Bilal Dannoun – Respecting Scholars The Elderly And Visiting The Pious

Bilal Dannoun
AI: Summary © The importance of honoring the Prophet sall Drive in the Islam system is discussed, along with the manners related to houses of Reference and the houses of reference. The importance of honoring older leaders and respecting older individuals is emphasized, as it is a means of expression of love for the mother of a deceased Herid. Visiting the holy city of Jerusalem for a holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy is also emphasized. The importance of following promises and trusting others is also emphasized, along with the importance of visiting the holy city of Jerusalem for a holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy holy.
AI: Transcript ©
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Nana Rahim al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen wa Salatu was Salam ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala early he was happy he h men are praises due to allowing me the Peace and blessings of Allah be upon our beloved prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon all of the prophets and all of the messengers that was sent to mankind. My dear respected brothers and sisters in Islam Assalamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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Today in sha Allah who Tyler's lecture or presentation is entitled, respecting scholars, the elderly and visiting the pious, and this is enlightened two chapters from a man will know his collection of reliable sign in Riyadh asylee hain gardens of the righteous gardens of the righteous. And the first chapter. Mmm No, we entitled, specifically revering the scholars and elders, preferring them to others and raising their status. Now Mmm, now we have a number of hadiths to do with this chapter.

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The first Hadith that he mentions in this chapter is the hadith of Abu Masada back in either drill I'm sorry, Rob your loved one who and this hadith is originally found in Sahih, Muslim,

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the Prophet he says here

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that the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, the person

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who is best verse in their citation of the book of Allah should lead the prayer.

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But if all those prisons are equally versed in it, than the one who has most knowledge of the Sunnah,

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if they are equal in that respect to then the one who has immigrated to El Medina First, if they eat if they are equal, in this respect also then the oldest of them, and no man should lead another in prayer with the latter has authority or sit in his house without his permission.

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In another narration,

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in Sahih, Muslim

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, One who is senior most in accepting Islam should leave the Sunnah. Yet another narration is the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said a man who is well versed in the book of Allah and can recite it better should lead the Salah. And if all those who are present are equal in this respect, and the man who was senior most in respect of immigration, if they are equal in that respect to then the oldest of them should lead the prep.

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Now these narrations are found in Sahih Muslim so what we learn here when it comes to leading the prayer, when it comes to the Imam,

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as we call the one who leaves the prayer, we call him the Mmm. And those who are behind the Imam are called once the moon, moon so we have the Imam and the moon the congregation.

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So this hadith makes it very clear who takes priority in leading the Salah

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is a group of you and one of you should leave the seller. Let's say you're not at the masjid or you are in the masjid. Then who takes priority and hamdulillah Islam has set out this for us. So the first person who is most entitled to lead the prayer is the one who is well versed in the book of Allah azza wa jal, the one who can recite the Quran, articulately and the one who is able to apply the rules of Tajweed and the one who is most versed in the Quran.

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That's very important. So that's the person who and that that gives us It shows us the status, the status of

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the one who has memorized the Quran, that he he has a very high position to the extent

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that he leaves the solid that he leaves the sun.

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Now, the second person, the next person is the one who, let's say we they're all they've all memorized the Quran or they're all well versed in the Quran. Then the one who is taken as as the next person of choice is the one who knows most about the Sunnah of the prophet SAW Selim. Who knows most about the history

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of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Now let's say they are all equal in that. Then the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in this hadith is saying, the one who has immigrated to El Medina First, the ones who have done Heejun are first.

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Okay, the ones who have come to the Muslim land, they have priority,

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those who have been migrated the longest.

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And then if they are all equal in that, when the when the oldest of them, so here, superiority of the eldest is given. So the elder is given that position,

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if, for example, the ones who have memorized the Quran,

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there could be from amongst them young ones, they could be under the age of puberty, can they lead the prayer is they can, as long as they can only lead the prayer properly, they can lead the prayer properly, even if they are under the age of puberty, they can be an email and we find this in Sahih Bukhari where the prophet SAW Selim, and he allowed for a young man, a young boy, at the age of eight, I think it was he was leading the prayer.

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And so we learned from this that it's permissible for the one who is even at a young age to lead the prayer.

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So this hadith teaches us etiquettes and the manners related to the man who should who takes the priority, and one of them is the eldest. One of them is the oldest. So even if you have an older man, but you have a young boy, who was more

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well versed in court, and then the other, and he texts the priority.

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We're moving on to the next Howdy. Now. The next Hadeeth also gives us instructions or guidelines and teaches us who should be standing nearest to the mmm in terms of the rows, who, who should be standing in the front row, and who should be nearest to the man for the one leading the prayer.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in this hadith there is fairness I had Muslim.

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He said

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the message of sasaram would place his hands upon our shoulders. When we when we would form rows for a solid the prayer and say, stand in straight rows is still here is from the man the man says is still Istanbul. This comes from our Prophet sallallaahu Selim, it still means straighten up your lines.

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Okay, from the sun net when you're praying to close up the gaps to straighten up the lines.

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So the prophets are long while he was selling himself he used to walk through the rows of the Salat and straightening up the lines.

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So this is from the swindler. So he would say is still one after salifu fatalis, aku aku, aku buco, he says straight, stand straight in your rose and do not differ among yourselves or else your hearts will differ due to this accord. Let those be nearest to me, who are mature and endowed with understanding of the Dean of the religion, then those who are nearest to them in these respects than those who are nearest to them.

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In another Hadith hadith of Abdullah in Morocco, the loved one who Allah, the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, Let those be nearest to me in Sala in pray, who are mature and possess religious knowledge than those who are nearest to them in these respects. Lilia Nieman come to me when nuha from Malawi in a Luna home. And then he said

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and he repeated this and then he said, after this beware of indulging in the loose talks of the markets when you are in the massage in other words, so when you were in the masjid,

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don't only talk about the material world.

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So, beware of indulging in the loose talks of the markets. So again, we should learn the manners and etiquettes related to the houses of Eliza which said

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that there should be no quarreling or making noise or engaging in loose talk in or near the masjid, which could affect the prayer of the people.

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So in any case with this hadith is Hadith teaches us that in the masjid, those who should make an effort to draw need to the man and stand close to him, are the ones who are well versed with Islamic knowledge. Because if the man makes a mistake, they can correct him.

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They can correct his recital, or if he comes to pray an additional unit, it can save him so pantalon in the case of the males, if for example, a husband and wife are praying and the husband makes a mistake in his solar

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then the wife doesn't say Subhana Allah she just makes a clapping, a clapping noise to bring to the his attention that he has made a mistake in his Salah.

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She claps clapping noise

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in the masjid however, the men as I say, so Pamela,

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but always any sometimes what happens is the amendments making a mistake, and some person all the way in the 100 throat wants to correct that. Mm. And there's you know, this is why leave it leave it even though you hear the mistake, give some time, give some time for the person in the front row to correct him. And if he's not corrected, within that limit, that time that you allow him, then come and say you're so panela or are correct with the recitation of the mm.

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This next Hadees

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illustrates that the eldest takes priority in talking in a gathering. So who takes priority in any putting forth an argument or a comment the eldest

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in this hadith there is found in Buhari and Muslim

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Sal ebin. Abu Hussein,

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who have been Abby has met, I'd be hasma

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reported that Abdullah, even Sal, l. Mu, l mahaya. saw some tongue twisting names there and how you saw it didn't miss Robbie Allah who and whom Allah be pleased with him, went to high bar went to high bar during the period of the truce, after its conquest after the conquest of fiber.

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And so these two were separated, and they separated to perform their duties with their separate ways in this area to perform these duties.

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And when mahaya saw When mahaya saw return to Abdullah even said they were together, now he's returning to him. He found him murdered.

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He found him murdered, drenched in his blood.

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So he buried him and returned to and Medina returned to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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then after Ramadan.

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Then Abdul Rahman even sell

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what you saw

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and how you saw

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the two sons of Massoud went to the messenger of us asylum and spoke about the case of the murdered friend

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Abdur Rahman, who was the youngest of them all started to talk. You know, there's a story we're coming to tell the story of the messenger of assassination. And he's trying to talk to the youngest of them.

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The prophet SAW Selim said, Let those older than you speak first, let those older than you speak first,

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respecting the eldest.

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So he stopped talking, and the other two spoke about the about the case of the murdered friend. So this portion of the Hadith is basically teaching us an etiquette and manner

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that you know, if you were in a gathering, and now for the eldest to speak first, this is from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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But this principle is to be followed when all the persons present there are equal in virtue and intelligence.

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Otherwise, the one who is superior to others in these qualities will have prior right to speak to again, Islam does look at Okay, you might be younger, but you may have a very high status, whereby you are known for your knowledge and your wisdom and your Yani, your prudence and your insights and your, you know, your Hickman, all of those things.

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It's next Hadith, the hadith of jabiru, which is found in Sahara Buhari.

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He reported that after the Battle of offered the Battle of offered is the second battle of Islam.

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After the Battle of the prophet SAW, Selim arranged the burial of the two martyrs in one grave, so Tricia had to replace two martyrs who died on the battlefield. Two Muslims will be placed in the one grave

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and this will be due to the civil

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Of course, and, and in this case, the Sahaba would have been very tired and to dig up so many graves would take so much time and effort and strength.

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And in each case, the proper size cell and when it came to very to the Sahaba, that were, that were martyred in the Battle of word, he would ask, which one of them had learned more code and by heart again, the status of the one who has memorized the Quran, and hamdulillah today in the Muslim world, we have millions, millions of Muslims have memorized the Quran,

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which one of them had learned more and by heart, whichever was thus pointed out to him was placed by him first in the lab. what's allowed, you might be asking now in the grave is two ways of varying people in Islam. One way is by way of lead, and the other way is by I think the cold shock or body,

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body. So as the head is where you would dig the grave, and then you would dig up a portion to the left of the grave, a portion to the left, that portion that's inside the left, the deceased person, the corpse would be placed in the land in that area, and then they would seal it off with slabs of wood or rocks or what have you. So then when you're pouring the sand back down in the grave, it's just basically the body is already inside the head that area a niche as the word and niche.

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Okay, so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was burying to in the one grave in the one head, but the one who took the priority was the one who has memorized the most, or

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the one who has memorized more. And

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so similarly, the learned person, the pious men of understanding virtue should have preference over others. Now, of course, we're talking about varying two people or three people in a single grave. This is only during times of necessity.

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There's been something whereby this been mass murdering or a calamity with three people have died. And you know, to dig up a grave for every single one of them is going to be difficult. Islam is always about making things easy on the people. Very practical, very pragmatic faith, when hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen.

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And there's no room for any extremism in a stem. There's no such thing as extremism. The prophet SAW Selim II and he mentioned in the Hadith not to go to extremes,

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not to transgress the limits.

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And anybody who tries to go to extremes will be overcome and overpowered.

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So, the next Hadith another Hadith, illustrating how elders proceed. The young ones is the hadith of Abdullah ibn Ahmad radi Allahu anhu man that is founded Bukhari Muslim.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, it was shown to me in my dream,

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that I was cleaning my teeth with me sweat and miswak is a is a wooden is a wood a piece of like a branch or a root of a tree

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comes from the Iraq tree. And basically Muslims use it to brush their teeth with and it contains all the neuro nutrients and beyond that you would find in you know your toothpaste.

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So, in any case, he was, it was showing through the process of selling in a dream that he was cleaning his teeth with a mistake, and two men came to him, one being older than the other.

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He said I gave them the swag to the younger one.

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But I was asked to give it to the older which I did.

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So again, preferring the older over the younger.

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So we learned two things from this hadith. First of all, that one can use the miswak of another person with His permission, you want to use the other person's miswak you can use it.

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Secondly, the eldest person should have precedence over others in every matter, except in cases where a younger one excels them in some merit, like we said, if he has memorized more and more when more knowledgeable.

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Now this next Hadith that is found in Sinan Abbey there would

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is about respecting, respecting elders are part of respecting elders is part of revering Eliza widget. It's a sign of your reverence to Allah azza wa jal

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For Allah azza wa jal, it's the hadith of Abu Musab the Allah one. He reported the messenger of assassin and said, it is out of reverence to Allah in respecting an aged Muslim and the one who commits the poor and to memory, which is known as high middle poor and Hamilton is the one who can Mr. Khan enter his memory Hamilton court and the one who commits the poor aunty memory and does not exaggerate pronouncing its letters, no forgets it after memorizing and to respect the just ruler. So here an aged Muslim here means the one who lives a pious life to old age and the hamilcar N is the memorizer of the poor and

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so this hadith stresses that a pious old men

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have an N and adjust head of a Muslim government should be respected. They deserve our respect.

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Since their respect has been ordained by whom, by Allah azza wa jal.

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The respect has been ordained by Allah azza wa jal and respecting them is in fact, as I said, revering Allah silvija.

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It's a sign it's a it's a symbol of your taqwa and your faith. And your love of Allah is a widget.

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This next Hadith teaches us mercy to the young and honoring the elders. It's the hadith of iron. Eben Shriver brought the last one that we find in cinema Timothy and Abu Dawood.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said lay salmon,

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lay seven men Lamia, Durham, sahana wajarri Shara cabbie Ronna,

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that he is not one of us, who shows no mercy to younger ones, and does not acknowledge the honor due to our elders. And what does that mean he is not one of us. It doesn't mean that you have left the realm of Islam, if you are careful that you're infidel doesn't mean that les samina he doesn't mean that it means that you are not a committed follower. You're not following in the footsteps of albula prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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So you're not following the way of Prophet Mohammed Salah in which we have been commanded and

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ordered to follow.

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So again, this hadith shows us that we also need to show compassion, part of being a Muslim, is to show compassion and mercy to the young ones.

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And we see this in the in the way the prophet SAW Selim, he dealt with the children and the young ones.

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So and part of our faith is that we have respect towards our elders.

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This makes it very clear. And this next Hadees also teaches us to treat people according to their status.

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Treat people according to their status.

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a beggar

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for charity, and she gave him a piece of bread.

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Thereafter, one well dressed person asked her for charity, and she invited him to sit down and serve him food. When she was asked about the reason for the difference in treatment, she said, messenger of Allah Azza wa sallam instructed treat people according to their status

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and Zillow, NASA manna Zilla home. However, I must make a note here about this Heidi said it is life.

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This Hadith is a life it's a week actually in duration.

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Because there's no link between the narrator's between Russia and mamoon.

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In any case, if you take the meaning of it,

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the meaning of it is true that we should any give everybody their the status that they deserve.

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The next Hadith

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is about

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that it is improper. It is from the etiquettes we learn that if you were in the presence of learned scholars, if you were in the in the presence of a man of scholars, and let's say for example, you want to mention a hobby, someone says oh, you know, what's that Hadith about? You know, you're not true believers. And then somebody says that and then you go you, you It's none of you should truly believe none of you are true believers until you wish for your brother what you wish for yourself.

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Okay, you wouldn't as a young person, having scholars around you just do that. That's disrespect to the scholars.

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Allow the scholars who have that knowledge to speak first.

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Give them that that's

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space. So

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there's a hadith here of Abu Zeid, summarizing jundo Allahu anhu. He reported I was a boy during the lifetime of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and used to commit to my memory what he said, but I do not narrate what I preserved because they were among us people who were older than me. So he said I was a young boy, and I wanted to narrate, but I'd see around me, okay, those who are more well versed than myself.

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scholars of Hadith basically, have disliked this the harem, has disliked

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it that in the presence of an eminent and pious scholar of Hadith in a city and men inferior to him, the rates are Hadith.

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It is we also learn from this hadith is improper to talk about the swindler selling in the presence of someone who is older and knows better in this respect. We learned that it is permissible for younger for young children to attend the gathering of the aged and the learned. So if there are older men,

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or elders in a gathering, and there's a study circle or knowledge and knowledge of circle of knowledge, a certain knowledge circle, then the young ones can attend, the young ones can attend.

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And that honoring, we learn about honoring and respecting the elders Now this next Hadith is also the eighth activity, but basically, what Amendment No, it has included it. And basically, you can probably say what goes around comes around is the best heading for this hadith.

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And a seven Malik bigalow one who reported the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, if a young man honors an older person on account of his age, Allah appoints someone to show reverence to him, in his old age. He people with respect when you were young,

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Allah azza wa jal perhaps will. Yani, when you get older people respect you, what goes around comes around.

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Now the next chapter, the Mo, Mo, no, mo, Allahu taala. Included is about visiting the pious persons, loving them, and adoption of the company. So again, let's look at what Islam has to say about that. Now, the first Hadith that he mentions is the hadith of nscp Malik Allahu anhu. Its fans, Muslim.

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After the death of the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam aboubaker, the best friend of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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the one that the prophet SAW Selim was married to his daughter at Shangri La Mancha.

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And Abubakar said to Rama Amara de la mano the second polyphaga Muslims, let us visit omo omo a man or girl of mine now the question is who was a man who is Amen?

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Amen Adela Anna she belonged to

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to Ethiopia and was a slave girl of the prophets father.

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The prophet SAW Selim his father, Abdullah bin Abdul muttalib

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a man belong to Him.

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And after the death of Abdullah Mohammed or their loved one him Allah be pleased that she remained with the prophet SAW sent his mother What's her name? Her name is Amina.

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And she took great care of you and, and took great care in pretty much the upbringing of the Prophet sallallahu sallam. Subsequently, the prophet SAW Selim he set her free, he set her free thing she was married to who to say they've been hiding, or their loved one has. Now going on with the Hadees. So aboubaker says to me, let's go and visit Omar Iman

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as the Messenger of Allah Azza wa sallam, he used to visit her as we, as we came to her. As we came to her, she wept, she cried.

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And I am upset to her What makes you cry? She said,

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No, he said to her, what they said to what makes you cry, do you? Do you not know that what Allah has in store for his messenger is better than this worldly life? He thought maybe she's upset. Maybe she's upset because of the loss of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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So she said, I will not because I am ignorant of the fact that what is in store for the Messenger of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in the Hereafter is better in this world. But I wait. Why does she wait? She says, I weep because the revelation has ceased to come.

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There's no more way there's no more pot and coming down.

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is no more revelation. And this moved both our worker and it moved Amar. And they also began to cry with her.

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So this hadith holds justification for weeping. in Assam we are not too weak, and actually those who weep, and those who cry when they are in isolation by themselves, after remembering Allah, and out of fear of Allah and reverence for Allah, and something that really moves them,

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then that is something which entitles you to be under the shade of Allah on the Day of Judgment, when there'll be no shade, but that shade, when everybody The sun will be almost a mile away, and people will be sweating. And some people will be sweating up to their ankles and some up to their knees and some up to the waist. And some people will be drowning in this way from the amount of fee that will have on the Day of Judgment. So weeping is permissible in Islam. It is allowed. And it's part of your Eman and part of your taqwa.

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In some element, they said, If You Don't weep, then force yourself to weep.

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You know, so the next thing that we learn that it's desirable to visit such persons

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to whom one's friends go to pay respect to for example,

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your father passes away, your mother passes away. And they used to visit a certain person, then also visiting that person and visiting that person in shallow Thailand is something that

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is encouraged in Islam.

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Another thing we learned the love of the Companions for the Prophet size, and Lisa loved him so much.

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They used to love the profit loss of really to sacrifice their lives for his sake.

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They would visit his friends they would mimic his actions imitate him in every respect of his life.

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And that is that goes to show the true love of the prophesized. True love of the prophesized Selim is not me lip service. It's not about Yes, you can say that you love the prophet SAW Selim. Talk is cheap. And you've heard me say this before. You can talk the talk, can you walk the walk?

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It's about actions. Actions speak louder than words.

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And that's why Allah says in the Quran, all in kuntum to hip bone Allah phetchaburi Rooney, como la se if you truly love Allah, follow me. In other words, follow promises lm you, Pip Kuma, Allah and Allah will love you. You want the love of Allah follow in his footsteps, follow in the footsteps of the greatest men who have ever set foot on the face of this earth prophet muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he is a prophet of Allah. He is one of the many prophets but he's the seal of the prophets, and he is one of the oral asmedia Rousseau is one of the best of the best prophets that were sent to mankind.

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So true love of the prophet SAW Selim is when we follow in his way.

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And remember this, that every action that we do, must have sincerity must have plus, we do things for the sake of Allah for the sake of God Almighty.

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So, Allah azza wa jal does not accept any words, any of your words, without what without actions, and Allah does not accept your words and your actions without

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sincerity. And Eliza does not accept your words and your actions and your sincerity unless it conforms with the way with the tradition with the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam

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and the evidence is in the Quran in this one the other prophets Allah Halim Singh.

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Moving on to the next how do we learn in this next Howdy, howdy from Abu huraira Allahu Allah which is Spanish to have Muslim, that Allah loves those who loves others for his sake.

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So part of loving others for the sake of Allah will earn you the love of Allah azza wa jal.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, and then set out to visit a brother in faith in another town and a lot sent an angel on his way he set off just to visit his Muslim brother for the sake of Allah. You know, the time I spent to visit this person, purely and utterly for the sake of Allah. I don't want anything from you know, going for a business transaction. I'm not going to learn anything from him. I'm just going to go in

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Payment visits that are not related to him nothing.

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Allah sends an angel to this man. Remember angels can come in the form of human beings.

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So when the man met the angel, the angel asked him, where do you intend to go?

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He said, I tend to visit my brother in this town, the angel said, Have you done any favor for him? Is that where you're going? Because you've done him a favor.

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The angel, any favor to him? He says, No, I have no desire except to visit him because I love him for the sake of Allah, the Exalted in the glory and glories. And the angel said, I am a messenger to you from Allah, to inform you that Allah loves you as you love him for his sake.

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Imagine you gain the love of Allah purely by doing things for the sake of Allah. This is what's beautiful about Islam. I don't think you'll find this in any other system or faith.

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How Muslims, when they come across each other, and they know that some verses Muslim, they will say a Salam or Aleikum,

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and they will greet you.

00:36:16 --> 00:36:30

I will supply the line a couple of weeks ago, I was in some marketplace. And just walking around doing my shopping, minding my own business, and I just happen to see, you know, amongst mostly predominantly non Muslims,

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to Muslims, you know, come straight up me, a Salaam Alaikum. Brother. Tell him how I handle it. Where are you from? We're from Egypt. Where are you from? I'm from such and such, you know? And then

00:36:46 --> 00:36:51

and then go, we just wanted to say a Solomonic country we saw you as a Muslim, a new our brother, Allahu Akbar.

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And so this is what Islam teaches us. That's an effort to sell in the vein of spread Salaam, between yourself. Those, you know, in those who don't know, all my I find it very sad today. In the Western world, Muslims coming across each other in the shopping centers in the marketplace, at the supermarkets, and they don't even exchange celebs.

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He said all the time you come to the counter, for example, at your local supermarket, and maybe the lady who's wearing the hijab or the brother, he's got a you know, he's working for Canada. He probably can't tell his Muslim but he's got a you know, it's got his name tag, his name is Ahmed.

00:37:36 --> 00:37:43

And you say, you know, he says, you know, hello, how are you? Yeah, how you going? You know, you know, instead of hummus Imani calm,

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how are you? How is your day? That's what Islam teaches us.

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So, let us start to really implement the sooner when we see a Muslim say As salam aleikum, hey JB says another hijabi that just walked past each other as if you don't know each other. Say Salaam Alaikum sister from another mister. Oh, you know, whatever you want to say.

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So spread the salon.

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His name is all about brotherhood and sisterhood and bonding.

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And we find the panelists understand the the bond of brotherhood in Islam is much stronger than the bonds of blood relationship.

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That's how strong it is.

00:38:33 --> 00:38:58

So, if you love somebody for the sake of Allah, the prophet SAW Selim said to inform them there was a man he said to the prophet SAW Selim, I love such and such. He said to him, Did you inform him he said, negresco when inform him, Go and tell him so the sooner is to say, in knee or hip buka filler, only left in New Hampshire casilla. I love you for the sake of Allah.

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See, what does that create, it creates, it creates that bonding and it creates harmony within a community. In the villa if somebody says to you,

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in the book of Allah, the prophet SAW Selim told us the response isn't to the beautiful response. You say to him,

00:39:21 --> 00:39:40

or her a hug the kalevi Bethenny La Habra, kalevi bapta nila May the one you love me for his sake love you to do a supplication. May the one you love me for his sake, love you.

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I have the kalevi Neela

00:39:45 --> 00:39:47

This is what the prophet SAW Selim teaches us.

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We also learn about in this chapter the merits of visiting the seat for the sake of Allah. Go to a hospital. Ask about the Muslim so look at the names

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Visiting for the sake of Allah azza wa jal or visit a sick relative, or a sick friend.

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This is from the teachings of Islam. Islam has left no stone unturned. Islam is a comprehensive faith. It is a way of life. It is not something that we do just on a casual basis. And it's not just limited to the mosque to the masjid. It's not limited to Mecca to Medina to Palestine. It's not limited to the Arab world. Islam is a way of life.

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A comprehensive way of life. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said whoever visits an ailing person, a sick person or a brother of his to seek the pleasure of Allah and announced that an angel calls out an angel cause out be antipater what are the manchaca Baba What? temin agenda tieman Zilla

00:41:00 --> 00:41:31

May you be happy? And may you be walking? May your walking be blessing and may you be awarded a dignified position in general. All of this because you went and visited someone for the sake of La ilaha illa Allah for the sake of Allah azza wa jal an angel comes out close out clip at the top mm shakalaka but what terminal generosity mansilla May you be happy? You mentioned that the two I have an angel a Melek i do i have for you, for me.

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The next Hadith

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another very beautiful Hadith, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to give analogies,

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comparisons, similes.

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So he gives here the similar cheat of a good of having good company and having bad company.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said in Mr. Masaru Al jellis, a solid, which Elisa suka harmony Liske whenever you kill kill, he said the similar shoot of a good company and that of a bad company is that of the owner of musk and the one blowing the bellows In other words, a perfume seller and a blacksmith.

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The owner of

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the perfume cellar, the owner of the mask would either offer us some free of charge some of his perfume free of charge, he takes some of this, or you would buy it from him or you smell its pleasant fragrance. And as for the one who blows the billows In other words, the blacksmith, he either burns your clothes, or you smell a repugnant smell.

00:42:49 --> 00:43:13

So when you spend time with good people, pious people, righteous people, when you have good people around you, this they're going to rub up that you know you're going to rub off them they're gonna rub onto you. They're going to have the good traits rubbing onto you. Whether it's their manners, whether it's a word of wisdom, whether it's a verse from the Quran, whether it's a Hadith of the Prophet SAW Selim,

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you see if you spend time in a perfume shop, for sure if you're going into a perfume shop 99.9% of the time you're going to walk out smelling nice even I've tried some some perfume or maybe just the fragrance in the air has rubbed onto you just the air.

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So be being in a good environment is very important. Whether It's Your suburb, whether it's your friends, whether it's the school, very, very important.

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Your choice of spouse.

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And that's why in the next hardy amendment knowing he said, he said that he mentioned the Hadith about the pastor Selim said a woman is married for four things for her wealth for her lineage for her beauty for her piety, he select, he said, select the pious May you be blessed. Choosing white people in your life, people who are going to be your rock, people who are going to inspire you, motivate you help you to get to gender.

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You want to be that person for somebody else and you want to choose that person for your life as well.

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So, it's very important that we have the right company. Otherwise, if you're going to be spending time with people who don't feel Eliza gel and who are committing Haram, then there's a good chance that they're gonna rub on to you.

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The next Hadees

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we learned about the prophet SAW Selim desire to meet gibreel and to be in the company of jabril, the angel Gabriel, who used to visit him in the form of a man

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had been our best like Allah, one woman reported. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said as you breathe

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What prevents you from visiting us more frequently?

00:45:04 --> 00:45:07

And thereupon was revealed the area.

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One Latina Zulu, in the amblyopic

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lahu Medina ad in our mouth has been adeleke and we the angels in other words the sin not except by the command of your Rob of your Lord, and To Him belongs what is what is before us what is behind us and what is between those two?

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he used to like to keep good company with gibreel alayhis salaam with Gabriel.

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And that we learn also the angels only sent with the permission of Allah azza wa jal, they can't descend on their own.

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They can't descend without the permission of Allah azza wa jal. They have no say of their own in any matter.

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The next part is basically highlights who should be

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our companions. And the Hadith is found in a Timothy and Abu Dawood. The prophet SAW Selim, he said,

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LA to Sahib Mina, LA to Sahib a la mina, Willa yakun. Mecca in LA.

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He said, keep only a believer for a companion and let only a pious eat your food. Your best friend should be a believer, because again, he's going to remind you about ma is going to be no awkward moments, you can remind each other

00:46:37 --> 00:46:58

he said, again, keep only a believer for a companion, and let those who are pious eat your food. Not only believe it should be eating from your food in your presence in in your home and on your dining table, but a pious person is not going to go out and spread your secrets that he sees in your home or on your dining table, or your shortcomings or whatever it is.

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Your faults.

00:47:03 --> 00:47:34

This next Hadith warns against anywho to be friends. It's the hadith of Abu whatever the Allahu Allahu wa which is also found in splendid Timothy and Abu Dawood. The prophet SAW Selim said Raja Lu Allah Dini, Holly phillium, surah hadoo komainu hollyn he said, Man follows his friends, religion, you should be careful who you take as your friends. And you know, there's an Arabic proverb that says, tell me who your friends are. And I will tell you who you are.

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mentioned me to who your friends are.

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And I'll tell you what type of a person you are. If your friends, people, young people who are spending, you know their time for the sake of Allah azza wa jal, and that gives me an idea of who you really are. If your friends are people who are always out doing the wrong thing, known for the evil and misguidance, then that tells me a little bit about who you are.

00:48:03 --> 00:48:13

And that's what the professor Selim is saying here. Man follows his friends religion, he's where he is, in other words, his friends ways, you should be careful who you take as friends.

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And we also learned from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu wasallam that a person will be in the company of those that he loves.

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In this hadith howdy from Abu Musab Allahu anhu restaurant in Bukhari Muslim the process lm said,

00:48:30 --> 00:48:39

Allah Muhammad I have an aroma Iman I have a said a person will be summoned with the one whom he loves.

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So again, remember this inshallah hoots either. This next Heidi?

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We have a response from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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When a man asks, When is it a judgement?

00:48:58 --> 00:49:13

Listen to the response process. Alan Kay and Sybil Malik are the loved one who he reported in the Hadith is found on Bukhari and Muslim. A bedwin came to the Messenger of Allah wa sallam said to him metacell

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he said to him at a sale, meaning when is the hour when is the day of judgment?

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Tell her whenever you prepared for it.

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Carla took Bella he was fully. He said, I have prepared my love for it. I love a lot and I love his messenger.

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The prophet SAW Selim then said and my man that you will be with those that you love.

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Tell me who your friends are. And I'll tell you who you are.

00:49:52 --> 00:49:59

So, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when this man is asking matassa He didn't tell him Oh, you know, we don't know.

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It is but what is more important, it's more important to know when the hour is it's going to happen inevitably.

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And everybody dies a different age.

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So what is important not when the hour is what is important, what have you and I prepared for the hour? What did you prepare for the day of judgment? What did you prepare to take with you to the grave, because you have taken your wealth with you, not taking your family with you, as well as tied behind it was that a fight over it?

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But you take your actions you're a man.

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And so the prophets are selling me when he was informed that he loves Allah, his messenger said you will be with those that you love.

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You will be with those that you love.

00:50:44 --> 00:51:06

This next Hadith, you will be we learn that you will be with those you associate with even if they are much more superior to you. He might be a very simple 10 very humble, then they have too much knowledge. You're a good person, and you might be always associating with the best of the best scholars and

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you will be within the proper size send them in even Missouri law which is found in Bukhari, and Muslim.

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We learned that a man came to the messenger of us as Solomon said, a messenger of Allah, what do you think of a man who loves some people, but does not go any but does not go any nearer to their position? He the prophet SAW Selim said, a man will be with those whom he loves, and murukku ma among

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you will be with those whom you love.

00:51:41 --> 00:51:47

This next Hadith, the prophet SAW Selim, he said, Abu huraira fantasize Muslim

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people are like gold, and silver.

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Those who are best injera helia, which is a pretty spammy crude of ignorance, at best in Islam, if they have religious understanding.

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And the souls are like recruited soldiers, they get mixed up with those similar with them in qualities and oppose and drift away from those who do not share their qualities.

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So, from this Hadith, we learn as you know, metals, they differ from each other, their silver is called there's a world of difference in the value.

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Some of them are precious,

00:52:27 --> 00:52:45

and others are worthless. Some people are precious, some people are to be honored. Some people have a very high status in the community in the eyes and in the sight of Allah azza wa jal and some people are worthless people because of the evil in the corruption in the misguidance in in disbelief.

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So when it comes to people, people are like gold and silver and different types of metals that have different worth different value.

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And so, here in this Hadith, the prophet SAW Selim, he says that souls are like recruited soldiers. This signifies the natural difference of nature and temperament in people. People differ

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in their temperament in the way they approach and the way they handle things.

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Those who are noble will be introduced to the pious ones, and those who are fascinated by evil will be introduced to the mischievous ones.

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And as the proverb goes, you've heard this before, birds of a feather flock together, birds of a feather, flock together, pigeons go with pigeons, and hawks go with hooks.

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When you see birds and all together, or different types of birds and fly together, they they fly in their own their own species, their own type, they go together and likewise when it comes to pious people will spend time with pious people, evil people spend time with evil people.

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Tell me who your friends are. And I will tell you who you are.

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you will be with those that you love. Remember this inshallah, who to Allah, and the last Hadith, that the last lesson that I want to share with you, which talks about visiting, it talks about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his visits to Quebec. Oh, that

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was the village about

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two miles away or three kilometers roughly away from Medina.

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As we're processing the first little mini came from Mecca, is it migration and he built the first Masjid the first must ever built was in Tibet.

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Later it became any part of Medina for that. And of course, I said like he said, Whoever visits over, you have a performance will go in their home or their hotel and comes to this message with will

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And price to record it's as if he has performed ombre.

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he used to visit Oba either mounted or on foot and would offer to pray in the masjid.

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And, in another narration, the processor needs to visit the mission of Quebec every Saturday. In other words every week, either mounted or on foot.

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And if an armada used to do the same thing is to follow in his footsteps. So the process of every Saturday would be going either on by foot or on horseback or Camelback, wherever the wherever it was to visit COVID.

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So, we again learn about the passion of the Sahaba in following in the footsteps of Prophet Mohammed Salim Mohammed visited Salim visited for that event, Omar will find him visiting Cuba as well. This is the last Hadith that was mentioned by Mr. manoli In this chapter. And Allah subhanho wa Taala knows best what sort of love was selama What about a Canon abena Mohammed?

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Is that kumala heylen barakallahu pecan, and inshallah huzzah will entertain your questions.

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Remembering just a reminder that we're here every minute, we're here every week.

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