Assim Al-Hakeem – The Role Model Prophet (PBUH) #2 – Things that he hated

Assim Al-Hakeem
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the pros and cons of hate towards people, including comments on the Prophet's comments on the people who talk too much and causing harm. They also criticize the use of negative language in apologizing and bad behavior. The speakers stress the importance of not standing up to the Prophet's dad to avoid negative emotions and disrespect, and emphasize the importance of not being surprised at night and not to the streets.
AI: Transcript ©
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And today, we'll talk about the things he hated. And this is not strange because as human beings, we tend to love and hate. We tend to be pleased and angry. And the Prophet Ali's thoughts slump is indeed a perfect human being. But when we look at the things he hated, it was not for personal reasons. It was not for his own ego sallallahu alayhi wasallam as we know that he was the most humble person on earth, rather, the things he hated,

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were attributed to being sins and things that offended Allah azza wa jal, and that is why he had this hate to them. So let us look through some of the things that the prophets Allah Salam hated and learn from these things. For example, the Prophet alayhi salatu salam hated a segment of people.

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What are their characteristics, he said, among the dearest of you, to me, and those who will be seated closest to me on the Day of Resurrection are the best of you, and attitude, and the most hateful of you to me, and those who will be seated furthest away from me on the Day of Resurrection are those who, number one, talk too much. Number two, those who talk down to people in an effective manner. And number three, those who are long winded and pompous.

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So I thought of

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those who talk a lot. The Prophet alayhi salatu salam hated them. Why he himself,

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people could count the words that come out of his mouth.

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But they were filled with wisdom and Eman and would only get you closer to Allah azza wa jal.

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And hence, he did not like those who talked a lot because those who talk a lot, usually talk in vain.

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And there is nothing beneficial from what they say. Allah says in the Quran.

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No good. Is there in much of their private conversation except for those who enjoin charity, or that which is right, or conciliation between the people? Most of our conversations are based on what on worthy matters on things that have no benefit. And every time you ask people, What are you doing, they're saying to you, we're killing time.

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A crime that time did not commit, yet it's being punished for Why do you kill time, they just waste their times in Idol talk. The Prophet alayhi salatu salam did not like wasting time in speaking like this, without any benefit. And Allah stated in this idea, that if you enjoy in charity, this is something Allah loves. If you speak about that, things that are right. So anything that is beneficial, whether in this life or in the Hereafter or that can get you closer to Allah. This is something that Allah loves. And thirdly, when you reconcile between fighting factions between two who have feud among themselves, then this is something that Allah azza wa jal loves.

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Also, the Prophet said, Allahi salatu salam that he does not like those who talk down to people in an effective manner. Elmo, Tasha Deikun, who despise people who make fun of people. And thirdly, l Moutere. Fi Hakan. And those are a segment that usually when they speak, they fill up their

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mouths with big words and expressions, and even the way they talk. They don't talk normally. Rather they speak in an exaggerated way in in a way that you would abhor. You don't think that this is natural, it's all made up. And such people usually do this

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to draw attention, that we have knowledge that we speak, especially when people speak in Arabic language, and they speak in a certain fashion, that is not natural. This is not how they usually speak to one another. But because they're giving a speech, they tend to inflate themselves. And this is different from

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perfecting your words and what you say, in order to have a good impact on the listener. That is totally different. There is nothing wrong in that what's wrong is to show off and to try to flex your muscles through your oration and your speech where people would not feel comfortable when you do that.

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Among the people whom the Prophet I just said, I'm hated most are liars. And we know that lying is a major sin. Medina, Aisha said, No characteristics was more abhorred to the Prophet alayhi salatu salam than lying.

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And if the prophet or Islam detected that a person is lying, he would still have something in him against that person, until he figures out that he had repented to Allah and felt remorse over the sin that he had committed.

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Lying is a major sin. And unfortunately,

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most people lie nowadays, as a daily routine, to make their business successful. So they think, to evade the problem and run away from trouble and to apologize, or to avoid apologizing to people so they lie and lie and lie. And this is totally prohibited. And the Prophet Allah says, I'm used to hate this sallallahu alayhi wasallam.

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Among the things that a liar usually is bad character, bad attitude. And this is something that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam told us that he abhors, and those who are furthest from him on the day of judgment, are those with the bad attitude.

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What is meant by bad attitude?

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Bad moral conduct bad ethics, someone who cheats, lies betrays someone who's stingy a coward. Someone who does not enjoin virtue and righteousness, and rather is afraid of speaking out someone who's not helping others. All of these are bad characteristics and a person arrogance, pride, thinking that you're better than others. This is what the prophet hated it he are Salatu was Salam.

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Among the things that the Prophet hated sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is argument.

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And it was reported in a number of Hadith. When people talked back to him in an argumentative way, he would be upset, and that would be seen on his face, as in the case when he visited his daughter and his son in law, and recommended them to pray night prayer instead of sleeping. And Ali, may Allah be pleased with them, the cousin of the Prophet Arianism said, well,

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our souls are in the hands of Allah. Whenever Allah Allah azza wa jal sets us to wake up we will pray. And this is not an appropriate answer.

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One should have said insha, Allah, we will do that. And the Prophet left and said that man was mostly argumentative. That's amazing. Instead of being a cooperative and saying, just like Allah, hey, we will do that. Likewise, the prophets face would change.

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When he sees sinful things, when a sin is committed,

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as in the case when he saw one of his friends wearing a ring made of gold,

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you can see that he hated this on his face. He went there and took it off

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and said, Why would anyone put a stone of fire in his hand and tossed it away?

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This is something that we also have to have in us. Nowadays, we see vice and evil things happening all around us in our own homes. In this

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streets in the malls. We see haram being committed the mixing of men and women, the music, the entertainment. All of this is something that Allah azza wa jal hates, and the prophets are Salem hates, and it's a sign of hypocrisy, not to hate it. When you feel that Whoa, this is cool. This is fun.

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I am, I'm enjoying myself. And you don't see any signs of hatred on your face to such sinful acts. In this case, this is a huge sign of hypocrisy. May Allah azza wa jal make us among those who

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enforce and enjoin virtue and righteousness among the Muslims.

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The Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, as we mentioned yesterday, used to love perfumes, and he used to hate anything that had a bad smell.

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So the Prophet sallahu wa sallam would not consume anything that had onions, raw onions or garlic.

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And he would say that I do not like the odor.

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And another narration he said, because I speak with the Ark Angel Jibreel peace be upon him. So I don't want anything offensive coming out from me. But this does not mean it's haram for us, we eat it and enjoy it. However, we know that we should not approach the masjid when we have consumed it, because then the angels in the masjid would be offended, as well as the worshipers from such an odor.

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The Prophet SAW Selim used to hate drinking hot boiling liquids, soups,

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or any other type of drinks. And he SallAllahu Sallam as according to the AMA, may Allah be pleased with him. He used to hate drinking such hot fluids. Nowadays, people enjoy drinking hot fluids. I'm not talking about warm fluids, no, I mean hot fluids, and this could burn you this could hurt you. This could be very bad for you. The Sunnah is to keep it until it is drinkable and not

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hurtful or harmful.

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The Prophet alayhi salatu salam also used to hate

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things that harm people,

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such as reptiles, specifically, the scorpions.

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So the prophets, Allah salams, cursed, cursed the scorpion.

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And this is an a, an insect, maybe that cannot be tamed.

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And the Prophet said Allah so Salam, May Allah curse the scorpion, it doesn't leave anyone. Whether he's praying for Allah, or not praying, you must kill it, wherever you find it. Whether in normal areas, or in sand Crusher sanctuaries in the Haram areas, you have to kill it. So this is one of the

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living creatures that were ordered to kill whether inhale or haram either in an open area, halal area or in the sanctuaries around the Haram area.

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Among the things that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam hated was for people to stand up to him.

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And this might sound a bit weird for us. Because in many cultures, if you enter a room and no one's and everybody stands except one or two, you would feel bad feelings and negative feelings towards them.

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Thinking that they are disrespecting you on the contrary,

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the Sunnah is that you do not stand up except in certain

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times. The Prophet alayhi salatu salam, as Ana says,

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was the most beloved person to the whole of the companions, may Allah be peace with them. However, whenever they see the Prophet alayhi salam, they would not stand up, because they know that he hated this. He does not endorse or like people to stand up for him. Imagine if a chef comes into a room and everybody else is sitting in nobody stands up. How would the Sheffield who cares? The Sunnah is that you don't stand up. So what's the rolling on standing?

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have two people. Scholars say that standing up all the time behind a tyrant, or an official is prohibited. And this is how tyrants live and exist. They want people to stand behind them, and never sit, never feel comfortable. And if anyone is not standing behind them, they they feel humiliated and agitated,

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and disrespected. And this is not true. This is a sign of arrogance and hypocrisy again, you should allow an order of people to sit down and not to stand like this. Secondly, when people come from a journey, this is permissible for you all to stand to greet.

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And this there is nothing wrong in that or to help someone if he's in need of help like Saddam anymore, either. When he came to the Prophet or something, he was injured, the Prophet said, Oh, Melissa, you can go and stand up and assist your master.

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Thirdly, is when you stand up, whenever you see someone coming in. And this is a an issue of dispute, it seems that it is totally prohibited when the person coming in, wants people to stand up for him. Because this is a sign of arrogance. And the prophets hustle or a sloth Sam never allowed people to do this. So you're not better than the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So why should we stand to you? Unfortunately, in some countries in Africa, not only they want people to stand to them, even the elders want people to bow to them or squat to them. And if you don't do this, they consider this a sign of disrespect to panela. What religion do these people follow? There's, you

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know, no, no, this is cultural. You have to bow. You have to squat. No, no, this is not part of Islam.

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Even if it's your culture, Islam comes first. If you're a true Muslim, if you're not, and you prefer your culture over Islam, then on the day of judgment, you know, Will, where you will be in sha Allah. As a Muslim, I have to

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tailor make my life according to Islam, not the other way around. Islam is to be followed and not to follow. So we follow what Islam says, squatting and bowing down to the elders. If it's a cultural thing, keep it in your culture, but don't do it.

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It's an Islam. It's not permissible. This is a form of glorification for other than Allah azza wa jal.

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Also, the Prophet alayhi salatu salam did not like people walking behind him as a form of respect or as a form of protection. This is something that he would not endorse, rather he would order his companions to be, to his right and to his left walking side by side, among the beautiful etiquettes in Islam,

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is that when a person is traveling out of the out of town, and he's coming back to his wife, if he's coming back at nighttime, he must not come unannounced. So lots of us come and say, Okay, I'm going to make it a surprise. My wife is expecting me next week. I'm going to come tonight and surprise her. There is a prohibition The Prophet said, I said, do not do this. If you come at nighttime, don't surprise your wife. Why? Because she was not expecting you. And the norm is that if she were to know she would have taken care of herself, she would have removed unwanted hair from her body, she would have calmed her hair, wore her best attire, put her moisturizers, etc. or body lotions, so

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that she would be in a presentable way for you. But when you come as a surprise, and when she's not ready, you may see something or smell something or touch something that would make you hate her. So this beautiful etiquette shows that such surprises are nightmares. And not a surprise. You have to announce that I'm coming at this time at night

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so that she can prepare herself. You also prepare yourself by having a shower and taking care of your hygiene, etc.

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Among the things that the prophets or Islam disliked,

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were to sleep between Micronesia and to speak after Asia. So sleep

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thing before Asia means that you may miss a short prayer. Your sleep may be prolonged, so that you miss Asia prayer and you wake up midnight, and then fail to sleep the rest of the night. This is not normal. And speaking after Asia after we've prayed Asha to just sit and engage in idle talk.

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Again, this is a waste of time, which is to be utilized because night prayer is to rest and to spend in praying and worshiping Allah and seeking His forgiveness. However, this is not

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totally haram. If there is a legitimate reasons such as studying, researching something or Islam or hosting a guest who came to visit this is permissible in sha Allah.

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Among the things that the Prophet hated la salatu salam are things that most of us enjoy, and that is

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stand up comedy.

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Imitating people impersonating people, the Prophet said, alayhi salatu salam. When Madeira Isha

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mimicked someone impersonated someone, he said, I don't like that I have SO and SO of worldly wealth, and I would impersonate a person No, I would never do this. And he also commented on a word that I issued me a little bit peace with their said about Mother Sofia that she's short, she's this.

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So the Prophet said that this was, um, you've uttered the word so bad, that if it were to be mixed with the water of the oceans, it would have mixed it.

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This is a sinful act that you had done, because this is backbiting. And it was only said, so that it would reduce the status of that person in my heart. That's why you're impersonating him or making fun of him or backbiting him.

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Also, the prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam.

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While sitting with the others and eating, would hate it. When people take the food from the middle of the plate.

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And he would say, the baraka, the blessing of Allah descends on the middle of the food. So when you eat, do not eat from the middle of the pile, rather eat from the edges, so that everyone would attain this Baraka.

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Among the things that the Prophet also hated during his salatu salam cauterization,

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which is getting a piece of iron and heating it up until it's read, and then go to specific areas of the body and cauterize it. This is not recommended, though, it is one of the means of healing, the Prophet said Dallas of Salem, healing or cure of illnesses

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is in three, one, a drink of, of honey, to a slash of a cuppa, the man, the man who does cupping, to extract the rotten and spoiled or bad blood from the back of the neck or the shoulders. Thirdly, collateralization.

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So, this is not to limit means of healing rather to state,

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the foundations of healing the principles of healing in these things. And the Prophet alayhi salatu salam did cauterize himself, some of his companions when it's needed. So what's not liked is when people do it without any need. The Arabs used to do this.

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As a precaution, though, they're not sick. But they used to do this so that they would prevent any illness from coming in. And this is not recommended and this is what was hated by the prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. And finally, the prophet Salah Salem, hated to delay and postpone good deeds.

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One day he was praying, leading the prayer in answer prayer. And

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all of a sudden, after he finished the prayer, he immediately stood up and went to one of his homes. And the companions were frightened by the speed of the Prophet lust. After concluding the prayer, not saying that God immediately standing up, there must have been something wrong. So when he came back, they told him a prophet of Allah, we were frightened by the

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speed that you stood up without that there's something wrong happening, what was it? The Prophet said I remembered some raw gold that was given to me before salad

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for sadaqa for charity, and I did not like the idea, the notion that it was in my possession this long, so immediately after so I just went and ordered it to be given in means of charity and this shows you that one must not delay good deeds. When are you going to take camera? Oh, mashallah, next month, maybe the month before? Why not now?

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When are you going to memorize the Quran? Maybe after Hajj. When are you going to wear the hijab or sister? She said Inshallah, when I reach 40 This is not what the prophet ICSM used to do. He used to hasten to doing good things and never delay or postpone them.

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