Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2021 J03-036D Tafsir Al-Baqarah 271 Part 1

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary © The speakers stress the importance of avoiding wasting one's wealth and wasting it on one's children. They also discuss the concept of a "haste" when spending money on one's spouse or children. The importance of disclosing one's charity and setting a good example to encourage others to give charity is emphasized. The speakers also emphasize the importance of setting up a donation in a way that brings benefit to others and avoiding giving too many things at once.
AI: Transcript ©
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In sha Allah we will begin to proceed from verse number 271. In the previous if i A 270 Allah azza wa jal tells us that Wilma unfuck to Minerva cuttin out another two minute rain for in the Lucha Yara Lambo, that whatever you spend of expenditures or make a vows indeed Allah knows of it womanly Lolly, minimun, unsought and for the wrongdoers there are no helpers. And in this idea we are encouraged to spend consciously, whether it is that we are spending on our own needs, or on our family or loved ones, needs or desires or wishes, comforts, whatever it is that we spend on we must spend consciously because Allah azza wa jal knows about it. And when we spend consciously, it

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doesn't just mean that we are careful about how much we are spending on something. But what also matters is the intention with which we are spending, for example, you could be spending on your own children. But what is the intention is the intention to establish a good reputation before others that you know I am so generous to my children, I'll buy them anything, I'll buy them whatever they wish for, then this kind of intention is problematic. So whatever that we spend on ourselves on others in the way of Allah, any kind of spending, we should do so consciously meaning we should do so while being aware that Allah subhanaw taala knows what I am doing with what intention I am

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giving. And I have to be careful. And being careful means staying between the extremes, any avoiding any kind of extremes. One extreme is that a person becomes you know, wasteful, that they keep spending here there all the time. And then they're not able to, you know, save enough money for their own needs or to bring benefit to others or to spend in a way that is pleasing to Allah azza wa jal. And then another extreme is that some people become very stingy, they don't spend at all so Allah subhanaw taala knows whatever we are doing with our money, and he will hold us accountable with regard to how we acquired our money and how we are spending it. So we have to be careful, we

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have to be conscious spenders. And for in Allahu Akbar, Allah, moo, hoo, Amalia Lolly, minimun, unsought, those who do wrong will have no helpers. And you see, when a person has wasted their money themselves, or they have spent their money in ways that are displeasing to Allah subhanaw taala, then such a person is inflicting harm upon themselves, and such a person will have no helper. And we see this even in the world where, you know, some people when they're not conscious careful about how they spend their money, and they're wasteful, then what happens is that their family also any stops supporting them, there comes a point where they get fed up of their wasteful behaviors, and they no

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longer want to support them. So why am I Lolly, minimun, unsought look at how the AI is ending. This shows us that loom injustice, wrongdoing can also be in how a person spends their money, or they don't spend their money, for example, not giving the cat not spending on your dependents, not spending on yourself to fulfill your needs, this is all low. Likewise, wasting your wealth and having nothing left for yourself. This is also a form of loan and spending whatever you have on just worldly wishes and desires and having no reward in the Hereafter, because a person did not spend in the way of Allah in obedience to Allah, this is also a form of lung. So avoid all these types of

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injustices. And this is only possible when a person is conscious in the way that they spend their money. And, you know, part of conscious spending is that take account of yourself that for example, where did my money go? Where is it going? Do I really need this subscription? Do I really need to purchase this? Do I really need to, you know, buy an ice cream right now? Just because I'm out? Do I really have to, you know, buy this or buy that? You know, ask yourself, don't be an impulsive buyer, right? And be aware of traps that make you careless. You know, for example, for some people, the Visa card is a huge fitna because they don't know how much they are accumulating over the course of

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you know, the month or whatever. And then finally, when they have to pay the visa bill, then what happens? Their account is empty, it's finished. So you know when you are actually spending from the money that you have, then you see it going down. You become careful. And when you don't see your money going down. Then what happens

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Is that you know, you think, oh I can spend on this I can spend on that I can buy this, I can buy that, and you end up spending more than you can afford to spend. So be aware of the traps or the ways that can make you a careless in your spending. Now, earlier, we also learned about the condemnation of the app, how react or showing off wastes the reward of sadaqa and the example that we learned is the example of dust that is on a soft one on a huge stone, and what happens when rain falls on it is that the dust gets washed away, there is nothing left and likewise the person who shows off then on the day of judgment, they will find someone any they will find no deeds for

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themselves, all their deeds will have been washed away. So, we have to be careful about the intention with which we give. So now there is a question if the app is not correct, if it is not correct to show off while spending because that will waste the reward of spending then is it allowed to give charity before others meaning in a way that people see you giving sadaqa or they find out that you are giving sadaqa is giving charity publicly contrary to sincerity. So Allah subhanaw taala explains to us in verse number 271, that in to Buddhist solder karate, funnier ima he that if you disclose your charities, then how excellent it is meaning it is definitely something very good. What

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is very good in tuba to solder cod if you disclose your charities. Now in means if and to do is from bad dial well, and if that is to reveal something, you need to make it known. And a solder cart is the plural of the word sadaqa. Sadaqa, as you know is charity from the root letter saw the cough. So if you make your charities known, if you reveal them, how do you make them known to others in different ways. For example, you and your friends are sitting and someone comes asking for a donation. And so you take money out of your purse and you give some charity, you give the donation you are in the masjid with your friends, as you're walking out, you put some money in the sadaqa

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box, and your friends witness it. All right, they see you. So this is a form of disclosing your charity. Another way of disclosing your charity is for example, in the family group chat, you post something you post about a fundraiser and you inform them that you are raising funds for this particular cause you give you a personal example that you have been supporting them. And you would like your family to join that cause as well. So again, this is a form of disclosing your charity. Another form is that you are literally at a fundraising event. And you know, they're encouraging people to give. They're asking who's going to give $500 And so you raise your hand. There's

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different ways of disclosing your charity and need to give charity in a way that people can see it. People find out about it. So in tuba to solder thought if you do that Allah subhanaw taala tells us funnier a Mahi than how excellent it is meaning this is something good. This is something praiseworthy, this is something excellent. This is an excellent good thing to do. And funnier ima for soul near imirt This is a combination of Nirma and MA Okay, near MA and MA near Ma means any something good near mama together near ima Ma is for any emphasis. So how excellent here it is meaning giving sadaqa openly this is something very good. How is it something good? Why is it

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something good? Because this is an encouragement for others. For example, you're walking out of the masjid with your friends, you put something in the sadaqa box and your friend also seeing you give something in the sadhaka box, you are the fundraiser you volunteer to give 500 the person sitting next to you, they also get encouraged and they also give 500 You put in the group chat and then your family also is encouraged to give so they also give so when you give when you disclose your charities then what happens this becomes a source of encouragement for others you are setting a good trend. You are setting a good example. And this way you multiply your own rewards and you also end

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up raising more money bringing money

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more benefit to the cause that you are fundraising for or to the person that you are trying to benefit financially. And this is something good. You know, for example, I remember my sister once told me about some lady that we knew off growing up that how she had suffered a huge injury, and because of that, she was not able to work anymore. And because we live in different countries now, I mean, I have not met that lady seen that lady in a long time since my childhood, when my sister told me about, you know, what kind of struggles personal financial, you know, that lady has been going through. And then she mentioned to me that, you know, she gives her zakaat or something to that

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lady, and that encouraged me that I should also give something. So sometimes it's good to generally encourage people and other times it is good to any specifically mentioned, someone who you know, who is in need, but not in a way that would bring embarrassment to the person who is in need, you know, do so privately. You know, for example, over the phone, you tell your sister you tell someone who you know, a friend who you know, would want to give would want to benefit you inform them, this is not to humiliate the person who is in need, but you want to raise more funds for them so that you are able to benefit them because if you give them yourself only How much can you give, maybe you're

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able to give 500,000 Maybe, but if you your sister, your brother, your cousin, all of you come together, then you are able to you know, raise more money like this. So interpret of sada Kotti funnier ima he and we see that it was the way of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam to encourage people to spend in a hadith in Sahih Muslim we learn that driven up the level the Lahore annual reported that some people came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam and these people were wearing woolen clothes, any clothes that were very rough, not you know, soft on their bodies. And it was very visible very obvious that you know, they were in financial need and driven artillery

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reports that the prophets of Allah who Orleans that um, saw them in sad plight as they had been hard pressed by need, you know, for example, if someone is going through hard times, if someone is hungry, someone is exhausted, you can see the signs of exhaustion, fatigue, hunger, worry on their face. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam exhorted people to give charity, okay, and the people showed some reluctance until signs of disapproval could be seen on the face of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Ne the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam saw these people who are an obvious need, and the people who were sitting the prophets of Allah who are lives that have

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encouraged them to give no one stepped forward. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was visibly annoyed, and then a person from the unsought came with a purse containing silver. All right, and then he gave that and then came another person, and then another person followed him. So several people came then, and gave something until signs of happiness could be seen on the face of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that men son Nephele Islam is Sunette and has an earthen for Romila Bihar Baroda who cootie Bella who Miss Liu dreamin, Urmila beha wala Yun Kusumi oh god him che that he who introduces some good example

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some good practice in Islam, which was followed after him by people, then he will be assured of reward like one who followed it without the rewards being diminished in any respect, because the person who brought the purse containing silver, he said a good trend, right, he was the first person to come forward. And when he brought sadaqa, then what happened? Another person brought to the PA and then another person brought to the and then another person brought something, right. This is human nature, that when you see something being done, then you also want to do it. It's always scary to be the first one to do something good. Right? There is hesitation there is fear. But when you see

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that others are doing it then you also get encouraged. So intubate to solder Kotti, funnier, and Mahi if you disclose your charities, then this is excellent. You're setting a good example you are multiplying your own rewards and you are also bringing better results. Any you are raising more money, you are benefiting people more because more sadaqa is given to them or more money is raised for that particular cause. So if you disclose your charities that is excellent. Now one more thing. Before we continue, I'd like to talk a little bit about the meaning of the word sadaqa. You may

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have wondered that the word sadaqa is from the root side dial off and from the same root as the word slick CIPPEC is what truthfulness? Now, how is sadaqa related to truthfulness? What's the connection over here, you see when you are truthful to a cause, or when you are sincere in your prayers and wishes in your thoughts and prayers, okay? When you are honest in your thoughts and prayers, then what happens? Your money also goes in that same cause when you actually financially support a cause that shows that you are sincere, that you are truthful in your thoughts and prayers. You see, a lot of times when a tragedy happens, or, you know, some kind of injustice happens. And we see this, you

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know, people will just say things like, our thoughts and prayers are with you. Right? We are thinking about you, we are praying for you. And people say that thoughts and prayers are not enough when you need to do something as well. Of course, as Muslims, we believe that prayers, drawers are more powerful than any other thing. However, along with Dora, there should also be financial support. Any if you genuinely believe in a cause, or you care about a cause, then you also have to financially support that cause. So this is the spirit of sadaqa sadaqa proves your truthfulness. So when a person is true in their belief in Allah, their belief in the Hereafter, if they truly believe

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that on the Day of Judgment, their deeds will be weighed and compensated for, then they will do something to prepare for that day. And part of doing something to prepare for that day is to give sadaqa to give charity, so sadaqa establishes the truth of a person's faith. So we should give sadaqa earlier also we learned that sadaqa should be with this beat the speed to mean and foresee him and part of that interpretation of the words that beat them in and forcing him is assuring reward for themselves. Anyone you believe that Allah rewards that Allah compensates that Allah likes it, then give giving is a sign that you truly believe. Then it is said we're into full ha were to

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* for Cora for Hua highroller calm we're in and if to fool her to who is from half a year, and alpha is to hide or conceal something. So if you conceal her, it her is referring to so the court meaning if you conceal the charities when you're giving it and especially when do you conceal the charity, what to * for Cora while you are giving it to the poor to her, again her is referring to the circuit, and to is from Hamza etha, is to give Fukada is the plural of the word for Pete from Falco from soccer is poverty. So if you conceal the charities, when you are giving to the poor people for who are highroller calm, then that is better for you all. So for the first type of

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sadaqa, which is to disclose your charity, it was said near in my heat, this is excellent, this is good. But for the second option, if you can seal it, while giving to the poor, it is set for Hua highroller, calm, it is better for you all. So this shows us that giving openly disclosing your charity is good. However, giving secretly or not disclosing your charity, when you're giving to poor individuals than that is better. One is good, but the other is better. So concealing is better. Why is it better to give charity to the poor privately, because first of all, you are preserving their dignity, their self respect, right? If for example, in front of you know, an entire gathering, you

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take out $100 And you give to someone, you know before everyone, it might be embarrassing for the recipient, they're happy to receive the money, but it's embarrassing for them to receive it in front of other people. So be careful. And this shows us that we have to be careful about you know the circumstance, the situation that we are in when we do something when we say something, every deed and every word is not appropriate in every situation in every circumstance. All right. It might be better to say something privately, and it might be better to say something publicly, it might be better to do something like an action privately, and it might be better to do another action openly.

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So use the wisdom that Allah has given you and if you lack that, ask Allah subhanaw taala to grant

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and your wisdom, because some people don't care about, you know, where they are, who they're talking to what is going on. And whatever comes in their mind, they say it, whatever they feel like doing, they just do it. And this is foolishness. And it can actually cause harm to other people and it can really damage your relationships. You know, for example, your husband walks in the house after an entire long day of work, all right. And the moment he walks in, poor guy has not even put his bag down. He still got his coffee mug from the morning in his hand, which he didn't manage to finish. You don't even let him take his shoes off and you start complaining to him about the children or you

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start complaining to him about the leaky faucet or you tell him that oh, it's garbage night, please put the garbage away before you come in. So what if he comes in, you know, puts his stuff away, relaxes, eats his dinner, and then goes and puts the garbage out? Any give the poor guy a break? You see, this hikma is very important, everything does not have to be said. And you don't have to say something, the moment you think of it, you have to be aware of the situation the circumstance that you were in the people that are there, the context, the situation and act accordingly. So here Allah subhanaw taala is teaching us a very important lesson than when you are giving to the poor, then

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giving sadaqa privately is better for you. Cairo Lacan now you overhear can refer to all of you as in the community. And part of the community is the recipient, so it's better for the recipient to receive privately because that will preserve their dignity and their self respect. And Clayton law calm you can also be referring to the giver, how is it better for you to give privately to not disclose your charity, because that will preserve your intention. And if your intention is preserved, it is more sincere, that means that your reward is preserved. And another benefit is that when you give secretly, then your good deed becomes a secret between you and your Lord. And when you

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share a secret with your Lord, then what does that mean? That means that you enjoy a special closeness to Allah azza wa jal. You know, a friend is a friend when there are some secrets between you two, right? I mean, there's some things that you have shared with them that you will not share with others. So, a secret deed means that you enjoy a special closeness to Allah azza wa jal so we're into for our tutorial for Quran for Hua highroller, calm and we learn in Hadith famous Hadith in which we learn about the seven people who will be under the shade of Allah on the Day of Judgment, the day when there is no shade, other than his shade, meaning the shade that he gives the

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shade of his throne, and of those seven people is what are julong the sadaqa alpha hatherleigh Darla mushy Maluma tune Philco Yamuna, who, the person who gives charity so secretly, such that his left does not know what his right gave. What does this mean? This means that the person on his left side does not even know does not even realize that he gave something on his right side. Okay, another meaning of this is that his left hand does not know what his right hand give, you know, for example, you take money out of your purse, and you hold it in both your hands in order to count. And then you take something out and you give with your right. So your left hand was involved in calculating and

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deciding how much you gave with your right hand. All right, but to give in a way that your left hand does not even know literally means you just put your hand in and you take from your right hand. Whatever comes in your right hand, you just give it you don't hold it in both your hands. You don't delay, you don't keep thinking about it. And you don't start calculating in your head that Oh, I have 100 If I give this as a $5 bill, okay, that means I have 95 Is that enough for the grocery trip that I'm just gonna go for, you know, you stop all of that calculation, you just give Why do you just give whatever comes in your head, because you see that this is an excellent opportunity to

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bring benefit to someone to earn reward from Allah subhanaw taala to give sadaqa privately and giving sadaqa privately is it brings reward and benefit that giving sadaqa openly does not necessarily bring. Another thing is that you see sometimes you give charity in such a way that that charity can be traceable. How is it traceable? For example, you make an online donation. All right. You use your

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debit card, your Visa card, whatever. And now that donation is traceable, it appears on your record that you gave this much amount to such and such cause, right? Or you receive, for example, a tax refund. And that is permissible, but you receive a tax refund, how do you receive a tax refund when that donation you made is traceable, right. And that means that somebody knows or somebody can find out that you gave a certain amount of charity for a certain cause. But when you give sadaqa, for example, through with cash, you took out $300 from your bank account, as per habit, for instance, and from that you gave 200 in charity. All right, who's going to know only you know, you and your

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Lord, right? Even your spouse will not find out how all right, because they're not going to know what you exactly use that cash for. I'm not saying now go behind your spouse and take his money and spend in charity like this note, for example, a woman is allowed to spend in charity from the wealth of her husband, as long as she knows that he would be okay with it. And then she is rewarded, he is rewarded. But the point is that sometimes make a point that you give sadaqa charity in such a way that it is only between you and your Lord, the people who are closest to you, your own children or your own spouse even does not find out that you gave in South Africa. All right? And is a woman

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allowed to spend in charity without asking from her husband from her own money? Absolutely, you do not need your husband's permission to use your money the way that you want to. But if it is his money, all right, or, uh, you know that the money that you know is, for example, in a certain place it in a certain account is for the family's needs, all right. And from that you want to give sadaqa then you have to make sure that he would be okay with you giving that sadaqa. So for example, if you give $20 $50, somewhere, you know that he will be perfectly fine with it, you would not object. But if you give $1,000, then you should definitely ask him first. All right. But if he has given you

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permission, do whatever you want, then you don't need his permission. But if it is your own personal money, alright, your own personal money, for example, you work you have an income, you don't need your husband's permission to give in South Africa. If you want to consult him, that is fine. If you want to tell him so that he is also encouraged. That is fine. So we're into full how're to * for Korra for Hua highroller, calm. Now, the reason why I gave an example of online donation is because it's still traceable. If for example, you know, your husband can see your financial transactions. All right, if he can see it, he will know that you gave charity somewhere. And that's fine. Like we

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learned earlier Intuit to serve the court for your money, it's good. But you should also try to give sadaqa in such a way that no one finds out, no one finds out. So if you have your account set up in such a way that your husband does not have access to places where you spend your money, and you find that that's perfectly okay. You are concealing that charity. I'm not saying that every charity should be like that, that your spouse does not know but there should be some charity at least that you give in such a way that the person on your left the person who was closest to you, the person who is on your side does not find out all right, and giving sadaqa in a way that you know you for

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example, monthly auto deduction This is fine, perfectly fine, because when you are setting up a monthly donation, for example, you have the intention over there, that every month, I want this much money to go and such and such cause you made the intention at that time. And that is sufficient. And Alhamdulillah this is good that you set up the donation and you don't even realize and in your bill for example, you find out that such and such money went for such and such cars. It's good. It's excellent. There's nothing wrong with it, because you made the intention before you set it up. So we're into full house 204 Corolla for Hua highroller calm, it is better for you better for your Nia

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and something that will draw you closer to Allah or zoologia. Now you see there's four things basically when it comes to the giving of charity. The first is the Giver, the person who is giving charity with regard to the giver, it is better for them to give charity in secret. All right. Why? Because this is something that will preserve the intention. However, when the heart is strong, all right, a person has a check on their intention and a person wants to increase

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urge others to give than they should do. So they should give openly. But when you fear for your intention, then give secretly, for example, you're sitting at a fundraiser, right? And nobody from your table, for example, has given anything, all right, and you give 500 Everybody finds out about it. And then the sheriff mentions a, you know, a hadith, because of what you want to give more, right? You want to give more. So then you are afraid that if you give again in front of people, you know, in your heart, there are, you know, you're too conscious about the people watching you, and you are self aware that I know my intention is gonna get corrupt over here. So then that donation

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you give secretly, all right, you just given the box or you give while walking out, or you give it on your phone so that people around you don't find out. Why are you doing this because you know that your intention could get corrupt. So the giver has to be self aware, if it is better for you to give secretly, give secretly, if you feel like Hamdulillah, you know, your intention is hopefully is good. You tell yourself in your heart, this is for the sake of Allah, I'm not doing this to please people. I'm only giving it publicly so that people are encouraged to give them that is also good. That is excellent. The second matter when it comes to giving is the receiver. When it comes to the

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receiver, then remember, it is better that the receiver is concealed when there is a person involved. Anyone there is an individual, then don't reveal their identity. All right, but if it's a cause, okay, if it's a cause, then reveal the identity of the cause to people. Why? Because if it's a cause, then you know, people will be encouraged to give, like, for example, you are raising funds for orphans. Okay? Excellent. You can tell people you can tell your friends, you can tell your family. But if it's a certain individual in your community, then it's better to conceal the identity of the receiver. It's not wrong to reveal the identity of the receiver, but it is better to conceal.

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Why because it's better for their self respect and their dignity. All right. Here I would like to share, masha Allah, Muslim communities are very generous. And you see, you witnessed this out, you know, if there's a person dies, leaving behind a family, immediately people want to raise funds online. And you know, they want to share with others so that they can also contribute. But here, please be careful about the comments that you give the kinds of things that you say, because they could really hurt the people for whom the funds are being raised. And if they have said that, no, we are not in need of these funds, Alhamdulillah we are good, then don't go against their wishes and

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force them to accept charity, which they are not in need off and they do not want to receive. Because self people, you know, they have a great deal of self respect. So please take their permission, before you start raising funds in their name. And when those funds are raised, make sure that they're actually given to the people who the funds are raised for. Because Subhanallah some people will raise funds, but then they will not give 100% of the amount to the people that they're raising funds for. And do your research before you support for example, a charity because some people claim some charities claim that 100% of funds raised are given to the cause. But you see, for

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example, every month you are receiving mail from them, and you know, there's so much advertising etc. And there is no clarity about what the overhead cost is. So some charities mashallah they're very transparent. And they, you know, make it very clear that 10% of what we collect goes into overhead costs, or 15% goes into overhead costs. And that is good, at least you know, so, you know, this is something that you should be careful about. Sometimes if you've secretly but a family friend discloses it to someone, would that affect our reward? No, it doesn't affect your reward, your reward will be affected if your intention gets affected, okay? So for example, when you find out

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that people now know that you give her the copper, such and such cause and now in your heart, you have this urge that you're like, Oh, I'm such a generous person, and now they know that I give charity, I am so generous, then this is something that will corrupt your reward, because the intention has been corrupted. Now the third thing with regards to charity is the rest of the people. So the first is the giver. Second, the receiver Third, the rest of the people. Now the rest of the people remember you

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It is better that charity is concealed from them. Why? Because they will talk the habit of people is that when they see someone giving this issue off, when they see someone taking this a beggar, when they see someone giving a lot this issue or when they see someone giving a little, they say, this is useless, if they see someone not giving this a stingy. So typically, you're not going to hear something good from people. So it is best in everyone's interest that sadaqa is concealed from them. But in some circumstances, it is okay to let people find out about the charity that you are giving, as we discussed earlier, because then there is encouragement for them to also give, but never let

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people be the ones to determine your behavior. Meaning if you are afraid that people will say something and you don't give, or you are afraid that they will criticize what you're giving, that it's not enough or that it's too much, then don't change your sadaqa because of the fear of what people say, okay? So for instance, you want to give $100 And you know that there is a person around who always has something negative to say, all right, and all of a sudden you have this thought that they're going to say that this is too much. So you think okay, let me not give 100 I'll give 50 Okay, don't do that. Don't change your behavior out of fear of what people might say, okay, because

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now, you are giving to please people, all right, you are giving to please Allah azza wa jal, that is your intention. So let people say whatever they're gonna say and give for the sake of Allah, whatever you want to give. The fourth matter when it comes to South Africa is the sadaqa de nada, all right. Now, when it comes to obligatory charity, like the cat, then it is better if it is disclosed. And if it is voluntary charity, then it is best if it is concealed. And this is the case with all good deeds, that the wajib meaning the obligatory deeds should be done openly. Why is that people know you're Muslim. All right, people know that you are fulfilling your duty to Allah azza wa

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jal, this is not show off to people to establish a good name before them, but to let it be known that yes, you are a Muslim, okay. But when it comes to voluntary good deeds, whether it is sadaqa, or it is Salah, then it is better to do that privately to keep it between yourself and your Lord. When it comes to Salah obligatory prayer is best in the masjid. And voluntary prayer is best at home. Right? This is good for you, and also for your intention. Now, some lower Lama, they say that when you're giving sadaqa, give sadaqa with three qualities, first of all, gargy 13, meaning give it sooner rather than later, do not delay. Why? Because you don't know how circumstances might change,

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you might not be able to give, you know, for example, in Hadees, we learned that do not delay in giving sadaqa or gives her the club before a time comes when you will find no one to receive your charity SubhanAllah. And this is something that we witnessed today that, you know, for example, if you delay giving, by the time you decide to give, the other person might say thank you, I am not in need anymore. For instance, you might be at a gathering and you see that there's an opportunity to serve food to people, you know, for example, to pick up a tray of food and take it to people so that they can take if you think that yes, this would be a good thing to do. And you just think about it

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and keep thinking and keep thinking and then eventually you get up and then you pick up that tray of food and you take it around people might say Oh, thank you, we're done. All right, nobody's willing to accept it from you, because they no longer have a need. So, the moment you have the thought of giving something then give, give sooner rather than later. Secondly, give with the Khalil Cleal. As in do not blow your charity out of proportion. Meaning do not consider it to be a big deal. Okay, think of it as something small. And this is the opposite of mon mon is to remind a favor why because you think it's a big deal. You want the person to remember and to realize and to praise You and

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thank You that yes, thank you so much. This is such a big deal that you gave me $100 No to clean. Any belittle your deed in your own eyes, tell yourself that I could do a better job that more needs to be done. All right. And then the third quality is set any conceal it so I gin or Lynn Wooster. This doesn't mean that every deed you have to conceal every charity you have to conceal, but definitely some charity you should conceal. All right, because that is better for you. So disclosing your charity is good, but giving secretly is better.

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