Alima Ashfaq – The Role of Muslim Women in Islam & Society

Alima Ashfaq
AI: Summary © The hosts of an interview show discuss the "immigrational Renaissance" and "centwork project" of the "immigrational Renaissance" and the "centwork project" of the "immigrational Renaissance". They emphasize the need for men to educate themselves about the issue of women being abused and vulnerable in the West and the "empowering of women" and "justness." They also discuss the insincerity of women and the challenges of finding female experts in the public eye and the need for more education on female speakers. The segment also touches on the struggles of women in their roles as leaders and the importance of focusing on oneself and one's impact.
AI: Transcript ©
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Assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah. Welcome back to another episode of the inspiration podcast show, as always issued by the woodsman, and hamdulillah. I'm super glad because today, we are joined by wonderful guests, our teacher will start the alima, Ashfaq and husbands ahead as well all the way from Birmingham. And in today's episode, the narrative of Muslim women in our society that's coming up, don't go anywhere.

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Okay, so we'll start at Alabama, and welcome to the show, slam widecombe.

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It's wonderful to have you here. Finally, after a few weeks and months actually, of hoping to have you on the show that this topic is a bit of a hot topic, actually, we're talking about the narrative of Muslim women in Islam or in our community, which has sparked some kind of recent debates and controversy. So what I'm most impressed about is recently and we'll talk about it in a moment, you have launched a project recently called the Muslim Renaissance, which has a very specific kind of objective to educate people on this topic. So before we do get into that, tell us a bit more about that and yourself and what it is that you do. Okay, so I'm a student of knowledge. So I've been

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studying Islam since I've been a teenager. So generally, when you studying Islam, you gain experience within your community. So I've been involved with organizations and when you work on the ground, you you look at the problems that arise. And I've worked with brothers and sisters with the leaders. And as you work with them, you come to the realization that there's so many harmful ideas that exist. And that's where the Muslim as renascence was born, and to tackle these issues in a really wise manner, and to use the Quran and the Sunnah, the headies. And to navigate us through it. So my main focus is the Muslim Renaissance, but it's not, I'm not defined by the Muslim as

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Freemasons, I have a book called The eyes of the superstars that focused on spirituality, because when you become too engrossed with one topic, it can some more navigate you negatively. So other than that, I, I travel extensively. And I give lectures, and I guess, something that's quite important to me is I have two children. So which I will have two children, we have two children. So we have Yeah, we have two children. And they do take up a majority of my time, of course, of course. And I noticed that the reason why we have brothers slide here as well, like I said to him I was talking before is to represent the brothers in this episode. But I love the fact that you said that

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you do travel extensively, you're working on this project, but as I head as, as the husband in this picture, and as the support system, I want you to have your opinion on this. So how do you feel about the fact that our teacher alima is going around and doing these amazing talks and lectures and projects? as a brother? And do you think that is kind of unfair, that sometimes we've noticed that in our community that isn't that's looked down upon, but you're very much a support system, you were there. And you were seeing before the show that if it wasn't for the side here, you wouldn't be able to do a lot of the work that you do, right? So kind of what's your perspective on that. So example

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of you being Glasgow today. So I've actually taken a day off work, traveled up with the Alamo on the train. So, for example, whenever I can, I will always support my wife in terms of the work that she does, she's very passionate about it. So as an individual, I just feel as if I'm supporting her to achieve her goals in life as well, in the same way that I want to achieve the goals in my life. So I work as a financial analyst. And sometimes I've, you know, I work as well, I try to do my best to kind of my career. So she supports me in my career, and I tried to support as best as I can in her career as well. That's awesome. And I suppose Do you think that the work that Southern Alamos doing

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is something which our community needs, and we'll talk a bit about it more in a minute, I suppose, I think because you are, you are supposed part of the target audience. I mean, I think a lot of men in our community need more education about this. Do you think that there is a space for this is, obviously you have to see us because it's, it's, you know, it's it's your wife here, but apart from that, do you think there's benefit in this and if so, why? Well, I think if you look across the UK, and if you look across all the massages, I will look at the massage as a starting point if you come in massages have actually office spaces for women to pray in. And then the second the starting point

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where we can actually look I think, how many of them have women areas in the industry though if they have women areas, how many women actually come to the ministry to learn and I look at their messages in my local area in Sheffield and

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I see that not many offering spaces for women to come in. So I think we need to educate not only the women but the men as well in terms of trying to create spaces for women to learn and educate themselves in Islam. And I think alima what she does is she's just trying her best. She's like an avenue. She's like, almost like the spokesperson, one up and one essences, folks, we're one of the, one of the spokespeople for that sort of challenge that she's facing. So sometimes as men we have quite easy. So example. We go up, for example, because the machine we're Juma today, at Glasgow central mosque did the talk this afternoon after Margaret pious color as the brothers we can just go

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to that talk. But where are this, the talks in the massages that women can attend as well, sometimes it's very limited just to the brothers. And I think sometimes the females and our sisters and our daughters kind of miss out on that aspect of religion, but as a conscious go to the machines and, you know, listen to a talk by a scholar to choose this balance your criteria. So let's go into the root of the issue. Right. So in recent years, the role of Muslim women and society has become somewhat of a pretty hot topic, right? Recently, more so than I mean, Islam has been here for many centuries. But why do you think that all of a sudden, now they are this, this is push to make sure

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that women's voices are heard? They're more involved? Why did it take so long?

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I think we can look at it from two aspects. So whenever we think of the topic of women in Islam, or women generally, and being in the UK, and even in the West, and the East, women were abused or misused, they had no rights women couldn't vote. And, you know, from an Islamic perspective, women that were inheriting and you know, the, the home, after, you know, in the time of the Prophet silver miners cinnamon, when I would have been helped out with your line, he passed away, the meeting was held in a a woman's house, you know, because they wanted her opinion, you know, so, from a Muslim perspective, and women are becoming more confident women are becoming more conscious than becoming

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more knowledgeable. They're having a lot more courage. So a decade ago, and we there was a video about a Christian pastor going round, and he was like, you know, women, you know, if they if we allow them to vote, then they're going to rebel. And women can't work and women can't earn. And I'm like, that's the narrative that a lot. That's very common in our community. So now as women are more empowered, due to the deen, by the way, so a lot of women are empowered due to the deen. And for that reason, they're seeking answers. So there's different dimensions to this question. You look at the non stem women, and they just want rights, and they want to be respected. The problem they have

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is there's no foundation, there's no navigation system. And that's why what the Shetty II does at times, is it

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focuses on communal rights rather than the individual, right. So for example, I may, I may want to do something, but it's harmful to my family. So the Sherry, I will say, prioritize your family. And so from a Western perspective, and we are the West, I have to be very careful when I say that because we are Muslim, Western Muslims, but from a non Muslim Western perspective,

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there's no foundation, there's no guide. So what I was gonna say was in terms of modernity, in terms of women rights, I think there's always been the issue that where women have been kind of the second voice in society at times. And I think the women, the Muslim women have been kind of challenging this and have been trying to come on the forefront for a very long time. I think at the moment, it's kind of the Western media has also kind of jumped on the bandwagon. And sometimes as a as a positive, and sometimes it can be a negative as well, because sometimes it's seen as in women are being encouraged sometimes who to take off the hijab in some aspect, to maybe be more, you know,

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sometimes a dress code is considered considered to be liberal, right. So sometimes it means that if you dress up in a certain way, you're more liberal than others. So I think it's that women, Muslim women have always been trying to charge for the rights. But it's also now that the western community has also seen this and said, we're going to promote this issue as well and try to get our sort of indicative feelings in there as well. This is an important point because I think what happens now and this is kind of the next part of today's conversation is where I suppose and I'm not a woman, right? So I can't really comment or relate to how a lot of women feel, but the the confusion between

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this narrative of it's okay to remove your hijab that's empowering. It's okay to you know, do what you wish, even if it's against your religion, because that's empowering. But you said a minute ago and saw that the Quran and Sunnah itself is the, the the vehicle that empowers women, right? And this is what you're trying to teach through the Muslim community.

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Let's touch upon that a little bit. elaborate on what you meant by that when you said that it's actually the Quran and Sunnah itself that empowers women. And why is it important that that is understood, especially among what's we want to do. So what the Quran and what the sin now with a Hadees? Does, it gives you purpose. So it gives the women purpose or purpose on why you're here, where you're headed, it answers pivotal questions, and what Islam also does, and when approximately one centimeter of this life is temporary, it's so temporary, so live it to your potential. So now when it comes to seeking your rights, from an Islamic perspective, when it comes to the issue of

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hijab, when it comes to the issue of, you know, education, when it comes to the issue of, you know, your roles and responsibilities Islam has given you, and like it's giving you different avenues, so it's not black and white, and that's the issue, okay, people make it black and white. So, um, can a woman work? No, she can't, of course, like, of course, a woman has the right to work. We know in the time of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, even some of the wives of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam would go out. And you know, they would sell stuff, we know that she fair was in charge of the marketplace. So now from an Islamic perspective, the answers are there, the rights are there, the issue that has

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arisen is, women have been deprived of those rights. And that's why women are fighting for them, because culture and harmful ideas, and mistranslations and misinterpretations have hijacked the faith. And that's why the Muslim Renaissance come in, is we give you an alternative worldview of Islam from the lens of the prophetic era. And that's why it's not our subjective ideas. The Muslim is renascence, it's not my idea, or based on what I see, there's always it's always about going back to the source. Yeah, I was just about to say about oppression. For example, if we oppress women, then they are naturally going to rebel. Now, if you look at communities across the world, if you

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look at countries across the world, there are instances where a country has oppressed their people, not just women, but their people to such an extent that now the P the Muslims, themselves are rebelling, and either they're going away completely from the fall of Islam, or they just completely did not, or they're turning to such an extent that they're not really considered to be Muslims anymore, even because their views and their what they fighting for is quite very much different.

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So give, let's give an example of what in our communities and let's not label certain communities, but in general, why has this happened for so long, then why is there such a misinterpretation, which in turn, has led so many people's rights, women's rights to be oppressed? And now there's some kind of backlash. And because of that, years of bad experiences, it's only natural that you know, the kind of the backlash is strong. So why is this happening? And how was your suggestion for how we navigate it correctly, I suppose. Different reasons. So number one is people and turning away from Islam and not making a last priority. Like he is an adult, he is the most just, and he's the

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legislator, he's the one who makes the rules. So want people turning away from the Prophet sallallahu sallam. And that's why we even know that, you know, span a lot. One of we know women have the right to go to the masjid. It's Hadees and authentic hadith where the prophet SAW the minus and and said, Do not forbid the female servants from the masjid. We know that the cinema and in the Homer radical line when he was told, don't forbid, your wife is like, we're still going to forbid them. You know, because Allah was not priority was a domestic and fairer, the number one is not making enough money to Allah priority. Number two is the lack of female scholarship, the lack of

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female voices. Number three is colonization. You know, colonization, generally deprived women of a voice. And that's why whenever there's war, or whenever there's an attack on an Islamic values, who suffers the most the women because now the husband and the father is common, the like, we want to protect our women. And that's a women are the most vulnerable. And generally, when it came to scholarship, not diversifying your scholarship. So now if you go to an Islamic institution, and you learn and you read, and you think that the way we view the world, and you don't diversify, and then when that those individuals have access to printing, they're printing millions of books that say

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women are not allowed in the masjid, you have an uneducated community, and other reading that book and that harmful idea is instilled. They use that to justify their actions, and even immigration so for example, when Muslims from certain countries moved to the UK

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One of our teachers said that when they moved here, they settled in their small pockets of communities. And rather than bringing the good from their community, they brought the harmful ideas that women are not allowed to go outside, but in the name of modesty, and that women should stay at home, they shouldn't speak loudly, it's absurd. What we're talking about is just women here, obviously, from the British side. oppression is to aid in terms of what we're talking about what we've kind of brought to this country mental baggage as well, cultural baggage, and you hear many stories about brothers who are forced to marry an individual from a different country because their

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parents had kind of emotionally blackmail them into marrying a certain person. And those stories are true. So you can't just necessarily just talk about the women as well, sometimes Sorry, no, no, no. It's also the brothers are also like, in many, many cases are struggling as well. That's because people are bringing their cultural background and imposing you on the religion is saying is as a religious thing, when we look at the Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu sallam, the women were given their own rights, and they were given their own sort of, you know, who they were allowed to marry and who they weren't allowed to marry. So we've kind of gone away from the tsunami of kind of

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imposing our own so

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idealistic views on the world, and any other and you know, the Muslim has Renaissance. And that it, it appeals, it applies to the brothers to what people don't realize, when we focus on the Muslim Renaissance, when you have an empowered woman, you have an empowered family. So you're writing it, like if a woman is not empowered, and she's going through mental health issues. So now when people said women should just stay at home, we need sociological studies that look at those women who just their whole life was their home and their cleaning, and their children. And we see that many of these children, they may be on drugs. So a woman just being at home is not the answer. And educated

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woman prioritizing perhaps children is the answer. You know, so the family suffers, the husband's suffer, the children suffer, and we have to tackle it. And we went, you know, education. And it's one way, one to go back to the narrative that we talked about a moment ago, something which I've come across recently, as well. And we've touched upon why this might be the case, you've talked about the fact that a lot of the print, media, a lot of the educational resources, even the speakers that we see at events, they're very male dominated, right. And some of them actually don't invade or even,

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you know, have women come on board share their insights, as well. And unfortunately, for some people that makes it seem like Islam is a very male dominated religion, even down to its core. I've actually heard some people say it's a very misogynistic religion. I've heard them say this is coming from Muslims themselves. Right. And that, you know, aside from the court on even the kind of opinions of our scholars are very male oriented, and they don't actually take women's thoughts into account. Right. So I think my question then is, is, is this really the case? Or is it for the reason that you mentioned there's just not enough education on female scholarship? There's not enough out

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there at these events, and having the opportunity to be heard and to teach people? I think maybe if there were,

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perhaps it would give more motivation to learn about it. Right? You think you have this like some cheat so many facets to that question. And I'm going to just try and go like, number one is that I remember Dr. Hamad Farooq, Abdullah, he said that women are like pressure kids, you know, and compress them enough, and eventually they will blow. So now women have been oppressed for such a long time that they've now blown, and they're coming out with these that Islam is much misogynistic. Islam is a patriarchal religion, which is untrue, but that they're coming from a pain. Yeah. And we need to appreciate that even, you know, this anti feminist rhetoric is so harsh, that even slim

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women now, you know, they're like, I'm a feminist. Why? Because if you don't provide them with the solutions, one of our teachers said they will find it elsewhere. And they are seeking answers elsewhere. Not because it's their fault, even though they have a responsibility. It's because we, the Muslim activist, to hide this college. We haven't fulfilled that role. And number two, is, you need to understand that the difference between preachers and scholars, you know, the scholars, the real scholars, they're not known all the time. So these are the very men and women that are empowering women in the background. So now because you'll go and you'll see that

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You know, the ideas are not well known people have this assumption a stand is and misogynistic, not true. And I just want to mention them. I just want to mention the point about the printing of leaflets and pamphlets. And now not really on the women aspect. But I would actually I actually do the Dow stole within my home city where we give out the members of the public in the city and

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someone from a different city came to do that I was told that they saw we met him or whatever having a chat and the first thing he asked me, I asked him, Are you from this particular machine? Can you the city? And he said, No, not from the machine code there on misguidance. And then he asked, which must be to go to so I think. And then he gave me a pamphlet about the machine that I go to and why it's a deviant type of machine. Okay, standard. Yeah. So obviously, we know this case, but I think we in a society now look, London will not love but we live in a society where we think we're only right. Everybody else is, you know, in Australia, where all the only people who are living in know

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on the on the hub, and everybody else is just misguided. And I think that's kind of become the case where people who are very strong in their views try to like limit the like, maybe the presence of women, or the presence of any of the group can infiltrate into their soul society. And so ideology abuse as well as on I think it's a to not just the women but also people are very, almost patriotic to the own. So a camp, nothing that has a negative effect on Islam generally.

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An understanding of history like now when I think of examples, I think of like even a jar they said he had 1000 2000 teachers and 40% of them were women, you know, and everybody knows like people notice example now like Mr. Bahari over 60 female teachers you have a boom slim will lead to Whaley she had like 73 in hedger less baloney that he learned from over 70 women, one of his teachers, if I remember correctly with Ayesha, and Makayla DC, and like they say he learned 70 bucks from her. And you have a rich history of female scholars who were teaching men and women. Now the question that you are asking is, why don't we know about them? The thing is, you have to look further. Like I was

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reading the book and there's one female, then you read another chapter, that's another female. So these women have generally been hidden, and sometimes purposefully in the name of modesty. You know, we don't want their names to be known. And like, that's why sometimes some of the brothers will say, okay, what's your wife's name? Like, I don't need to tell you my wife's name. You know, like, that's not important. Like, that's absurd. When they were when they asked to profit from a minor cinema, who do you love is like I Asia? And then like, okay, you know, who else you know, us? And they were like, Am I issues father? Or do mom and her? So, strange ideas? And because people have

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misunderstood what a year is what modesty is. And that's why they say that, you know, men are the ally, and he was the most modest and he's a man. Yeah, you know, he was so shy, because higher come from, you know, the name of a lot of hate that was to be shy of a lion committing sins. So you know,

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ideas. So women have always been part of history. But the thing about women sorry, was that women, and this is what scholarly, like, a scholar, it's not defined. By being known. That's not true. And the women of the past, they were teaching, they were learning, they were equipping their, the men and their children in the Holocaust, they were writing books, but they weren't concerned about having a med herb, or they weren't concerned about having a name, but they're making impact, but the real impact, and that's why the scholars said that women never fabricated headies or women would generally wish there would be no case of women being insincere, because they're not looking to have

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a name anyway, the deeper issue of insincerity, and the issue of ego was generally a discussion between the male scholars and that's coming from my male teacher. Not like so interesting. So I history is rage, the names of 1000s of names out there. And when you were talking about platforms, that's like, when I was young, and I was thinking about this, and I feel like I've been deprived. So now I think of as Tamara Bray will set the scene and sorry, and share her Muslim opinion. PML and also the medium immunity Brahimi Dr. heifer of dicha. If I grew up with these names, I wouldn't have had I wouldn't have gone through my challenges, my failures, sure and thinking of how should I

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progress in life, but we didn't have these names. So now where I never fought.

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Becoming a female scholar by looking going to a conference, because they were all men, I don't I don't necessarily think now with my platforms, I think there's not enough on the grassroots level as well right in the on machine because for example, I took them for the first time I can go to get my knowledge from is my mighty tomato side, I read his, for example, for me, he's probably the most knowledgeable scholar that I know. But nobody else really knows about who he is, or he's not a platform known, I've seen this picture before me, he is the person that I go to get my knowledge from. Now, for example, if you have women, which women are then the local community actually go to

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get knowledge from which women are actually have the qualifications that you can say, I need to go Legoland from this person, for example, I mentioned a few names. These are like people on the international level sourcing, but they're all women, but they are highly matches. Yeah, we have so many highly matches in our community, but they're not really given the platform to be non international salesmen on the stage where they can teach on a one to one sort of basis. And I think, you know, for example, was individual, we often we're gonna, we're going to be going into the social media sort of infrastructure, where everything we do is on YouTube, or we listen to lectures of

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people on Facebook, but we don't really sit down with people and learn from people want one, which is the way that I can be brought up. So I like we were talking before, I don't have the Instagram and the Facebook. So I actually when I bought land manager, I tried to sit with the scholars or sit with people that I think on learned. So I think the we don't really have that sort of infrastructure there on a local community level for the sisters, in general. So I was going to mention that, you know, if you look at all the Tao organizations, they're like, majority of them are women. So even in my alma group days, a majority of the volunteers were female. And even a lot of the sisters, the the

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complaints they have is that, like we are struggling with brother's center the female on the women on the lower level, or putting the event together. And when it comes to the appreciation, the Emir is in front. Now, that's not an issue. But the issue is, and appreciating those female and volunteers appreciating that there are women in our communities that have no problem being in the public forefront. And that takes away nothing from their religiosity, or their modesty, but don't using these platforms such as Al Maghrib. And ISOC. talks about women do get majority of the sort of time to deliver and volunteer. The only reason you have this sort of platform is because you don't

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have anything on a sort of a community, grassroot level. But in your group, that depends on the community. If you go into the urban community, they're full of animals, you know, if you go in now, the problem we're facing is young people, the urban community actually have women classes and extra training on an on a regular basis. depends where they are. Yeah, I think I think I think you're correct in saying that there's there's limited knowledge of that, I think, depending on the city or the community,

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for example, I can in my local machine, we have half Eli, who teaches the children, which is great and stuff, but I suppose you're right, because I think the the grassroots kind of level of education reaches a certain community and may already be aware that they're there. Whereas the kind of public events and stuff are maybe more attractive to those who haven't had exposure or feel maybe safe or comfortable going to these kind of local classes. So I guess my next question naturally, then is how do we how do we fix that? How do we change that? Or do we have to really, I think you have, like a we're dealing with the modern, not modern, can be misconstrued but we're dealing with young Muslims

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that ascribed to no group, like they don't ascribe to being part of and selfie Deobandi, you know, however, you say, Islam, they just Muslim, so now they don't feel comfortable going there, or to another class, and they're sticking to YouTube. So the problem we're having is we're dealing with a non practicing crowd that have apathy that have no concern for the dean. And I'd say, us who are practicing have to reach out to them, give them what they need, in a way they want. Education, making it fun, making it engaging is important. I love what you do with our table, right? You go out to them. The problem with the women is,

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unless you're involved with the ISOC, you don't go out and get people in. So we have young people who feel so lost who feel so judged, because they think the dean is not like they they feel like they don't see them. It doesn't support them, like people are too judgmental. Like if a woman is struggling with hijab, that's her struggle. Like you may have a woman who's wearing hijab, but she's backbiting left, right and center, you know, and that doesn't mean she should take off her hijab, no, two different people, two different struggles. Sure. And when we recognize

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Start with when we see people as a vulnerable struggling human beings and they can see that you view them in that way. And you love them for the sake of Allah you can change people. So I guess this is a can young, new modern sort of problem that people are facing now because now everyone's if you do something that in the social sphere, you're always in get critics. For example, it doesn't matter who you are, you might be trying to grow a beard. And so my saucing for the way growing a beard for trying to comply Savio, they'll make comments about you. Whereas in the past, it was a bit sometimes be easier just to like, be a Muslim and social media. Oh, my God, I grew up in the 90s, the

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refutations, left, right and center. They were there, but you will always just watch my parents in your face, I guess. Like I can we can be here, right? And some people will be like, Where's the children? You know, like, please everyone. Um, you don't worry. And I say this to people forget pleasing people, you focus on Allah, because Allah subhanaw taala knows what you're doing, what you're worth, what you're thinking and what you're feeling. That's a problem. We don't feel enough. The Prophet sallallahu Sallam he felt, and he emphasized and he cried. And when we know, the heady, so a man came up with Professor of Medicine and a young man, it's like, you know, I've engaged in

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something. And if now if a brother came here would be like a staff,

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or some amount of psyllium could see the need for redemption and the the need, you know, they regret and it's like, just pray to

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God, that empathy, and he went and center his level and understood that his struggle was different, right? Yeah.

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No, I think we criticize too much, sometimes even brothers who might look practicing, they're going through their own struggle, sisters who look Proxima be going to struggle, sometimes to just saying,

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No, but I think as an individual, but just to critic critical of whatever someone does, and then we just have to bring him down and bring it down to very low level. For example, in the process of license time, when people made mistakes, they would ask for forgiveness and a loss and loss what that means loss is mostly most forgiving, he will forgive them for their sins. And as individuals, you know, it's his last one, the last person asked for repentance. If Allah and all the people were Santa is now before the people were not perfect, then we there wouldn't be such a thing as humans, humans wouldn't need to exist, just be angels. So we have to accept that people fail and people

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struggle. Exactly. Well guys on that, I want to kind of wrap up the conversation. But before that, let's go back to the topic of women and you, you kind of alluded to a little bit, but let's end off with some of your favorite examples of your most inspiring role models, female role models, from our tradition, can you give us a couple that you look up to and what they do and why you look up to them in particular, I have so many like, you know, from the Quran, we have two examples of Miriam Haile Selim, and we are built with Ali Salim to women on different spectrums. You have Miriam Ali Salim who was ultimately according to her mother, I meant to be a boy, you know, she wanted she says, Oh

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Allah subhanaw taala give me someone I can dedicate to your worship, you know, they can be an Imam. And they can you know, be active in the community they can be a leader and a Lost Planet. Allah gave her a girl and you know, she's having a conversation and she's like, you gave me a go on the bike. Allah knows best. So now, many Mati Salim redefines activism that when it comes to making a difference, your gender doesn't matter. And that makes us so special. I like Mary Madison, and because she goes through different stages. She's like, before she's born in the womb, she's a young girl. And for you know, for Muslims who are struggling, and they're trying to find a role model

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Marie, Molly slam, like 1415 is worshiping Allah. And we're talking about the struggle to enter the masjid. They wouldn't even know to Miriam Ali Salaam in and it was her uncle's Acadia who facilitated her, but we think we're fighting to be in the masjid her she, she already overcame that. And I always say to people, what Quran are we reading Ray? You know, he is a woman who was pregnant and had the pain of her pregnancy is in the Quran. So now when it comes to when I when I give talks, and this brother Stan, I mentioned this example, but we do not talk about pregnancy. Because like, you know, you don't talk about it. Because you're meant to be modest. And that's not a especially

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childbirth pain, but like a lot. It's in the Quran. What are we taught? Why is it bad? So my husband can emphasize with me as a wife, so we have Becky's Ali Salim who's a leader, she's wise and she's leading men, because there are times in your life you do, you know, as a mother, you know, and there was this misconception that a woman can't be a nicer president, or a woman can't be a CEO. And you know, we were talking to Dr. Aisha and she was like, people don't even know

00:35:00 --> 00:35:44

Understand what we lay at a lot of moments like that. That's ultimate leadership. You know, like people just, like don't allow women to progress. When you know the head would sit in Hades, they are completely misunderstood. So on Turks from the Quran, and from the Sierra, we have a shadow, the law and two different you have Ayesha rhodiola and Khadija Mal. And on these two examples, is you have hottie God, Allah and her who's intelligent. And you know, she's wealthy, and she's, she sacrifices everything for the sake of a lot. You know, now, like, we can be doing anything, we can just be chilling, you know, in Scotland, really, but like we we have a conference with, we're here with you,

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because we sacrifice our time for a greater reward. Then you have I showed her the alarm. And I'm so incredibly knowledgeable. She's so confident she's speaking up, she's defending her faith. And she's teaching men and women, because she understands. And I say this to the women and the men, she understands she has a responsibility upon herself upon her community, which we all do. The problem is shavon comes in and drags us in every direction, and we lose sight of what our path is. There's so many like I can give you like, amazing women who completely redefined what Islam is thought to be and why it shouldn't be. And lastly, I think it's important to ask you, there are sisters out there

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watching right now, and they want to be more involved. They want to find examples of people who will inspire them. They want to take roles of leadership, what advice do you have for them? For those maybe who just feel like they can't, they can't, because they won't be accepted? Or they haven't got what it takes? What advice would you give to them? Sharla I'd say to those sisters, don't worry about who you are, be more concerned about what you can become, you know, Mashallah, we have so many female role models out there. If you seek them, you will find them if your lens is clouded that oh my god, there's no female role models. You know, Islam is most misogynistic, our community don't

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allow women to progress, then you will only see through that cloud of like negativity, I'd say number one, I'd say number two is focus on yourself and focus on your impact to like focus on yourself is focus on your Salah, your Doha, your island, and your tibia, your test kiya, when you focus on you, then you're you have a healthy framework to go back into your community and make a difference. Number three is don't worry about what people say like honestly worried about what people say, I would not be here right now. Sure. People don't matter. And I don't like the idea of calling people haters. Because then we cut of valid criticism, and make pay attention to advice, but

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recognize what is good and right for you. And if it is good and right, you learn and you move on, you don't allow people's advice. And people's hurdles, stop you from becoming your best. If it's family, then you speak to them. You try and work around that hardship and always put your trust in Allah. If you have your deen. They say however you think of a law like that's how Allah subhanaw taala will be for you. So always move forward to like, never give up even we're just on a journey. Like

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give us a long life.

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Right? Just live a righteous life. Yes, we have. We have a long way to go like we I think we all do, right? So listen, thank you so much for being here. Both of you. Really, it's been so special. And I have a bit of a surprise for both of you in Sharla. So guys, after the break, we're gonna come back and we're gonna share our rapid fire round of questions for both of these in Sharla. But do stay tuned, we'll be right back.

00:39:11 --> 00:39:59

Hey, a cinematic Mara Hunter, I hope you're really enjoying the show. What I want to do is I want to give you a bit of information on some of my projects. So number one is on slumbers fournissons which is a movement to reclaim Islam from the negative ideas the harmful ideas that exist within the Muslim community and also challenge the view that Islam is oppressive. Islam is misogynistic and show that Islam is the opposite of everything. And they claim it is. And number two is the art of the superstars. It's a book that I've written on spirituality it's to help Muslim men and women to truly be their best. So inshallah you can check that out on Amazon. You can find the Muslim as

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On Facebook we have our own website, the Muslim arts slash Allah do check them out and I hope you continue to enjoy the show. Welcome back everyone for the last part of this episode, which apparently is a surprise to our guests today, which is our regular rapid fire round of questions. So what's other alima and brothers aka Lawson both at the same time in sha Allah as quick as you can no thinking just answer them as fast as you can. Okay, so first of all, what is your favorite Name of Allah? Allah Kali Wade?

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Mecca or Medina? Without a doubt. I went to Morocco in December and I loved it so much maka. maka. Okay. If you could spend a day with any Sahabi or Sahaba which one would it be? And why?

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00:40:50 --> 00:40:53

for me writing ottenere Mohan Abubakar are these are

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okay this is a bit weird but in Ramadan What is your favorite thing to break your fast with chicken popcorn? Oh, in Medina sitting under the tent having could hold your date and water so Medina enmity Kavita. I open with the flag.

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a little jogger, you get that bread? I don't know if you've ever been in there. Amazing. I'm ready to go do something else do something about it. Okay, sure. What's the weirdest question you've ever been asked? Would you read his question? as a speaker you go out You must have lots of our no we're just one.

00:41:38 --> 00:42:02

I don't know. Like there's absurd questions like I don't know. Can women lead? Stuff like that? That's boring. I know. That's boring. Okay, come back to you. Yeah, I'm the security guards at my workplace that to me didn't see the point chop people's heads off. Okay. That's a great discussion. And I just met obviously said to him, he said no, right. Yeah. Okay, cool. Cool. Cool. What's the funniest thing you've ever witnessed at the masjid?

00:42:04 --> 00:42:05

This is odd.

00:42:06 --> 00:42:07

But you weren't funny.

00:42:08 --> 00:42:14

I've seen a few fights in the machine stuff. I know. I won't expand. Okay. Okay, next question. Next question.

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But easier no coffee or tea?

00:42:18 --> 00:42:54

Tea beans. This leads me to ask is okay. If you could only eat one foods for the rest of your life. What would it be? Real schoolers? Let's blame this really nice little round balls with the with in sugary water. I'm real. Okay, okay. Yeah, yourself. Oh my god. My first like think like Donna Cooper. Really? We have a new toner place and class I would just say not sponsored like my mom bonded for 15 years when we were young, like no Danica bam. And then yeah, right. She's gonna come over the house every time she Vandy.

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And then eventually, when he can ask you when you're not doing your work and speaking, what do you do to relax and chill?

00:43:05 --> 00:43:06

Spend time with my children

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go to the gym. How's it been? It's been a couple of months as you can see.

00:43:14 --> 00:43:26

Okay, complete the sentence. The one thing that I cannot live without is my children and children. you copied to me? It is true though. Isn't it? Not your way okay.

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00:43:30 --> 00:43:32

Why didn't you say husband first now my children

00:43:33 --> 00:43:34

do you have a hidden talent?

00:43:36 --> 00:43:42

Oh, I can design which I found out about a design I design a lot. Okay.

00:43:43 --> 00:43:49

Um, no, I can go ahead and tell them come on. Selecting hearts apparently I like my hearts but

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that is not

00:43:53 --> 00:44:16

I'm just standard the golden hour Mashallah he's hospital talent, talent but not everybody can do it. I cannot recite like my husband recite now. He can Mashallah recite if you can be able. I said it's not a ton of talent. Just do like a cell phone on on TV. If you could be an animal for a day, which one would it be? A bird?

00:44:17 --> 00:44:20

Any go? I'd be an NGO. I'd like to be an ant.

00:44:22 --> 00:44:32

Because I stamped on the answer very social creatures and in the Quran, he says to answer they have their own homes. So I would love to live like an Android and experience the community. That's interesting.

00:44:34 --> 00:44:40

Awesome, awesome. Okay. What is the best advice you've ever received?

00:44:42 --> 00:44:59

Don't listen to bad marriage advice. Or my friend nerima said it don't and she said this before marriage to honest about she said it will put you off marriage and ham did not change my life. Okay thing. Luckily we've got some good advice coming on the show. So stay tuned for that.

00:45:00 --> 00:45:31

Good, what was the question? What is the best advice you've ever received best advice from a taxi driver, I missed, I missed. I was late for my car rental pace, and I had got charged a lot of money and said in this country, you have to be organized. Otherwise, you will get absolutely fined and commercial damage, what we can name and that was the best advice I've ever had from a taxi driver. Awesome. be organized so many, so much wisdom you can get in the back of a taxi. Absolutely. Now, what is the best advice you have, for others?

00:45:32 --> 00:45:46

Make a low priority. Honestly, I'd say make a low priority and be kind and be gracious and be easygoing. I'd say, try to be the best version of yourself possible.

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And lastly, what is the number one thing that you want to be remembered for? impact? impact?

00:45:59 --> 00:46:08

Okay, I don't need to be remembered by anyone. I just want to die feeling that I've lived a righteous life. And that's my I am so humbled. I know. I know.

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recognition and we know that I need I don't really I know we're quite polar opposites. And in terms of for me, I'm like, I'm okay with being an active participant. And, and whereas my husband's like behind the scenes completely, I don't have them contend with myself as a person I've achieved good and I've done good until I haven't achieved that status and I'm not happy. It doesn't matter what other people think about what you think about yourself. And I know I'm not good enough yet. So whenever none of us in silicon locker and so much for coming on. It's been a pleasure. I hope to have you back in sha Allah, guys. Until next time, you can find out more about the inspiration

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podcast show at D Don't forget to subscribe on your phone on iTunes, Spotify, SoundCloud and much more. And also you can visit the Muslim as Rene And where else can we find you on social media if the sisters or brothers want to see more about you and I'm really active on monster muscular Nissan's Facebook page. I have my own personal page on Facebook, but I'm focused on customers. And you'll find that in short a lot in the show notes below until next time assalamu aleikum wa rahmatullah.

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Allah Allah.

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Allah Allah.

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Allah Allah.

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Allah Allah.

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Allah Allah. Don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel to be notified of future videos.

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