Taimiyyah Zubair – Taleem al Quran 2012 – P06 071D Tafsir Al-Maidah 35-40

Taimiyyah Zubair
AI: Summary ©
The speakers discuss the importance of achieving Islam's pleasure in order to attain deeds, reciting the Quran, listening to words, staying close to someone in life, following guidance, and following instructions to do small deeds for a woman who was licking wet mud. They stress the importance of following guidance and regulations to avoid getting out of the punishment, and the prevalence of theft and bribery, including fraud and bribery. They emphasize the need for everyone to be aware of the consequences of theft and the importance of protecting society.
AI: Transcript ©
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bIllahi min ash shaytani R rajim Bismillah I have recommended over him

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less than number 71 So it's either we'll begin from iron number 35

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Yeah, are you Hello Dina Amanu or you will have believed it duckula Her fear Allah Weber toh la Hill was Isla and seek the means of nearness to him. What Jahai do visa vie Lee and strive in his cause, why La La come to flee Hoon so that you can be successful. Who is being addressed over here? The believers and how's the address? Yeah, uh, you have our attention is being demanded. So all believers listen attentively. What do you have to do it the Kola fear Allah and Weber the WHO la Hill was sila seek was sila to him to who? The one whom you should fear and who is that Allah subhanaw taala.

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Now what does it mean by this seek it was sealer to him, the word was sealer is from the root letters, well seen lamb

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and was Cena is a means of attaining closeness to something or someone. It's basically a means through which you attain your purpose, you attain your objective, your objective is to get to a particular destination. So you take a train to get there. Why, because when you will take a train what will happen, you will get to your destination. So the train is a means of bringing you to your destination, it's a means of drawing you closer to your destination. Likewise, if you want to go up on the seventh or the 10th floor of a building, then you have to adopt a means in order to get there what's that means either the stairs or the elevator. So, this is what what Sita is. Now over here we

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are told, adopt a means of attaining closeness to LA to Him meaning to Allah subhanaw taala do something, hold on to something, grab something, perform something so that you can attain the objective? What's your objective? What's your goal in life to earn Allah's pleasure? So do something to make Allah happy, do something to earn his pleasure, his approval, his happiness? Now what is it that we can adopt? Some people say it refers to you know, like some righteous person, some saint, that you make them happy, you give them a pledge of allegiance, and then what will happen when you're connected with them, you will be connected with Allah. But if that was the case, then Allah

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subhanaw taala would not have told us in this idea, that fear Allah, and right after was sila, he would not have told us to do jihad, because then holding on to a person, a righteous individual would have been sufficient, then the person doesn't need to do anything himself. What does it mean by this vasila perform something yourself in order to get to your destination. You know, for example, if you want to get to a particular place, then you don't just go and hold on to the bus driver. No, you don't just go and hold on to the conductor of a train. What do you do, you go buy a ticket, you go sit on the train, and you travel the distance. You have to do that in order to get to

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your destination holding on to an individual is not sufficient. You can't just rely on your father that okay, my father is gonna get the ticket and he's gonna take me there and he's gonna make me sit and then he's gonna take me to my destination. No, you have to do something yourself. People can guide you. They can help you they can show you the way they can direct you, but not beyond that.

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So what are those things that we can do in order to attain Allah's pleasure in order to get to him? What is it that we can do?

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If you summarize it, what is it good deeds, the deeds that Allah subhanaw taala has prescribed, the actions that Allah has told us to perform, because when we perform them what happens we draw closer to Allah. In a hadith Bootsy, the Prophet sallallahu Sallam he said that Allah subhanaw taala says, My servant does not come closer to me with anything more dear to me than that which I have made obligatory upon him. Meaning the actions that Allah has made falls on us. When we perform those further actions than what happens we attain closeness to Allah. Tell me the month of Ramadan obligatory fasting, when you go through that what happens? You feel closeness to Allah. You feel

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that you have a better connection.

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before Ramadan also, you were a believer. Alhamdulillah you were praying Salah you were doing many

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Things that Hamdulillah. But what happened when you performed an obligatory deed, you attained closeness to him.

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Likewise, people perform many good deeds, but when they go to perform hajj, an obligatory action, right? Then what happens? they attain closeness to Allah. You can be very charitable, but when you give the cat that what happens, you feel good about yourself and hamdulillah you've done something for the sake of Allah. So you do attain that closeness. So how does the person attain closeness to Allah but the performance of what the obligatory deeds follow actions? Allah says, My servant keeps coming closer to me with more voluntary deeds, meaning when he performs extra actions, voluntary actions, then what happens he draws even closer. So when is that a person just fast the month of

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Ramadan, he stops there. And then the other is that he fasts, six fasts in the month of Shawwal, as well, what will happen with those six additional fasts He will draw even closer.

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And then the other step is that a person begins fasting the three white days of the month with that he will draw even closer, and then the next step is that a person starts fasting Monday and Thursday. So with every Additional Voluntary Action, what will happen, he will attain more and more closeness to Allah subhanaw taala the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, on Monday and Thursday, the deeds of a person are presented before Allah. So I like that my deeds are presented to him while I am fasting, right? So this is why he would fast on Monday and Thursday. So what happens with every good deed, a person draws closer to Allah? So Allah says, Yeah, are you Alladhina amanu it the Kola,

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Weber double in a universe isla. Now, think about it. Anybody that you love, anybody, you want to be close with them, or anybody you know that you're supposed to love, for example, your mom. And if you feel that you don't have a great relationship with her, you feel that you should be close to her. And then what do you do in order to be close to someone to be good friends with them? What do you do, you just sit there, you just expect them to love you, you have to do something yourself as well, you have to put in the effort. You have to write to them, you have to call them you have to keep in touch with them, you have to tax them, you have to update them about what's going on in your life,

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you have to consult them you have to take their szura their suggestion. So this is something that brings you closer to others. So when you want to attain closeness to Allah, then you have to do the appropriate actions as well. Now these actions I mentioned to you earlier fault and voluntary actions, right. But it's not just limited to that. There are different kinds of actions that a person performs, some are of the body meaning limbs, so literally actions for example, what actions do we perform with our body with our burden, such rituals that we perform in order to come closer to Allah, Salah. Next is actions which are listening, meaning certain words that a person says in order

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to come closer to Allah, what are those words?

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Drop what else for citation of the Quran?

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The Quran remembrance of Allah fed Qurani and then what will happen at good calm. So they could also

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likewise, these actions are called be meaning of the heart.

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So what does that include? Love of Allah, fear of Allah, Saba for the sake of Allah hope it Allah, the Quran, Allah Allah. So all of these actions, they draw a person closer to Allah.

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And Clara was mentioned recitation of the Quran was mentioned when it comes to Lissoni. Now, the Quran has been described as what habla the rope of Allah. What does the rope do? As you use it as you climb it, as you go upwards, you get to your destination, right? So this is the role that Allah has given to us in order to come closer to him. The Quran is what will happen on the Day of Judgment, a person will be told it grew up with Turkey, recite and ascend, ascend, go higher and higher and higher in Jannah. The highest level of Jannah is what for those and above that is what thou shalt have Rahman.

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So the more a person recites the Quran, the closer he gets to Allah, so Yeah, are you a lady

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Am I know it Akula Weber double la Hill was Isla every day do something special to come closer to Allah than yesterday. So that by the end of today you feel closer to Allah than you were yesterday and start with performing the obligations and you will see a difference. Salam Alikum I hear chef saying every hot mouth Quran there is a accepting of the inshallah so I try myself and this is it came through so every heart of the Quran I wait for the ad to come through inshallah and it guys, right. So this is something that will draw you closer to Allah when you made the Torah and you see it accepted, it will draw you closer to Allah. Simulacrum in the DUA class will lead the Sunni said,

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like, sometimes we're making dua for this and we're making dua for that. But if you spend your time doing the care of Allah, that Allah will give you more than what you would ask for. So we got to do more as God then you know, spending your time asking for this asking for that. But ask as well ask as well definitely ask as well. But like in the Hadith we learn keep your tongue moist with the remembrance of Allah. Because when you engage yourself in the Dhikr of Allah, you remember Allah, that Allah Who remembers you, and when he remembers you every need of yours that even you don't realize, he will give you things that you forget to ask he will provide for you, because he

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remembers you. So Falcone COMM And you know that hadith that I mentioned you in which Allah says that when a person performs the obligatory deeds, he draws closer to Allah. And then the Hadith continues at my servant keeps coming closer to me with more voluntary deeds until I love him.

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And when I love him, I become his ear by which he hears his eyes by which he sees his hand by which he holds on his foot by which he walks. What this means is that Allah subhanaw taala is so close to a person, that his help his assistance is always there with a person, but a person really never feels alone never feels, he's happy, he feels the presence, you know of Allah's Rama of his the yield of his help. And the Hadith continues that if he asks me anything, I shall give him if he seeks my protection, that I shall grant him my protection. This is why do that which will bring you closer to alpha. And the thing is, that anything in life, any person in life, you can be very, very

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close to them. But a time will come when they will either disappoint you, or they will leave you or you will leave them

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isn't that so? Anything that you love?

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I visited somebody's house in mashallah very beautiful, very nice house. And they said that there was a person, a builder, basically. And he built this whole complex. And this house, he had it made for himself. So everything in that house you can imagine was perfect. Okay, first of all, he's a builder. And secondly, he made that house for himself. But for whatever reason, he couldn't live there. So he had to sell that house, and the people who are living in it now, you know, they got something ready made so perfect.

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So this is the reality the things of the Estonia, you rush towards them, you want to stay with them, you want to attach yourself with them, but you cannot live with them forever, they will leave you you will leave them it's not worth it.

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So which relationship is the best relationship with Allah subhanaw taala being close to Allah, because if you're close to him in this dunya then no matter where you are, no matter what difficulty you're in, he will not abandon you.

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You will be at peace.

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You will receive Allah's mercy.

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At the point where everybody will leave you when they will put you under the ground cover you would dust and walk away.

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If you've been close to Allah, than Allah's help will be with you.

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At the time when no one will help and no one will care on the Day of Judgment your own mother will leave your own father will run away for you, your husband who says he loves you to bits, your children whose keeps saying that they love you, they will leave you run away from you.

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Except for who? Those who come to Allah with Khalid bin Salim

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with a heart that is full of Allah's love a sound heart.

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So the purpose of this life is to come close to Allah. And this is something that doesn't happen by itself. You have to strive to get to this level. And what's driving is required, like we discussed earlier, the fog deeds than Aware Fill phobia

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actions budoni actions Lisanti actions all of these are required to come closer to Allah. So what would double la Hill was sila wotja. He knew feasibility and striving his way. La Isla come to flee Hoon so that you may be successful. What does it mean that without these three things you can never be successful in life, knowing the hereafter? What's the other side that a person is far from Allah, distant from Allah? And if that's the case, in AlLadhina cafardo Indeed those people who disbelieve lo another Homerville of the Jamia on if they possessed everything that is in the earth Jumeirah altogether at the same time, meaning a person owns everything that is on this planet, one Mithila

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who Mara who and its equivalent, along with it, he doesn't just own everything that's on the earth, but twice, it's like, well, Mithila who Mao who, if he possessed all of this lifter to be him in either Bo mill piano in order to ransom themselves from the punishment on the Day of Judgment, Allah says murder could be loving him, it will not be accepted from them. Well whom are the oven Aleem and for them is a painful punishment. Why? Because the time to come closer to Allah is when in this life. When a person spends in the way of Allah, he attains closeness to Allah. And if he doesn't spend now on the day of judgment, He wishes to spend everything on the earth twice. It's like, it's

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not worth anything. It's not going to get him closer to Allah. It's not going to save him from any kind of punishment. In a hadith we learn a man from the people of the fire will be brought forth and will be asked all son of Adam, how did you find your dwelling? How did you find your home of the Hereafter? He will say it is the worst welling obviously it's the fire of *. He will be told, would you ransom yourself with the Earth Spin of gold? He will say yes, oh Lord, of course, that if I'm given the Earth's will of gold, I would give it up immediately to free myself from the hellfire. Allah who will say to him, You have lied, I asked you for what is less than that, and you did not do

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it, and he will be ordered to the fire he will be sent back. Because in this dunya, you could give even $1.01 Even if you give with the intention of drawing closer to Allah, you give something you spend very little but you want to tame closeness to Allah, that is sufficient. It's not the quantity that matters. What matters is your Nia, the striving of the heart, which is why once a companion when he brought just a handful of dates to the prophets of Allah under Saddam, because that's all he had, after a whole day and night of work. That's all that he had earned. That's all he could offer. In the way of Allah because the muscles were going for the expedition to the book, it was a very

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long expedition very difficult and long journey in the heat of the summer,

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to meet an army that they had never faced before.

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So he had that handful of dates when he brought that the prophets of Allah and then put that on top of everything else that people have brought on the top to show how valuable how important it is.

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You know, like we learned earlier that some deeds, Allah accepts and others he rejects. When deeds are accepted, then a person draws closer to Allah. So we should worry about performing those deeds which Allah will accept and for that, if Lawsonia sincerity of intention is crucial, is very important.

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So do a little even. But do that purely for him so that you can attain his closeness. Because there is no use, there's no benefit in doing a lot, but without your heart involved in it, so that it doesn't bring you closer to Allah.

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The point is to come closer to Allah, even if it's the performance of small deeds, which kind of deeds does Allah subhanaw taala like deeds which are consistent, even if they may be small, don't we learn about that prostitute woman who had mercy on a thirsty dog that was licking wet mud. She went down, got water in her shoe, and gave it to the dog to drink. Small DEET apparently. But that is something that brought her so close to Allah that Allah forgave her.

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So the objective is, come closer to Allah, do what you do for him. Because if that is done, then you're saved. And if that is not done, then no matter what you've accumulated in this life, it's not worth anything.

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On the Day of Judgment, if the whole earth spill of gold is offered, it's not going to help a person. You'd be doing a yellow Domina nerdy, they will wish to get out of

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The fire will know whom Behati Gina minha and they will not come out of it at all the people of the fire, they will try to come out of the fire but they won't be able to come out. One of them or they have been looking and for them is an enduring punishment. Up lasting punishment. McCain was from Oklahoma. Joaquim is also used for a resident, someone who is a permanent resident who's just staying there not leaving. So they will be in the fire suffering the punishment forever, never coming out. Never will that punishment end for them. And they will try to get out but they won't be able to get out of the fire. Why? Because first of all, the punishment is so severe that with that

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pain and hurt and agony, how much can they do to get out? You know, like, if a person is suffering, a lot of pain, then they can't even move sometimes. On top of that the flames will be so high.

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And even if they managed to get out of that the guards that are appointed over hellfire, they're so strict or lay him Allah ecodan Alvin Shida don't severe harsh angels guards so they won't be able to leave the Hellfire weather home or the Obama team and for them is a lasting and enduring punishment. So Jahannam is like a prison. The worst prison from which no one can come out. Unless Allah

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unless Allah takes him out.

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double, double Elaine was he

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or journey Goofy's heavy the

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Jamie, want me to know

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who will be me nada.

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betta mean home? Or

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any game? You really don't

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wanna be hard? Aegina. I mean, why one

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was sad. It was sad to ask for the thief, the male and the female, sad. Male thief said a female thief. So a thief, whether male or female, regardless of their gender, what has to be done? fucko therell ADEA. Houma execute the punishment on them. And what is that cut off their hand?

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The word cited cited is from the root letter seen off off. And what does that mean? Theft? What is theft?

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Who is a thief? What is theft?

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What do you understand theft is

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to take something that doesn't belong to you. So a person is walking out a masjid, like somebody's shoes, they pick them up, they take them, they don't belong to them, they like them, they pick them up first and goes to a store the likes on clothes. And they managed to get the tag off or you know those security things? And then they walk out with them. This is what theft to take something that doesn't belong to you.

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But is it just take something that doesn't belong to you? Or is there any additional condition over here when it comes to theft?

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Without permission? What else?

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If somebody comes and take something that doesn't belong to them in front of everybody

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at gunpoint, that's not theft. Okay. But if they take it secretly, without anyone else finding out about it, so for example, they go into the change room, and then they try to cut off the tag or those security labels and, and then they walk out with it, because if they were to do it in front of everybody, then they won't be able to do it.

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So, theft is basically let me tell you the definition. It is to take somebody's wealth, how secretly

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Whovian secretly from who, from the Malik or from his net IP, from the Malik as in from the owner. So to take the wealth of an owner, how secretly

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or to take it from the owners net, who is not representative, meaning somebody who's managing that property that money that wealth for somebody else?

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So for example, there's a store. And let's say you find that store in every mall that you go in Canada, for example. And the person who's present at the store who's the manager is not the owner, they're just working there.

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Now, if a person steals something from that store, that is also theft,

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even though it belongs to a multinational company, still it is theft. Why? Because it was taken from wool from the narrative from the representative, because all the people who are working in that store who are there, those who have been appointed by the owner, to manage that wealth to look after that wealth, if the wealth is taken in front of everybody by the use of force or something that is called loss, okay, lost.

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And that is an example of facade filth, that is much worse than theft. And for that, what's the punishment that the hand and foot be cut off, not just the hand, but the hand and the foot, because it's not just an act of theft, but it's an act of violence, it's frightening people, it's disturbing them. Like we learned earlier, the punishment for facade fill orders, one, one of them is that the hand and foot be cut off from the opposite side. So anyway, the male Thief and the female thief, it doesn't matter what the gender is. It doesn't matter what the social status is, it doesn't matter what their educational background is. It doesn't matter what their profession is. It doesn't matter

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who they are. If they commit theft, whether they are, you know, somebody with a high position in the government, or somebody who was just walking down the street, a student, a child, a wife, who doesn't get money from her husband, it doesn't matter who the person is, if they commit theft, then the punishment Allah says, executed. And what is that furcal therell idea Houma got off their hand. It doesn't mean both their hands it means their hand meaning of the male thief and of the female thief.

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And this is a very serious punishment.

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Allah says this punishment is designed on a recompense be Mikasa cassava for what they have earned. They themselves brought this upon themselves how that they use their hand to take somebody else's property without their permission. That same hand, cut it off. Why, Nicola min Allah, and exemplary punishment from Allah, for who for the thief, and for everybody else, that if you see someone without a hand, their hand has been cut off, and you find out that it's because they committed theft, then you wouldn't dare to do so. The problem is that these days when we see people committing theft, right, left and center all over the place in the masjid, outside the masjid all over, you

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know, from parking lots, from people to houses, and what are the consequences? What are the consequences, sometimes just a fine, sometimes maybe jail for a month or maybe two, maybe done one, something like that, then

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anybody can dare to steal. Anybody can do that.

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But if you see someone with a hand chopped off, it scares you.

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I remember as a child, I was at a masjid, the big masjid. And I saw a woman

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who didn't have hands.

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She didn't have hands. I don't know if that was an abnormality. It was because of some surgical procedure or it was in a Muslim country. Or it was because of punishment of theft, or what Allah worn and what the reason was, but I didn't see her hands. And the first thing that came to my mind was,

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you know, this is the punishment for theft. Allahu Artem, what her situation was, but I remember that fear in my heart, like why saw her and that fear still exists today

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to see somebody who doesn't have a hand.

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And it has said that when the punishment is executed, and the hand is to be hung around the neck of the person for several days, so that people see that this is a person who committed theft. It's humiliation disgrace for the person in this dunya and a create warning for others.

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But unfortunately, when little children don't even see this, what happens is that as children, they develop the habit of stealing things. In school, somebody spent somebody's eraser. Then as they get older, somebody's phone case, then it becomes somebody's phone, one thing after the other until people do that

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have such bad habits, that they start committing great crimes, then,

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you know, we think of theft as stealing money and clothes or whatever. But even downloading software illegally, and taking from each other, even this is basically theft. Yes. And I know somebody who designs kitchens, and a family called him once and took all his ideas. They said, Okay, we're gonna think about it and stuff like that. And they actually had the audacity to take his design and call a cheaper person, and have it made, and they forgot all about it. But this person who's the designer, he's not going to forget his design. He was called to do the basement the next time. And when he walked into the house, he was shocked. He said, This is a well to do family, who just took my

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design, got a cheaper person to do it. And they had the cheek to call me to design for their basement and he walked out saying, I'm sorry, I don't have time. He said I was too embarrassed to confront them with this. I mean, this is def basically taking somebody's ideas. But we don't realize it. We don't realize that this dunya is very transitory. People don't even think of it as bad. That's the sad thing. Yes.

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And unfortunately, we think or if you take non Muslim things, then it's not a big deal there could fall anyway. No, we learned about the Bani Israel earlier that they had double standards, right. Lisa or Lena Phil Mahina said be that we're not punishable for what we do with the machine. We can do whatever with them. So similarly, we Muslims also, many times think that we can steal somebody's software and we say, Oh, these are multimillionaires, big companies that are so oppressive. And it doesn't matter to them. If I download it once, what's the big deal? And why should I make them richer by buying software? This is what we think. I mean, if I buy it from them, they'll become

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richer and then they will harm the Muslims. Come on. Either don't take it or if you take it, then take it correctly.

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If the owner forgives, then that is his generosity. And his reward is with Allah in sha Allah. But if the owner doesn't forgive, then what are you going to do?

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In the Hadith? What do we learn the greatest, mirthless, the poorest person of the Ummah is someone who walks in on the Day of Judgment with a whole lot of good deeds, mountains of good deeds, but what happens, other people come complaining to Allah that this person harmed me in this way harmed me in that way, and what will happen his good deeds will be given to them.

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And at the end, he will be left with nothing and still more people will be coming demanding their rights and what will happen, their sins will be transferred to him. So the good deeds that could have taken him to Jana now the sins of others that he has taken, he will end up in hellfire because of them. So Nicola mean Allah will Allahu Aziz and her caiman, Allah is Mighty and wise.

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And sometimes it happens that you are at a store or you are getting onto the bus. And then because you don't have the right change, or even you may have the money, but they say it's okay. Doesn't matter. No big deal. No, it is a big deal. It does matter.

00:33:16 --> 00:33:34

So, what cycle was Seneca to follow through idea who might just be my cassava Nicola min Allah, Allah Who are these and Hakeem the prophets, Allah, lots of them said, Allah has cursed the thief who steals the egg and thus has his hands cut off. Who steals the egg?

00:33:36 --> 00:33:43

Somebody's food, and then he has his hands cut off. Such a person is cursed by them.

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And if you think about it, anything that a person steals whether it is a sweater, or a shirt or a pair of shoes, is it really worth your hand?

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Somebody's used shoes, somebody's used phone. Somebody's used bag, somebody's used clothes.

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Is it worth your hand? It's not nothing of this dunya is. So how can we take anything that belongs to somebody else? And then have our hand cut off? We might say oh, right now nobody's gonna cut your hand off especially where you're living. And even if you were in a Muslim country, you know with a bride or two, you know, you could be free easily.

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But in the eyes of Allah, such a person is cursed.

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So anybody's thing is it worth the curse of Allah subhanaw taala it's not. The Prophet sallallahu sallam, he said, I swear by him in whose hand is my soul. If Fatima the daughter of Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam stole I would certainly cut off her hand

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because there was a case of a woman by the name of Fatima who would commit theft and she was caught and

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was to be executed in her but because she belonged to a high family that people requested that a lighter punishment be given. But the Prophet sallallahu sallam said that no, because in the Quran What is Allah saying was salco was surreal, doesn't matter who it is, if they've committed theft, then they deserve the punishment, regardless of their social status, regardless of their gender.

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The Prophet salallahu Salam also said the thief does not steal and remain a believer while he is stealing. So while a person is stealing, committing theft, than at that time, what happens is a man departs from his heart. There is no Eman over there.

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Because it's not possible that a person believes in Allah believes in the fact that Allah is watching me, believes in the fact that Allah has forbidden me from taking somebody else's property without their permission. And yet that person goes and take somebody else's thing. That is not Iman. So Iman leaves the heart of a person when he steals.

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Now, if you see over here, the punishments in Islam are very similar to or they are of the same nature as a crime that is committed. When it comes to bottle. If a person has committed murder, then what's the punishment? Because all

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that his life should be taken? If a person has committed Zina, pleasure of the body, then what's the punishment? Physical pain lashes? For the unmarried adulterer? What's the punishment 100 lashes on the body. So the pleasure of the body the punishment is pain of the body.

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Then, when it comes to theft, you draw your hand out, you extend your hand out to take somebody else's thing that same hand is cut off. And if a person remembers this, that if I take somebody else's thing, my hand will be cut off and he will never use that hand to commit theft. He won't do that. Now Carla, min Allah, Allahu Aziz and Hakeem and Allah is Mighty. And Hakeem

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from untie them embargo alone, me he, then whoever repents after his injustice, what injustice, his theft, whether it was after being caught or not being caught, because sometimes it happens that a person commits theft, and he is never caught. He's never proven guilty. Nobody catches him. And this person, he does doba he repents to Allah for the sin that he committed before. And we'll ask ALLAH and he reforms, what reform does he do, that he makes up for the harm that he caused? So for example, he committed theft, he took somebody else's thing, so he gives it back to them. Or if he cannot find the owner, he doesn't know the owner, then he gives the same amount in charity on their

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behalf. Like for example, a person remembers that they committed theft when they were 12 years old, back home from their neighbor, they don't even remember their name, there is no way they can get back over there and find that individual and return their property to them or something of equal amount than what should be done. What's Islamic, then? How should they make up for it? Give something of equal amount in charity on behalf of that person, so that on the day of German when they come demanding their right from you, you have something to give them. We'll ask Allah for in Allah, YouTuber, Allah He then indeed Allah turns to him in mercy in the love of all over him.

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Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.

00:38:27 --> 00:38:42

Now, if a person is caught, and he is punished, his hand is cut off. Does that mean there is no Toba for him? Yes, he can still do Toba then yes, Allah is still a photo Rahim. Then what's the benefit? His hand is still cut off that cannot be undone.

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The thing is that a person will be saved from the punishment in the hereafter, because the punishment of this dunya is only the beginning.

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The punishment of this world is only the beginning of punishment, the real punishment is where in the year after, so if a person repents, seeks Allah's forgiveness, whether it before or after the worldly punishment, then in sha Allah with Allah's forgiveness, He will be saved from consequences in the hereafter. Allah says Allah into Harlem Do you not know? And Hola Hola, Homolka. Somehow it will all that to Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth. You are the devil Manisha? Well, federally my yesha, he punishes whom He wills and he forgives whom He wills because some people might have an objection against this punishment. The why this punishment why so barbaric? But

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tell me if somebody steals your stuff, something that matters to you something that is of great value to you, this direct that taken away from you and because of that, you suffer. What would you want to do?

00:39:45 --> 00:39:54

Yes, forgive but really, do you want to forgive? No, you don't. And if somebody takes your property and the next day your brother's next to your mother's the next day, somebody else's

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then they have to be stopped somewhere than the punishment has to be given and

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Basically this punishment, it shows how there is no tolerance for theft in our deen. There is no tolerance for this. It's not tolerated at all, Allah doesn't accept it at all.

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That the punishment is so severe and the Scot of a person who is deprived of his hand for the rest of his life. It shows how severe This crime is how there is no tolerance for it. So you're at the Romanian shatta, Wale Filoli, my insha Allah who are in a condition coded and Allah is over everything capable.

00:40:36 --> 00:40:42

So what does these verses teach us? That teaches that we should respect other people's property.

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And no matter how much we like it, don't take it. Do not take it because it's not worth it.

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You know, it's like, if there's something that you really, really like, but it's too expensive, you can't afford it, then what do you do? You don't buy it? What do you tell yourself? I'll save the money, and then I'll go get it or I'll have my father pay for it. I'll have my mother pay for it or whatever. But you can't take it, you wait for it. Just like that. When something belongs to somebody else, don't take it stop yourself.

00:41:17 --> 00:41:23

But what happens is that sometimes fatawa blown up, sue the knifes it allows you

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it has no gravity take it nobody's watching. Just pretend it's yours and walk out.

00:41:31 --> 00:41:39

But this is something that harms the person more than it benefits him because eventually he becomes a whoo and ha sit in.

00:41:40 --> 00:41:41

Let's listen to the recitation.

00:41:43 --> 00:41:48

Was Was Sadie Otto. Oh

00:41:56 --> 00:42:03

all Well, last season hacky for

00:42:07 --> 00:42:09

me also in

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00:42:17 --> 00:42:20

Aileen LM

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00:42:27 --> 00:42:29

you are the more money

00:42:32 --> 00:42:34

you are the more money

00:42:35 --> 00:42:38

oilfield only me

00:42:40 --> 00:42:46

Walla Walla Walla, Alicia in all the

00:42:50 --> 00:43:40

snow article, I just want to give you an idea of some of the statistics of theft. So in 2010, the number of property thefts in Canada was 199,294. And these are breaking entries. So in a building or home, and some items were stolen. Similarly, car theft in Canada is 400 Every single day. So and there's 100 cars. There's also many other types of theft, for example, identity theft also exists, there's about 11,095 Every year, and in specifically in 2009. It created $10 million in loss. So for example, someone steal someone's identity, they take a loan in their name, and that person who was the identity was stolen from they have to pay that loan. So it caused 10 million in losses. And just

00:43:40 --> 00:44:19

the point about how it's very embarrassing to have your hand cut off just the idea of being called a thief is also very embarrassing. Sometimes when you're in those big malls or stores. There's people at the door who are checking, like if you have really big items if you're buying like a fridge or a microwave or something. So when you're stopped at the door, and the person asked to see your receipt, it's so embarrassing. It's like what did I need to do anything? So just that thought also, if you've purchased something, and the cashier, let's say they forget to take that security thing off, and as you're walking out, the alarm start going off. Everybody starts staring at you, right,

00:44:19 --> 00:44:22

as if you're a thief, how humiliating it is,

00:44:23 --> 00:44:25

how humiliating it is.

00:44:26 --> 00:44:59

And imagine if somebody's hand is cut off, and it's hung around their neck. And everybody sees him five times a day in the masjid out in the streets. Humiliation, it's not to to victimize the criminal. Okay, because he's not the victim anyway, he's a criminal. It's basically to teach him a lesson and teach others through him as well. Because in our deen we're to side with who not the criminal. We are to side with who the innocence. We are to protect the society

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The people who want to live in peace. So if anyone who disrupts that peace, we're not going to side with them, we're going to be very strict with them. So that they learn a lesson and others learn lesson and such a mistake is not repeated again.

00:45:15 --> 00:45:53

Sometimes, when people hear about the punishments and Islam, especially with what happens in Saudi Arabia, they say, Oh, how barbaric. This is the comment that they always make, but they don't see the statistics. You know, in Saudi Arabia, when the prayer call goes, I have seen the shopkeepers just put a cloth over their ways, and they just walk out sometimes not even that. It's just left open. I mean, anybody walking past pick something but nobody does that. Because they know that it's the punishment is so severe, that acts as a deterrent. And because the punishment over there is executed in front of everybody, right there. And then Nobody waits for anything. It's not like a

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person has jailed for five years. And then eventually his case is taken out and then eventually is given the punishment. No, it's executed immediately. There's no delay. No, asking the parents, consulting the family, nothing.

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I saw Michael, I was just thinking that living in Canada, we think that we're so safe that nobody can steal from us. But I have a close friend. And she told me that somebody had been following them for like, a few days. And then one day, nobody was home. So when they came back, everything was broken, everything was stolen. My friend's sister, she had her feet, she had to pay for her university that was also stolen. And she had a pet gerbil. So that I don't know what the thieves were thinking. They pulled out every single hair from his body. So I was thinking that even the thief stay, don't realize what they're doing. But like, we really need to be aware of that.

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And then the thing is that with each criminal action, a person becomes more daring.

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That he goes deeper and deeper in that, right. Each crime is worse than the one before. So the first theft is just half the other theft is theft and injustice on Allah's creation. Then the next step is theft and vandalism. Sinani, sometimes also kids, they take candids, and we don't tell them this is stealing. I remember when I was new to this country, my five year old son, we went to a store to the pharmacy, and he saw candy, so he thought it's he can take it. So he took it and we left. And in the car. I saw him eating and I asked him, Where did you get the candy? He said, You know, they put it on the shelf. Anybody can take it. I said no, you stole it. So we went back. And the lady said, It's

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okay. I said no, please, I made him stand outside. I say wait, I'm gonna talk to the lady. So she doesn't call police on you. Right? So I went, and the lady she told me, No, it's okay. He didn't. I said, No, I'm gonna bring him inside. And you have to tell him, I have to call the police when he cries. Then you say what can you do? So until today, he's 29. Now, he won't move again from one place to another.

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I went back inside the store and the lady said, No, it's okay. I said, no, please. And then he came in. And he said, Please, he cried and he peed. He peed. And then she said, What can you do for me? He said, can I come and clean? He said, Okay, come next Saturday and clean. So the next Saturday, I took him and she said, take out the lotions and put down and wipe and he didn't even know how to wipe. So he just went, you know. And then after a couple of months to six months, the lady told me, where are you from? Because I wasn't covered nothing. I said, I'm from Africa said, You guys do like this. Do you know now I do with my kids at home. And I said I saw my mom

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back home, I think was being beaten. And my mom said, I have a thief in the house. Come I have a thief in the house, you know, softly and my person who is the thief. She said you so what did I steal? You steal my sugar every day you eat my sugar. Who gives you permission to eat the sugar every day. Until now he doesn't take sugar.

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So little little things. We think it's later but it's not little.

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I remember we were very little and our neighbors they had a fruit tree. And you don't have that fruit here in Canada. So you guys don't know. But anyway, there was so much fruit in that tree and me and my sisters were like, wow, let's make some and then we got this whole big basket and we started picking we filled it up. And it was from the part of the tree which was leaning onto our house. When my mom got home we showed her like look, we got so much of this. She's like go to their house and return it to them. So we went over like no how could we go? It's gonna be so embarrassing. She's like, No, you have to go. So all of us we went all three of us and you know we knew them and

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we said that sorry we took your fruit

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We didn't know. And our mom told us that this is tough. So she sent us. And they said, No, you can keep it. But that experience of going and having to give it to them, and having to confess before somebody, we took your fruit.

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That itself was a big lesson. I remember when we would come back from school for the longest time, my mom would just open up our bags and go through everything. What do we have in our bag?

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Whose pencil is it? Whose eraser is it? who spent? Is it whose pencil colors are those? That I never bought you this, this doesn't belong to you. Where did you get this from? Where did this come from? So it's very, very important to do this, because it begins with little little things and it develops into, if not theft kuleana the habit of cheating other people the habit of being deceptive. The habit of being careless towards other people's belongings, not respecting other people's things. So it's important that these lessons are taught from the very beginning because the consequences are severe, if not in the dunya definitely in the

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