Nouman Ali Khan – Surah An-Najm #28 – Allah Understands Your Internal Battle

Nouman Ali Khan
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the importance of protecting people from harm and finding one's own priority, prioritizing and proportion. They stress the need for psychological disorders and the importance of finding one's own priority. The use of music and its negative impact on people's views of the church are also discussed, along with the importance of avoiding confusion for everyone. The speakers emphasize the need for a psychological disorder if one is caught being late to class.
AI: Transcript ©
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So this logic that somehow we have to protect the people and not tell them that this is not black and white because otherwise they will be fitna look around you bro how much more fitna you want before you say we're protecting them from fifth when Ned you mean either

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to the school

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full circle. LEM will be many telco rubbish actually. Sorry. We're silly Emily, Roxanne Melissa any of our colleagues and hamdu lillah wa Salatu was Salam ala Rasulillah. While earlier he was happy his main once again everybody is Somali from Morocco tonight arrow Ricardo.

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We're gonna get right into the study of iron number 32. I introduced a brief translation of the IR yesterday just to refresh our memory. It's made up of several parts. So keep up with me. It begins with describing the people who have excelled in the last time those who excelled Allah will reward them with the very best YhC under the National will persona. Who are those people, the ones who are just any Munna compatible if me once our hash, those who avoid or

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keep away from keep a distance from major sins, the greatest of sins, and all forms of indecency and not backhoe. And then he says 11 Except for small slip ups. When Rebecca was here and Matt Farah, no doubt your master is vast and forgiveness will never be confidential or criminal or the he is he knows you better when he brought you out from the earth. What is AntiMagic NetOne people Tony, Omaha, Chico, and he knows you better. From the moment you were hidden inside of the bellies of your mother's for that was a coup and forsaken, then don't consider yourselves or declare yourselves pure. Who are our Nemo given a TOCOM he knows better the person who has protected themselves. Now,

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lots of components to this, we're going to going to take the overall the overarching philosophy talking about the idea of major sins first, that already starts to indicate that there are categories of sins, there's things that are really, really bad. Kebab isn't the kebab comes from Kabira. Big, so very big kinds of sins. And then by converse, it's already assumed that there are other things that are not as big, right? Also, you should know that in this religion, there are deeds that have very high level importance. And then there are other deeds that have less and less importance. Even in the study of FIP. You have things that are haram and things that are mcru, for

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example, or things that are thorough, and things that are mazahub, or things that are SADHNA and mandatory stuff, optional stuff, right? Absolutely cannot do is better if you don't do it. There's a degree right. Now, the problem, the first thing I want you to understand is the Quran makes sure that we maintain a sense of priority and a sense of proportion. The way I want you to think about it is there are some things that you've absolutely must not do.

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Or there are some things that you absolutely must do. And then like, like in school, your professor tells you listen, you cannot cheat on the exam. You cannot plagiarize your term paper. Absolutely not. And he also says don't be late to class. Right, but he's not going to expel you from the university for being late to class. You cannot put those in the same category. You understand that? Right. But if you're and don't skip classes, but if you skipped a class or you skipped two classes, you're still not in a not too bad of a place you understand. But if you skipped every class the entire semester, but you handed in your term paper, is that still a problem? Yeah, so a small

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infraction, but done repeatedly can become a big problem. It's a small infraction, but it's being done repeatedly. But the other thing is if he says don't come late to class, and you say okay, fine, I will come late to class, but you cheat on the exam.

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And then when he's when he's expelling you from the university, you're like, you know, I was never late right?

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There's something wrong with you. Because you have a twisted sense of

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of proportion, things that are supposed to be big became small in your head, and things that were supposed to be relatively smaller, became big and big in your head. Now, if you were, if you got caught being late to class, would you be ashamed? Yes. Would that be the end of your life? No. But if you got caught faking doctor's notes or faking, you're putting your name on somebody else's paper, and you got to call for that, with the guilt of that be much bigger.

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It would be right. And the remorse you have the regret you have would be much bigger. Would it be much more devastating for you? Would it be a much more difficult thing for you to get over? Yes. But being late to class and you're depressed about it for the next five days, I can't believe three minutes late. I don't even know how to then you again, have a psychological disorder. You have a problem. Now, I'm giving you this example. Because in our religion, there's actually some things you're supposed to feel really, really bad about. Like if you did that you're supposed to feel really bad about that. Those are the kabba Iran isn't. Those are the major major sins. Then there

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are other things. Oh my god, I joined the GEMA. Late for Fajr. Well, I missed my Sunnah prayers, or I walked into the house, but with my left foot.

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I forgot to say Bismillah before I eat the burger, or whatever, something small infractions. Yes. When you start obsessing over those, then you lose sense of proportion, your MySpace, placing big feelings on small things, right? But I want you to understand something just like a car. Or just like a machine, the human heart and our emotions, we have limited fuel, we have limited fuel, you can only be so excited until the juice runs out. Like you know, for example, being on a treadmill, if you're going at a certain speed, you can only go so long before your energy reserves go low. If you're exhausting, so much energy feeling guilty about small things,

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then you the energy you're supposed to have to feel guilty about big things is being depleted. Do you understand? So what then happens is let me give you an example of what happens here. It creates what I'm calling here, tunnel vision. So you can have someone one of the major things Allah talks about, for example, is make sure you give your wife the map.

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Make sure you give her the map, right, he makes it goes out of his way to talk about decision. Okay. And he says, if you ask for any of it back when you're getting divorced, or attacked kabuna, who was done and where it's been Medina? Are you taking a serious allegation on yourself? Are you incriminating yourself by even asking for it back? They might have you had given in case of a divorce. Okay. Now you have a person who's never even given them a hug. He's never even given them a hug. But he's losing his mind. Because he's somebody's holding their hands the wrong way in salon too high or too low. or somebody's scratching their face, or somebody's jeans are too low, and

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they're going below their ankle. And they're like, I don't understand the Shona.

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You call that a beard?

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faces on Islamic. And he's really particular about certain things, and it's a really big deal to them. And they won't go to somebody's house. I'm not sure if they eat the Bihar or not.

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I don't know either Muslim. But are the Muslim with a capital M or lowercase? I don't know. So I can't, we can't be sure. Let's find out where they get their goat killed from first.

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Right. But the same person is completely okay. Eating the Haram money that was supposed to go to his wife. No problem.

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No problem. You know what that is a twisted sense of what proportion these ayat then when when the law says to people who excel they stay away from major sins. What does that tell you? They're they're vigilant. They're on guard about the right major things. And even though the smaller things are important, they're valuable, they don't get lost in them to the point and get obsessed with them to the point where the the major, major things they're supposed to be dealing with are now getting lost.

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They're not even fulfilling those responsibilities. So the same way, there's so lots of small deeds, the second wish you lots of small good deeds used to mask the seriousness of major bad deeds. This is again, a twisted sense of proportion. A person says Listen, I know that's haram. But you know, ALLAH is forgiving. And you know, Allah is so forgiving. I'm so blessed. I get to do so much sadaqa in Ramadan, and I get I fast every Monday and every Thursday, and I do this and I do and you're you've got lots of small good deeds going on and you're secretly helping somebody, get a job and you're giving charity and your volunteer

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Reading and you're donating blood and you're all this stuff. But all this stuff is really good. It feels good to do good things. But it's masking that something of the Kava is actually going on. Yeah, I own like four liquor stores. But I mean, I use the money for a good cause I go to Hajj every year with beer money, you know, so I don't drink it. I just drink the zum zum when I go there, and let's see if

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you still have a drinking problem.

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You know, so So what happens then is when you have this twisted sense of proportion, you try to compensate for that in your own ways. You tell yourself, hey, listen, I know I messed up and I'm doing some Cuba Iran ism. But because I'm doing these little little good things, it's not like Allah is not gonna count any of it.

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So you're assuming that's how it works. In the TV arena, a loved one. And you're hoping that because you love to do these good things, but you also love to do these major sins, that you can hold on to all of the stuff that you love, and not step out of your comfort zone, one iota will enforce

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these ayat are the concepts of these ayat are intertwined with each other Kitab one with Kim at IR two, a book whose IR are stitched together with each other then you get if you stay long enough in the twisted sense of proportion, your religion entirely you call yourself a Muslim, but it's a totally different religion

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it's not the same religion anymore

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because they're our religion is defined by what is the priority and what is not actually you know, but will in some young might even be McDonough wa Hara, human beings will be informed on Judgement Day, what did they make a priority and what did they delay?

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So whatever's not as priority has to get delayed. When small things become your prayer priority, that means big things get delayed. And when big things get delayed, you get to do the thing that's on your mind the most starts shaping your worldview. It starts shaping your thought process, it starts shaping your opinion of things. When someone for example is obsessed with weeds, have said that weed is great. I love that you

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obsessed with that weed. When they're praying all they're thinking about as one Masha Allah, that Colorado that mud, I was counting one, two, it was perfect. Allahu Akbar,

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to the religion itself, even though they're not saying it the religion itself has become what did you eat? And when someone says Quran, they're not thinking the hikma of the Quran, the wisdom of the Quran, the guidance of the Quran, the reminder of the Quran, the thinking through the Quran, the instructions of the Quran, you know what they're thinking, the Sunnah of the Quran, the color of the Quran.

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I love Quran when they say I love Quran, they mean something else, because it's a different religion. Now.

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This shift in what the religion means to you, that happens when the sense of proportion is twisted. The essence of Islam is redefined. But then the scariest part,

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when all sins are deemed equal, when the small and big becomes equal.

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Then I wrote here, the floodgates open and we tell you what that means. There are some and by the way, this is a separate study. If I started talking about this, we will take a course by itself one day, all the major sins Allah talks about in the Quran, all of them are addictions.

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All of them are addictive, and human human beings to this day are suffering from each one of them as an addiction.

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Whether it's Zina or alcohol or gambling, go through the gambit.

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Go through the gambit. They're all addictions, you know, and they're all They're all like perpetuated. Like even riba it's something that compounds and compounds, alcoholism, compounds and compounds, addictions, gambling keeps on getting worse and worse and worse and worse and worse. It enhances those are the kinds of things that Allah has deemed kava fine.

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But then you're making feel somebody guilty about something that could go either way.

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And I'm gonna give you I'm not you guys know, I'm not a fatty. You guys know that? I don't give fatawa issued things like that. And I know somebody will try to pull this part of what I'm going to say and turn it into something else. That's fine. I personally don't care. Because I have to speak what you know, we have to try to I have to try to do justice to what I've come to understand. May Allah correct me if and when I'm wrong when I'm wrong, when I'm when I'm wrong? Because we're all going to be wrong at some point. And I'm sure I'm plenty wrong.

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Here's something I was researching for a long time is there's not a class about FIPS. So please put that disclaimer.

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I was really interested in the the prohibition of music. I really want it

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To understand it, because when I had kids, you know, when I grew up, I grew up on Sesame Street.

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I grew up on cartoons, and every cartoon has a theme song, you know that right? And we pretty much all know them. Right? You can be as Islamic as you want, you still remember. Okay. So, you know, then then on top of that movies, and you know, the news, 1010, and then 1010. And then this just in the elevator, you when you get put on hold,

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right, when your phone rings when somebody else's phone rings, when there's an announcement in the mall, when you're getting a haircut like It's like there's so much harm everywhere. You need earplugs to exist on this planet. Like I needed to understand the prohibition of music, I really wanted to grasp it. And there are several Hadith that talk about this issue. And the problem with me is I recognize the limit of my area of expertise. I am not a specialist in Hadith by any stretch of the imagination. I'm a student of Hadith for my own benefit, but I don't talk about in public I don't lecture on because that's not my area of expertise, or my area of research. Allah opened some

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doors for me, I got to meet for kaha and, you know, MFIs from around the world and Hadith scholars from around the world. So in my free time, when I'm not doing anything online, which are mostly not doing, I go to these people and I say, Hey, tell me about music.

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Not in public and in their living room. Like I was just in the Mufti of Reliance office in the 50s office in Kuala Lumpur, the government, the federal Maltese office, where all the Mufti sit in the office together, and they issue for Taiwan issues. And they had me do a session with them. And at the end was like, Hey, can I like, Can you find me a little bit? Can we can we talk about some stuff, so I had conversations with them. When I go to Oxford, I went and sat with Dr. Akram nadwi. And I discussed the Hadith about ribeye music and other other stuff. When I get a chance to go to when I was in New York, you know, a couple of scholars, I really trust their opinion in New York,

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they'd like to keep their name private. So I won't tell you, but I go to them. And I just let loose ask everything. And then went to some focal high in Turkey. Because you know, I wanted to gain perspective, the the the, the Malaysians are shot very, the Turks are Hanafi. So I wanted to kind of really understand from and then I was one of the students I met, he told me not to say his name yet, so I won't tell you.

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Okay, I won't tell you. But he was in Makkah, and he's just finishing his master's thesis and brilliant guy, brilliant guy. And he's been in Morocco for 12 years. And I just hung out with him talk to him about the same, the same issues because that's not my area I want to benefit from they have to say what they have to say. My area of research is boron

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Quran. So my first question was, where is music talked about in Quran? Nowhere.

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It's not there.

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The one place where you can argue it might be there as Surah McMahon Wamena, Nassim and yesterday la Hadith you will answer Barilla. So look, man among the people that someone who purchases vain speech to misguide others from the Path of Allah, and the vain speech that will Hadith the opinion the famous opinion regarding it from Hypno Abbas is this is referring to music. So then the idea would mean among the people as someone who purchases music, so now all of a sudden, this became a Quran studies issue. Right. But even more Abbas will be Allah who has an opinion. And there are several other Sahaba who have several other opinions. And funnily enough, the opinion of ignore Bascombe

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Allahu Anhu that's recorded in graffiti is not authentic.

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It's not authentic. The chain includes someone who's considered a drunkard

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that shouldn't be heard. Like, why you haven't booked? So when I came across some of these, I didn't get, I don't study those things. But what they don't do that people have rewired, I go to them. They say this isn't explicitly clear. I was like, we're back to square one.

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So where is it? Okay, there are these ahaadeeth Conductor recriminatory tells me about his ahaadeeth None of them reached a degree of say, I'm like, okay, he must be a deviant.

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Because you can't declare something haram until you have most explicit evidence. So I'm, I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. I'm not I can't make a judgment on it until I know better. So I go to the Grand Mufti of Wilaya. Because their show off here. And the shaft is generally have a view that It's haram. So I wanted to know these are these are, their their full time job is to issue fatwas for the country. They're not the Imam of the masjid or the head of a university or a famous scholar. These are literally you know, when Allah says LT or Allah or at the URL Rasulillah agreement calm obey Allah obey the messenger obey the ones in positions of authority among you.

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These are the hunger for the entire country. So I asked them what's your position on music? He goes, we wrote an article about it, about which kinds of it we consider haram and which kinds of it we don't and here are all the reasons we don't consider these these these categories. I was like, Is this an English Arabic because No, it's in Bahasa I was like, come on.

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The point I'm trying to make is at even if you're convinced it's haram, is there enough scholarship? I when I spoke to the Hanafi, orlimar, they're like, We have no issue with it.

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We have no issue with it. I went to a traditional South Asian Hanafi Orlova. In private gatherings, no issues. They won't say it in public privately. This had no issues. I went to the Turkish have about no issues. And I'm like,

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then I was at a convention, and a young speaker was giving the youth motivation. We all know music is haram. Right?

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And I was like, I don't know that.

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So then,

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I backstage after he was done with his speech, I was like, we all know what's haram. He goes, Yeah, he I know. There's a lot of Yeah, yeah. You know what I mean? I was like, No, I don't know what you mean. We all know, it's because, yes, there's a filler. So why don't you openly say that like, I don't even talk about it, you talk about it, but you're talking about can you be intellectually honest about it? Because but you know, people go too far. They take it too far. I was like, That's not your problem, your problem. You cannot protect people from the truth and safety. If they find the truth, they'll use it the wrong way. Listen, if somebody wants to use something the wrong way,

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they can even use the Quran the wrong way and people have illegal vehicles here on the vehicles human. They've used the Qureshi when you sort of nudge them the wrong way and said Oh, lat button Azhar legit. So this logic that somehow we have to protect the people and not tell them that this is not black and white, because otherwise they will be fitna look around you grow how much more fitna you want before you say we're protecting them from fit. What planet are you living on? Hey guys, he just watched a small clip of me explaining the Quran in depth as part of the deeper look series. Studying the Quran in depth can seem like a really intimidating thing that's only meant for scholars

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Our job is to make deeper study of the Quran accessible and easy for all of you. So take us up on that challenge. Join us for this study the deeper look of the Quran for this surah and many other sources on Vienna under the deeper look section

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