Ammar Alshukry – Sending Salam Upon The Prophet

Ammar Alshukry
AI: Summary © The transcript discusses the historical significance of the title of Jesus Christ and the use of the operator in promoting Islam awareness. It also touches on the historical significance of the title and the significance of the operator in promoting Islam awareness. The segment ends with a discussion of the importance of remembering the title for its historical significance.
AI: Transcript ©
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as headlines

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Hi yah

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Hi yah

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luck born

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in Al Hamdulillah number two who minister in who and I still feel when ooo bIllahi min show to the unforeseen our mean say Marlena Mejia had to hit Allah Who for la mala when are you a little further ahead yella? Why shadow Allah Allah Allah Allah Allah Who la sharika who eyeshadow anna Muhammad Abdul wala Sulu, WA Sophia whom in Philippi woefully Hello, Bella rissalah A man on us

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know you know hurricane Harvey has layers like saltwater abuse,

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about Allah, Allah azza wa jal Viki Tabby Hill Katie mother bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim. Yeah you Hala de and I'm gonna talk Allah haka, Ducati when it moved to LA and Tomas remote ACARA to Allah Johan have NASA Topo Baku Mala de halacha Kumi nursing Wahida Waha caminhadas o Jaha wallbeds saving humanity Jade and Garfield all when he saw what double Allah had led you to say Luna be well or have in Allah gana la kumara Kiba waka to Allah you Hello

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hola hola Kulu Poland said EDA usually hola como la como la vida como como mejor de la hora, Sudha Hoover advisor, Jose and I'll be my my bad.

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All praises due to Allah. We seek His guidance and his forgiveness and we seek refuge in Allah from the evil of ourselves and the whispering of our desires, whom Allah guides no one can miss guide and whom he allows to be misled. No one can guide and I bear witness that there is nothing worthy of worship except Allah, Allah and having no partners, and that Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam is a slave and His messenger and his perfect worshiper, to proceed.

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The prophets of Allah Allah who said Love is the one who Allah subhanho wa Taala used to grant us the greatest blessing that we experience and that is the blessing of Islam.

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And we remember the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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because we love him.

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A person cannot help but to constantly remember the one that they love.

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And Allah Subhana Allah Allah Himself mentions the province little lie to send them and praises the prophet and he did not do this once. But he continues to do so and the angels Allah Subhana Allah Allah says, in Allah Allah Ikeda who use Ilona and the Navy, yeah you Allah the ammonoosuc blue ID he recently Moses Lima, Allah says Allah and His angels, sent their salah upon the Prophet salallahu Salam, O you who believe send your salah upon Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam, and teslim and prays. So what is ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala Salah what does this word mean? Even Abbas he says that the angels they you've already heard that they send blessings or invoke blessings upon the Prophet

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sallallahu wasallam and even cathedra says that Allah Subhana Allah to Allah Salah

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Apart Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is His praise of the province from Allah, Allah is setting them in the highest company for the matter in Allah. And so Allah is inviting the believers to send their Salah apart Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, so that the inhabitants of the earth can praise the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in harmony with the inhabitants of the heavens, so that the inhabitants of the heavens as they are praising Rasulullah sallallahu sallam, Allah and His angels, that the inhabitants of the earth join in that the province of Elijah send them be praised on Earth, like he is praised in the heavens. And so when I'm sending Salam upon the province and

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Melania, setting them, I'm not doing this simply of my own accord. And I'm not doing this by myself, but rather when I do it, I am enjoying the symphony, the harmony of the hosts of the heavens, as they are invoking the salam upon the province that the light is in them. And so in this short holds my insha Allah and I wanted to simply mention some of the virtues of sending cinema photos hula light is no, it is an act that we all learned as children, or we learned early on in our Islam. But sometimes we forget and it's important to be reminded Allah Subhana Allah says whether cared for in the Quran for Al Momineen remind because reminding benefits of the believers number one, it is

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something that is extremely recommended to be done on Friday Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam says in the hadith of OCPD owes the Hadith as reported by Buddhahood. He says in the mean of God AI may come yomo Juma for extra philosophy for endless illogical models. Today, he says that the best of your days is Friday. So send a lot of Saddam upon me a lot for endless illogical model that and it because your Salah, to me is presented and this harvested yellow sort of Allah, how is it going to be presented to you when you have passed away? And so Rasulullah sallallahu has sent him said in Allahabad, hello Rama, as I said that Ambia that Allah Subhana Allah has prohibited the Earth from

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consuming the flesh of prophets. And so we are told to send a lot of Salam upon Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam on Friday, the question then becomes what is the lie is 10 A lot is 20 A lot is 50. Allah is 100 Allah is 1000 Allah, the reality is the prophets of Allah, Allah is Selim did not define what a thought is, he did not define what Allah is. And so that means that it is up to every single individual, whatever you consider to be a lot, then you've done your job for that Friday. So for some people, a lot could be 100 but for someone else 100 could be very little. And for some people 500 could be a lot for some people 500 could be a little for some people 50 could be

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a lot. For some people 50 could be very little. So everyone is responsible for whatever they are capable of doing whatever is a lot or a little for them that they seek to send a lot of Saddam upon the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam on Friday. Number two, this phrase is something that removes your burdens. It erases your sins and it solves your problems obey even caught up in the Hadith as reported by Timothy he says the eldest will Allah

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I make a lot of salah upon you in my in my dua

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says for come agile halacha means salata how much of my salah should I make do out for you? And the Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam says, mash it, whatever you wish. And he says, a third of Yasuda Allah actually before that he says a robot Rasulullah. Should I make a fourth of my dua sending salah upon you said I'm upon you. And the prophets Allah Allah, Allah Islam says to him, mash it into for who Allah. He says wherever you wish, but if you increase, it's better for you. And then he says for Theodosia rasool Allah and he says, my shit Fein zip is as

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a third jasola He says, whatever you want, but if you add more, it's better. He says on this half. He says the same thing. He says to him as soon as Daniele rasool Allah he says my shit for insectivore Wallach, he says, whatever you want, but if you do more, that's better for you. And then the man says, Obey me guy he says Ya rasool Allah, I'll do like a Salah to Kula should I make all of my salah my all of my draft should I just make it sending Salam upon you and the province of Allah I didn't send them says, He then took for handbook, where you for letter the book, he says if you do that, your hum, your stress, your anxiety, it will be relieved and your sins will be forgiven. If I

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make dua by simply sending Sidama pero sobre la sala de Salem, sending salah upon the Prophet is a cause we learned that from this hadith, that it is a cause for the release of my problems,

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the resolving of my problems, but not only that, also the forgiveness of my sins. A question then becomes

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what is the relationship between me sending Saddam upon the province?

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Hola Danza, my problems being resolved, what is the relationship? Is there an equation? The answer to that is yes, because we look in another Hadith that's reported by Muslim hadith of blindness, even in the US that also Allah Allah Allah Allah has sent them says, Man Salah it yeah Shut up. Whoever sends 10 Salam upon me or masala Allah. He says masala Alia Salatin rather subtle Allahu alayhi Ashura, he says that whoever sends one Salam upon me one invocation of blessings upon me, ALLAH SubhanA, Allah sends 10 upon them. So now we understand how it solves a person's problems. Because if every time I said once that I'm upon the province of Allah, they said him, Allah is

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cascading 10 upon me, then what problem is going to exist in the Presence of Allah subhanaw taala sending His peace and blessings upon me,

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the peace and blessings of Allah that is being multiplied, that is that I am now experiencing is obviously going to wash away whatever problems I have. Allah subhana data set up and Salah is so great, it's so benevolent and when it's being multiplied, there's nothing that can stand in that way. Number three, through salah upon the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, you become close to Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam on the Day of Judgment. You become close to him on the day of judgment. He says in the Hadith that's reported by Timothy the hadith of wilderness Rasulullah sallallahu. s&m says hola Naseby, Yama, Yama, etc. Malaya. Salatin, he says that the people who are most deserving

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of proximity to me on the day of judgment are those who spend the most time upon me. The ones who spend the most time upon the province of the law, they certainly are the ones who are closest to him on the day of judgment. But not only are they the closest to him on the day of judgment, they are closest to him in the dunya, Sheikh Mohammed, Hassan, the Egyptian scholar, he mentions that he met a girl he was introduced to a girl who was 16 years old. And this girl sees or has seen the Prophet sallallahu Sallam in her dream so many times.

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And so when she was told that this girl sees the province of Elijah and send them so many times in her dreams, he asked her and he said, How many times do you sense that I'm upon the province of Elijah syndrome? And she said, every day no less than 10,000 times.

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He mentioned another woman that he met, he would go as a chef who would go and visit some of the poor villages in Egypt. And he said, he met this old woman and he's coming with a team of doctors to do some sort of charity work. So he said,

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he met this old woman.

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this woman did not stop sending Salam upon the province of Elijah send them the entire time. Her breath is sending Salam upon Rasul Allah cellulitis.

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And then he asked her, she, she described some ailment to him, and he didn't have the doctors with him on that trip. So he said to her, don't worry. I will come next week, and I will bring some doctors for the ailment that you have. And she said to him, No, I know my ailment and I know the cure. She said my ailment is that for the past three nights, I did not see the province level light. I said, I'm in a dream. That's my ailments. She is so used to seeing Rasulullah sallallahu. They said them in her dreams because of her a thought of sending Saddam upon the province of allied is that when she did not see him for three days, she became sick. She says I know the ailment and I

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know that you're so number three, we said that salah upon the province of ally de Sena brings a person closer to the soul to Lhasa la vida Salam in the afternoon. And in the dunya before the after, as well. Also of the virtues of sending serampore Rasul allah sallallahu Sallam is that it's his right. It's his right, that whenever someone does something for you

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Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam tells us that if you have the ability to repay a person that you should repay them and if you can't repay them, then you should at least invoke a prayer for them. You say Jazak Allahu ALA.

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Now what if that person has passed away? The least that you do is invoke Allah subhanaw taala at his mercy for them, you know that one of the scholars of Islam he said, we have become and Tamko and now

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they said it is very ugly of you, that you narrate from us our knowledge you read the books of Imam Al Bukhari, you benefit from a nollie you you and you don't say, Rahim Allah,

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that you benefit from, from their life, and you don't invoke ALLAH SubhanA diatas mercy.

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Could you imagine you meet a person and they're talking about their parents left and right, they're talking about their mom, they're talking about their dad, and they never invoke Allah subhanaw taala has mercy on them. Say

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the least you can do is that when you mentioned your father, you say to him Hola, the least you can do is that when you mentioned your mom, you say it I'ma holla but I'm gonna have Umar come out of band. So

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it's very ugly that a person is mentioning people who have done so much for them and that

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The slot the smallest benefit they don't do. And so if you understand that, then you can see how great it is that a person mentioned the name of Rasulullah sallallahu de Sena, and they don't move their tongue to say cellulitis. And so the province of Allah, they send them criticism. He criticizes that individual. And he says Rahima amphora. June, May, then the noes have that person be in dust, man zuka Terenzo, whether you saw the ad, the one who I mentioned in their presence, and they don't say salatu salam. And the last thing that I mentioned, and the prophets Allah, Allah, they said of another Hadith as reported by Timothy, he says, a human look into Endo. For them, you

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saw the idea that the stingy person is the one who I mentioned in their presence, and they don't say sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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The last thing that I'll mention is that it is one of the etiquettes of

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one of the etiquettes of Da when you raise your hands to Allah, you want for your job to be accepted. But we are taught that there are etiquettes there are things that a person should do that will make their drought more likely to be accepted. And of those is what's reported by attending at the end of Buddhahood. In a in an authentic hadith that the prophets of Allah Azza wa sallam heard a man making dua, fellow Muhammad Allah, He did not praise Allah when I'm you solely. I didn't know because Allah like they said, I mean, he didn't sense that I'm up on the prophets of Allah, they send them so Rasulullah sallallahu they send them said IG da da, this person rushed, they were

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hasty. And then he said, if a person makes dua, then let them begin by praising Allah subhana wa Tada and sending Salam upon the province of Allah they send them and then let them make whatever they wish Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammad feel oh, well, it will rain or Eli Yomi Dean Acoma Seamaster Mustafa hola hola. Welcome for stock Pharaoh in hola for Rahim.

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Al hamdu lillah wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah.

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So to conclude,

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how does the person since then I'm up on the province a little light. So what are the easy ways to just say Allahumma salli ala Sayyidina. Muhammad that when you hear his name you say salatu salam. But Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi salam was asked by the Companions they said you have commanded us to send Salam upon you how do we send Salam upon you? And so the best version is what the province of Allah Allah is and I'm taught that's in Makati Muslim that you say Allahumma Salli ala Muhammad while it Muhammad camasta later Allah Ibrahim Al Ibrahim in Nikka Hamid Majid la Mubarak Adam Hamad while Mohammed Komaba like the Isla Ali Ibrahim in Mecca, Hamid and Majid

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and so invoking the salam upon the province of ally de Sen for those of you are just joining us, we said that it removes a person's stress, it forgives the person since it places a person close to the province of Allah to send them and it is most recommended to do on Friday and today is Friday we ask Eliza to accept our accept our actions and to guide us to the best of actions and speech. Aloha mananas local general Makabe Hammond Khalid Mohammed when are all becoming a narrow Makabe Hamiltonian Ramat Allahumma tiene fusina Taqwa Zakka entitlements are gah and totally you how Mola Allahumma thermodynamic for sciatica matter who will be the bane and now being among sciatic I mean

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to it come out to be liquid IV genetic women earlier kini moto will be here today in Amasa dunya maternal locomobi asthma and now of sliding Okowa Tina with them a katana, which I will work with Amina, which I thought phenomena on superblock my name and Donna. Well I teach animals santa fe de Nina when I tell you how to dunya Kabbalah Hamina well I'm a beloved in Mina Willa Illa Nerima Sirona wage Allah Ginetta Hedorah Nabi Rama tickle hamara Amin rabbit hole Makka Mala Bernie so Vera Graham who might come out of band he says Hera hamaca Mala Benissa lira Allahumma Hamilton omoton Muslimeen wa Shimada Ahmad Musa Alameen wa sallahu wa la se they don't have much of pumila Salah

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tikamgarh honey ham Kamala Harris

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