Abdullah Hakim Quick – New Muslim Corner – The Books of Allah

Abdullah Hakim Quick
AI: Summary © The importance of correcting one's faith in Islam is highlighted, including the use of Arabic language and the importance of learning about its origins. The history and significance of the Bible is also discussed, including its use as a reference to spirituality and its use as a reference to the holy Bible. The speakers touch on the historical context of the Bible and its use as a reference to other religious beliefs.
AI: Transcript ©
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Mata Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa sallahu wa salam ala sila Aliwal Akhirin, the Vienna Muhammadan ala alihi wa sahbihi wa barik wa salam

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Alhamdulillah. We're continuing on with our new Muslim corner. And the intention of the class really was to provide a place for people who have recently embraced Islam, or those who are reviving their faith. And

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we are following a basic curriculum, there's a basic trajectory that that we need.

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And then there's a chance for questions that people may have concerning different issues in Islam, but especially dealing with the topics. And we found out that the great scholars, city, Abdul Rahman,

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and Aphrodite, the North African scholar, when he approached young Muslims and new Muslims, he told them that the first thing you should do is to correct and authenticate your faith.

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And that is very crucial for us in the world that we are living in with the uncertainties and the doubts, and fitna, so to speak like trials and tribulations. So what we are doing is trying to go over the basics, because if your foundation is strong, if you understand what Islam is, and your foundation is strong, then that can help you to overcome any confusions or any misunderstandings that are coming in. And we looked at the famous hadith of Gibreel Alayhis Salam. And that is when the angel Jibreel came to the province on Salam and asked him, What is Islam? Tell us about Islam? Tell us about Amen. And tell us about SN. So there's three levels that he spoke about Islam, Eman,

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an SN. And concerning Islam, the Prophet SAW Selim answered with what we call the five pillars of Islam. And that is your shahada, or the testimony of the Oneness of Allah and the prophethood of Muhammad Salah Salem, and perform prayers paisa cat while the poor, do fast and Ramadan, and make pilgrimage to Mecca, if you are able to do Okay, the second level that the angel asked the Prophet about is Amen. acapella and an email.

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And the Prophet peace be upon him answered. And that is to believe in Allah,

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His angels, His books, His prophets, the last day, and the divine destiny, the good and the evil thereof. And in terms of belief in Allah, we have been looking at the importance of recognizing that Allah is the Creator of the heavens and the earth, who has no partners, and no

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rivals. And there is nothing similar to Allah.

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In terms of his angels, we found out in our last discussion, that angels are created from light.

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Human beings are created from clay, we're not actually pieces of clay, but the substances that are found in the earth are found within us. So we are constructed from the same source on a physical level.

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The next subject is called to Biggie, and that is the books of Allah.

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And we are taught that there are four major revealed books.

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And that is, of course, Revelation, because we're talking about when we say keytab, we're not necessarily saying that a book came down out of the sky.

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We're talking about Revelation. And so that revelation comes through the angel Jibreel Alayhis Salam, and the people then record it in any way that they possibly can. In some cases, they may have a type of papyrus type of paper or scrolls. But in the time of many of the prophets they had to write on the skin of animals, the bark of tree,

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even on stones, however, were however they could write it. What was unique about the Arabs, and it was the Arabic language that was chosen as the source for the final revelation. That is the Arabic is a special language in the sense

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sense that it has a broad vocabulary.

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For instance, in English, when you say, when you're describing something, you say, his book, you say his and her.

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And he and she, you have basic ways of describing it. And so, but in Arabic, it's not just

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the description of male or female, but that male and female follows everything. So the verbs for a female change, the verbs for male change changes, the verbs for two people change. So it's a very complicated language, and because of that complication, you can express things with power.

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And that is where the Quran stood out as a special book. So the books basically that we have understood is the Torah that came to Musa alayhis salaam to Moses, and Zaboo, which Christians called the psalms that came to David are doubtedly Salam,

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and El injeel. That is the gospels that came to SLA Salam. And so the Christians refer to the Gospels at the New Testament.

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Okay, and finally, Al Quran, which came through Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings people. So, these are the other basic books

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that have been revealed.

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what is special about this is that it is revelation.

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And Allah azza wa jal

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sends the revelation in the form that the people of the time could benefit from.

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But Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said that, you know, I came to that, that all the prophets came to the people.

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But I came to all of humanity and the jinn. So this is a special revelation now. And even though it's in the Arabic language, it's not street Arabic. It's not colloquial, Arabic. You know, people have a way of speaking like an English, somebody could be speaking English. But if you go to

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England, and you go to certain sections of the UK, and they're speaking English, if you speak to somebody who's Scottish, or somebody who's Irish, and you don't know the accent,

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they might talk to you and you don't understand 80% Of what they say. But it's English. If you spot speak to somebody from Liverpool, UK, their English is almost unintelligible except for people from Liverpool.

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Americans have a way of speaking, Canadians have a way, Caribbean people, Jamaicans Trinidad, Ian's there's all forms of English.

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Arabs are the same. You will see forms of Arabic in different parts of the world, but the Quran is in what is called first half. And that is classical Arabic. So this is the original Arabic. And it was the greatest treasure of the Arabs at the time. The Persians had great carpets. The Romans had powerful buildings. But the Arabs, although they did not have many physical things, they were they language. It's like a person could be, you know, a very poor person walking down the street, you know, with a cane, but when he talks, he's talking like Shakespeare, like, you know, Shakespeare's poetry, right? He sounds like a poet in English. That's just normal language at the time when the

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Quran was revealed. And it is that language that the Quran came in,

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and still today that unites the whole of the Arab world.

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But if you are in some parts of the Arab world, you cannot understand, you know, the the dialect of the people, a person from Arabia, or Yemen can hardly understand somebody from Algeria, Morocco, North Africa, it's a very different form of Arabic.

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Lebanon is also it's a different accent, the different words colloquial, this is a colloquial like Amelia, they would say. So, the Quran then is key tabula, it is a book of Allah it is described as it is Calam Allah. So it is the words of Allah that came through the angel Jibreel and down to the Prophet Muhammad Sal Solomon came through him

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and it is a

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divine revelation. And the more you study the Quran itself, you will see that it is a special form of Arabic.

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And the Arabs at the time, were very proud of their language, they would challenge in the book. And in the Quran, it is saying that if you can bring a Chapter, you know, a set a paragraph similar to this, you cannot do this. That's a challenge. And they tried, the poet's came and tried to recite in the same way, but they couldn't.

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It wasn't the same because, you know, you have in language, you have poetry, and the Arabs had poetry, and that is that it rhymes. Okay. And then you have prose, which is like telling a story. So the core n is what we could call rhymed. prose.

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rhymed prose. So you're telling a story. But it's, it's it rhymes. So you tell the story of Yusuf alayhi salam, the Prophet Joseph, his whole life and his story, and it's all rhyming. Exactly. That's impossible to do. Today, we have young people they developed in New York from New York and has now it's around the world. It's called Hip Hop. You know, the hip hop rappers, right? They rap in Spanish, they rap and Swahili. Everybody's rapping now. And they're what the rappers could do is that they would express themselves rhythmically.

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So they would tell the story, and it would be rhythm. And sometimes they have music in the back. Right? It's wrong. But the problem is, you can't tell a story

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in rhythm and make sense.

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Not to rap. So what happens with the rappers is 40 50% of what they're saying is total ignorance. But it sounds good.

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So because you can't tell a story and B, we don't have the capability in our minds to do this. But the Quran was in this form. So people would listen to a recitation of the Quran.

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And they would accept Islam.

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Now, that's something, it's unique. There has never been anything like this in history in any language, where somebody could just listen to a paragraph in language, and then they would switch their lifestyle. Because when they listen to this, they would say, this is not us. We don't speak like this. That has to be Allah. Because nobody can, can speak like this. And the Arabs knew very well, their language, they were master poets. And so

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these are the books. And again, when we say the word book, the Quran was revealed in recitation. So the angel recited it to the prophet, and even went inside of his, his heart and his mind. And then he recited it to his companions, they memorized.

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And the memorization continued, through the life of the prophet saw Salem, or through his prophet with 23 years of the revelation.

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And by the death of the Prophet peace be upon him. There was no book.

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So this whole concept of a book, right, you're understand what's being meant. There was actually no book there were people who were writing things down.

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And so they wrote it down.

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Sometimes on papyrus, if they could get it from Egypt, or sometimes from skin, on the back of tree, however, they could write it. And

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they collect they started to collect it. There were certain people who were experts in this. And after the death of the Prophet peace be upon him when Islam was spreading around. People started writing false currents. They would say this is the Quran, but it wasn't. So, the Khalifa. Especially it was they they they took all of the scrolls. From the time of of the success of a second successor, Omar Al Khattab they took the scrolls and everything. And it was all put into the house of Hafsa. Hafsa was the daughter of Uma, who was the wife of the Prophet. Okay, one of his wife, so they put them all there. And in the fourth caliph, Horace Mann. Even I found radula one. He set a

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committee of people who were the experts, they had memorized the Quran completely. There was hundreds of people who remember

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wasted. But this committee got to the scrolls. And they went through everything line by line until they produced a complete text. So this is what it's called, and most half on Earth many, because it was in the time of the Khalifa was man ready alone. And he said capital, he said, copies of this to the capitals of Islam. So he sent to Damascus, he says, you know, there was sent to Iraq,

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to Basra and Kufa, Medina, Mecca, they were special collections. Okay, and then from there, people then copy they transcribed from there, and we still have between what is found in the top copy Museum and Istanbul, and also in some icons in there was Pakistan. So we still have access to original text. That is not the same with the Torah

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with the Injeel with the Saba

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is not the same, the originals for these books

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cannot be found.

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And this is what the difference is, with, you know, with, you know, their books, what was new there, and what is the final revelation, that we still have the the a written form of it, but also the miracle of the Quran is that it was memorized. So the people who memorized it, God students who memorized and memorize is a chain of memory. So it goes right up until now. So somebody can memorize the Quran today, and they will get what is called a snad. Or they will get a chain of narrators to go all the way back to the Prophet.

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So in that way, we are assured that we do have the original text,

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the original book,

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the original Torah, would have been revealed in Hebrew, because it came to the children of Israel.

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Similarly, the Psalms of David would have been in Hebrew.

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The gospels came to Jesus peace upon him. So it would have been in Hebrew or Aramaic. Aramaic is another Semitic language. Okay, but those are all gone. The oldest

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books of the other three. And it's really another one to allow I'll describe to you. The oldest one for the Gospels, is in Greek, that they call the Dead Sea Scrolls.

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And Greek is a European language, it's different. And when you are trance translating from one language to another language, there's, there's meaning there's hidden meaning in languages, there is there is colloquial usages. And sometimes when you make a statement in certain languages, is not the same in the other.

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For instance, in American English, if I said to you,

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John, went up the river for 10 years.

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Do you know what I mean by that? That sentence? John went up the river for 10 years. This is American English, right? What does that mean? Can anybody guess what that means?

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was efficient. What was he doing? 10 years ago up the river. Okay, yeah. Good try, you see, you know what I meant. He went to jail

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for 10 years, because in early America, all the jails were built on rivers.

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Like you get an island on the river, and then they put the jail there, because you can't escape like.

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So therefore, if you go up the river, that means you go into jail.

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You see, so if I say this in American English, other people would say, Oh, he's up the river, he's fishing, he's swimming and, you know, whatever, but they don't understand. So that's the reason why you cannot

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rely upon a translation.

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If you really want to know what the text means, you must go to the primary source, you have to go to the original language. And that is the importance of the last book that's in its final form. And it is one of the scriptures of the court and is behind minimally well Haman which means the protector of the other books. So it corrects the stories of all the prophets. It corrects the wrong information that came that was put into the other books. Okay. So these are the basic analysis another book that

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people are not so familiar with. And this some scholars when you read the Quran, you'll find it

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that the Prophet Abraham Ibrahim alayhi salam, okay, there were scrolls that were revealed to Abraham.

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Okay, normally you think there's just four books, but in certain certain Allah, it's saying in the head in the head LFS sorrowful hula. So our three Ibrahima.

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We're Musa that's the half with you.

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It says in the Quran, what was revealed in the early texts? Is Sophie sort of means the scrolls. Right? Right. So her feet Ibrahim, were Musa.

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So we know Musa that's the Torah.

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But what about Ibrahim? The Quran is saying, there was so half revealed to Ibrahim. So we do believe that there was another book, but we have no trace of actually what it was. It's only there because there is some proof in the Quran itself, concerning the book. So these are the books and we believe in the books, we believe that Allah revealed the books to all of the prophets. The only difference is because this question comes up, sometimes we believe in

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the book that came to Jesus, the the Injeel, the Gospels, however, we know that we don't have the original. So we look at the Bible present day Bible, then we say it was originally

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a revelation.

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And now it's changed. So there's truth in it. And there's falsehood. So we, you know, so the only way that we can totally be sure of something that is in the Bible, if it's true or not, we have to compare it with some something in the Quran.

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Then we can say yes, that's something that's true. Otherwise, we believe that the book was originally revealed.

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But today, we don't actually have the actual text. Okay. So this is the books and it is part of our faith. And to be a Muslim, you have to believe in the Quran, and also believe that they will book sent to the other prophets. So that's part of our faith. And that's surprising to a lot of Christians and Jews, to know that we actually believe that their books came to their prophets. And so the terminology that is used sometimes to describe Christians, Jews, and another group called Sabines, they're called People of the Book.

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So sometimes you see the Quran say, Yeah, Al Kitab, or people of the book. So it's speaking about those who had received the book.

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Okay. So I want to open up the floor for any questions, immediate questions that you may have concerning the books.

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Our time is a little bit strange now, because we're going through a fast cycle. So once the mugger prayer comes in, we'll have to break, we will make us a lot. And we'll come back again for questions within the class. And maybe those are online. If you can wait for us for 15 minutes or so. We will complete our prayers and then we'll come back and if you have any questions online, that you don't get answered, now. We can also answer them. But the floor is open for any questions now concerning the box. floor is open.

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The Torah, also the originals are not there.

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Because you know, Moses Musa alayhis, salam, he went through a lot of changes because you guys, you know the story of Moses, they were inside of Egypt. And they had been enslaved by by by the by the Pharaoh. They originally migrated, they were they were enslaved. And then with Musa alayhis salam, they were liberated from it, the water opened up. And then they escaped. But while he was receiving revelation,

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they were below the mountain. And they got tested with pagan ideology. And they started worshipping a cow. They were worshipping a bull.

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This is the essence of paganism.

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Because the symbol of the pagans, the main pagan god in the ancient world, is a bull. It's a cow. And they would call that the name they use his bow, be a l bow.

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The Greeks call this main god, Zeus. And the Romans would use the word Jupiter or Saturn

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right as the main you know, pagan god. Okay online to meet

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be tempted to check and see if there's any questions online.

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So he had a lot of problems with them. And even when he's getting the 10 commandments, he was so angry, he threw the thing down on top of their heads.

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So he had a lot of problems and he was forced to flee into the desert and whatnot. And he couldn't even enter into Palestine, if you never actually entered in there. He was one of his followers called USIA Joshua, who actually entered.

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So the actual written texts, and you know, it was it was lost. So they don't what the Orthodox Jews depend upon, is what is called Talmud.

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And the Talmud is like a interpretation of the original text and has a lot of writing of rabbis and what that's called the Talmud, but they don't have the original Torah question.

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Question here, given that your

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texts such as the songs, Torah and gospels are authentic, on the present day versions, such as the King James Bible, yeah, so what was saying is this,

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that the injeel was revealed to isa Lai Salam that is the Gospels. And he was, of course, attacked by the Romans. And he was raised, the Christian tried to say He's crucified, but we don't believe that. But he was raised and his followers were persecuted.

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And they scattered in the land. So therefore, the original texts were actually not in one place because his disciples could not stay in one place. Because they were underground.

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And nobody knew where they actually were. They were monks and monasteries, and whatnot. And it was finally, in 325 ad. Constantine, who was the Roman emperor of visiting, he was a sun worship. So we call the famous council called the Council of Nicaea.

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The Council of Nicaea. You can look all these things up in Turkey to Turkey today to say, Isn't it you wouldn't see nicely you're on the map, you'll see Iznik that's the Council of Nicaea. So at this council, they brought the bishops of the whole of Christendom because the Romans were defeated in Italy, and all their books, all their scrolls were brought to Constantinople. That was the capital now.

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And they made it they they they had different people believe in three Trinity. Some Christians believe in one God like areas, there was some who had all kinds of beliefs mixed with Christianity. So they finally came to the conclusion that they their basic Arpita will be based upon Trinity.

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Okay, at the Council of Nicaea. And they took some of the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. And they put them together into what is called the New Testament. Okay, and then they made the Old Testament what was left, and they put it together and they called it Bible,

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which means a library.

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So this Bible is not the original text. The oldest thing was in Greek, and Jesus did not speak Greek. Okay, so we believe that the book was revealed to easily Salam, but this particular King James Version or Maccabee version or whatever, it is not the original text. Okay. So, we will be breaking for our moment of prayer now, hopefully by next week. We're in a changing time though, but we want to keep the class to start at seven we were a little slow this week. So inshallah we will break for Margarita pray we'll come back. So you can you can stay online. If you're within our hemisphere, you can make your Salah come back and inshAllah 1520 minutes then we'll come back, and

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we'll continue the questions will be late.

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So we'll

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The Dead Sea Scrolls, were

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these writings

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this live thing is still.

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So this is these, these are writings that were found in Palestine. But they're in Greek.

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Okay, so, but it's the oldest thing that they ever found.

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But but this person was writing what he thought Jesus had said.

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So it's not the exact words because Greek to go from Greek to Aramaic to Greek or Hebrew to Greek, there's a big difference in language.

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So so he would have had to put in his understanding of what Jesus said, Okay. And that's really the oldest thing and years after hundreds of years after Jesus. So it's me people say, as though it's original, but our answer to them is, if they say we have the original scrolls, ask them is it in Hebrew, or Aramaic? Because that was the street language, somatic? If they say no, it's not original.

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If it's in Latin, if it's in Greek, anything else is not original. So we don't accept it as the original book. There's truth in it.

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But it's also the opinion of the translator.

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You know, the author, whoever it was, their opinions. It's not necessarily the original text.

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Gospel of Barnabas, there's like a gospel that's excluded. Right?

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Prophet Isa? Yeah.

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Right. So So in 325 ad,

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in a place called Constantinople, which is now Istanbul, Turkey.

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Constantine was the Roman emperor.

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He wanted to unite Christians all over the world. He was a politician.

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Just like our politicians today, right? So he wanted to unite everybody. He was a sun worshiper.

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And so he said, What can we have, we want a religion to everybody's involved.

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And so he

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called the Big council meeting.

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And so they had a lot of scrolls in a vault. And they chose the ones that they thought were the most authentic or useful, or whatever it is. And that was what is called Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. And even if you look at Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John is not the original Matthew, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. It's somebody with the same name, who wrote like 100 200 years later. So it's not the original Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

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And so they put that together, and they called it New Testament.

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They put together what they had of the of the of the Jewish writings, and they called it Old Testament. And they included in the Old Testament Psalms.

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But for us, that's a different book. Because Moses is one Musa is one thing and doubts another prophet, but they put it all together and they said, Old Testament

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and they have other writings and other things. And so they called it Bible. So the Bible was like Biblio tech, which is a library

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Sorry, it's a library of religious writings. Now in the vault, they had gospel called Gospel of St. Barnabas.

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They have some other ones to Thomas and had some other gospels. And this is has been brought out

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that what about this Gospel of St Barnabas. But the problem is, because in the Gospel of St. Barnabas when it was translated into English, it was a shock, because it even mentioned in that the coming of Ahmed, the coming of a prophet named Ahmed, which is one of the names of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon.

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And that was shocking for a lot of people. And so and some Muslims, do we use that as proof, but you can't because it's not the original writings.

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You see, it's not the original Aramaic or Hebrew. And there's some things inside of it. That's a little bit strange. So so we can't use that as a actual text. It could be used as a reference to say there's other gospels,

00:56:05 --> 00:56:09

but we cannot accept it 100% to be the actual truth.

00:56:10 --> 00:56:11


00:56:16 --> 00:56:19

Any other general questions are concerning the books.

00:56:21 --> 00:56:57

So this is one of the key beliefs of Muslims. Concerning the revelation, how the Quran itself is dealing with the stories, the information that came in the Torah, the Psalms in jail. It's in the it's in the newest, cleaned up version in our language, the true stories, because if you believe if you go to these other texts, they have some strange stories about the prophets, like the prophets committing major sins and doing, they said that so the man was actually believed he was practicing magic.

00:56:58 --> 00:57:06

The prophets, so they met Elisa, but we understood he had the power to speak with jinn and control them. But he was not a magician.

00:57:08 --> 00:57:14

He was a prophet who had this ability. See, so they it's been twisted around some of the stories.

00:57:15 --> 00:57:22

They said that Prophet Tao, David, he fell in love with this woman. And he wanted to marry her, but she was married.

00:57:23 --> 00:57:28

So he sent her husband to the battlefield and put them in the frontlines. So you get killed.

00:57:30 --> 00:57:33

And then husband got killed, and then he married? What is this?

00:57:34 --> 00:57:37

This is not a prophet. What is the story?

00:57:38 --> 00:57:46

And the Quran does not, it doesn't bring anything like this. So they have some strange stories that are in this knot, right.

00:57:48 --> 00:57:54

But we do believe that in these books, there is truth, you'll find some passages, some things which are very

00:57:55 --> 00:57:59

good, logical, you know, God fearing things.

00:58:00 --> 00:58:02

So we still call them the People of the Book.

00:58:03 --> 00:58:18

And we are allowed to even marry somebody from the people or the book of Muslim men could marry a woman from the people of the book. That's possible. But she has to agree that the House would be ruled governed by Islam.

00:58:19 --> 00:58:21

She couldn't make the children Christians.

00:58:23 --> 00:58:29

Right, but but she could possibly do that question. When we talk about people. Right? Time.

00:58:31 --> 00:58:36

God, yeah, now they have a trinity. So what a Christian of this time

00:58:37 --> 00:58:59

waves and the Trinity still concerned because they're not personal. Yeah. So so the question is, which is a common question that the people of the book in those days, Christians and Jews worship one God, but today, it's the Trinity. Okay. Now, this is a mistake, because the Trinity concept was accepted in the Council of Nicaea in 325 ad.

00:59:01 --> 00:59:29

And Prophet Muhammad Salim was born in 570. So they were already in the Trinity, before he was born, and the Quran itself itself says Laqad cafard Alladhina kala Kalu in the LA hotel, it's the latter, that those who say Allah is one of three have committed disbelief. It's in the Quran. And it's talking about the people of the book. So Trinity was already there. So that argument is not really a true argument.

00:59:31 --> 00:59:44

Even though they have Trinity, they have something about morality, when they have stories, some good things on the Stories of the Prophets. So if if they will live underneath Islam, which is the final version,

00:59:45 --> 00:59:48

then it is possible.

00:59:49 --> 00:59:54

It's very it's not easy, especially when you're in a Christian dominated country.

00:59:56 --> 00:59:59

And it is permissible, but it is permissible for Muslim men.

01:00:00 --> 01:00:02

You know to marry you know, a woman from the people of the book.

01:00:03 --> 01:00:08

What would happen to people who look like Christians or Jews, I believe in one God.

01:00:10 --> 01:00:26

Like, the other day of judgment is that I don't really know that Allah is the one who's going to judge people, right? But if COFA the word kufr disbelief also means denial, that you deny the truth.

01:00:27 --> 01:00:46

So a person could be say, they believe in God, and when the when the true message comes to them, they deny it, that is a form of disbelief. So therefore, they will be considered disbelievers, even though they came from the people in the book. But if the Quran does say, you will find the people who are closest to you

01:00:48 --> 01:00:55

Nosara they are those followers of Jesus, true Christians. They're the closest people to a Muslim.

01:00:56 --> 01:01:00

Because they still have character, and they still have a lot of good things.

01:01:01 --> 01:01:07

You know, one time because so many problems we have me when Muslims, you know, one person came into Islam, and he said,

01:01:09 --> 01:01:15

Muslims, you know, Christians are good people, with no religion.

01:01:17 --> 01:01:24

They're good people. Many of them are good people, but their religion is confused. And he looked at Muslim they said, these people you have religion,

01:01:25 --> 01:01:31

you know, but you're not necessarily good people. Right? But you got the religion, your people,

01:01:32 --> 01:01:33


01:01:34 --> 01:01:43

without religion is what the Christians are. In the Fatiha when it says, well, a Darlene, the people who are lost, it's referring to the Christians.

01:01:44 --> 01:01:45

They lost.

01:01:46 --> 01:02:00

You know, so if there was a Christian, there are some people who say that they're Christian, but they believe in one God, and they're a good person. And no message. Nobody ever came to them. They never heard about Islam.

01:02:01 --> 01:02:04

Then that person, Allah will judge them.

01:02:05 --> 01:02:17

Because they're still on the book. So Allah will judge that person. It's only the one who got the message. And there's many people, even in the Western world, who really don't know anything about Islam.

01:02:18 --> 01:02:46

There's a brother, who has a data center, his name is Eddie. It's called the deen show. And if you're online, it's an excellent program to watch the Dean show. Okay. And he in one of his recent programs, he he's setting up a data center in United States. And he went around in the city, it's in the Midwest. He went around and he asked people, what do you know about Islam? He just interviewed people on the street.

01:02:48 --> 01:02:50

And they said, Oh, Islam. No, I don't know anything.

01:02:51 --> 01:02:54

Another person said, I think they're from the Middle East, right.

01:02:56 --> 01:03:01

Another one said, we heard that they're going to kill us. They come in to kill us.

01:03:03 --> 01:03:09

But they really never heard anything about Islam. The message never really got to them.

01:03:11 --> 01:03:30

Because the television is so bad. There is so much propaganda on American TV, that you would never get a proper discussion about Islam. If that person passes away and they believed in one god they're under the Mercy of Allah. Allah can punish them or forgive them. We cannot say

01:03:31 --> 01:03:38

what's going to happen unless they heard the message clearly rejected then that's that's different.

01:03:40 --> 01:03:42

Any other general questions anybody has questions?

01:04:01 --> 01:04:04

Yes, I say that a little bit louder. I didn't I didn't catch what you were saying.

01:04:11 --> 01:04:12

Mean, unforeseen commerce.

01:04:13 --> 01:04:14

Right, what's the rest of it?

01:04:21 --> 01:04:30

You beat a lookup, okay. So it's so so the Koran is addressing the people of the book. Because in the in the third chapter, Ali Imran

01:04:31 --> 01:04:57

and then sort of marry the two, you'll find it in a lot, a lot of things are to the people of the book. So this is it's specifically for them. And it's saying to the people of the book, that a messenger has come to you meaning Muhammad has come and he will explain to you some of the things you don't know about your book. So the Quran addresses to the people of the book. It addresses to the

01:04:58 --> 01:04:59

you know, all types of

01:05:00 --> 01:05:21

People, you know, and it addresses the believers. It just it addresses humanity in general. Because it's a book for all humanity. It's not just for the Arabs. Right? It's all for all of humanity. Because the final book, there's no other books to come after this. And if somebody claims they have another book,

01:05:22 --> 01:05:24

we would consider him to be like a false prophet.

01:05:26 --> 01:05:29

Because there is there is no other book that will come after this one.

01:05:36 --> 01:05:51

Alone, yep. Texts coming from the Catholic Church are not as effective. How about the Coptic slash orthodox orthodox Bible such as Ethiopia? Right. So this is what some people say, even in Jamaica, they would say,

01:05:52 --> 01:05:54

Maccabee version.

01:05:55 --> 01:06:03

So this is supposed to be a version of the Bible, that is from Ethiopia that is more authentic, but they did Ethiopians.

01:06:05 --> 01:06:08

They accepted Christianity in Ethiopia.

01:06:09 --> 01:06:12

But it was really after the Council of Nicaea.

01:06:13 --> 01:06:16

So after the Council of Nicaea and 325 ad,

01:06:17 --> 01:06:25

right, then the teachings I mean, there was some Christians, Mark, one of the disciples, he died in Egypt.

01:06:26 --> 01:06:49

So his teachings went up the Nile, that will be Sudan, et Ethiopia. So there were some people there who did have belief, but as a as a, as a country as a big body. The Romans sent their people out Byzantines, and they sent their people out. And that's when they really became Christians as a country. But it was a trinity.

01:06:50 --> 01:07:01

So they have the same Trinity concept as the other ones, but they just say it in Amharic and Ethiopian language. But but their creed or their belief is the same.

01:07:03 --> 01:07:13

So so it's not, it's there's really no difference between the two, when you get to their Aqeedah. They have the same types of problems that the other Christians have. There's not.

01:07:16 --> 01:07:31

And Coptic Christians were the Christians who live in Egypt, the 50s. So was the Egyptian Christians. And they were also underneath the Byzantine, they were conquered by the Byzantines. So the Christian church was controlled by the Romans.

01:07:32 --> 01:07:33


01:07:34 --> 01:07:39

Some slight practices are different, but the Aqeedah was the same.

01:07:40 --> 01:07:41

So we consider them to be the same.

01:07:43 --> 01:07:43


01:07:45 --> 01:07:46

Any other questions online?

01:07:47 --> 01:08:01

Okay, so the floor is open for any general questions anybody has? Okay, this is a chance. If there's anything bothering you, or anything, you know, in general that you want to ask. This is a chance for any general questions that anybody has about anything.

01:08:03 --> 01:08:05

Don't ask me about politics.

01:08:07 --> 01:08:09

Some people want politics. Yeah.

01:08:11 --> 01:08:12

Muslims came up.

01:08:14 --> 01:08:15

Yeah. So.

01:08:16 --> 01:08:33

So this conference we had was, you know about Muslim history and legacy in the Caribbean region. That's where I just was last week, just came back last night. So we have proof that Muslims came actually before Columbus.

01:08:34 --> 01:08:54

And that is there's writings of great historians, Elon Musk Rudy, Al idrisi. Many of them who are day spoke, we still have the books about journeys into the ocean and coming back. And then there was a great leader in Mali called Mansa Musa was a famous African king, Muslim.

01:08:55 --> 01:09:21

And he was considered he's considered to be the richest man who ever lived. His older brother Abu Bakr went into the ocean with 2000 ships. And he never came back. Now, if you look at Africa, Senegal and Brazil, it's the closest on the on the Atlantic, it's only 2000 miles. And this currents right under under the water currents, which will pull you right in, you don't even need sales.

01:09:22 --> 01:09:45

So 2000 ships went across. And we have found proof in the Amazon region in Central America up into the United States. We've found proof of these Mandinka they call Mandinka Muslims there. And the early people in Central America, they knew about them. They were part of the culture that even the indigenous people of America, they mixed with these people.

01:09:46 --> 01:09:48

And when when the Spanish came,

01:09:50 --> 01:09:52

they found black people already there.

01:09:53 --> 01:09:54

So who are these people?

01:09:55 --> 01:09:59

And when the British came after the Spanish, they tried to

01:10:00 --> 01:10:03

Say the black Arabs or the shipwreck slaves.

01:10:04 --> 01:10:11

But if you're a ship that ship direct slave, the Spanish were the first Europeans to come. They're already there.

01:10:12 --> 01:10:59

And there's a lot of proofs now to show. So we brought these proofs out in a conference site there. If any of you are interested, I have a book that I wrote. It's called deeper roots, deeper roots. So if you go to my website, Hakeem quick.com HJKIM, qu IC k.com, you can go there and with Pay Pal, you can buy the book. I'll send it to you, that has all the proofs. But we also showed about Muslims in the slavery period enslaved African people. We talked about Muslims in the indentured labor period, who came from India and Java, Indonesia. We talked about Muslims who came as economic migrants from the Arab world. So all of this was in the conference that we had, that is there.

01:11:01 --> 01:11:20

But as a shock, you know, for people, because for a long time, we learned Christopher Columbus discovered America right? And fortunately, a baby could ask the question, how can you discover a place when the people are living there? Think about this, the 75 million people living in in the Americas 75 million.

01:11:21 --> 01:11:21

When Columbus came,

01:11:23 --> 01:11:43

there was 2000 languages spoken by the peoples. In Mexico, they have pyramids. You can go there. Now if you go there. Some people are taking their holidays in Cancun is one of the cheapest flights. You can get the Cancun when you go there. The Mayan Mayan temples. The Mayan, this Olmec

01:11:45 --> 01:12:02

Mayan Aztec great civilizations, amazing civilizations. So how can you say you discovered the place? That's a lie? You see, and he thought he was an India and then he called the people Indians, they're not Indians. That's the wrong term.

01:12:04 --> 01:12:05

It's a mistake.

01:12:07 --> 01:12:13

So these are the things we were bringing out and trying to bring solid information and then

01:12:14 --> 01:12:27

you have some books, translated different languages. This was the theme of the conference that is there but if you if you're interested in the book, deeper roots you can get it you know at the website Hakeem quick.com

01:12:28 --> 01:12:30

is the website or Kim quick.com.

01:12:33 --> 01:12:36

And the other general questions anybody has floor is open

01:12:40 --> 01:12:58

so this is a time here we you know we relaxed ourself you know, also in the class I think there's some some refreshments that are here. You can easily you can start to get some refreshments and you may even have little questions afterwards we could pop up we will take a break you know for the for the refreshments there. And

01:12:59 --> 01:13:09

for the for the people online inshallah. I will see you next week. Next week Have a safe journey home. Parker Dhawan hamdulillahi rabbil Alameen wa salam aleikum wa rahmatullah.

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