Ammar Alshukry – Learn To Increase Focus in Salaah (Khushoo)

Ammar Alshukry
AI: Summary © The speaker discusses a workshop on Prayer and its benefits, including being able to be present in prayer and learning from others. They emphasize the importance of learning and sharing experiences to improve one's prayer and achieve success in prayer. The workshop aims to help people become a community that has a president prayer.
AI: Transcript ©
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And that's the purpose of going through this process with a teacher that they're able to navigate for you. What is something that is aspirational versus something that is pragmatic and realistic versus counter posing it with something that is from the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu SLM, that will kind of make it way more attainable to you. So you take that beautiful narrations about images of it, and the mummified and other things that we're gonna go over in the course. But at the same time, you juxtapose it with the fact that the Prophet SAW lions and Him who had the most assure of anybody would be able to pray, and at the same time, hear the crying of a baby in the Salah and

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shorten his prayer due to what he hears of the crying of the baby. So does that mean to have for sure I have to be like someone who doesn't hear anything? And is it moved by a boulder flying at me? Or can I have for sure, but at the same time, be aware of my surroundings? These are the questions that we're going to answer in sha Allah data in this class. And what you're going to find is that wherever you are, right now, the goal is to let you know that we're not going to be going into the detail of what invalidates your prayer, and what you know what the pillars of prayer and the Sunnah prayers are and all of these types of things. That's not what this class is about. And at the same

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time, this isn't a binge worthy lecture series, this isn't you jumping into a car and listening to 10 hours of content or anything like that. This is a workshop. And this isn't a workshop to teach you the rituals, like this is how you bow and this is how you stand up and all of these types of things. But it is a workshop to teach you how to be present in your prayer. That's the goal, we're going to go over the meanings of the prayer, because that helps with regards to your presence, we're going to talk about variety, because right is one of the greatest things that helps you with presence. But at the same time, it's not going to be confusing, you're not going to be super

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overwhelmed, because there are meanings that I'm going to communicate for the beginner student. For people who are new Muslims, or for people who aren't necessarily familiar with all of the technical jargon and sha Allah, I'm going to avoid a lot of that technical jargon. And at the same time, we're going to enter into variety for those who are intermediate and advanced, because that is one of the greatest reasons, one of the greatest ways for them to actually have presence in their prayer as well. This is a workshop where you are going to take content, and then you have to go and apply it. It's as simple as that, the benefit that you're going to get is going to be directly proportional to

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you taking the action items and saying, I'm going to go and I'm going to practice this in my salah today, and I'm going to practice it tomorrow. And I'm going to measure it and I'm going to see whether this works for me or if it doesn't. And the reason why it's so unique to you is because I'm going to be presenting a lot of material and different things are going to work for different people. The system accommodates for so many different aspects of presence in the prayer, and different people are going to relate with different things. But your job is going to be to experiment with what works for you. The province of allied SLM in a beautiful Hadith he says focus

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on what benefits you underline that word you what benefits me is going to be different than what benefits you and what benefits you is going to be what benefit

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will benefit somebody else. But another important element because this is a 14 day experience is the student community. One of my favorite Proverbs is an African proverb that says if you want to go fast, go alone. But if you want to go far go together alone, you can watch this entire course probably in 24 hours or even less than that. If you want to go further in your prayer, then you're going to join the student community, you're going to be a part of all of the discussions, you're going to get the suggestions from everybody we're going to create inshallah Tada really beautiful environment, I'm going to be there to answer any questions that people have. Sometimes you might

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download a book for free or you go when you purchase a book, I would always encourage you to purchase a book. And Kindle has really made a lot of things easy for people as far as purchasing content, but we rarely actually implement the content that's actually in a particular book. It's a very particular type of person who can actually go through a process alone. There's something amazing about going and seeking knowledge with a group of people together. The scholars they used to say knowledge is a kinship between its people, like you become like blood brothers and sisters. And so for you to be able to join a student group, we're all going on this beautiful journey together,

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answering questions that you might have, holding account holding you accountable for the things that you said that you were going to do check ins all of these things together will help you go further than you would have had most likely if you had done it alone. And that's why if you want to go fast, go alone. But if you want to go far go together. I care a lot about this topic. It is imperative that we all learn how to be present in the salon. It's as simple as that whether you take this course or whether you decide to go and learn it from other any other source. But I encourage you, I implore you to go and learn this as well as to be able to teach it to others because a person's

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presence in their conversation with Allah subhanaw taala is what defines whether a person's prayer is accepted or not. You are standing in front of Allah. It will pay him he says this really powerful thing he says the fruit of Hajj is

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Is you spending in the path of Allah, you the fruit of zakah is that you that you're purifying your wealth. The fruit of fasting is taqwa, obviously. But the fruit of Salah, the very fruit of Salah is that you are turning towards Allah and Allah turns towards you. And so when you're turning to Allah for you to not be present for you to be absent as you're turning to Allah is a is a disaster. It's a catastrophe. That's that's a problem that we're trying to solve in this course. It's a huge problem. It's one of the greatest pains that the OMA feels everybody. And it is the one that we're setting out to solve in sha Allah Tada. We want to be able to together solve this problem in sha Allah to

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Allah for ourselves as well as be able to learn the mechanics so that we can go out and teach this other people as well teach it to our family members, teach it to our children, teach it to our friends, teach it in our communities, so that in sha Allah to Allah, we can all become a community that has a president prayer

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