Ammar Alshukry – Learn How To Super Power Your Salaah Salaah

Ammar Alshukry
AI: Summary © The importance of Islam's teachings in shaping the culture of the United States is discussed, with a brief overview of the meaning behind the symbolism of Islam in the daily prayer. The use of the symbolism of Islam in shaping culture is highlighted, along with the importance of worship, which is a beautiful act of worship. The speaker also discusses the use of ":15," which represents tension and personality, and the importance of standing back and not just achieving a record. The use of "the beast" in various prayer scenarios is also discussed, along with examples of what symbolism means in different prayer scenarios.
AI: Transcript ©
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That becomes this incredible act of worship that you were offering to the last panel data and you get two doses of it. Because it is so beloved to Allah. And because it is so important for us, that we go and we enter into this station where we are nearest to Allah Subhana Allah that Allah is greater than whatever is distracting you in this moment. Allah is greater than whatever just entered into your mind as you're going from one station to the next one station of Salah to the next. And that's why Allahu Akbar is the slogan of Salah es Salaam aleikum wa rahmatullah wa barakato. Welcome everybody to video number three of the map to mindful Salah series. First of all, I really want to

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thank you all for the incredible comments, the support the shares, everything that you've done with regards to making these videos successful hamdulillah I'm really excited. And this topic is literally a superpower that we have access to the province on the lighthouse element ever anything startled him frightened him bothered him he would rush to the Salah and Allah subhanho wa Taala says Westar ino be Sabri was salah, Allah says Seek help in patience and prayer. The prayer is a source of help for us, it's an instrument for us to get access to Allah subhanaw taala and to call upon our Lord, and it is a great, great tool for us that we have at our disposal, we just have to take better

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advantage of it, you just have to take and I know insha Allah to add to that you're already experiencing a better prayer. And I thank you for your comments and your suggestions and your tips. And you're benefiting other people as well. And that's what I love about this. It's not just one way experience, but it is me sharing my experience as well as my research and you sharing your experience as well things that I've never even thought about him that are being presented. Now, I know I told you that in the last video, I said, you know, we're going to spend a lot of time talking about the stories of the setup. But the feedback that I got was, hey, can we get for the final video

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in sha Allah? Can we get the meanings of the prayer? And so I'm really excited in sha Allah to share with you some of the meanings of the prayer. The solar has incredible symbolism. Of course it does. Of course, the solar has incredible symbolism, you know, she was Jaffa chef Idris he was one of our May Allah protect him and preserve him. He's one of our senior scholars who has spent some time in the United States and he mentions a nun who came and she witnessed the Muslim prayer she went in and she saw us bowing and prostrating and all of that she saw people praying. And she said, for the first time, I've seen a prayer that reflects how I feel about God.

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She's like, I this is a prayer, the form of it is something that that seems like it expresses how I feel God should be worshipped. There's so many beautiful aspects of the prayer. And so let's just go over a quick overview in sha Allah, Allah have some of the symbolism. And by the way, as usual, if you have beautiful reflections on the symbolism of the salon, I want you to comment on it as well. I want you to share with us all the Charlotte data because I'm just gonna give you a brief overview. And for those of you who've, who've been asking and saying hey, we want more detail on this topic, we have a course in Charlotte data that we've launched on mindfulness and Salah and this is the

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mother of online version, this is this is like over 10 hours of content in sha Allah that I've prepared over the entire year so you can get access to it inshallah Tao you'll see in the next video, by going or by going simply to a motive dot online, you'll get access to it, but for now, let me give you a beautiful short overview of some of the meanings of the Salah, okay, so you're standing and you say Allahu Akbar.

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Immediately you're saying God is greater. Allahu Akbar doesn't mean God is great. For we're going to be technical. It's God is greater, greater than what?

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It's left blank. Allah is greater than anything else at this point in time.

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And it is the slogan of Salah it is greater than Allah is greater than whatever is distracting you in this moment. Allah is greater than whatever just entered into your mind as you're going from one station of the next one station of Salah to the next. And that's why Allahu Akbar is the slogan of Salah. Just like love bake Allahumma Baker's the slogan of Hajj at every station of the Hajj you're saying Lubbock Allahu Allah Baker. I am Oh Allah, here I am. In every station of the prayer 90% of the stations of the prayer, as you're moving from one station to the next. What are you saying? You're saying Allahu Akbar. You're like a camera that's refocusing. Right, this camera has got

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automatic zoom, whenever it refocuses. And your Salah is like that. You go from one stage of Salah to the next. And you are refocusing. You're reminding yourself Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. And then you're standing, and you're reciting Surah Fatiha, and the beautiful symbolism in Surah Fatiha of course, but I'll just share with you one thing, just one thing in sort of the fact that something called LT fat, is the fat is it shifting in the tense it's a shifting in the tension sort of at hand what that means is that at the beginning of sort of the fact how you're speaking to Allah, or you're speaking to Allah and the third person, so you're saying all praises to Allah, the

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Lord of the Worlds, the Merciful, the Beneficent I know I told you in the last video that we're not going to say benefits and so the Merciful The merciful molecule Medina Master of the Day of Judgment Okay, that's all third person you're speaking to Allah as if he's not there right third person and then you say yeah, cannot Buddha yeah canister

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and you alone do we worship you only see from it just switched from third person to second person. What is that shifted intense that's called LT fight. It's a shift intense. You're talking about him as if he's absent and then all of a sudden you're speaking directly to him. The scholars they said that that shift intense and saw the Fattah serves a number of purposes of them is that it refocuses you. But number two, they said it has beautiful symbolism and that symbolism is, is that when you are praising Allah subhanaw taala. It's as if you're standing outside of the court of the king, you're standing outside the wall is there, and you are in treating entrance you're seeking to enter

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and so you're saying Oh Allah, all praises due to a lot of Laura's the master of the data, you say all of that, and then the doors open. And now you're being ushered in, because you've praised the loss of Hannah data. And now when you've entered into the court, it's as if you're gazing at the king himself. And so now you're speaking directly to him, you're saying, and you're gonna do, you're gonna stay in New Orleans, we worship in New Orleans.

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And that is, for me, I just love that so much. So beautiful, that you're standing on the outside, and now you've been granted access. And then sort of the fight continues. And then you go into court and record is this beautiful station where you're humbling your back and you're saying Subhana, Allah, Allah, Allah, the Exalted as my Lord, the great sometimes a person, that they might, they might negate the greatness of everybody, they have no problem, negating the greatness of everything, nobody, nobody is great, except you, Allah Subhana Allah, but at the same time, the only ego that they haven't crushed is their own. They still see themselves as being great. I still see myself as

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being great though. So you're bowing your back? And you're saying, No, my lord is the great I have to crush my ego and record is the is that which precedes sujood record as you're preparing for salute. And so you get back up, and you're saying, Send me Allah Who even Hamid Allah accepts from those who praise Him. And part of the praise and Allah Subhana Allah knows best when you're standing back erect, after you've been in record record is the position that many animals are always in their back is, you know, they're walking on all fours. And we human beings are erect. And this is a great blessing that you and I are erect and that we're able to walk like this. And so when you stand back

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up, you stand back to this natural, beautiful form that Allah Subhana Allah created you and created you and you say,

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to Allah to you belongs all praise. And guess what, on the Day of Judgment, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam told us what that the disbelievers will walk on their faces into the hellfire. And the and the companion asks that you have us will Allah like how are they going to walk on their faces and the prophets Allah Allah Allah has sent him said, is not the one who made them walk on their feet, in this world, able to make them walk on their faces in the hereafter. So may Allah subhana data protect us it's like this great blessing of walking on your feet where you're standing up. Now you're praising Allah subhanaw taala for it will be removed, that blessing will be removed from the

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disbelievers on the Day of Judgment. They don't get access to it anymore. So you stand up and you say send me Allah even me that Allah accept from those who praise Him and then you go into sujood n o sujood. sujood is that great act of worship? You're making che long cry every time you go into sujood because he remembers that he was commanded to prostrate the big crybaby, he was commanded to frustrate and he refused. So for him as the Hellfire you are commanded to prostrate and you prostrate so for you is paradise. And so that becomes this incredible act of worship that you are offering to Allah subhanaw taala and you get two doses of it, because it is so beloved to Allah. And

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because it is so important for us that we go and we enter into this station where we are nearest to Allah subhanho data. And so the province level 97 tells us this is when you should be making a lot of Da because you are closest to Allah subhana dot Institute. And so we then come up from subdued and the Jelsa.

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I just want to tell you something as far as the symbolism of the Jelsa. I was floored when I was reading what was being said about that symbolism. Because let me let me tell you this.

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It is appropriate that you and I stand in front of Allah subhanaw taala like this, that's appropriate. We are His slaves, we are His servants and He is our Lord. It is appropriate that you and I bow in front of Allah, isn't it? It's appropriate because He is our Lord and we are safe. It is appropriate that we make sudo to Allah subhanaw taala of course.

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But then we sit down and who do you sit down in front of you sit down in front of a friend. You sit down in front of someone you're comfortable with? You sit down in front of. If you meet a king, you'd naturally stand that's what you do.

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And to Allah we stand and we bow and we prostrate and that what we should do,

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but to sit.

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That is incredible, incredible closeness to Allah. And then we do another sujood and then we sit in Tisha hood, and I'm just going briefly through this in the course. We go over all of this in

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detail to Allah and so if you want the detail and the depth, then join us in sha Allah data for the course but the shout that the show would you sit and you say to the law or life belongs to Allah, my whole life belongs to Allah subhana died it should. It should belong to Allah. And then there's that beautiful symbolism of hate that word Hey, add, and the event is calling and he's saying, hey, hey, yeah, la sala come to the pier, the same route is being used as if this prayer is life. And so you're sitting it's a dude, you're sitting into chat with and you're saying, Hey, I'm here to LA or life belongs to Allah, or philosophy about and it continues going, and then the entire salah, you've

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been talking only to Allah subhanaw taala there's nobody else that you talk to and then all of a sudden you find the prophets that Elijah send them in front of you. And you say As salam o de que un Debbie rahmatullah wa barakato. I shared this a million times. And I'm talking to you right now, and I'm getting goosebumps. And

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you see a sitcom I'd like all of a sudden the prophesies that have is in front of you. And you're saying, I set up my de como, Santa Monica, you had Debbie why? I mean, you're the one who taught us this prayer. The Prophet cellulitis him say, Pray as you see me pray, you're the one who taught me so it's appropriate that I address you in the Salah too. And you were the one who most lived a life for Allah when I say that at the law, you're when you look up adhere to the law and the dictionary, it's the province the law it is and and that's his picture that's next to it. And so it's appropriate that when you say Atilla in the Salah, the prophets, Allah, Allah, Allah, Islam comes in

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front of you.

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And then it continues on. And then you say Salaam Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah. What is Sudan mean? Salam means freedom from deficiency. If I want to, if I want to grow a garden, first thing I have to do is I have to take out everything that's deficient in that garden, I have to take out all the weeds, I have to take out everything that will contaminate my garden. That's a setup.

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And that'll Rahmatullah that Rama is that garden developing, it's growing. And then what I got is blessing. So now, I planted what I expect, and I'm nourishing it and I'm growing it, but all of a sudden, I find it growing beyond my wildest expectations. That's the baraka of Allah subhanaw taala and so we're going to go over all of this inshallah that in more detail the meanings of the prayer as well as all of the variety because in every station of the prayer, there are more things that can be said. There are way more things that can be said Inshallah, tada I look forward to you joining us in sha Allah to Allah saddle Maga Live dot online, but not only that, still I need your comments

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inshallah to Allah one last time. So what tips benefited the most for you in sha Allah Allah Allah one of the meanings of the prayer right now? Did you not know that you're hearing for the first time what symbolism Did you hear for the first time today in sha Allah to Allah? And number three, what symbolism do you see in the Salah that I didn't mention in this video is our common law fair? I know inshallah your Salah has already become more beautiful I pray that Allah subhanaw taala beautifies all of our prayers and etc. Masala was set on why they come on. I'm delighted but I got to

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