Daood Butt – Ramadan 2016 – Treasures From The Quran – 08

Daood Butt
AI: Summary © The Day of Judgment is a significant event that is recognized as the beginning of time. The speakers discuss various signs that indicate the end, including the statement of five times a day when the Prophet sallama was traveling from Mecca to Jerusalem, the belief that the Prophet had traveled to Jerusalem at night and come back, and the use of planes and cell phones to travel and receive information. They emphasize the need for love and avoiding giving up on parents' opinions, while also highlighting the importance of protecting against loss and standing strong. The speakers also discuss the importance of testing for COVID-19 and the need for people to be cautious, while also mentioning a recent trial in which a woman was found to be in a drug court for allegedly drinking drugs. The pandemic may have implications for the upcoming summer vacation season.
AI: Transcript ©
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Joaquim and handler have been alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala VN mursaleen Nabina Muhammad in la foto salatu wa Taala tasleem rubbish La Jolla subsidy was Sidney Emily orchidectomy lissoni of Gabor Kohli, my brothers and sisters in Islam. cenomar aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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Tonight is the eighth night of Ramadan. So we are finishing up our seventh day of fasting one week already. So kinda, you know, it goes really, really fast. And, you know, the beginning of the month, we think, Oh, it's going to be a monotonous routine every single day waking up at sorrowed every single day getting a little bit of a nap. You know, the typical go to the masjid today, we thought come back, every single day, buddy, any

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Muslim handler, you know, it goes so fast. It goes really, really fast. And I remember on the first night, we were here on the first the technically first night of Ramadan before we actually began fasting. The first evening that we did our to see it. And I remember telling a brother after Mohammed saying it feels as though this is just a continuation from last year's on Amazon. Like we it says though, the year didn't pass. And yesterday, we were here and it was Ramadan last year, and now it's kind of already one week is gone. And to be honest, we've covered you know, a good chunk of the Quran as well. We're already uncertain. And so somehow the time is going very quick.

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Tonight, we're going to begin with sort of an unfair. But before we get into it, I was discussing something yesterday when I left off at verse number 187. Of

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what sort of where we are,

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sort of to our off, it's wanting to go forward, but it's a different thing to go backwards. So sudo to our off, verse 187.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us there that people will ask him question, when is the day of judgment? When will it be? And we don't know, we have no idea when the day of judgment will be, except for certain happenings or certain, you know, instances that would take place in history or in time, that could indicate to us you know, the end of times. And that's simply because of the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam different statements that he made an indicated to certain things that would be apparent or might become more common more, you know, predominant, near the end of times. But still, even though that happens, we don't know when the end of time would be, like

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someone might say, okay, we've seen one of the signs of the end of time.

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Okay, so we've seen it, but when is the end of time, we don't know, we still don't know the exact, you know, amount of years that are left to come, etc. And so we leave that up to a loss of panel data, however, and I mentioned, you know, three really interesting things, because our chef was was talking to talking to us about this. And he mentioned three really interesting, modern signs of the Day of Judgment, or things that have been in our time that you could never imagine happening during the time of the Prophet sallallahu usnm. So, for example, the story of assault and marriage, right, it's on marriage. We know it's on marriage when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam traveled

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that night from Mecca to Jerusalem, and then from Jerusalem, up to the skies to speak to Allah subhana wa Tada, where he communicated and was given the command to pray, saw that five times a day, initially it was 50 times, but Allah subhanho wa Taala brought it down by five every time that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam went up, and that was with the recommendation of which Prophet

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Musa good I was gonna say, if no one knows its homework again. But that was the recommendation of Masada, his set out to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he told him, you know, that's going to be very difficult upon your people to pray 50 times a day. So he cut it down by five, right and then cut it down and then cut it down and kept going down until he reached five. And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam felt shy or embarrassed to go back to Allah subhana wa Jalla. And say, now it's at five and it's still too difficult from 50 to five. So we you know, we pray five times a day.

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But if you think of it at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, when he travelled from Mecca to Jerusalem in the night and then came back if and this actually happened when he when he told the people that he traveled to Jerusalem at night and came back, the people, you know, they didn't believe him. No one believed him except abubaker of the Lama. And when they came to him, and asked him and said, you know, your Prophet Muhammad, he says some of our leaders and he claims that he traveled to Jerusalem

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and back in the middle of the night. He says, If you

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He said that it happened then it happened. And that shows us the theme, the conviction that

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worker of the above man had in the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam that if he was to say something, it has to be true. So no question. If he says he did it, he did it. Right. There's There's no need to, you know, Ask and inquire, is it possible? Now, if I was to tell you today that you bought a flight, right from jet down because we know jet is very close to Mecca. Right. So you bought a flight from Jeddah and you fly to, let's say, Tel Aviv, right, because I don't think any flights are going into Jerusalem these days. Right. So you border flights from Jeddah to Tel Aviv at night, and you come back? How long does it take you to go an hour flight and come back another hour?

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And that's with airplanes that's not with the rock with the animal that Allah Subhana Allah gave to the Prophet. So the longer I need to send him the transported him right at the speed of light. This is with an airplane, which is possible to do in the middle of the night. I could tell someone you know what, I went to London and came back from last night, from the time you saw me until now, I went to London, UK and came back, would you believe me? Yes, because it's possible, it takes six hours to go there six hours to come back, or seven hours and seven hours, you're done 14 hours, you're back here. And you could still go back again. So how about we can do it, we could go and come

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go and come two times. But the panel at our time, we look at a flight to be something that's possible to travel that distance at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, it did not seem possible for someone to travel from Jeddah for example, or from Mecca to Jerusalem and back. Now, things change over time with technology and so on. So today, we say wow, with an airplane, we could easily make that journey and come back, like I've flown from,

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from Brisbane, left, you know, and they arrived here on the same day, because of the distance and the direction you're flying, you end up leaving there, for example, on today's a Sunday, and you arrive over here on Sunday. So somehow that alone makes it possible for us, right? Similarly, when we hear statements of the profits in the long run, I need to send them like the one that we took yesterday,

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about, you know, one of the signs of the end of time would be that a person speaks into their shoulder or speaks into their thigh. That's something that at the time of this a habit of the other man who didn't make sense. But today, because we have cell phones, or you have a phone and telephone, you lean on your shoulder and you speaking into your shoulder, it makes total sense. It makes total sense. Now is that and is that the actual meaning of that statement that that telephone or the cell phone or the Bluetooth headsets is the sign or one of the signs of the Day of Judgment? We are in no position to say that it is until the scholars agree upon it after it's passed. So after

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one of the signs has passed of the Day of Judgment, as in that sign has passed, and it's clear that that was one of the signs, then the scholars agreed to it. That's when we can say okay, this was actually one of the signs before that we can't say that is we can only say, Wow, look at this. This is something that's happening that resembles the statement that was made with regards to the end of times. Another example that I'll give you, I said I would give you three I'll give you two more. Another example is

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the statement of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with regards to a cloth,

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a cloth that would hang on the walls of people's homes that would portray or display fitnah

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flat screen TVs where they used to be one here, right it's moved over there now. flat screen TVs, how many of us have flat screen TVs in our homes? Almost everyone has a flat screen TV. It hangs on the wall like a cloth like a curtain, right? It's just hanging it. Or you can say you know the projectors. We have projectors people use those projectors even inside of their homes. And what do you see on it? fitna? TV you seeing things that, you know sometimes we use it for good and some people use it for bad. And so there's you know, it's an interesting sign of the day of judgment that this thing hangs in our homes on the walls, like a curtain like a cloth. But so Pamela on it is

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portrayed fitna, we see lots of strange things happening on the TV. And simple today, you wake up in the morning and you hear the news of what happened in Orlando. These are all things of fitna that's happening at our time. The third example that I will give and this is probably one that the youth might enjoy even more.

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One of the signs of the Day of Judgment is that people or men would be banging drums on his head, banging drums on his head. You think of it like why would anyone be walking around banging a drum on their head?

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You know, those Beats by Dre headphones, right? When you hear them? It's like It's like banging a drum on your head. So kinda like any not Beats by Dre itself. I know people are watching this. Oh my god. Oh my god, what's happening? No. Most of hella headphones in general headphones or ear

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phones, you put them on and what are people doing? They're listening to music that it's the drums are literally banging on their heads. Right and some of these headphones they even have, you know, built in vibration and acoustics and stuff like that. So panela right, these are interesting things that we have our time that when it was mentioned to this habit of the alarm when you would literally take it word for word, oh, someone has a drum on their head and they're banging on it. No, it doesn't have to be literal. And so we ask Allah subhana wa tada to help us and protect us and save us from the trials of the coming up the Day of Judgment. And we ask Allah Subhana Allah to protect

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us from the fitna of the day.

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We move on into solitude and fall.

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I wanted to take verse number 199, but I don't want to waste you know, use up too much time but the last part of the sutra, in sorta in verse number 199, Allah subhana wa tada encourages us to show forgiveness or to deal with forgiveness. And when someone is showing mercy upon you accept that mercy as well, enjoying them goodness and turn away from those that are foolish, those that behave foolishly. In sorla, two and five. Today we're going to cover the entire source file as well as the first 93 verses of surah Toba. So what I tell antheil is known as the sutra titled the spoils of war. Okay, the spoils of war and it's referring mainly to the Battle of Gundam. The Battle of birds

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have been and that's the you know, Betty it's it's a battle that happened early in the stages of Islam, just after the migration of this habit of the alarm on home from Mecca to Medina. And when they arrived in Medina remember a lot of this habit of the alarm, I ran home that we're living in Makkah that migrated to Medina, a lot of those a habit of the Allahu anhu they gave up all of their, their land, they left behind their homes, they left behind their relatives, they left you know, their businesses, and for some of them, in fact, quite a few of them. During the time when the Muslims were being harmed and hurt by the, by the machete cone by the crush of maca. They had a lot

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of their properties and businesses and wealth taken away from them. And when they left whatever was left behind house that you know that was left they left it behind.

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Now, a lot of the habit of the long run home when they arrived in Medina, they had nothing with them, they left in the nights, you know they traveled and somehow they did not have much of their belongings. But Allah Subhana atana shows us here that he planned for the caravan that was carrying a lot of the wealth of the Muslims that you know they left behind in Makkah, that caravan was traveling close to the city of Medina bateau, which is approximately you know, if you jump in a car or jump in a bus and you had to buy them from Medina, you'll get there in about an hour, right, depending on the speed limit that you travel at. And so you can see that the you know, the planes

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have been that where there's a mountain as well there's three mountains there, one of the mountains is beautiful, it's you know, you have Rocky Mountain, Rocky Mountain and a Sand Mountain like a massive mountain is just covered in sand. Absolutely beautiful, how Allah subhana wa, tada, you know, has the area, they're still up until today. And you know, it's a place where we go to, in order to visit the the Shahada that are very there those that died in the Battle of Baba.

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And Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us that during the time of the Battle of budhha, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he tells us a habit of the alarm home, let's get ready and go. And we're going to try and intercept this caravan because the caravan is actually carrying a lot of this stuff that belonged to the Muslims to begin with, it was taken from them. And so they were going to basically ambush this caravan and take back the

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the belongings that were that were technically theirs. And the profits that along with some of them, this is not really mentioned, but I visited but when I was a student in Medina, and when we were there, you know, the the brothers that are giving us the tour of the area, they're actually you know, employees of the government. There, you know, one of them was explaining that this is the place we were standing in the place where the profits and losses are and he was some of them saw the date pit the date seeds right on the ground in the sand. So he went to the weld and as he was going to the weld in the night, he saw on the ground, there were some date seeds, just like when we break

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our fast and we finish eating the date, we put the seed on the plate, but he saw those date seeds on the ground. And he recognized that these were not the dates, the seeds, we're not from dates that are from the region of Medina, because Medina is a province, right? It's not from the region of Medina and so the Prophet sallallaahu it was some

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knew that these dates, the seeds that he's seeing on the ground, the pits, these were from dates that come from the area, the region of Makkah, you know, further from Medina, not close to the city of Medina to munawwara, closer to Makkah. And so he realized by that, that the machete Cohen were actually really close to the Muslim army. They were really, really close to the Muslim camp, I should say, because there wasn't really an army that was formed at the time, it was like, hey, let's go and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Remember, this was the beginning, this is the first battle. And so they were not really prepared, they were not ready. And this habit of the alarm, I'm

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home, all of this is mentioned in the soil, from verse number, you know, 42 onwards, and at the beginning as well. So I'm just paraphrasing so we can understand the Battle of Baba, before we get into the verses, the profits in the long run, he was sending them.

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When he sees this, he goes, and he informs this habit of the alumni and home, you know, the time is near, like the machete corner very close to us. They're literally just around the valley. And so so Pamela, you know, there's two camps and they didn't realize how close they were to each other. And some have a lot, you know, when you're standing there on the battlefield, like where the battle took place, it's actually kind of spooky, because you realize you're standing where the profits are, the longer it was send them stood, and where the Sahaba of the 11 home were, you know, camping at night, and that night, Allah subhanho wa Taala, as you mentioned in this Lula, he sent rain in first number

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12. Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us that he sent to rain, and the rain because the Muslim army was very small, they were tired, they were exhausted, it was hot, and the rain game and it you know, it washed them, they you know, wash themselves they felt cooled down by this rain. And they felt that this was a blessing from a loss of power with Anna This was Rama. And as Muslims, we know that whatever Allah Subhana Allah sends us it's a blessing. There's so many blessings. And so they felt this was a blessing from Allah and a good sign. As for the opponents, the machete goon, they had sent for extra backup to come from mcca when they heard that the Muslims were going to ambush so

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they sent for backup to come from Makkah and everyone came out. And some handelian they were such large. They were such a large number of the correlations and wish deikun the non believers that were ready to fight against the Muslims. When the rain came for them, the rain was the complete opposite. They felt Oh no, it's raining. How are we going to win this battle.

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And with all the rain And all the amount of people and them and the horses that they had as well, the animals, there was a lot of mud under their feet because there was a lot of them. So they felt Oh, this is going to be a very difficult battle. There's a lot of mud on the ground and the rain it's making it very difficult for us. So it actually worked in the opposite sense for the machete comb. They felt this is going to be a really difficult battle but the Muslims because they were very small in number they thought to themselves on handle now this is a blessing from Allah subhanho what's at now in verse number one Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us yes and one achiara Nina

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backed up

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by Unicom while two year old ma Sulu

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meanie in Allah subhanho wa Taala says yes, alumina can infer like the, the Sahaba of the Aloha and whom are asking you or Mohammed salah and even Salah about And third, what is invalid we mentioned it, the spoils of war, it's plural and lots of spoils of war nothing. And, and so Allah subhanho wa Taala is showing us that this habit of the old man whom they're asking the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam about the spoils of war How much do we get? We fought in this battle, this is the first time Hey, give us what we deserve, right? And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he receives this surah right from a loss of habitat and these verses which describe the amounts that are to be

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given and and and share it etc.

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So Allah Subhana Allah says,

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Yes, aluna can handle and further quality and value law, he will assume that the spoils of war they belong to a bus of Hannibal attached and the decision for that will come from Allah and His messengers on a long line. He was one of them. But just to save us some time, we know that one fifth of the spoils of war so whatever is collected the booty from war, which means you know the game whatever they get from the wars or any battle, it's divided into five parts. One part goes to the profits on a long run even Sunday.

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Allah subhanho wa Taala right goes to Allah and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, as in its money for the Ummah of Muhammad Sallallahu, alayhi wasallam, the needy, etc, four fifths go to those that took part in the actual battle. So four fifths go to the, the soldiers that took part in the battle, how it will be divided among them that is up to the profits in the long run to us. Right? So this is really what they're asking now. Okay, now that there's there's four fifths that are coming to us, how much do we get those that were in the frontlines are saying we deserve more. Those that stayed back are now same to the other. So how about on the left? I know, we didn't stay back, we

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were around the profits a little longer. It was something we were protecting him. So we were on guard the entire time. We didn't rest. You guys went to the frontlines. Yeah. And then you retreat, you know, your retreat a little bit, you get some rest, and then you go back out maybe the next day or something. But those that were around the profits in the long run, either sell them or saying we deserve more, because you know, we're protecting him a lot more as a US senator. And so there was this, you know, back and forth sort of discussion that took place, and we leave it up to the Prophet sallallahu wasallam as a loss of Hannibal with Anna tells us that he will be the one that will

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decide and divide them right.

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In verses number two, three and four, we see the qualities of a faithful believer Allah Subhana Allah says in ML mug moon and levena

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magina boo boo, what either Juliet la him

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won't be here until one can.

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The believers are those who when they remember a loss of counterweights, sorry, when a lot is mentioned, right and left in either lukey Rama, who, when he left boo, boom, their hearts become and I don't like to use this word, fearful which you know, in translations that says their hearts become fearful know, their hearts tremble or their hearts, you know, that shakes shakes with what it might shake with the fear of a loss of Hamlet Alice punishment it might shake with anxiety as you're excited you you're listening to the if you're listening to the greatness of a loss of handling, your heart becomes you know, excited to meet a lot to return to a law etc. For those who, you know, are

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going through maybe a difficult moment or something their heart shakes because now they're listening, they're remembering the loss of Hannah Montana, and they become filled with hope. And so the hope is inside of them and they're ready they're encouraged how to love you know, there's so many things someone who is anxious or someone who you know is trying to control their anger, they recite some of the core and their heart their heart becomes soft, it becomes soft with the remembrance of Allah subhana wa tada they become patient and so their heart trembles with how great Allah subhana wa tada is and how insignificant we really are. So I don't like to attribute it only

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to fear. I like us to understand it from from the different angles have our own selves and our own feelings. Sometimes we're happy sometimes we're sad sometimes we're angry sometimes we're looking for hope, etc. Then Allah subhana wa tada says,

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either lupien Allahu

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wa Jalla guru boom what either Julieta nama and to za tomiyama Anna, what you got to really add to it him. When a person or you know the believers Allah subhana wa tada is referring to the believers. Here's the verses and thinks of the signs of Allah subhanho wa Taala it increases them in amen in faith in belief, and upon their Lord, they rely that Allah Subhana Allah says in verse number three, alanine au beam una semana de la

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Rosa Karna

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mean how ca da da

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da da de Mundo

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is Kenny, Allah subhana wa tada says the ones who establish their prayer, those are the believers, right? The believers who when they remember a lot of their hearts tremble, you know, they come they they they hear of the signs of a loss of hanaway to Allah and it increases their Amen. And letting up Moana salata woman mamas agnello mucuna the believers are also those who establish their prayer and with what Allah subhana wa Tana provided them they spent not that they hoard hoarding means to keep things someone gives you this you say okay, I'm gonna keep this because you know, I received this from uncle so and so and this is a precious gift that I will be able to tell people in 20

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years, Uncle so and so gave me this gift on the eighth night of Ramadan. And you know, somehow this is something that I cherish, you know, don't hoard your wealth. Don't keep your wealth and just, you know, collected, collected, collected

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Part of our wealth is to give an Allah Subhana Allah to Allah loves when we spend the wealth he gives us because the more that we spend, the more he gives us. So the more we give, the more we get.

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And Allah Subhana Allah to Allah Subhana Allah you'll know when we give our sadaqa or when we give something for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Jalla purely and and without any intention other than to please Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, we know that this wealth always comes back to us in some way shape or form. Hopefully we don't say comes back to us through our tax returns right? Then Allah subhana wa tada says in verse number four Allah ECOMOG Mina help those who establish their prayers when they hear things of Allah it increases their email all of the attributes that we went through the characteristics with eco mollymook minute and a half god they truly are the believers. They are

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the true believers love whom they're watching agenda to narinder begin they have status levels of you know status that they will raise in rank other than the other believers those that just believe and say you know what, I just believe Don't worry I'm cool I don't need to pray. Right I don't need to fast No, you got it. You got to do the extra things. You can't just say I believe and don't pray and I believe in don't fast. Yes, a person that says I believe I have to do that but I don't out of laziness. That's a sin. Right? That person is sinning. But Allah subhana wa tada shows us here let me know and I have gone now him Dada Jr. Ended up being one of them fear to what is gonna carry him,

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Allah Subhana which Allah doesn't only give them status. With him, he shows us one more feeling he forgives them and continuously forgives them, what is going to carry him and Allah subhana wa COVID to have that gives from gifts from his provisions to them. And so Allah subhanho wa Taala continuously increases, those who spend you realize Allah keeps giving you he increases he multiplies. Not only the good deeds that you did, he returns your wealth in some way shape or form either in extra good deeds or an extra wealth or in prosperity or in long life, etc. Allah subhanho wa Taala gives back to us. The more we give, the more we get in verses number 567 and eight, Allah

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subhana wa tada shows us the incident of the caravan and the Battle of bateau to the beginning of it we touched upon that so we're not going to go over it again. In verse number 12, Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about the rain and how he brought the rain and the Muslims were very small in number, right but they felt that this rain was a blessing from Allah so it it could calm their hearts, it soothes them, it showered them they felt refreshed. As for the machete cone, those that are coming in, they know that now the machete goon they were very large in number and the rain created a lot of mud under their feet and it just made things very sluggish, very difficult for them. So all of that

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is mentioned there. You know in the story of bundanon Allah subhanho wa Taala is teaching us that in the Quran, when he refers to the rain falling and making it difficult for the mushy coo and etc.

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Verse number 15, Allah subhanho wa Taala says

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Johan levena

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either libido levena. Cava was a

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Allah subhana wa tada says, Oh, you have believed when you meet those who disbelieve, advancing for battle as in there's this there's an army coming to you. Now remember, we're talking about the Battle of Baba. Allah Subhana. Allah tells them those who believe when you meet the opponent, the non believers, do not turn your backs on them as in don't turn and run. Don't get scared. What Allah Subhana Allah is teaching us here. We're not standing on the battlefield, are we? Right? We're not standing on the battlefield. We're sitting in the mustard and humbler waiting for a fire so we can eat and then pray. So we're not standing on the battlefield. And we will see that in Sula to unfurl

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and Surah tober. It talks a lot about battles. Now moving forward, there's a lot of different discussion that will also can with Allah brings up with regards to the battles and fighting and Jihad and so on. And we are not and I'm saying this because people are watching and it's being recorded for YouTube. And there's people listening. And as a disclaimer, we say yes, islamically we believe that there is jihad, there's fighting but fighting is a various different types. There's fighting where you pick up arms, but there's fighting with my own self. Like I want to drink some water right now. And I know there's a bottle of water right behind me because I put it there.

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It's right here.

00:29:45 --> 00:30:00

Right. And I know that if I show it, people are gonna get thirsty. Are we not fighting the thirst right now? Yes, we're fighting thirst. It was a long day. Alhamdulillah almost 18 hours of fasting. We're thirsty but we're fighting our knifes our

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desires. I'm not going to open this bottle and drink it in sha Allah. I will put it behind me right? I'm not going to consume it. I'm fighting with my own self with my own desires. I want a new car I'm pushing on my brakes and I'm the squeaky sounds coming from my brakes and like why am I driving a 16 year old car? Right? I want a new car but I'm fighting it Why? Because you can't afford it. You can't afford the insurance or you don't need it right now. It's just an extra luxury the cars perfectly fine You just need to change your brakes what's wrong with the rest of the car? You know, you have to fight your knifes and everything in life that we go through a simple example of these

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phones that we have, you know some handle I was just saw some article on on my phone earlier today. That's tomorrow, I think Apple is going to be there's some electronics fair, something happening tomorrow, WM ei or something like that. Yeah. What is it called?

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iOS 10 is being released. Look at that, Mashallah. And they want to change it back to Mac operating system, right? Instead of calling it the iOS x, they want to call it Mac OS or something like that, right? It's kind of less so all this technology. And when we hear of something new coming out, like they were saying, but Apple will not talk about the iPhone because they like to have that as a separate event, a release event in September that happens usually every year. And when people hear about it, it's like whoa, the new Apple iPhone is coming out right? The iPhone one and the iPhone two and alpha one, three. And now we're already at what six s right. And then so kinda you have

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Samsung, Samsung had the galaxy series, Galaxy S one, s two s three, now our s six. And then somehow before that it was like the a series and the Zed series and the y series and among those what else series there was, but every time we hear something new, we want do we need? Like now there's the Galaxy S seven? What's different from the s seven and the s6? Does anyone know? Are you like the techie guy?

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Anyone? What's different? waterproof, someone mentioned waterproof. That's pretty much the only thing right? But then I heard that the S sevens are really, really fragile. So who cares? If it's waterproof, you drop it in it shatters, you drop the s6 and inshallah won't shatter, but it probably will have some damage, right? So somehow that there's so many different things that happen and come out. We don't technically need it. I don't need a waterproof phone. I'm not taking a shower with my phone. It's bad enough people are bringing their phones into the bathroom and using it while they're sitting on the toilet. Now people are you know, companies are making their phones waterproof.

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Because some hannula you'll see so many articles and people saying, now you will not be scared to drop your phone in the toilet by accident. Honestly speaking, if I have a phone that's waterproof, and it's made waterproof, so that if I accidentally drop it in the phone, it's not going to damage the phone. I don't want to touch that phone. It fell in the toilet. Allah knows how it's gonna become pure after that. praying with this phone in my pocket. I don't know if my slot is going to be correct. So Pamela, so there's so many things that you think of, you know, and, and technology changes so fast, but we give in to our designers. And that's really what we're talking about when

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Allah subhanaw taala refers to the battles and the struggles of the people of the past. Right? So how about the alumni? No, that does not mean that there's no such thing as Jihad anymore. All right. And a few years ago, I would never touch this topic. I was not confident enough to touch this topic. But now somehow Allah, you know, there are things that we can talk about freely and comfortably and explain. Yes, our Deen does say that there is something known as Jihad and it's a various different types. One type is to actually take upon battle and fight. But that has to be legislated by the leaders, the leaders have to agree to it. It's in a specific time a specific place a specific way.

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We as the average Muslim, do not have authority to say we are going to take up arms and fight people. Similarly, a person who, for example, like this morning, we see what happened in Orlando, I don't want to talk about the event of Orlando. But generally speaking, when people say, Oh, you know what, we're supporting ISIS, and we go and we do this. Now. What you're doing is wrong. It's absolutely wrong. Because you are declaring something as someone who's not a leader, and Islamic Lee the shitty Yeah, the law of a loss of Hamlet, Anna, who you claim to be following, and the son of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who they claim to be following as well teaches us that the

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leaders that are among the scholars, the leaders, they need to be part of making this decision. And the mass majority, if not almost every single one of the leaders on earth except for a select few that are the leaders of ISIS are the ones that are saying that this is something that the that the Muslims are supposed to be doing. It's not. And then we look at the actions of ISIS or we look at the actions of, you know, those people that are claiming to fight holy wars or Jihad these days. They're killing the Muslims themselves. They're entering lands that are being occupied by Muslims, people who are worshipping Allah praying five times a day.

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Fasting paying people who have children, families, etc. And they're saying, if you don't want to join us and take up arms, we will kill you and they kill them. Is that the action of a Muslim? No. Is that the action of a movement? A believer? No. Is it for us to take up arms and just go and kill random people? Because we don't like what they're doing? No, we are not to do that. And so we ask Allah Subhana, Allah to Allah to safeguard us from these thoughts and these actions. And I know that it's something we don't like to talk about, we don't feel comfortable. But it needs to be said, because a lot of the youth get very confused with the use of social media and technology. A lot of

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youth, they get very confused. They say, hey, look at this verse. Look at this, Heidi, you're quoting it, it must be true. We shouldn't be doing it. My parents aren't doing it, forget them. I'm gonna go and buy a plane ticket and go to Turkey and enter through, you know, Syria, etc. No, you're not supposed to be doing that. Who told you to do that? A muscle. Finally data shows us the importance of our parents. If the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam himself, returns companions to their parents, because they made their parents, for example, in the famous famous example of this hobby who comes to the profits that alone I need to send them to join the Muslim army. And he's

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bragging, he's showing off he's telling, you know, the other so how good are the alum I know, I left my parents and they were crying and they were weeping, and I'm coming, I'm gonna stand with you. I'm gonna fight with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he's disobeying his parents, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam hears it, he tells him, right? Come explain to me what happens. He explains to me, he's like, yeah, I left my parents and so on. He's boasting about it. profits and longer and you send them tells him go back, and make them smile, or make them happy, make them laugh. And, as in put in the same amount of effort that you did to make them cry, put that effort

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and more in to make your parents happy.

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Why? Because our agenda is under the feet of our parents.

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And so when we disobey our parents, that is worse than many of the things that we can do out there in society.

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A lot of people will say, No, you had to go and fight and this is a holy war. That's how battle the alarm, I'm going and standing with the profits in the long run, I need to send them and I know there's people watching. We're not talking about our time, we're talking about their time. Okay? So we're talking about at the time of the prophets and allowing it to send them the Sahaba of the loveline home, who are coming and saying, Yeah, we're gonna go stand with the prophets and along with some of them, if your parents did not want you to do that, go back. Because you're a figma, your, your your help towards your parents is far more beneficial than you going with the Prophet

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salallahu alayhi wa sallam standing by his side, defending him defending Islam, you know, saying Allahu Akbar and stuff like that, and claiming that you're following the son of the prophets and along with some of them, and actually dying on that battlefield, that's not better than it is for you to stay back and be with your parents and look after them. If they didn't want that. You know, this habit to go this habit, the best of people, and if that's them,

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you know, what's on us. hiatal Moroni cognito melodien, a lot. Luna, Latina Luna, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam tells us, the best of people, the best of nations is the people who lived with the profits in the long run, even son of this habit of the alumni.

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Thumbelina, Ilona, then the tambourine, or the Tabby our own, we should say, those that came after this have, they lived at the time maybe have this habit, they might have even lived at the time of the Prophet some longer it was some of them maybe they were even older than him. They were born before him, but they never met him. They never interacted with him, they never saw him. And so then best of nation with the Sahaba then those that came after, then those that came after, and then as time goes on, so some kind of level where we if that was the the order given to this a habit of the love, I'm home, then ask yourselves, how much justice do we do to our parents? Hey, yeah, let's move

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on. Because I know we didn't cover much.

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In verse number, so from verse number 15, what we learned is to be courageous. Now that is talking about the battlefield. That's what I said, What about us? What do we learn, we learn to have courage. We learn to go to school as the youth that are sitting here you go to school, you're a Muslim, your skin tone is a little bit you know, it might be it might be a little bit more tend than the average person in your class. For some of us, we know very well that there are you know, Muslims in this country who are white Canadians, like my mother in law, she's from New Brunswick, she's, you know, like, really Mashallah white. And I think of the David Bach who knows how to sew so kinda when

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we think of it, there are Muslims amongst us, our youth, some of them because our parents or yourselves maybe as parents,

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came from other countries, our children feel you know, I don't fit into society. I'm not the same, because I might speak a different language other than English and French that my friends don't know of, but because of my skin tone because of my name because of the clothing that I wear because of the hijab on my head, I don't feel as though I belong here. No, Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us when you're faced with not the enemies, but you're faced with the non Muslim,

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the non Muslim, someone who doesn't believe in what you believe in. Don't turn your back, Be courageous, stand strong. As you've as grown men, as grown women, as adults stand strong. Sometimes we feel so shy and sad, you know, scared to make whoo in public, or we feel shy to pray Our saw that you know, out on the grass and apart. Remember, a few days ago, I mentioned now that the sisters are doing this is the hybrid version. Instead of praying in public, they're praying in a public place, but secluded inside of the changing room of a department store, for example, right? And so some kind of love, you know, we feel shy, we feel scared, you know, stand strong, have courage, and understand

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that our last panel we had as the one who protects you, when you leave your home, you say your door hot, you know that the time that you left your home until the time you returned from your home, you will be under the protection of a loss of handling. Even if someone harms you, that's a lesson for you. There's something in it. There's something that's being taught maybe my email and is so great, that Allah subhanho wa Taala is testing me and he's not testing the other person. Right. So we need to think of that of it in that way from verses number 42 onwards less accountable, which Anna discusses the Battle of Baba, he describes a battle of bundles to us is the plan of Allah subhana wa

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tada the numbers of the Muslims and numbers of the machete coup and etc. Verse number 45. Again, Allah subhanho wa Taala teaches us to stand strong in the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So anytime you feel as though your courage is going down, and you're scared, and you're alone, you're the only Muslim there you don't know if you should pray in public or you should just drive your car until you find the masjid. But the time is going to end for sauna stop your cart, and be busy in the remembrance of Allah until you get to the slaughter until you find your place to pray and you pray for example, be busy in the remembrance of Allah subhanho wa tada in verse number 48 and this is a

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beautiful verse. Allah Subhana Allah shows us here what is Xi'an and illuma shavon

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shavon he makes the people the machinery Khun feel pleased with themselves in the Battle of butter in the Battle of Bubba. Now this happens during the Battle of Beto. shavon he actually joins the army his helpers are there, they're ready. They're about to fight with the motion cone and they see that the amount of the wish of the goon is so large, so they feel content and he's you know whispering with his workers. They're telling the machine deikun Don't worry, this is good. You got it. You got this battle. It's under your belt right? This is one that you're going to win how there's so many of you and number look at them Muslim so small in number there's none there. Don't

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worry about it. Then Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us that M and o

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walk on

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me buddy.

00:43:32 --> 00:43:35

Come in me.

00:43:38 --> 00:43:41

In mi

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ma ma ma machesney.

00:43:49 --> 00:44:04

Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us here after shavon makes people feel comfortable. phenom Tom ha townhall TV attorney NACA saarela, RTB makalah in the Barry minkow she thought he realizes there

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that the profits in the long run he was on them he made dua to Allah Subhana which Allah and Allah sent the angels and he sees the angels amongst the Sahaba of the Allahu anhu

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he's now witnesses that the help of Allah is here.

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I can't I can't be part of this battle. And he leaves he runs and he says to the machico and

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he says indeed I'm disassociated from you in me, Barry Omen come in me are our Mellotron and disassociating myself with you because I see what you guys don't see. He saw that there were angels there and he knew that the help of a muscle can with Anna was with them. And so he says in the AHA for law imagine shavon says he's scared of a law. Now the lesson for you and I is are we scared of Allah? Like we say

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That we fear a loss of hanaway talent. But shaytaan like this tricks us all the time. And we do things that are displeasing to Allah. Here we have an example during the Battle of Baba and a loss of penalties. Anna relates the story to us. So we know it's true 100% that shavon is there and shavon sees that there's angels that help of us with them. And he's so scared of being part of this battle. He leaves and he tells the machete Kuhn in me a homophone wha,

00:45:33 --> 00:46:24

wha la Lucia de Valera, Cobb. And a law is punishment is severe. And so I'm out of here, man, I leave, I'm gone, I shaved on leaves a lot. Imagine that that shade on that's, that is the creation of Allah who still even though he was arrogant, and asked a lot, like we covered yesterday, to be, you know, to be relieved of his punishment now and to postpone it until, until the trumpet is blown. He's still identifying his fear and he's identifying to us his belief in Allah Subhana Allah to add to he even shame on believes in the loss of cannabinoids and so that's really interesting for people who don't believe in a lot or people who are like, you know, followers of the dark side You know, a

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lot of people nowadays use you know, they've got these golf tendencies, right, black lipstick, black nail, Polish, black, everything's kind of, you know, that's really interesting because they follow shape, not they should follow shade on in this aspect as well. The shavon believes that Allah is the Creator. His issue was that he did not want to bow down to the police. And he felt arrogant and he was challenging Allah Subhana Allah to Allah, You created me from fire you created him from from the earth. He was challenging Allah with with regards to that, but he still believes in Allah subhanho wa Taala and believes in the punishment of Allah Jalla hirota.

00:47:05 --> 00:47:07

We move on to verse number. Actually, I think

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we have five minutes.

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In verse number 61, Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us if the Muslims are faced with a machete cone, and they seek peace. So they're in the battle and they seek peace, Allah subhanho wa Taala commands for peace to be granted to them. If they're seeking, you know, to be relieved from from fighting, and they're basically submitting us leave them spare them relax. Have you know some mercy upon them, they're coming to you with open arms saying that they submit, and so be, you know, have some mercy upon them. We move on to Sula, Toba and we'll cover just the beginning of an inch on Montana. So October the beginning of this What does it begin with? Bismillah Alhamdulillah. No, it doesn't Why?

00:48:08 --> 00:48:10

okay because of the Toba. And

00:48:12 --> 00:48:56

it's said to be continuing, sorry, a continuation of sorla and fall. But one of the simplest explanations and most valid reasoning that we can give to why there's no Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim at the beginning of October is because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam never recited Bismillah al Rahman al Rahim, at the beginning of October. And when he was having the Sahaba of the llama, and who write the verses of the Quran, he never asked them to write to this mainland in Latin America, him at the beginning of October. And so that's a simple explanation, where you cannot go wrong. If anyone asks you why is there no Bismillah? It doesn't make sense say listen, the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not recite this meal at the beginning of this song, nor did he have it written at the beginning of the surah. And again, this you know, we learned from the scholars and professionals that it's a continuation of a sort of drill and fall. Also Allah subhanho wa Jalla talks about a lot of the punishments for those who disobey Allah subhanho wa Taala etc. So that is the beginning of October verses number one to six Allah subhanho wa Taala at the beginning and beginning of the surah

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he mentions this will not have been bought off

00:49:32 --> 00:49:35

Miramar UI

00:49:49 --> 00:49:50

Gz no

00:49:51 --> 00:49:54

one no more

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fieri in one

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00:50:01 --> 00:50:11

D en si a woman has a young man hygiene act Betty and MA

00:50:13 --> 00:50:19

MA have very minimal shakiness rasuluh for you.

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God Lenny and I can be either been any team, Allah subhanho wa Taala shows us in the first six verses we only recited three in order to save some time. In the first few verses a loss of handling to handle announces something that took place during the Battle of a story that took place not too long after the conquest of Makkah. What took place?

00:50:57 --> 00:51:01

After the Muslims conquered Macau what took place in Macau itself?

00:51:02 --> 00:51:05

Come on, famous and

00:51:09 --> 00:51:11

know what took place in Macau.

00:51:13 --> 00:51:15

When did the prophets have a lot more ideas, send them go for Hajj.

00:51:17 --> 00:51:17


00:51:18 --> 00:51:23

when did he go for Hajj just before he passed away, right not too long

00:51:24 --> 00:51:31

before his death, and so the heads of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when this habit of the alarm went in,

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we see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he performs Hajj, he also tells this habit of the love I know I will walk out of the alarm and to go forward and to tell to tell the people of Mecca after this this year, you will not be allowed to make the walk around the cabin naked. Yesterday we took the verses of clothing and how Allah Subhana Allah said that he gave us clothing in order to cover ourselves and to adorn ourselves. And one of the reasons why the Mufasa wouldn't say that this verse that verse came down to cover yourselves is because the the machete Koon those that would make the walk around the cowbell when they would perform a ballad because not only the

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Muslims would make the offer on the counter, but the non Muslims would do that as well, they would come to the Canada for pilgrimage and we know that there was 360 idols around the cabinet. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sends them forth to let the Muslims that are living in Mecca, that are still there, and Mecca, those of you that have a treaty, you can stay until your treaty is over. And whatever agreement you have with the people of Mecca that you made with regards to your land and your position in Mecca, house, you can stay until then, similarly, over here, if you for example, want to use one of the government islands, a piece of land that belongs to the Government

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of Canada, and you want to build let's say, you know, a cottage a country home, they can give it to you for for for use for 99 years, for example, I know because my uncle's have, you know, this cottage home up north. And so for a period of time, you can use that land after the time is done, you have to give it back it doesn't belong to you. Right You have to give it back. And so so Pamela, we see here how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told this habit of the law, to go forth and to explain to the those that had a treaty you can stay for as long as you want, until your tree is done. Those that are performing the law from the cabin, you can no longer do this call us you need

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to smell put clothing on those that are making the offer on the Canada that are non Muslim. You can't do this anymore, even if you put clothing on. Because monka is now holy sanctuary. It is a place where only the Muslims can enter just like Medina. And so you can no longer perform the offer on the Kaaba, even if you're wearing clothing as a non Muslim, right, you can no longer do this. Now, this is a verse where a lot of the non Muslims will take and will change verse number five have sort of October they will say they will cut and paste and well I'll end with this and I'll begin with this tomorrow inshallah I will end so that we are curious to find out what the answer is to

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this. Allah subhana wa tada shows us in verse number five where he says

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and I'm going to do what the non Muslims do, especially that some atheists they say what you're going to earn your Quran says you Muslims you claim that your God says FUCK FUCK emotionally Keenan Hey through which had to move them was Hulu home where solo home worker doula home could never sit. So your book says and your God claims that you're supposed to kill the polytheists wherever you find them and capture them and besieged them and sit in the passageways wherever they're going to come and ambush them. This is what your Quran says. This is what a lot of the atheists say I actually had an atheist stand up in one of my lectures and he

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Had a printout of these verses. And he says, Oh, I want to show everyone what the Quran says, Pamela. I said, Wait a second, what about the beginning of the verse And what about the end of it? You just cut and paste. You only read the middle of the verse, verse number five begins with Salah

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home, that's the beginning of the verse and then it continues afterwards, what was happening what was taking place at that time? Why did Allah Subhana Allah say to capture the non Muslims to ambush them to you know stop them wherever you find them and to kill them? Why did he say that? We will find out tomorrow inshallah, you need to come tomorrow at 8pm on the dot inshallah Tana or you need to tune in to the live streaming because we need to stop now. So that we can make that and that we will be on time with the event inshallah tada those that are watching do not cut and paste my, my words, please. Please understand that it is recorded. I do my own recording all the time, so no one

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cuts and pastes and then says oh, look what he said. Yeah, well, I have the original Don't worry, does that come along? Okay. Then we ask Allah subhana wa tada to protect us and safeguard us from any sort of evils and harm that people try to do against us. We ask Allah Subhana Allah Allah to put love in our hearts to spread this Deen to those that do not believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala and we ask Allah subhana wa tada to forgive us and to accept our good deeds throughout this month of Ramadan. I mean out of banana I mean, first of all sentiment about again, enemy number one the data

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which is data.

00:56:39 --> 00:56:41

Sorry, I forgot to turn this off. So

00:56:44 --> 00:56:47

you want to see people there's no people here. They can see

Ramadan Tafseer Night 8

June 12, 2016

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