Ali Albarghouthi – Dealing with Inflation and Rising Prices

Ali Albarghouthi
AI: Summary © The importance of balancing personal and work experiences is emphasized in Islam. The speakers emphasize the importance of finding a balance between personal and work experiences, as well as finding a balance between personal and work experiences. They also emphasize the importance of remembering to use the dams and not to forget to be mindful of the natural and daily struggles of the dams. The segment also touches on the importance of remembering to use the dams and not to forget to be mindful of the natural and daily struggles of the dams.
AI: Transcript ©
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In essence, the leader he made who wants to you know who is the hero? When oh the villa he mentioned Rudy and fusina was see Dr. Molina May the healer who Fela medulla OMA huge Lady for her the

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worship of Allah ilaha illallah who was the hula Cherie kala one Muhammad and Abdullah who are soo sal Allahu Allah who are early he was so happy he was sending them a MOBA do for in the halal Hadith Nikita Allah He to Allah, Ohio Valley head the head you Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam or Cheryl OMO Remo defer to her. Oklahoma 13 be the ACO levy the iteam Bala who lobola team finna Amma bad

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almost everyone today

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is feeling the pinch of inflation and rising prices, cost of living.

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And like anything that happens in the life of a Muslim,

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we need to absorb it and contemplate it. Because nothing that happens around us is coincidental.

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There's always a reason, there's always a message. There's always a learning that needs to take place.

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If we understand that, Allah azza wa jal sends whatever he sends our ways for a reason,

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then it is our task to understand

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and then transform and improve because of it. So you want to move in sha Allah from complaining into not complaining, into dealing with

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and eventually into learning from.

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And in initially,

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just like with Corona, or anything else that we faced, we understand that any inconvenience on hardship that we face

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is there to forgive our sins.

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Hit the shortcut to your shampoo or even something small that pricks you. A small inconvenience had tell him when to come.

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Worry and sadness.

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Even that takes away your sins. So the discomfort of life though it's not welcome in one sense on the other sense, it actually brings us a lot of good.

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So whatever you're going through on whatever is troubling you because of all of this, understand that it's actually taking away your sins and if you are patient with it, Allah azza wa jal rewards you for it.

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So inconvenience can turn into something positive when you see yourself gaining Allah's favor through that hardship.

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It helps us also not to complain when we understand that

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as a message from Allah subhanahu wa to Allah.

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This is telling us that the life kind of life that we live where everybody lives for his own self,

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disconnected from what happens around him for his own selfish needs. That's not sustainable.

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Meaning I live as they want to live and you will live as you want to live, I will sin and I will do whatever I want. And I think that's not going to catch up to me that needs to be rethought. Because whatever you do, affects me and whatever I do affects you and if we sin, if we commit things that upset Allah azza wa jal, sooner or later, we see the consequences of our actions individually and collectively, in terms of rising prices and climate change and increased murder and killing and loss of security and theft. You see the manifestation of sin. So you want to do this, you'd have to expect that. And if you don't want that, then we have to change the way that we live.

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And we interact with other people.

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It's also important to keep in mind that Allah azza wa jal with all of this is still being very merciful.

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Because if you think about it, we are really living compared to the past, in a lot of luxury,

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what we can afford today, the food that we can eat today, the transportation, the houses, people of the past, could not afford this. The standard of living today is pretty high.

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So even though we don't have as much maybe as we did a month ago, or a year ago, we still Alhamdulillah we have a lot. And if you examine periods in history, where people went through famines and recessions and what have you, you will still understand that Allah azza wa jal is being very kind and merciful with us, not because we deserve it, but because he subhanho wa Taala is the merciful

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Just consider how the Prophet alayhi salatu salam used to live in what he used to eat, and how small his house was, what he used to write, how many articles of clothes of clothing did he possess, and then compare yourself to him either his Salatu was Salam, you will discover that you are living in comparison like a king. So Al Hamdulillah and the Neoma May Allah azza wa jal make us those who are grateful for the NEMA that he had given us not constantly complaining

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and lacking gratitude.

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Now, how do we deal with this?

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First of all, there is this common saying an old one that said my Ida manual criticized

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that HE WHO IS WHO economizes

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does not go poor.

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What has Rahim Allah he says, cut Axanar and what I mean whoever who and Allah He has Urgell in verse Allah He was our input for Allah Himself. He says the believer had gained a lot of manners from Allah azza wa jal there when he notices that Allah had given him more he can spend a little bit more. But when Allah azza wa jal makes it a little bit tight, then he holds back, meaning he always proportions his spending to what he has in his situation. So the first thing that we want to keep in mind is this can teach us not to be wasteful, and not to be frivolous with our spending, and differentiate between the essential and the luxury. And a lot of us have no idea what the difference

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between them is.

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But this may be a good opportunity for us to understand that. Well, Alina either unfuckable lamb used to be for what a milk through, okay, Anabaena Velyka Kawana. Allah praises the believers as that when they spend, they don't waste and they do not hold back in stinginess, but they are in moderation. That's a constant feature of the believer.

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Well, Kulu, wash trouble 1234 in the hula booster field, eat and drink, but do not be wasteful, because Allah do not love those who are wasteful. So when you don't have a lot, it's an opportunity for you to say, Do I need to spend on this? And is this essential? Can I live without that, and if you can, then live without it, and you'll discover that you have power to live without it. Consider how for instance, how much money we may be spending on something as significant as coffee that we buy every single day.

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If you stop buying that calculate how much time you'll have how much money you will be able to spend at the end of the month, and then at the end of the year.

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So wastefulness is a disease of the age among the young specially. So we have to literally learn the value of money. And by saying the value of money, I do not mean that we need to be stingy and greedy. No, but that we don't be wasteful. Just like we are not wasteful with water. And we are not wasteful with food. Also, we're not wasteful with money because it's only that Allah azza wa jal had given to you.

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So thank Allah azza wa jal for it you do not need a phone every single year or every other year.

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You don't need to buy the most expensive Rance for you to feel better about yourself, or to compete with other people. You don't need to eat outside.

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You don't need it. If you can cook at home, you could learn how to cook cook at home. So learning the value of money Subhanallah, there was a study

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done on millionaires. And I'm not bringing them here as an example. But to tell you that in one sense, they could be an example that most millionaires are self made. They don't inherit their wealth by the way.

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They tell you that millionaires use coupons.

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The millionaires set a budget for themselves $200 for eating outside now more. And if they reach that limit, they don't eat outside. And if they exceed or reach the limits of buying coffee outside, they don't drink coffee outside. They don't carry debt.

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carry credit card debt, they don't carry credit card debt, they deal with cash. When they save they save every penny for them count. I'm not saying let's be as greedy, or money crazy as some people are. But I'm saying that economizing saving being thrifty

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is reasonable.

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Because the more that you have, the more that you could do with it. And if you don't have you're gonna have to borrow money. And one of the things that we will

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Wanna keep in mind through these rough difficult times as don't fall into debt, as much as you can, don't fall into debt as much as you can, don't use your credit card. Don't say I'll use it and I'll pay later.

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If there's interest in it, it's not for you. If you have to live with beyond your means, you understand that this is not for you. So understand what you need, what your means are and spend accordingly.

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And then ask Allah azza wa jal for Baraka.

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So how do we do this?

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First of all, the hunted

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an earl has a lot more Baraka in it than haram.

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And the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam he said in the rural policy in Matthew a and an epsilon term with the heart that we are this kaha but the hula hula he Middlefield Taalib. What are you Mila Newcomb is the third or risky either unthrottled whoo hoo, we might see a tiller, but in the mountain de la Heda. You know, to elaborate on it.

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He said that he is Salatu was Salam. He said that the angel blew into my heart the following sentences. No one will die until they will fulfill and receive their for provisions that Allah had destined for them,

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meaning it will never escape you. So the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam continues and he says to have Taqwa of Allah and be moderate in seeking your provision. And if it is slowly coming to you,

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and you think it's coming too slowly, don't try to seek it by and through sinful means. Because what Allah has can only be gained through listening to Him and OBEYING Him.

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Meaning if you're not finding that you're not having a lot of money at the moment, and you think that you can disobey Allah azza wa jal to get more, the prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam is saying, You're not going to get more first because whatever you're going to get is destined one

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second, because if you want something from Allah azza wa jal, it's ludicrous to think oh, this obey him to get it from him, but rather obey and Allah azza wa jal will give it to you.

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So that's the beauty of a person who believes in Allah subhanho wa Taala facing these difficult times because your heart is connected to Allah azza wa jal, not to money.

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And he also said Alayhi Salatu was Salam.

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about greed, and lust for money, even if it's your own salary, even if it's halal.

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He said from an alpha who will be issue Rafi from an alpha will be Sahaba to be successful with enough sin BarakAllahu Li Yan Hillman woman will be shut off enough sin level you BarakAllahu li hiragana kala the cooloola Yeshua he says he said la salatu salam in the Hadith that this money is beautiful and attractive. As if you take it with a generous spirit.

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Allah blesses it for you. Meaning you're not taking it you're not handling it with greed and stinginess. You take it because it can come from Allah azza wa jal, and you can easily spend it. That's the generous spirit. Your life does not depend on it.

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It comes and it goes and it's in your hand, not in your heart. But he says also, but the one who takes it with greed is rough enough sin, He is lusting after it. He wouldn't receive Baraka in it. And he will be like one who eats but he's never satisfied.

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That includes our salaries includes our businesses. If your money crazy, Allah will not bless what you're going to have because you're crazy about it. And you're never going to have enough of it. But if you earn it and your heart is with Allah has voted, and you know it's coming from him, there will be Baraka in it.

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So far a couple of halal and baraka from having a generous heart and Baraka also from sadaqa.

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And that runs contrary to what I said before because I said keep your money but only when it comes to sadaqa give.

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Because he said Allah has Salatu was Salam that Allah azza wa jal said you have an Adam and feel like he says, Oh child of Adam spend I'll spend on you.

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So if you want Baraka in your household and in your money, yes, give sadaqa and that runs Kant contrary to human math, but this is divine math. And divine man tells you that when you give Allah azza wa jal doubles or triples that Allah gives you a lot more than what you've given

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it again, that is because you freed yourself of slavery to money.

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And this whole thing is about teaching us not to be slaves to money, but to be servants of Allah subhanho wa Taala Akula probably had a stuffy Rolla D we're looking for stuff

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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen Hamdan kasi Rhonda even without I can see who all Sunday was in the mana Rasulullah. Mohammed was early he or so happy he was salam. One of the very important lesson that such an experience can teach us is abandoning extravagance and affluence and luxury in our lives in general.

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As a principle as a way of living, even if you have money, you would avoid it.

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Muscle Allah is Allah Allahu Allahu alayhi wa sallam said IACA Wattana on the inner Eva de la la subida mattina. I mean, he says beware of luxury because the servants of Allah are not the luxurious or not the ones who live in luxury. When you see the Quran in the word tariff, which is luxury and affluence, you'll find that when Allah azza wa jal mentions those who are living there, he is talking about those who are being punished for denying Allah's messages. And our Hellfire in the hometown will populate that he can withdraw Finn, people in hellfire they used to be living in luxury in the dunya

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and he says he thought numaligarh yet and Amarna Mustafi have a philosophy of how poly * fold over the Marina that Mira is when we want to destroy a city we command the affluent in it to obey Allah azza wa jal, they resist and they sin and they deserve Allah's punishment. And Allah azza wa jal punishes them. So luxury is a barrier between you and Allah azza wa jal Devadas, to stand this because that's among the main lessons of Islam. And again, look at the life of Muhammad Ali, his Salatu was Salam for you to really understand it. Love of the dunya is the greatest competitor with the love of Allah, the greatest competitor with Islam, the greatest thief of your heart. So if you

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live in luxury, if you live with affluence, if you love the dunya so much, there is no conceivable way for you to leave it to the sake of Allah azza wa jal, because to go to the hereafter, you got to favor the hereafter over the dunya. And if you love the dunya, that much, there is no way that the love of Allah azza wa jal can have a space in our hearts. So you have to understand that we go through difficult times, Allah azza wa jal wants us to simply start detaching from the dunya that it does not define you. And it does not tell you who you are. And it's not the thing that is supposed to make you happy, the more you have of it, the mullahs that you will have the hereafter. That's how

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the equation runs, and the less that you will have of it, the more that you will have the hereafter. He said under his Salatu was Salam in a hadith.

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In Allah Shabbat, if you dunya, whom Allah will do, it will axiata Done. He says the people who are full in the dunya are the people who will be hungry on the Day of Judgment

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tells you that the more that you fill up your belly, the less the obedient you will be to Allah azza wa jal as a standard rule.

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And the prophets Allah He was salam said in the Hadith that you know very well, that if you really really want to eat 1/3, for you food.

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So if you really, really want to focus on the dunya, only a portion of you should focus on the dunya but the rest has to focus on other things, and merely Allah subhanho wa taala.

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And if someone is facing hardship, with debt, hardship with money, do up and asking Allah subhanho wa Taala in addition to seeking Halal employment, but asking Allah subhanho wa taala, especially through the inherited from the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam. Someone once came to be thought about the Allahu Anhu complaining about a debt that he had. And he said to him, shall I not tell you? I do that the Prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam taught me that if you had a mountain of debt, like he said literally like a mountain of debt, Allah has to do will help you repay it Allahumma cofina Behala, DECA and haram mica wealthy Nina befogged Lika unmin Siva

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your Allah suffices with your Halal rather than your haram and enrich us

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McPhee in every holiday can harmonica why and then and then your favor enrich us with your favor, so that will need or don't need others favors.

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Aloha Marina Behala Lika anharmonic was Nina before they come and see what

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he said if you have a mountain of debt, Allah azza wa jal will help you repay it. And the Prophet Alayhi Salatu was Salam also he said In another Hadith, Allah has the the you know the the nominal fuckery Allah repay our debt

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and enrich us and save us from poverty. So you make that your DUA and the DUA also that we mentioned last time when we when you wake up alarm and yes, Luca Aleman Nithya. What is gone by iba? Well, I'm an amateur Kabbalah.

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In it you're asking Allah azza wa jal for a good provision from him Subhanallah with the island. And there are other two hours as well that a person could resort to. But to keep asking Allah azza wa jal for it to enrich you so that you don't need anybody else except him. subhanho, wa taala.

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And finally,

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to actually have reader and contentment be satisfied with the little that we have, even if it is little, to be thankful for it, even if it's not as much as other people, to stop comparing ourselves to our neighbors or our relatives. Whoever Allah has given him money you are being tested at this moment, when you find people around you who don't have enough

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and you're wasting your money you are being tested at this moment, and you are failing the test. Because you're supposed to inject that some of that money back into people's hands to alleviate their suffering, you are responsible for it, because you do not know whether tomorrow you will be in the same condition. And if Allah has surgeon may ask you, I've given you so much, but you squander it, and you had so many people around you, but you did not come to their aid. That's a question that people of wealth will be asked about. But if you don't have as much as other people have, don't compare yourself to them. Because it does not mean if they have something that they are really

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The truly blessed are those who believe in Allah Zhou did and don't do what he wants, not those who disobey Him. The Blessed who are those who are content with Allah azza wa jal, a reader was shook,

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that you see everything that Allah had given to you as the greatest thing, and you thank him for it. And Allah, Allah says it because of that, and you feel satisfied because of it. And you say, I don't need more, I don't need a new thing here and there, I don't need a bigger thing and here and there. Because that limit allows you to think about the hereafter and invest in the Hereafter. And on that day, you will find that all of those who had more in this dunya are far beneath and behind you, if you strive towards Allah azza wa jal, another time your success will be evident and clear and eternal.

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So if people are focused on the dunya, and said because of the dunya Why not divert our attention to the earth here and make that the source of our happiness? Imagine a day when you will meet Allah subhanho wa taala. And all the troubles of this life are behind you everything that has troubled you or is troubling you is absolutely behind you. And Allah azza wa jal meets you and the angels of Allah azza wa jal meet you and they smile in your face and they say, good news you are going to have a living with there will be no discomfort and no hunger and no sadness from now till eternity and you enter Jannah Imagine yourself in that situation, all the suffering of this dunya all of its

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ordeals will evaporate and you will thank Allah azza wa jal for every minute he took away the dunya from you to remind you of him every minute he deprived you so that he would elevate you on that day.

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So yes, there is difficulty, but we thank Allah azza wa jal for times of ease in times of difficulty, and we asked him subhanho wa Taala to teach us the best of lessons during these times. Allahu Akbar Al Amin, the ANA Dino Athenian Amina Allahu the Ana de you know of any nominal fucka Allahu Akbar, the Ana de know of any nominal fucker, Allahu Makina Behala Allegan haram ik Welcome to not be fugly. Kanmon Seiwa Allahu Makina Behala alikhan Hara Mc What are the Nina befogged Lika I'm ncwa Allahu Makina Behala Lika anharmonic Allahu Makina Behala Lika and Hara mica work Nina Be Fugly. Kanmon see work? Allahu Allah in order to become an alpha male hasn't well I say well QSL

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will Gibney will boku wa la parte de new Acharya regional Allahu machalilla Hirata atbara Homina Rabbil Alameen wa Jalla dunya akubra Hamina wala my blog I'll let me know Allah even remercie Rana Allahumma it's hidden agenda even Amina na Allahumma it's hidden agenda tau or even Amina no Allahumma is hidden agenda is nomina Na, Allahu Manas, a local if los Allahu Manas, a local if la Sol Allahu Manas, a local if los Allahumma in an O to becoming a Shiva Curia. You will OGB Asuma on our older becoming koulamallah to keep water bill al Amin, luminous Luca Makarova, la CheMin Colima Amel when oh the becoming mean Colima oncomine COVID Environmental Allahumma Helena DUNU Banerjee

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Marine, Aloha Mata Hara Lana Hulu been our Jana Mila.

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Hello solar Hey what's up boy herbal LME what have we missed

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