Connect The Dots 07

Boonaa Mohammed
AI: Summary © The importance of good spoken word written in writing is discussed, with Rhyming and rhythm being key for enhancing writing experiences. repetition is key to making it more sticky and appealing to the audience, and Rhyming is beneficial in memorizing words. The speaker suggests practicing Rhyming and rhythm to improve writing skills and chances of remembering words.
AI: Transcript ©
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Bismillah Alhamdulillah wa salatu salam ala rasulillah Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. This is Brother Mohammed Welcome back to connect the dots. Today we're going to be speaking a little bit about something known as grammatical devices. What is a grammatical device, there are many different grammatical devices in the English language. If you've taken even elementary English you know taking English at the elementary level, you will know of many different types. From metaphors to similes to personification to alliteration, there are many different types and good spoken word will employ grammatical devices, they will only enhance your work. I'm going to focus today on three

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particular types of grammatical devices that I use in pretty much all my poetry, and you'll find is present in many good works of art. The first and actually the three R's I should call them I refer to them as the three R's. The first of the three R's is rhythm. Okay, rhythm, the second is repetition. And the third is rhyming, rhythm, repetition, and rhyming. Let's start with the top. So rhythm is something that we all know of from the time we're in our mother's wombs, right? When you hear the heartbeat of your mother, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, that particular pace that beat that rhythm that you know, you come into the world knowing is something that in spoken word,

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poetry is not as definite, it's not as defined. Like, for instance, in music, there's not a single type of rhythm you have to stick to, but good spoken word poetry will employ some type of rhythm, you need to have that rhythm. And actually, it's something that your body your whole soul can kind of vibe to, it's something that you will feel more than anything, it's really hard to describe and kind of write on paper. But there's, you know, in music, you would write a for, for pattern or for for beat in spoken where, like I said, we're not as sticky we're not as you know, there's not as important to stick to a specific style of beat or rhythm. But definitely good spoken word does

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employ rhythm. Another grammatical device, the second of the three R's is repetition. Repetition is something that we're familiar with, even as children reading kids books, you know, every child book you read, will have some sort of repetition, they'll come back to the same word over and over again. And in spoken word, poetry, when you repeat something, what you're doing is emphasizing that point. So if I come back to a specific line, or a specific word, or a specific phrase over and over again, I'm basically punching it into the head of my audience, not literally, nobody's gonna get hurt, you're doing it. So your audience can feel that emphasis, they can hear us continually saying this

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word, this phrase, a sentence over and over again. And it can be part of your thesis statement. Like we said, going back to the original point of your of your poem as a structured argument that can be part of your thesis statement and repeating it over and over again, there's not something wrong with that. You don't want to do it too much to the point where it gets annoying, but definitely into something to employ. The last of the three R's is rhyming. Now, rhyming is a very, very special, very special place in my heart. And a lot of people will ask the spoken word have to rhyme, no, it doesn't have to run. There's no rules or anywhere that says it has to run. But why is rhyming so

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important? Why does everybody loves rhyming? rhyming is one of the things that I like to refer to as ear candy. It's something that we love to hear, you know, when you when you hear a rhyme, and when something is cleverly kind of brought together. Again, that sounds the same as another word or another phrase, another sentence, you keep using wine to kind of, you know, emphasize those points. It does a lot of things, it really makes your audience pay attention, right, it allows them to really kind of connect with it as with what it is, you're saying, because they're engaged, they're entertained by it. So it has a lot of additional value. And I love rhyming. And like I said, there's

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a great tool online, you can check out rhyme zone calm, I'm not getting paid by them, I should be. But definitely check them out a great resource for anybody who wants to, you know, learn how to rhyme and connect words that might seem more difficult to run than others. And I'll tell you this, that any word can run, right, you can write anywhere with any word, and part of it is understanding how to say the words. So pronunciation goes a long way. You know, they always say that you can't run anything with the word orange. That's one of the things in the English language that you can never run anything with the word orange, but I can run orange with orange, right or, or foreign. It just

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depends on how you pronounce things, how you say it. So definitely, rhyming is a skill set. It's a muscle that takes time to perfect, you know, because you have to know your limitations. You have to know what you can and cannot do. And so it's one of those things that with continual practice, you get a lot better with Now, why I mentioned these three R's. And how interesting is this kind of love these three things, rhythm, repetition, and rhyming appeared in the core and many, many times in many different places. Right. Now imagine this is a big statement now that our last panel to either when he's giving us the final revelation for all mankind for the until the end of time, he employs

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rhyming repetition and rhythm. How many times do we hear Yeah, you enter the nominal. Yeah, you know, yeah, you almost have to repeats phrases over and over and over again. You know, the rhythm is there throughout the core and even a non Muslim person who's not familiar with Arabic at all can listen

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into the court and in saying, wow, you know, there's a fantastic rhythm going on. And of course, you know, rhyming that's one of the hikma in why the Arabic language was chosen for this last and final revelation because the Arabs used to love poetry. And their poetry used to rhyme. And when you're rhyming, you're actually it helps you to memorize something. So the Arabs had this oral culture where they would memorize, you know, 1000 lines of poetry. So this was ingrained in their culture and their understanding and of course, the core end because it rhymes very frequently, it becomes very easy to memorize. So these three devices if you think about them, they are some of the three

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most powerful grammatical devices you will ever employ in any type of writing any type of creative argument. So definitely, if you haven't used them in your work, try and use them Don't force them, but make sure they're a part of your daily regimen because they will definitely make your poetry a lot stronger. Check it out. Check us out on the next video, inshallah we talk more about writing and how to perform you were coming up very soon as I come up here for watching. I sit down, want to come on, I want to live here.

The Three R’s

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