Ali Albarghouthi – Migrants Refugees And Islam

Ali Albarghouthi
AI: Summary © The conversation covers the history and importance of Islam, including the need for people to be aware of their emotions and avoid violence. The speakers emphasize the importance of avoiding being recognized as an immigrant and finding the right partner to support one's beliefs. The segment also touches on the historical significance of teaching Prophets and helping guests achieve their goals, including educating Muslims and providing support for school costs. The conversation emphasizes the need for people to not be afraid of what others say and not believe in Islam.
AI: Transcript ©
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la la ilaha illallah wa de la sharika one no Mohammed Abu or pseudo sal Allahu Allah alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam I'm about to find higher and

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higher on howdy howdy Mohammed in sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Chateau Moreno de tu Hakuna Matata, Tabitha, Tabitha Timberland, our coolangatta

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all praise and thanks belong to Allah the Most High, we thank him and ask for his forgiveness. And ask him to protect us from the evil of ourselves in the sense that we commit. Indeed, whomsoever Allah guides, no one can lead us astray and whomsoever Allah leads astray, no one can guide and I've ever witnessed that there is no one worthy of worship except Allah alone. And then, lo Ali will send them this prophet and messenger. The best of speech is the book of Allah and the best of guidance is the guidance of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the worst of religious matters are those that are innovated, and every religious innovation is a bit, every bit is misguidance. And every

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misguidance will be in Hellfire,

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the recent

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influx of refugees into Europe has captured the attention of the entire world.

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I have forced well to do nations and governments of people to try to do something to stop that tragedy, and alleviate that pain and that suffering.

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And as we are witnessing all of that, especially as Muslims, we have to always ask ourselves, what is it that Allah subhana wa Taala? is teaching all of us Muslims or non Muslims? What is Allah teaching all of us through this event? And similar events?

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And also to ask, what is our reaction? What are our attitudes? And should they adjust and should they be revised as it continues to teach us and instructors and enlighten us

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and though there are many lessons, we will focus on some of them today.

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And one of the first lessons as we witness all of this, one of the first lessons is the impermanence of this life and everything that is in it.

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Somewhat someone who is today a refugee or a migrant,

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in the near past,

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was living in his or her country, and his or her own home, secure in their surroundings. And perhaps they never really imagined that there was going to come a day where they would have to flee and run away and escape with their lives and with their families.

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Some of these people were infected the past people who supported and hosted other refugees.

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But things don't stay the same.

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Things change rapidly.

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And especially when we don't expect them, we don't plan for them. Allah subhana wa tada knows what lies in the future.

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And Allah says in the Quran,

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Allah who owns the sovereignty and power, who has power,

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a lot has power, and he owns it. And he dispenses it and does with it whatever he wants. So your ally, you give it to whomever you want, and you also take it away.

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And then at points you honor and upgrade some people. And other times you humiliate and you downgrade other people, be a deacon hire all goodnesses in your hands.

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So whatever happens, whatever Allah subhanho wa Taala is doing, or might do, it always remind us that whatever is around us is really impermanent. We attach our happiness, sometimes our identity, to the things that we own, to the things that we think we are, I'm going to be happy today or happy tomorrow, because I'm going to get this thing, or because I'm going to have that thing in my life. That's how we define our happiness. I am so unsold, by my title, by my occupation, by buying training by my property. That's how I define myself most of the time, then Allah teaches us as part of his wisdom and thought of His mercy, that you have to leave all of these things. Imagine,

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imagine, if tomorrow you are forced to flee wherever you are living, and only carry with you a small suitcase, what would you pack in it, you got the very most important thing, the thing that you think that you cannot live without? Who will you take with you, that process that experience really defines for you and for me, what is really essential in our life.

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And the most essential thing is Allah subhanho wa Taala and that you have a man in him, because you can lose everything, but Subhana Latika like and give you the hope and the power to rebuild.

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But what happens if you lose a lot of Hana data and yet have everything else. That is the extreme and maximum loss. That is one lesson to keep in mind

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as we are witnessing what is happening to them, what if I were in their situation, what is really important in my life, what really makes me happy?

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Is the car the house this and that, or should be something more permanent? The second lesson is

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our attitude toward migrants and refugees. A lot of the people in the world today and unfortunately, Muslims are included.

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And in Muslim countries as well. When you call someone a migrant or refugee, it's a put down, it's an insult.

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If people have to move within the same country, from the villages, to the cities, from the south, to the north, or worse, if they have to move in mass from one country to the other, the way that we receive them. It's unfortunate that we are included in that Muslims, the way that we receive them and treat them is abhorrent.

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We call them mohajirs refugees.

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And we set these boundaries that separates us and them even though they are Muslims separate us and them, we accused them sometimes a moral degeneration, economic opportunism,

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cultural and custom, different differences. They are different than us. We don't do what they're doing. We are better people who are morally upright, but they are not. We don't see we don't lie, but they do. We have different and better customs different and better culture. And that's how we create difference between us and other people who sought refuge in our place in our countries in our cities, though they are Muslims. And we slap them with these titles, permanent titles, and recreate these divisions and cracks in society. That soon when you introduce stress into society, rise to the surface and people kill each other and they fight with each other because they never really thought

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that they belong.

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That they are one in the same and it's very ironic that we would have this attitude while our religion Islam is built on

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AI and you will not be

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Muslims today,

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if not first because of Allah and second because of his prophet sallallahu, alayhi wasallam. And third, because of the two pillars of Islam, the migration of those that have the more hygiene and the news, so rather the answer I gave to them, you would not be Muslim today, there would be no Muslim society and Muslim community.

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And just when you understand and I understand how much Allah mentioned,

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hijra, and how much His Prophet sallallahu Sallam had emphasized that we would have a different attitude. The first mention of hedgerow that we find is the HIV Brahim Allah is Allah

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called a Nemo has been well as is lacking. When his people did not listen to him after he delivered the Dawa. He decided and he's probably the first person who initiated this. I am migrating to Allah. I'm migrating to a physical place where I would be more obedient and closer to Allah and I'm migrating to a physical state and a moral state where I would be closer to Allah and I'm I am also migrating to what Allah loves and away from what Allah hates.

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So if we think

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that the debtor Mohajer is derogatory, what do we do when Abraham says anymore?

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And what do we do when we know that Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is a migrant is an immigrant, wasn't he?

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How many of the prophets of Allah are immigrants?

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Or mohajirs?

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And Allah subhanho wa Taala supported the religion of Islam with them, how would the Hydra widows have the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, as Allah says in the Quran, almost a looky loo in kidney cancer and

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the example of the Sahaba in the in gene is like a plant, and that plant produced a shoot. And that should support the mainstem meaning that the Sahaba supported the Prophet sallallahu wasallam and the goal of Islam until it solidified and became strong, and that would not happen without the hedgerow

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this hedra

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is actually an obligation and every and each one of us

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an obligation on us to continuously look to for the place, who will be closer to Allah subhanho wa Taala. And if we find it, sometimes it's in a different continent, sometimes it's in a different country, sometimes it's in a different city or part of the city or a different neighborhood. But when you are and when you realize that you will be better in that other place and you can move there, you have to move there and this hedra is continuous till the Day of Judgment. So, each one of us is an immigrant.

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And you have to be each one of us is a migrant and you should be

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and there is also that greater term of edraw

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which is almohad, Roman Hydra man Hello, migrant is the one who leaves what Allah hates. So we are continuously in every hour looking for what Allah hates and looking for what Allah loves and migrating from what Allah hates to what Allah loves.

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So it's actually it's an honor these titles that we have

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to put down other people,

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a migrant or a stranger as a

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foreigner. These are all titles that when you translate them to Islam, they're praiseworthy titles

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that are very bright. The Prophet says itself to Berlin, horrible to Berlin, Florida, good tidings to the horrible, you should be a hurry.

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We I should be agreed.

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So when we hear these things, we have to reconsider how our attitudes do not really are not in accordance with what the prophet sallallahu Sallam has taught.

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And the hijra of the Sahaba of the prophets of Allah, Allah, you it will send them was the most difficult type of digital.

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Because sometimes you could be forced to leave because of your ethnicity because of your color. There's nothing that you can do about this.

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But they were forced to leave because of a belief that they have because a word that they were seeing

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a Latino woman, Dr.

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Ella yaku, Laura bonala they were driven out from their homes, without any right except for them saying, allies our Lord.

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That is, think about it.

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They wanted if they really wanted, they can just stop.

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Stop now be Muslim.

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And now hold on to that truth. And then they could regain all of their friends and all of their families and all of their property and wealth and everything, and nothing will change. And life will go back to normal. Just stop saying what you're saying, just stop believing what you're believing. But because they found out what the truth is, and they have a belief in Allah, they could no longer live a fake life.

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It was not tenable. unpossible any war to continue to live in a fake society and a fake life. So that was not even possible. So they continue to adhere to that word in that belief, even though these people driven have different them out.

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And when they arrived at Medina, they arrived without anything

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without property. Without prospects, they just came. They just responded to the call of Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa he was sending them and that terrible migration, which is that it's voluntary migration. They were expelled, but they had the chance to go back if they wanted. So it's voluntary, in a sense, and the place that really were not perceived them, was not wealthy, was not hospitable to begin with. And they got sick there was known to be a land of disease and alanda plague did not and Abubakar will be alone. He got very sick when they arrived. And they said May Allah punish those who forced us to leave our homes and seek refuge in the land of plagues. The

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam made to us that our lack of cleansed Medina of plague and disease so it wasn't easy.

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So when we consider and we know their sacrifice and the consequence of that sacrifice, which is our Islam today, how could we ever imagine to insult someone by calling him a migrant or to have negative attitude about that?

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The other side of the equation is the equation of Messiah.

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That is beside our ansara.

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When Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah says Allah viento Darwin Eamon bounnam and hijo de la him, Allah when he's phrasing the unsolved listen to what he says about them, those who had settled in the land of Eman which is Medina, and they adopted a man before the mohabbatein came to them. Allah said you had bounnam and Hydra Allah him they love the people who migrate to them.

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They don't tolerate them. They're not just okay with them, they love them.

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And we have to understand the extent of the transformation of the people in Medina, from people to tribes who are killing each other, to people who are welcoming strangers into their lands,

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allows them hunters and Hutterites, the two tribes of Medina were killing each other, this blood between them not just tension, not just hatred, but blood between them.

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And when a slam came it purified that. And it told them that this is all fiction and human invention, these differences that you create between you, each other, this tribe and that tribe, and because of that we're different says this is fiction.

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What is greater and better than all of that is a man because any man, all of you believe the same thing all of you do the same thing all of you have the same objective, then you become one people.

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And they realize that and then when they heard the prophets of Allah is persecuted in Mecca, his companions are persecuted in mud can we are safe here, this cannot be let them all come here. And if we have to fight all of the hours to defend them and sacrifice our lives, we will do it.

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You have bounnam and hajra him What is he doing official duty him hi gentlemen.

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They are not jealous because of the papers that the Mohajer one has.

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When the when the Maha jrun came to Medina to just show you the extensive club

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they said oh prophet of Allah, we have these lands and we have this property and we have these farms split them in half.

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We'll take half and the Mahajan will take half

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the Who does that?

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Consider yourself myself. We receive migrants. And then you take one of them and you bring them to your home and you say everything in this house is 50% mine and 50% us take it and leave it huge. Who does that?

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Whenever the Prophet sallallahu Sallam wanted to give

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the answer something they say Yasuda Allah give them a Hadrian an equal amount.

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That is not that is based on Islam. That is an attitude of Muslims that created Islam and made it possible on this earth.

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And there's a story

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Hear that is interesting.

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Because sometimes there is tension. Just to understand, you know how the Prophet sallallahu wasallam dealt with this tension? And what was the motivation behind their contentment.

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When we hate other people, migrants, refugees, it's because of the dounia.

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And most people when they love them, they love them also because of the dunya. Because it's an economic opportunity. You bring them in, they create jobs, they create more money wasn't like that for the answer.

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He says in the Battle of her name.

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Why the prophet SAW Selim came with 10,000 people to fight her name in her name.

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And most of the people fled.

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And the Prophet stayed alone.

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When they said in the Hadith, he said he turned right. And he said, Yeah,

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the answer is called calling them yeah, I'm sorry.

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Are you a baker rasulillah. He says, We are here prophet of Allah, we're with you. Then he turns to the left. And he says, yeah.

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They say prophet of Allah, we are with you. We are here. He says he didn't call anyone else.

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And then they gathered behind the prophets, Allah who sent him launched a counter attack, and they won.

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Then when it was time for the spoils of that battle to be distributed, notice what the Prophet did. He gave all the money to them will hide your own and the people who accepted Islam after the conquest of Mecca, none to the answer. They received nothing.

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So some of the answers said, either Hakuna

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Matata mo Harada. He says when it is

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when it is really, when we aren't really needed. We are called.

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But then the spoils of war are given to someone else. That is how does this work?

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The Prophet heard about that. And then he called them. He says, Mr. shuttle I'm sorry, I heard something about that. You said, What did you say? And they would never lie. So they said some of us have said this, this this this this? He said yeah, I'm not sure on SAR. Oh, ansara. Weren't you misguided? And Allah guided you through me? Weren't you poor? Allah enriched you through me?

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Weren't you this and Allah did this to you through me? They said, Yes, we are. So Allah. It said, Why don't you respond? They said, what could you say? What could we say? The Prophet of Allah, he said, you could say and you will be honest, if you say,

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I think the number one as of now.

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They said you came to us, you could say to me, you came to us a refugee.

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And we gave you security, poor and we give you rich, upgrade, and we gave you security. You came to us a need and we satisfied unity. You could say this, they said Alon His prophets have the favor upon us. He said yeah, Mashallah answer. Listen to this. This is a natural answer. Isn't it enough for you? Then the people go with camels and camels and sheep. And you go back to Medina with the prophets of Allah, how do you argue with them are the equal I give them some of the dounia because I want to secure a man in their hearts. And I know that you have a man which is that you want

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allow him or her belongs forward nylon, nylon *, Allah have mercy on their own sovereign their children, and the children of their children and they started to cry.

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And they say all the Nabila he was mighty Rasulullah. He says, We are happy and content with Allah and whatever the Prophet of Allah divided these things. That's the thing that motivated them, it wasn't the dunya is that they understood that the our hero is better.

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And that was, that is what transformed their attitude and this is how we should be. That is our model.

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When we think and when we receive refugees, that is our model, not to put them down not to blame them, but to help them and to give this muscle up to them a whole lot harder.

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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil alameen Alhamdulillah.

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Mubarak and Fie he was he was the new Manasa Li Mohammed

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Abu Salim,

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Allah continues praising valkenswaard by saying, well, you will see Runa and Fujimoto cannot be impossible. So they put others before themselves, even if they are in dire need. And there's a story behind that some of us might know it.

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Someone wants to come to the province of aloha to you it was in the money he said the artist who ally Bella Hamid ninja. Yasser Allah I'm extremely exhausted without any means I'm completely hungry. Completely hungry that is, you know, I'm begging give me something to eat. I can't find anything.

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And the prophets always him starts with himself first. cauliflower salad and he said he felt amazing to say. He said to his wife, do you have anything at your home that we can give this person they found nothing.

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So sometimes we need really to pause and think he sent to all of his wife in all of his homes. They come back we have nothing in the home. Nothing.

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So he said a lot of drama usually for her the lady that

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isn't there someone who could host this person tonight we Allah have mercy on him. So one of the unsubsidized IRS ally or profit of ally will take him so we took him home. Before he went home, he went to his wife and he says, bye for us to Linda he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam law.

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This is the guest of the prophets of Allah, Allah He will and he will send them don't hold anything back. Nothing.

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And she said, are the low on her partner to ally emang de la to Serbia. He says I have nothing in the house except what I'm going to feed my children but it's not even food for her and him just what I'm going to feed my children. Khaleda off to Russia isn't amico. It is when it's time to come to eat, just distract them until they sleep. Tomasi. Suraj somata Ali Baba Hari relax, he says then extinguish the light so that no one will see what's in the room, bring the food, pretend to eat and just serve Him that

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is that's how they spent the night Holloman. Aqui, boo, boo Donna, we will not eat anything. And they didn't eat anything. And they reserved it all for him. When he came the next morning to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. Already Allah had revealed, while you sirona Allah and possiamo cannot be in kasasa they put others before themselves, even if they are in need. And Allah says la calidad de Bella who Oh, like aloha means Sonia equiment Laila, Allah was amazed, and a last mile than what you did last time last night. And imagine Allah subhanho wa Taala, smiling at something that you do, and be amazed by it. And that is the main flaw of the answer. And that is our moral

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brothers and sisters.

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That is how we should behave. We may not reach their level, but that becomes our goal. And always our goal, we're not going to honor and help refugees and migrants because it's advantageous because it's going to help us we do it first and foremost because of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And because they need that help, and they need that support, even sometimes when we have to shoulder some of that economic burden even immediately is going to cost us we do it for Allah subhanho wa Taala and that is our model.

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And today and hamdulillah. You know Juma is a is a moonwalk. It's a blessed day. And we have another opportunity, as you heard, to give Muslim

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to some people who are asking us today to help them with their school with an Islamic school.

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And there really is no price that you can put on education, especially Islamic education. How much money would you pay to save someone's life,

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to make sure that they would have a better future, to save them from crime, to save them from the disease, societal disease that might lie in the future, if you see someone suffering and you could say to yourself, I wish I could go back and invest 1000 2000s in the life of that person and save them, because in saving him I save his entire family and his generation and that generation that is going to come after what price Could you put on that. So, if they are coming and they are asking you

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let us take the muscle of the unsought as our example and try to support it with whatever we can. So that we can make this project and similar project a success and a continued success and success in sha Allah will create similar success. And that would be the law and the help of Allah subhanho wa Taala will be also given to you on will be part of your reward. And it will never end as long as people are benefiting from it directly or indirectly.

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So remember that and think about these lessons that we talked about today and many more. And let us change internally within us within the Muslim society within Muslim countries. Let us change our attitudes. It's about time let us change our attitudes about other people, especially migrants, refugees who come to our countries. Let's change that and stop these divisions, these fake divisions. So ask Allah subhana wa tada the most time the Most Merciful, the soften our hearts with Allah we ask that you soften our hearts away.

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Imam Allah we asked you that you enliven our hearts with a man you Allah we ask that you fill our hearts with a man. He Allah make us of those who are close to you and those who whom you are close to you Allah we ask you that you love us and that we love you. You Allah we asked you that you love us and that we love you. You Allah we asked you that you love us and that we love you. Allow we asked you for everything that will bring us closer to you, and every only secure refuge for anything that will take us away from you. Our love we ask you for having everything that brings us closer to it. And we seek your protection from Hellfire and everything that will bring us closer to it. Well

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establish us in email easement and secures in it and protect us from all the fitten and the data on the ship era bellami along the inner circle here akula Gina Gina Houma alumna Minho Mala Mala on becoming a ship Commissioner shuriken de igd

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aloha minister local Jen Natoma hora la Hammond Coleen wireman on becoming an la hamin holding Rahman aloha minister looking at masala Kakuka Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam when becoming shortly Messiah the Camino Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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along with a rich unknown woman our home was a Muslim ina one Muslim, along with a region a woman out of Balala mean Allah Sabatini man a few Palutena Lamas in a manner while at the Jana minahasa name, Allah homas in a man and what are the Jana minahasa de Aloma Sydney man and while at the Jalan Amina Rafi, Allah in

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Kona monster funeral Kelly man and Allah, Allah, Allah, Allah with a bit fluvanna ana de Nick Aloha mai kakou tolovana Allah, Allah Allah, Allah at Kawasaki Kawasaki

As the world witnesses a fresh wave of refugees and asylum seekers, we consider here how Muslims should understand and react to their plight in light of the teachings of Islam. In particular, we emphasize how the first Muslim society was built by refugees and migrants and the people who decided to help them.

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