Assim Al-Hakeem – Lessons In Fiqh 04

Assim Al-Hakeem
AI: Summary © The concept of 24 hours is discussed, with some confusion and misunderstandings. Wiping over individuals is not allowed after 24 hours, and anyone who has not wiped their feet will be considered "weholder." Pranks and praying with shoes and sandals are emphasized, and signs and body language are discussed as ways to avoid accidents. The segment also touches on issues of concern and the importance of praying with shoes and wiping over socks to avoid accidents. The segment ends with a mention of a future program and a discussion of family law.
AI: Transcript ©
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Lakshmana Rahim hamdulillah helping out I mean, someone la who was Allah wa barakaatuh Muhammad Allah Allah mean Mohammed in wa sahbihi Ahjumma in

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salaam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh we're still studying the book of Bloomerang in lessons

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life last time we stopped at Hadith 66 I think and today's Hadith is number 67 So who's the brother it's gonna read brother Sam. So Mohammed home narrated by Ali have never told him or the law on the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had appointed three days and nights as a period when a travel may do it. And one day and one night as a period, for one who is not traveling,

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that is the wiping over issues. Okay. So again, we come back to the subject,

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three days and three nights for those who are traveling, and those who are residing, like us, in a city where you live, you may wipe on your shoes or your socks for one day. And one night. This means 24 hours. But don't get the idea that after 24 hours, your window is void. And this is a misconception A lot of us have.

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What the Prophet permits us to do some of our solution is to wipe over the shoes from this period to that which is 24 hours. Now, let me give you a scenario where this 24 hours is extended.

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Let's imagine that you wake up in the morning, you perform Moodle,

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you go and pray fudger

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and you're still preserving your Moodle. You didn't pass any when you didn't urinate, you put on your shoes or your socks. You go to work. You prayed for her. You did not nullify your widow. You pray answer. You pray Maghrib. And you pray. Aisha your septic tank is very big. But it's a hypothetical it's happens some of us don't go to the to the toilet, any except once every 18 hours. It happens. And once it happens

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remember that I wore my shoes fudger prayer. I prayed five times. Now it's evening time is night. I go to bed with my shoes on. I wake up in the morning.

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Now this is the second day. By sleeping I have notified my Waldo. So I go to the toilet. And I perform Moodle. And I wipe on my socks. So the clock starts now.

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So I pray the second day five prayers. Whether I notify my window or not whether or not I began in the budget of the second day.

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And I continue I go to bed and the second night. I wake up just before fetcher. I perform Moodle and I wipe on my socks. So by now by fudger I finished 24 hours. But my woodlore is still there. So I pray the third day fudger the harasser Margaret and Asia

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with the same will go off ledger. So in this sense, though I'm residing. What was the period that I have prayed while putting on my shoes. It was three full days and nights. Yet, the period of wiping was only the second day. Because the first day I didn't notify my widow. The third day. I didn't Well, I didn't notify my

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We'll do so the 24 hours was in the middle. So this is for the residing person.

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Did I make myself clear? anybody has a question?

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Should I ask questions? I don't think so. What do you think is it understood, you have only 24 hours of wiping. But that does not mean that you may not wear your socks without wiping before that whole day. And that does not mean you may still keep on your socks. After the 24 hours are over, you still have the option of doing this and hamdulillah and then

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this misconception must be removed from our minds that after the 24 hours are over, Carlos Do you have to take off your shoes and wash your feet. This is not the case. As long as you have your Woodlawn. Even if you've wiped, your water is still on, you did not pass when you did you did not urinate you did not sleep, then there is no reason for you to perform mobile. Again, Fadi,

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say for example, someone has,

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like he, he has the 24 hours period time to wipe on the front of his feet. Okay. And the next day, we were supposed to take off his socks. He didn't like the next fresh or the next after they've gone beyond that period. He wiped again, on the fence or on his feet. And he went and prayed. Like what is what is

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the state he is in for the for the will do and he's prayer at this time. If 24 hours pass from the first time he wiped his feet. After that he may not wipe

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on the on the socks again. He's not allowed to if he if he does, his logo would not be accepted, it would be void because it's obligatory once the 24 hours are over, and he notified his goodwill. It's obligatory for him to take off the socks and wash his feet and then he may wear the socks again and another day and night

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are innumerable

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automatically. But if the 24 hours 24 hours are over, he still preserves his window he may pray. But if he notifies his window, after 24 hours from the very beginning of the first wiping, then he should immediately take off his socks or shoes and wash his feet again. Now

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I may ask a question. Maybe Mostafa would like to answer this question, give it some thought. Now. Assume that you have

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performed Waldo for pleasure prayer, and you wore your socks. Lord prayer, you nullified your model. So you're performing an evolution, and then you wiped on your socks. And you went to the mosque is still not last time. You wiped on your socks. And just before the farmer the call for prayer, you felt hot and you took off your socks?

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Should you go out and perform moto again? Or much can you pray and continue to pray?

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What do you think?

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If you wiped over it? Yes. And you took it off, then you must go and make evolution again. Okay, this is a misconception that a lot of us have. See, once you take off your socks, you did not commit something that notifies your goodwill. Now you may not wipe on the socks again, if you put them on again, this is a different story. But it's like exactly if you perform well do you wipe over your head, your hair

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if you have here and then you go to the barber and you shave your head clean.

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So must I perform Voodoo again.

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Putting your example in mind said yes. The hair that I wiped off is that is no longer there. So I think I should

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wipe again on my head. That should be no the things that nullify your whoodle are a number of things and removing issues are one of them and is not one of them and also shaving your head is not one of them. So if I've wiped on my socks and I took them off, I may still pray in my current situation as I did not notify my model.

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Okay, the following Hadith

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narrated theraband

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May Allah be pleased with him. Allah messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sent an expedition. He commanded them to wipe over the headbands. That is the turbans, and the boots. That is the shoes.

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Of course. Now when you hear the word headbands, this is a translation and lots of the translations. Yeah, I mean, maybe they're not well translated. So one says headbands, whoa, headbands, like Rambo or something. It didn't you were not used to wearing these things like, and lots of the things that the brothers in Muslim worlds where God did so weird, you know, people now Muslims are following the western every single thing as the profitsystem has warned, you get people wearing earrings, putting chains and

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bracelets and so on. What what are you doing said well looks cool. Looks is not important. It the following of the profit guys just to have your dignity to have your own personality to follow the sooner This is where you get your power from. So headbands, meaning turbans, this is what they used to wear. And the prophet SAW Selim, before sending expeditions, he used to give them advice. They didn't have any mobiles. So if they were encountered, encountered with a problem, they wouldn't have the chance to wire the Prophet so that they would have to wait a whole month, and come back and say, well, we face this and that and we didn't know what to do. So the profits or loss, Allah gives them

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a warning, gives them advice. It's exactly like when people came to the Prophet. And this is very informative. And this is what we should always do, try to add an extra edge of information. The prophet SAW Selim,

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once a group of companions came to him, and they told him that we traveled by sea. And quite frequently, we are carrying with us a small portion of water, drinking water, because we don't have enough space on our boats. And after a week or so, we have a problem. We are in a dilemma. If we use the water to ablution, then we will run out of drinking water and then we have a crisis. And if we don't, if we go and try to perform ablution using seawater is salty, it doesn't taste good. So is it water? They're asking? They're trying to gain knowledge? And the Prophet says Salaam? Yes, the water of the sea is pure, and also the dead fish of the water of the sea. So he added this extra

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information because they didn't ask him. But he figured it out that if they're going to travel by sea, probably they're going to starve. Maybe they're, they run out of food. So what then we know that Muslims may only eat animals that are slaughtered by the people of the book or by Muslims by Jews, Christians are a Muslim. Other than that any other meat is not permissible for us to eat. So I'm traveling on sea, and I get this whale floating on on the car, I get this fish. So how do I slaughtered it? So the Prophet is telling them to sell him an extra

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piece of information that they did not think of, but probably they would think of later on. And again, here, this is an expedition the Prophet is sending them away. So he's telling them that it is easier for you to do this, what to rub on the turbans to wipe over the turbans, and whatever they were on their feet. We've gone through the turbans, and we mentioned that now let's go to the things that we were on our feet.

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We ask a question, and we said that, do we wipe on anything that we were on our feet? That sir was Yes, providing. It covers the whole foot to the ankles.

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slippers do not count. Why? Because you can see the toes you can see the heel. You can see part of the foot. Okay, shoes, yes, you can wipe over your shoes. One would say Okay, can I pray wearing shoes? Is it okay to wear to pray wearing my boots?

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What do you think? Summer?

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Well, as long as it covers the whole of the foot. Yeah, there's no problem. What do you think who stuffer as long as it covers the foot and it doesn't have impurity on it. Okay, but

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Why did you say as long as it covers the foot? Can I pray in my slippers? Fadi? I can I can pray my slippers, but I cannot wipe on top of that. Okay, that's the answer. Okay, what else do you have? In addition? Yeah, of course I can. I can pray with my shoes. And if I've worked on them, as long as I've entered my feet in the shoes while they were pure, excellent. So if I wear my shoes, as soon as I get off bed without breaking, then without performing Waldo, then I cannot wipe on the shoes. Michael cameraman says we have to stop. So stay with us. And we'll continue after the break.

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Questions that bother you? What about issues of concern to you? Would you like to share things on your mind with us? Are you interested in solutions based on Islamic perspective? Please join me live in meet your advisor every Friday at 9pm Mecca time here.

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Before the break, we were talking about the difference between praying wearing shoes, slippers and so on and

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wiping over them. We may pray wearing our shoes, socks, slippers, whatever. And nowadays, a lot of people think that this is not proper. It's not Islamic. Well actually it is Islamic. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Pray in your shoes, pray in your sandals, pray in your slippers. Because the Jews do not pray wearing their slippers, sandals or shoes. So this is part of having your identity part of having your own way of living to differentiate Muslims from those who are non Muslims. So it's whatever is convenient for you do it. Now, putting in mind that I don't want people to listen to this hadith. And the following prayer they go to the mosque to the masjid nearby their

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houses and say well the chef said we could wear our shoes so I'm going to pray in the masjid go all the way to the front row wearing my boots or my shoes. And and pray this is unacceptable. Not because it's not Islamic. Because mosques nowadays have these carpets and rugs. And your shoes are not that clean. The Prophet tells us whoever wants to go into the masjid you should look into his sandals or slippers to see if there are clean or not. If they're not, he should not pray in them should clean them and and move the filth or dirt that is attached to it. But if you are in

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you know in a journey or if you're traveling or if you're going outdoors, and you want to pray with your friends and brothers and it's not a Masjid, you're an outdoors in the park or whatever. You don't have to take off your shoes. The sooner for you is to pray with your shoes on with your slippers on this is the sooner now if you don't feel comfortable with that it's another issue. If you're wearing like texican boots really high with with big stuff attached to it, then this may harm you take them off, it's no problem. If you're a soldier, wearing soldier boots, could take a long time taking them off is a horrendous job especially with all the straps and

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tying them up and so on. So you may pray, wearing your boots providing you do not provoke the Muslims. You don't go to the mosque, to the front draw wearing your shoes. But if you're anywhere else then other than the mosque, yes, this is the sadhana for you to wear it. We come back to the subject of wiping over the socks and the shoes.

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Scholars have different opinions because they have set certain conditions where Muslims

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should only wipe over the shoes or socks that follow the criteria they have set, such as one, they say that the shoe or socks should cover the whole foot from toes to the ankle.

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They said that it should not be see through.

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And it should not have holes in it.

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And they say it should hold by itself. And what does that mean? Meaning that if you wrap it,

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like if you put on a bad bandages, this does not hold by itself, it's gonna fall. So they said that this is unacceptable, it should stay firm and fit by itself. Now, other scholars

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did not like what the previous caller said. And they say that well, we cannot say that this is authentic or correct, because we don't have any evidence. Now, what's strong with a Sox being see through White Sox? What's wrong with that? The majority just say no, this is unacceptable. Why is that? They say because I can see the skin. Okay, so what's wrong with seeing the color of the skin? There's nothing wrong with that.

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Other scholars say, okay, what's wrong with praying with socks that have a small hole in it? So Whoa, if you can see the skin, if you can see the flesh base is unacceptable. You may not wipe on that. Why is that? They say because the socks should cover the whole foot.

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And the authentic verdict, the most correct verdict is the choice of even taymiyah. May Allah have mercy on his soul, chicken Islam, he said.

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Imagine the companions of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, none of them had enough money to buy a full fledge socks that fits by itself and has no holes in it. They were all poor, they didn't have money. And on the contrary, when in one of the battles of the companions, the battle used to be called that to our journey, the patches that they used to put on their socks, because they used to walk and after six or seven hours of walking, you start having holes in your socks or shoes. So they used to put patches and they used to wrap bandages over the over it so that they could be able to walk. So do you mean to tell me that if I'm in such a situation, if my socks has a small hole in it?

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I'm not allowed to do this? The answer would be no, you are allowed to do it. A small hole does not count.

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If the socks is see through, this also does not count. It's okay to white. Excuse me, it's okay to wipe over the socks as the scholars say.

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We move on to the following Hadith

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narrated by Omar are the alojado without a full chain of narrators. And as with a full chain of narrators, when any of you performs ablution and puts his shoes on, he may wipe over them for prayer while we offer prayer while wearing them and not take off them if he wishes except for sexual impurity. Again, this reiterate the previous hadiths we've gone through once you put on your shoes, once you put on your socks while you are in the state of purity. You don't have to take them off, you can wipe over them with the exception with genoveva sexual impurity. Okay.

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The following please please narrated by Abu Bakr, radi Allahu anhu, that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam gave permission for the traveler to wipe over his sous during three days and nights. And for one who was not traveling during a day and a night, if he had been in state of purity when he put them on.

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Again, this hadith reiterate what we have studied

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previously. One point is, I'd like to mention that the narrator of this hadith is Abu Bakr Ah,

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and he's different person than Abu Bakar. abubaker is the companion of the prophet Elijah Salaam is one of the 10

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people that the prophets of Salaam told them that they are in heaven insha Allah.

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He is the father in law of the prophet Elijah son because he's the father of Asia, meaning

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I will back right

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He's a different companion. His name is Al Baqarah, a photography and he was a slave. And when the prophet SAW Solomon, his army surrounded the city of typesafe Akif. For three or four weeks or so, the prophets Allah solemn, told those who were inside

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that the besieged city, that if anyone comes to them from the slaves, he is automatically freed. So this wasn't an incentive to the slaves to come to the prophets of Salaam and revert to Islam. So Abu Bakr, I was a slave at the time. So he came down from the castle of the cave

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by a rail, and this is the meaning of buckler. Baqarah is the rail. So he came down from the castle, the besieged city, by a rail, and the minute the prophet SAW him, the companions called him Abu Bakr Ah, meaning the guy, the man with the rail who came to us. So again, this reiterate what we've mentioned before, that a traveler has the permission has the excuse to make it easier for him not to take off his shoes for three days and three nights, he may only wipe over his shoes.

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And it's not

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must that he takes them off and wash his feet, except in the case of sexual impurity.

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And for those who are residing, they may do the same. Even if there is no reason for that. One would say, Okay, I have a toilet that I can perform on a woodland. So should I take it off? The answer would be no, it's not a must. You may perform wiping over the shoes or the socks, but providing you do that within the span of 24 hours one day, and one night. And this tells us how easy Islam is. It gives us a room to maneuver it gives us a room not to make life difficult on us. But remember, life is not difficult because Allah tells us to do this. You may not choose things that conflict with Islam and say, Well, this makes life easier. You have to stick with the Sunnah. And the origin of

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wiping over the shoes is mentioned in the Quran.

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When it comes on wiping over the head and washing the shoes because there are two narrations of the ayah biru joico out

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from saburo chicken masala come out Bureau. sukumar Judy come. So it can go both ways. And it's in the sooner crystal clear. It's a sign of Arsenal jamara as a measurement. May Allah have mercy on his soul said that he narrated this hadith through 40 of the companions of the Prophet alayhi salatu salam must hope Whoa, fine. This is all the time we have for today's program. And until we meet next time, Family Law was salamati come to LA he or barakato

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