Ahsan Hanif – The Ettiquettes Of The Student Of Knowledge 2

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary © The importance of learning from one's own perspective and being a great chef is emphasized in the conversation. The speaker emphasizes the need for practice and continuous development in order to retain and grow in a professional setting, while also addressing the importance of respecting student and family opinions.
AI: Transcript ©
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amin sallallahu wasallam. Allah,

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Allah Allah, he was talking to him. So he was he was the number two he was the deputy Dean was seldom at the Sleeman kathira.

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Last week, when we began with this book of chef Baccarat, Jose rahima, home La Jolla to

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have a secret knowledge become a two main sections. The first was the ethical stare a student has to possess within himself or herself, in order to be a successful student of knowledge. And then secondly, the way about seeking knowledge how to go about seeking knowledge. And we kind of brushed over that very quickly. And I said that you can go back and refer to the book for more detail. And the point that we finished upon was seeking knowledge from scholars and having that connection with the scholars when it comes to learning about your religion.

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The next section that we're going to begin with today, and inshallah today will attempt to finish the book, even though there's quite a lot to get through. So I'm going to skip over some of the sections, some of the points that the chef mentions in his book, but you can go back to the text and Shawn, if you want to get further information, the chef begins the next section, which is entitled, The etiquettes that the student has with his chef. So we spoke about the ethical status student of knowledge has within themselves that they must possess, then secondly, how to go about seeking knowledge. And that finished on the point, stressing the importance of having a connection with the

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teacher. And having a chef that you seek knowledge from analysis is mentioned that point about having that connection with the scholars, he goes on to the section about now having the etickets what are the etiquettes when it comes to the teacher, and that check. And so you can see the logical steps that the chef is taking throughout his book. So the chef Rahim Allah mentions a number of etiquettes. The first of them is respecting your teacher, respecting your share. And this is probably the most important or probably one of the most important points that he would mention within this section. What you have and the way that you interact with your teacher, the respect that

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you show, the etiquette that you show, the way that you deal with your teacher. And even though after that many a time a person goes on and they become more knowledgeable than the teacher, there are many sharks around that are much more well known than the teachers, very, very well known, much more knowledgeable, much more beneficial to the people in the teacher. So this is just the way things are a natural progression. Sometimes you're better than your teacher. Sometimes the teachers aren't even known, many of us have our teachers that probably most people haven't heard about. If I was to mention the majority of the names of the scholars of Medina to you, you wouldn't know them,

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you've never heard of them. And they may be very, very knowledgeable in their fields. They're specialists in the fields. They're just not known. They're not famous. But just because someone becomes more knowledgeable than the teacher, someone becomes more famous than the teacher, maybe they have a greater impact than their teacher. They still possess an etiquette towards the teacher, that person is still the teacher, he's still the chef. And so there are many attributes that we possess with our teachers. And you see this, even amongst the sharks on the spiders themselves, the way they are with their own teachers, and the way that they interact with one another they may be

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for example, companions, they may be class fellows, classmates, they may be contemporaries, maybe some of them are students of one or another, but still they have that ethical and the respect amongst themselves. And Allah subhanho wa Taala mentions this principle in the Quran. When he says language, I will do our slowly been acquainted to it but

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don't make your calling of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the way that you call one another. Now the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was related to many of the companions, a cousin, or an uncle or a nephew. He was related to them through blood relations. Others he was related to them through marriage. So he's either the father in law, the son in law, or some kind of connection, brother in law or something like this. Others he was related to through friendship. He knew them for a long time. Others were his relatives, his clans, people, and so on it Even so, because of his status, not only being the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, but he's the teacher.

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So there is an etiquette. Don't call him the way that you call one another. So some of the scholars say that that means that you don't call him by his name, you don't refer to him as Mohammed. Because this is disrespectful. You call him or messenger of Allah, you call him a prophet of Allah. You don't call him Mohammed. And that's why when you go through the Hadith of the Prophet SAW Selim, only people that would call him by his name or Mohammed, why the people like the non Muslims, the mushrikeen, or the Bedouin, Arabs, maybe the Bedouin Muslims that were very cultured. They didn't have this

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ethical, because the waves are very rough and tough. And so they would have this thing where they would call him by his name, but the companions will not do. So others of the scholars of tafsir said that what it means is the manner in which you call him, so you don't speak to him in a rough way. You don't raise your voice and say, oh, come here, when you address the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. And so from that principle, we take also the etiquette of how to respect your teacher. So the way that you speak to your teacher, the way that you respect them, the way that you interact with them, the way that you ask them for something, the way that you pose a question to them, all of

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these issues come back to respecting the teacher. And I mentioned to you last week as well, that the mother of Imam Malik Rahim, Allah when she took him to his first teacher, one of his first teachers, she said, learn from his ethical before you learn from his knowledge. And this is really the point here that we want to mention.

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I will surely be in Basel, Hema, Allah tala. He was well known. And if you read his biographies, you find that he was well known for respecting not only his teachers, but even his contemporaries, even his students. So often he would go and he would have a lecture when it came to the q&a. He would say to students, you answer the questions.

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This is the respect that he had for his students that he thought that they were able to take the questions of the people, my students would probably say no, our respect and our honor for the chef, they would say no, but he would still say that. And for those of you that remember when chef had none of the other team in the summer, he mentioned a very nice example of this as well. Where chef Baccarat Jose, when they were on the senior scholar, senior committee of scholars with Chef members, he disagreed with him over a filthy opinion. But the first word that came out was on the opinion of chef pin bars. A chef MakerBot said sign up, it was a signatory to it like he agreed to it, even

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though he disagreed. And so when he was asked about that, he said I did out of respect for the chef. Even though I disagree. I don't teach that opinion. I don't hold that opinion. I don't give personal fatwas on their opinion. But out of respect for the chef when it came to the legend, when it came to the community of scholars. I didn't want to dissent against the show. I do want to differ with the show. Because Jasmine basil is one of his teachers, Rahim Allah. And so he agreed. And he accepted the opinion of the chef. As Jasmine basil Rahim Allah when his shirt his own shirt was mentioned to him chef Mohammed the Rahim Allah shirt, he would normally cry. This was his main teacher, his his

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own dish, Chef. And he was the Mufti before him. And even many years, 30 4050 years after the chef had passed away, Chef Mohammed Ibrahim his teacher, Chef timbales, would cry at his name. And I've heard so many recordings, when the chef has asked us to speak about his life, what he remembers from him what he benefited from him, he would bring him to tears. So this is the love and the honor and the respect. And it's true, it has to be sincere. If after 2030 years, you still cry about the individual saw something that you just make up something which you just say, it's something which you actually feel that 2030 years you still move, just by memory just by remembering him that you

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cry, I was mentioned. And not only that, but also with their contemporaries. So scholars amongst themselves have this also. And so if this is the way that the spell is all with their teachers and amongst themselves, then what about us when it comes to the scholars more about us when it comes to our teachers are normally you find that the lack of etiquette and respect comes from us from the lowest level from the students, because we haven't reached that level of knowledge, that level of fear of a large level of piety, where we will we can interact with them in that way. before them it's natural. They reach that level. associate members, Rahim Allah would often meet with another

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section of the lab in Hamid Rahim Allah, and he would meet with him every week and he would ask him questions. And whenever he would give a fatwa, he would send it to him. And he would say, read this, what do you think? Let me know. And they will contemporaries, simply because he wants you to benefit from him. And he wanted to benefit him. When another shirt should have the reserve. afifi Rahim Allah, another great scholar who's Egyptian, but he lived in Saudi Arabia, when he said to the chef that I want to come and I want to perform 100 the chef became so happy. And he went and he ordered all of his students, all of his workers to make provisions for the chef to make sure that he had

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everything that he needed. And whenever he wanted to come and see the chef, he was allowed in this respect between the scholars and the way that they had and I heard a very beautiful story, that the last time that chef Alberni ever made.

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The roster I think was around the age of 1410, HD, something like that, over 2023 24 years ago, was just been buzz rahimullah chefman buzz was a mean with a unshackled band, all three of them, were making Hajj, and they were in Mina. And so they had a lecture where all three of them were there. And so the question is that would come with CompTIA members because he was the head he was like, in charge of the session. And if the question was about a Hadith, he would give it to share a little belly to answer and if the question was about a fifth, he would give it Shepherd

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seeming to answer. And if the question was about Africa, he would answer himself. And this is in Minar. Right in the tense, people are in charge. And so when it came time for Salah to vote, everyone was there waiting, watching, wanting to see who's now going to lead the prayer. Because you got the three shirts all there in one place in one tent, who's going to step up and need the prayer? So sure, a member says to shakaal Bernie, go and need the prayer. Lead the prayer. Shalini says no, you're the chef and Chef imbeciles older than him. He said, You're our chef, go and meet. So chef been best said to him, no. All of us all three of us have memorized the Quran. We're equal. And you

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have the most knowledge of the Sunnah of our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So you go and look at this beautiful etiquette. Jasmine Basil's older, he was more senior in Saudi Arabia, he was a Mufti and so on, but because of his humbleness, he says shall vanish. He was known to be a Mohammed is known for his love of the salon for servicing the Sunnah. So he said, you're more knowledgeable about Hadith. Ashok mimbres himself was a muhaddith, even though it's a very little known factor, but it was a muhaddith. in his own right. He said to him, you're the scholar of how do you go and meet associate Taliban? He went to lead and he looked back and he said, shall members Shall I read

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like the prophets of Salaam would lead the prayer? Or shall I make it easy for the people associate members to to you know, Teach us how the prophets of Salaam would lead the prayer. Again, look at the humidity like Chapman buzz doesn't know how the sunlight is when it comes to the prayer. But he says Teach us how the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would lead the prayer teachers to some knowing. And so look at this beautiful etiquette that scholars ama shocked me basil and say I'm the Mufti, I am older, I am more senior, you used to work for me once upon a time, so on, I'm going to lead. And if he had done so, he would have been right he had the right to do so. But look at the

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humility and the humbleness of the scholars when it comes to dealing with themselves. And that's why it was so beautiful that one of the things that I would see what she had done was in Ubud, in Medina, because of his senior age, because he's nearly blind, because he's a very old individual. So many times when he would come out, other chefs would see him. And because he needed a guide, you have to hold his hand in order to walk with him, he couldn't see, when the chef's would come out, other chefs would see him walking with the student, and they would come and they will take over, they would come they would give him salaams, they would kiss him on his forehead, and then they will

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take his hand and take him to his next class, just like his students would do. This is the respect that they had. And some sometimes the senior chef, I remember sharp, sharp teeth, he wants to dessert, senior chefs in Medina would come simply because the chef was much older than the mean age, he's more knowledgeable, probably, he has a longer service in Islam, he has more experience our respect for them. And it's not a competition between chefs that I'm bigger or I have more students or I have more followers, or my gun club is bigger than your gun club. This is the mutual respect and love that the scholars have for one another. And I remember when people started fosun would come

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to Medina, and they would teach in the process as soon as master would give a lecture or two shamans in Ubud would cancel his class. So he was teaching on the same day, he says, cancel, go and sit with the chef instead. And their contemporaries, and they're in different parts of the mosque was like you couldn't even see the class. So here the the class because the mask of the processor is so big, as you know. But this is just out of respect. And remember, once we shut up a book alleges that he was ill, he missed a few days. And so then he came back to teach in the huddle motion was not bad heard, that he was back, he didn't go to his class. Instead of going to his class. First, he went to

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the chef when he was sitting in his class. And he went, and he gave him salaams. And he hugged him. And he asked him how he was. And then he went to his class and taught. This is how the scholars are, look at the beautiful etiquette that they possess. And so one of the problems that we face as students of knowledge insha, Allah is that we have this lack lack of etica, often when people come that are more knowledgeable than us. And it's not necessarily that it has to be someone at the level of chef members in order for you to respect them in this way. It could be someone that is teaching you the Koran, teaching you the Arabic language, teaching you the basics of your religion, these are

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your teachers, okay, they're not a chef in the traditional sense, but they are teaching you they're giving up your time to benefit you, they're putting some effort and motivation in so that inshallah you will benefit as well. And so often, we have a lack of etiquette towards these people, we have a lack of respect that we display towards these people. And so this is a problem that we have. And it shows that the knowledge that we have the fruits of this knowledge, are not really coming out. We're not really benefiting from this knowledge. This is a point to show that really is just theoretical, we say it, we repeat it, we're like parents, but it hasn't really got down to that level now, but

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it's stuck in our heart and where it's emanating and our actions is not something which is simply on our minds, not something which we can do subconsciously is something which we have to be reminded of

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We have to be taught. And so this is a very important point, you'll respect with your teacher.

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Another of the points that the chef mentioned in this chapter is that I know that your chef is your main commodity, or at SU Malik, he is the most important thing that you possess. And so a student of knowledge, when he goes to a teacher, he knows that this person will insha Allah be the gate for manage for him, a true knowledge for him. And so he benefits from that share. And so one of the biggest problems that you have is people not being able to stick it out with their shell. So a person goes to a chef one day, and perhaps he's teaching a book. And the chef is really slow. That his style, right, instead of finishing the book, by next month, or in two months, he's taking a

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year. And so he has another shelf somewhere else in a different mask, teaching the same book, or maybe a similar book or a different book, but he's going faster. And so he simply leaves and he goes to read that chef goes to listen and study with a chef, simply because he doesn't have the patience, he can stick around for long. So go to the second chef. And then I think you know what the first one was actually kind of better, his style was better, he was slow, but he was his style was better. But then here's our third one, who style is probably better than the first two. But he's neither stone or fast. So then he goes to the third one. And so he keeps skipping from one teacher to the next.

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And then after years have passed by he realizes that actually, he hasn't learned anything. Because every time he goes to a new teacher, he starts from the beginning, or he meets them halfway. So he's kind of lost, he doesn't know where to start, where to finish. And this is a problem that we have. And you find it in many of the lectures, right? Every time you start a new class here in this semester, the first lecture, there'll be lots of people to new class, everyone's motivated, everyone's enthusiastic. And then the second one slightly drops, third one drops a bit more. And by a month or two, there's only a few students left. Everyone else just can't hack it anymore, it's too

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long for them is still going on every Thursday, every Wednesday, every Sunday is too much commitment. And so they stop. And really the reason one of the reasons for this is because we don't realize the value of knowledge. And we want knowledge to come to us in a great scope. And that's why one of the things that we notice about the scholars is that they stick it out with their shells, they stay with them, they may not be the most knowledgeable. And I remember one of the first pieces of advice that one of our scholars gave to us, when he went to Medina was don't necessarily look at the most knowledgeable chef, and the most famous. Because yes, they're very knowledgeable, and

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they're very famous, but they have the least time to dedicate to you. Because of the nature of who they are and their personality. They're so busy, they're so famous, they have so many demands, they have very little time. And so they may come and teach once a week, but that's about it, they won't be able to do much more for you. Whereas the chef was maybe not as knowledgeable, not as famous. But he's still knowledgeable, he knows what he's talking about. That person has much more time, because he has less demons. And so that person can help you. You can call them, you can speak to them. If you have questions, you can see them outside of class, they can help you much more than the greatest

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scholars, because they're the busiest. And this is how it is. The scholars that are the most famous, that are the most knowledgeable, are always the busiest. And so it's not necessarily about just, you know, associating yourself with the most famous or having this kind of club mentality that I studied with so and so and everyone knows him. It's about what's going to benefit you more. And so you look at your shirt in that way. How can you gain the most, who is the most beneficial for you? What is the most beneficial thing for you in order for you to progress because that's what you want to do. As a student of knowledge you want to progress. You don't want to go to a famous chef, but after 10

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years, you still don't know the basics of Moodle, you still can't figure out the basics of fit, you don't know how to pray, someone can ask you a simple question. And you're stumped, simply because you haven't gone through those early steps. And so sometimes it's important to pick and choose someone and to look at it in a different way. And so that's the second point. The third point is what the and the fourth point is basically about how you interact with the chef when it comes to his teaching. So writing, writing down what he says making notes, this is something which is important, again, something which we lack, none of us are going to remember what I said tomorrow, even I'm

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probably not gonna remember I said, or next week, or in two weeks. And if you don't record it, or you don't listen to it, or you don't memorize it, you don't write it, then you'll forget. And that's not the way of a student of knowledge. You make notes and you learn. And likewise in the class, you show enthusiasm. So the fourth point that Chuck mentioned, is showing enthusiasm with your chef. So you ask him questions. And you listen, and you think, because sometimes the chef is wrong. Sometimes the chef makes mistakes. Sometimes the chef thinks that that's the way it is, but he's made the mistake. And so one of the beautiful things that you find in the biography of the students of chef

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members when they speak about chef members, is that he was open to this. If they

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For that he made a mistake in a Hadith, they were more than welcome to pointer up here shall be misquoted. And the chef will say no, I didn't know. And they'd be like, Yes, you did. And then he would say, okay, go and bring the book illiteracy. And then they would bring the book. Rather, he was right. Oh, he was wrong. And often he was right, because his memory was so good. Or he would say yes, but there's another narration of that same Hadith, in a different book, and so on. But the point is, it was open. And so this is how you learn you, you think, you use your mind, it's not just simply that you memorize and regurgitate. But you think, and then you apply. And so one of the

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beautiful things that people mentioned about Shahab 11 are the young Rahim Allah is a scholar who just passed away. Not too long ago, one of the senior scholars of Saudi Arabia was

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that he was very good in teaching students principles, he wouldn't just teach them like everyone else, just give them lots of information for them to memorize. And then just to regurgitate, he would teach them principles and rules. And then you would expect them to deduct rulings themselves. And that's a very beautiful way of teaching. But you're not spoon feeding, but you're giving people tools and equipment, you're equipping them so that they themselves can use their brains and apply that knowledge in a practical way. Because one of the things that you will find is that when people come ask you a question, they will never ask you the question that you find in the book, or the way

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that you studied it, or what you read in the Hadith, people have their own personal perspectives and slant on the issues. So the issue will be the same. But the question will be from their personal perspective. And so what you need to be able to do as a student of knowledge, or as a scholar, is that you take that situation, and you dissect it, and you find out what the actual issue is what the essence is. And then you apply the ruling to that.

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And so that's a tool, it's something which needs practice something which needs to be taught, not just simply information, which you memorize and regurgitate. And so that's something also which is from that you can substitute of knowledge that they learn like this. And the fifth and final points that he mentioned, is be wary of taking beware of taking knowledge from the innovators. And so as a self would say, have inherited Indian from the wrong mentor, una de la, this knowledge, this is religion. So, look at who you take your religion from. So it's not just simply that you learn from everyone and anyone, but you need to know is correct is not correct is authentic, is not authentic.

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And so again, this is kind of tied into the previous point where you use your head and your mind. So not everything that your teacher will say will ever be true. That's impossible, right? No one's infallible. So how does the student go and progress, they need to know who they take their knowledge from. And there's a famous statement of Imam Malik Rahim Allah mentions, in his book, he says, There are four types of people that you should never take knowledge from. The first is a foolish person, even if he narrates a lot. So some people just talk and they just speak. And it's just hotter. They speak about everything that anything you give them any massala that have an opinion, and they'll

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defend it. And they'll have so many things to support, and it's just hot air. These people are foolish. Never take your knowledge from people that are foolish. people that haven't studied people, they just talk about everything. And from the signs of a student of knowledge is that they say I don't know. And we'll come on to this later from the signs of a student of knowledge, his humbleness and humility, from the signs of a student of knowledge is knowing in the gathering, when there is someone more knowledgeable than you, so you stay quiet, allowing that person to speak instead, these are from the etiquettes of a Muslim, let alone a student of knowledge. And so a Sufi a foolish

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person, even if they speak Hola. Number two, is a person of innovation that calls to the innovation. These are people that you should avoid. Number three,

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a person who lies when they narrate the tales of others. So they say that I heard this or I heard that, but it's a lie, or they misinterpreted or they make mistakes, a lot of mistakes, and these people should be avoided. And number four, is a righteous person who is a worshiper, he's an Abbot, but he doesn't have any knowledge. Don't take knowledge from him. He may pray Allah, he may have good rabada he may be a person of fasting on sadhaka. But it doesn't make him a spanner. And not everyone that has a beard and a show full been placed in the masjid is a scholar. And so a person knows who to take their knowledge from. And that's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when

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he was speaking about the average, one of the things that he said is that you will belittle your acts of worship in comparison to them. And the people misguidance and innovation is not about worship, necessarily. And that's why the status of the scholar over the worship is like the moon over the stars. So, these people are people that you should avoid. So you go to someone that you know has studied, that has the ability to convey that knowledge, they will take you from a basic stage and they will make you advance and they will progress you people that you will learn from the etiquettes not simply from their knowledge and so these

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From the etiquettes, that the chef mentions, when it comes to a person with their chef, the next section that he mentions, and I'm not really going to touch upon this, but it's called a double zamyla. And it's basically the etiquettes that you have with your companions with the people that are studying with you. And so one of the common things that that students or manage have is that they have friends that are studying with them, while just like in school in university, you have people that are studying with you. And so he gives some of the tickets when it comes to that as well. And inshallah I think you can go back and read that won't spend any time on that. The next

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section that he mentions, is the etiquettes that you possess, when it comes to your knowledge when it comes to your knowledge.

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So the chef mentions, number one is that you have high determination, this is the first etiquette that you have high determination. And that's basically that you never give up. So that point that we mentioned a short while ago of people not being able to stick it out to attending a few lectures and then stopping, not being able to see through, it shows a lack of determination, low determination, whereas the student of manage has high determination. And normally, you'll find that the scholars that are the the most knowledgeable are the ones that have studied for the longest. They continue to study with this follows they continue to benefit from the knowledge even after many, many years. And

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there are students around today, that study with people extract members for 4050 years, 4050 years, they continue to benefit from them. If you were to go now to Medina, and you go to shut up the mess in our beds lecture, you'll find that these students that I've studied with him for 2030 years are still sitting there. His own Son, Shahab de Rosa, who's a scholar in his own right, comes every day, every single day, and he sits at his father's feet.

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Even though he has his own chair, he's a teacher in the home, he teaches himself at a different time in a different place. But even so, he'll still come in and sit with his father and he listened to him, he probably knows it all. He's probably been through it all. But this is from the etiquettes. If you go to Section PT, you'll find that many of his students sit there, many of his students who are doctors and professors in the university themselves, they will come and they will sit, and they will rarely miss a lecture. Rarely, even though they've been through it all. And it's a basic lecture, or starting from the beginning, or whatever is doing, they will come and they will sit,

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look at the beautiful etiquettes of the scholars. These are the etiquettes that a student of knowledge has to possess. And it's not easy. All of the things that I'm mentioning are not easy. They're not something which is simple. But it's something like I said, it takes time. And it shows the level of a person's piety and a level and the level of their knowledge when they reach that stage when they reach that stage, and they're able to do this. And so you have high determination. And when you look at the scholars that live probably 5060 7080 years ago, people are showing up to Bible appeal, and chefman basil knees and when it came to them studying with their teachers, or a

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time when there were no schools in Saudi Arabia, they weren't universities, they weren't colleges. There was really any paper to write on, let alone anything else. No email, no computers, no mp3 is no recorded lectures, no, Ustream. How did those scholars go, they would go every single day. And they would go to these scholars. As a matter of Saudi and these people, there's the teachers, the teachers, or people are shocked, like the militia members. They weren't world famous. Because things were different in those days, there was a time when they say the man of Saudi, who was the teacher of Chevron Athenian would have five, six students. Sometimes people would come to his lecture and

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there would be no one there, it would just be him sitting there waiting for someone to come. Just waiting. And so 15 minutes after So, find your student or to turn up and he begins teaching. Firstly, look at the determination of the show. It's not about numbers. It's not about quantity. It's about quality. And because he wants to teach your weight, and then look at those students didn't come and say, there's only two of us here, no one tender can be a very good chef, he probably doesn't know much, there's probably something wrong with him. Let us go and find someone else. Look at the way they stuck it out. And now if you wish to master these books, and you know about him, he

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was one of the greatest scholars they lived in this era. One of the most knowledgeable people a second of fame is one of his students by question of deliberate appeal and others. This is how they would study at a time when studying knowledge wasn't as you know, it wasn't so well known as it is probably. Now you have a lot of people that want to study, they want to go to Medina, they want to go to different places and study, then it wasn't about anything else. It was just simply that you go and study, we didn't have aspirations to become scholars or the Imams of the harem, or to become judges and to appeal when he mentioned that he was first appointed a judge at the age of 16 or 17.

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And he was told to go to the south of Saudi Arabia to become a judge. He was like I can't become a judge. I'm only 1617 years old. You want me to become a judge. But this is how

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They learned this is the knowledge that they had that the teachers told them to become judges, the teachers themselves think you're ready, you're at that level, at the age of 1718, to become a judge and to deal with the issues of people, it shows a level of maturity. And it shows a level of high determination.

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And so that's something also which the chef mentioned, as well. And that is that you have high determination, generally, especially high determination when it comes to seeking knowledge. And when it comes to seeking knowledge, you need to know this, you need to have this high level of seeking knowledge. And not only do you seek knowledge, but you do it. So summer case that you just come and attend. But when you go home, you've forgotten everything, when you come to the next lesson, but you've forgotten what was in the last lesson. And so you're having trouble like catching up. It's like, you go and you study, and you perfect, what you've learned, and then you move on. Excellence

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is an is a principle of Islam. And that's why you're not the only one who said that you're worth the value of every person is that which they excel in the value every person is that which they excel in. So if you excel in something, and you're well known for it, that's what people will respect you for. That's what you will be known for amongst people. That's what will be your prized possession. And then there are many other points that the chef mentioned as well. One of them, though, that I wanted to bring to your attention as well, or to sorry,

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number one is benefiting others. So part of this etiquettes of seeking knowledge is that you do it to benefit others as well. And so you go and you teach others and you advise others, and you benefit them and you can. And this is also something when you reach you see amongst the scholars, rarely do they say no to anyone that they can benefit. And especially not from chef members and others, that they would always say yes. And they would rarely say no, unless they weren't able to. So if you came to the chef, and he said that, I want you to come and I want you to give a lecture to a to our mustard or to our congregation or to our people, the chef would say Do I have time, if he has time

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he would go, if he doesn't have time, then he can go. But he wouldn't just reject people and turn them away. It's not about just moving them away. And likewise, there was known about him that when he would go to a sitting, whatever that sitting was, it might be a wedding, it might be a funeral, it might be just a social gathering, he would come and he would always change it to knowledge. always change it to benefiting the people who would always do it. Sometimes people come and they would just be reciting poetry.

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But uh, you would have things to say about the poetry. Yes, it was good. Yes, it goes back to this principle of the Quran and the Sunnah. Yes, the prophets of Salaam said this about this. And that's what he was saying, in your poetry, know what you said was wrong. it contradicts Islam, or it goes against this principle of the Sharia, and so on. So aren't just simply about going there. It's about benefiting others as well. So when you sit with others, you benefit them. And obviously this is based upon knowledge, right? It's not just about talking for the sake of talking is based upon knowledge, we can help others as well. Likewise, one of the etiquettes that the chef mentions, is

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that your safety your safe God in your life of seeking knowledge. is the statement, Landry? I don't know. That is your exit clause. That is your get out of jail free card law? I don't know. And this is why the scholarship is to say that half of knowledge is simply perfecting the statement. I don't know. So when you don't know, you sing, you don't know. And when it's an issue that you're not sure about you tell people I'm not sure about this is maybe what i think but let me go and double check. And so you don't talk, you say I don't know. And this is one of the most important ethical studies student of knowledge can have. And it is something which will safeguard a person as the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, Whosoever lies upon me intentionally, they let him take his place in the file. Speaking of without knowledge, is one of the greatest sins. Some of the scholars said that it is even more severe than should be law, associating partners with the law, because schilke only starts when people speak without knowledge. It's only when people act with that knowledge and speak with that knowledge, and give fatwa and religious verdicts without knowledge. That is the essence of shrimp. And so saying that Audrey is a very important ethical, the last section, or there's two sections left from the book.

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The second to last section speaks about the importance of enacting your knowledge. So it's not just simply about learning, but it's about putting that into practice as well. And the shack mentions a number of things.

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Number one, he says, What are the benefits? What are the signs of truly beneficial knowledge? How do you know that your knowledge is truly beneficial? And you mentioned a number of points, he says, number one is action. So you act upon your knowledge. And it's one of the companions of the law, one who would would only memorize a certain set of verses of the Koran, and they wouldn't proceed until they had put that into practice and action and so

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acting upon your knowledge is very important. Number two is

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that you dislike to be praised. you dislike to be praised. So one of the things that we mentioned and again, it will come up and it comes up over and over again, throughout this book is the importance of humility and humbleness. And so not wanting to be praised. And remember one of the most beautiful things that you'll find out about Shahada live in Jubilee in Rahim, Allah, one of the scholars that passed away a few years ago, was that he would never like to be praised. He wouldn't even allow people to kiss him on his forehead. And it's a sign of respect, especially in Arab countries, that you kiss people that you respect on the forehead. So maybe a son will do to his

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father or his grandfather, a boy will do it to his uncle, or to an old man in the community as as a sign of respect amongst the Arabs that is very well known. It's common practice. And likewise, a student does it with their knowledge, they kiss them on their forehead as a sign of respect. The chef wouldn't allow anyone to do this, because he didn't consider himself to be of that level. If someone came, he will literally push you away, and he was an old man, he would push you away. I know people that Mashallah were big, right built, over six foot, they would go, and he would push them.

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And if a child came, and they wanted to kiss him on the forehead, he would kiss the child on the forehead instead, if someone came, and they want you to kiss him, he will do it to them instead. But he wouldn't let them kiss him. Because this was the humbleness and the humility that he learned. And it wasn't that because he stopped, people kissing him on his head that everyone's Okay, can't be a chef now, you know, no, no decent chef could do this. And people just stopped going to him. It only increased in people's love of him, in their respect of him. And he was well known to be a great scholar. My question is a minister and I mentioned this last week, he would allow anyone to praise

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him, wouldn't allow anyone to praise him, especially when he's sitting there. And so these are very important etiquettes. And it shows that a person has sought knowledge, it shows that a person has knowledge. Number three, he says that you have increased in humility and humbleness. And part of that is that your knowledge, the more that you learn, as we mentioned last week, as well, I think, the more that you know, that you don't know, as a beautiful verse, the poetry of Imam Shafi, when he says Kula who around me around is the treatment is the treatment, generally, it's a very beautiful verse of poetry where he says that the more time that passes by this is remember, shefali speaking,

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the more time that passes by, the more that I come to know, the deficiency of my own intellect. I know that I'm not very smart. Because people when they start to seek knowledge, at the very beginning, they think they know it all. They think there's no one clever, they think there's no one smarter, no more intelligent, no one that has the truth other than them, they can't be wrong, and no one else can be right. And so he's saying that, again, we mentioned this as one of the stages of, of knowledge is that you leads to an arrogance, a type of arrogance. And the only way that you come up is to continue to seek knowledge and carry on, persevere, until Allah gives you the humility and the

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humbleness. And so the chef, if I'm a chef here, I'm Allah is saying that as time passes by, this is what I've come to learn. And remember, chef is one of the greatest scholars that ever lived. I came to know that my own intelligence was deficient. And that's why you find that these scholars will never shy of changing their opinions. never shy if they thought that what they held was wrong. They would change their opinion. If they thought that there was another opinion that was more correct. And it's famously Imam Shafi has two Muslims, he has two opinions about the man of God, the old and the new. And if you go to the master bedroom urashima, you will find that there are so many

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narrations from him that often contradict why because the scholars change their opinions. They have different opinions over time, they learn more. And as they learn more, they may be realized that perhaps that opinion was incorrect. This is a new Hadith that I learned today, that shows me that the opinion was incorrect, or I learned something else that was new. And so they changed their opinion. And it's not that what I did, forever was right. And that's why in that famous tournament, the judges would ask normally, bla bla bla bla, and what do we do when we rule in an affair, but then afterwards, we consider that a ruling to be incorrect. And now we want to give in that same

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issue, a different ruling. And so he would say, how the Alabama not blue till Carolina, Carolina. Now we rule according to this, and then we wrote, according to that, meaning he was okay at that time, because that was what you thought was true. That was what your knowledge gave you. But now over time, you've changed. And so from the science of a student of knowledge, a beneficial student of knowledge, one that's successful, is that they change that they learn new things, and they change the way they are. And if you find a person, that at the beginning of their study of knowledge, and at the end of the study of knowledge, they haven't changed anything in any of their opinions, then

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they're not a student of knowledge. They're not a student of knowledge, because they're claiming that they always knew everything at the beginning. And that's impossible.

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They haven't benefited anything. And that's why you find that when people go, and they learn and increase modern knowledge, perhaps they change some of the things about the way they pray, not the basics, but maybe some of the things, or some of the opinions they held in zetta, or some of the opinions that help enhance or some of the other issues that they had. If you always stay that same way, then you're not a student of knowledge. Because it doesn't make sense that you always knew everything at the beginning. And so you learn and you change. And the important thing is not to be shy or embarrassed of that change, or to seek that people will frown upon you or look down upon you,

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or criticize you for it. Because the reality is that they don't know they haven't sought that knowledge. And they're not up to that level. But because you have it is your duty to go back to that first point, which is action. Because if you study but you don't know and you don't sort of you study and you know, but you don't act, then that itself is deception of knowledge. It's like you're being treacherous to the knowledge that you sought and that you learnt. And so Amanda Shephard he said that the more that time passes by Island, the deficiency of my own knowledge, and the more knowledge that I seek, the only show thing that I know is that I am ignorant.

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Because a beautiful state, the more knowledge that I seek, the only Sure thing that I have knowledge of is my own ignorance around is that treatment is the treatment B generally, that's the only thing I know is that I am truly ignorant. And this is obviously in comparison to the knowledge of Allah. And the knowledge of the Quran and the Sunnah. It's so vast that you can't know everything. And so it humbles you. And it gives you humility in front of Allah subhanho wa Taala. The fourth point that he mentioned is that you run away from thing that you run away from fame, from the signs of a scholar and a student of knowledge is that they don't want to be known. They don't want to be the

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judge. They don't want to be the scholar. They don't want to be the Mufti, they run away. And there are many examples of this. avi Malik and remember Bo Hanif and others that were punished, literally lashed unplugged, because they refuse to become judges, or they refuse to take positions of leadership and power, they would run away from this. And obviously, there's more detail to it than this. It's not just as simple as that. But the point is that a person voices to the best of their ability. Now that doesn't mean something which many people which I call enrich many other people that I know called, a sense of false humility. What's false humility. false humility is when you can

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benefit people and you don't, when you're the best person to teach, and you still don't teach when there's no one else. And you still say no, now it is your responsibility. As Yusuf Ali Salaam, said, in the Quran, each onion, Allah has a lot in the Haffield on him, make me the guardian of the treasures of your land, I am trustworthy, and I will preserve it for you. He was the best person there. And so false humility, and it's a trap of shape. One is when shaytan comes to people, he says, You're not worthy. You should be humbled, you should show humility, don't teach, don't benefit, don't do anything, stay at home, lock your door, and don't do anything. This is a sign of

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false humility, because part of action, and part of knowledge is that you spread it

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part of knowledge is that you stretch. And so one of the basic things is giving a better word to the knowledge that you have calling ordering the good forbidding the evil in acting, your knowledge. And so one has to be careful of being balanced. You don't go to the level of what you seek out fame, and you want to be famous. And you want to have lots of TV channels, where you have programs and so on. But at the same time, it doesn't lead you to the other extreme of false humility, where you don't want to benefit anyone. And you don't want to teach anyone, and you don't want to be known at all, especially when there is a need for you.

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And other ethical dimensions in this is that you leave off claiming to have knowledge leave of claiming to have knowledge. And that doesn't just simply mean that you stand there saying I am knowledgeable, I am a chef. But what it means is also in your action. So if in a sitting you find that someone is always talking, doesn't have to say drama story doesn't have to claim to be a chef. But that very action shows that he has this, that he claims to know everything speaks about everything that comes to him. And there are people like this, unfortunately, that will speak about everything. And as a scholar said, where these issues to be put toward Omar, he would have gathered

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the people of buzzard for it, meaning the major companions, the most Senior Companions, you would have asked for the advice because of the issue and the gravity of it and speaking about the region of a law without knowledge.

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And so it is again a trap of shape, one and shape, one will come to us by many ways and in every way, shape and form. And he will come to us and He will say that this is part of arguing a good argue or a good debating learning and researching about your knowledge. It's about asking questions. It's about learning more. you're seeking knowledge by doing this. And really, it's a deception of shape. And it is a deception of shape. One when you seek knowledge in this way, because it's not seeking knowledge. And that's why you'll find that there are people that will speak about the same issue over and over again. They'll never learn. They won't have benefited they won't have reached a

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decision. They'll still bring it up over and over again because they don't know they don't have

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Manage, whereas this true student of manager knows, he knows what the ruling is because the ruling is there in the corner and the sun and the one that studies it knows it. And once they know they move on, yes, they may revise later on, they may add me subtract, but they know. And so it's done in a systematic way, not in this ashram, you know, in this very chaotic way.

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And likewise, one of the other etiquettes that he mentioned, which is very important, very beautiful, is that you think evil of yourself, but good of others. This is a very beautiful etiquette of knowledge for a Muslim, little room student of knowledge. It is a beautiful etiquette of a Muslim, to think good of others, was thinking evil of yourself. And that's why there is a beautiful statement in Arabic that says that, don't let what other people think about you, deceive you about what you know for sure about yourself. Others may think or they want of God, and so on. And we ask Allah azza wa jal that he protects us and he veils us and our sins from others. But at

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the same time, you know, your uncertainty, you know, you're standing in front of Allah, you know, the sins that you've committed, you know, your true wealth. And so a person that knows this, how can they then go out and be arrogant and, and act as if they're better than everyone else, and no one else knows anything other than them. And that's why when you understand these beautiful etiquettes, and these etiquettes are so important. Before you even pick up your first book of knowledge, you realize why scholars like Imam Shafi would say that I've never debated anyone, except that I wanted the truth to be on their tongue.

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I want you to learn from them and benefit from them. Where does all of this come from? It comes from these beautiful etiquettes that you think evil of yourself, but you think good of others. And when he has someone that does something, whereas is the general etiquette of a Muslim, you see it, you, you veil them, and you conceal what may be wrong and the mistakes and you advise them in a beautiful way. And you help them to come back to the strip as if they're making the mistake. And maybe they're not making mistakes, often those people are more knowledgeable than you. Often those people are better than you, they have more armor, they have more action in the sight of Allah than you. But we

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just have this very strange mentality where we think that anyone that doesn't agree with my opinion, or doesn't do things the way that I do them or doesn't see the way things the way that I see in them, then he must be wrong. And so again, this is again, that first stage of knowledge that we mentioned last week, which is arrogance, arrogance, where simply you think that anyone that doesn't do anything that you're doing must be wrong. It is arrogance, and the arrogance will never go until you continue to seek knowledge. And that's why one of the traps of shame, I think I mentioned this last week as well, was that you stop at that first stage. When you think you know it all. And you

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have that type of arrogance, you stop and shaytaan deceived. And he says to you, there's nothing more to learn. And this is the vast majority of students of knowledge probably fall within that stage. And that's why very few of them come out to become great scholars, very few of them go on to have such a great impact on the community. How many people go and study with the scholars, how many of you go to Medina, you'll find 1000s, probably hundreds of people in the sitting. But how many of them come out to be great scholars, how many well known students of the other like some Imam, Chef, Mr. Mohammed and others, how many other great scholars such as over in Savannah, thodi, and others,

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but their students are very well known at all. And the opinions want to preserve. And it's not that they weren't scholars, they were many of them are great scholars, illustrious scholars, but there are many others as well. The only stop at our first stage and they don't continue. And so it's important to continue, so that you learn your true worth as well. One of the other things that the chef mentions,

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is respect of knowledge. So one is respecting your teacher. But another is respecting the knowledge that you seek. Knowledge should be respected. And that's why I remember that Schumpeter, one of the things that I always saw him do was that if he saw that a person had to book on the ground, he would tell them to pick her up, it was an Islamic book, you would say lift that book, pick up that book. And it's not because it's Haram. Islam because the book has something which can be put on the floor. This is how you respect your soul, you respect your knowledge. So if a person has a Quran and they put it on the ground is and it's not always the case that is wrong or is haram. But out of respect

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for something which is the book of Allah, which is the son of the prophets of Salaam which has knowledge in it, you raise it and you lift it and you respect it. Many of us if we had a temper no and someone put something on top, we'd get upset. Someone put some tea on top of your 10 pound note or 20 pound, no, you'd be upset. You don't want it to be stained, you don't want it to have tea drops on it. But if it's knowledge of parents, okay, do whatever you want. And so we have to respect the knowledge that we have as well. So it's not only about respecting the people and respecting our teachers, and respecting our, our, our our students and so on, but it's about respecting the actual

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knowledge that you have as well. And that's how you find that the scholars is reported on the likes of your family and others that when they would teach when they

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They will come out to teach, they would wear a new thought they would wear new clones. And sometimes they would bathe, and they will put perfume on. And then they would come and they would teach. Why

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it's not it's not a word, it's not obligatory. It's not a Friday necessarily, it's as if they had to take a whistle. Why, though, because respect of knowledge. And when people see you respecting knowledge, and they come to listen to you, and they come to learn from you, they to respect knowledge as well. And so this is another beautiful etiquette that the chef mentioned. And there are many more, but we don't actually have time to go through them. And I'm aware that time is going on. The last section that the chef mentioned is things to be aware of, and things to stay away from. And he mentioned a number of things. Number one is daydreaming. And what he means by daydreaming, he

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calls it Helman yakata, which means daydreaming. But what he says by what he means by daydreaming is to think you have knowledge when you don't. And again, he's he keeps repeating some of these points over and over again, the importance of not thinking that you know, everything, of not thinking that you have knowledge, when in reality you don't. Another thing that he warns against is those three stages of knowledge, and of being stuck in the first. So he said last week, as well, the three stages of knowledge is first arrogance, and number two, humility and humbleness. And number three, knowing that you don't know anything, those are the three stages of, of knowledge that the scholars

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mentioned. And so he says, beware of being a pushover, the first the father of the first one being stuck in that first one. And that's when you find that the greatest scholars are always the most humble. They're always the most humble, and they always have the most humility.

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Whereas the people who have the least knowledge are normally the ones that are the most arrogant May Allah azzawajal, save us from them.

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Another thing that he mentioned to be aware of is that you don't go and teach before you're ready. So don't go and teach and start giving knowledge when you're not even ready. Don't go and start teaching when you don't know. And one of the stories that I had when I was in the stomach, University of Medina, and Allah knows best if it's true or not. But one of the stories that I heard from one of my friends was that there was a student who was studying in Medina, and after his first year, he came back and is from the UK, somewhere in the UK, I don't know where, but he came back. And so he thought he'd start teaching as well. And so he started teaching about water, the ruins of

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water and Moodle and so on. And for those of you that have studied the chapter on water, there are different types of water. So there is pure there is impure, and so on. And so someone asked him when he was going through the these categorizations, and he, he didn't really know himself, he wasn't too sure. But he gave like a definition for water. And he said anything which is impure, impure is pure, and therefore anything which is pure you can make with him.

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And so someone asked him as a joke, most likely, does that mean that you can make with over 70 of its sprite looks like water? You know, it's like clear and everything. And can you just make one over there? It's pure, it's obviously not impure, because you can drink it. So can you make water with it? And he said, Yes.

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He said, Yes, because he was stumped. And he's asked the question in general. And so he can't say, I don't know, because it'll look bad. What kind of a teacher doesn't know. And so he said, Yes. And so now, even the average people there, right, people that don't know anything, even they knew that this can't be true, right? This can't be right, that you can make will do with seven. And so it became a big fitna in the community and spread and people came and someone had to come and actually teach him that actually, No, you can't. And this is why you can't. And these are the mistakes that you made in your categorization, and so on. And so teaching people or giving fatwa coming out before you're

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ready, before you have that level of knowledge, that's also something to be aware of. And then he mentioned many other things as well from them is that you don't have enmity towards anyone, you don't think of evil of anyone. You're not someone that jokes a lot, so that people don't take you seriously when it comes to anything that you say, likewise, the way that you should react with someone that differs with you. So if someone differs with you the the etiquette that you have, when, especially if it's in one of those issues, where you're allowed to differ, where there was differences of opinions, genuine differences of opinions amongst the scholars, sometimes amongst

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even the companions of the loved one. And so as a mama Scheffer, you would say, or was one of the scholars said about mama Shafi. I've never seen anyone more intelligent than a Shafi, we will differ on an opinion. And then he would come to me and he would say, our differences shouldn't cause us to discriminate. It shouldn't cause us to have enmity towards one another, can we still be brothers, even if we differ on certain issues, and obviously, these are issues of faith, and issues of our faith and belief, and so on. And so then he mentions a number of other things as well, which I'm not going to go through, because we don't have much time. But these generally, basically is the outline

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of his book, and many of the etiquettes that he mentioned within his book. And so in conclusion, I want to mention a couple of points. Number one, the importance of learning these etiquettes. And by learning them, I don't mean that we just take notes of the ones that we just listened to them, but we actually enact them as well. And these are the etiquettes that we should have with our songs when it comes to our

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Our chefs and our teachers when it comes to teaching people and when it comes to respecting the knowledge that we have, and the things that we should be aware of as well. And if a person has these attributes of knowledge within their mind, at the forefront of their minds, when they seek knowledge, they will find that that path will become easier, and that Allah will bless them in that path. And they will find that their knowledge is much firmer and as more Baraka and blessing in it, and they will progress a lot more and a lot easier, a lot quicker. And a lot of xojo will bless them, because they will be true with Allah. And if you're true with the Lord and Allah will be true

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with you, Allah will reward your sincerity and he will reward your piety and he will reward your determination. Because anyone that wants the light of Allah doesn't get that light by sinning or by disobey Allah or by disrespecting the knowledge that Allah has revealed. But if you want the light of Allah, then you display the etiquette of Allah. And as a larger, which will set under under Vanya dB, I am the way that my son thinks of me. And so one of the last etiquette that I will mention that the chef mentioned, as well. And it's very important and the one that the vast majority of us forget, he says it in Allah, but you true in turning back to Allah, all of this, everything that

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etiquettes of manage all of the knowledge that you learn, but around the sun, not everything, it should strengthen your connection with Allah. So you go back to Allah. And the first thing that you do is you make dua to Allah as a larger module that he makes use of knowledge that he allows you to have and possess these etiquettes of a student of knowledge that he makes you someone that that can lift, ignorance of yourself off of others. And so these are many things that we should make him do our for every single day. And the prophet SAW Selim would often make dua for things like this, allow Manero becoming a million dollar yaksha Ryan in law that will lie seek refuge in You from malicious

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and beneficial and the hot that does not have piety and is that ocean tears. These are things that we seek refuge from, and you ask Allah, that it gives us beneficial knowledge as Allah says what Rob doesn't need. So we make dua, and one of the best ways to make dua, especially for stripped of knowledge is to pray the night prayer, to pray the main prayer. And it's very difficult for many of us, myself included to pray the night prayer. But one of the ways to come around this or to get out of this is that you pray before you go to sleep. Even though it is best to pray in the third part of the night, the last third, it is allowed for you to pray before so if you know you're not going to

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wake up, then pray before you go to sleep 1112 o'clock, pray as much as you can.

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So it is allowed for you and inshallah even that will have some blessing in it, and allow will reward you for it. And when he sees your sincerity, allow will allow you then to pray in the last third of the night as well. And so we returned back to Allah and that knowledge always goes back to Allah, it stems from Allah, it goes back to Allah. And when we seek knowledge, we ascribe it to Allah. And so the most important etiquette or all of this should bring about all of our knowledge, all of our etiquettes of seeking knowledge. And the process of seeking knowledge itself is that we strengthen our connection with Allah, it brings us closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala and allows the

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will makes us from amongst those people that have knowledge that allows that which addresses and makes us from amongst those people that have managed as long as it benefits us from that which we heard, that He gives us beneficial knowledge and it gives us righteous action that it makes us from amongst those people who when we hear the words of the Quran and the Sunnah, then we take them in the best way and we act upon them. So the last

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big main inshallah This is going to be the last lecture next Sunday is probably going to be so obviously there won't be a lecture then. And then after that inshallah shabu sama she'll be back on Sunday. But what we will be starting, as I mentioned last week is the explanation of Bulu almarhum of rememberable Hajj Rahim Allah, which will start on the 10th of November, which is a Thursday, again, after Salah Malaysia. And so I wanted to do this really as an introduction to those lectures. So Hamdulillah, Sabu, samosa, it was easy for us to do it in the slot. And so really, this is an introduction. It's like a prelude to those lectures as well. If there's any questions, quick

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questions, we can take them those in shaba.

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Okay, what is my advice towards people who have an issue with respecting their teachers and quoting the teacher, chef and so on, I think it's quite necessary that people always disrespect the teachers when they don't do so. It's often that people have a confusion over this issue. Firstly, the term share or the terminal style or the term doctor or the term whatever, is not a term that you find in the Quran and Sunnah Russia return it's not something which you will find that the professor Lim called his companions share. companions didn't call one of each of the chef they would call either one or another the titles such as Khalifa or mirror meaning or something like this, or they would

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call one another through their name or they will call

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wander through there. Konya. Abdullah Abdullah, c'mon Abu, so on and so forth. And so it's not an issue of Quran and Sunnah. However, it is an issue of respecting someone. So you will find that there are many times that a chef will call students chef. And many of our teachers would address a chef, they wouldn't addresses anything else to say sciascia accent, and I'm not sure, but they would call it because this is the etiquettes that they want us to possess. Part of having the articles of knowledge is that you have them yourself, that means the teacher as well, not just the students, but the teacher as well. And so if out of respect, someone called a teacher who is a teacher, he's

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learning from them is benefiting from the seeking the knowledge, he calls them share what he calls the monster, then I don't see anything wrong with this, I don't see that there's any problem whether it's against assumed knowledge leads to Sharia. And I think people are smart enough and intelligent to know that when, for example, they call someone that's teaching them or on a chef. They're not comparing him to someone like chef members, or shareholders have given to me or my measurement.

01:00:59 --> 01:01:27

People know the difference, right? Someone that's teaching you put on, and he's teaching you how to read Elif baton, you call him chef, that doesn't necessarily mean that you're not equating with the likes of shacman, Basil shapleigh theming. And so people need to use the intelligence of sometimes we make trivial issues, mountains, and we make them into really big deals when they're not really a big deal. And so if you have someone that's knowledgeable, someone that studied someone that you seek knowledge from any column chef, then I don't see any problem with this and ask Allah azza wa jal dedicados. to that which is true.

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Very quickly.

01:01:51 --> 01:02:20

Okay, when I said that knowledge, the more that you seek knowledge, the more that you come to know that you don't have knowledge that would probably give some people low esteem, self esteem, and so on. How do you combat that? It doesn't give you a low self esteem. So a person that's truly seeking knowledge and they come to that level. They don't think, oh, I don't know anything. So I'm going to stop now. Oh, they don't think I don't know anything. There's no benefit. There's no point carrying on what have I been, I spent 2030 years seeking knowledge. And I still haven't got anywhere they know. So people like Mr. Schaeffer, you were very, very knowledgeable. And people like Omar do you

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say the amount of the loved one had nine tenths of knowledge. But the point is, is the way that you the etiquettes that you display. And so when we say that a person doesn't have knowledge, or they think they don't have knowledge, what are the etiquettes that come about that? You will be humbleness and humility and thinking good of others and thinking evil of yourself and it will strengthen your connection to Allah you will come closer to Allah ask Allah to give you more knowledge to make you stronger and firm and so on. And so it's the etiquette to sometimes shape and again traps us and it gives us this thing where what's the point of after 30 years you think you

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don't know anything anyway? What's the point? But the point is that this is one of the beauty of knowledge that you humble yourself, in front of Allah subhana wa tada and Allah azza wa jal loves those who humble himself in front of him as is I think it's in the Hadith of the Prophet SAW Selim from not mistaken that whosoever humbles themselves in front of Allah, Allah will raise them in this dunya and in the next Elijah, which will make us for monster

01:03:20 --> 01:03:20


01:03:22 --> 01:03:24

Skipping to Bloomerang mail started,

01:03:26 --> 01:03:41

is there a cap on the mainframe there's a difference of opinion amongst the scholars, whether there is a cap whether there is a maximum or a minimum and the strongest opinion Allah knows best is that no, there's no maximum and there's no minimum. So pray as much as one pray to pray for pray more, pray less. Such change.

01:03:51 --> 01:04:02

Sorry, in regarding a night prayer, to pray with the crown open in Chung. If you haven't memorized much, and you want to pray with one open for another prayer, Sham

01:04:06 --> 01:04:13

is the right place to 100 pray right to Malaysia the night prayer. So after a sham before you can pray a night prayer. So before you print,

01:04:14 --> 01:04:16

as many records as

01:04:17 --> 01:04:17


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