Daood Butt – Essential Fiqh Class – Sunday June 20, 2021

Daood Butt
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of acceptance and avoiding physical contact during COVID-19 seasons. They stress the importance of avoiding physical contact and sharing gifts in return for others. The success of giving gifts is highlighted, including a woman receiving a car and a man receiving a horse. gifts are seen as part of a whole experience and are linked to wealth and loyalty.
AI: Transcript ©
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smilla rahmanir rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa salatu wa he was salam wa ala Nabi Hill Karim. Allah follow Salah to attend the tasleem of Vishnu suddenly were Sidley Emily Lockwood attend melissani of gohil Kohli my brothers and my sisters said Mr. alikum warahmatu Llahi warahmatullahi wabarakatuh It is Sunday June 20 2021.

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what's coming up summer summers coming up weather is nice and warm under the law. But in addition to that, we also will

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see a lot how very soon in Charlottetown so that's you know, something nice to look forward to. Today in shot a lot of data for our central fit class we're going to be continuing the chapter of business transactions and in sha Allah the following class, we should end this chapter and then begin the chapter on taking an oath okay. So taking an oath

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like when you say well law he, you know, swearing vows and stuff like that. So in sha Allah that will be next class now, our next class will not be next Sunday. Okay, at least my next class will be the following Sunday. So next Sunday we will not have our essential fit class. So for anyone who is attending now and knows someone who usually attends just let them know in shot a lot of data

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I will not be doing the class next Sunday and also next Friday as well we will not have

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that's that little dog is across the street. So

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I shall not

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be going up.

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Next Sunday, we won't have the essential food class and the phone next Friday as well. I will not be live streaming Juma and I will not be doing the Friday night family programming shot Okay, so I will take a few days off inshallah. And so we'll come back at it the following week, I'll put a message out when we are resuming so basically just next weekend, we won't have any of our online classes.

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Alright, so for today we're going to be looking at gift giving, okay, gift giving, is it something that is permissible encouraged, what is the reward within Islam, let's look at some of the examples that we find. So gift giving or giving a gift is where during ones lifetime, so during your lifetime or

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during ones lifetime, a person gives the ownership of a part of their wealth to another person

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for nothing in return. Okay, so that's a definition of gift giving, okay, you're giving some something throughout your lifetime to another person. And that thing belongs to you it has some value to it right? Some sort of wealth, it could be wealth of you know, an item or an actual piece of gold or silver or, you know, some money

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that you give to someone else.

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In exchange for nothing, okay, in exchange for nothing.

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And that item becomes theirs. And it's no longer yours. Okay.

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encouragement to give gifts, we see that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in a hadith of Abu Dhabi, Allah and where he reports that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, All Muslim women, okay, in this narration, he refers to the women. So I don't want sisters to think oh, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi. wasallam is only telling us to be generous. But one thing that's really interesting is that when we usually do fundraisers, you'll find that a lot of the time it's the men and the brothers that are giving the wealth and that is probably primarily because brothers or husbands are the ones who earn for the family. Despite the fact that a wife may be working or

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sister may be working in has her own Well, it's his responsibility to financially look after the family. And so therefore, we find at some fundraising dinners or fundraising events or just general donations, it is that the funds or wealth that is usually given donated is coming from the men. So interestingly, here the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam says all Muslim women do not belittle the gift sent by a neighbor even if it is the hoof of a lamb.

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He also narrated as never heard of Yamaha and also narrated that Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Give gift

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to one another and you will love one another to had due to her due to her right to her due to her boo. So give gifts to one another and you will develop love between yourselves for each other. Now, of course, when we say love, we need love for that human being not long the, you know, the sexual sense, we're talking about love that is pure and for a loss of handling data that we love this person for the sake of Allah because of what they, you know, may have done or shown in terms of their generosity. And again, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam encourages, you know, if you're receiving something, even if it's small, criticize the person who's sending you a meal, even if that

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meal is simply, you know, a cooked piece of the hope of a lamb, which is nothing the point there is that it's insignificant, doesn't there's not much meat on it to begin with. Right, so there's not much to eat, right? And it's, it's probably one of the parts of the animal that most people would not even touch in terms of eating anything off of right. I know when it comes to cows,

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you know, especially in the in the Dacey culture, Indian Pakistani culture you have Baia, and everyone just goes nuts for it, or goes crazy, you know, to eat it. And for some reason, it's like, an awesome delicacy that I've never tried and never plan on trying and May Allah subhanho wa Taala keep me away from ever having to try that.

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But see, that's the point is that, you know, you don't disregard it. But it's something that you may not even like you may not appreciate, you may not cherish and you may think like, wow, you gave us the hope of a sheep. Like there's no meat on it. And it's a dirty part of the animal because it walks outside of the ground, right? It's like giving someone their slipper, but Alhamdulillah receive it and accept it. So that's the advice of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam do not belittle that act, and do not criticize do not backbite the person that gives that gift.

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We see another Hadeeth under the heading of accepting the smallest of gifts, of the greater of the longer and narrative that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, and this is very similar to the previous Hadeeth. If I were invited to a meal consisting of the hoof of a lamb,

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I would accept that invitation. And if I were given the hope of a lamb, I would accept the gift. We'll get the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in his simplicity, but also showing us that hey, you know what, not everyone is at the same level, some people may be giving you all of the food that they have in their possession. And at the time of this habit or the Aloha at home, it may simply be that hoof of a lamb, that little end piece of the leg of the lamp that has, like I said, hardly any meat on it. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, If I were invited to a meal consisting of the hoof of a lamb, I would accept it because it's not about what you're going to be served. And

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sadly, what we see nowadays is that especially when it comes to weddings, and now I know wedding season is slowly opening up, I've received like so many invitations to weddings already for this, you know, the next few months.

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A lot of the time, people will pick and choose the weddings that they go to, because they know the food will be good, right? Or if there's two weddings in a day, they'll say I'm gonna go to that wedding and eat and this wedding just to attend because I know that I'm going to get better food at that wedding. Right? And that's not the way of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So he says once again, in the hadith of Abu Zubaydah or the Allah and if I were to in if I were invited to a meal consisting of the hoof of a lamb, I would accept that invitation. And if I were given the hope of a lamb, I would accept that gift. Okay, so if he was invited and serve that he would still accept

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it and if he was given a gift, he would accept it okay.

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Although teacher was

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you know, what a lot of people call me an invite me to weddings and weddings is one of those things that I just some of you know, right Denise by you might know, right? It's one of the things that I just don't

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i don't jump for joy when I'm invited to a wedding. Not that I'm not happy for the people. I'm really happy for the people but I'm just really not happy with how many hours in the day a wedding takes because it just takes so long. Just to have the food served. Everyone has the food coming when is the food coming? And people will literally wait until they receive a text message and say the food is going to be served in 30 minutes and then they'll start coming over to the weddings. So panela

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Alright, we move on gifts, that

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Not be refused, okay?

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As long

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as or even third bit

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said, I went to full mama even Abdullah

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he gave me some perfume and said that unece would never refuse a gift of perfume.

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He also said that the Prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam would not refuse a gift of perfume.

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So, what is perfume? simply applying some perfume on someone. Right? And of course, nowadays, it's COVID season still. So remember, we're trying to avoid physical contact with me with numerous people, right and trying to avoid physical contact in general. So my advice again, to my brothers and sisters, if you have See, this is a small bottle of perfume. This is creed royal, rude. Okay, very, very nice. Now, just this amount, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would not refuse just this amount. And in fact, a very small bottle was just a little bit in there. I don't know if you can see that. Right? It's just a little bit in there.

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But it's a very nice, very beautiful perfume. This was sent to me in the mail by a friend of mine in Vancouver.

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Small amount of profits that Allahu Allah He was not refuse. Even if it gift was this small, and it's not even this small. Technically, it's smaller. It's

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that amount, you can't even really see it. Just that line there, right?

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would not refuse.

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Someone's giving you something. They're sharing something with you. Don't refuse it. Accept it. Okay, yes, Shabbos, it probably is a little expensive.

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But a lot small.

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Great things come in small, right? Small amounts humble in law.

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But this is an example of how profits in the long run alayhi wa sallam would not refuse something that was being given to him as a gift. What do we learn from that we learn that when someone is giving us something, okay? We shouldn't refuse it. Even if we don't need it. Or we might feel bad that the person who's giving it to us is giving it to us, they might be more deserving of it and need it more than we do. Now, I'll give you an example. If you go to and I've traveled to many countries around the world, if you go to Africa,

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go to Kenya,

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go to Nigeria, go to South Africa, go to some of these countries where there's extreme poverty. And when I say extreme poverty, I don't mean just living on the streets. I mean, extreme poverty. Like you don't even have the option of going into a Tim Hortons to use the bathroom. You don't even have the option to go into a Tim Hortons. If you're homeless, to wash your hands, right or to relieve yourself extreme poverty. And you go and you sit with some of these people. And they will look around their home whatever they have, even if it's a small piece of bread, and they will give you a morsel or the entire amount of bread. That was the way this how little the law home were. And that

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was because they saw that that was how the house of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam operated.

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He said about the Allahu anhu. In the narration. She had three dates with her. Right she had three dates at home. And she was keeping those dates for when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came home. They would share those dates her and him and that would be their dinner. That would be what they eat for supper.

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when he comes home,

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he sort of the longer and he says, You know what happened today?

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A mother came to our home with her two children. And they were hungry. They were looking for food.

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So I gave them each a date. She had three dates. Three people came a mother and her two children.

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She gave them the three dates. Each of them got one date. The two children immediately took those dates and ate it. They were so hungry. They ate it right away.

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The mother saw that the two children were still hungry and they were asking for more food. So she took her date. And she broke it in half.

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And she gave half to one child and half to the other child.

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And then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam mentions that famous state

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meant, of how a person will earn their paradise, even with ship tomorrow, right ship katama is a piece of morsel of the date, half of the date, a piece of the date, not even the whole date, a piece of date, a person will earn their paradise, even with the sadaqa that they give, that's a morsel of a date or a piece of the date a lot.

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So never underestimate the sadaqa that's being done to you. Now when we receive a gift when someone is giving us something, it's a sadaqa I know many of us were like, Oh, we can't receive such you know, we can't receive charity. We're say IDs were from the family of the profits on a long ladder us.

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Look my brothers and sisters. A gift is a gift for you. And a sadaqa for the person giving it

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so Allah subhana wa tada rewards them for their generosity in giving you a gift by considering that esodoc offer them for you. It's not an act of charity that you're receiving charity, don't think of it as I'm receiving charity and begging and I'm in need, oh,

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what's meant here is that someone or people are being generous and giving to you

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a gift and you receive the gift. You don't reject the gift. Remember the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, even if it was the hoof of a lamb,

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he would not reject it. Right, he would accept the gift. So here in this example,

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unless the longer I'm married, that, in fact

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samama even Abdullah says that unece would never refuse a gift of perfume. And he said that the profits on a longer and he was selling would no see would not refuse a gift of perfume.

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And what is that? A simple little dab of scent. Low awkward, smells nice. Alright. hamdulillah

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one of the best gifts that we can give to someone is perfume

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for someone who likes it, and one of the best gifts that we can give to someone else is time. And one of the best gifts that we can give to someone else may be jewelry, right? Maybe someone likes to be one of the best gifts that we can give to someone else could be a smile. One of the best gifts that we can give to someone else could be simply asking them how they're doing throughout their day.

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You know, we don't do that enough. Shabbos knows, and it's talking to him the other day about this. And I gave him an example that I will not share with any of you. Right, an example of how we need to reach out to people more often and ask them how they're doing.

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Ask people, how are you? How's your day going? How are things? How's it been throughout this week? Are you doing well? Right? reach out to people that in itself is a gift that you give to someone who's in need of it, the person who needs that, you may come and give someone a car, here's the keys or your new car. And they don't care about the car. And you're thinking but it's a car, dude, how much it costs, I had to work with this amount of hours. And I had to do all of this in order to give you this car, and they're like, I really don't care about the car.

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A person may want a hug.

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And that hug is more valuable to them than the car, a person may want. You know, some of your time. A person may cherish simply having a coffee with you. Or a tea or Chai or some biscuits or cookies or rustc cake crust.

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It's so simple. It's so simple. But the point is that we need to share gifts more often. And remember, gifts are a various different sorts. gifts are not only

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you know something of of physical, tangible wealth, do as well. Yes. Someone just mentioned it can be considered a gift. Yes, they do offer someone right people say, you know, you see someone who's looking down, you know, for example, you know, a young brother I see in the mustard all the time. miskeen he really wants to get married and he's like, never knows who's gonna get married to when he's gonna get married. Every time I see him I make drama for him to get married. It makes him feel so good. You know, someone's making time for me to get married. Right? So, you know, a gift can be of all different sorts and kinds. And remember the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam encourages us

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to add due to Habu. When you share gifts spread to gifts give a gift to someone else. It develops love between us. We come closer to each other for the sake of Allah subhanho wa Taala. In another narration about how gifts should not be refused.

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Even I'm not the lover and Homer narrated that the prophets Allah alayhi wa sallam said, pay attention to this one. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said,

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are not to be refused. Three things are not to be refused. What are these three things?

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a pillow.

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Milk and perfume,

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a pillow, milk and perfume. Three things the Prophet sallallahu wasallam says should not be refused.

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Imagine receiving a pillow. How many times do we go over to someone's house and they're trying to give us a cushion to make us more comfortable? Like No, no, no, I'm okay, just a little faded. No, no, take the cushion. put it behind you.

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Make the person feel good. Make them feel like they are being hospitable to you to the point that you are cherishing every moment of it even if it's making you uncomfortable. Right? Even if you don't like it there and you don't want it behind you. Right? And you know what you could even like

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Subhanallah when you when you're when you're doing it chrome towards others, like fluff it up. Right? So they're fluffy enough for you all Mashallah, you know, can you fluff up the pillow for me like you did last time.

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Make them feel like oh, last time I did a good job, they must really like get them to fluff up the pillow for you even more milk. You know, if you're lactose intolerant, you can be honest, right? You can receive it, you can take it and put it down. You may not want to drink it. Or you may share it with someone else. Give it to one of your children give it to someone in the family, someone who's who's able to drink it. But milk at the time of the profits a little longer. And he was seldom was you know, very special very important to drink. It was not water. Right? So it was something else other than water. How many times a day do we drink water? Now I know for those of us that are you

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know, looking after our health, we try to drink a certain amount of water every single day.

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But on average, you know most people don't drink enough water. Right? They just don't drink enough water. And

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what we see is that

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people will opt for a different drink. throughout their day. They will opt for Coke, Pepsi juice, right? Mango Lassi,

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coffee, tea. We will drink so many other things throughout the day and try to stay away from water. Why? Well, water gets born. Right so during the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam as they had the option to have some milk hamdulillah milk was like a meal. It has extra nutrients in it came straight from the animal, especially the camel drink it low. Right? Or from the sheep, you drink it and hamdulillah right. So consider the gift that's being given.

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But also when we're giving a gift, see the advice of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is three things and not to be rejected.

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From these three things is something that grants comfort to the body, something that grants nutrition to the body and something that perfumes the outer appearance of the body as well. So we're looking after each other and trying to give to each other. Right.

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Let's move on, shall Allah hotel

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avidly adorably reciprocating gifts.

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He showed on the blog where I said the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to accept gifts and give something in return. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to give gifts.

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So you used to accept gifts, and give something in return someone gives you something, give them something as well. It doesn't have to be immediate. It could be later on. But consider that person is someone that you will share something with. Okay. And that's absolutely important. I shared examples of, you know, things that I've experienced. And in many of the previous sessions, I'm not going to do that now. But I'm sure every single one of us has some sort of example that we can share with others or we could think of ourselves in order to encourage us to continue to give gifts.

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In fact, today's panel, I was going

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I was going somewhere I had to meet. I knew that I was going to meet a brother just for literally one minute and that brother had given me a gift in hedge two years ago, not last hedge because it was no hedge last year for internationals

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but the year before that

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He bought me a bottle of perfume. And he said, you know, check, I want you to wear this. You know, when people come to see you, when people come into your office, they they should, they should remember you by the smell of coming into your office and how you smell. And when you walk by them, and when they speak to you, and when they stop you on the streets asking the question, people should remember you by the smell as well. Right? And so he brought me into the perfume store in mcca.

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Right in front of the Kaaba, or outside of mustard hat on, and he asked me to choose so we were going through it, he told me this is the way he did it. He told me he wanted to buy perfume. Okay, so he's like shaking, you have you know, I think you have good taste in perfume. Can you come with me and show me which perfumes are good? This is how we did it. Right? So we go into the store and we're choosing perfumes. And I'm like, Well, you know, I have a certain style of perfume that I prefer for myself. But I know that a lot of people in Canada don't prefer Urdu right? They don't prefer rude so I like a rude that's mixed with other types of perfumes so that you still get a

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little hint of that rude. But you get you know, another sort of scent mixed in with it right more conduct. That's what we call it, that something mixed in with it.

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So he's like, Alright, show me what you like. Right? So we're smelling it and like what about this? What about unlike Well, you choose like it's your perfume? Don't buy something that I like buy what you like, he's like, no, I really liked it is really good Mashallah. He's like,

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Is this like a perfume that you would wear back home in Canada? Like, absolutely, I'd wear this in Canada like this, this would be like, my daily perfume. I would wear this every single day. And he's like, Okay, I'm the law.

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And then he purchases so he chooses a few different perfumes few others, and he purchases that one.

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And he was actually purchased that one to give to me as a gift. So right there after he paid for it. He's like, here's, this is for you. And I'm like, No, that's like

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i was i was saying Marshall lots of articles on this. His brother is you know, spending a good amount of money on perfume because these were like really, really nice perfumes, we're talking like hundreds of dollars for one bottle of perfume each each bottle hundreds of dollars. And so Pamela You know, this brother purchased these perfumes and then the most expensive one was the one I think purchased for me. And as I just felt really bad, but he was like No, and that's where he told me what he told me. He's like, I want people to smell that perfume. I want him to be happy when they come and see you. I want them to remember you by that scent. And Subhanallah you know, it's just

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even if I was to never wear that perfume ever, which is not true. I wear it. Almost every single Friday. Those of you who meet on Fridays in the masjid, that's the perfume that I'm wearing, right? It's actually called Blue, rude, blue. Rude, right? So some have a lot you know, it it. It just makes me feel really good when I when I think of him all the time. And today I knew that I was going to run into him and I left home and I was like, got to put on the bluefruit

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suppiler Allah, Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah bless every single one of us for our, our thoughts in doing good and higher towards others. And you know, giving a gift of whatever kind whatever value whatever caliber and Allah subhanho wa Taala accept. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he shouted the level and now says the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to accept gifts and give something in return. So who should be given preference to receive a gift?

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He said it'll be Allah who said, I asked or she says I said to the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, I have two neighbors, which one of the two neighbors has more of a right? To a gift from me than which one is more deserving of receiving a gift from me? So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam replied, give to the one who whose door is closest to you

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give to the one whose door is closest to you.

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Give to the one whose door is closest to you. So look after those who are closest to you. As in nearer, more near to you. Then the one that is further. Why is this important?

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Many of us would look at this and be like, okay, big deal. Give to the one who's closest.

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How many times have you gone a few kilometers at least a few kilometers away from home to give a gift. Some sort of food desert item

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Something nice that you prepared

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to a friend of yours or a family friend somewhere else, either within the same town that you live in, or city that you live in or outside of it.

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We've done that so many times, how many times have we prioritized giving to our immediate neighbors are the ones that live right next to us.

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Usually, we don't prioritize our nearest neighbors. We go and we give to the people who give to us. Or we go and we give to the people that we know. Well, we go and we give to our family, which is good, right, other family members as well, the best type of setup a setup that's done towards one's family. But remember, when we're talking about the neighbors, going the distance to give to someone who's four or five kilometers away from us.

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And if we do it three times a year, but we only give to our immediate neighbor, one time a year, then something's wrong, we should be giving to our neighbors closest to us more, because they have more of a right upon us. What that means is, we may not get along with the neighbor. So well, we may not be in such a nice close relationship with our immediate neighbors. And we prefer to go to our friends and give to them because they're our friends.

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But the neighbor who's closest to us has more of a right.

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The neighbor who's closest to us has more rights over our gifts, our gift, then the neighbor or the friends that are further away. Unless it's Adam, easy for us to look after our neighbors. I mean,

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all right. It is forbidden to give preference to some of one's children over others. Okay, it's forbidden to give preference to some of our children over others.

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And yes, you're asking with regards to the neighbors. Does it matter whether they're Muslim or not? No, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. When it comes to neighbors. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentions the rights of the neighbors so passionately so strongly, that the Sahaba of the Allahu anhu more worried that the prophets on a longer either you or sanlam might actually say that the neighbor gets to inherit from us when we pass away. That's how much of a right

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the profits along with some of them are, how many rights or how much rights the neighbors were given during the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam this habit of the Aloha, we're worried that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam would say that they get to inherit

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from us more than our family would. And so yes, I know that inheritance, we look at the Muslim, the non Muslims, there's a difference there. But it just goes to show the importance of the neighbor. And we should not downplay

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the fact that a neighbor may be non Muslim. It is important for us as most show a good example to our neighbors, and to give them data to invite them to Islam, or invite them to at least understand Islam. And one of the best and easiest ways to do that is to give a gift to give gifts. Right? Treat them nicely. And Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah will, you know, he's the one who's in charge of the hearts, we leave it to him. If he wills He will guide them to Islam and the truth. Alright, so like I said, the next thing we'll look at is that it's forbidden to give preference to some of our children over others.

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A Norman even Beshear said my father gave me some wealth as a gift. So his father gave him some wealth as a gift.

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He says my mother

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or I'm Robin ruaha said I will not be satisfied until you make the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a witness to it. As in go and ask the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam if you are entitled to and that this gift is true thing you should accept from your father.

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So my father went to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to be a witness to my gift, the witness to the gift that he received from his father,

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the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to him, did you do that for each of your children? As in Did you give a gift like this from your wealth to all of your children? So he replied, his father replied, No.

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told him fear Allah and be equity.

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Bow with respect to your children, Fear Allah

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and be equitable as in do the same for each of your children.

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So my father took that gift back from me. He took the gift away from his son.

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In another narration, it states that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told him Do not ask me to be witness to it, for I do not witness injustice. I do not witness injustice. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam considered that to be an injustice you gave to one child and not to the others. And in another generation, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned

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he said to him, would it please you, if they were equally dutiful towards you?

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And his father replied, I'd certainly so he said to him, some A lot of us in them, then don't do such an act. Don't treat one or a few over the others. Make sure that you are equitable in the way that you treat your children as in gift your children.

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Alright, the next thing that we'll look at is that it is not permissible for anyone to take his gift back or to purchase it. So if you give someone a gift, can you take it back from the person you gave it to? And if not, then can you buy it back from them? Even our bus for the long run, Homer said that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, the bad similar to the is not befitting us. The one who takes back his gift is like a dog who returns to his vomit.

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I was a

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prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam says the one who takes back his gift. You give someone a gift, and then you take it back from them

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is like a dog who returns to his vomit. What do dogs do? They vomit and then afterwards they come back and they lick up their vomit and eat it again. I was a bit dirty write

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in another narrations that he had been Aslam narrated from his father that he heard I'm gonna admit a football but on the among who say,

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I gave a horse for the sake of Allah. He says I gave a horse for the sake of Allah.

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The one who received it did not care for it.

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So I wanted to buy it back from him.

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I thought that he would sell it to me for a cheaper price.

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So I asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam about that and he said do not buy it. Even if he's willing to give it to you for one dyrham

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says don't buy it back. Even if he's willing to give it to you for one dyrham he's willing to sell it to you for one silver coin, a horse.

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He says I'm Allahu Allahu wa sallam truly, the one who takes back what he has given in charity is like a dog who returns to his vomit.

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My last how do we try to save and protect us all?

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The exception to this rule? Okay, there's a certain there are exceptions within our Deen. There are general principles. And then there's exceptions as well. Okay. The exception to this rule

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concerns what a Father has given to his child, and when a Father has given to their child, even our love, and even a bus, or the lover and one both narrated that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, it is not allowed for a person to give something away, and then take it back except for what a Father has given to his child.

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Except for what a Father has given to his child, as in the parent, giving something to the child, it's your wealth you gave it to them. And technically, the wealth of the child is the wealth of the Father. Right. So when the father is in need of some wealth, they can go to their child, their son in particular, and take the wealth from them as intake or request what is necessary for them in whatever it is that they're going through of challenging times and difficulty. They're able to take it back from their children despite having given it to them. In addition to that exception, the father from taking from the child.

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If the receiver of the gift returns the gift to the gift giver, it is not disapproved for the gift giver to accept it back. So if you gave someone a gift, right, and they return the gift to you, there's a difference between going and requesting to have it back

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Buying back like the example of the horse that we saw earlier with even our metal dealer horn.

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Here, the person who received the gift from you, is giving you a gift in return. And that gift just happens to be the gift that you gave to them.

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I saw the Allaha and her narrated that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was praying in a Cammisa, right a shirt, a garment like a gown. And that garment had patterns on it.

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He looked at their patterns once, right as in, he was praying and he looked at the patterns on the gummies the shirt, the gown that he was wearing, so the longer it goes on him. After he finished the prayer, he said, Go with this on nice, right, take this shirt this down

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to Abuja him and give it back to him and get me his woolen garment that has no pattern on it. As it distracted me in the prayer.

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Okay, so he received this gift.

00:41:12 --> 00:41:14

And he gives the gift back to him,

00:41:16 --> 00:41:22

gives the gift back to him. He's allowed to receive this gift in return because the Prophet sent along I knew someone was giving him a gift.

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Just that just so happens to be the gift that he received.

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The next thing we'll look at is I'll try to wrap up soon and shall have to add I still have like two pages to go but we'll go through it quickly.

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Whoever gave something as charity and later inherited it back. Right? It is permissible to give something to someone else. as such. For example, you buy your parents a home,

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you gift them a home or you gift them a car

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and that parent passes away the inheritance that you will receive from them is that car

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or that home? that item that you gave to them? That is permissible. Why because the profits are longer I David Simon mentions in narration Allah has rewarded you and returned to you I returned it to you as inheritance. Right? So you gave it to someone else Allah rewarded you for what you gave.

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But now Allah is returning it to you.

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Allah is returning it to you. You're not asking for it back. Allah is giving it to you. It's part of the plan of Allah subhana wa tada Alright, government workers or workers in general

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who accept gifts

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is a kind of stealing. Basically, it's not permissible within Islam to receive gifts from what is given. Let's take these this example of a homemade sad said the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam employed a man from as

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who was called him in order to be

00:43:14 --> 00:43:31

to collect the ohms to collect zecca so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam employed this man to collect Zakah Okay, someone who collects Zika is employed they are receiving this salary in order to collect the Zika.

00:43:34 --> 00:43:40

So he says when he came back, he said to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam even

00:43:41 --> 00:43:58

alert via says, This is for you. And this was given as a present to me but he gives the wealth that was collected of this to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says, This is for you as this is this is a cat that I collected. But this item here, this was given to me as a gift.

00:44:01 --> 00:44:04

The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stood up on his pulpit.

00:44:07 --> 00:44:25

He praised and thanked the loss of Hanwha to Allah. And then said, What is wrong with the employee from we sent out? And then he comes back saying, This is for you, and this is for me.

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Why didn't he sit in the house of his mother and father and see if you will be given gifts or not?

00:44:36 --> 00:44:59

By the one in whose hand is my soul? No one takes anything wrongfully, except that he will come on the Day of Resurrection and it will be on his neck. If it were a cattle, he will be grunting. If it were a cow, he will be moving. And if it were a sheep he will be

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Meeting, then he raised his hand so high, the province along I'd even sell him then raised his hands so high.

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And he says, Then he raised his hand so high that we could see the whiteness of his armpits. They could see the whiteness of his armpits, right?

00:45:23 --> 00:45:32

That's how high the profits remember he was on his pulpit, and the people could see under his arm, right, they lived in the desert under his arm was not as tense as the top of his arm.

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Then he raised his hand soy, that we could see the whiteness of his armpits, while saying three times.

00:45:44 --> 00:45:51

Very early. Haven't I conveyed the message very early, haven't I conveyed the message very early, and I conveyed the message.

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not allow us

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when we're going and working for the sake of Allah, and you're receiving a salary for it, to receive a gift from the amount that's being given in return. So this is a message to especially like government workers or officials,

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that you are not to take from the wealth of the people, because you did the job. You're already receiving a salary, your salaries, your salary, hollows.

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You do some extra work, other kinds of work that's different. But to take from this account that people are giving to you why because it leads to bribery. It leads to injustice, it leads to cheating, it leads to discipline, honesty,

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it affects the heart. And with heart is affected by wealth. It's very hard to get it out.

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And raw, and walk about.

00:47:05 --> 00:47:09

These are two things, two types of conditional gifts. Okay?

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Very simply, to explain what they are.

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Our model comes from the word meaning a lifetime. Okay, and I've talked about comes from a word implying watchfulness. So here what is mentioned, and we'll look at the Hadith. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam considered the condition laid down on these types of gifts as void. He made both formal and as regular gifts belonging to the receiver, and passed on to his or her heirs, after his death,

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without it returned to the gift giver. So

00:47:50 --> 00:48:09

these are two types of gifts where you say to someone, I give you this as a gift until you die, then it becomes mine again, no, this is not permissible. Okay, this is not permissible. You give someone a gift, it's theirs, you transfer the ownership to them, it belongs to them.

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And this happens in marriage, my brothers and sisters, it happens in marriage, and it happens in divorce. And it happens in death as well when someone is a widow.

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Right? You see these types of problems arising where people will say, but that wealth belongs to our family was given to you as a gift while you were married to our brother or our son. But now that he is passed away, you have to give it back to us or now that you're getting divorced from him, you have to give it back to us know.

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When you give a gift, you give the gift

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and you transfer that ownership of the gift from you to them. And they own the gift condition put on it when you die, you return it to us. So you gave it to me

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and Subhanallah I saw this very recently in an example of

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Pamela, very sad, very, very sad example

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of a sister who was married to her husband for

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50 years, over 50 years.

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her children

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had bought them

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her children, but

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her and her husband the parents, her children bought their parents a house to live in.

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Once their father passed away, the children are running after the property because it has appreciated so much in value. They want the property back in their name. And they're telling their mother now that they

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Dad has passed away. You can't stay living in this house anymore. You have to move out. You have to get your own place. And she's in her 70s. Late 60s? No. In her 70s Yeah, she's in her 70s I think they told me she was 72 or something like that one of the one of the children was complaining to me saying

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they're requesting the mother to move out of the house. Where she gonna go at this age wealth is she going to use and they're basically saying we bought the house he's been now he died. The house belongs to us. It doesn't belong to you. You can't stay living it anymore. We want to sell the house. They want their money from the house. Can you imagine

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kicking your mother out putting your mother on the streets?

00:50:48 --> 00:50:49

I want the

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job if even Abdullah is the last thing that will take in sha Allah, Allah God bin Abdullah, you said that the messenger Lawson Allahu Allah He was said Allah is permissible for the one to whom it was given an outlook but is permissible for the one to whom it was given. As in

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someone says, I give you this until you die, it's permissible to receive it.

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And you don't get it back as the person who gave it to me. You gave it to me for a loss. It's mine belongs to me, my friend. You will do not get it back.

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If I die, you don't get it back. It's permissible for me to take it and accept it and it belongs to me. No, you don't get it back.

00:51:37 --> 00:51:50

I've looked about is is very similar. Like I said, it's basically you're sitting there waiting, you're watching and waiting. When is this person going to die so I can get my money back? Right so I can get my property back. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says it's permissible

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for the one to whom it was given.

00:51:56 --> 00:52:00

So it was given to me cross it's not yours anymore. It's permissible for me to take it's not yours.

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He also narrated that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said keep your wealth and do not ruin it. Truly whoever makes an Amarah gift, then it is for the one who has been given it.

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The person who receives the gift it belongs to them. And he says some Allahu alayhi wa sallam he says then it is for the one who has been given it alive and dead and for his descendants.

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You as the gift giver do not receive it back because the person passed away. simple and plain.

00:52:39 --> 00:52:46

That's all the time that we have for today. It's almost time for mocha. I'm going to head over to the mustard and shot along to Ida Zakouma level Hayden robotica level pecan.

00:52:47 --> 00:52:58

Please do remember that next Sunday we will not have the class and then the following Sunday we will conclude this chapter on business transactions and shut a lot of data and then we'll start the chapter on

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oaths and vows. Okay.

00:53:06 --> 00:53:19

Yes, we explained that already right lawn mower gifted to neighbors Can we borrow it for a few hours? if they if they lend it to you? You can use it they're lending it to you but it belongs to them. It belongs to them.

00:53:20 --> 00:53:36

So once again next Sunday we will not have the class does not come a level claiming for attending Barca lo fi comes from Heineken government will be handed conditional alert in the antenna stealthier equivalent to the lake, which is located in Santa Monica Rahmatullahi wa barakato

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