Ali Albarghouthi – The Disease and the Cure #15 When Sin Becomes a Habit

Ali Albarghouthi
AI: Summary © The speakers emphasize the negative effects of sin on individuals, including weakening their willpower and causing heart damage. They stress the importance of protecting their reputation and avoiding sinful behavior. The pandemic's potential treatments include practicing social distancing and avoiding touching their faces. The potential treatments include a vaccine to be developed quickly and efficiently, and there is no need to wait until the pandemic is over.
AI: Transcript ©
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Smilla Dorinda salatu salam ala Rasulillah who ala alihi wa sahbihi wa salam Loma Linda million fauna and finally met her limped in I was in illumine Bella al Amin Allahumma in Allah decree cover Shoukry, kava Hasni by the tick.

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So we're still,

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in the last time

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we talked about

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the effects of sin, we're actually we're continuing to talk about the effects of sin and sin leads to and sin causes this. So the last thing we talked about was how sin leads to another sin and obedience leads to other obedience until they become such a habit that you can't leave them. So the sinful right with their sin, it becomes such a habit that it's unbreakable. And if he attempts to break it, it will cause him much distress. So he has to continue to sin simply to maintain a semblance of normalcy,

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normalcy, to continue to

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feed that addiction, right, it's an addiction. So he has to continue to feed that addiction. Otherwise, his self shrinks, his mood sours. He can't live just just like a fish out of water, he has to continue to perform that deed, even though he finds less and less joy in it. But it's a form of addiction. So it has to be done like that. Right? Until if he is able to break that habit. So that's the thing that we talked about last, right. And that how he,

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if he's habitual and his obedience to Allah azza wa jal, Allah supports him with angels,

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who push him to perform good deeds. And if he's habitual in sin, then he receives the opposite of this, devils Shayateen, who strengthen him and push him to continue to sin.

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So, now we continue to mention the other aspects or other consequences of sin. He says with me now, who I mean, if he had an ABD and know how to do a full l ban Irati. He says, and from the effect of sin, and this is the most frightening when it comes to an any individual is that it weakens the willpower of the heart, the Iraida, the willpower of the heart, he says it weakens it.

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So actually, one is strengthened and another is weakened. So the willpower to do good, is weakened, and the willpower or the will to do evil that is strengthened. So he says for the court, Your Honor to Marcia well thought out for you in order to Toby che and fascia is so the will to do good. Kana increases, gains in strength to do evil. And the willful repentance decreases until it departs the heart completely. So he's here talking about his sin can affect the heart in multiple ways. One way that we've talked about is perception. So the heart stops seeing right from wrong, right, that's perception. So the heart doesn't know anymore. And that's really an advanced stage of the alteration

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of the heart, the heart changes completely. But one that precedes that is a affecting it in its will to do things. That's the more common one. That's the more immediate one, you know, right from wrong, but you don't have the desire to do it. Right. You know, this is how, you know it's harms you physically, biologically, emotionally, psychologically, and religiously, you know, all the harms about it, but you just don't have the desire to change it, to abandon it. So you continue to do it. So era, the tool called the willpower of the heart, the action of the heart, that is weakened. So that's another type of alteration, not in perception now, but in the actions of the heart, the

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movement of the heart. He says, fellow Merton is for hula metabo Illa Allah, He says, if, hypothetically, half of him were to die, he wouldn't repent. Like if he were to lose half of his body, because he's now to the LingYu affliction usually leads to

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repentance, and awakening that, yeah, I'm leaving this dunya what is left the earth era. So you repent. You come back to Allah azza wa jal. That's why this is an advantage. affliction could wake you up. So it's an advantage. But here is saying that one of the ill effects of sin is that it could damage the heart so much that

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No matter what you see you don't wake up. Fellow Merton is for even if he's paralyzed.

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This is how the death of one's half is. Even if you were to be paralyzed. He wouldn't repent to Allah as though did. He says for your team analysts defer your toe but if you get the beating ability Sani be che in Kathy, so he says he will repent on by tongue and pronounce false repentance by tongue

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frequently stuck for Allah I'll repent. I'll do this on that. But he says we're called Boom aku Don't be Marcia Timo saloon. Ania is hard, is determined to sin and intends to do it. Whenever he can. He'll do that. So he repents superficially, but internally, he loves that sin so much that he cannot leave it. So he says that is an effective sin, that the willpower of the heart diminishes so much that you don't want to do good anymore and you want to do evil,

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even though you know where right from wrong. But it's an issue of stubbornness. It's an issue of attachment and a ditch issue of addiction. I can't leave this I'm so addicted to it. I can't live without it.

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There was an kind of an interview with a famous atheist who got cancer. And I think it eventually killed him. But in the interview, the he was asked, he says, would we find you at an advanced stage of this cancer, pleading with God to save you he's had never,

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but never just to assert a position

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out of stubbornness out of attachment. So you position, a previous position, it doesn't matter what happens to me whether I die of cancer or not, decimated by cancer or not, I'll never admit that there was a creator or never plead with that creator. So that is a willpower to commit such evil, or to state truthful to that evil and diminished willpower to do good.

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She says that is very dangerous, because nothing then will wake you up. He says we'll have them in other Milan Broadwell club ala Ladakh. He says this is the most fatal of diseases, and the most catastrophic

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because it will kill that person. If nothing happens to him, you lose money, you lose children, you lose

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fruits of life, you get tested, you get a disease, none of these reminders work, why heart has been altered so much that it's not awake anymore, and nothing will we will awaken it. So that is an alteration that anyone who sins has to be afraid of? What if my heart changes so much that I cannot repent anymore?

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That's the problem with delayed repentance. I'll repent later, when I'm older. Whatever mark you put that you will say, once this happens, I'll repent. Okay, the problem is that if you continue to sin until that point, what if repentance is no longer possible for you? Because your heart has changed so much.

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So that's why a person has to be completely afraid of that effect. completely terrified that I may no longer want to repent I love this sin so much.

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That I cannot let go of it actually then you start seeing what do you start seeing good things in that sin?

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So seeing beautiful things in it, you'll start offering justification for yourself and those around you for committing that sin. Not the least of which Yeah, it is a sin but Allah forgive me.

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Yeah, it's a sin but it's not so big. Yeah, it's a sin but there are bigger sins. So I can continue to do this. So the willpower and then the perception of the heart will be altered. Right? And then the next thing follows. He says women have the ill effects of sin. After you get so used to it

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and know who you are and silly hormonal hull bistec Baha he says you no longer see it as filthy or wicked or wrong.

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It's not ugly anymore. You lose that perception now that's perception. So that the first one was what an action the will is last but he's still no right from wrong. But you continue now to do it what happens that perception itself is altered. So it's no longer ugly. For the CO ruler who either it becomes a habit of his fellow you're stuck in your home enough coo yet the nurse it Oh ALLAH Qalamoun fee. He says Then he doesn't see or he's not embarrassed. If people see him commit that sin or if they talk about him doing it.

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Because the mark of having shame is what you committed but you are hide it

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You commit, but you hide what you don't want people to find out that you're doing this wrong thing. And as long as this is happening, then you know that your heart is still alive. Because you know right from wrong.

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You have shame, you have higher shields, you hide it.

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And if somebody were to just accuse you without evidence accuse you, you'd be very angry that they accused me of committing that sin How dare is they say this about you in public, because your perception, your reputation matters. And you know that that thing will tarnish your reputation with people. So you don't want that. Because that thing is still ugly. So ugliness has not been lost. But he says here, it becomes a habit that is not ugly anymore. So if people see you doing it, that's fine. And they talk about you, it's fine. He says, we'll have that in Durban for somebody who will tell you to head to Kyoto mom will let the ISS and this with the sinful, the truly sinful, that is

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Allah to to hurt. This is extreme shamelessness. And this is complete joy

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rioted that took that they break all barriers between them and decency that they no longer consider it to be indecent to be seen like that. So this is the head talk. Right?

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I'm fine with this. I'm fine with this being public and known with a man will live the meaning that they derive joy from it had the effect Hera, they're proud of it and they talk about it. Well, you had to be here man, let me alamin who amela he says he will report it to who did not witness him doing it.

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Right. So you will say you know how many bottles of alcohol I can drink or bottles of whiskey. I can drink Dadda Dadda. proud of it.

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Right? It doesn't begin like this. Does it? Know for anyone who has Eman or decency it doesn't begin like this. But it progresses until he said how you know how many cans of beer I can drink? X number. You know how much drugs I can take? You know how many people I slept with? She she she she she right? They become proud of it. These are trophies. So how did you How will you transform into a person who would be not only proud of it, but you derive honor from it?

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Okay, or today, you know how many people have killed?

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Right? And what's happening today, right? You know how many people have killed you can be proud of killing people. If destroying schools and hospitals and you know how many people you know, I've caused a died of hunger? How could you derive

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pleasure from this? So what has changed in you progression of sin until the heart completely was altered and changed and changed. And then now you derive pleasure from it attachment to it. It takes pride in it and even honor.

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I was able to kill so many people. I was able to rob so many people. I mean so many people.

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So that is a definite corruption of the heart. He says yeah, fallen Amin together okay that also and so I did this and it did that you could even film yourself doing it and he could broadcast it. Right? He says, we'll have a lot of women unless you lay your iPhone. He says those type of people. These are not forgiven or protected anymore. Alpha is to be forgiven from something but also protected from it. It says those type of people are not going to be forgiven. And I'm not going to be protected from that sin. Or you said to Allah him Talia kotoba to Tahlequah, Norma Babu having Halaby he says that the path of repentance usually is blocked for those people. And the doors of

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repentance usually are closed for them, usually not. All the time. There's always a way back. But usually he says as Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Kulu metamorphen illan muda he wrote, he says all of my ummah are,

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or have Alfia will be forgiven,

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except those who are public with it, pass and muda he wrote, public, we're in the middle age hurry and part of this be going public with it is that Allah would conceal his servant. And then in the morning he would disgrace himself expose himself by saying, oh, so and so. I did such and such yesterday, fanatical enough so he removes Allah's protection, and Allah had concealed him and Allah has protected him.

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So Allah concealing you is a NEMA owner.

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It's a NEMA. Right? Says as some of the Sahaba said, I think it was a Buddha or someone similar. It says if you know about me what I know about me you would not keep my company. Right and that's part of humility. But that's true of

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Any human being, if people were no to know about you, this kind of combats arrogance and self admiration and all of this, you know how people praise you all the time you're this, and you're this, and you're this and you're that, right? And you start believing these things about yourself.

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Right? And that's part of kind of the plot of the shaytaan. to, oh, believe you're that great. But people only know you in part. And that's why they say these things about you and me. Right? Like, if they were to know everything about you and I,

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what would they say?

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They wouldn't be around you. If they were to know every thought that comes into your head.

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Right? What would they say?

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So that is humbling, to say, No, you don't know me.

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You don't know me listen to that phrase, and consider it to be maybe hopefully a reflection that Allah xojo Make like you.

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But say to yourself, I know me more than they know me. That don't don't let that fool you. That type of phrase, because people will praise, you know, whether they know or they don't. So Allah concealing all of our sin, that is what a NEMA Hamdulillah that people don't know, the things that we do, and we think about, so you're not allowed to go and disclose this to people. Right? Because like, so that is a

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common question that comes up. And everybody should know the answer to this. If somebody comes in, tell him to ask me, Did you do this and that in your past? What should I tell them?

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It's none of your business to ask me this thing is haram for you to investigate like that, right? Because then that I'm required to either lie. I mean, if I did things, everybody, one thing or another.

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Either I would have to lie. Or I have to tell you.

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And the I should not be put in a position where I'd have to lie or tell you about my sins. Neither is good. So you should not investigate someone sins by saying, What did you do you? Did you do this in your past that you used to do this in your past? drink or sleep around? or this or that, did you?

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You're not allowed to do this.

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That happens sometimes in the context of marriage, before they want to get married, right? They want to like a record or whatever everything you've done in your past. Now you either take the person as they are right now, what that's it, you don't go and ask them, What did you do on your past? Because then they will be required to expose their sins and if they've repented from it, you're not allowed to go and ask. So ask the person as they are now, not in their past. So you're not allowed to disclose your sin, but this person is proud of it.

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And that's why the prophets of Allah Allah was telling me he says, all of my OMA will be forgiven will be protected, but not the person who does this, because this person has is emboldened and he emboldens other to commit that sin, they'll compete in it, look how much I've gotten. Look how much I've accomplished. So all this is haram. So you keep your sins to yourself. But what is why did this happened because the sun is not ugly anymore.

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Okay, it's not ugly anymore.

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And also, he said, Women hmm, and from the ill effects of sin, that every sin is an inheritance on an ummah that Allah had destroyed, like any sin, the big sins, it reminds you, it connects you, it makes you kind of part of an ummah past OMA that Allah has destroyed

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meaning that you're connecting yourself to destruction. So he said, for instance, * is the inheritance of the people of Lot.

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homosexuality and the practice of that word is what does that lead you to? If when you trace it to that nation, what happened to that nation? It got destroyed. So when you're doing it, what do you what do you deserve? What do you bring into yourself? That type of destruction, right? So and he's saying, what will happen is that he would have been notice, he's taking taking more than you're right,

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and giving people less than what you owe them.

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Taking more and giving less, right after a busy day,

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with the fob knockers. So doing this, he says, that's the inheritance of the people of shape.

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And they got destroyed. He says, Well, Allah will fill out the bit facade. He says corruption on earth. He says, that's the inheritance of the people of Pharaoh and Pharaoh. So if you if you are corrupt, if you are corrupting on Earth and gaining power through this, that's Pharaoh. And you don't have to be the biggest Pharaoh.

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You could be a small Pharaoh but a pharaoh nonetheless.

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And what happened to that big Pharaoh will also happen to the small Pharaoh. That's what he's saying. Call our Tikka Bora with the Jabbar arrogance and haughtiness, that's the inheritance of the people of Hood. Fill our sea lab is on Thea bubble, the heavy Lumumba, Hamada. Allah he says so the sinner is dressing like some of these nations are figuratively has the dress the cloak of that nation, and they are the enemies of Allah azza wa jal that he brings you a tradition that it was really nice, right? He says, medical dinner he says, Oh, hello, Ilana, beaming and via ebony is right Allah revealed to one of the Prophets of the Children of Israel and Israel prophet. This

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doesn't need to be accurate 100% But the saying itself is so that's what we get from it right? We don't need to trace it all the way to a profit and see which profit the saying itself is son. He said and call they call me cases to say to people, Elia tomada de la de it says do not love them not enter from the entry points of my enemies.

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Muda him

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is anything that you enter,

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okay, physical or figurative, any type of action, a type of saying,

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a, a location, anything that there is an entry to a beginning to, that's a miracle. So let them not do as my enemies did. And let them not dress, but the attire of my enemies and let them not tried like the rights of my enemy, let them not eat, like that food of my enemies. So they will become my enemies as they are my enemies. Right? Meaning if you resemble the enemies of Allah, what do you then become

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an enemy of allies.

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Okay, and there's an there's an evidence that will follow. But this is really important.

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This is really important. He says, You have enemies of Allah azza wa jal. And they behaved in certain ways. There's this behavior, they dressed in certain ways, they talked in certain ways, they did things differently. So their behavior, their lifestyle, he says, if you start to imitate that,

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you're going to transfer to yourself their qualities.

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And when you transfer those qualities, then you become more of an enemy of Allah azza wa jal because of your adoption of what they did. Right? So this Tisha Boo

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is dangerous,

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and how they dress and how they act and how they eat and how they write and how they talk, and then the language, the words that they use all of that. So if you're impressed by an enemy of Allah xojo, and if the word enemy of Allah kinda is confusing a little bit, if you're impressed by someone who is not

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And again, not faithful, I'm not going to even see now Muslim, he's not faithful. He's not righteous, good enough. He's not righteous. So you're impressed by the lack of righteousness, their lifestyle, what they say. And then you imitate the import that into your life, what's going to happen is that you're going to start looking like the more and more thinking like the more and more until you become like them.

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So you never should compromise on the fact that I should not look like them in any way. Talk like them in any way behave like them in any way. Otherwise, I'll be like them, it's very slippery.

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Okay. So if there is a sports star, or entertainer that is not pleasing to Allah azza wa jal, even if they are Muslim, but they are not pleasing to Allah Zota. And the word you were there, Jersey with the name on the back? What is that, except a sign of admiration

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and an honoring of that person, right.

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So when you imitate him like this, you're calling everybody who sees you to imitate them because you're honoring and elevating that person. And you are more likely to imitate them because you already are started on the path. You're dressing like them, right? You like them because of a you don't imitate someone you hate. Do you?

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Have you done that? You don't imitate someone to hate. You always imitate or Maya someone that you admire for some reason or another. So if you started to admire that person, and you started to dress like them, you will follow what they're doing. You will follow how they speak. You follow what they buy, imitate more and more and more of them until you become more and more like them. And you could just observe yourself a year before that and a year after that a year before

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Without and five years after that, you'll find that there is a difference. So what he's saying here are, don't be like them, because then he will be an enemy of mine. And there's a Hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, at the end of it explains it, or supports what we've said. He said at a Salatu was Salam brief to be safey by an ad is had the Yoruba Allah who had the hula Sharika. He says, I was sent with the sword, towards the end, towards the coming of the day of judgment, until Allah azza wa jal will be worshipped alone, having no partners.

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Now we have to understand this properly. It doesn't mean that I was sent with the sword to force everybody to accept Islam, is it? Because it's not the practice of the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. But what was he announcing then? That unlike the previous prophets of Allah, Allah, he was Salatu was Salam. He was the one who was permitted to carry the sword to defend

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the spread of Islam. That's why birth to be safe, I was sent with the sword, because no other prophet before was sent with the sword. Maybe we can say the exception, some of the Israelite prophets. Right? But all the prophets of Allah were not sent with the sword they were not allowed to fight. Muhammad Ali is Salatu was Salam was what allowed to fight later on, in his Dawa, not in the beginning. And if somebody tells you know, that, that runs contrary to religion and religion needs to be peaceful and sell them you understood understand human nature, you understand how the world operates? Can you look at the world today and say, we can just spread whatever you want peacefully?

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You're wiser than that. Right? You see what's happening around you. By being nice, doesn't work.

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Unless you have a sword, to protect the data to protect Islam or to protect the truth, whatever that truth is. And every by that, by the way, knows this. Do you think they could say to themselves, well, let's just put democracy peacefully? Or did they say we need to defend it?

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And they make weapons to defend it isn't the same. So the Prophet alayhi salam is saying, what is it that you need the sword for the Dawa, otherwise they will eat you alive? So he says, I was sent to the sword so that so Allah who would be worshipped alone, no one is compelled to believe with the sword.

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But you protect the data with the sword. You protect the believers with the sword. You understand that? Right? Because I don't want it to be problematic. And I want you to feel defensive, like oh my god, the sword were so violent. You understand, right? What this means? Okay? It's needed. Would you agree? That is the link the room hey, and then in my provision, my sustenance, my risk was underneath, or it was made underneath the shade of my spear. That means the spoils of war. And again, don't be ashamed of it.

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Because this is one of the best risk.

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Why is that because you're sacrificing your life. You are endangering your life for Allah azza wa jal.

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This is better than any type of risk, okay, you can go go with your hand and you could work and you could earn back money, halal money, and that's good. But with this type of rescue going for Allah azza wa jal, and you're risking your life, and you may come back or you may not, and you're doing it to spread Islam and defend the defenseless. So it says if you're getting gaining something from the spoils of war, that's of the best risk. That's the risk of Muhammad Ali is Salatu was Salam. So again, no more feeling defensive or inferior because of these things. These things as they are a take it and be proud of it. Okay, that's how it is. A says what your ADA, this is nice word your ADA

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Villa to wa salatu salam and Khalifa Emery. He says humiliation will be upon those who oppose my commands, my way.

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So if you want honor and is going to come in sha Allah if you want to honor an honor belongs to the way of the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam but anyone else who opposes him Allah is Salatu was Salam. Like with his life, anyone who oppose them was humiliated. Right? Sooner or later, he got his portion of it. The policy is in Mecca. They are the leaders of Mecca. They lost the power. The people of the book in Medina, they're very powerful. They lost them. Anyone who opposes Muhammad Ali Salatu was Salam lost their power. And anyone who continues to do this today will lose their power. So he that's what he said, and this continues till the day. The letter was Sahar humiliation

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is for those who oppose, Emery his way in his command. And the last part is the one that testifies to the point of ignore claim or mentorship by Bill Coleman for whom in Norman, the one who imitates the people, he's one of them.

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The one who imitates people, he is one of them. So if you imitate the sin of a people, you become one of them. If you imitate a person and how he talks

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acts and how he walks and how he laughs and how he addresses you become like him. So here you have to be very careful. Who are you admiring? And who are you imitating in everything? If you find yourself just buying a jacket, just a jacket just because somebody else wore it, ask yourself should I be imitating that person?

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Or not? Is it headed or is it haram?

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Or a haircut? I'm just that good having this haircut because of whom then they'll understand whether it's hella or it's Hello. So that type of imitation is necessary

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point for Muslims to understand. So Olson he says is the inheritance of previous destroyed nations. So ask yourself are you importing that destruction into your life?

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And he also said I mean her

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and then Marcia the sub only one in Abdallah Robbie, he was supposed to him in a&e, he says also sin is the reason why a person would be insignificant

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with Allah Zhou did and why he would be very small in Allah's eyes. Meaning when Allah looks at that person, he sees someone who is insignificant and in small, dishonorable. That's what sin does. It's just accumulate dishonor until Allah sees you as person who likes honor. So he said, Ha Al Hasan Basri Han who alayhi wa so whoever was who Allah He the asana whom

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he says, Hanwha Allah He they were small, in Allah's eyes insignificant in Allah's eyes, so they disobeyed Him, and if they were dear to Allah, He would have protected them.

00:31:46 --> 00:32:33

Cavalli Kelly Nasri fan who sue our fascia in the home in a bar dinner local scene, I will sing when he spoke about use of Alayhis Salam Allah zone really says that we did this so that we dismiss and save him from a su Anil fascia, sin and vulgarity or obscenity, because he's of our chosen servants or our sincere servants. So Yusuf alayhi salam was protected from the temptations of immorality, Al Aziz, the wife of Al Aziz, because he was dear to Allah azza wa jal, he was sincere, and chose him because of his sincerity. So Allah had dismissed those temptations. So if a person is close to Allah xojo, dear to him honorable to Allah, He saves him from sin.

00:32:34 --> 00:32:36

Now we don't say he never sins.

00:32:37 --> 00:32:50

It's not possible, right? That's all possible. But we say what? He saves him from a lot of sin, He saves him from the big sins, that really destructive sins. And the more sincere he is, the more he's saved.

00:32:52 --> 00:33:05

So he's saying that if a person commits the first sin, doesn't repent, and then continues to commit that sin, he grows smaller and smaller and Allah's eyes and he loses Allah's protection?

00:33:07 --> 00:33:52

So that is something that a person should think about when they want to commit any sin? Do I want to look like that? Or be like that when Allah? Or do I want Allah to protect me? Say I want to be honorable with Allah as I want to less protection. I want when I call on Allah as though do that he would answer me that ignore my call. Because I deserve that. God Allah listens to everybody, but How soon does he rush to help you? How soon does he come to help you? When will your DUA be answered? How will you be protected? All these things are factors, right? All these things are consequences of how sinful or how sincere a person is. He says what either 100 Abdul Allah Allahu Allah mu cream

00:33:52 --> 00:33:52


00:33:53 --> 00:34:36

he says if a person is humiliated, or small with Allah as the No one can honor him. So Allah says, well, may you hate Allah Who firm Allah human McCrum if Allah humiliates you, no one can honor you. No one can elevate you. Says amazing Subhanallah right. He says when a Vamo homeowner Sophia VA hit the Hydra rehydrates emila Here home furniture reinforced via KHUDOBIN crochet in wha No, it says even though those people who are small with Allah Zildjian and he humiliated them, even if people honor them or elevate them because they need them or are afraid of them. But internally in their heart, they despise them. She's amazing. You look at some famous people, politicians, right?

00:34:37 --> 00:34:48

Especially politicians, right? But even famous people, right? And you see that they're being honored and celebrated and protected and they have these titles, but what do people really feel about them?

00:34:49 --> 00:34:49


00:34:50 --> 00:35:00

Beyond that pump that you see beyond it, because it's manufactured. You have to say him, or prime minister or king or Your Majesty or what

00:35:00 --> 00:35:05

You have to say these things, kids, you need them and you fear them. But really on the inside, what do you feel?

00:35:07 --> 00:35:27

You despise a lot of them and why? Because a lot of them do what they disobey Allah Zoda publicly so that's what you feel towards them. So you say if Allah humiliates a person, no one can honor Him Subhan Allah you lose all honor, because Subhanallah think about it on your own on your own, what honor Do you possess

00:35:28 --> 00:36:16

as just as a human being what honor Do you possess? Nothing actually. Right? Nothing. Because we you have nothing like you need everything and you have nothing. Do you have food? No. Water, no. On your own the ability to exist? No. Have nothing. So on your own, you are non existent in a sense. So you need everything from Allah xojo Everything. He extends your life. He allows you to read he allows you to grow now, if he gives you honor You got it? If he doesn't give you honor, then what do you have? Nothing and humiliate to, uh, no one can oppose that. So then if you want a crumb, if you want honor from Allah azza wa jal, or endless life, you get it from Allah.

00:36:18 --> 00:36:20

Not from any other human being.

00:36:21 --> 00:36:21


00:36:22 --> 00:36:25

And sometimes the reason why you are why we

00:36:26 --> 00:36:29

imitate people is because we're seeking honor.

00:36:31 --> 00:37:13

I have to Hoonah in the homeowner is inserted into he Jamia. So you're trying to imitate someone because that imitation makes you feel better about yourself. Because you think that by association, I'm as strong as he is, I'm as handsome as he is, I could look as rich as he is. I'm as ready as he is whatever, right? There's a bad association, I admire some things. So I'm trying to transfer that to myself by imitating that person. And sometimes when Muslims imitate non Muslims is because they think that the non Muslims are cooler than they are more advanced than they are. So if I imitate them, so I'm dye my hair blonde and have you know, contact lenses that are blue or green, nothing

00:37:13 --> 00:37:38

against the color, but I'm talking about that inferiority complex, where you'd really need to talk like them and walk like them and be like them. Even if you live in the West. You're not really you're not really at ease with yourself until you look like somebody else and talk like somebody else, then you really belong. So you think that that transfer is going to give you honor and acceptance. That'd be one of the people.

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00:37:40 --> 00:37:59

And they can you raise your head high and you're not a Muslim and you're not an immigrant and you're not a person of color, whatever thing that is bringing you down so you just want to imitate other people for honor. And Allah azza wa jal is telling you what if Allah humiliates you, no one no matter what they do, can honor you and elevate you. So you want respect?

00:38:00 --> 00:38:01

Where are you going to get that from?

00:38:02 --> 00:38:06

From Allah as a No sir No, no person can give you respect.

00:38:07 --> 00:38:08

You can punch people to respect you.

00:38:10 --> 00:38:12

Allah Allah gives you respect.

00:38:14 --> 00:38:17

So some of the some of the hola I think, from general Abbas,

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he was

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kind of coming into Mecca. And of course, he needed what he needed guards and protections kind of make way for him and all of that. And then he was on his palace or the quarter of his palace, and then he saw a person by himself, but as he's advancing into Mecca, right, and it's the season of Hajj or something similar to it. As he is advancing, coming into Mecca. There's a crowd following him before in front of him behind him right and left, whenever he walks they make way when they sit, they sit with him when he says they stand with him. And everybody's asking him questions. He say, Who is this person? He is a scholar, so on. So he says, That's honor, not the honor of your Khalifa

00:39:05 --> 00:39:11

that he has to force people. This is the honor that Allah azza wa jal gives, who told them to do this?

00:39:13 --> 00:39:48

No one, but they needed him. And that's an honor that descends from Allah as a surgeon. And again, I'm not telling you you want that to happen to you. I must when I come to the masjid, everybody should give me away and No, no. Being Anonymous is great. You don't want people to know you. It's a struggle of people know you. You're not because we be very hard to have a last sincerity. Right? The more people know you the more that you have to struggle with your loss, you will have less and less of it. And you will find out maybe on the Day of Judgment, that prison was anonymous in the midst it is way way higher than you because he had his loss and you were struggling with it. So anonymity is

00:39:48 --> 00:39:59

great. Okay, don't don't seek recognition. But what he is trying to tell you is that no, that's an honor that was given to someone by Allah azza wa jal, just like that.

00:40:00 --> 00:40:07

So if Allah gives you that honor, you're honorable, but don't seek it from humanity. Humanity cannot give you a thing.

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00:40:13 --> 00:40:17

He says will mean her, and of those and effects of sins and that is also

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the alteration presumption that we talked about. That's one of its manifestations. He says, An from the effects of sin is that a servant will continue to commit that sin until it becomes very small to him, and very small in his heart, meaning just it's very insignificant. He says, and that is a sign of destruction with Attica, Allama Tula that, he says, because the more is sin is small in your eye, or the smaller it is in your eye, the greater it is with Allah.

00:40:49 --> 00:40:56

So this is a really good formula to keep in mind. If this sin is really small in your eye. It is what with Allah.

00:40:57 --> 00:41:09

Big and great. And it was big and great in your eye. What is it with Allah? It is small, right? So if you're if you commit a sin and it's really big in your eye, what would you do?

00:41:11 --> 00:41:55

You'll ask Allah for forgiveness, you will repent, you'll do good things, you'll be worried about it. Then Allah Azza knows that you esteem Him and you honor him. So that sin is small, and it's about to be forgiven. But if you commit that sin and it's nothing in your eye, then there is no forgiveness. There's no repentance, there are no good deeds, and Allah knows that. You don't honor him, and you don't esteem Him. So that sin is not likely to be forgiven. Nothing is being done to forgive it. So the caribou Hurry up, so he says Buhari mentioned in his Sahaba from the promise owed while the Allahu Anhu you said in miniato, the Navajo can no Vyasa but in your California ka Li. He

00:41:55 --> 00:42:26

says, The believer, he looks at his sin as if he is at the base of a mountain. And the sins are like a mountain he's about he's afraid that the sins will fall on him. That his sin is like a mountain. He's at the base. It is that's gonna fall on me and kill me. That's how he's terrified of his sin is really big. And it's always present. Think of yourself sitting next to a base of a mountain. Will you come not to see the mountain one day? It's always there is the biggest thing around you. Right?

00:42:28 --> 00:42:46

She will never forget it. So that's why they believe it never forgets it. I did this, you know I did this. Or I did this. Then it comes back. Oh, I did this everyday or I did this. Then you continue to ask Allah for forgiveness because he did it. He says we're in alpha JIRA. The

00:42:48 --> 00:43:11

the sinful a truly sinful. You're an Uber who called Uber Ben Walker either and fee for Carnaby HCA Fatah he sees his sin like flies that draw upon his face or land on his nose, his swats them away and they fly away. They hardly met worth a mention they just come here, remember swats it away? It goes away, he forgets about it? Well, I did this, forget about it? Well, I did. This is not a big deal.

00:43:12 --> 00:43:55

So there's a very different position, very different attitude to sins. If you SWAT your sins away, it doesn't matter doesn't matter doesn't matter, then the signs that what a person is sinful. So you don't care about them. There's a lot of them and you're going to use to this, right? Just imagine think about the person who commits a particular sin for the first time, the very first time how significant how weighty that thing is in his eyes, the very first time he's terrified. Okay, the 100th time that he had done it, nothing. So when you SWAT sins away like this, then this means that you are really sinful because you have a lot of them.

00:43:57 --> 00:44:28

But if sin is big in your eye, then that means that you're fearful of Allah azza wa jal. So a person needs to what retrieve the fear of Allah, retrieve the fact that this sin may be damaging his life. This sin needs forgiveness, this sin needs work. This sin could be the thing that is stopping you from enjoying the Quran or enjoying fasting or connecting with Allah. Maybe I've done something in the past. So you push yourself to ask Allah for forgiveness, you push yourself to do more and more good things. So that's the effect of sin.

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And maybe and the last thing insha Allah will mention and we're gonna stop.

00:44:35 --> 00:44:49

He says that everybody else, humans and animals will suffer the consequence of his sin. So he burns because of his sin, and He burns everybody else around him because of that sin.

00:44:50 --> 00:44:59

So just doesn't just Doom you. It dooms everybody else he says ahora era and this is Hassan to abou versus authentic. He says inevitable Bara. He is

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As such certain types of birds, he says those birds, they die in their nests because of the aggression of the aggressor.

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Because of the injustice of those who are unjust, they die in their nests. And he says Mujahid he says, Indeed animals they cursed, the sinful from the Children of Adam, when it when Famine is severe, and there is no rain. He says this is because of the sins of the children of Adam. He says, so the when there is famine, and lack of rain, he says the animals will curse the sinful humans, he says this is because

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so they blame humans for that sin for that lack of baraka and Nkrumah. He said, He says, The animals of the earth and their insects,

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he says, Even the beetles and even the scorpions, he says we were denied rain because of the sin of the children of Adam. So he says, him Oh, like no claim. So it's enough, not enough for him to

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be punished for his sin. He gets also all those curses from everybody who's affected by him, all the animals curse him, everybody was affected by Kherson.

00:46:17 --> 00:46:21

And that kind of also answers the question of, well, if the sin is

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00:46:26 --> 00:46:31

If not, if I'm not hurting anyone with that sin, it's just my right to commit it, isn't it?

00:46:32 --> 00:46:32


00:46:33 --> 00:46:35

Like if I'm not hurting anyone,

00:46:36 --> 00:46:41

sexual sins, consenting adults, done? Who am I hurting?

00:46:45 --> 00:46:47

My Am I not hurting people?

00:46:48 --> 00:46:53

You're hurting yourself? Absolutely. But everybody else is affected by that.

00:46:54 --> 00:47:09

Because in a secular worldly way, they look at it. And they say, well, now you're not hurting anybody, just between two and two individuals that said, Well, why the fuss? Why the big deal? Why why do you have to intervene and tell people what to do on what not to do? It does not affect you.

00:47:10 --> 00:47:37

Right? If I take off my hijab, what business is this of yours? That's a personal decision. Right? If I drink alcohol, right, as long as you know, I'm not hitting somebody, I'm not driving what up? So what is what business is this abuse? How is this affecting you? In a worldly sense, you may look at it and say, Oh, maybe it's affecting me. Maybe it's not affecting me, but no clear kind of argument there. But in a religious sense, isn't it affecting all of us?

00:47:38 --> 00:47:44

That's the clarity that the Quran and Sunnah gives, you know, you taking off your hijab affects me.

00:47:45 --> 00:47:48

I have to say something about it is not like I like trouble.

00:47:49 --> 00:48:13

It's not to put myself in trouble and you know, get into the mess of giving somebody advice and them hating me because of that advice, not this. But if you commit that haram, it comes back to affect all of us. If you drink it affects all of us. If you commit Zina, it affects all of us. If you take drugs, it affects all of us. If we don't say something about it, it affects all of us. So if we don't stop it, all of us are doomed.

00:48:14 --> 00:48:34

Right? So if the animals suffer, are we not going to suffer because of the sins that we see around us? So there is no such thing as a sin that is committed, that doesn't affect people, Allah azza wa jal, when he decides to punish because of the prevalence of that sin, He punishes everybody. So it is your job if you want to survive.

00:48:36 --> 00:48:45

And what maybe we can talk more about this because even though even those who say we're just gonna commit this sin, and it's just a private sin as two consenting adults,

00:48:46 --> 00:48:50

we wish that it just stays at that. They advertise it.

00:48:51 --> 00:49:00

They invite people to it, they create websites for it, legislation for it, they tell you to come and practice it, isn't it? Does it stop with them?

00:49:03 --> 00:49:15

It doesn't stop. Like with alcohol, does it stop with people who are drinking? Or do you have ads for it, and you have invitations and people trying to convince you to drink and they preach?

00:49:17 --> 00:49:21

Right, and take any other sin they preach.

00:49:22 --> 00:49:40

So it doesn't just stop with them. So if you just gonna say let low to each his own. And he say, Okay, do whatever you want, and will do whatever you want, how you going to stop them from inviting your children to do these things, for inviting you to do these things. That's why if you don't combat that, it's going to come to your own house.

00:49:41 --> 00:49:43

And your child will tell you I'm doing this

00:49:45 --> 00:49:53

so no, it affects every single person. So it's a false notion that there's just private sense since affect everybody.

00:49:55 --> 00:49:59

So we'll stop here in sha Allah and Bill and I mean, I mean if you have questions of

00:50:00 --> 00:50:01

You want to add something?

00:50:09 --> 00:50:18

You say that to other things that are normal rights Riba and then gambling and lottery. So lottery everybody can pay it, if you can buy it and scratch, right?

00:50:19 --> 00:50:35

Yeah. Buy in Scratch, right. And it's just it seems like easy and innocent. You're right. But it develops a habit of it's gambling and it develops a habit of gambling that lead to more gambling, and more sin. So yeah, that's right. Yes.

00:50:38 --> 00:50:40

supplement to bad news, and it

00:50:42 --> 00:50:51

overtakes you to the point where it's like, I know it's bad. But I still have good things that fall for me where it says that we're going to live on the

00:50:54 --> 00:50:55

back of that doctor

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00:51:04 --> 00:51:42

yes, yes. So the his question is that when I know that something is bad for me, and yet I'm so addicted to it that I want to do it does this relate to the Hadith of the Prophet sallahu wa salam, that whenever you do a bad deed, a, deposited into your heart, and it continues to do this, unless you clean it continues to do this until the entire heart becomes black, it definitely relates to it. Because as this darkness overtakes your heart, it weakens your resolve to do good, and increases your resolve to do evil. And until eventually, when it overtakes it completely, your whole perception of right and wrong changes. So right and wrong and wrong is right and good is bad and bad

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is good.

00:51:50 --> 00:52:18

So Could somebody could somebody repent from it as we had disbelievers who become Muslim, and their hearts were wet, exposed to all types of sin, and they oppose the prophets, Allah Azza wa sallam and they killed other Muslims when they came back. So we can always there's always a point when the heart is sealed, they can never come back. There's that point of it. Nobody knows it, except Allah xojo. So as long as the person is alive, we say what? You can always come back.

00:52:20 --> 00:52:20

Well, yeah.

00:52:31 --> 00:52:51

In the West, right, so how can how is it that we can protect our fitrah and living in the West from being corrupted? It's a very difficult thing, because you are completely surrounded with corrupters. So you want to distance yourself from as much corruption as possible, right? I mean,

00:52:53 --> 00:53:20

some Muslim countries, some Muslim countries are better. But some Muslim countries, they do resemble Western countries in a lot of ways. So if you're there, you would feel like okay, it's like I'm here. So, distance yourself from anything and everything that will corrupt your heart. So social media, that's one of the main things stay away from it, and use it sparingly. Go take what you've learned from it, and then escape.

00:53:21 --> 00:53:58

Good and Bad Company good and bad places. Be intentional and focused with your time that don't let it go to waste, but rather fill it with as many good reminders as possible. So there is you're reading the Quran or you're listening recitation of the Quran that really affects the rest of your day. You're engaged in dhikr of Allah azza wa jal, you have a book of Hadith, like simple, easy to read books, but that can really, you know, introduce a lot of transformation into your life. Just reading the Hadith of the prophets. A lot of you have said, No, it doesn't take a lot of kind of mental focus

00:54:00 --> 00:54:12

or comprehension to read because it's easy, but you get a lot from it. So reading the Quran, reading the Sunnah, staying away from haram places, acts scenes,

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spending time in the masjid, these things matter. And then check yourself from more than a once in a while. What am I doing? What am I lacking? Where am I heading? What am I doing right? What am I doing wrong? How what kind of what I can do that is better? Am I looking at the Haram a little bit more? Am I listening to the Haram a little bit more? So check yourself right? And from time to time maybe retreat into a more Islamic environment. So if Ramadan helps retreat more into an Islamic environment.

00:54:46 --> 00:54:59

When you're on break or you take vacations or you have a weekend retreat into a more Islamic environment, kind of like what are your holy trying to kind of isolate yourself as much as possible into an Islamic practice, kind of to do

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regenerate, but also recheck where you where you are and where you could be. So hopefully, some of these things inshallah will help. But you're right, it's a struggle and you have to watch for it. So I can live

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anyone else? So we'll scan the room

00:55:31 --> 00:55:59

how does it affect them? Right? They're unaware that they're committing a sin, right? So they're, let's say that that lack of awareness could be a because of ignorance, they don't even know that it's a sin. So if they don't even know it's a sin, maybe Allah will excuse them for it because there's General Ignorance. But sometimes that lack of awareness is because we have committed them for so long, that they are normal. So that's not like lack of knowledge, but we're not conscious of them. So that will affect you.

00:56:00 --> 00:56:38

That will affect your that will affect how your heart feels that will affect how your behavior what your behavior is, will affect your devotion your will affect your connection to Allah azza wa jal so that's why we say we have to awaken ourselves to the sense that we are so used to that we don't notice that they are sins anymore. Somebody for instance, Mrs. Fudger, and he doesn't think that it's a big deal. Somebody for instance, who looks at her arm and doesn't think that it's a big deal until somebody tells him and he's, he's awakened and then you know, it's okay this is the thing that making me feel so sad so depressed, so anxious, so when they stop, they'll see that their life

00:56:38 --> 00:56:56

improves. So check the sins sometimes but that's another point that I love he just came to me is that if something is not going right in your life, can maybe there's some hidden sins that is affecting you. So look for them search fix it, and you'll find that you're feeling better within the last search.

00:56:58 --> 00:57:00

So again, continue to scan anybody

00:57:11 --> 00:57:48

now, so if people who are public with their sins can still can, can they still repent? Yes. Can their sins be forgiven? Yes. Because both of these things as sin is a sin as a sin going public with it is a sin if they repent from both of that then yeah, definitely they will be forgiven but they also need to compensate by doing what by going public with their righteousness. I am I apologize I asked you forgiveness for doing this this this and now I am this this this just to counter the bad you know, negative publicity he gave with good public publicity

00:57:51 --> 00:57:52

Yeah, please

00:57:58 --> 00:57:59

go ahead. Yeah.

00:58:05 --> 00:58:12

Know Exactly. So help me with this so that I would don't forget it right. So he said that there is a now

00:58:13 --> 00:58:30

I just want to translate what he said. So he said, there is this comment from Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Anhu. And somebody praised him. So he said about the Allahu Anhu Allama for Lima Allah Allah moon, he says he Allah forgive me, what do you do what they do not know? And then the next one.

00:58:32 --> 00:59:06

Okay, and don't don't hold me responsible for what they've said. And make me better than what they said. Right? So forgive me what they said. Forgive me for what they said so that it does not affect him. Okay. Does not don't hold me responsible for it. If there's an exaggeration, and if there is excessiveness in it don't hold me responsible for it. Forgive me for what they do not know. And that's an admission that what there are so many things that they do not know and make me better than what they think I am. So that's another thing that when somebody praises you, is something that you could see

00:59:11 --> 00:59:12

some hot

00:59:15 --> 00:59:21

somebody's been doing good deeds. On slide five at the turn.

00:59:25 --> 00:59:26

So this is

00:59:30 --> 00:59:30

what people

00:59:35 --> 00:59:59

so there's a Hadith of the Prophet alayhi. Salatu was Salam. He's saying that a person could be doing good things as far as people could see. And then towards the end of his life, he has to be for Allah he'll Kitab Allah's decree becomes dominant and he does something bad and he dies doing that. So he dies upon, Sue will hurt him. And the opposite is true. Somebody would be doing bad things as people get as far as people could see. And then towards

01:00:00 --> 01:00:08

The end of his life, he would do something good. And then he dies upon that. And then that is personal Hatim. So this, you know, the scholars have kind of

01:00:09 --> 01:00:51

had different interpretations of it. One of the interpretations that they had is, this is as the Hadith states as far as the people could see. So the person who is doing good things, that's what people see. Okay, but in reality, right, there's something different. So towards the end of his life, what his reality becomes dominant, he does the bad and dies upon the bad, the while the person who don't who's doing bad things as far as the people could see. And yes, he could be doing bad things. But there's also something good that he's doing. And they may not be aware of, there's always something in him a desire to repent or ask him for forgiveness, something. So now towards the

01:00:51 --> 01:01:24

end of his life, that good part of his becomes dominant. And he does it and he has personal hotma. So the benefit of this hadith, which is very beneficial, is that if you are righteous now, you'd be afraid of what? Sue will hurt him? What if I die upon a mistake? Okay, how could I commit that mistake, because maybe you like it so much, you really haven't repented from it. So towards the end of his life, it materializes into such love for it that you committed a new day. So what is hidden becomes public.

01:01:25 --> 01:01:38

You understand what's hidden, becomes public, or the other person who's sinful and we look at him and we say, we're so much better than he is. You don't know that there is something inside of him or something private that he's doing that is good.

01:01:39 --> 01:01:53

And so towards the end of his life, that thing becomes public. And he does it and he dies with that. So you will never give up on anybody. And you don't admire anyone until they die

01:01:54 --> 01:02:15

until they die. Right? And that's why also one of the statements of the Sahaba I think you've noticed a woman cannon was standing in Philly Astin Nabhi. Monica DeMatha. In al Haj Allah to Emanuel Underhill, fitna he says if you're going to follow someone, follow someone who's already dead. Because the one who is alive you don't know he could be tempted.

01:02:16 --> 01:02:25

So anyone who's alive could be tempted they could lose that face so it says if somebody's duck is done, now we know he died upon this so you could follow what he said.

01:02:27 --> 01:02:28

Okay, have we done

01:02:29 --> 01:02:36

play fair inshallah vertical or FICO Subhanak long behind the shadow lie lie in the stuff that we're gonna do Boolean could handle

01:02:37 --> 01:02:38


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