Adnan Rajeh – Sunday Tafseer Halaqah Surat AlMumtahinah

Adnan Rajeh
AI: Summary ©
The speaker discusses the need for acceptance and balance in love, acknowledging that everyone is unique and everyone has a unique story. He uses the example of the Holy Grail and how acceptance is a fundamental part of our culture. He emphasizes the importance of acknowledging one's weaknesses and working towards a better world.
AI: Transcript ©
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You know by nature Allah Tala, we continue in, Dinah Dinah. And we did the first three years. So I didn't explain the first three verses of the suit I'm today will, I'm going to try and get through the next

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four, if possible, if I can, or maybe more, if I'm lucky. Certainly what Diana talks about the relationship between Muslims and non Muslims, and it looks like the three categories and non Muslims, who are not combative, non Muslims who are combative, and non Muslims who accept Islam, and the three, you know, these three groups are talked about. And it's important, especially for Muslims today, living in the West or general and when there's some confusion, unjustified, in my opinion, in terms of how to deal with them, and how to go by our relationships with them, even though it should be quite straightforward. And I went through the first is certainly tahina, Allah subhanaw taala, it

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makes a case for the Muslims not to shower the enemies who don't believe in their basic fundamental human rights with love, just don't do that piece. If that's how it's a sort of starting, then you can imagine where the bar is in terms of how Muslims believe how Muslims at that point, at least saw their relationship with people who were from a different faith, young at the time, it was not

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in any way, form or manner, cruel or savage. It was quite the opposite. They were trained by the Prophet alayhi salatu salam to have an outlook that was quite compassionate, and hopeful of people accepting Islam and always offering a room for repentance, and trying different ways to get people to need to see the light in what they were doing. Like most like much like Muslims today, honestly, probably the thing that Muslims celebrate the most is when someone accepts Islam.

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It's one of the nicest things that occur. You we really do enjoy it, we love it, because when someone sees the light and someone finds Jonnie Allah subhanaw taala and finds the need to do the deen and appreciates the prop of the Quran and the Prophet it is solid semi. So it's a beautiful moment for all of us. And we celebrate that and meaning and we find that extremely fulfilling.

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We don't hold different people from different faiths in any form of animosity. But the Quran is also here to make sure that Muslims don't

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cave when it comes to their fundamental rights. This is important, it's it is a balance for sure. It's something that requires a certain degree of

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finesse, when you're trying to understand the nature of these relationships. Because a majority of of way, the way we look at things is, you know how the barometer goes right to the right, or all the way to the left to get it somewhere in the middle takes a little bit of a focus. So either, you know, you're just gonna be open and loving and compassionate towards everyone. Meaning that that will lead to you losing your rights rights in many, many occasions, and not being able to stand up for yourself and not being able to identify where when you need to defend yourself and stand strong, versus the other option option, which is being very aggressive. And that's that that's not what it

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is either, the balance is somewhere in the middle, where any which, which is what sort of moves to Hana basically will explain very clearly the number you need, basically, eight, nine, leave no room for debate or discussion or confusion almost at all. But But I think the beginning of the surah is revealing and how it's arguing things for Muslims in general, that your problem was that you didn't know where to draw the line. Yes, you must be compassionate, you must be merciful, you must be loving, but you have to, but you have to know where to draw the line when it's you're not being treated equally. When you're not getting equal treatment, you have to know when you you stop, you

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have to pull that back. Because Because you're welcoming, mistreatment. Anyone this is this is also Yaniv a helpful teaching or learning point for people on individual levels. If you don't know when to stand up for yourself, you invite abuse into your life, you invite people who will take advantage of you people who will mistreat you because you didn't know when you have when you should have draw drew the line, you draw the line here and you step back and I know this is not going to work anymore, I'm not going to continue in this relationship with you, because you're denying me some of the fundamental rights that I should have. So it is applicable on a personal level individual level

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for sure. But the verses here and certainly aren't talking about it on an individual level, and is looking at a communal approach. So where would this apply? And he got you know, I was asked this question, I thought it would be worth maybe even pointed out that what this is applying in today's on the

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well, maybe we'll leave it let's leave it until we can finish a number nine. That way I can I can I can come into it in a holistic manner just for the purposes of these and show it but there are there are applications, obviously of these verses and these meanings within the context, the current context that we're that we're living in, I think I think is very, very important. And it's about data, you know, all the three verses are all just making that our

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argument in your tofu ComicCon hola como explains some anti that these, the these individuals are these groups that are denying your fundamental rights if you try to win them over with love, they will just the moment they have the upper hand will they will completely drill you to the ground, they will they will take advantage of you and they will kill you and they will take away everything away from you because they don't you know, they showed their bad and their ill intent up front. So you can't win you can't win someone over when they're showing that degree of ill intent and even if you are related to them and even if you are any wealthy it's not going to help you you're milking

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them and it's not going to make a difference you you have to remind yourself of that as you go through this process. So we're saying Shall I number four and five and six and seven if we keep well I'll do I'll do one at a time. But Allah punctata kind of shifts gears a little bit in in terms of explaining this topic to you and to the Muslims and to us and the verses are actually quite beautiful and I hope you'll enjoy them inshallah so start number four will be lay him in a shape on your Raji

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Bismillah here Walkman your Wafi

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so the way is Bora Oh, alright. So it's a little bit the way it's written is a little bit tricky. It can be a little bit confusing. This word is recited in multiple different ways with different depending on Docker for houses Bora right so there's a med you can see the four Council Bora and you do a four count Bora oming when Daboo dunamis do need

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caller Ibrahim Ali Irby.

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So he says the pilot died off but the current lesson was to atone Asana did there has been a great or beautiful or

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perfect example. Lissa

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is a word that the origin is so and it means it means to feel for someone else. Leading either to treat them or offer them dough or for them a cure. Or to feel sad for them which is where smees cousin. And Alyssa when the origin for that is that you feel for them. So you emulate them you'd be become like them, you want to you want to imitate them. And that's where it was what comes in so the the origin of the word is is free to feel for someone to the point where that leads to some form of reaction either either if they're in pain, you feel pain or if they are in need of treatment that you offer that or you emulate their their character. So it's a it's a very deep sense of followship

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it's not just following someone normally it's no it's just trying to be exactly like them. It's trying to understand how they thought and how they were, which is exactly what we're supposed to do. When we talk about the Prophet alayhi salatu salam or Ibrahim Ali he will say

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them, the people that we are given as our example or examples, as the people that we are OSA, our idols,

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obviously, in the proper usage of the term not in the shidduch use of the term, these people that we follow are there for us not just to see what they, you know how they behaved in a superficial manner, but to actually comprehend how they thought to be

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affiliated or connected on a level of emotion as well, not just not just behavior. And that's really what what we look for when we talk about, you know, following the Prophet Alia salatu salam, because if you don't have that, then you ended up following your, the form of how we follow Him, it also becomes very

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superficial, and it's not as meaningful because it's, there's a lot of context to the lives of these people. So if you're not able to understand how it is that they thought, how they viewed things, or perspective, their worldviews, and they adapt, and then adopt that into your life, then you may be doing what exactly what they did. But due to the difference of context, there's no, there's no similarity in terms of outcome, the outcome is completely different, because they did this action in this context, and you did the same auction, but the context was not the same, was very, very different. So the outcome was completely different. So it didn't lead to the height that it led for

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them. And then you stand there wondering, Well, the reason is that you just, you didn't actually take that as an Oosa, you weren't actually trying to feel and think and be exactly like them and put yourself in their position so you can follow them and imitate them and emulate them. And that's what we're supposed to be doing. When we talk about, you know, these characters like the Prophet Allah sought to assemble the prophets who came before him. Ibrahim was the so this idea is specific. So we were gonna read these two verses, and they're directed towards the Prophet alayhi salatu salam and the Muslims, not that we can't learn from them, but they're directed to them. The verse after is

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going to be General General for all of us. So you'll see a little bit of a different

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tone to it. But this one, in particular in Atilla como certain Hashanah is speaking to the Prophet alayhi salatu. Salam, and to the Muslims, within the context of the story that I told you last week, the story of help Lebanon rebels, and the people who tried to, you know, win some points with what I used by sending information before the Muslim army made it to the outskirts of Mecca for America and the eighth year of his of his of his, of his, his your, or your Salatu was Salam. So, when they did that, I again, I said, No, you shouldn't have done that. Now I know, you're just you didn't do it. Allah, I understand that you did not do it out of treason. You did it out of love and compassion,

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and I need the fact that you want, but you shouldn't have done that with people who continue to claim that you have no right to be who you are, or to live where you live, or they've removed you and have never taken that back. You shouldn't share with them that type of love.

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And then the ayah This is that we recited now, continue to make that case by telling them and the example that you have the people you shouldn't be

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taking the example from or learning from her being light being like, is Ibrahim but kind of like him was spot on. Hi, Santa, you have a beautiful or excellent example. Ibrahim, well, Nadine and I had the people who are with Ibraheem Alehissalaam when Latina Ma, it can refer to the people who believed in Ibrahim and were on his side. Or it could refer to the people who were in his vicinity, meaning the different pieces of the story of Ibrahim out of Houston. And so it could refer to the counterparts as well. It doesn't have to necessarily refer to Ibrahim and the believers, you can also refer to Ibrahim and the disbelievers on the other side. So however you decide to understand

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this term is fine because it doesn't really specify here's what I think those are with them with him. Whether it means on his side or with him as in his vicinity. That's that's up for debate, or that's something that can be discussed. So what exactly about Ibrahim it he said I'm in those with them, is there for us to learn in the story, or for the Muslims who who are encountering this challenge, where they were finding it difficult to draw a line when it came to people who were related to them or people whom they loved, who were continuously claiming they're taking away their rights, right? I know I've repeated this many times you're getting bored, but I'm trying to clarify

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something for you to understand where where this where this example, finds the light and where it's applicable. The problem is when your enemies claims that you are not equal and you don't have your fundamental human rights. That's where a problem comes in. What are the fundamental human rights is the right to believe the right to believe is the right is the freedom of speech. Basically,

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the right to believe is freedom of speech. That's really all it is if you just want to break it down, because no one can control what I believe on the inside. I don't need a Charter of Rights in the UN or or anywhere to tell me that I can Oh, you're allowed to believe that. No one knows what I believe no one can control that I can believe whatever I want. So that's a useless thing to exist in any religion or any charter. The freedom of belief is the freedom to express your belief system.

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To express it and say I hate but even this is what I and that's freedom of speech, meaning to offer, offering your opinion on theology is the most sensitive thing that exists in the universe. It's the most sensitive thing by far, because it dictates and and it basically

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implies all of the other beliefs that are going to follow what are your, your theology is what's going to dictate all the other types of beliefs that you carry in your life. So freedom of religion is just basically another way of saying freedom of expression or freedom of speech, which is one of the five Jonnie liberal right or one of the five any Mikasa that Islam came to preserve Islam is here to preserve five things and well enough to make sure that your blood is sacred so that you have you know, you're not you're not being handed them out and make sure that your wealth is sacred, have lit up and make sure that your sobriety into intellect is sacred. So you're not being brainwashed

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and you're not being told to handle an adult to make sure that your social integrity and your reputation is sacred. And if the dean to make sure that you have your freedom of expression, you can say what you these are the five things Islam is here to preserve. So when someone denies you one of those things, that's it that's that's a deal breaker. You know, shower them with love anymore, you don't reach out to them and try and hope of getting them on your side. No, this is where you draw the line. This is where your own preservation This is to this is to protect yourself because if you do that you're inviting more

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you're inviting oppression upon yourself. You're inviting transgression towards yourself when you don't draw that line. So the example is sort of the last spider asked the Muslim the Prophet Allah sauce and the Muslims to take was example if you're like me, Brahim money. But you can also turn Hassan to fear by and learn from him. Take the his example here is God only home him when they said to their people,

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when they said and that kind of strengthens, we're letting him or her being him and the believers with him. But still the first scene of accepted both both interpretations just for your own knowledge. If God only called me when they said to there are people

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who, between parentheses had done exactly to them what your people had done to you, right? So there's, there's equivalent, there's equivalents of of context here. Context is, is the same. The people of Ibrahim said to Abraham and the people who believed the same thing, but he said to the Prophet, alayhi, salatu salam,

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Ibrahim, they catapulted him into a fire.

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I think that's a pretty clear message in terms of what rights Ibraheem Alehissalaam had, he made an argument, he made an argument, he proves something. So they built a fire that could be seen from miles away and catapulted him in because they couldn't get close enough it was so it was it would burn it burnt. So it

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was so high, and it was so difficult, so they want to kill him. So I, there's no freedom of speech or expression or belief, and there's no fear, there's no sanctity of life, there's nothing. So that's what really brought him on Instagram was was told. So what does Ibrahim do is currently called me and so he tells us people who this is what they're doing. Again, that context is important. And this is implied by the way, I'm not making this stuff up. This is implied within this debate is understood any that Muslims are sitting in this position, they see their context, you're given a told you have an example. And Ibrahim and the people who were with Ibrahim, when they told

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us they know the example that Allah is referring to. He's referring to a very good example, Ibrahim Ali, he said, um, I need I just found my neighbor who really was just as loop and few people who accepted his, his Dawa, and the people of his land.

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And he tried to murder him, conspired to assassinate him, and then expelled him from the lab. So he brought him left. Where was Ibrahim greater brain blow up? Didn't even know where did the brain go up? There was an airlock, right? He's involved in in Babel in Babylon. That's where he's gonna end up in AutoCAD. I mean, so he's like an archaeologist. And he was expelled from his land. So he went and he and he his journey was long. It was all through a big sham you came to parts of modern Syria he was obviously I ended up in the Holy Land for a long time and he moved to what went to say no, he went to as far as Mecca where he built the company came back again. So he went to Egypt He moved

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around quite a bit The reason being that he was expelled by his people they weren't they didn't allow him back to his home that's a big deal if you're if you're being denied your ability to live in the land that you that you're born in, or the land that you're a part of that's that's a problem that's a fundamental right taken away from you that someone took away your right to exist peacefully and freely. So he never went back he died in the name of the city illegally in which is the the friend or the US colleague, Allah. That's right. And yada he said, I'm Hebron and he's the he's the first Hebrew. The concept of is the name of the a lot of the I don't know if this is true, maybe

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this is reason is clear to everyone and I'm seeing stuff that makes no sense to you. But make sure it's very clear to you what you know what it is.

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Abraham Lincoln was expelled from that city, expelled from hip hop, but Allah subhanaw taala explained to him that that land that you walked in, because he moved through all these parts within the Middle East, right, I told you all the different parts you went to, it was all by Allah subhanaw taala This is where you will live. And this is where your children will live and this is where you will establish your message.

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So this land that we talked about Johnny but often Surya in Lebanon and philosophy and Odin in today's modern Saudi Arabian parts of the Gulf, and Yemen and parts of Egypt, we talked about these parts of the world. This is all of the Brahim Ali has said on this where he lived his children live there. Now the issue is that he had two children, right? Yeah, two of them. One of them. The oldest is named smile, which was all the autumn come from him and then his house, which is all the way all but he saw Elan in the US come from. So this land has always been open for all of his children. No, no, at no point did you know the sons and daughters of his man II tell the sons and daughters of his

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half that they had to leave ever historically that never happened. And we've never it's never been the case. Now the sons and daughters of his Hawk were removed from other places, but not by they're not mediation, Maria likes not by the sons and daughters of his man, historically serving the case. Actually, if you if you follow historically, you'll find that wherever is made, and it wherever the daughters and sons and daughters of his male lived, the sons and daughters of his have followed and they lived with them. That's why every major capital and major city within the least has any full neighborhoods that are occupied by the Jewish faith by people fro or the sun's over his house all

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over the Middle East till this day, the places that they were evacuated from only were a few places during the 1948 when the declaration of design and states occurred aside from that even most most capitals did not remove them they still I know I grew up in Damascus. I know where they live. I know their neighborhoods I walked through their neighborhoods they did very well no one they were never they were never No one came in any harass them at any point. They were actually quite wealthy, they did quite well, they didn't have any problems. So it's never been a problem. It's never been an issue that you can't live with. Of course, you can live in the Holy Land. It's the holy land if your

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father I know said to come live like everyone else. The issue was when when one cousin decided the other cousin that shouldn't live there anymore, and kick them out and denied them their lineage and their heritage is that you're not you're not who you are. You're not the son and daughter of these people. What do you mean, you all the all of the tribes, by the way that live in the Philistine in northern Syria, they're all been whose aid and but it was a German in the ad, the Knights of Midori, and they're all the medulla in and when I'd known, they're the descendants of its main ally, sir. And this is, this is simple. This is simple history. Like, are you open any? This is not even an

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issue. It's not up for debate, really. So you're not up for debate. And if it were up for debate, yeah, you just have to kind of look at the people and their faces in there. It's obvious, it's not difficult to figure out who's the people will have

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different facial facial expressions and facial

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textures are exist within within the world. And it's not difficult to differentiate someone who comes from from Oman and from from Qatar and Bahrain, someone comes from this part of the land, not that it's racial in any form of marriage, that doesn't matter. But this these things are simple. They're simple logic. And they're simple history as well. So our issue really, as Muslims, when it comes to this, right, I know that this has nothing to do with the idea. But in certain ways, it's kind of does too, because we're talking about where the line is drawn Islamically when you're talking to people who are from a different faith, and where you draw that line in terms of you know,

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showering others with love, because that's what the eye is, that's what sort of started out with his top showering them with love to include at him and in our day, and that's a lot, especially when they're denying your rights. The Holy Land was always always been a welcoming place for people to live, regardless of their backgrounds. We think this part of the world is diverse, that's only because you didn't grow up in the Middle East. If you grew up in the Middle East and releases way more diverse, way more diverse, you have no idea. It's extremely diverse. What we just because we, you know, we watch certain certain media outlets, we think that no is very diversity, you talking

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about, like hundreds of minorities that live within the cities that have been there for, you know, a good couple of 100 years, if not over 1000 years, that they don't exist anywhere else that live live with, and the police have always lived there, they've never been forced out. They never been forced out of their faith, they've never been pushed out of their of their culture, or their beliefs, or their massage or whatever, due to a bad or whatever the places of worship they had.

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So we're stuck with a little bit of a dilemma when it comes even to their projection or the perception of what the Middle East is in the Muslim world, or in the majority. And most of the Holy Land actually is though the land is a large piece of land, where Ibrahim Ali Salam and his children live and welcome all those who would like to live with them. And that is how this piece of Earth has always been governed.

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Today, it's not obviously and that's a problem. It's a problem. And this is what our argument is argument is not really that some group has to leave. No, it's why did the one group have to leave in the first place? Why are the people who were outside why are they kicked outside? Why are they not where they should be with everyone else? Why why why is this oppression occurring? Why is this extremely racist narrative coming for? And you know, where it's just not.

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It's not in keeping with the history of the of the region or the history of Muslims. And

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again, just so that you're not confused. The issue of Philistine and the Holy Land is not a Muslim Jewish problem. It's never was it never was theirs. That's a common misconception has nothing to do with faith has everything to do with with an act of oppression that occurred was actually orchestrated by people who are neither this or that was orchestrated by a group of people that were neither this nor that

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They weren't either Muslim or Jewish, who orchestrated this whole this whole, you know, the whole story. So it's not an issue of religion, it's an issue of oppression, because Muslims historically until this day, have no issue with it, we have no you have no hatred or animosity towards a religion, especially not those who are Jewish, for sure, for sure, there they are. Her gene illogically extremely related to us, they're the cousins. They're just the sons of the other son, David Rahim, Ali Salam. And from a religious perspective, they're very similar to us in terms of what it is that we believe in, in terms of our commandments and our practices. Our problem is with

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volume, and volume doesn't matter where it's coming from. We were allowed, we allowed ourselves over the last maybe 6070 years to make it a religious problem. We allowed ourselves to make it that way, because the other group was making it that way. So we allowed ourselves to do that. Now, it was a big mistake from our perspective, because we should take a look, we shouldn't we should be a bit more aware of them than ideal, a bit more intelligent than that you don't you don't make this is not a religious issue. This is an issue of oppression and racism and apartheid. And that's different. That's different than saying one religion opposes another religion. And there is no way for these

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two religions ever to coexist. No, that's not true. That's not true. Through example, that's untrue. Like from an example from history. It's untrue. They've always coexisted. When the Muslims were kicked out of under us, eventually, like, at the end, when they finally were kicked out, and de Lucia, I need the

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island of Ybor when they were kicked out of Iberia. And they had to leave the Jewish people left with them. They got on the boats and left with them. The Muslim who stayed behind were horribly persecuted, they shouldn't have stayed, but they did. They stayed there. They were horribly persecuted. The stories Yanni are something that I would not share with young audience. Because the amount of brutality that was shown by the Catholics at the time towards Muslims is actually almost unheard of. And it's and until this day, I'm at all what exactly they were able to do. And I still don't understand exactly what what provoked that degree of hatred. When the Muslims in the loose

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yaki left a pretty good heritage of science and knowledge. And they really did improve the, I don't think there would be a industrial revolution if it wasn't the fact that the Muslims left with the left and Lucia, but that's a different topic altogether. But the Jews are left with them. Which is why if you go to Morocco, and you go to Mauritania, and you go to Tunisia and Libya, there's a high population of the Jewish faith, they're just like they're in Yemen. This is not a religious problem. But the world would like love it to be so the world around you would love that to be the case, though, and they encourage you, they then get someone to make it religious, it sounds better, sounds

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better, gives more fuel for the other narrative to continue to exist. So just as a Muslim, you just have to be a bit smarter and say, no, no, it's not. It's not a religious problem. Nevertheless, we have no issue. The Quran doesn't say that we should hold animosity towards them. The client says the opposite lethargy, then shut the nasty Adela Lilla Dena Amanullah, who they will, you will find them showing you animosity. This is to say that you don't do the same that's what the eye is there for.

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The magnets to say don't do the same. Don't show that in the movies, the pagans and the Juju. They show you animosity don't don't show back. No Show. We don't have an issue. We never did. They never will. We never will. And it's when we realize that and we we take that narrative and we harnessed it appropriately and we polish it, make sure it's clear to ourselves into the world, it changes the equation, it changes the equation altogether, it changes what actually needs to happen. And that's really what we have to focus on. And we didn't that we didn't do a great job with it. I'll just say we didn't do a great job with that piece. Inshallah, today, there's much more awareness amongst the

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Muslim ummah, Muslims have broken out of their shells, and they're learning more they're speaking and they're educating themselves. And the proper narrative is starting to, to surface and the proper narrative of Muslims and Palestinians and of Arab and people from that land. And the sons and daughters of Abraham, are actually coming out. That narrative is starting to become clearer. And it's being voiced and voicing that will make a change. Maybe not today. Maybe it won't stop what's happening right now to our brothers and sisters.

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But hopefully, a couple of generations or a couple of decades from now, it will it will make the difference. And we will see you'll see a shift in the in the worldview and a shift in the reality in Sholem county as well. All right, that's the end of my rant. So he's finally home him when they said to their people, you have a good example of Ibrahim and the people with him, when they said to their people who were oppressing them and persecuting them and denying them the right to believe in the right to live in Bora will mean Come Minmatar Abdul Rahman Danila we just disassociate ourselves from you and from everything that you claim to be that is godly that you worship aside from Allah

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subhanho wa taala. So number one is a theological detachment and disassociation.

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Garfagnana become meaning. And this is a good example of the worst usage of word gopher Gopher is an act of disbelief in someone else's rhetoric or someone else's theology. It's not a curse word.

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It's not a curse word

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Fudan Cafe it's not. It's just stating that this person does not believe in. So Ibrahim is saying Cathars Nabokov. We are kuffaar. And what you he's not cursing himself. It is set up. Now he's the first Muslim, he is the Muslim. So how is he calling himself a girlfriend? He's no, he's saying it regarding what it is that you believe that rhetoric that you carry the narrative that you project, we do not believe in it, we refuse it, we reject it. Why? Because it's oppressive. Because it's transgressive, because it's racist. And because it's persecuted. That's why we don't we don't accept it, if I'm gonna become less important. What are the Inanna ouabain?

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Well, the

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two men who will lie, and it seems that animosity and hatred is now what is dictating our relationship until you change your ways until you accept Allah subhanaw taala alone after the act of oppression and persecution that you have shown us.

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So Ibrahim on Easter was able, even though he was speaking to his people, they told me him, he was speaking to his relatives, the people whom he can't help from whom he loved. And the land that he was born in, that he loved, they would love to stay in, he had to draw the line and tell them that's it. I am Barry Minkow, I am now just associating myself and your belief system to follow now becomes like a look, I do not accept your narrative. And it seems that it's hatred and animosity that will exist between us until you make a change, until you will make a change the change because you're a this is important. You're under you're wondering why I'll tell you why. Because the way a Muslim

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sees themselves, is that when there's a bad situation, we question ourselves, we think when we contemplate what it is that we need to do differently to change the situation. That's how we function. Anytime there's a bad scenario, there's a circumstance, the circumstances aren't good. A true Muslim will go back and say, What could I have done better? Or what can I do better? Or how can I change? How can I flip the narrative? What can I do to be you always question yourself, that's if you're a good Muslim, you question yourself at all times. But there is a line that is drawn where you stop doing that and saying, This is your problem. This you have to change for this when, when

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there's persecution, when there's oppression, when there's transgression when there's denial of fundamental human rights when that happens, that's it. The change has to come from you. I am disassociating myself with you as there's not my problem. I didn't I didn't bring this upon me myself. The fact that I because you can you can say well, do I start thinking well, maybe maybe I can have what do you want me to compromise? Maybe? How about we do your Lord one day in my lord another day? How about we what do you want? No, no, no, no, what was your being denied your fundamental right that sets you draw the line? Go follow now because we we have we completely refuse

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your narrative as a whole. So we just associate yourselves ourselves with you. We refuse your narrative, and it seems like animosity.

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And by No, I don't really hatred, but Allah is dislike. Hatred is a different word for that. So heavier in the de Bella is more just like me, there's no, we're not seeing eye to eye, we're not aligned. There's no alignment, there's no there's no alliances between us. There's no alliances and there's animosity until you guys change that taught me rubella. Why do you have to make the change has to come from you now has to come from you.

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This is what's required when you're being denied your rights.

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Otherwise, as a Muslim, every time you're in a situation where you think is difficult, you go back to yourself, and you say, how could I have behaved differently? How could I have prevented this? What can I do next time? And then you extend the olive tree olive branch? And then you try and do better? Not when the example is like this? No.

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Again, I'm going to take that and give an example. That's individuals to understand what I mean, people in abusive relationships tend to always hold themselves accountable. Right? If they're in an abusive relationship, they continue to blame themselves, Oh, if I didn't do this, or and that's why they continue to be abused. It's one of the hardest things to help someone in a difficult relationship with that sort to understand that no, no, it's not your fault.

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It's not your fault. It's the abuser. You have to draw the line. They have to change and if they don't change out, out

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there's a difference between disputes in marriages for example, people disagreeing on stuff there's a difference between that which happens all the time happens all the time. Married people will continue to fight without fighting marriage is boring.

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And it's not very fulfilling. You need to fight Yeah, I know that.

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Maybe not all my suits, but some sisters and brothers like they have nothing to fight Oh, final look for something just fight away because it makes it it spices things up a little bit and it makes it more interesting. So that's fine. That's a part of life. Abuse is different. abused when someone is is denying the person in front of them their rights of being a human being mistreating them physically or verbally or emotionally and they're abusing them. Now the other party if that other party continues to hold themselves accountable, they'll continue to be abused and get worse and worse or worse. You've seen people like that

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Have you seen situations where it's sad? Where you you're trying to help the person but they can't help it because they don't know where to draw the line. Once you're being abused, you have to draw the line say no, now it's your problem you have to change, you will change so I can walk away. No, that's obviously not something you can do, I advise not to decide on your own if you're married, especially if you're younger, maybe I asked for help is for people around you to give you guidance explain the situation, they can explain whether this is actually abuse or not. Because you don't want to overuse the word or under use the term, especially when we have

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some degree

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prevalence of this problem in our community. But that's, that's an example of where it happens individually. On a social communal level, same thing. When you're being abused by another group of people, you draw the line, you draw the line, that's it, you will change now, we won't I don't care, I'm not listening to you, you chant you have to change, you have to change or else there's, there's nothing, we are just associating ourselves with you permanently. This is a permanent termination of any form of alliances, until you change, because you've already done too much as it is. And Ibrahim Ali Strom did it with beauty. He did it with clarity. But then there's a there's an exception, right

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in LA Pobla, Ibrahim Ali OB. So be like Ibrahim in everything that he did, except regarding the one thing that he said to his father, that I still feel and I like, while I'm Emily Kula Kameena Allah him and Sheikh Ibrahim is to them to his father, he couldn't help it. Even Ibrahim couldn't help but he had to turn to his father and told him I'll ask Allah to forgive you. I don't own anything in the realm of Allah. wema Emily Kula Kameena Allah which I don't own anything for you like, I can't, I can't guarantee you'll get it. But I'm gonna ask Allah to forgive you even though his father was doing the exact same thing, even though his father denied Ibrahim the right to express his belief

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and to be and to be a Muslim. And his father is one of the people who led it that that movement of either expelling them from the land or trying to execute him.

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But Abraham still asked for forgiveness. So that is really interesting. He is saying you need to be like Ibrahim, and all those things. He said, except this one. Don't Don't be like him in that way. But why did he point that out? So let's just say that you're not at that much fault. Because even Ibrahim had a soft spot, he couldn't help it. So it's like the eye is. It's really It's very beautiful. Actually, the the level of compassion in these verses is alarming. It's like you got a client saying, Stop showering. If these people with love, be like Ibrahim, just not like when he showered with love. Just don't do exactly what he did. Because he at one point, he couldn't help but

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he told his father, even though he shouldn't have not told him not to, but he did it anyways. So it's like to tell them as Muslims, you're not that off. Your father made that same little mistake, he couldn't help it either. It's a good thing that you got, you got all very compassionate to you love people, you don't want harm for them. So you can't seem to help yourself. But you have to learn you have to draw the line somewhere. You have to draw the line for your own protection for your own the preservation of your state of your nation of your community of yourselves of your security of your safety. So it's a beautiful eyes, almost making it easier for the Muslims. They don't feel too

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bad. Ibrahim did it too. He said to his father, let's don't feel like but he knew he shouldn't have oh my god is still volatile Ibrahim Ali abhi Allah I'm afraid that you either have a Yahoo for that matter by Ian Allahu Allahu I do want the law heat about what I mean, who in the Ibrahim and a well, when Helene and in the act of asking for forgiveness that Ibrahim did for his father was only done because he promised him at one point to do it. And when it was clear to him that his father was now an enemy. Again, why was he an enemy? It was the denial it wasn't it's not just the act of disbelief.

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If I haven't convinced you of that ahead, also head on.

00:38:41 --> 00:38:42

Here, sit over here. Go ahead.

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It's not just an act of disbelief. Then I have number eight and nine will make it clear to you like if you if you still don't see it, then just read eight nine when you go home today, and don't have to come next week. You don't want to but it's very it's very, it's very clear. But that's really what this what this is saying.

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Robina alayka can see he's told. So there's two things here. It's either what Ibrahim Ali Salam said, or it's what the Prophet alayhi salatu salam is being coached to see in their situation. So what do you say Robina are like a token or Lord upon you we depend what aka Annapurna and to used to you we repent well in a can mislead and all of our affairs returned to you. I've been Oh our Lord Latta Jalan fifth Natalie Lavina Cafaro This makes things even clearer. What is letter Jana fit Natalia Latina Cafaro ministration the Quran here and then again in Surah till

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I think it's in you. Units. I think it's in us

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and our banana janela fifth Natalia will call me a volley mean when Egina Bureau Hemmati Camino Coleman caffeine. So what does that mean? Don't use us era as bait or as a test for the disbelievers by giving them the upper hand and then they persecuting us and be getting punished for it. Meaning the disbelievers are being tested into

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terms of their choices in terms of their, you know, their conduct and how they're going to behave. They have the upper hand, oh Allah don't use us as test for them, where they have the control, and then they persecute us. We persevere and go to Jannah. And they are going to be punished and going to join them for doing that. Don't put us in that situation, yada, yada, make sure that we're not in that situation, not just for the fact that we don't want to be persecuted and die, but also because we don't want them to be put in a position where they can persecute us and then get punished. Understanding what that means. He distracted you understood nothing. I'll repeat this again.

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The question is lethargy and fitness. Lilina CAFO don't make us fit enough for the disbelievers by allowing them to have the upper hand they control us and if they do, then they persecute us. And if they persecute us, we perseverant agenda, but they go to jahannam. We don't want that either. Not just because we don't want to be persecuted. But because we also don't want our enemy to be a persecutor we don't want them to be an oppressor because we still hope that they'll find faith we still hope that they will find faith later on. So don't put your up don't make don't allow that to happen don't allow this relationship to exist we're weaker but don't put us in a position in a

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situation or position where they're persecuting us and then they go to jahannam because of it Subhanallah

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you understand the beauty of this this is this is what the is saying I can't make this stuff up

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no matter how much I have you know this is what the well the federal and our have been and forgive us for the mistake that we made at the beginning when telco Anna Elaine Wilma was there when we gave a little bit too much Yanni

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love to those who forgive forgive that piece to us in Nikka analyses with your students good indeed you are the unfathomable and you're you're all the all wise so that this is this be let's read the two verses afterwards I think we have enough time to explain them because they'll make things even clearer inshallah. Now of course they cannot let the hem who swear tune has Santa

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Lehmann Kana Yong Joo law her well you may feel

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well may well lesson in law her who will only you'll Hamid

00:42:19 --> 00:42:20

I said Allahu

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Allah Beynac when ouabain Levina the tomb to mean whom what then?

00:42:37 --> 00:42:39

Well long who buddy

00:42:42 --> 00:42:45

well Allahu Allah food or Rahim

00:42:48 --> 00:43:01

so the second area says laugher the cannula comfy him indeed and there's more emphasis now. Now there's a little bit more emphasis because it is not only directed towards the Muslims at that time, it's also directed towards us. So the first one kind of like a Muslim

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emphasizes it's a one it's one piece of emphasis so indeed, loca de cana is double the lamb is lemon water custom sang wala heated kinda it says if Allah Subhanallah is taking an oath as well and that's what the lamb in actually means. So naka de cannula comfy him, indeed you will find within their example, the example of those people and the people who came before them were similar to them. And for us, you'll find the example in the Prophet Allah you saw to us that I mean the people who are with him, you will find within them who sweat on Asana, a beautiful and excellent example in terms of followship. So it's as if to tell us learn from the example of the Prophet Allah you saw

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some of those so how about that time and learn from the example of Ibrahim and his the people who are with him? Within the story that we just told you?

00:43:45 --> 00:44:24

For whom? Or whom, who are the people we're going to find a good example in that the mankind al joola, well yo malarkey for those who have hope, in pleasing Allah subhanho wa Taala and have hope and achieving achieving something beautiful in the Day of Judgment, meaning those who see Allah subhanho wa Taala and human after the day of judgment to be their priorities. Will will take take an example from from the people he just talked about, you know, learn from Ibrahim and the people with him you learn from the Prophet alayhi salatu salam ala Sahaba you learn you learn from the good things they did you learn from the mistakes that they made as well you'll learn and that and that's

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what this second piece is saying. Well, maybe Yeah, tell well, and those who turn their backs to this or those who refuse for in Allah, who will money you will Hamid indeed Allah subhanaw taala is money you look money is the one who was in need of no one.

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The one who was completely independent for everyone else, meaning what he's telling you to do, is not in some way benefiting him. Why is he saying that?

00:44:48 --> 00:44:59

SubhanAllah. The reason he's saying that is because this choice is is confrontational. So here, this choice is to confront the choice that

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the Quran is giving the Sahaba and giving the Muslims is to confront. You're being denied your rights. You can keep on showing love and keep on you know, being friends hoping that it's hard to confront. It's hard to draw the line say no, no anymore because that means you're going to be in conflict there's going to be, there's going to be there may be even combat at some point. Muslim people don't want that people don't want that piece. So Allah subhanaw taala say, if you don't do this in Allah who will have any and did Allah is the One who was not in need of you, meaning you're not doing this for him in terms of his benefits. It's not like he's asking you to do this and that

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somehow he's going to benefit from it. No, you're doing this for you. This is how you preserve yourself. That's why he's saying it's right to make sure that ALLAH SubhanA start to explain to you that this is what this is something for your benefit, not for mine. It's not something you're doing for me, they're going to help me there's going to help you and me there's the one who is always praiseworthy. I mean, the one who was all praiseworthy egentligen and when he puts those Anil me together,

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he's trying to explain to us Subhana wa Tala, that everything he's telling us to do, is within our best interest, not only in Africa, but also in dunya. Because he's not in need of us. And He is the Praiseworthy, whether we do this or not, whether we listen to it or we don't, it makes no difference. Allah, Allah will continue to be all praiseworthy, you'll continue to be independent, not in need of anybody. So you're not doing this to certify it's not it's not something self serving for Allah subhanaw Is what you're trying to say that you're doing this, this is for you. Because you may think for a moment, well maybe this is for Allah subhanaw taala it's gonna put us in a position

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where we have to confront or we have to scary is difficult. And I'm telling you the Latina thedata, who for ADEA come with a cream of soda.

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Fela Kuti Ba li he will return either for equal men whom you're shown and NASA Kakashi Atilla he Oh shut the cashier hypercall Robina Nnaemeka Tabatha allinial kita know that a halt enter in a genuine curriculum material dunya colleagues will ask you not to hire only money taka Allah Tala Munna Fatima is with me says you don't see the people were told don't bear arms and pray. And then later on, they were told you need to bear arms now the Muslims they were in Mecca don't bear arms went to Medina, you have to defend yourselves. So I said, Oh Allah, why do we have to bear arms? Why do we have to fight? Can you just maybe protect us and keep us away from that? polymetallic dunya? I say

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no, no, this is the dunya shorts anyway. So do the right thing stand for what matters and don't be afraid of confrontation when it's needed for sure.

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And then this final verse that we HLB if you have enough time, this final one, this is what he has to say subhanaw taala right this is one of my favorite in the whole Quran is Allah Who and yadgir ala by Unicom ouabain Lavina de two min whom Maha

00:47:39 --> 00:47:56

I said it is the higher probability of something occurring so I said Allahu means May Allah subhanaw taala the most likely are highly probable or highly possible that Allah subhanaw taala will make between you begging ouabain A lady in our day to meet him and between the people who are now your enemies

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my word love

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so at the beginning of the page you're definitely gonna able to see a Rona at him will know at the beginning piece where Allah is telling the Muslim don't shower, the people who deny you your fundamental rights with love.

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It circulates back again at the end of this chapter because it's the end of the first paragraph in the sutra he circulates back again after after telling the Muslims look stop showering them with love, they will not rest they don't respect you. So if they have the upper hand they will kill you. They will completely destroy you and then your blood relations won't help you be like Ibrahim be like Abraham when he drew the line don't be like him when he made that mistake but he made that he did the same thing that you did. So you're not that off you're not you're not that different different than him you still have something similar to him either. He said I'm and you will find a

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good example in those people if you want Allah subhana wa Tada I know that Allah does not tell you to do this because he needs it or because it's beneficial to him is for you. However, I still Allah may Allah subhanaw taala with high likelihood

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Your job is to insert or to make something happen to make amongst you being nickel ouabain alladhina data in between the people whom you have animosity with today, the people who are demanding denying you and persecuting you may Allah subhanaw taala with high likelihood insert between you and your enemy amongst them. Muhammad love

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may he one day bring back love between you.

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And then the thought process is impossible after they've taken everything from us impossible. So the Quran answers well Allahu bodied and Allah subhanaw taala is Omni potent and capable of everything. But what about the blood and all of the sin that happened with Allah who were fooled or Rahim and Allah Subhan Allah will forgive me and show mercy to all of you too.

00:49:46 --> 00:50:00

So as if when you're listening to this verse, you're talking to yourself, but what for there to be love between me and my enemy? You're saying, you were just telling me not to show my enemy love a moment ago? That's what you're saying? Exactly. But May the day come soon. We're alive.

00:50:00 --> 00:50:21

I suppose that will insert between you and your enemy love. That is the goal is if suppose that is drawing the makeable map of what the goal is, the goal is that there will be, he will bring back love between you. What the people who persecuted me? Yes, the people who persecuted you. Yes, the people who denied you your fundamental human rights. May Allah subhanaw taala allow for love to exist between you.

00:50:22 --> 00:50:51

But that will only happen if you stop if you stop showering them with love. Now, the only possibility for that is if you draw your line now, to preserve yourself to protect yourselves if you learn that you don't accept to being confused. And if you don't do that, then you will continue then there is no hope for love, it will get worse and worse, worse and worse. But if you do, if you draw that line as difficult as if drawing this line is difficult for the Muslims, it's not as if it is.

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Is it for Muslims is hard to draw this line because we are people who love those around us are our happiest moments is when someone accepts Islam. Our hope and life is can we get people to say La Ilaha illa Allah Muhammad Rasool Allah to take an enemy is not something we have any reason to do. So it's hard for Muslims to be told you need to draw a line and say in Bora Minko, I am disassociating myself from you can follow now be calm. I refuse your ideology and your narrative, but they are begging in our being in a coma. Now it seems the only dislike and animosities exist between us it's hard. Muslims don't like saying that. So Allah subhanaw taala to ease the blow to

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ease the blow for Muslim and they make it something more something they can deal with. They can accept they can they can digest it and follow it adhere to he says at the end of this and Allah will make love between you again. Don't worry, he will bring back love again. Between you and your enemies between you and your enemies, not between you and someone you don't like or some different person know between you but we've been a Latina ID to many of the ones who have you have animosity with my word love. Yes, yeah. Any other word would have been fine for me. Any other word I've been I would have been fine with mercy, I would have been fine with peace. I would have been fine with any

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word that just had some positivity to it. He used my word he used love. There's no other translation. Like there's no there's no there's no other way to translate the word MOA aside from love. And the mind says oh it's impossible after these years of fighting in combat for there to be a love well Allahu Allah is capable.

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You can do it but then there's all this unfinished business and all of this Kenny with all the blood and all of the the oppression how is that going to be dealt with? Allahu wa Fudo Rahim and ALLAH forgive all of it will be forgiven. He's answering Subhanallah what's on the mind as it's asking the questions about how this is even possible? How are we going to find how are we going to bring any form of love between between people who have denied us our fundamental rights? How is that going to happen? He believes supine to what to Allah gives me what I tell him, me telling me were telling me it's only a scripture or a verse in any holy book, that is that is more majestic and beautiful, and

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love filled more than this idea, go find something for me and come back. So find somewhere in any any any any Holy Scripture across the globe, or any Charter of Human race or, or tolerance, where you're being told by the Creator Himself, you're being told that you need to draw a line to protect yourself. But don't worry, the day will come where he will insert between you and your enemy love again. And it is possible and he will forgive you for all that happened before. But you need right now, to draw your line. You need to protect yourself, you can't allow yourself to continuously or continue to be abused.

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And then we have to defend. We have to defend ourselves from

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accusations of terrorism.

00:53:55 --> 00:53:59

Now you have to go and explain why Islam has the word jihad or whatever.

00:54:01 --> 00:54:03

I want to use the vulgarity, but I won't.

00:54:04 --> 00:54:05

It's just it's just very

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frustrating to say the least. Because for me, whether it's a non Muslim, you know, running their mouth or a Muslim who wants to claim something different. They just haven't read this. So

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what's the most dangerous person in the world? This is a quote by no one's philosopher, is a person who follows one book that they haven't read.

00:54:27 --> 00:54:55

Right? That's the most dangerous person on the planet, someone who claims to follow one book, then read it though. That's a big problem. It's a big problem for you for us as Muslims not to know what exactly it is that Allah subhanaw taala has explained to us in the Quran. What the teachings actually are. Because when you go through these verses, it's impossible. I don't think anyone is listening to understand understood, but I had to say over the last two weeks, we'll have any doubts anymore in terms of how Islam works from a from a relationship perspective between Muslims and non Muslims on a state level.

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on a state level, the two verses to come that we'll talk about

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Next week, go more deeply into the individual and the remove any, because I had to, I had to fill in some gaps for you for your for this to make sense the verse the two verses to come read them, I hope there's no gaps it's it's right in your face, he's telling you exactly what it is that he's saying subhanaw taala in terms of relationships we have with other people, with the people who don't believe in us or believe in our faith or share religion with us or don't share our values in general.

00:55:26 --> 00:55:37

But I can't get over the fact I just I find it difficult for us to have this in our book, where our Lord is telling us that I still love he will I send the prime minister

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I lead doesn't necessarily mean that

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even though it's an Arabic I said Allah Allah is that means high probability law law means the kind of equals probability like it's kind of like 5050. But whenever you refer these terms to Allah, it means it's going to occur, meaning the outcome is going to happen. Like I didn't write the Allah Allah, you ready to badger the camera, you don't know Maybe after that Allah subhanaw taala will bring change, that means he will bring change. He's using that terminology to challenge you a little bit by say, You know what, you didn't think he could bring change, or you don't think he will bring change? Are you that the I need not? You're that close minded? Do you think I lost or they won't

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bring change later? Of course he will. So when he says Eisah, it's even me when he used to Allah, which is the 5050 probability, it means it's going to occur when he says I saw I mean, it's for sure going to occur. And when he uses a statement, that means you have no reason to doubt this effort. So I say hola, hola just means that it may take a bit more time. It may take more time. It may be a long term plan, not not a short term one. It may be something that doesn't occur immediately for you, you may you may walk through a few years of that animosity manifesting itself in terms of combat or war, which it did, which it did. And that may go on for a while. But eventually, Allah

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subhanaw taala will find a way to insert between you and your enemy, love, love, not peace, not acceptance, not tolerance, but love, you will find a way for love to exist again. Because he's ideal because he is capable of all and because he is gonna follow Rahim and he is the one who will forgive when he forgives. Subhana wa Tada. A part of his forgiveness is filling your heart with softness, so you forgive too. And he doesn't hate me is the most compassionate and a part of His compassion. So I know what to do is to fill your heart with softness and tenderness so that you can feel compassion to that's how this happens. When he forgives his opponent without a problem, it doesn't do it on

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your behalf. No, you have to forgive on your behalf. But he'll fill your heart with enough tenderness and compassion and love that you will be able to forgive too. Because that's our going to need we're going to need a situation where we can also forgive or we can also say all right, that bygones be bygones. Let's move on from this. And that's the promise that Allah subhanho wa Taala offers and

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in this suit, it's a promise.

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So I want you to dream

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of the day where Allah subhana wa Tada will insert between us and our enemies, Love Again, are those who oppressed us and persecuted us, murdered us senselessly. Those who took away our rights, our fundamental rights to live and to believe and to exist.

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May Allah subhanho wa Taala bring back bringing the future a day where we will find love again, and that this will go away. But that won't happen. Unless we draw the line clearly. As Ibrahim did as the prophet Allah your son was emptied Himself we draw the line clearly and say no, in Navara Omen comm we are not we disassociate ourselves with your narrative go out and become we refuse your the way, the way that you're treating others. Well by debating in our being in a community, bla bla bla bla bla, and there will be animosity and dislike between us until you change. And we have to focus on who needs to change. It's not us. When you're being persecuted. You don't turn to the oppressed,

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you don't turn to the persecuted and demand them to change. That's unethical. That's unethical. You turn towards the oppressor and the persecutor and demand them to change and nothing is acceptable until they do. And once they do, you turn to Allah and ask him to fulfill his promise of inserting between you and your enemy love again, because he is capable and because He is the Most Forgiving and most Merciful and hope that's helpful to you in terms of understanding these verses, so popular behind these

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people to believe

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