Asim Khan – Redemption- Finding Your Way Back to Allah
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ilaha illallah wa sallahu Shanika worship Mohamed Abu Rasool Yeah, you're Latina Amara taco la ha ha to a party, Walter moto. Nyla one two Muslim one. Find our struggle Hadith the Kitab Allah subhanho wa Taala Ohioan howdy howdy Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa salam, or shall we move to have a cold desert in beta? Aquila Bedard and Laura Akula Dada, that infinite Amma that
I did his brothers and sisters.
I wanted to share with you a short story of a great man, a companion nonetheless, of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, somebody who I'm sure that maybe no one here has heard of his story before. But in his story, there's an amazing, incredible lesson to do with redemption, turning your life around, writing your wrongs, and looking away from your mistakes, to the Mercy of Allah subhanaw taala. The name of this individual is Abdullah, the Mossad, by the Allahu to Allah and
he was one of the earliest to become a Muslim at a time where the persecution was at the highest level in Makkah, where the operations were doing the worst upon the Muslims. Think about Bilaal of the long run, slave. His master, when he found out that he had converted would lay him out on the scorching sand whip him
to try to force him to apostate and he would refuse that he would place a huge rock on his chest squashing him, and yet he would say I hadn't had the one and only the one and only referring to Allah subhanaw taala.
During these times of the law, and Mossad remained steadfast in fact, he had a badge of honor, because he was one of the few men who could read and write and as a result, he became a scribe of the Prophet sallallahu eyeless and caribou Rasul Allah, that only 14 men during the life of the prophets of Allah, Allah, Saddam enjoyed. And so you can imagine, he would get to sit in private with the Prophet Sall, Allahu Allah, some listening to him recite the Quran, and writing it down on parchment, private time alone time.
What an honor.
On top of that, he had another honor, which was that his half brother was Earth man and now Fern of all the Allahu taala. And through breastfeeding, he established this bond with Earthman. And he was like a good friend of his.
All throughout the Moroccan era, he remained a Muslim, and even he migrated with the Muslims to live in Medina.
And as things got better for the Muslims, less persecution, more freedom,
more unity, more strength. It is very strange to hear that Abdullah Al Assad had a change of heart, a crisis of faith, people would say today, and he left Islam.
In fact, he left Islam and left the Muslims and went back to Makkah to live with his old comrades, the Quraysh embracing idol worship once again. And to make matters worse, he started to insinuate make up lies about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam saying, Do you know that man Muhammad, he
tells us to write the Quran as he wishes to say it a little bit lemon daddy insinuating that the Quran is not really the word of Allah
and those lies they will use as propaganda against the Muslims.
It's devastating for the prophets of Allah Assam to hear of someone like Abdullah Musa deposit. It was devastating on Earth man to hear that his half brother and friend had left the fold of Islam on top of that, to try to undermine the Prophet sallallahu their son with these lies.
Now we fast forward
in the eighth Hijiri year, the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam arrives at Maccha at the head of an army of 10,000 to liberate it firsthand, Maca is about to occur.
And though it tells the Quraysh I will say to you, like use of it, Sam said to his brothers learn to three body camaleon There will be no blame on you today and everyone will be forgiven. There is a blacklist a list of names of people whose crimes are so great, they must be killed on site
The names of individuals such as Washington, who had killed Hamza of the Allahu Turan, the name of him
and then the name of Abdullah of Mossad not for apostate him per se for making up these lies against the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam about the Quran. And so as they're about to enter, of the liveness ad has a decision to make, does he flee like everybody else on the blacklist? Or does he stay and try to fix things? He comes to earth mob Alpha. Is says, Oh, my brother helped me out. Go to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa salam and tell him I want to become a Muslim again. And I repent from everything I have done.
As an alpha and he listens to him, feel sorry for him. He wants to help him.
So what he does is he takes his hand and he comes out in public. And he goes towards the prophets of Allah where there was salam who was surrounded by his companions, and everyone turns to look and see what is this man Abdullah Mossad coming there's only know what's going to happen to him.
They are outraged that this person could be so bold to stay around for anyone could speak Earthman he raised his voice and he says Ya rasool Allah, with me is Abdullah and Mossad. He wishes to give you a br
and to repent from what he has done.
The prophets of Allah hardest turns to look at the both of them, and He does not say anything.
He refuses to put out his hand to accept the bear.
With ma'am that I found he asked a second time, and then a third time and each time the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam ignores them.
And at that moment, you can imagine how are the man must have felt seeing that I am upsetting the messenger of allah sallallahu Alison trying to stick up for my friend.
And how Abdullah Becerra must have felt thinking I made the wrong decision. I shouldn't have been so brave I should have run with everybody else. On Earth man he knew that the messenger of allah sallallahu Arda Salam Rahmatullah Alameen. He's the mercy to the world.
And he wanted to be a good friend to Abdullah besides and so you asked a final time, ya rasool Allah, here's Abdullah, Hassan, he wants to give you br and repent from what he has done and at that fourth time, the prophets that allowed us to extend his hand and over the liveness out he reaches for it gives him they are an Earth man almost cries out of joy.
The two of them turn around and they walk off. Then the Prophet sallallahu Sallam turns to his companions and he say something very interesting.
Anna Ming camaraderie and Rashid.
Was there not a single man amongst you smart enough?
Meaning smart enough to know what I initially wanted to do?
Do you understand? He's saying, initially, my verdict was No, you must be killed.
And the companion said Ya rasool Allah, why did you not give us an indication with your eyes, to gesture and to say,
do with him what I think you should do with him?
At that point, the Prophet sallallahu sallam said something incredible, is that enamel Allah Jung believed in a lien and Khun Allah hoo ha in Ireland, is it It is not befitting for the Messenger of Allah to deceive a man with his eyes Allah.
He's holding himself up to such a high standard of character and manners at even in that moment,
in a position of power and authority is not going to abuse the right of another person, even a criminal for that matter.
And so his Bay our sound accepted Toba accepted.
And I want you to think about how does that act of mercy from the Prophet salallahu Salam
unkindness impact the heart of the recipient? If you are Abdullah Hassan How would you have felt
you'd be amazed by the quality and the of the conduct the manners and this will then open your heart towards that person and spur you on to make a change to come through on your word to be better.
And that is what Allah says when somebody is rude to you if their ability here some return that unkindness with kindness for either lady bein occur while obeying her
Other than unknown worldly Yun hemming Allah says, and you will see if you treat people like that, then the one between you and him was enmity will become like your close friend Allahu Akbar.
Sometimes when people are rude if you respond with rudeness only makes matters worse. But if you flip the script and act with kindness, and they're like, You know what, I should be like this person. such kindness, and sort of the liveness out here, mama no, we said, The Hustler who Islam that he made good on Islam, he rectified himself.
He did not ever return to the crimes he had done before and he only looked ahead in fact, in later years, the Prophet alayhi salatu salam passes away. Abu Bakr becomes a favor, he passes away or Amana becomes a Khalifa he passes away and there are Smeb alphorn becomes the Khalifa Ameerul Momineen.
And in his position of power, it comes to Abdullah Misaki says you are a seasoned warrior.
Why don't you take a position in the army become a general
Abdullah Mossad accepts the offer. And under his leadership and command, many North African countries that we visit today as Muslim countries were opened under his command. In fact, the south of Sudan was originally conquered by of the law in the south Allah.
And then when Earth mundipharma was assassinated, died as a Shaheed
Abdullah decides it himself. I no longer want nothing to do with public life, nothing to do with position.
He removed himself from the army and then start to live in Rwanda, in Palestine.
And then he lived quietly worshipping Allah and leading the Salah in the midst of
an Imam, the verb Johanna, Allah says he used to have this dua he used to make often. Allahu wa jal hard to Madame Marie salatu salam, O Allah, make my final deed the Fajr Salam.
And remember that he said it is reported that of the live beside came to the masjid for Fudger he led people in Salah and he said cinemagraphs la Santa Monica what Allah and Allah the Almighty took his soul, Allah Subhan Allah, the last deed he did, was the one he made the offer.
And think about this, the prophets that Allah has said and told us couldn't do with him. You have Asada mama, daddy, every slave will be resurrected, doing the last deed that they performed Allahu Akbar.
You will be resurrected on the Day of Judgment. Like someone in this Allah Allahu Akbar. May Allah grant us a beautiful ending. law may nearness personal hajima Oh Allah we ask you for a beautiful ending.
But what does this story teach us?
It teaches us that no one goes too far away from Allah except that they can turn back to Allah subhanaw taala a beautiful lesson on redemption. You ask Allah for Tofig
stuff for Lolly will accompany service infrastructure in the whole world.
So laugh mother Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen salatu salam ala should have an MBR mousseline nabina, Muhammad Anwar early he was so happy to hear my bad. I think one of the takeaways from this story is many of us if not all of us, we have surely underestimated the Mercy of Allah subhanaw taala doubt doubts have crept into our minds that sometimes we perform, do shameful things and we think you know what, it is the end for me now. I'm a hypocrite. Now, there is no way that I can redeem myself but I'm sure no one here has done what Abdullah Mossad had done. No one here in sha Allah has apostate no one here has insinuated something against the Prophet alayhi salatu salam and
why do we doubt that we can turn back to Allah the Almighty coerulea a birdie and livina Surah for Allah and force him Allah says, say to those who have wronged their own selves, done things to harm their own selves, la takana to me Rahmatullah never despair of the mercy of Allah. In Allah Yasunaga Jamia, Allah forgives all sins in the mouth. Nikka theory said, the sins Allah is mentioning here include even tougher if a person were to disbelieve in Allah a year than biller and then come back to Allah with repentance. Allah would forgive them and that is a guarantee from Allah, Allah Hobbico
And even more than that, Allah tells Surah Furqan that there are people who have committed such crimes like schicke to worship others besides Allah murder, Zina, and then Allah says you will die fella who will either that the punishment will be doubled for those people in law except men tab who repent what ermine and believe? Why amela Amazon sila and then move ahead in their life doing righteous deeds. What does Allah say about them? For hola Erica, you bet didn't long say your team has an act and Allah will change their sins into good deeds Allahu Akbar will convert all of the wrong they have done into husana On the Day of Judgment Subhanallah Yeah, I'll have a rush. I mean,
how merciful is Allah the Almighty? The Prophet alayhi salatu salam said, Lo ya Allah will Kaffir mer and Allah him and Allah La Mina swimmin agenda. If the disbeliever understood the extent of Allah's mercy, even he would think he's going to paradise Subhanallah
and so, what we should do then, is never doubt in Allah's mercy. But we should ask ourselves, why do we neglect to say sorry to Allah? Why do we neglect to make a stick fall? Why are we so begrudging to raise our hands to humble ourselves and to ask for Allah's forgiveness is killed in the heart and we ask Allah to remove it from our heart Allama Amin the prophets on our sudden told us that every day every day I he said I asked for Hola Hola, todo la. I seek Allah's forgiveness and repent to Him more than 70 times Subhan Allah
or the 70 times? What does that show us? It shows us that whenever we commit a small sin, look at something we shouldn't hear something we shouldn't. The immediate reaction should be a stuff for Allah, a stop for Allah. Until we become from the word moon. You know what the moon, Allah says in Allah your Shugborough were being Allah loves those who are in the habit of coming back to him in the habit of seeking His forgiveness, not that you do every Ramadan once or every Friday once, but every day in every moment that you slip up your instinct and your habit is to turn back to Allah subhanaw taala and to seek his forgiveness. I mentioned to you that one of the men on the blacklist
was also washing, washing their hands was the man who had killed Hamza of the Allahu Allah.
And he didn't stay around like Abdullah Musa he fled. He went to five, thinking that he will be safe. He knew what he had done, killed the uncle of the Prophet says Saddam who was like a brother to him
for only for his body to be mutilated by Hynde afterwards.
And then after some time, wow, she is now the Prophet alayhi salatu salam, he's coming to five to conquer it. Should I run to Basra to go to another place? And someone said to him, you know, this man, Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam is a merciful person, go to Him and seek his forgiveness and he will accept you and so actually goes all the way to Medina.
Knowing what he has done, and he sees the province of Saddam, and he says Ya rasool Allah, O Messenger, Allah person me sitting down, he looks up at me. And are you actually? He says, Yes, I'm watching. He says, sit down and tell me how did you kill my uncle Subhana
wa, she says, I told the profit artists that are to some everything that happened on that day, said, I told him I took my spin.
I went to Oakland. Because no, because someone had promised me my freedom. And I killed no man.
Except for Hamza. I looked for him. At one I had sought him out. I hid behind a tree. And I saw him engaging in battle. And then I saw a * in his armor. And I let my spear fly. And it went through the back came out the front and he turned around, and he dropped and that is how he fell and died, or the allaahu that are after he finished our story, the process that I'm set to now go, and I never want to see your face ever again. It's
too disturbing for me to see your face knowing what you have done to the one I love. Your Islam is sound. I never want to see you again. Can you imagine the process I'm saying that to you?
And so once you had to live somewhere else.
He went to some say you went to cufon and he lived a lonely life and to hear her
I heard there was a call of war on bucket a severe can become the healer or the Khalifa. There was a war going on with that process. There was a false prophet named Will Salem Al Khattab and washy he said I took my spear once again.
And I came to the Battle of Yamama looking for no man's blood except for Musa and he said I spotted him fighting with a Muslim comrade.
So I took my mark and let that spear fly. And it pierced him right the way through but I don't know whether it was a sword or my Muslim brother. It was my spear but we'll see them or died that day because of it. Allah Subhana Allah.
Look at that.
That is not an accident. Allah the Almighty saw that why she wanted to make right his wrong. He wanted to redeem himself. He wanted to show Allah that He truly is sorry for what he did. And Allah gave him that chance.
And Allah gives us our chances as well.
Allah the Almighty knows our past and he sees our hearts and if you want to change, Allah will give you your chance. What do we have to do have to take that chance? Every day we wake up is a chance of Allah the Almighty. May Allah subhanho wa Taala free our hearts of pride. May Allah the Almighty inspire us to always turn back to him whenever we do wrong. We ask Allah your man we are actually me out of power your food to forgive us and our children and our ummah of all of their shortcomings, or Allah Unitas upon the heart and forgive us our sins
are benevolent to unfastened our will and our Hamner that Hakuna Aloha serene propaganda to Zulu when I've added Herdade and our hebben anomala docudrama in a cantilever hub along monsoon, Ivana most of it in a few houses Allahumma Aries lovers Allahu Marisa LA has Allah Han Solo homeless rises in Mapa Allahumma dockable shahada home Allah Maha motorhome via caramel ACARA Amin on burner as you know feed dunya Hassan Horfield Sierra de hacer una working agar we're not working