Ahsan Hanif – The Single Greatest Verse In The Quran

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary © The importance of the Prophet sall hung wa sallam verse in the century's Christian book is discussed, as it is the single greatest verse in the century's Christian book. The speaker emphasizes the need for people to realize the greatness of the verse and use it in their daily lives. The importance of reciting the Prophet sallua alayhi wa sallam and following the teachings of Jesus is also emphasized. The need for everyone to be fully vaccinated and the importance of the Prophet sallha Alayhi wa sallam's legal framework for inter acknowledge and the source of guidance for the world is also discussed.
AI: Transcript ©
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In the Darla mother who want to start you know who want to stop Pharaoh who wanted to boo la Ronaldo, Bella Himanshu, Rory and fusina woman sejati armanino Mayor de la, la, la la

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la la de la Allah, wa Chateau La ilaha illallah wa de la sharika wa shadow Nana Bianna wasI Donna Mohammed Abu hora solo, or sallahu been happy been a Sati bashira Juana de la

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la Hebei in the knee. He was sirajul monniera sallallahu wasallam Mahabharata li

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li he was, he was a lamotta Sleeman. kathira

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ballerina la haka, Ducati.

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One Two Muslim Oh, yeah. yohannes como la the holla coppermine Fc wahida wahala caminhar Xhosa ha, Baba salmon Houma de john and Kathy Romani de la la de Luna b1 or ham in a la casa de la cumbre de ba.

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1000 Halima

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Chiquita. Bula, Hitachi Allah, Buddha Buddha Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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Bakula modesetting VEDA, Bakula? Allah Allah, Allah, Allah Allah. Now, my brothers and sisters in Islam,

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from the blessings of Allah subhanho wa Taala. And the great mercy that he has bestowed upon us is that he has given certain things preference over other things. Not every day in the week is equal more every month in the year is it equal, notice every land upon the face of the earth equal, but rather certain things have priority over other things. When you look at the days of the week, Friday is a day, which is better than any other day. When you look at the nights of the year, the Laila to other is a night better than any other night. When you look at the days of the year, the day of arafah is better than any other day, when you look at the months than the month of Ramadan is better

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than any other month. And when you look at the lands that Mecca and Medina and Jerusalem are lands which are better than other lands, more everything within Islam, nor everything in our lives is equal. And this is everything something which everyone knows, certain things have preference over other things. When we look at the book of Allah subhanho wa Taala the Quran, a book which Allah revealed to us, so that we would ponder and reflect over it Kitab Hoon, and zelner who la Kambou Baraka, Leah de Babu, it Juanita Cora,

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a book pachala revealed his blessing so that we may ponder and reflect over its verses and so that the people of understanding may reflect and ponder, they may be reminded, who are the people of understanding? Who are they, they are the people who when it comes to the book of Allah, when it comes to the life of our prophets, Allah while he was sending them. They don't just recite like they're reading on novel. They don't just read like it's poetry. They don't just memorize like a parrot, but they understand and they contemplate and they ponder and they reflect, they look at the signs that Allah has revealed, and they benefit from those signs. They look at the verses of the

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Quran, and they implement them into their lives, these are the people of understanding. So likewise, when you look at the book of Allah azza wa jal, we find that certain verses of the Quran and certain surah of the Quran have a status in this religion, that are the sutras and other verses do not know that the Koran all of it is blessing. All of it is a light from Allah. All of it is a guidance from Allah subhanho wa Taala or love, it is a mercy from the wisdom of Allah. So a gel is that he has placed emphasis on certain sutras and certain verses of the Quran, so that the people of understanding the people of comprehension, the people who ponder and reflect, they may go to those

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sutras and those verses of the Quran and they may emphasize the efforts on them, they may pay attention and heed to them. Why is it that Allah has chosen this surah has chosen this verse and given its special significance, where every surah of the Quran is equal in this regard.

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When you look at the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, then we know that Surah Fatiha is a surah unlike any other surah in the Quran, when we look at our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam surah is a surah which recite every night before we go to sleep. Why surah two more wisely su Ratan Fatiha when we look at the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam surah is a surah we recite on this very blessed day of Friday. But why surah?

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When we look at the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Surah ikhlas boo Allahu Ahad equals a third of the Quran. But why surah to the class? How many of us have stopped to ponder and reflect and ask ourselves why? why this was? Why not other students of the Quran? Why choose these students? What is the message that Allah wants us to gain by focusing our attention on these parts of the Quran?

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So it is with that in mind that I want to today focus on today's football on the single greatest verse in the Quran, the single greatest verse in the Quran, and it is a shame. It is a shame that we as Muslims, even though Allah told us to be people of understanding and reflection. It is a shame that today amongst many of the Muslims, we don't ponder over such verses of the Quran. In fact, you will go to many Muslims and you will ask them, What is the greatest single verse in the Quran? And they will not know the answer. How is it possible for believing people, Muslims, some of us who have been born into this religion, who have grown up in this religion, who have learned to recite the

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Quran have memorized the Quran, our lives supposedly revolve around the Quran. Yet we still don't know what the greatest single verses in the book that allow revealed to his final prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam isn't that machine? Isn't that a cause for embarrassment that Muslims don't know something so important and significant from the very book that gives them guidance that is their salvation in this life and the next, it is a source of shame.

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And the hadith of obey blue cab robiola. The Prophet of Allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came to this illustrious companion, a man from the people of Medina from the answer. So great was he robiola? One that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would often go to him when verses of the Quran was revealed, and he would recite it to him because he was a scholar of the Quran. He was one of those people of reflection, understanding, obeyed nucar one of the four people that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said about if you want to learn the Quran, they learned from one of these four, and from those four was ob bluecard rhodiola. One. He came to him and he said obey a UI

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attend Viki tabula he album, what is the greatest verse in the book of Allah? The greatest single verse out of the 1000s of verses found within those 114 chapters? What is the one single greatest verse? And so

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out of respect and honor for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said, Allahu wa rasuluh Allah, Allah and His Messenger know best. In the presence of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, no one speaks out, except with His permission, Allah and His Messenger know best. So they even lowcarb was asked again by the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam obey

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Kitab in La Jolla vamos a second time, what is the greatest single verse in the book of Allah? And so now that he was asked a second time, we'll be rhodiola Wang who responds and he says, it is ayatul kursi Allahu La ilaha illa Allah.

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So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam struck him on his chest. And he said, may Allah bless you and endow you with knowledge. Meaning Yes, obey. This is the single greatest verse in the Quran, out of the 1000s of verses that Allah has revealed to us out of the 114 chapters within this. The greatest single verse is a single verse in the middle and in the midst of Surah Al Baqarah ayatul kursi, one of the first verses that we learned as children, were one of the first verses that we teach to our children as well. One of the verses of the Koran that we have in calligraphy in our houses in our massages,

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In other places as well, a verse which is very powerful, the verse of the footstool. What is so great about this verse? Why is it that Allah placed so much emphasis on this one single verse in the Quran?

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The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. In another Hadith, he said, Whosoever recites this verse ayatul, kursi, at the end of every single prayer, then nothing will stop him from entering into gender except his own death. Nothing stands between you and gender, except death, if you recite this verse after every single obligatory prayer. So it is from the Sunnah, from the vicar that we make after every prayer to recite ayatul kursi. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, in another Hadith, that whosoever recite ayatul kursi in the night, then allow will save him from shape on that night he will be protected from the devil, and from any harm, Whosoever recites it in the morning,

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and then again in the evening, then Allah will protect him for that day or that night. And the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that if you want to know the Greatest Name that Allah possesses, then find it within ayatul kursi find it with an ion policy. The Greatest Name that Allah has is Mullah hula bomb, about which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that if you were to use this name, and make dua to Allah, then Allah will respond to your application

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is rejected when this name is used, the greatest name that Allaah possesses. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in many, many a Hadith, he spoke about the virtues of a single verse of the Quran. And it's not a verse which is found to you. It's not one of those verses that you've never heard all in the Imam reciting the prayer, you think, what is he reciting? Where is he reciting from? There is a verse that perhaps every single Muslim knows, even the youngest people within this whole will know ayatul kursi How many of us have stopped to ponder and reflect over the past meanings of ayatul kursi Allah subhanho wa Taala begins and he says, Allahu La Ilaha Illa.

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Allah Nan has the right to be worshipped except Him, wherever living, the self sustaining. This verse revolves around a single key concept and that is why so much emphasis is placed upon it. And that single key concept is the most fundamental aspect of this religion. And that is the Toshi of Allah, the oneness of worship of Allah. Everything in this religion is based upon this worshiping Allah alone. It is what differentiates it from the Christians and the Jews and the Hindus and the Sikhs. It's what differentiates us from the pagan Arabs that live at the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and it is with that concept and inshallah we will enter into a normal

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piaba so it is only fitting that the greatest verse of the Koran centered around this, perhaps many of us will think that that's so easy. It's so simple, everyone knows him, then this child knows La ilaha illAllah. But the sad fact and reality is that even know even though we know the words to the Kadima, many very few of us understand its true meaning and that's why even today in the oma you will find that there are people who make to our to other than Allah, there are people who prostrate to other than Allah, there are people who think other than Allah can harm or benefit or other than Allah control of life or bring death. There are people in this onma who believe that they can

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sacrifice to other than Allah and make power of around graves and other things other than the caliber of Allah. And so people even though it is so heat, even though it is still heat, that we must understand, it is not the head that they understand. so large that it begins this ayatul kursi with a very important concept. Allahu Allah, Allah.

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Allah man has the right to be worshipped except him. No one has the right to be worshipped except him subhanho wa Taala and he is an alpha yom. He is the EverLiving the self sustaining, Allah does not die. Allah does not become tired. Allah does not slumber. Allah does not take a break. Allah doesn't go on holiday subhanho wa Taala and he is

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the self sustaining. He doesn't need anyone else. He doesn't need a partner. He doesn't need a wife. He doesn't need children. He doesn't need any

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He is an alpha you and he is the one who sustains not only himself, but everything within the universe, the heavens and the earth, and the mountains and the seas and the oceans and the trees and us as well. Allah is the one who sustains everything. Not Hulu, Siena, tamala. No, so Allah azza wa jal doesn't see, nor is he overtaken by slumber. Allah does not become tired. Subhanahu wa Tada. So why is it then that we go to other than Allah seeking the help that Allah alone can give? Why is it that there are people who believe that there is under provision will come from other than Allah? Why is it that when people want to get married, or they want children, or they want a job, or they want

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something in the dunya, then they look at everything, and every single means except Allah. And the law is the last one that they turned to. It is because they have not yet understood this concept. No benefit, no harm can come except from Allah, life and death does not come except from Allah. If Allah wants to give a person, a wife, and children and a job and wealth and health, then He alone is the one who gives this. And then if you which Allah gives, no one can take from you. And then if you which allow withholds from you, no one can give you. And it was with this understanding that the prophets of Allah and he was sending them and the companions of the Allahu anhu, much Marian, it is

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with this very understanding that they conquered the face with this understanding that they spread the religion of Islam, understanding that it is a law alone, that they should trust Him, to the extent that they were companions, who when one of them was riding the animal, and the stick would fall, he wouldn't ask anyone to come and help him, but he would get off his own horse, and he will pick up the stick alone. Why? Because they would trust in Allah alone. If they needed something, they would go to Allah alone, and they wouldn't rely upon anyone in the dunya that is no law. There is trust in the law, there is certainty in the promise of Allah subhanahu wa Tada. And why not? When

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Allah xojo says within ayatul kursi Allahumma allottee

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everything in the heavens and the earth belongs to Him alone. subhanahu wa taala nothing that you want in the dunya is owned by anyone else. If Allah wants to give it to you, then he will give it to you because he owns it.

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And if he doesn't want to give it to you, then the dunya cannot combine and give it to you. Because again, it belongs to Allah alone, as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said

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to his young cousin of the light and Ibis, Ravi Allahumma, Mo, that if the people gathered to benefit you with something that Allah has not decreed for you, they can never benefit you. And if they gather and unite to harm you with something that Allah has not ordained for you, then they can never harm you. Allah is the one who controls the universe. So when we understand this concept, then why would we ever go to other than Allah? Why when in times of sadness, and distress and hardship and difficulty, when things are difficult in our lives? Why would we go to other than Allah, when Allah is the one who controls the heavens and the earth? And because Allah controls the heavens and

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the earth, then he alone subhanho wa Taala also controls who goes into Jannah and who will stay in the fire of how will you be law. Allah is the one who will allow things to happen on your monitor Yama, it will be by the permission of Allah azza wa jal, the yummy piano will be established, and it will be by his permission alone. subhanho wa Taala that certain people will have shade on your piano and others will not. It will be by the permission of Allah alone, that certain people will enter into Jannah without any accounting and any punishment, and it will be with the permission of Allah alone, that alone will be of a certain people will intercede for others who can intercede for you,

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who can benefit you on your will piano. If no one can benefit you in the dunya Then why do you think someone will benefit you other than Allah and Yama, Yama, Mandela? Yes, fell in love even

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lobby, who is there that can intercede in the sight of Allah azza wa jal, except with His permission, is there anyone that can help you in the dunya except by the permission of Allah,

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willing to sit in front of Allah, the owner of the heavens and the earth except by his permission Subhanahu wa tada muma been at him

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and Allah knows

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Which comes before and that which comes after a lot of knows that which will take place in the dunya and that which will take place on Yom Okayama and that's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, no one will enter into Jenna, except by the mercy of Allah azza wa jal. They said more even you are missing Java law. He said, not even me. Unless allow envelopes me with his mercy. Allah, Allah showers me with his mercy. So that is our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the greatest man to have ever lived. Then what about me and you? How much do we need that intercession of Allah? And how much do we need that Mercy of Allah subhanahu wa Tada. And that's why Allah azza wa jal is

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mentioning within this verse, that if you want that intercession, if you want that mercy, if you want that guidance in that light, then go to the Toshi Davila worship Allah alone, make everything that you do sincerely for his sake, because sincerity is something which is between you and Allah. No one can see this. No one can come and look at your sincerity and judge your true status in the sight of Allah in the Chroma come in the law is indeed the most honorable of you in the sight of Allah of those with the greatest piety. actions of the heart are between you and your Lord subhanho wa Taala What are you gonna miss a mineral in Nabi Masha, and you cannot have knowledge you cannot

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encompass anything except that Allah has encompassed it before you, Allah xojo gives us knowledge that which he pleases and he withholds of knowledge that which he pleases upon and what Allah certain things Allah has revealed to us and made it clear for us and other things Allah has been held, and he has kept it with the knowledge that he has himself subhana wa Tada. You don't know everything. The money that you have, isn't because of the knowledge that you have. The love that you have isn't because of your experience. The success that you have in life isn't because of anything amazing that you've done. Everything in the dunya is by the permission of Allah, everything that you

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have is a blessing that Allah has given you. And everything that you have, is in accordance to the with the knowledge that Allah has bestowed upon you. So therefore, the believer is never one who becomes arrogant, nor is the one that is proud, but rather when he looks at the blessings of Allah upon himself and his family, that he is ever more grateful and thankful to his Lord. subhana wa Taala

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was yakushi you set

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the footstool of Allah is greater than is greater than the heavens and the earth, just the footstool of Allah. As the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said that the example of the heavens and the earth compared to the footstool Allah is like the example of a ring that you wear on your hand, if you were to throw it in the open desert, if you were to throw it in the Sahara. What is the example of that ring compared to the Sahara that is the example of the heavens and the earth compared to the footstool of Allah, and in the footstool of Allah compared to his throne. subhanho wa Taala is again, like another ring that you throw in the middle of the desert. We look at the universe with

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its stars, and its sun and its moon, with its mountains and its oceans, and this great universe, it is a vast creation, it is something which we cannot comprehend, nor can we fully understand, but it is nothing. It is minute. It is insignificant compared to the creation that Allah has beyond the heavens and the earth, compared to the fire of how compared to Jana, compared to the bridge over the agenda, compared to the footstool of Allah, the throne of Allah and everything else that Allah has created. For Allah is all living, self sustaining the control of the heavens and the earth, the one who originated everything. suppiler, who was

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Luma and he does not become tired by looking after and preserving the heavens and earth. When you look at all of the billions of people on the face of the planet, each one of them with their own individual needs each one of them with their own individual problems and issues. And when you look at the animals, and you look at the plants, and you look at the way and you look at the sun and the moon and the stars and everything, it is a task to look after this if we were to compare ourselves to this issue, in the sight of Allah, it is insignificant. Allah azza wa jal simply says configure Khun B and it is it is a command of a law and that is sufficient. Allah commands and everything does

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Not tired him to look after the heavens and the earth will who will Ollie you love Him and He is the Most High the most wait subhanho wa Taala barakallahu li walakum Ronnie was sooner when a fire anyway yummy Murphy Hema Minato ku Mathis Maroon Mustapha la honey welcome Marian muslimeen I mean could even bid for stock Bureau in the who can have a

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cluster brothers that if there's any space in front, can you move forward there's a lot of brothers outside of standing by the walls

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hamdulillah Hello,

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Sophia tienen pasado en la ilaha illallah wa de la sharika lahu talim Alicia Machado Nabina Muhammad Abdul

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sallallahu wasallam Allah Baraka Ali, Ali, he was the one who seldom at the Sleeman kathira about as our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told us, I ATO policy is the greatest single verse in the book of Allah azza wa jal, and it is not possible to do justice to it in such a short space of time, in such a short book, but I have only barely scratched the surface of the script verse of the Quran. The true test of faith is that it is upon every single individual and every single person, that they go back and they study the book of a larger agenda. They go back and they study these verses and the sutras that we have emphasis placed upon them within the sunova Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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Allah azza wa jal speaks about the Quran. And he describes it as a light. And he describes it as a source of guidance. And he describes it as a mercy. And he describes it as a cure for what is in the chests of men. It is a cure for your hearts. We recite the Quran, and we get very little guidance, we recite the Koran, and we don't see much light in our lives. We get the Quran we recite the Quran. Yeah, we don't have much mercy coming our way we recite the Koran, our hearts are still full of the diseases of the dunya. So the problem isn't with the Quran, is not with the book of Allah. But the problem is with me and you, the problem is with us, because just like when you have medicine, if

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that medicine is given to a person who is ill, but it is incorrect, the medicine is not the right cure for that disease, or the dose is too high, or is too low, or some problem has happened in the prognosis of that issue, then that medicine will have very little effect. So likewise with the book of Allah azza wa jal, it is the origin and there is a cure. It is a light and there is a guidance and it is a mercy. But because we don't use it properly, because the dosage is not right, because we don't recite it as we should, and memorize as we should, and understand it as we should, and ponder, reflect over as we should, and comprehend it as we should, when we find that there is very little

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impact in our lives. Whereas if we were to truly recite the Quran, and understand it, and have that connection with the plan, and implement its teachings and ponder and reflect over its meanings, Iran would be a light and a guidance, it would be a cure, and it would be a mercy. All of our affairs in the dunya would revolve around the Quran, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would become unhappy or something would distress him in the dunya. He would say to be loud, I don't know dishonor, there is take solace and tranquility from the prayer and what is one of the greatest aspects of the prayer, the recitation of the Quran, and that's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa

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sallam when he would pray his optional prayers, he would recite in his archives, the likes of Al Baqarah. And

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he wouldn't pray enough for prayers and recite his loss on the smallest Searles. rather he would recite Surah

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An Nisa and Alma either the longest chapters of the Quran. Why? Because Eliza whittle says, Allah be the karela he

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indeed, verily, it is with the remembrance of Allah that our hearts achieved tranquility. And so my dear brothers and sisters in Islam, never Is it enough, never is enough to hear one of ayatul kursi would you listen to a lecture about Surah Fatiha or to read a book about surah tomorrow, or rather, every single Muslim needs to go to the Quran and studied it to the best of their ability, using whatever means are at their disposal. This is the very least that we can do with a book that Allah has sent to us for guidance. Because on your Yama we have no excuse. We can't come and say to Allah azzawajal we haven't

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guidance. There was no Koran. No book was given to us. Everything has been placed within the Koran every answer every single thing that you need for your salvation for this dunya and the next everything was in within the Koran, but it is incumbent and the duty of every one of us to go and then look for that salvation and to search for that guidance and to seek out that light and that mercy that Allah has within the Quran. Allah subhanho wa Taala with his most beautiful names and his most lofty attributes that he makes us from amongst those people who are truly attached to the Quran. Those people who truly understand the Quran and reflect and ponder over the Quran, those

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people who comprehend and implement the teachings of the Quran.

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The Quran will come and he will intercede on our behalf and he will not intercede the instance that we won't be from amongst those people who used to read the words, but we never understood them. We read the words, but we never implemented his teachings. We read the Quran. We never followed the tailor and it's haram has colossal Ouattara that he guides us to that which he loves, and that which he which he is pleased with

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malamala Murakami he been upset with Santa Fe Hebei Malika

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well you have become a

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football opponent Karima inala hamanaka de Luna Allah nebby Yeah, Nadine amanu sallu alayhi wa sallam Otis Lima Allahumma salli wa sallim wa barik ala Nicola sonica Mohammed

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Rashid de la muchacha de Habiba Kramer Omar was Mantovani, Juan Soto sabotage Marin, Waterbury in a woman Toby. Yummy Dean,

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Judy Kawakami. kya Pramila kamin Allah homophily Muslim, you know, one

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minute Allah Muhammad Allah Susana taqwa was a Roman Chaka Hunter. What do you have a Mona

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Tina, Tina Fey dunia Hashanah orfila purity Hashanah. Now soprano Yamanashi phone masala Monaro mousseline hamdulillahi Rabbil aalameen

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