed others, it's a setup that can be done it is permissible to do

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now if we're gonna have to talk about that together, Siobhan Okay.

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Any other questions?

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anyone have any questions?

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related to the topic or not?

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For the najem, are you watching? No?

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Okay, good. So Jasmine has a question.

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He says Salaam share qualicum, salaam, Jessie, Jason is the meat given to people in the same manner as over here. 1/3 for home and the rest for others, as in the meat for corbelli sorry, the meat for Africa.

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So the article, obviously, some of it will be eaten by the family. And the rest given out, right? We don't necessarily have to keep 1/3 specifically, okay, if we want to give all of it away, we can give all of it away. If we want to give it away raw, we can give it away raw if we want to cook it and serve it to people, which is obviously better, because then the food is hot and ready and and you serve it to them, you feed them they don't have to know go and cook the food themselves.

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Then that is that is good as well. Right? And a portion of it the family eats from and the rest you give away, right? Remember, it's the sadaqa that's important. It's not the amount that is kept. So the more we give away, the better it is for us. Okay, as long as we can of course afford it.

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Can extended family sacrifice a lamb for your family overseas?

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Yes, yes. So for example, if money is sent abroad, right, let's say someone is here in Canada, and they come from another country and there is a lot of poverty in their country or their family over there is poor. So you could send the wealth there so that they can sacrifice the animal over there for them because there's poverty there. The default however, is to try to eradicate poverty, try to tackle the poverty that exists locally first. So if we have poverty here in Canada, then we try to make sure that we look after those who are poor here first. Now, of course Alhamdulillah the amount of people who are poor and in need here in Canada is far less than than it is abroad. And this is

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why you find that the majority of Muslims nowadays, especially because of the you know, the hardship of going to the farm and sacrificing the animal they send the out of them they send the money abroad and have it done abroad. However, we should not take an easy way out simply because we don't want to put in the effort. One of the things I always encourage people to do here in Canada is if you can take your children to the farm so that they can see and witnessed your animal and you know, then the sacrificing of the animal and you know the cutting of the meat and then take them with you to distribute the meat or to cook it and bring it to people who are in need. Then they are part of the

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whole experience and they will also learn to uphold and upkeep, a Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam they will learn to can to continue to establish a part of this Deen that is slowly slipping away. Okay and the reason why it's slowly slipping away is not that it's like being lost. But a lot of people are sending their wealth abroad or just simply going online and using a card and paying the money and it's done somewhere else they don't even know where and by who and our children growing up here have no idea what we'll do here or Corbyn any actually is because they've never seen it or witnessed it and that's a problem okay we need to teach our children here as well.

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What's going on? Can I pray solo according to

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proper timing conditioned upon dadgad if I sleep after model Okay, so if I sleep proper time for tahajjud if I sleep after mostly been praying a shot after waking up Can I pray tahajjud Yes. Okay, so if you go to sleep after mother when you wake up halfway through the night for example, and you pray Aisha and then pray your 200 there and then go back to sleep and then wake up at fudger then that is considered tahajjud Yes.

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Okay, so sacrafice moves depending on the people earning in a single house, or it's just one small animal per house. So, it is one animal per household, or one share of a larger animal, like the cow, the bull,

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or the camel, write a share in the larger animal per household, not per person who's earning in the house. However, if a person you know if the household contains like, two grown up adult children, right, the children are grown up in their adults in their earning, they're working and they have wealth and they want to offer then they can and should offer in order to get themselves used to it. What we see happening in our time that was that is very different than time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is that people nowadays have children, their children turn 18, they're starting University, they have no vision, they have no idea where they want to go in life. They then

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turned 30 years old, they're still not married, but they're working and earning. They then turn 35 years old, they get married, they buy a house, they have a car, they settle down.

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Or they're still living at home with their parents. And a big problem that we find in our communities is that there's a lot of people who are in the 30s, and even reaching their 40 and 40s. And they're still living in their parents home. There's a difference between looking after parents and living at home because our parents don't want us to move out and live somewhere else. So we're just stuck living with them.

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So in that case, if a person is like 30 years old, married has children but still living at their parents place in the basement or something, the nature to offer something on behalf of their family, as in that son, with his wife and children. They should also offer a sacrifice there. Okay? Allah Subhana Allah knows best. We will keep it at that. That's all the time that we have. Just come along here on some level. We're sentimental about a guy named Amina Mohammed was early or Saturday USA limb, which is qumulo Faden was cenomar alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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