Ali Albarghouthi – The Importance Of Dawah In Islam

Ali Albarghouthi
AI: Summary © The importance of Islam's mission to deliver the message of Islam subhanho wa Taala is discussed, emphasizing the need for individual fulfillment and supportive actions to achieve their obligations. The importance of human capital and resources for achieving Islam's goal is also emphasized. The importance of acceptance of Islam in addressing social and political issues and highlighting supportive behavior and human capital is emphasized. The speaker emphasizes the need to change one's culture before their own and partner's.
AI: Transcript ©
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In Al Hamdulillah Hina do when is when is

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when the villa Himanshu Rory and fusina will say tr Marina Maja de la la, la la la la la de la

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Ilaha hula sharika one of Mohammed Abu Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam

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in Iran howdy Chiquita. Bula kitana O'Hara Alhaji Mohammed sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was Sharon Amorim to have a coup d'etat in wakulla, rotten banana, Baku LaDonna, nothing phenol. All praise belongs to Allah, the Most High and most merciful, we thank him, and we seek His help and aid and ask Him to forgive us. And we seek His refuge from the evil of ourselves and the sins that we commit. Indeed, whomsoever Allah guides, no one can lead astray, and whomsoever Allah leads astray, no one gate guide, and a bear witness that there is no one worthy of worship except Allah alone. And then Mohammed Salah Lavalle usnm, this slave and messenger, the best to speech is the book of Allah.

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And the best of guidance is the guidance of the Prophet of Allah salallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the worst of religious matters are those that are innovated and every religious innovation is a bit. Every VEDA is misguidance. Every misguidance will be in hellfire.

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The essential and the primary mission of the prophets of Allah alayhi wa Salatu was Salam is down to Allah.

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When Allah sends them with good news and warnings, he sends them to invite people to Allah subhanho wa Taala to the head of Allah, to the worship of Allah and his obedience and tells them about the consequences of their reactions. This in essence, is down to Allah subhanho wa Taala and it is abundantly clear in the Quran. This is what Allah subhana wa Taala sends His prophets with.

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And indeed, Allah instructs his prophet in the Quran to say

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hola Mohammed Salim said them hola say he's abidi Andrew illa Allah wa co wrote in and a woman and he also had a law he wants to eliminate shrieking. He's saying, This is my path, I invite to Allah subhanho wa Taala with short knowledge I and those who follow me, what is this mean? What is this part of that I mean, it means that say

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this path which is the path of calling to Allah subhanho wa Taala is my path and the path of those who follow me. Meaning that if you were to follow Him, Allah, Allah you and He will send them you would be following him in that path as well. Because this is what he used to do that to Allah subhanho wa Taala and it says here also hon sera will share knowledge with certainty with proofs Why? And the fear they say because Allah subhana wa Taala you will see that in the Quran, when you read it, Allah did not say to people to humanity, believe and just believe because I said belief. But Allah said believe and he brought proofs for that beliefs, proofs from themselves, proofs from

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the universe around you. proofs of things that had happened in the past doors have happened in the past things that are going to happen.

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In the future, Allah filled the Koran with proofs. So that when you look at it, when you read it, you'll have sure knowledge, certain knowledge that this is the message of Allah subhana wa Tada. And when you do that, then the the path is you ask other people to join it. This is what Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam his life was all about inviting people to Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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And we inherited this from him salallahu alayhi wasallam We are the heirs. In a sense we are the partners with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, in delivering this message. How so? Why so we all know the very well known idea to hire or cleaners, you are the best of people that were brought out to humanity, Allah raised you up and brought you to humanity of all the people that Allah did that with you are the best people there is this idea. You have achieved this, you know, goodness or best of status. But there's a condition that when

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this happens, you are best because you command what is good, and you speak out against evil, and you believe in Allah subhanho wa Taala. Without these conditions, you do not have that status. So it is all contingent. It's all conditioned on fulfilling this. It's not just a title that Allah has given to us. No, you have to do this, for you to be the best. And you can ask yourself, why did Allah subhanahu wa taala put the man at the end? He says that will not be more often how not incur up man what is good forbid what is evil. And then he said to me no nobilia, although a man is the basis of all of our actions, they say, well, Allahu atomix, because the other nations when they look at you,

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the first thing that they will notice about you is that you're speaking about what is good and inviting to it. And speaking out against what is evil and warning people about it, that's the first thing that they will see from you. So the first thing that they will know about you is down to Allah subhanho wa Taala.

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So this is the mission of the followers of Mohammed Ali Ali was sending them as the first is said, and when it had to do with

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the last Hajj and the prophets, a lot of them have sensed that his death is imminent. And his role in this doubling and deliverance of the message is about to end.

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It's about to reach a conclusion. So when he was giving this speech, in front of the companions of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and all of them are standing there, here was the culmination he was the end of it. And he asked him, How did I deliver the message to you?

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They say in this shed, it says yes, we testify that you have delivered the message to us. And here delivering the message brothers and sisters doesn't mean simply that I have reported to you what Allah wants. That's not it. But it means here did i was i patient in delivering this message persistent tenacious with I sacrificed it I continue with it until all of you accepted Islam, Did this happen or not? Did it reach you as Allah wanted it to reach you complete and full or not? So you wanted the answer from them? And they said yes, Mashhad. So we turns to a line he says Allah, Masha, Allah be the witness. This is towards the end of my life, I'll be the witness. You've asked

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me to do something and I did it. Then now his role is about to end. Now he turns to them. He says, Do you believe

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the person who is witnessed this recorded to the one who did not witness it? Let the one who knows about this recorded to the one who doesn't know about this. So in a sense, all of them become the messengers of the messenger over so lice will allow you to send him he had sent all of them, he had sent all of us deliver it to the people who do not know about it. And this is how it reached us today reached us because the people reported it to the people who do not know about it.

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to be part of that is an honor to be part of that fulfills the message of Mohammed Saleh Ali, you are yourself. Don't we say to people that the Prophet Alayhi Salam was sent to humanity.

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Right? Don't we say that he was sent to all people, but his message the law you sent him would not be able to reach humanity, the corners of this earth he says in the Hadith that there will be no city, no village, no continent, no place except that Islam will reach How will this happen except through us. The province only seven passed away and the message did not reach all of the earth. It only will reach it through us and through our efforts. So you are fulfilling the message of Muhammad Sallallahu wasallam and taking it to humanity

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and I want to say that that is really a cornerstone in Islam. We will not be able to

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survive without it, we will not be able to progress without it. And if it is important and it is fundamentally important in Muslim, Thailand's and mercenaries where Muslims are the majority, it is even more important Allah knows best, even more important toward Muslims are a minority. Even more important in places like these, why is that the case? Because the people, recipients of that message need it. And we also need it, we don't think about the fact that we need it. We think also only about their need, but they need it and we need it. Why do they need it to be saved from Hellfire, you are surrounded by people who do not know much about Islam, you're on the front lines of people

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who are living in Muslim countries may not have a lot of non Muslims around them. So no opportunity to give that message to them to practice this for evil. But you have them all around you. And they have either a distorted understanding with slam a little understanding or no understanding at all. So you want to save them. This is why we do it. We want to save them from hellfire. You want to help them enter Paradise Heaven, you want to also save them in this life. Because to live a life that is distinct from Allah subhana wa tada is to live a troubled life, a life that does not understand what is happening to it does not understand where it's going cannot interpret the events around it. This

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is a trouble a problematic type of existence. So you want to save them bring light into their lives, save them in this life and in the Hereafter. This is why you're doing it because they need it. But you also need it as well. Why do you need it, because if you do not know it, you will falter you will diminish, and your ranks will shrink.

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Your friends will shrink you will lose people. When you invite people to Islam, and they accept Islam and more and more people know about it. Your practice of Islam, your beliefs are no longer alien, eccentric and strange. It's more accepted. So it's easier for you to practice Islam easier for your children, and your relatives, other Muslims to practices because people know about it as part of the normal, this is the first advantage that you get from it. The other advantage is that Allah subhanho wa Taala will confirm amen in your heart because this is a bad.

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And you're living in societies that do not encourage an increase in demand.

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You are surrounded by society's or by influences that will take away from your email. So whatever opportunity you have to increase your email, you have to grab on to it. And that was one of those, it will increase email in your heart. And the last and third advantage that we can think about, and there may be probably many more. The third advantage that we can think about is

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any dour effort that yields or produces structures and material

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will not only benefit the non Muslims, you have Muslims, especially the young living in this society, and they are interacting with it and they will absorb with no question mind, they will absorb some of that culture, some of that modes and ways of thinking ways of looking at the world, ways of interpreting the events that take place around them. So they will understand the world around them and their religion not only through your instruction, but also through the culture around them. And you will not find a critique of Islam a criticism of Islam concern about Islam that the non Muslims have except that now that some Muslims will inherit that and will absorb it also

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because they're living around that. You hear from some Muslims saying, Why did Allah say this in the Quran? The same thing that some non Muslims say, Why did Allah Allah Allah was in and do this thing, and not this thing, some of the concerns that non Muslims have. So the Muslims also will have these questions. And if you are not ready for them, you will lose them. And if you cannot package that material, that understanding that information in ways that will appeal to their ways of thinking and understanding, you will not be able to reach them. But when you engage in a workflow all of that will be available, all of that is ready for you. So if there's a question, there is an answer to it

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immediately, and in ways that will appeal to the non Muslim, and also the Muslim who might think in ways that are closer to the way that some non Muslims are thinking. So this helps you, helps me helps all the Muslims around. So it's brothers and sisters, it's a matter of survival. That's what I want to say. It's not a luxury. It's not just something that is recommended. It's a matter of survival, we will not survive, if you do not engage in doubt to Allah subhanho wa Taala and it must be supported. And we have to support it in two ways. support that our effort, those who are engaging in TAO to Allah subhanaw taala and giving this Dawa and also support the fruit of that effort

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support the new Muslims who come into Islam as a consequence.

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That effort, and we have to support both of these things. If we only support one, but not the other, then our support and our efforts are incomplete and actually might be fruitless. So we have to support both of them.

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And the loss of Hannah what Darla says in there, hold on. What's the comin come on back to your own faith. We are morona Bill Maher rufio, in Hong Kong, kariba, Ola eco homophone.

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Now I want you to pay attention, brothers and sisters to the interpretation, or the translation of this, because it could be understood or translated in two ways. And they're complimentary.

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The first one is, lets you lets you be an Omega that calls to what is good, and command what is good and forbid, what is evil, lets you meaningless all of you.

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Which means or translates into that this hour, and an hour when more of an amateur is an obligation in every single Muslim.

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That is one way of reading it. The other way of reading it, what a group among you let an oma among you the Muslims. So there's the amo Islam, and there's an oma among you be raised, that will do these things.

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And here, the obligation on the general Omar of Islam is to support

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those few individuals who will engage in our to Allah subhanho wa Taala. So you are between two things here.

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Either it is an obligation on every single Muslim. And it is.

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And in addition to that, Muslims in every city and every village in every country have to bring up people who will be dedicated to this effort, and they have to support them.

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And they have to fund them.

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And they have to do whatever they can to make that effort successful. And both of these things are an obligation. And in some of the books that they've said, they say,

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How can it be an obligation and every Muslim actually uses something like this, he says the Muslims have to support bring up a group among them, who will engage in that effort, even though this effort is an obligation on every single Muslim according to their ability.

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And his other book, another book of Tafseer, a person asked how could it be an obligation on every single Muslim? Isn't that asking too much of us?

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And then the reply comes? No, it's not because it is according to your own ability. And he says, look at other religious groups, sometimes even * within Islam, each one of them is a color to their religion.

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without exaggeration, brothers and sisters, each one of them is a color to their religion, there are religious groups, the non Muslims, religious groups, when they need the practice, have to give Dawa part of their meeting, every single individually, you probably have encountered some of them, every single individual right when they meet in their place of worship, they practice have to give that one they expect it from everyone. Everyone is a soldier outside to come to their religion. And they can do that. And that takes a lot of effort, a lot of dedication, time. And all of that allows not putting that much burden on you. But Allah is saying that whenever you can share that message, you

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have to share it, it's an obligation on you, when you see something wrong, are you going to say this is somebody else's problem, I'm just gonna go to the Imam or go to the chef and tell him about it where you can change it. So an obligation on you to change it, if you can change it, say something about it. If you can say, you can match that you can command something good to say no, somebody else will take care of it. If it is you who are in that situation, you're the one who has to take care of Allah had made it on you an obligation, an army an obligation. So our is the same in a similar fashion. So we have to support it. And this supportive that our efforts can take two forms. One is

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financial, and we understand that, but also there's human capital, there's human talent that needs to be invested. You may not have you know, all the time, all of your time to give to the devil but you can have you have something and whatever your talent might be. Whatever Allah Subhana Allah has given you give that to Allah subhanho wa Taala, whatever that might be. I'm good at talking to people, I'm good in distributing material, I'm good in administration. I'm good in it, I'm good in whatever it is, say I am here I want to help take advantage of the skills that Allah had given me and be part of that effort. And as I said, brothers and sisters, it is not really a luxury. It's a

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matter of life and death, the life of Islam or the death of Islam, and how much Islam your family is going to be able to practice as they are living in a non Muslim land. A Hola Hola. Hello, la vista, Hulu.

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hamdulillah al al amin Hamden caphyon Unforgiven Mubarak, and he will certainly we'll send him another Sunni Mohamed Salah Lavalle he went early, you're so happy about.

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The other part of this support that delta Allah subhanho wa Taala needs is our support for the new Muslims.

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And we all love it. subpanel when you see it and msgid or immunologic gatherings when somebody comes forward, and gives the Shahada and accepts Islam, and we love to see that, and we love to see that because it confirms Islam. In our heart. Here is someone else who was non Muslim who decided to accept Islam, and it strengthens our ranks. It strengthens our image and strengthens our belief in our enemy. But then afterwards, do we ask ourselves what happens to this individual after that encounter? If we imagine that there were 100 people who accepted Islam at the beginning of the year? We all know about them, because all of them accepted Islam in front of us. At the end of the year,

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do we know if they are still Muslim or not? Do we care about whether the fact that they've stayed Muslims or not, we've done something to help them stay Muslim. And the fact is, we have to ask ourselves these hard questions, we can just celebrate them, and then ignore them. Because what happens with some people is that we ignore them. And then they leave Islam, we don't know about it. Because they slip.

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Slowly, they start slipping, because when they come to the mistake, they don't find the support that they need from us. And just I want you to imagine if this is, you know, if you can just imagine how difficult it is for them.

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Because they have decided to change course in life. This is something I grew up with, with people I know with family that have taught me these things. Now I'm changing course in life into an adopting something that most people in this country have negative connotations with look at it negatively. So they have to accept that negativity on themselves.

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And then the reaction of family for some families, they stopped talking to them,

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they can still consistently harassed them.

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So they lose these family connections, they lose, sometimes friends, they lose the respect or you know, the dialogue of their co workers, they distance themselves from them. So when they lose all of these social connections,

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what family would they have?

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What friends are they going to have? So they come to the Muslim community hoping to find a surrogate family, a substitute family, to find friends, to find loved ones within the Muslim community, and here is our opportunity and challenge. If you accept them,

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then they will persist in their Islam because they're facing all the struggles that you're facing, in addition to being a new Muslim, if we ignore them, then Allah subhanho wa Taala knows what will happen to them, and then it will be our fault, our shortcoming that we did not tell. Now we can have a lot of excuses, of why we don't do the things that we are doing when they come to the masjid.

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ask ourselves, is it a welcoming message? It is our message and I'm talking here in general, any message in a non Muslim country? Is it a welcoming message when it comes to those who are interested in Islam or Muslims? Or even sometimes Panama Muslims who are new to the area? Is it welcoming? And can we make it welcoming? How would you receive a person in your own house? We want you to think about it. How would you welcome them? How would you How would you make them feel comfortable part of the family? So this is the house of Allah subhanho wa Taala You have to do it on behalf of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So how would you honor a person who's coming to the house of Allah subhana wa,

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Tada. Some person might say, it's my personality, my personality is not social. He say if your personality is not social, try to exchange brother or sister. And I'm speaking also to the sisters, as well as the brothers, or maybe even to the sisters before the brothers. So I hope that the sisters are listening to me, because the fact is that more women accept Islam in western countries than men.

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So there is double or triple responsibilities on our sisters that you are the one who's going to receive them. You're gonna with what was going to make them feel welcome part of a family. Can you do this? Are you ready for that? If you say my personality does not allow it, you know, I'm not very social. You say? This is the type of Mujahedin that Allah subhanaw taala wants from you have to struggle with yourself so that you can change my culture is a different culture. It doesn't allow for something like this or it doesn't promote it. So you have

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To change it, Islam must come before your culture. Don't simply associate or say Salaam to people who are part of your culture part of your people back home and ignore other people. That does not work. Islam must come before your culture. If you say I don't have time to say we're not asking for all of us, we're not asking for a lot of time from you. What we're asking is something simple as the minimum. As a minimum of every single individual, every average Muslim who attends the masjid, it's not the job of the Imam or the shape or the person who's responsible for our people who come to the Mr. Not coming here to talk to two or three people, the coming to see all of you, you're coming to

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see everybody else, right? Not two or three, all smiling your face and everybody else doesn't care about you know, so the average that we want from everybody else is what the prophets of Allah Allah you are, you're still upset in the cumulative soundness of EMR is that you're not going to be able to satisfy people's needs with your money.

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You're not going to be able to cover everybody with your money, what can you sell me combustable what he was,

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but you will be able to satisfy everybody with a kind face and good manners.

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If Allah had tasked you with you know, everybody and help them with their money, your money will run out before people's needs will run out. Right? But there's something else that you can give and we'll run never run out. And that is a kind face and good manners. This is how you should receive everybody who comes to the masjid especially when we notice that they are vulnerable they need our help their Islam you know could be you know shaky then we have to invest the time we have to take the time but still watching a kind face a smile This is a sort of

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easy sadhaka so give it a don't hesitate to give it and also

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being generous being kind being helpful being as helpful as you can.

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This is personal.

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And we can do that. This is not difficult even if you do not speak a word of English.

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See how it is even if you do not speak a word of English Can you say as salaam alaikum you can say a salamati Can you say Salaam Alaikum now with a smile on your face. You can say Salaam Alaikum with a smile on your face. Even if you don't have one word of English. Can you hug a person you can hug approach to Subhana Allah make them feel welcome. make everybody who comes into the masjid feel welcome

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at holiness even behind every Salaam, the most thingies of people that the theme is no one who is stingy with Salah

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because it's so easy to give it and if you want to change the way that that evil attribute from yourself from your heart, start giving Salaam to people don't be stingy with it. So some woman comes into the woman's area A brother comes into the Briar brothers area station up to them and smile in their face. This is the minimum that we're asking for everybody else not I will give them Salaam if I know them and ignore them if I do not know them.

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Imagine a new Muslim who's coming into the masjid the center of Islam in the city. The center is there we slum in the neighborhood where Islam should be found. They come into it they say Sit down.

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maybe one or two people respond. Nobody even talks to them. Nobody cares about them and they leave the masjid exactly the same way that they came no relations. Nobody asked about them. Nobody asked How are you doing?

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They're looking for something that they can find it in the first metric second measure third method then what happens they'll be lost.

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There'll be homeless Muslims but they are homeless. They say Muslim did not receive me. Muslims did not treat me well Muslims, Muslim Muslim Muslims and the end of the day they will develop that attitude, that negativity when it comes to Muslims. This should not happen. So we want brothers and sisters I would miss it to be outposts of Dawa in Allah subhanho wa Taala Allah knows best Allah subhanho wa Taala had put you here for a reason.

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There might be multiple reasons. But maybe one of those reasons is that you're in a place where you can promote Islam. We are in a place where you can attract people to Islam, where you can fulfill the mission of hundreds of Allah, Allah you are using them, why not take advantage of it. Why not attract people to Islam rather than repel them help them rather than be an obstacle

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in their practice of Islam.

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So I reiterate and say this again, TAO to Allah subhanho wa Taala and every place in this corner is vital is fundamental, a cornerstone of Islam and Islam will not survive and continue to survive unless we engage in it. And Allah subhanho wa Taala tells us in the Quran, it's an obligation. It is an obligation, and we see others are doing it too. We are capable of doing it as well. It's an obligation on us to engage in it.

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As much as you can and help with it as much as you can, and Allah subhana wa tada will give you a nagus the benefits that come from it. And let's not ignore it because our survival is really dependent on it. So we asked Allah subhanho wa Taala to make us of those who call for his sake, Allah make us of those who are engaged and support the work of our lawmakers that those who are engaged and support the work of your lawmakers of those who call for you, and call to you and call to action of your messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, while law teaches our religion. Yala teaches our religion and do not make us ignorant of it. He teaches our religion and do not make us

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of those who are ignorant of it. Yala. Establish and strengthen a man in our hearts Yala. Establish and strengthen and renew Eman in our hearts. Yala. raise our levels in paradise. Allah raise our levels in paradise. Yala raised our levels in Paradise and save us and our families and all the Muslims from hellfire. Allah save us and our families and all Muslims from hellfire. Allah save us and all families, our families and all Muslims from Hellfire, Allah, Allah save us from all the fit and that which we know about and that which we do not know about. You Allah save us and all the Muslims more than that which we know about and that which we do not know about. You Allah we ask you

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for all the good in this life and in the Hereafter, and we seek your protection from all evil in this life and in the Hereafter along mananas ethical hierarchy when I became an usher equally, when a so called Gen Natoma encoding woman was becoming an

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encoding Rahman when I saw lucam in Haiti masala

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salt Allahu alayhi wa sallam. When he came in Sherry Masada came into Abdul Mohammed and sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Lama children aduba najma he

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also had an era in Yama, Rahimi, a lot of mallamma father Raja Tina Fey, Gina

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Gina, Gina Vanessa Lucas

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when he came in and when he came in and want to be what he can to a diva woman and

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he also Helena Shannon akula

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Allah, Allah, the Cricket Cricket aerobatic, Oklahoma in the cricket, cricket.

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Young volleyball is a bit fluvanna de

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una Allah, Allah.

00:32:41 --> 00:32:48

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00:32:50 --> 00:32:59

Allah, Allah Allah May Allah Masha nema 30 Helen Heidi Mahoney, Felicia? What hum Nebula hermetica bellami Welcome sola.

This talk asks us to reexamine the importance of da’wah in our lives, and to look at it as an individual and collective/communal responsibility. As an act of worship, Muslims reap its benefits before anyone else. The talk calls for the transformation of our mosques into welcoming and hospitable centers, where everyone who attends them takes on the responsibility of this call to Islam.

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