Bilal Philips – Charity – Part 01

Bilal Philips
AI: Summary © The importance of charity in public and private settings is emphasized, along with the value of giving in a meaningful way to encourage others to do the same. The speaker emphasizes the need to avoid debts and avoid creditors, and to provide charitable support to those in need. The importance of turning debts into charity and avoiding giving things out until further notice is emphasized, along with providing support to families and individuals to defend their rights. The session concludes with information about tuition options and the school's tuition options.
AI: Transcript ©
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Salam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato.

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I'd like to welcome you Dear viewers, to another in our series, the best in Islam.

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And this series in which we look at the revelation

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found in the Quran, and the Sunnah of the Prophet, may God's peace and blessings be upon him.

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what is considered to be the best aspect

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of human life human interaction elements which make up the human circumstance. These have all been identified

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in this series,

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we call the best in Islam, which have been compiled into a text

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by myself, which was published back in the 90s. Anyway, what we will be looking at in this episode

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is, in fact, the best of charity, we'll be looking at some verses from the Quran, wherein a law speaks about

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the importance of charity, how charities should be done, etc.

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So that is the focus of this episode. That's the theme of this episode. So the first verse,

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which can be found in Surah, Al Baqarah, second chapter of the Quran

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verse 271.

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Allah says they're

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It is permissible for you to disclose your charity. But if you conceal it, and give it to the poor, that is better for you.

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Allow and forgive you some of your sins.

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So in this verse,

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we are given an option with regards to

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the giving of charity, that it may be done openly. That is that people know that we're giving or it may be done secretively.

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The secretive charity is the superior charity.

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But in any case, charity in general, this is a good deed, a righteous deed. And we're encouraged to give in charity, this is what zakka is about. Zakah is about developing in us a charitable approach to life, that we are concerned about the situation's of others

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and share the wealth we have allies blessed us with with them without setting any amounts.

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That's what we're encouraged to do. But we're encouraged to do it by a set amount, what because the car

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is fixed that 2.5% 2.5% of wealth which we have accumulated over a year, which has reached the value of two ounces of gold. If we have that in our possession, a year passes on it, then we have to give 2.5% of it to the poor. So Zakah is taken as an obligation from the believers who have surplus wealth.

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But the idea behind it is to motivate those who have surplus wealth to give freely themselves was 2.5% is not very much, though if it were collected consistently across the oma, much of the poverty that we may see in the third world in the Muslim world today would be eliminated.

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But unfortunately, many Muslims do not pay their Zika. So

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this account was there to develop this

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generous spirit. And generosity is among the highest of the moral character traits that all societies recognize, honor, revere, etc.

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So Zakah is there, the obligatory chart is there, to develop in us a regular,

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conscious effort to give charity so that at times outside of the fixed times, we would also be charitable. So that's already in place. Now, when the charity is being given, beyond is a cow, as the verse pointed out, that charity can be given in front of everybody. People say, well, what's use of that charity?

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Because it's just showing off? Well, yes, if you're given the charity, to show off, so that people will say, how charitable that person is, how generous that person is, and of course, the value of the charity is lost. So, public giving, has to be with a sincere intention. And public giving is somewhat dangerous, because of the natural desire that human beings have to be praised. Everybody likes to be praised, to be recognized, to be known, you know, known as a generous person. So we already have that in us. Giving openly, you know, tends to feed it. So that's why Allah has stressed the private giving, because that is a higher level of giving. But in any case, even giving publicly

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has its value in that it may encourage others to do the same.

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And one occasion, when some people were having difficulty in their area, there was no rain, crops are dying. And they were in rough circumstances, the delegation of them came to the prophet in his mosque in Medina, may God's peace and blessings be upon him, and complained of their situation. So the Prophet sallallahu wasallam it God's peace and blessings be upon him.

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I dressed the congregation, and called on them to give charitably to these people.

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Nobody responded. He repeated the call a couple more times. Then one of them got up, went home, left.

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After some time, he came back, and he had in his thobe in his garment, jewelry, which he had collected from the house, from the women of the house, he'd collected up what they had, and whatever wealth he had, he put it in his garment, brought it back and put it down in front of the Prophet. May God's peace and blessings be upon him. For those needy people. At that point, when others saw him do it. They all got up, went home, came back and did the same. And the Prophet said, Hey, guys, please invest be upon him. Whoever begins a good Sunnah. Whoever begins, a good Sunnah will get the reward of all who follow him. So demeaning way, whoever begins or starts a good way of doing things

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like the act of that companion, to give charity publicly which made others realize what they could do and they went and they did it. He gets the reward of all those who followed him who did as he did. So this is commendable. It is public giving, but it is rewardable.

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Charla, his intention was for the sake of Allah and he would get the reward for himself, and for all those would follow him.

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as the law goes on to say we're into her for her, but to help her out

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For who are Hyrule lakum. But if you conceal it, and give it to the poor, that is better for you.

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It's better to go and give to the needy without telling others. It's difficult, because we like to be praised. We liked that whatever good we do is recognize, but for you to put your charity in an envelope, without putting any name on it or anything, and putting it you know, under the door of a person in a needy situation in their home, whatever you just pass it, nobody knows. You did it, nobody knows that you did it.

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That is better.

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Because that way your intention is saved, it's protected, that you don't have any other intention because nobody knows about it. Nobody can praise you.

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It's only Allah.

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And the prophet may God's peace and blessings be upon him had encouraged us to have some deeds like that, because their reward is far greater than the those which we normally do publicly to have hidden, good secret good deeds we do.

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So this is the advice of the verse from Allah subhanaw taala

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that not only

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is it better to give secretly, to give in general is good.

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One of the results of it is that it would erase our sin

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and it would remove the consequence of this in from us. With that. We're going to take now a brief break. And we'll be coming back to follow up further on charity. So why they come Baraka tomorrow?

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Salam Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu Welcome back.

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As we continue to look at charity, in the verses of the Quran, where Allah has encouraged us to be charitable.

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He said subhana wa Taala

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when Canada was rotten, for Navara tune, Li Mei Sarah

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Sadako highroad la come in Khun tala moon. And this is installed Baqarah also, verse 280, if a debtor has difficulty repaying his debt, granting time until it is easier for him, but if you remit it as charity, that is better for you. If only you knew

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this is dealing with people who have borrowed from us, they owe us

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they have debts. And they may have difficulty paying back these debts, we can give them additional time as what is recommended by our last month Allah give them extra time,

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even though they committed themselves to pay back in a certain period of time, give them extra time.

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But even better, even better, is for us to consider a charity and not ask for it back at all.

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This is better

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to turn debts into charity. Of course, if you're running a business, etc, you can't do that all the time. But we should strive to do that, in cases of real need, where people have run into difficulty, unable to pay their debts, rather than trying to punish them through the court system or whatever. Now we are gentle with them. Anything could happen to any of us. So therefore we try to be considerate and give them extra time to pay the debt or even better turning their debt into a charity. That wasn't our intention in the beginning it was alone.

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But here Allah tells us that it is possible that even that which was given us a loan, your intention was to get paid back, that it is possible for you to turn that from being

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Alone which you expect to be paid back into an act of charity for which you will be greatly rewarded. So, this has to do with, again the character that we spoke about earlier. How do we deal with people in times of need, that we should be merciful.

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We should be charitable,

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we should try to help them get back up on their feet. This is what Islam wants from us. And this is a charitable, showing a charitable effort. And this is what makes us among the best of people, that we are charitable to those in need. Now, the prophet may God's peace and blessings be upon him, was very specific. in identifying

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some of the best

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forms of charity there are many different ones. But among them, is one mentioned in the Hadith narrated by Abu Mama.

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This Hadith is collected by Imam Ahmed

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in his Muslim head and his authentic

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in which Abu mama related the Prophet sallallahu wasallam had said of the Lusaka kotti Villa for spotting fees a billionaire for money how to Hardiman, FISA, Bella

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terra cotta fallin, feasability law, the best charities are the shade of a tent in the path of a law, the gift of a servant

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for a lost cause, or a mature female camel, in the path of a law, these three

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acts of charity that the Prophet sallallahu wasallam, identified as being among the best Why? Because they are connected with defense of the oma protecting the Muslim nation, protecting the woman and the children, the weak etc, from harm.

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So, the shade of the tent, you have provided

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shade for those who are engaged in the struggle. So you get the reward of those who actually do it.

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Or giving a servant

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for this cause

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or a riding animal,

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a mature female camel, and all of this earns the reward as the Prophet sallallahu wasallam said, Whoever equips a warrior in a lost way, or looks after his family in his absence is like one who actually fights that is recorded in Sahih. Muslim.

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So providing for those

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who I need, the families that have been left behind that tent, which was provided, could have been for them. Or it could have been for those who are going to fight

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and the gift of a servant.

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That servant again could have been to help out the families that were left behind. Or it could be one who helps to carry the equipment used by those who fight to defend and protect the Muslim ummah. And as well, a riding animal and mature female camel.

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That is the means of transportation, which was used in the past, Allah knows may be used more extensively again in the future, or in certain parts of the world and the third world.

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Animals still play a big role in transportation of goods etc.

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So, the prophet may God's peace and blessings be upon him,

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emphasized defending the oma with our charity, using the charity

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to help the oma as a whole

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as opposed to a charity just benefiting an individual. Here it is now charity use to protect the oma from harm. Use to protect the truth of Islam so that it can be effectively propagated

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conveyed to neighboring nations, other nations around the world, keeping those doors open for this process. This is a great act of charity, when it is given in this way, looking after those who are fighting, known as Mujahideen, Mujahideen and looking after their families who have been left behind.

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For those who were unable to go

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and participate in the defense of the oma, they instead stay home and use their wealth to protect the families, wives and children who are left behind by those who have gone out, putting their lives on the line to defend the oma. So in concluding this episode, we did begin with the different types of charity, charity, which is done

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openly, and charity which is done secretively. And the law said, the one done secretively is better. Then

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we looked at the verse, which encouraged us to give people more time, if they haven't paid off their debts, they need more time, give them more time. Of course, there are limits to how much more time you give them, or as a grater act more rewardable to a law is to turn that act into a religious righteous deed by declaring it the wealth that you've given to be a charity, charity for that person. So that is among the recommended acts. And then in closing, the last of the statements concerning the charity with regards to jihad, fighting in the way of a law etc. Where we are encouraged to help those who are making that effort, especially when we are unable to do so if we're

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able to do so for ourselves to prepare ourselves and prepare others that's even greater. But if we can't go ourselves, then to help others, this is the great charity on our behalf. Whether it is to help the people who are engaged in this struggle themselves or their families were left behind while they engage in defense of the oma.

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So with that, we will close out our session, this session which is dealt with issues of charity. And we still have a number of statements of the prophet may God's peace and blessings be upon him to look at in the next episode, continuing under the general heading of charity.

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So with that, we close this session. Thank you for being with us. And this session and hoping that we'll see you in future sessions. So I'm on a camera to lie about a cattle see.

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