Abdul Nasir Jangda – Tafsir of Surah AlMuminun 19
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Every summer I have the distinct pleasure of spending an entire month with people from all over the world here in Dallas, teaching the Arabic language Quranic Arabic the language of the Quran, and discussing and exploring the Timeless Lessons and wisdoms of the book of Allah. We call this experience Quran intensive. Please check out begging us summer.com That's B A y y i n Ah summer.com To get more information sign up. I look forward to seeing you hear in sha Allah at the Quran intensive
hour with the beloved ministry upon the regime.
Rugby in Julian Nima you are due soon Rob be fella Johnny Phil omit Vani mean we're in
New the camera now I do hula all the rune
it desirability here Arsenal say you
know Allah movie My UFC foon welcome Rob be arrows will be coming hamazon at Shayateen
will be corrupt be at Rouen
Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen
wa salatu salam O Allah say you did mousseline while Allah Allah He was we were meant to be our homeboy son, Elijah Medina.
In the previous passage, Allah subhanaw taala not only, of course, provides the consolation to the messenger salAllahu alayhi wa sallam, Allah subhanho wa Taala talks about the qualities of the believers. And Allah subhanaw taala similarly, outlines all the criticisms or all the issues that the disbelievers might bring up against the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam in the Quran, and Allah subhanaw taala one by one deconstructs all their different arguments, we're going to be inshallah starting into a new passage here of D'Souza and this is the final passage of the sutra. So it serves as a conclusion to the sutra and one of the key features of this particular passage. So
first and foremost, to reiterate something I've said earlier,
that each and every single sutra is an A very conclusive arguments, in and of itself. And of course, the entire Quran all put together is the ultimate guidance. But each and every single sunnah as well, individually independently, makes a very powerful argument and addresses a particular issue. And under that issue, it'll Of course, discuss a number of different things.
And in these lengthier longer surahs, like we're setting here, so number 23. So to me noon, which is nearly half as long over 100, yachts, in a pseudo like this,
Allah subhanaw taala. Typically what we find in the conclusion of the sutra is that the sutra is summarized. And a summary of the sutra is stated in a concluding argument is made. So in that sense, it's very comprehensive, and it's very conclusive.
And so this particular passage, this last passage of the sutra, will also serve that purpose. And one of the key arguments are one of the key points that will be made here, in the concluding passage of the sutra is the fact that Allah will tell the prophets Allah, He said, that, and by extension, teach all of us, of course, that
in spite of everything that they say, and everything that they say, is completely baseless and pointless and refutations have been provided for everything that they say.
But in spite of all of that, you'll find that many of these people will still continue to argue, to debate to oppose, and to slander and defame and they'll continue their course of action. And as a conclusion, it's telling the messenger salatu salam,
that you can either become completely preoccupied by them, and their conduct and their what they what they say and what they do and how they conduct themselves. Or you can dedicate your energies to the mission and the cause that you've been given.
And therefore ignore and neglect these people and what they do and how they conduct themselves and know for a fact that ultimately, the decision will be made by Allah. Allah subhanaw taala will establish justice
And so wait for that decision to be made by Allah and leave the issue to Allah subhanaw taala. And let Allah subhanaw taala deal with them as he sees fit, but you stay the course, you make sure that you dedicate yourself to what you're supposed to do. But you can't, at the end of the day allowed, you can't allow yourself to be preoccupied by these people. They're just not worth the time and the energy. And what they're doing is they're trying to bait you so don't fall into their trap.
And in this is a very interesting, you know, discussion and some very interesting reflection, of course, we'll talk about as we go through it. But here's since I've mentioned it, there's some very interesting reflection in this for us as an OMA as well, for for us as Muslims, that there will be some people that will oppose and they will,
they will defame and they will slander and they will lie and accuse, and they'll engage in all the similar type of conduct that people did with the profits a lobbyist Hello. And we also have a decision to make that of course, we respond very, in a very dignified fashion, in a very sophisticated manner. But ultimately, if the opposing side is not interested in listening, or engaging in any type of intelligent discourse, then we also have to decide that will we allow ourselves to be baited, and be pulled into a nonsensical back and forth? Or will we stay the course and do what is required of us, and what is better for us, we can't forget our own souls in this
process, that sometimes you can engage with somebody that you become so enamored with winning an argument or winning a fight, that you actually ended up damaging yourself, and ignoring and neglecting your own soul in the process. But rather focus on yourself work and strive to the for the pleasure of Allah, make sure that you nourish your own soul. And in this, at the same time, realize that a lot of times it will be a very vocal minority that will stand in this type of opposition. But the majority of humanity is still searching for waiting for the truth.
And it is your responsibility to make sure that you deliver it to them. And so don't be baited. And don't be sucked in into this back and forth, because it has no benefit for you. It has no benefit for them, it has no benefit for anyone, in fact, everyone loses in that process. And, again, right here at the beginning of this passage, I mentioned something that the ayat basically as we're going to read through it talks about turning the issue over to Allah subhanaw taala, leaving things to Allah going as far as you can go, and then saying, now I leave this to Allah subhanaw taala. And I leave this in the hands of Allah subhanho wa Taala
that there's some discussion amongst the scholars of whether or not this is what they call mon Su. Which means hasn't been abrogated has been hasn't been deregulated, that when the ayat of jihad and kitan and fighting in the Cause of Allah, when they came was this entire course of action, do you regulate it or not? And of course, the opinion of the majority of the scholars is that no, it's not deregulated. But rather it is very, very necessary and very important advice that we are constantly going to be in need of, and that we can just draw this black and white, you know this one way or another type of scenario
where before you were to let it go, and now you have to find it out.
But rather, what you have to really focus on is what is as I just talked about what is really needed and what is important, and you have to assess the situation. And the three things again, that have to be looked at what is best for you
and your community. And then what is it? Is this court? Is this back and forth, and this confrontational engagement? Is this making any difference in the lives of your, you know, the people that you're talking to? And then thirdly, what about the rest of humanity, you have to take that into consideration, and you have to consider those factors. And the other thing that I'll mention is that a lot of times, you know, due to just maybe kind of a proactive mindset, or kind of like a motivated driven type of mindset, When things reach a particular point. And you might have been given this answer. When you ask somebody a question that I have this this situation, what should I
do? And you say, and by the way, I've already taken the following steps. I've already done the following things.
Before you advise or suggest me to do the font, I've noticed that I've done the 10 things that you would recommend. And then the answer is we'll make dua and that almost kind of seems to us like that's a
that's kind of that's that's just an answer to placate someone, or that's kind of a defeatist mentality. We'll put your faith and your trust in Allah let Allah handle it now, and again, people sometimes feel like, well, what does that exactly mean? Don't we have to do something about it?
What will we have to understand is that if we've been reading this entire sutra, paying attention, learning and listening, then what we've understood and realize is that Allah subhanaw taala is the Almighty, the all powerful, he's the one who's created everything and controls everything, and has everything within his grasp and control. So then ultimately, what we have to understand is that handing things over to Allah is not you know, defeatist or it is not placating anyone in the least bit. It is not a passive manner. It is actually the primary thing to do and it is the most powerful thing someone can do is to strengthen and establish a relationship with Allah and say, I trust Allah
is to spread your hands before Allah and make dua.
The prophets, Allah, the salam and the Sahaba, they fought on the day of brother. But the night before the Battle of brother, they were in their tents, making dua and crying.
That's the real course of action. That's where victory is achieved. That's where hearts are turned and changed. That's where guidance is spread. That's how the deen of Allah is established that but if I don't have the conviction,
and the Yaqeen, the willingness, the fortitude, the spiritual fortitude, and the foresight to turn to Allah, and to have Allah subhanaw taala on my side and hand my affair over to Allah, then how is that mindset any different than those who just did not have any belief in Allah and they said that we can't really believe in this.
Because we might be again, we talked about this, we might be saying one thing, but our actions show something completely different. And so it's a very powerful passage that we'll talk about the implications of handing your affair over to Allah subhanaw how to do so. Number one, what are the implications of that and what will exactly transpire in the life of the hereafter and how Allah will establish the ultimate form of justice? So we begin with a number 93 We're actually going to discuss it 93 and I in 94, we're going to discuss both is together in sha Allah, because it's a dua that is being taught by Allah to the prophets, Allah need some to be made in this situation, and so we'll
inshallah study it together as well. So Allah subhanaw taala says Quran be immaterium Nima you are doing rugby fallout. Only Phil Oh me volume in.
A translation says, say,
Lord, if you are going to show me the punishment you have promised them, then Lord, do not include me among the evildoers.
So to analyze and kind of break down what Allah subhanaw taala is exactly instructing here in this dua Allah says, say, Yeah, Mohammed. And of course by extension, it's been taught to all of us, Rob Be my Lord, my master. I've mentioned this before that if you pay attention to the script itself, Rob be there's a camera there is the e sound on the bar, there's a cursor on the bar. And what that is indicative of is that the full scope of the word is actually with the yam which are column which means rugby My lord, my master, but that yah is abbreviated the word is abbreviated rugby, just with the cursor, and that shows that sense of urgency alright and it conveys a powerful emotion rugby My
lord, my master image to the knee, my you are doing that if ima is the combination of in an MA in is what we call in Sharqiya. It is used to state or began a conditional statement. Ma is also called Masha Thea It is also used to begin a conditional statement, you have a combination of both of them in math and this is done for an extra degree of emphasis to contain very powerful emotion here, imaginary in me, that if you are going to show me if you are going to show me my you I do not that which this might is what we call my most hula, it's the most hula, ma you are doing a lady you are doing that which they have been promised. And this is of course referring to the punishment from
Allah, that Allah if you are going to show me their the punishment that they have been promised. And what this is saying is that this is of course in response to the fact that of course, the message of the prophets, Allah Nizam along with all the other prophets was that believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala submit to Allah, and you will receive all these blessings in this life and in the eternal life of the hereafter. And eventually it concluded with
Well believe in Allah change your ways. Otherwise you will face accountability in front of Allah and you will be punished by Allah subhanaw taala. That what they would do is they would come to the Prophet to all the prophets, including the prophets Allah to him and they would mark them the prophets they will say Allahumma in Ghana indica for Andhra Alina Hegira Tamina sama with Tina be either Benelli that they would say that Oh Allah, like again mocking leader would say, Oh Allah, if this message and this prophet is really from you, until Ralina, Jonathan Minister Ma, the letter rain down stones from the sky a week to not be honest, I've been Aleem or let loose the most
painful, severe severes form of punishment that you have.
Show us what you got, give us your worse, let us have it. And they would, of course, say this very, you know, they will say this in a in a mocking fashion, to make fun of the Prophet and the messenger in the believers. So corapi immaturity, and so when they say this, and they say, Bring on the punishment, where's the punishment? I've been waiting. Where is it? You keep talking about it? When is it going to happen? Is it happening today? Or tomorrow or the day after tomorrow? Or Monday, Tuesday? Let me know. So I can go in and put it in my calendar. I can schedule it, mockingly
and so Allah subhanaw taala. Now in response to that, because when it gets to that particular level, now there's no dialogue, there's no discourse. So Allah teaches the prophets Allah they seem to do either Oh, my master, Oh Allah, if you are going to show me what you have promised them the punishment, then the response to that? Why is Robbie My lord, my master? Fella, the fire here begins the answer. So a conditional sentence, a conditional statement is followed by a response. What in Arabic is called a shot to win.
So you have the shot, and now you have the desire, the outcome fell out the journey filled with volume in, do not make me do not place me Do not put me in the people who have done wrong, a volley mean, and I actually haven't discussed the word volume in a lot of detail, we've come across it a few times. But I haven't discussed it in a lot of detail, I'll take this opportunity to do so. volume in the Arabic language is a very fascinating word. And the roots of the word actually means to what the O'Shea fee is at Mahali he to put something where it does not belong.
To put something where it does not belong to miss appropriate from this we get the meaning of Wilma, Wilma to lane darkness, because in when it's dark, you can't see you don't know where things are, you don't know where to put things you don't know where to go, where to walk, so on so forth. Similarly, oppression, violating the rights of another person who's also called them obviously because you are misappropriating rights, sinning, right? Again, when you know what you're doing is wrong and you still do it. It's called the sinning. Because, again, you are misappropriating God gave you His blessings, to utilize them for your own benefit, and then to be obedient to Him.
But now that you're utilizing those blessings of Allah, to defy him to disobey Him, to disrespect them, that is void.
And similarly, Shinnick Allah calls should Varun Woodman Alene the greatest form of learning why because you are misappropriating God's soul right to be worshipped, right, so you're misappropriate and so it's also called void. So it's a very fascinating word with a lot of scope to it. So Allah do not place me if you are going to show me what that means is if the punishment that they have been promised, will come down while I am still alive, then do not place me amongst these people filled with volume in in these people who have done wrong. Who had brought this upon themselves, remove me from them protect me is essentially what it's saying. Now, to explain this a little bit in terms of
the defeat of it. There's a few things I wanted to talk about here.
Imam Ahmed in his Musnad and Imam Timothy in his Jameer mentioned the narration that has been authenticated by the scholars of Hadith where the prophets Allah alayhi salam said, oh as a dua again, either Raja be home in fitna 10.
O Allah, either Raja becoming fitna 10, fatawa, funny, elated freedom of tune in
that oh Allah. If you have intended to afflict the people, then take me back to you without being afflicted.
remove me from amongst the people. Don't allow me to fall victim to the punishment that will be for them.
And so this obviously brings about the question
well, if somebody does wrong and the punishment comes, it should come to those who have done wrong. Can it come to other people who might be mixed in amongst them? Why would somebody who does not do wrong who believes you does the right thing have to worry about it? Allah subhanaw taala speaks about this within the Quran, where Allah subhanaw taala says, in Surah, Al Anfal ayah number 25, what Cebu fitna 10 What Cebu fitna 10 Be very cautious. Be very careful about our test in a trial of fitna and affliction lab to see when the Lavina Vala Moom income has certain that will not only afflict those who have been wronged amongst you be very mindful and cautious of such an affliction
that might come from Allah subhanaw taala and are in shadow the Allahu Taala on her the Mother of the Believers are Isha, she asked the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, ya rasool Allah, a new liquid fina Salih Han. Can we be destroyed while there are still good, pious righteous people amongst us? And the prophets. Allah ism said now me Dr. Thoreau.
Well, I came up as Alinea team, yes. When evil becomes predominant in a society, then everyone who is afflicted, at the same time know for a fact that on the Day of Resurrection, there'll be raised according to their intentions according to what was within their hearts. But that is not to say that when evil predominates within a society, that everyone can just be swept up within that affliction that will come from Allah subhanaw taala. And specifically, the Quran talks about sometimes why that exactly is the reason Lorena Latina kufr roaming Bani Israel Illa Allah, Allah Sanita, who there were so many Mariam Valley kabhi Ma, so what kind of Yatta don't that the people have been? Ill were
cursed by the tongues of the prophets, he signed the who the masala can who like it, and that was because they disobeyed God and they crossed the line, they crossed the limit gundula gets in a Honda among caring for Allahu La pizza can we have alone, because they would not prevent, they did not put any work or effort into curbing the evil that was slowly and gradually spreading like a virus throughout their community, they had no concern for it, they did not care. So what ends up happening is that before the punishment or the destruction from Allah comes many times, that people will kind of burrow themselves and figure that let me just kind of take care of myself, each each, it's every
man for himself, every soul for themselves. And what will end up happening because of that is before the punishment comes from Allah subhanaw taala, they themselves might end up being afflicted by it. Because this is a very basic concept. And it speaks to the human nature, that every human being is the, you know, the scholars of telopea will talk about, and scholars of descale will talk about that every human being is either diary or Mujuru, that either you weren't calling to something, or you are being called to something, either you are an influencer or you are being influenced. So either you're influencing others, or you're being influenced by others.
And so if you don't have any type of values that you stand for, and that you you know, live by, that you conduct yourself with, and that you stand for, and even propagates in whatever, you know, way shape or form that it's possible for you then know for a fact that your values are being compromised, and you are adopting the values of others. And that's something very powerful that we have to grasp.
So what's the one thing that allowed to see Bonilla Dena Bala moving Casselton?
Now, so that's the very first issue that why would a good person amongst some evil people have to worry about the punishment of Allah coming down, because it's very possible that if as long as I'm doing what I'm supposed to do, and I'm doing enough, then I'm preoccupied with that particular mission and cause but if I'm sitting there idle, figuring that I'm just going to fortify myself and just, you know, ride out the storm, without really being proactive in any regard, then realize that I will end up being affected and then afflicted.
And so that's why this particular deal is so key, and it teaches us so much as well. The second question here, or the second issue that needs to be discussed is
well, but the prophet of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam specifically, Allah subhanaw taala says to him in Surah, tool and file is number 33. In the same sutra, Allah says, well, mankind Allah Who You Are The by whom will interfere him. Allah will not destroy them Allah will not punish them and destroy them through his punishment will interfere him while you are still amongst them.
wanna destroy them while you are still among them? Allah told the prophets Allah disowned them. So then why would the prophets Allah descend and be making dua to be removed and to not be caught up in the punishment that might come up on them? And so, this is something that Allah subhanaw taala or rather excuse me,
this is something that is mentioned. Al hustle bustle Rahim Allahu Taala actually mentioned this very beautifully, that Abu Bakr, Siddiq, Radi Allahu Taala and who he was very commonly heard saying, well, Aja Cornwallis to be Haley come
when a tech home was to be failing, I wish to be like you because I am not the best amongst you.
When it was very well known that Abu Bakr Siddiq or the Allahu Taala and who was amongst the best of the Muslims of all time, in the history of the Ummah, but he used to say, well, he has to be critical. I wish to be like you and I am not the best amongst you, I am not from amongst the best amongst you. Similarly, if we go to the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the hadith of Bukhari and Muslim teach us that the prophets Allah is One narration says he used to ask Allah for forgiveness more than 70 times a day X Salman Severina. Martin. Another narration tells us that the prophets Elijah Musa ask Allah for forgiveness at suddenly me at Amara more than 100 times
a day. So why was the prophet somebody's him doing that? Number one, because even if Allah has given a guarantee, it is still befitting of the believer and Iman necessitates humility before Allah and humility before God, that we still submit ourselves before Allah and realize that we are ultimately accountable before Allah, and that even if we have been pardoned or excused by Allah, that that is Allah, bestowing that pardon and excuse upon us. And if Allah willed so he could take that away from us, so I am still in need of Allah's mercy. So I will humble myself in order to attract the Mercy of Allah. And number two, also educationally, to demonstrate and to educate through his own example,
that this is the mindset and the attitude that believers need to have to always remain humble before Allah subhanaw taala. And to never become, you know, never fall into the trap into the mindset as if we are now just we've crossed a certain threshold and we have nothing to worry about anymore. But always be humble. And always ask Allah for forgiveness and always be mindful of the accountability before Allah and always ask ALLAH SubhanA wa Taala for forgiveness and for protection.
So kohlrabi, immaturity and Nima you are doing rugby ferrata Gianni filco Mithali. Me
the next idea, Allah subhanaw taala In ayah number 95 says what we're in Now ALLAH a nutria. C'mon Nari, to whom la casa de Luna. We're in NA Allah and nudie Erica manjeri Doom la casa de Lune. A translation says that we certainly are able to show you the punishment we have promised them
that we are capable of showing you. So Allah subhanaw taala is basically saying in this idea that yes, Allah subhanaw taala has said that Allah will not destroy them or punish him while you are among them.
And Allah subhanaw taala will grant you protection Allah subhanaw taala will forgive you and protect you and provide for you. But at the same time, if these people continue down the path that they are, Allah subhanaw taala will afflict them with punishment
and allow you it while you were still alive, while you are still in this world, Allah will afflict them with the punishments while at the same time protecting you. And this is where the scholars say that this is in this particular shoot up because like we talked about this as a MK Contura is revealed in Makkah, that this is a prophecy of the Battle of budder.
That Allah subhanaw taala will remove you from them will take you and the believers to the city of Medina and then Allah subhanaw taala will afflict them and that was the Battle of brother.
We're in our new rica mercenary to whom la casa de Rouen and Allah subhanho wa Taala in another place in the Quran in surah to Zuko I have 41 and 42 Allah said for him, another Habana Vika for Enam inhuman Chucky moon that we are going to take you away and then we will let them have it. Oh moody and Nicola de Rajan are home for dinner and they can move on and then we will show you how we deal with them. We will allow you to see the delivery of what was promised to them. They now lay him looked at the room because we have full control over them and over the whole situation. And that's exactly what transpired in the Battle of butter
prophet of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also alluded to this at the Battle of Baghdad after the battle was done, and the shahada, those who had fallen amongst the believers had been buried. The those who had died who had fallen in the battlefield from the disbelievers, their bodies are also been put into the ground.
That after that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam stopped at the place where the disbelievers had been buried. And the prophets Allah He said a mentioned the leaders of the Quraysh by their names.
The narration says
for work of Rasulullah sallallahu Sallam Al Khalifa only bothered when that can be a smart him Washington wa he then he mentioned their names one after another will call Allah whom la caja wa jedna ma Hua Donna Rob buena Khan for Halawa tumah where other Abu haka
that we have found what our master Allah promised us to be true. Have you found what Allah promised you to be true as well? And of course, it's a rhetorical question. The answer obviously, was yes, but this is what the prophets a logician was alluding to at that time as well.
In IE number 96. Now, Allah subhanaw taala says it the viability here is to say you
know, Allah movie microphone.
A translation says, I am number 96, Repel evil with good, we are well aware of what they attribute to us, Repel evil with good we are well aware of what they attribute to us. And so we talked about in the previous you know, in the introduction to this passage, I talked about how Allah subhanaw taala tells the prophets Allah the sum on how to deal with them at this particular juncture in point. So Allah began with this dua, that first thing he's teaching the prophets Allah has given us is that make dua connect to Allah subhanaw taala talk to Allah, but implicitly within that do I and saying And don't worry, we'll deal with them.
But after making dua, now, how do you practically in real life deal with them though? How do you still manage your interaction with them? And so Allah teaches the prophets Allah the sermon of course instructs us, it Fabiola t hear us and say you
will be by your cell phone.
Now, there are many ayat to this particular effect within the Quran wotja de la miletti Here ash and of course, very well known ion sort of 41 sort of facilites is 34 and 35. Allah says it viability here axon that repel or respond react with that which is better for either the bay Nico or Bina who either watchin and then all of a sudden what you'll find is that the one between you and between that person there was very severe animosity gotten into who will even mean as if that person has become your most loyal and devout dedicated friend. What might you luck Ah ha, well my hula kaha and this ability to be able to handle an adversary with this type of grace, the graciousness that this
this type of response, my EULA CAHA Illa Latina Subaru. Only those people are able to do it who are able to practice restraint. Patients were able to restrain themselves, well my EULA kaha in law who have been Aleem, and only those people are given the ability to do and do this and respond in this manner, who have been blessed by Allah subhanaw taala greatly, that there's great reward great dignity for them in this life and great reward for them in the life of the hereafter. Only those people have been given the ability to do this. waving my hands around the commoner shape on the next one for say a biller, when shaytaan still comes after you and he's trying to incite you. Literally
mescaline refers to is poking you and prodding you on. Then at that time for stare at Villa take refuge with ALLAH inna who has sent me an alim, Allah subhanaw. Taala is always listening. And Allah is all knowing.
So at that time, you need to turn to Allah and you need to reconnect with Allah because know that that desire for vengeance, that desire to want to put that person or those people in their place, that is an evil desire, and that comes from a bad place. There's nothing dignified, and there's nothing worthwhile about that particular sentiment, nothing at all. Similarly, in Surah Tila out of Allah subhanaw taala has says, and this actually is number 199 199 and sorted out off. And it's such a remarkable idea, Allah, Allah again instructs the prophets a lot he said them who they love for what motivated
Earth, what are in the analogy human?
Three steps, and what sounds like six or seven words. It's a three step process. And it's so powerful, even though this advice is being given on how to deal with the adversary. But at the same time, the MUFA saloon, I've written about it. And I always try to remind people and tell people and remind myself, this particular I have because the Quran is multi layered, speaks at multiple levels. This idea, people are times you know, have questions about community building, how to go about and building the community, and handling different dynamics within the community. This is number 199 facilitator out off gives you the ultimate formula on how to build the community, who they are for
what motivated or for energy healing.
And so if I can just delve into it a bit, Allah, it's in the command form, which means take, grab, grab a hold of, so it's only gonna be very active allow for an alpha in the Arabic language refers to being very easygoing, like being very forgiving and easygoing, like, let things go who they are for. And Allah did not just say why Fu, like be easygoing, and let things go forgive. But Allah said, Hold on, to grab and hold on to this as a policy, as an attitude as a mindset. Let this be the default policy you have in place, that you're easygoing, and you let things go, you forgive shortcomings. You don't come down hard on people.
But you have a very benevolent and kind, generous manner in which you deal with people. People will make mistakes and people will learn and to learn from their mistakes, but you have to allow them to learn from their mistakes. Allah subhanaw taala tells the prophets Allah He said, I'm another place in the Quran in surah. Allah Imran excuse me surah number three is number 159. Allah tells the prophets Allah Angelou Quinta forgiven, that if you would have been harsh, a little,
like held on to things really like, you don't take things to heart.
If you would have been very harsh and hard hearted,
which a lot of times we, you know, kind of the Iron Fist
are very intimidating, scary demeanor, intimidation. Unfortunately, very unfortunately, we too often associate that with strong, powerful leadership.
I don't know whether it was the centuries of colonialism. We're talking about that earlier, or dictatorships or whatever it may be. It's not a laughing matter. But I don't know where that comes from, or whether we've been enslaved by the corporate mindset where you're supposed to hang a pink slip over somebody's head all the time.
Right. So somehow we become indoctrinated into this mindset, that that is leadership.
You have to scare the living daylights out of your people.
They have to not be able to sleep at night. You should haunt their dreams. leadership that should be your motivational poster leadership hunt their dreams.
It's bizarre, it's a Jeep I don't understand.
But Allah is telling the prophets Allah is
a little higher than foot do Minho lake
at the first sign of trouble, they would have abandoned you.
They were left you high and dry at the first sign of trouble.
If that's how you would have dealt with them.
Fabi Mara Maximian Allah healings
but it was only in solely through the blessing of the Mercy of Allah.
That you were very soft and gentle with them And subhanAllah very remarkable. The character of the prophets Allah to him with those whom he led is described as legging Linton to whom that word that verb, the fear linter Lindsay Lohan, it comes from legging,
you know, what's described as legging in the Arabic language silk is called legging.
And something very remarkable is kind of how we explored the language. One very interesting quality of silk is that if if you take a silk sheet,
and you put it over this desk,
right and then you take that same silk sheet and you put it over this camera and the tripod.
What's What's something you notice about that particular sheet?
It conforms, it adjusts to the shape of the desk versus the chair versus the tripod.
A cardboard box doesn't do that.
But the soak sheet has the ability to do that. That's a part of that softness and that gentleness that
You are able to adjust based on who you're talking to. And you're able to accommodate people. And Allah subhanaw taala said that, for the matter how much you mean Allah He Linton.
And what's really remarkable is that type of gentleness and softness should never, ever be mistaken for weakness.
Never, because it is a blessing of Allah and it is the Mercy of Allah, that you have that type of softness and gentleness, and an accommodating nature, and that you are adjustable
and able to grow people and bring them along.
It's a very powerful quality. So who they are for be very easygoing. Forgive. Okay, give a second chance and a third chance. People are like, no, then they're going to keep on making mistakes. Go to little bunny or the Mahabharata, the prophets, Allah ism says in an informational, factual statement, everybody makes mistakes.
If you're looking for a group of perfect people, to build a community, good luck, because you're not going to find it.
It's just not available. It's not possible. Who did the offer, so be very easygoing.
Allow people the opportunity to grow. Number two, what motivates Earth
and command encourage with goodness, positivity alert? maruf goodness and positivity. So what that means is now positive, be positively reinforcing. That when they do get something right, then don't have the attitude like, oh, bow time. Finally, I hope you would get it right on the fourth time.
Right? No, no, no, now be positively reinforced. Now appreciate them, recognize them, acknowledge them, congratulate them reward them.
What would have been the oath?
And then the real interesting part of it, right? So far, it's still remarkable. It's from the Quran. Of course, it's mind blowing. But the third part of it is, a lot of times people say okay, I get it. That'll work for most people, I can see how that'll work that'll be very effective and shut them down. But I have one last question.
And that is, but what do you do with
those people who just always want to be negative?
What do you do with the negative elements?
And people, you know, because every community's got one guy, right? Every community's got one guy.
You know, when people say that we got this one guy in our community, I tell them saying hamdullah you're one guy, I have two in mind.
I have two of them. Right? They hate each other more than anybody else. Right? So what do you do with the negative folks? Allah says, why I did the under Jackie Lee,
ignore them.
Ignore them, you can't feed the negativity don't feed the beast.
Just you do what you got to do. And they'll either get the message they'll get with the program and get on board or they'll take their bid, they'll take their business elsewhere because ain't nobody buying here.
And so, this is the Quranic formula
on community building, how you deal with people remarkable right. So Allah subhanaw taala here in this ayah is similarly telling the prophets Allah is telling us infallibility here is to say you
say yeah,
now to explain the language very briefly in fact, means react respond
react respond bility he acid with that which is better a singing added to that which is wrong. So repel wrong with good.
But there's two things I want to point out here in the language. Allah did not say it via Bill has sanity, I say. He didn't just say Repel evil with good, but he said Repel evil with that, which is best.
Do think of what's good. Now do something better than that. It's our ability, awesome. Think of what would be a good response to this very bad situation, this bad behavior, this bad thing that somebody has said, what would be a good response to that? And then I'll take that good response. Take that good response. And figure out a response that's better. The Quran says don't respond to bad with good it says respond to bad with better.
Even better,
that you don't allow your you know, a lot of times in sports, they kind of talk about this, that don't play to your competition.
But play to your abilities.
That if you're a really, really good, talented, strong team, but you're playing like the weakest team in your bracket in your league, that doesn't mean that you walk out there and just muck it up and try to do the minimal possible in order to be able to just barely, you know, get by with a win. No, no, you still play to your level play to your challenge, play to your ability, don't play down to your opposition.
And so that's what it's saying. Don't allow the opposition in the adversary to dictate to you what should be your standard and your values and your ethics. Absolutely not. You live by a higher code. And so conduct yourself accordingly. Number two,
normally in a verbal sentence in a Joomla philia in a verbal sentence, you have the verb de Ferran it fat then you have the direct object
the Mfold be a say
repelled the wrong
repelled that which is bad, and then you have the extra detail
the Metallica adds the extra details bility here arson. So normally in a normal grammatical sequence, it would be it far as taking a tabula t here acid repelled that repelled bad with that which is better, but that's not what Allah said. Allah said it Fabula t here arson, se atta. He reversed his sentence structure kind of changed the order. And by doing so highlights been naughty he acid, that which is better, that don't even dwell on what they've done. Don't even dwell on it. The second something bad manifest immediately move on to that which is better and dedicate me devote and commit yourself to what is the best thing you can do in this situation. But don't dwell on the
Negativity only feeds and breeds more negativity, but move on to something better.
And like Allah says in surah facilite This is a Quranic advice. It's called a Quranic miracle. But when you live by this code, miraculously will bring about a result that you couldn't even imagine, you couldn't even fathom. Some of them will first you don't under this particular idea. They bring up the example of some very notable remarkable individuals from the life of the prophets, Allah de Sena.
People like Abu Sufyan
who led armies against the Muslims, led armies.
He built an army of allies of 10,000 Strong walked it up to the Gates of Medina to burn the city to the ground.
But a day would come when you would sit humbly in front of the messengers allottees and say a shadow Allah illallah wa shadow Anika Rasulullah.
Nobody could have predicted that or seen that coming. At me the son of Abu Jamal who fought against the prophets Allah He raised the sword against the Prophet sallallahu Sallam killed Muslims with his own hands.
numerous occasions
would not only become Muslim, but would eventually die on the day of Yarmouk, fighting on behalf of Islam. Fighting as a Muslim defending Islam and Muslims in the battlefield you would lose his life be called the Shaheed Radi Allahu
Khalid bin Walid, who is the architect of the entire turn of events on the day of awkward
and was responsible for the attack and the strategy the onslaught that led to the death of 70 Muslims, including the uncle, the cousin, the closest friends of the prophets, Allah the Sunnah
would one day believe and believe with such conviction and be so devout and dedicated, that the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam would refer to him as a sort of God.
Safe Allah Allah slew
Alanna Salah who say from into v that today, God now today God has unsheath one of his swords into this world. And he's talking about Khalid
and the list goes on and on.
That the man washy who personally assassinated the uncle of the prophets, Allah these would come and sit in front of the prophets a lot of them and believe and become a devout believer who would live with the man for the rest of his life
and would defend Islam at every opportunity.
Oculus, nobody could have predicted this. But that's the Quranic miracle
that if you commit yourself to this,
then watch how Allah subhanaw taala turns things in in your favor
and of course the Prophet sallallahu alayhi salam, you know, of course this advice is given within the Quran. How did the prophets Allah ism conduct himself? How did he demonstrate it for us? Because the Quran is giving us the advice, but how did the prophets Allah is implemented and demonstrated for us. When the prophets Allah, He said, I'm arrived on the day of the conquest of Mecca fetch from Makkah, the greatest victory in the life of the prophets, Allah the center, the people that are tortured and tormented him and his family and his followers for 20 years.
Two decades.
For 20 years, they had tormented them, tortured them,
kicked them out of their homes, make them leave their own homes,
tried to kill them at every opportunity they had.
He has the upper hand over them and the profits a lot he said I'm asked him Yamaha Shut up Quraysh Mata the new like a new factory don't become old people of Quraysh What do you think I will do with you?
And they said hate on.
We hope for good. A Hungarian word. No, I couldn't get him.
You are a good brother and the son of a good brother.
That's not what you said a little while ago. But okay. I couldn't get him webinar. I couldn't get him.
And the prophets Allah the some said is Habu for Antimo tilaka. Go you're offering
I will say to you, like you said to his brother's laughter three but Ali Camileo I have no grudge. I have no axe to grind with you. I have no beef with you today.
You're through Hola. Hola, como, Allah will forgive you a water from Morocco. I mean, he's the Most Merciful of all those capable of showing any mercy. Don't be impressed with the mercy I might have shown you today. Know that Allah is much, much more merciful. Reconnect with Allah, establish your connection, your relationship with Allah reconcile with God. That's what you should do with this opportunity.
In is number 97, and 98. And again, we're going to kind of study these two ideas together, because again, it's a supplication that is best studied together. Allah subhanaw taala says 997 and number 98. Welcome Robbie, to become inhomogeneity Shayateen, where we cannot be in the room.
A translator says
and say, Lord, I take refuge with you from the coatings of the evil ones.
And I seek refuge with You Lord, so that they may not they may not come near me. So to talk a little bit about the ayah itself and to understand kind of the language. Again, Allah commands the prophets, Allah, he's from St. So there's something that's been taught to us through the messengers allottee some if it's good enough for him, think about how necessary it is for us. Rugby again, my lord, my master, are with you because I take refuge with you. And I'm going to kind of delve into this a little bit. It's an opportunity to kind of explain it's a very common word of course, Allah subhanaw taala teaches us within the Quran, VEDA crotchal Quran in surah 16 that whenever you read
the Quran, first there is bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim. Then seek refuge with Allah from Shaytaan, who is rejected, discarded.
And so we say bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim. A lot of times you see the translation I seek refuge, there's a subtle difference. It's subtle, but there's a difference. esteri do means I seek refuge and you all should be able to hear exactly why a stereo What do you hear there? The CFR family very good, that has the meaning of forgiveness, right a thought, excuse me that has a meaning of seeking, right talab right. So a stereo means I seek refuge I seek protection, I would I would own means to cling to something for the sake of protection. The Arabs in classical Arabic they would refer to
a fawn.
They will refer to a fawn the offspring of a deer they would call it an oven. Because if you see the fawn what it does is it clings to its mother. It maintains like physical contact physically clings to its mother for the sake of protection, to feel safe, so metaphorically, figuratively choosing this meaning of protection, taking protection, seeking protection. So as they're evil means I seek protection, or who however, is with
At the same time prefix are all the means I take protection. What's the subtle difference in Arabic? In English? It almost sounds like one seems a little bossier than the other. But Arabic has a type of tone where it's not like bossy or rude in its tone, like
not I would like some food can I have some food? I'm eating your food, right? That's, that's not the tone in Arabic and English, it might come off that way. We might hear it that way. But in Arabic, it actually shows greater desperation. Because when you see when you ask when you present follow up, you are open to your requests being denied.
But when you say I am taking protection, you are begging and pleading. You're saying I need now I won't survive without it, I will perish I will die. I am doomed I am ruined without your protection of Allah Uzu beaker, I take protection with you Oh ALLAH.
Min from hamazon Shayateen hamazon that is plural of the word hamazon. Right and this is of course use other places within the Quran as Huawei luckily, home has attained Lomasa Homas.
The roots of this word had me Monza hummus, it refers to poking
excuse me, it literally means to poke someone or something
to poke
and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and so this basically Bahamas Atisha V shape on poking
refers to shape on
goading someone kind of poking and prodding, like pushing someone along.
Right? Encouraging, pushing,
really like you know, adamantly, really adamantly pushing someone.
And so that's what it makes reference to. And the prophets a lot he said them taught us a similar type of dua, Mina shaytani, R Rajim will mean hamotzi he wonderful he whenever the I take refuge from Shaytaan, who is discarded, I take refuge with Allah from Shavon, who is discarded was rejected, and also from his poking and prodding.
The West versa.
Right. So that's what it refers to mean homicides. And it's in the plural form, to again demonstrate the same thing that the word was for said demonstrates, what did we talk about in terms of the word Westwater, what's also shows the repetition, and that teaches us the resilient nature of shaytaan. The resilience, the persistence, of shaytaan
how obsessed he is the obsession, and what NARRATION The Prophet sallallahu even explained to a junonia, who the Shavon is obsessed, you know, when somebody becomes like obsessed with something to the point of like having a disorder, we call it a disorder. It's like Insanity. It's like a small bout a small level of insanity, in mental instability, to just become obsessed with something. Call that person crazy. She thought it's crazy. He's obsessed.
So Amazon ads in the plural form, it's telling you number one, Shakedown will keep coming. And number two, it also shows diversity. He'll come at you it always men bein ad him. Women healthy him, we're on a money in one shot at him. I will come from in front of them. And I'll come from behind them. And I will come from the right of them. And I will come from the left of them. I will come at them every which way. Nonstop. He's obsessed. He's lost his mind. He's crazy. So we're saying Oh Allah, I take refuge with you. I need your protection from the poking and prodding of shaytaan the insane the insane obsession that shaitan has with me.
Where are we to be Kuraby and your drone. And I take protection with you. Oh Allah, I desperately need your protection. Rugby. Now it has the in I forgot to mention this in the earlier I in 93 and 94. You had the repetition of rugby. If you go back and look at is 9394 rugby matches Dyneema you are doing rugby. Right in one context. It seems like it's not necessary to say it I'll be again. But again, what does that demonstrate the desperation, how desperate the need is, when you're trying to really get somebody's attention or you're trying to communicate how desperately you need something to someone. You'll say their name over and over again.
Right because you're trying to communicate that emotion. So again, here you have our own little beaker, and I take refuge with You. who we're talking to when we say you is obvious we're talking to
Allah, but it says rugby, my lord, my master, and we're not only just against showing our desperation but we're specifically invoking the ruble we have Allah subhanaw taala we're saying that Oh Allah, you are my creator, you are my Sustainer You are my provider, you are my protector.
You are everything to me.
I need you to do this for me, Oh Allah, I need this. I won't make it without it. And you're the only one who can do this for me. Or other we got to be able to do rune.
And I asked you for protection from the shayateen because again, the shayateen shaytaan Shayateen was said in the plural form. And I'll talk about that in just a second that they even come near me huddart I mean to be present, yeah, do rune me that they be present around me. And a better way to kind of express that in the English languages, that that they even come near me.
Forget about them poking or prodding or goading, or trying to delude me or convinced me or whatever it may be. I don't even want them coming near me. Protect me, Oh Allah, Oh, my master from them even coming near me.
And that's asking for the ultimate level of protection.
Now, before I talk about a couple of things here to kind of conclude this particular discussion, Allah subhanaw taala talks about this and sort of Zakharov is 36 and 37 will mean Yahshua antiquity Rahman, we really really want protection from Shaytaan in the traps of shape on and the influence of shape on, of course, what are we being taught that that protection is only sought through Allah subhanaw taala you have to get that protection from Allah. And Allah talks about this in sort of Zakharova 36 and 37 will mean Yahshua I'm Vicki rock man, that whoever feels that they are not in need,
whoever feels that they are independence, not in need of the remembrance of Mandy Abundantly Merciful, no plate yet the WHO shaytaan Allah subhanaw taala says that we let the shaytaan loose upon that person, for who Allah Who cut in to the point where the shaytaan becomes that person's partner in crime.
But in somebody you roll with partner in crime, what you know whom, like us, who do know whom Annie Sabine, and eventually that shaytaan will have such a terrible influence on that person, that that shaytaan will take that person off the path. So we have to understand that our protection lies with Allah subhanaw taala and turning to Allah and then going to Allah subhana wa Tada.
Now, the two things I wanted to mention here specifically,
is, number one, Allah subhanaw taala.
There are two ways to look at this particular eye on how it fits into the context here. Number one is that Allah subhanaw taala first, talks about putting your faith and your trust in Allah knowing that Allah will establish justice, as we discussed tonight, number 9394 95. Then in is number 96. Allah subhanaw taala speaks about how to deal with the outside elements that make sure you conduct yourself by your higher standards, your morals and ethics and values. And now Allah subhanaw taala is talking about how to deal with the inner challenges that this is how you repel the influence of shaper, by turning to Allah and connecting to Allah.
Number two, Allah uses the word shayateen. He didn't use Shaytaan, The singular, but he used the word chanting plural. And so some of us you don't very appropriately make a connection here to another place in the Quran. When Allah uses a plural of shaytaan Shafi, Allah says shouting into a jinn
that the shayateen and the word shaytaan itself to explain very briefly comes from the root shutdown, shutdown, shutdown. And shutdown specifically refers to somebody being very far shaytaan somebody being very far very far distant from the Mercy of Allah
and having no concern for the Mercy of Allah.
And so Allah tells teaches us within the Quran, the shopping and integral Qian, that this element of shaytaan Iya.
That to be only not only to be devoid of any concern, or you know, to be devoid of any concern of the Mercy of Allah, but then specifically almost be set out on the warpath of taking others away from the mercy and the forgiveness of Allah, that this reprehensible traits and terrible quality not only exists within the shaft lean of the gin, which is like shaytani bliss,
but it also exists unfortunately
very tragically within certain human beings.
And some human beings can reach such a level of just spiritual degradation.
And their spirituality can erode to the level that they can reach a point where they themselves are conducting themselves in this manner. Not only have they lost all concern for any forgiveness and mercy of Allah, but they now go out of their way to pull people, other people away from the forgiveness and mercy of Allah. And so be very mindful of such people.
Those who some of us who don't specifically say that reading these two ayat I in number 9798, we also need to read it with that extra layer, that not only is this teaching us now how to deal with the inner challenge, but it's also has that other layer that's even protecting yourself because it Fabien let's see here, so say that you will conduct yourself by a higher standard, like we talked about an Iowan 99 of similar to that off, but what if that does not cause the evil people that are dealing with you in a very evil manner that does not cause them to desist, but they stay under very negative conduct? They they are committed to what they're doing. Now? How do you deal with them,
that you turn to Allah and you ask Allah for protection. And so when you're asking Allah to protect you from the prodding, and poking, and the goading of the champagne, it's not only just talking about champagne and gin, but it's also talking about shouting ins, you've done what you've done. Now, again, as we talked about in the introduction to the passage, now hand your fear over to Allah subhanaw taala put your faith in your trust in Allah subhanaw taala and know that that's the best and the most powerful thing that you can do.
So Inshallah, we'll go ahead and conclude here.
Because that's where I've prepared to.
Also in the sauna tell you to the also the coming out, kind of delved into some more lengthier discussions that I kind of estimated we probably wouldn't have time for. And then the second thing, while I have the opportunity to kind of mention it.
You know, this is what we were taught about how to interact with the book of Allah subhanaw taala
is that the Quran deserves the utmost care and consideration from us.
That we have to have a very, very disciplined and a respectful approach to the book of Allah.
That's a really put time and work. I mean, I'm preaching to the choir, mashallah, y'all are exemplary in that regard. And the sacrifice and dedication you've displayed over the last three weeks, but just as a reminder to myself, is that, that we should always have that type of care and consideration when we approach, putting in the time making sure that we study, we research we sit, we think we reflect, we ponder, we contemplate and then ever have, you know, the audacity to then very humbly and briefly comment.
And secondly, just in knowledge in general, one of the biggest lessons that we learn from a lot of our teachers. And again, as you know, I've talked about this before, some of these teachers were people who had taught
a particular subject a particular science, a specific book,
for 4050 years of their lives. Yet every single time, every single day, when they came to teach us and they sat down in front of us, they will put hours into preparation
And it was very rare, because there's such discipline people who make that time that they have, you know, kind of that, that standard that they've held themselves to, they make time for it. But you know, circumstances come upon everybody.
So we had a particular teacher, who used to teach us a Muslim, the Hadith book of Sahih Muslim.
And he had been teaching this book for over 40 years
teaching Hadith, Islam, Hadith, and Sahih Muslim specifically for over 40 years.
And he had
a death in the family.
And when he because of, you know, doing the janazah and attending the funeral and taking care of everything and consoling family members
when he came to teach us and he sat down, I still recall I still remember that. He sat down very quietly, very respectfully, and almost instinctually you know, we had our books open
and whichever student was responsible that day for reading the next year.
After, you know kind of say Bismillah R Rahman R Heyman, he started reading Bible. Right whatever the chapter was right unfold on Carla had Destiny falam kala Destiny Falon, I started kind of reading and narrating the Hadith. And after he finished reading the first Hadith, and we kind of pause, because that's when the Sheikh will usually comment on the Hadith, that he looked at us. And he said, I won't be able to teach and conduct the lesson today. Because I didn't get the opportunity to prepare for today.
I didn't get to sit down and research and prepare properly. So I won't be teaching today. Any new material? And we can, you know, I can answer any questions you might have or review some of the material. Now, I had the blessing of having a relationship with him a little bit beyond even the classroom. I knew him personally.
So I followed him back to his Masjid first a lot. And also that evening. And after I said, you know, he saw me and I was just going to talk to him in the masjid called me into the little kind of study area he had in his in his home. And we sat down and I said,
that now that we're kind of in the privacy of your home, can I just ask you something? And just be blunt. Just ask you, is it? Sure?
So I said,
you could have taught us today.
You could have taught us.
I was like, all humility aside, I get it. How many years? Have you been teaching Simon? He said, Yeah, there's a 42nd year. And so I said, so don't, don't tell me you can teach it. Come on.
If I read something a couple of times I can remember it. And you're a genius. So don't tell me you couldn't attend it.
He said it's not a question of whether I I knew it or not.
But it's the if demand.
If demand, which is very interesting word in Arabic, it means to really be meticulous with something to show care and consideration for something. And he referenced a chapter that Imam Abu Dawood has in his book in his sunnah his book of Hadith called called Bible II, the imam in the visa latissimus Salah, the prophets, Allah ism, didn't just pray, he prepared for prayer. He was meticulous with his prayer, he had a procedure on how to prepare for prayer
at mom is very important that you have to take care and consideration and prepare and be meticulous with it.
And I'm telling you this, he didn't say that I'm telling you this.
That of course I was,
you know, the 40 seconds, group of students to benefit and to learn the Hadith of the prophets, Allah the salam from him.
And so much hate Allah subhanaw taala allowed him to do so like spread so much hate
and do so much good. And I'm telling you, even among senior teachers, every teacher gives you something unique. So it's not a you don't really compare and contrast. Right? They're not athletes, you don't compare and contrast them that way. Every teacher gives you something beautiful and really teaches you something. But I still will venture to say this much
that the insights and the wisdom and the depth of his knowledge was truly unique, even at his level, even amongst his rank,
very deep, very unique, very profound.
And I am convinced till this day,
that it was because of that care and consideration, and that preparation, and that, that that almost an honesty that he had with the knowledge. So it's something that we learned a lesson of and so that's basically my long explanation of why we didn't do another if
so, how to lay behind the heat Subhanak Allahumma Hambrick Masha Allah ilaha illa Anta Sofia governor to be like