Muhammad West – The Doctorine of Discovery & Slave Heritage in South Africa

Muhammad West
AI: Summary © The speakers discuss the history and meaning behind the controversial topic of slavery in South Africa, including the use of slavery in modern clothing and the negative impact on people's lives. They emphasize the need for education and investment in opportunities for indigenous people, a trusting society, and a better negotiation process. They also discuss the importance of the US dollar and the potential impact on their customer base, as well as their focus on reducing debt and maintaining a strong balance sheet. They provide updates on their financial outlook and outlook for the remainder of 2019, including the impact of the pandemic on their business and customer base.
AI: Transcript ©
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and we will proceed with the lecture

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against the doctrine of discovery and slave heritage in South Africa

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we're gonna get to

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it, I just want to check in with a live streamer.

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Okay, so hopefully we'll have that more people listening to a live stream.

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Normally, I have a I control the, the presentation, but I think my colleague and

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you will know when to do it.

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I'll imagine a different system.

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Okay, so I'm talking today about the doctrine of discovery and our slave narratives in South Africa. Now,

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we will all like what I mean a few weeks ago, myself and share your answer today.

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We spoke about a topic was Ramadan, you know, that I was going to do at the masjid.

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And I'd like to share with you when I was just busy reading a book now.

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The book was called uncomfortable truth. And in there, they speak about this doctrine of discovery. And I was shocked by what I read because I didn't quite understand the historical context of, of our current state, our state of slavery, our state of,

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you know, being underprivileged people in a certain geographic location.

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Until I just started reading up on the doctrinal discoveries restitution. Later me let me talk about the Doctrine of Discovery. Now, this was a good few weeks ago, maybe about six weeks ago. Then we drafted the the pamphlet

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and everything. And funnily enough, two weeks ago, just two weeks ago, that 14 days ago,

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the Pope or the Vatican, they renounced the doctrine of discovery of the 550 years. So just a fluke of history that we started talking about the doctrine of discovery. And now it's been renounced in but of course, it did a lot of damage. Now, let's look at the damage that it goes because the next slide can Allah.

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Okay, so let's look at religion organized religion, Nabi Musa, I've got Moses.

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Some would argue that who, in that particular time in speaking about the context of slavery now, that during that time period, slavery was kind of a normal thing?

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Anyone look, look at those Scriptures in the Old Testament.

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It almost seemed as if Nabi Musa was actually pro slavery, but maybe it wasn't pro slavery. We were just speaking to the time

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that they were living in and they will no gaveling The treatment of slaves in the Old Testament. And it included provisions for the safety, appropriate compensations and releases. And of course, at the same time, they were examples

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which we could always interpret

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it and it seemed like Nabi Musa condones but I want to put that right into that I want to say that the old scriptures, including the Torah, the Bible, in the Quran, is all written in allegorical,

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logical and regarded forms, everything is subject to interpretation. So it depends, obviously,

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how you would interpret that, of course, a lot of interpretations are historians. It will vary among scholars and theologians.

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Now, here's one example in chapter 21, Exodus, verses 20 to 21. It says, If a man beats is male mail, can we get the next slide?

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Okay, if a man beats his male or female slave with a rod, and the slave dies, as a direct result,

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he must be punished, but is not to be punished. If a slave gets up after a day you do. Sin, the slave is his property. I mean, this is divine scripture, at the time.

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And of course, in Leviticus chapter 25 939, to 43 requires that Hebrew slaves must be released after six years of service or in the Jubilee. So these various verses in Old Testament, that kind of, in almost endorses this audible concept of slavery that was prevalent at the time, when, of course, the revelation of the above Exodus.

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And, of course, many other examples, which I'm not really going to go into, but there there is,

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Exodus, chapter 21, five and six also, if a slave decides that he wants to be with his master, and you make certain declarations in front of the judge, then you will forever remain a slave. And that is basically setting out the process for which you will remain a servant for life.

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Next slide. Next slide.

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Okay, I see a picture of the navigated timer. Now the Isa Jesus

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died in nine in the scriptures

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of the New Testament, Jesus does not directly addressed the issue of slavery in the Bible, he speaks of love, respect, and equality of all human beings, speaks of love thy neighbor, and of course, the Golden Rule, which is treat others as you would like to treat yourself. And

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that very sentence is incompatible with the practice of slavery. So now I can see the shift from the Musa did not be Isa, there's a shift.

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And you probably wondering, why does that photo look like doesn't look like Jesus. That one looks like Jesus will also that. And that was of course part of the colonial

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principle that Jesus needed to look white

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Because Europe colonize, and of course, Europeans, God be praying to a brown God, play God.

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And yet recently, they did a reconstruction of the, of the potential possibility of how now visa wouldn't looked, being born in Nazareth, maintaining the bond between.

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And they came up with that very Palestinian looking man in that picture. And that was basically the the contrast I want to bring over to the tension that we will lead to believe that Jesus was white. But science proved to this modern era, that Jesus was, in fact, a Palestinian. And he looked like a Palestinian, even the Bible speaks about the skin being like first class, and is here being like, the womb of the land.

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And that's more compatible with a picture that we see the right inside. But coming back to slavery.

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Now it next slide please. Now we speak about the Prophet sallahu alayhi wa sallam.

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And here we can see a major shift in our religion viewed slavery. And although slavery existed during the time of the Prophet,

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and it was an accepted practice in the Arabian Peninsula and beyond.

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The Prophet sallahu wa sallam encouraged and facilitated the liberation and feed treatment of slaves. So you can see the shift now.

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The Prophet, our Prophet sallahu, wa salam encouraged and facilitated the release and liberation of slaves, and emphasize fair treatment and equality for non Muslim slaves.

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Okay for non enslaving Muslims. So, the Prophet also said was very fake, and he didn't matter your status.

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we could argue that our Prophet sallallahu Sallam sought to in and abolish the institution of slavery. And the overall message of our Prophet was compassion, justice, and equality for all people, regardless of the status in society. And all this no will know this very well. But it is giving a kind of his analysis of, of what our religion view slavery.

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So there was a move away from the common practice that that was actually prevalent amongst, you know, the kings and queens and church, whatever it was, they promoted this whole concept of slavery, but our messengers, they actually came, and there was an evolution and moving away from it.

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So next, next slide, please.

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So now we get to what we call the doctrine of discovery, which is a topic that we even raise Yeah. This was a

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revelation for me. And we in the modern day, see that? Why did we never talk about this when you were at school in university? When I was at UCT, for four years? I was and I did, I was doing arts. And maybe they discussed it in, in theology. But certainly I didn't hear about it. And I mean, it was it has been around for 510 15 years.

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So the doctrine of discovery was written in 1452,

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between 1452 and 1493,

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by the church in Europe and US, in the US and other places, to justify white supremacy, slavery,

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stealing land and genocide.

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what does it contain? The Doctrine of Discovery contains that there's what we call a pipe boo boo. And this is what the Pope actually wrote and released.

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So in this people who that was for the benefit, mostly at the time

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of Spain,

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and Portugal. Remember, that wasn't there were minor power in Europe at the time.

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So the Doctrine of Discovery speaks about invade, search out, capture, vanquish, subdue all citizens and pagans whatsoever in other enemies of Christ we ever placed at the kingdom do victims from

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abilities dominions, possessions and all movable and immovable goods whatsoever held in possessed by them and to reduce the person's to perpetual slavery

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and to apply and appropriate to himself and his successes, the kingdoms dictums, counties, principalities, dominions, possessions and goods

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in to convert them to ease and the use and profit. And this was written by a man of cloth,

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a man supposedly of God,

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Pope Nicholas the fourth, in terms of his people who are 1452 now illustrated the viewpoint of organized religion. And now the church comes along and they want to entrench this disposition, that slavery was okay. Through these through the Doctrine of Discovery.

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Now, as I use the word Saturday, Sunday, so just check what the word citizen means. Next slide, please. It is used in the past by Christians, for a Muslim who fought in religious wars of the 11th 12th and 17th centuries against Christians, the citizens who like church and chainmail when they defeated the Crusaders. Now, Saracen actually mean, in the in the, in the in the Doctrine of Discovery, it refers to Muslims, citizens, we know citizens to be a rugby club some way.

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But the reality is that where the name comes from, it's a noun, which referred to Muslims. Now, you know, when we speak, speak again about Saracens in future, that, you know, it's literally the word comes from the next slide.

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But it's another doctrine discovery of discovery is a legal principle developed by European countries in the 15th and 16th century, it gave them the right to claim ownership and control over lands they discovered in the Americas and Africa. Next slide.

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The doctrine of discovery

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was utilized

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to justify European colonization and enslavement of native peoples. And it also justified the forced transportation of millions of Africans to the Americas to work as slaves who is not there. Now, the the authority of the Church to do that, do that time the church wasn't like it is now. The church was very, very powerful. And kings and queens derive the power from the churches. I mean, the churches were like exceptionally powerful during that period. So to get the justification by the church,

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it's almost like God told you it's okay. Because that's what the covered what what the what the Vatican claimed at the time that they are the representative of God on earth.

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So Catholicism was the was the only religion as far as they were concerned, and not even other other branches of Christianity, I Protestants of the theory and whatever the reality was, they were the representative of God. And therefore, if you were in occupation, or in possession or ownership of a non Christian land,

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then there's justification for complete conquest. Next slide.

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So the idea was that Africans were considered uncivilized

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and not entitled to the same rights as Europeans.

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There's reasoning also provided the justification, as I said, for the transatlantic slave trade, and the European powers viewing themselves as civilizing Africa, through taking Africans from the homeland and enslaving them.

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These actions lead to the dehumanization and exploitation of African populations with negatives and can still be seen today.

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In the ongoing impacts of colonialism, racism and economic exploitation. I want to give a quick example of economic exploitation that happens up to today.

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If you take your hand, you take your sheelane of Kenya, you take your squat, your kwacha, whatever currency you have in Africa,

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and you take that to Europe, it gets totally disregarded. Only if you got $1 Or you got a euro

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or you had a pound

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of an Australian Dollar Canadian Dollar, then you UK, but you have any other currency. It gets

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During this recording, that's still part of our economic exploitation. Yet

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we have the resources, and those countries don't have resources, yet we are the impoverished ones. So this doctrine of discovery was fully operational,

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right up to do it to do so until they renounced. But of course, it takes another two 300 years to be released from the fallout of such an injustice. People speak in South Africa about this country is messed up is come,

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state entities all messed up, we need to find nine people. So you stopped blaming apartheid. But this is an experiment that has been happening for hundreds of years, centuries.

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Apartheid and colonialism and imperialism, and slavery. Those are just factors of the bigger picture.

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The bigger picture was the doctrine of discovery.

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So we, so when people say to South Africa, I always tell people listen, we are only 50, not even 50 is out of colonialism apart?

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Do you really expect us to be a fully operational first world country? It's impossible, not to all the inequality and poverty that has been rained upon us by these experiments, like the doctrine

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of discovery. So

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if somebody asked you the question, was the French Revolution successful? And the only answer that we can give them is, it's too early to tell. And that's how long it takes for an injustice to be remedied. So this is part of the and I want people to be very mindful. This is a very interesting picture. In fact, we've seen y'all seen it in history, how Europeans put black African slaves into the hole of ships.

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And this happened in the cape as well. You know, we all have this idea that we all come from a lady saint

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was our ancestors among Malays.

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But these people came in at the same time, people from Mozambique, people from Madagascar, people from Zanzibar, wherever these colonialists could pick them up along the way. And they were brought here to the Cape the Indian slaves also here.

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So people that think that Indians only arrived 200 years after the Malaysia that's a misnomer. Okay, me at the same time, and the intermarriage and their children together and we today are the offspring of those people that came into the cape.

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Yet we also have that sense of of superiority sometimes, if somebody is to talk me is by a dunker even told him stuff like my speakers and taka RONIS and all kinds of names that we all thought was okay. But the reality was we Okay, in that same old, were they putting those people in.

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So next slide, please.

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So, although there is a direct link between the Pope and the Dutch East India Company, because we all know that that is in the company, they were the controlling power here was full authority from the Dutch king or queen government. But they operated like their own company, that their own laws. Now, they obviously didn't have a direct link between Protestant and

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sorry, between Catholic because they were mostly Protestant.

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But they got the authority from the fact that European countries were doing it in any case.

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They were basically in any case, pillaging the world. And it became a scramble for Africa, for Asia. For the Americas, for the Caribbean, for everywhere for this for South America. People like Pizarro, people like Cortez Alvarado, these these people, they will conquistadors, they will do for gold and resources in South America. They were killers and they were murderers. But they get celebrated today. Columbus they get celebrated. We have Rhodes here named after God, the gamma with areas called Vasco.

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And these people were not, as we were told, they were not adventurous in discoveries. They act

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It was in a mandate. Vanquish conquer, right? Foliage murder in slave. That was the KPI.

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We speak about the type of work we do today.

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next slide, please.

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So for centuries, there was human rights violations that resulted with all these economic, social and cultural losses. And for centuries, European nation enslaved millions of Africans and Asians,

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and they subjected them to brutal dehumanization, in humanizing treatment by the captors. And they were basically the trauma that was inflicted upon you at law, long lasting effects in terms of in fact, I'm not gonna say they even got away with you speaking to us here.

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So it had long lasting effects on our well being, social status, and of course, our economic opportunities. Next slide.

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So if you look at that, let's dive now there's probably hundreds of people like this. That was cool discoveries in insurance.

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I mean, they discovered lands that already existed people live the people that tortures the people and their own form of communication, their own form of government, their own form of everything. Although they then say no, these people are uncivilized. So people like Christopher Columbus, who allegedly discovered the New World. And then we have people like America, Vespucci, who also discovered America even named America after him a merry go this Gucci

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is number eight on that list.

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Murder is like Leif Erikson, who is believed to have to so they all claim to have discovered America. I think, when they when they got into the boat, the first island they saw was America. All of them. lumbers, America Vespucci, Leif Erickson, who claimed to have discovered the miracle, yet, what the limbs

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that are why we've got the capital of Honolulu. Honolulu means the place of both gonna play soccer. And Lulu is false plays of both. Yeah. So that tells me there was Arab z as well at some point. And as far as why, in the Pacific, which means them as discovered discovered America long before that. But anyway, history don't get written by victims. History gets written by the victors. So we have people like this, like Magallon.

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Cook, oh, no, most of these people, if you go into the day history, and the unedited version of history, you'll find that that error navigators.

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The people that navigate to them were basically Muslims. But they took the graded because they are the history.

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And of course, in the 20th century, 21st century, we were taught that history, no issues, they took the credit. But my contention is they are a bunch of murderers, and they were acting in accordance with a KPI that

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the Doctrine of Discovery is giving them the license to do whatever they wanted to do. Now I'm gonna grab one name. Next slide, please.

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Vasco de Gama. We all learned about this gentleman Vasco de Gama. But let me tell you what is good the gamma did in 1502.

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There was a ship called the MIDI, who get it Muslim pilgrims on the way from kalakuta Makkah

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400 passengers,

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including women and children.

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So what Vasco de Gama did next slide, next slide.

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He came across his ship eluted the ship and he locked the passengers owner, the owner and an ambassador from Egypt was thrown overboard. The passengers had offered the wealth and Ransom but the gamma did not submit. He said the ship on fire and all those those on board burn to the death. And this incident was a brutal act of violence and has been widely criticized. But despite this Vasco de Gama row as a Portuguese explorer and navigator is still celebrated in many parts of the world including this part of the world.

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And if you recall your primary two things

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they spoke about the gamma is one hero

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In South Africa in the year, they spoke about, yes, as an African hero. And of course, I'm living as a South African, you know. But if you if you take the microscope and you look start looking at these people, they were murderous imagine murdering 400 people are on their way

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to hedge funds with all their positions.

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So the reality is that we really need to start looking at the so called Heroes. So when we condemned all the young people a few years ago, what that odes was full protests.

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Do we know why we condemned them? Do we know why we see there are a bunch of young criminals.

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But we need to look at these people like roads, and the gamma, and d s, and Van Rybnik. We statues all

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all around and look at the conduct and see if they are actually really worth celebrating today. But that 400 to judge a lot Allah put them all in Jana.

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And by the one positive thing to me after that was, I was very amazed that in first female do, people were already going on hatch, by ship by form of some form of, of mass transport, to go and fetch. It wasn't just people on the Saudi Arabian peninsula that traveled by caravan is people coming with with a ship that I'm in first female to is like a long time ago, well hungry level that but as I say, I trust that your mighty will grant all those people agenda to those.

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This just get back onto my

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and as I say, he still doesn't teach us these things. I mean, we need to go find these things. And we need to put it out there. So I'm very happy today that we have a live stream. And I'm hoping a lot of people are actually, you know, taking this next slide, please.

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Oh, by the way, for people that wonder, raise callicoon it's not Calcutta. It is a city in Kerala, in South India on the Malabar coast. And a lot of people from the Cape the Indians especially came from that concert Malabar coast.

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In fact, the first slave that got here in 1658, when riebeek slave was actually for malaba. So it wasn't maliciousness. They came from India.

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Next one.

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So come the Dutch East India Company. Okay. So they were the entity that introduced slavery to the game.

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And they initially relied on the small number of enslaved people from Madagascar. And in this,

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but after the 1680s, the supply of slaves was increased

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through rage on the East African coast, and the purges of slaves from slave traders.

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In Mozambique and Madagascar, then, of course, there were certain ships, that shipwreck was slaves.

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I mean, that was maybe destined for Brazil, or the Americas.

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And the cave, a shipwreck, a tank, there was a shipwreck here in gamsberg. And half of the slaves drought, the other 250, they were incorporated into the, into the community, okay.

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So it came from all over. Next one.

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So the data is in the company, they use the slaves or the enslaved people. In fact, we need to also get away from the word. We were slaves. We need to utilize the term insulin, to nobody willingly become this line. And we were brought from another destination that we were slave, like, sisters were slaves. They were enslaved. Yeah. So we need to get the terminology, right. Because all the years we just there was slavery. And it puts a negative connotation on that particular person, without any blame to anybody. But when you say I was enslaved, you immediately say, somebody did it to me. We need to blame somebody. But the reality was, that it was easy to use a word just slang

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because it was probably a slave in another place in Kenya, but a lot of free people. It was Queensland. So we need to adopt that word instantly.

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So coming back to the these enslaved people used to work on farms in households

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and in businesses throughout the Cape Colony.

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And over time, the enslaved population in Cape Town greens

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size and diversity, including people from Eastern Africa, Madagascar, India and Southeast Asia. That was the melting pot of the society. We all came from.

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The slaves worked in kitchens. I mean, they were they were the cooks. So of course, the Dutch claimed all those, those beautiful things that happened in those kitchens. They claimed all this. All the other work that was done on the wind farms enslave people made the battles.

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In fact, the Muslim way the base battles

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up to very recently. I mean, I've got a picture of the circus in Wales,

00:35:42 --> 00:35:48

where they were still busy with Eroica for years, and they were making battles. So

00:35:49 --> 00:35:50


00:35:51 --> 00:35:53

was utilized to the full extent.

00:35:55 --> 00:35:59

We were never compensated, our ancestors were never compensated for the free labor.

00:36:01 --> 00:36:05

The way they pulled the city last night, or Hamdulillah,

00:36:06 --> 00:36:09

we had the first house in the castle.

00:36:10 --> 00:36:23

But our ancestors built that car. So maybe they also made that our weekly whilst being in the tangents while they were locked up the we don't know. But remember, in 1642, Islam was banned.

00:36:25 --> 00:36:28

In terms of of a blackout in India,

00:36:29 --> 00:36:43

that the Dutch East India Company and Islam, but they tolerated Islam. Why? Because they tolerate the religion of the people that actually do the work. But there was another evil reason why they tolerated Islam.

00:36:45 --> 00:36:54

The reason was that if a slave an enslaved person, they can baptize them there the right to buy the freedom.

00:36:55 --> 00:37:02

And the children born of an enslaved person was born free. But if you remain Muslim,

00:37:03 --> 00:37:06

then you call by your freedom, your slave,

00:37:07 --> 00:37:40

and your children will also be born slaves. So by becoming baptized of Christian, that depleted the wealth of that Freeburg attachment. So it was in the interest of the Dutch boys into mental that you remain Muslim. We didn't carry Islam, because it increased the wealth. But imagine, all the Muslims here decided that we were going to be baptized, now we're going to become Christian. In one generation later, they were moving bankrupt. No more slaves.

00:37:41 --> 00:37:53

So that was the reality also, despite our faith, or the faith of our ancestors, there was also an economic reason why slavery, why Islam thrived in the

00:37:54 --> 00:38:16

end, we still thriving today. So it was a positive thing. So that that was the silver lining at a very, very dark cloud, that Islam survived through the machinations. So you can see odd slavery was there was I actually borrowed these paintings from the Cape Muslim

00:38:17 --> 00:38:22

heritage museum at the castle. So I'll forgive me, forgive me for using it.

00:38:23 --> 00:38:24


00:38:25 --> 00:38:49

these are the images that you will see in the museum. And it shows the brutality of slavery. It shows the the shining, the selling, the beating, and, of course, the very hard journey from places like Southeast Asia within these and all those African countries. Can you imagine that ship? Nobody didn't acknowledge on that ship.

00:38:51 --> 00:39:01

They pack 400 people into that galley at the bottom 400 people, knowing actuarially that only maybe a half of them will survive the journey.

00:39:03 --> 00:39:15

So the minute you get sick, or whatever it was, you just get thrown overboard. Simple as other adults with weather. So actually, we really do they'll take 400 people

00:39:16 --> 00:39:25

and bring them here 200 Or maybe survive, and other 200 only 100 of them will be useful or productive.

00:39:26 --> 00:39:28

I'm German actuarial

00:39:30 --> 00:39:38

Charmilles actuary. So I you will concur. That that was the business model that they Next slide please.

00:39:41 --> 00:39:47

So when of course slavery was abolished in the Cape Colony in 1834, following the

00:39:48 --> 00:39:53

passage of the slavery abolishing act in Britain was one.

00:39:55 --> 00:39:59

And of course, there was lots of people, politicians, especially a gentleman called will

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William Wilberforce was a member of parliament who campaigned.

00:40:05 --> 00:40:06

Next Next slide.

00:40:08 --> 00:40:13

Okay pain very hard for slavery to be abolished. And of course, there's a lot of pressure.

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But of course, now in Britain and Europe, they somehow managed to abolish slavery, banned slavery. And of course, the Arabs also followed the same because there was a slave traders.

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And that was followed, the process was now being illegal slavery to be illegal.

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In fact, I still struggle today to figure out how powerful Britain must have been because Britain could also tell other nation states that slavery is no longer allowed. You look at a place like Zanzibar, Zanzibar that was a hub of slavery was run by Oman, the people of Oman.

00:40:59 --> 00:41:23

And even they had to abandon slavery. So you can imagine how powerful Britain was at the time. Because it was I even went to a cave in, in Zanzibar. With the shoulders, we the Omani Arabs used to hide the slaves if there was a British ship that came into port. So obviously, slavery took a bit longer to disappear.

00:41:24 --> 00:42:00

But the breads dead simple, they simply replace the term endangered labor was slavery before slave. So indentured labor that they took of mostly from India to work on the sugarcane plantations and elsewhere, they simply changed the name. And that same word, endangered labor is nothing more than a slave by imagining. So that is what happened. So they always have a way to darkness system, but still operating under the guise of the doctrine of discovery. Baseline, please.

00:42:02 --> 00:42:18

So we had South Africans, how do we heal from this legacy of slavery? I mean, I'm certainly in the heart of the place where we slaves settled, which was this was a slave quarter became broke up afterwards, oh, scotch glue for the in Germany names.

00:42:20 --> 00:42:29

So South Africans can begin to heal by acknowledging the pain and trauma inflicted on enslaved people and their descendants.

00:42:31 --> 00:43:07

This includes recognizing the continued impact of slavery and modern days of Africa, such as economic and social inequality. Now, my question to us is, why are we so silent about slavery? You have the first people acquainting the same people saying, this is our land, it was stolen. You have the Aboriginal people in Australia saying this is our land, it was stolen. Here the Canadian people say, are the original people, indigenous peoples in this outlet, it was stolen.

00:43:08 --> 00:43:26

We want reparations and we learned compensation. But yet we, as former as descendants of enslaved people, we also quiet about this thing. Yet the labor was stolen of iron sisters. It affected as deeply as today.

00:43:28 --> 00:43:58

Yet, not a peep from our people about we does compensations waders reparations for the state that we find ourselves in today for the injustice that was inflicted upon our ancestors, for the theft of the intellectual property, whether it was building, whether it was clothing, manufacturing, whether it was recipes, that was intellectual property that was stolen from our people.

00:44:00 --> 00:44:01

The access the

00:44:02 --> 00:44:05

Netflix all that we seen really sometimes

00:44:06 --> 00:44:14

that became the ecosystem. But who made that cook sisters and who improved and who use the spices

00:44:16 --> 00:44:17

that they knew about?

00:44:18 --> 00:44:19

What about

00:44:21 --> 00:44:24

the herbs? The indigenous herbs.

00:44:25 --> 00:44:34

The Khoisan people had been married the Khoisan people, those very enslaved people marry the Khoisan woman. There was no Malay woman there

00:44:35 --> 00:44:58

was no white woman here. The Khoisan woman were here and that man hovered the gold drink. Still up till today. It wasn't the water that was made into our fun. It was herbs it was in that water. When Where do you think the herbs came from? It came from the Khoisan lady that understood herbs. So if a husband had a fever, target all cells

00:44:59 --> 00:44:59

in the body

00:45:00 --> 00:45:10

ripped into the water. And the learned person of Islam made the DUA and he made the Koran. And then the people thought as the difficult

00:45:11 --> 00:45:16

but very own of your rizoma. It was a little bit more than that even herbs in here as well.

00:45:18 --> 00:45:38

So, the point is, is a lot of our history that we still need to examine where does these things come from. But the reality of it is we, as the cape Muslims, our heritage is very much Khoisan, our heritage is very much same. A European is very much enslaved people.

00:45:39 --> 00:46:15

And we need to embrace it. And we need to start looking at that people that carried out the doctrine of discovery was new eyes. It wasn't just a party. It wasn't just colonialism, imperialism, it was a doctrine of discovery that subjected us to the type of life that we have today. And that that violated the dignity of our forefathers and our ancestors. Now, how can we address this next slide, please?

00:46:17 --> 00:46:41

Now we can address this by education and public awareness campaign pretty much like this. And I understand this plaza after the rural needs of geratol. Output Azur, then is resolved on it attend much of these workshops or, or lectures. But I'm hopeful that you know that the thing is recorded and people will be able to,

00:46:43 --> 00:46:56

to you to see it on YouTube at some point. But what we do need as getting Muslims is healing through reparations. And what does that actually mean? It means providing financial compensation,

00:46:57 --> 00:47:08

land rights and resources to a disadvantaged communities that can help address the institutional and systemic effects of slavery.

00:47:09 --> 00:47:15

Because we don't think of it all this was happening was it was a, we got our house, we got our car.

00:47:18 --> 00:47:19

But we don't look at the bigger picture.

00:47:20 --> 00:47:48

And the thing is, that is what we need to start unlearning those bad behaviors and relearning the reason why we are in the state that we are in today. So next slide, please be promoting cultural diversity, and celebrating South African history. through doing that we can foster a sense of unity and pride in our nation's rich heritage. And this includes recognizing

00:47:49 --> 00:48:26

the diversity of ethnicity, culture and heritage among South Africans, as well as promoting social and cultural programs, encourage tolerance, cross cultural exchanges and reconciliation. Maybe some of our language needs to change in the way we address other people. When we speak about Mossad as we speak about the genre, you know, like getting very angry tones. Maybe we need to learn to live with people, maybe we need to make them understand we are a bit better, like we doing now.

00:48:27 --> 00:49:16

I had a talk to a group of Jewish people on in the week. And I spoke to them about Islam in South Africa. And I spoke to them about the museum at the castle. And they embraced it so wholeheartedly that these are things that didn't know, they didn't know us. They see us at the waterfront they see us when we protest against Israel, they see us when we in these negative things on TV, but do we because remember, the media will never promote our positive things. So we need to go out and we need to market a positive things. We need to go out there and say, This is who we are. We are Muslims. But this is what Islam teaches us. As opposed to just assuming that they will take the effort to

00:49:16 --> 00:49:41

learn about us. We need to think about the we need to start living with the other 98% of population is of Africa, because ultimately only 2% of the population. So it's up to us to get our marketing machine in order to get to that whole issue of cross cultural exchanges and returns a nation. So let's quickly talk about compensation.

00:49:43 --> 00:49:59

Now, a lot of people when they think of compensation, they just think of my workout regimen. I can't be paid for the suffering that our ancestors endured. Somebody can say to me, it's up to them.

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00:50:01 --> 00:50:02

given me nothing.

00:50:03 --> 00:50:21

We need something more than money. Right? So what what, what do we want? Because if you take 2 million people, and they give us even 2 billion, he's gonna get 1000. Right? Does it make sense does it. So the reality is members look beyond money.

00:50:22 --> 00:50:29

And we need to, in our quest, to get to justice.

00:50:31 --> 00:51:18

And to restore the dignity, equality and opportunities, we do certain things we need to do, but it's going to take work of a lot of activists, because I've accepted many years ago that most of our people in our community will never become activists. They are happy just to coast alarm, live day to day, and, and not worry about tomorrow real, for the future they live with today. And the public, there's nothing wrong with it depends on your level of education, and what your parents taught you. So most people will probably don't have a quest for, for voting for leadership and for justice, unless an injustice happens to them.

00:51:19 --> 00:51:41

So we need to remedy that situation. Now, how is that the Jews of the Holocaust? How is it that they got compensation from Germany and Italy in places that were that would that was a fight in the horrors of World War Two?

00:51:42 --> 00:51:56

Even people like that were awarded reparations. But we as Muslims, who has had this all these years, we don't worry about reparations, we just have been the way we are.

00:51:57 --> 00:52:00

So what we will do now, was that pause a little bit for you.

00:52:02 --> 00:52:04

Okay, so

00:52:06 --> 00:52:09

what we're doing now is, and even Next slide.

00:52:14 --> 00:52:21

So this whole issue of reparations, as I say, nobody's having this conversation

00:52:23 --> 00:52:52

about reparations, because it's complex, and it's controversial. opinions or defer? Who should receive what, how much my username in with was the dean in the new day for part of this thing? If you send them into the English learning, are you really part of the Malay culture or slave culture? So the point is, it's still gonna become a very difficult conversation.

00:52:53 --> 00:53:02

And some argue that the state of South African statements pay reparations for the work that was done in this country over many centuries.

00:53:03 --> 00:53:06

But we all know our country don't have that much money.

00:53:07 --> 00:53:30

But is it really should they be paying for it because if they benefit, they really benefit. Others would argue that compensation should take the form of investments in education, and economic development was in the affected communities. Ultimately, it will be up to the policymakers and advocates for justice. And I must say that NASA is sitting there.

00:53:31 --> 00:54:03

He's one of those advocates that say that must be in the form of investments in education, and economic opportunities. So because this is something we discuss all the time, same with Chef, and we are gonna have a program, maybe a series of programs on this on voice of the cake, you know, come after the Ramadan, because we need to mobilize our people, that we must not just sit back and accept that for centuries, we have been disadvantaged and now today,

00:54:04 --> 00:54:19

other people are seeking land and compensation and the gifting land and compensation and we because our silence, we will not be getting anything. So what do we do?

00:54:24 --> 00:54:30

Firstly, what we've got at the moment, I'm thinking like a lawyer now, because that's what I do during the day.

00:54:32 --> 00:54:48

There is an acknowledgment, European countries participated in exploitation of African resources and enslaved people. And that acknowledgement comes in the form of the renunciation that happened two weeks ago by the Vatican.

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The impact of exploitation led to disparities in economic power, and standard of living between European countries and many African countries.

00:55:00 --> 00:55:12

and the ongoing effects of historical injustices and systemic or systematic inequalities. So where do we do now? Where do we go from here? quovadis is the next slide Corolla.

00:55:15 --> 00:55:19

Quo Vadis means which way? Where do we go now? Next slide.

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You see if I was no an imam that would have been in Arabic EcoVadis because I'm a lawyer is in Latin.

00:55:29 --> 00:55:37

So what we want these a sincere apology? And of course, yes, our dream of reparations. Next slide canola.

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Firstly, we should lobby

00:55:43 --> 00:55:46

these European states to provide free education

00:55:47 --> 00:55:53

and job training to indigenous people and slave descendants as the first. Next one.

00:55:56 --> 00:56:00

We need to create a fund to prove to provide

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support to local businesses, art and cultural initiatives. And that's quite easy to do.

00:56:09 --> 00:56:13

I mean, as part of our strategy going forward number three, next one

00:56:15 --> 00:56:29

is to provide financial compensation for the land and resources taken from local people. And I'm thinking immediately of places like odaiko. With these achromat then, of course, our people were living there at some point.

00:56:30 --> 00:56:33

Now it's owned by the v&a, we've resulted to recently

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places like Constantia where our forefathers were, where they cultivated the land. And they will move to places like Lavender Hill and Lotus River and all those places that is riddled with crime and drugs and is not conducive for the raising of our children. Yeah, you have a picture of my sister Tina is one of the Solomons is. That was the claim. He was the attorney for the Solomon's family, who claim the land back and that's what they did with a piece of land in Constantia. They created a huge shopping movie, on the M three vitrage policy. Next slide.

00:57:15 --> 00:57:32

And let's not talk about our land. We also want the return or restoration of our sacred sites, and must be given to the original owners. And as I spoke about older crowd, there's places like the borough that's always under threat. As we all know,

00:57:33 --> 00:58:01

these places like Accra, Manchester, and the threat is places like cemeteries, it's under threat. So the reality is that we need to identify the sacred sites. Loaded Street was a sacred site, it was taken in the gay quarter, wherever they call it now the pink quarter. So the reality is, we need to start looking at these things and claiming the return of it. Next slide. Next slide.

00:58:03 --> 00:58:41

We need to provide free health care and mental health services to indigenous people, enslaved descendants. I mean, you had the COVID pandemic and we saw all the resources of Europe and America being harnessed and and being sold off to to African countries and Aboriginal countries. We need to demand that we win free health care. We need to demand that they technology assist us with our transplants, or lung transplants, or kidney failures, all that type of things. We have the power to do that, and we have the moral authority to do it. Next slide.

00:58:43 --> 00:59:21

We need to create a special fund to support indigenous language revitalization. That is Omaka three notwithstanding the next to me a few weeks ago, she visited the castle. She is one of the last speakers of the new language. And Amanda has sent you a lot of the enslaved people of this game yet, when they coupled up with indigenous people and married the local people here that they also understood those languages. We need to demand that they create a special fund to preserve some of those languages.

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The next one

00:59:27 --> 00:59:47

we need access to clean water, renewable energy sources and sanitation services. We've all had crises like these. In the last few years. We had a shortage of water. We had a shortage of the we have a shortage of electricity and of course basic services. I mean, we couldn't swim in some of our beaches recently.

00:59:48 --> 00:59:59

People got ill when they swam in the beaches because of the high level of Escherichia coli, and of course sewerage rosaries running into the into our rivers every now

01:00:00 --> 01:00:12

You know what the resources. So we should demand some of the technology that Europe has to assist us to overcome these challenges in this country.

01:00:13 --> 01:00:14

Next one.

01:00:17 --> 01:00:26

We need to create a fund to support traditional land management practices. In other words, giving us land so we can grow our own food.

01:00:27 --> 01:01:20

As Muslims, we don't do that we are not producers anymore. We are consumers. We go to Belize, we go to ShopRite. We buy our stuff, nobody's cultivating anymore. We depend on on non Muslim sources to cultivate our cattle and our sheep, our chickens, so that we can certify it along at some other point. But why not produce it? We need to demand line so that we can do these things. We can have our own cattle, we can have our own appetizers. I mean, the contamination that happens between pork and, and meat that allowed for us to eat that's rife today, we don't even know how these things are shipped. I mean, there was a recent video of of the food that comes out of Brazil,

01:01:21 --> 01:02:04

and how it gets treated. Before it gets to us. We don't know what you can be buying. We don't know what cattle we're buying, we didn't know. So Sudha Oba corruption, refer to you speaks about tai chi, but the question is, is all food sources are evil? We can we say that? If we allow other people that's not Muslim that has no clue about Hello, can we trust him without food sources. So we need to devise a fund to support traditional land management practices, whether it is in the form of vegetables, or whether it is in the form of cattle or meat.

01:02:05 --> 01:02:25

The reality is, we don't have the power to do that. But we now have the moral authority, if we constructed properly to say that our labor, our resources, our dignity, has been trampled upon for centuries. And we,

01:02:26 --> 01:02:48

as descendants of those people, we now demand all these things as a form of compensation, as opposed to simply asking for money. Because man is not going to do it. We're going to fight about money, who's gonna control the money, we need to look at tangible things, you know, things as possible.

01:02:49 --> 01:02:59

And of course, big thing, we need to provide access to housing and other basic needs. We suffering from issues like gentrification

01:03:01 --> 01:03:06

or all sorts of of new things happening, coffee shops all over the show.

01:03:08 --> 01:03:16

That doesn't belong to our people. We don't know what they sell in new shops. And the reality is, we need next slide.

01:03:20 --> 01:03:25

Okay, we need access to housing and other basic needs. But coming to gentrification,

01:03:27 --> 01:03:53

this place is going to be gentrified, whether we like it or not, people will say it's all white males look up. How many people see that over the last few years. And they sold, and they live somewhere on the cape flats. We when we chose blame. I do not blame people for succumbing to gentrification, or selling the properties. If you have a family of five, five families in one household, three bedrooms,

01:03:54 --> 01:04:19

in some resistance to you, here's 3 million right. And you know, you can give each of your children off a million Rand to go do their own thing. You probably can do it. But the reality is, we're losing this area at a very rapid rate, no matter the Heritage Overlay that we have here now, in 20 to 30 years, this place will look different.

01:04:20 --> 01:04:25

And I want to put on record here, that I'm very happy that this place is a National Heritage Site.

01:04:27 --> 01:04:35

Because it's a few years from now, when this place has come pletely foreign and European and American and white.

01:04:37 --> 01:04:43

Then the custodians of this place, I mean, it was Dewar now when we only had what 10 People

01:04:44 --> 01:05:00

10 People, we we've got a lecture like this happening with 10 people. But the reality is, in 50 years from now that 10 people probably would have been one person or even this and then what will happen these places

01:05:00 --> 01:05:01

will become coffee shops.

01:05:03 --> 01:05:25

This might be to other that hasn't happened. But I'm being realistic here. So we need we need the National Heritage Site. Nobody can come in here and declare to be a coffee shop because it must maintain the character. And the purpose of what is intended for you will always remain a magic and Amazon Alhamdulillah for that,

01:05:26 --> 01:05:50

because it's easy if you have all these neighbors. Let's now not not Muslim, to say can we have a coffee shop in prison Europe, what's happening those cathedrals that was full about a century ago, 50 years ago, it's all concert halls now. People don't come to church anymore. And as become coffee shops and church halls, I mean, in concert venues.

01:05:52 --> 01:06:17

By having a magically national heritage sites, it will maintain the character of the masjid number one, and for the purpose that it was supposed to be used for centuries to come. So that's why the first thing I asked the officials here is is the National Heritage Site. Because my fear is gentrification. My fear is that we will end up like for street

01:06:20 --> 01:06:35

all the people around the are non Muslims. And the reality is that they probably aim for street Moscow ready to repurpose it. But if it's a national heritage site, they can't do that.

01:06:37 --> 01:07:16

So anyway, coming to the housing, altitude Bucha funny topic, but because it's the comes to housing, gentrification is a big problem. So we need to, they need to bribe providers access to housing, you always see on YouTube, people coming up with different concepts of houses. And in Europe, they must give us some of the technology that we can put up people in houses, and it will be free housing. And that's something we can negotiate as part of the reparations for subjecting our forefathers to slavery, and enslaving them. The reason why I'm standing there was a policeman and,

01:07:17 --> 01:07:26

and two gentleman day one contractor and one member from the I was sitting that time I was on the board of the National Housing,

01:07:28 --> 01:07:29

Social Housing

01:07:31 --> 01:07:45

Council. And that was in a place called Catlow where we couldn't drive with your own car, you need a casper to go around the places and the police is good. But what I saw there was amazing.

01:07:46 --> 01:07:55

We while I was at the national social housing, we built something like 150,000 houses

01:07:57 --> 01:07:58

in that whole counting region.

01:08:00 --> 01:08:06

And of course, we were managing that process. But what I saw there was there was a group called

01:08:08 --> 01:08:11

it was a Christian group, from Europe, from America,

01:08:12 --> 01:08:19

Habitat for Humanity. And they were also building a similar quantity of houses. And it was just volunteers.

01:08:21 --> 01:08:27

So they were giving people free housing, through the volunteer program, this church volunteer program.

01:08:28 --> 01:08:47

I'm saying, if that group could build that many houses through a volunteer program, we could actually demand at least a million or 2 million houses from the government's if the NGOs can do that. So it's not an impossible task. So that's why I got that picture the that was in Catalonia on the eastern end.

01:08:48 --> 01:09:36

Right, so now, next slide, please. And the other thing is we need to do, we need to establish a new Truth and Reconciliation Commission to properly address the wrongs of the past because maybe 30 years later now, we understand the wrongs of the possible data. At the time when they had that first trc I don't think we really understood we act. Now we understand it a bit better for two years later. Now for unfortunately to do is now gone. Two years ago he was he was the chairman of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission on our sisters aranyaka group spoken to him because she's quite close to was he was close to him. She served on his board. But the reality is, what we need is a

01:09:36 --> 01:09:57

real Truth and Reconciliation Commission. And we need to put on trial. Big business. We need to put on trial. multinational businesses, we need to put on Trump multinational governments as part of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, because we only had criminals

01:09:58 --> 01:10:00

of the apartheid era. They

01:10:00 --> 01:10:12

He put on the stand at that last year See, most of them asked for forgiveness. And they asked for the vote to be set free, and all that type of things. And that happened.

01:10:14 --> 01:10:16

None of them really serve jail time.

01:10:17 --> 01:10:35

The mood in the country at the time was athletes were given for good, let's hug each other, let's kiss each other. But the reality is, if we knew the suffering, that was to come, two, three years later, would we have been so kind, which would have been so forgiving?

01:10:37 --> 01:10:41

I'm not saying please become belligerent. I'm saying he's become

01:10:43 --> 01:11:12

rational, please become reasonable. When we sit around that negotiating table, I'm not just going to add somebody I want to argue, because you have something good to say. You have something to say to me, that is gonna repair the harm done to our community. It's like saying, my shoes is being that directly. It's nice shoes. So somebody steals my shoes, I see him stealing my shoes. He walks out.

01:11:14 --> 01:11:36

I go with my socks. Tomorrow, I come to my seat again. I see him again. And he says to me, your weak sign was no hold your shoes when? I'm sorry, when muffler and he hugs me and hug him back. But I'm not asking you what my shoes. That makes sense. So we need to ask well shoes back can Allah know

01:11:38 --> 01:11:38

x y?

01:11:43 --> 01:12:10

So do you see this practical examples that we can utilize, to ask for reparations to make demands based on the fact that Europe has now said sorry, I was okay. You said sorry. That was my shoes. And that shoes becomes those things that I mentioned. Yeah. Now, it's all bullet points that we can utilize as tools in our negotiation process.

01:12:11 --> 01:12:35

So in sha Allah, hopefully, the first type of forums, there will be more of it. And sometimes we speak to one person or two people you're speaking to only a few people are hungry Allah. But this is a message that we can carry to the people where we go to now we need to talk about this, we need to do something about this. And pretty soon we will have a movement

01:12:36 --> 01:12:58

and pretty soon we can sit the mechanisms in motion to start saying to European countries are their ambassadors at GA this country. Can we talk to you these are some of the issues that we have, we can go to the Dutch ambassador to the Consul General and say we would like an audience with your Prime Minister.

01:13:00 --> 01:13:07

Because this is our problem. You probably not want to talk to us and we will send them a Nester but it's it's a process that can sit in motion

01:13:08 --> 01:13:11

and the sooner we do that the better

01:13:12 --> 01:13:22

so from my side ladies and gentlemen shukran very much it's it may be a bit long but I needed to get the message across I'm not square now I'm gonna create time for questions

01:13:26 --> 01:13:26


01:13:32 --> 01:13:33


01:13:43 --> 01:13:44

People places

01:13:50 --> 01:13:50

even though they

01:13:54 --> 01:13:55

are the ones that you

01:13:57 --> 01:13:57

I think

01:13:58 --> 01:13:59


01:14:05 --> 01:14:06

when you're looking for

01:14:14 --> 01:14:17

so I think I think from that time until

01:14:19 --> 01:14:24

that kind of to people and businesses and

01:14:26 --> 01:14:27

so so

01:14:28 --> 01:14:30

why is it taking so long

01:14:38 --> 01:14:38


01:14:40 --> 01:14:41

so that we don't have to hold on the house

01:14:55 --> 01:14:56

this is

01:14:58 --> 01:14:59

no but I mean do you eat

01:15:00 --> 01:15:20

Bring the hammer on the nail. But the first thing I want to say is that our silence as the cape Muslims is defending, we are silent. So if somebody is silent, then whoever committed the wrong will think it's okay now as you don't think the silence I'll give you an example

01:15:21 --> 01:15:29

when we are this debacle with this 900,000 Rand that was mismanaged by the Muslim Judicial Council, for instance.

01:15:31 --> 01:16:20

When that happened, I was concerned that this is now doesn't matter who is involved, it will paint the entire Muslim community you know, for people that fund the Muslim community, you know, that that that is given money for for COVID Really, whatever it is for education, but the reality was when I spoke to another gentleman, that was *, I got him at the function at the Turkish function just before Juma eliciting Molana so today, and I told him how to do that I said, every forensic COVID Internal Audit when an external audit and when you do a forensic audit, then at least you can clear the people who are going to clear the organization at least and if anybody is involved in it,

01:16:20 --> 01:16:27

then at least you can get rid of those people in you know his words to me was to happen nobody has spoken about it they just been quiet

01:16:29 --> 01:16:33

that's so that's what I'm saying. When we are silent

01:16:35 --> 01:16:52

then we think everything is okay but it's not okay. You still have nagging questions in your head but for 30 years we've been silent about this trc issues so it's time to start making a noise like what does might be a very civilized process here, but it is it's actually making a noise

01:16:54 --> 01:16:55

and as you can

01:17:07 --> 01:17:07


01:17:09 --> 01:17:13

they say the calculation about not

01:17:17 --> 01:17:20

discussing So, in other words what a sample is

01:17:25 --> 01:17:26


01:17:29 --> 01:17:30

at this point

01:17:33 --> 01:17:33

this topic

01:17:35 --> 01:17:36

that was discussed

01:17:37 --> 01:17:38


01:17:41 --> 01:17:42

so that we have

01:17:43 --> 01:17:45

that into stage

01:17:50 --> 01:17:51


01:17:53 --> 01:17:55

easily satisfied with the place

01:18:04 --> 01:18:04


01:18:09 --> 01:18:11

our clients but if

01:18:15 --> 01:18:16

that goes

01:18:19 --> 01:18:19

that is that

01:18:33 --> 01:18:34

the end

01:18:39 --> 01:18:42

sleep boost is what the doctor

01:18:44 --> 01:18:45

so it's changed

01:18:49 --> 01:18:53

right now in Scotland with Stephen

01:18:55 --> 01:18:55


01:19:09 --> 01:19:10

triggers or does

01:19:11 --> 01:19:12

anyone else

01:19:19 --> 01:19:19


01:19:21 --> 01:19:21


01:19:27 --> 01:19:28

to see

01:19:40 --> 01:19:41


01:19:47 --> 01:19:49

this exciting stuff

01:19:57 --> 01:19:58


01:20:00 --> 01:20:00


01:20:12 --> 01:20:12


01:20:28 --> 01:20:29

of you might

01:20:32 --> 01:20:33


01:20:37 --> 01:20:39

know quality quality

01:20:40 --> 01:20:43

initially added to

01:20:45 --> 01:20:46

the confuse people

01:20:49 --> 01:20:52

standard so they don't know that

01:20:53 --> 01:20:54

they stopped doing

01:20:55 --> 01:20:58

that you ever wanted to be

01:21:02 --> 01:21:03


01:21:17 --> 01:21:17


01:21:40 --> 01:21:41


01:21:46 --> 01:21:46


01:21:49 --> 01:21:50

this is the

01:21:59 --> 01:22:00

measles vaccine

01:22:03 --> 01:22:04

this is going to be

01:22:07 --> 01:22:07

the southern

01:22:23 --> 01:22:26

like it firstly I'm glad I'm not the Lone Ranger.

01:22:28 --> 01:22:35

This is what you see now we appreciate very much because I always thought I was the lone ranger when that gentleman from Turkey came here.

01:22:36 --> 01:22:41

I'm still examining the reason why he came here.

01:22:42 --> 01:23:27

We talking about talking about crowdfunding. And and I'm very loath to say it in in in a public forum, because that is a strategy divided in lieu Sinha Hanafi Scalia tuition to Shafi area. And of course, more division happened as a result. So the point is, we are there, but we need to identify these things. And yet we do have a crisis of leadership, unfortunately, in the tape, especially. But we need to start examining the strategies of Europe to keep us divided. And once we figure it out, and it will take some time to figure it out, then we need need to figure out our leadership structure

01:23:28 --> 01:23:47

in the cape. And only then, you know, we have united leadership, then we can move forward. I mean, the late Jim shocky building was probably one of the last crusaders to try to unite. But unfortunately, that also came to note

01:23:48 --> 01:23:58

because of you know, egos and power struggles, so So whenever this I know that Talib is nervous or even by play limiting this in by saying,

01:24:00 --> 01:24:02

I would like this to be broader for you.

01:24:03 --> 01:24:42

But my look, it's probably not going to interest the average person. It must be probably a thinking person. So if you do if especially the massages of Buka. If they decide to whenever another session I exam prior to the blown listeners, I don't mind. But if you have maybe a bigger forum, and we can have for maybe the actual Masjid representatives, or worker, and we can maybe present all of them, maybe in a bigger venue even then I think we all helping the cause. And the cause is that we're in the pursuit of justice. On behalf of our fallen ancestors.

01:24:43 --> 01:24:59

We will never allow the memory to be erased. They came here I mean extreme conditions and extreme hardship. And today we have it a little bit easier with a really nice suit and we drive nice cars. But that was the building

01:25:00 --> 01:25:02

Maybe they need to seek justice

01:25:09 --> 01:25:15

maybe to do the same you know talking to people last year so

01:25:17 --> 01:25:17

oh yeah

01:25:25 --> 01:25:26

yeah the active very active

01:25:30 --> 01:25:31


01:25:38 --> 01:25:41

against what the presentation I think we should rather

01:25:45 --> 01:26:00

rather now than later he really should have read this years ago this discovery in the open people's mind and they would definitely have said 70 Regardless or to somebody around

01:26:01 --> 01:26:02

and anyway I'll ask

01:26:03 --> 01:26:04


01:26:11 --> 01:26:12

to sum up and

01:26:25 --> 01:26:56

on the William James Hoffman rock, blonde Amin was salam ala show from mousseline Sayidina Muhammad from lawless Nevada, it was his main ceremony kumara Kaito, spectacular man to speak with all this princesses in Islam shukran with accent for insightful presentation. So, some of the learnings that we need to take from it is almost reflect on our own selves. And that is

01:27:00 --> 01:27:02

if any one of us

01:27:04 --> 01:27:35

is an employer, or, and we employ people, that we do not become oppressors of those people that we treat them fairly, already, if we have mothers that are staying with us, that we don't oppress our mothers, if we have wives, if we don't oppress our wives, and that is actually an important contribution that we can make to make a difference or add to our current society. And then also just one other point on

01:27:36 --> 01:27:49

the actions, they need to change the exchange rate, because the IMF is putting Africa in debt and then they keep us that we keep on paying

01:27:51 --> 01:28:43

for those elders will remember, the dollar used to be one that n for for $1. In 1961, it's not 20 Then the pound used to be two pound was one rain or two rain was one pound. It is now also double digit, and that is when they give us money they shouldn't be giving us only to two pounds, they must give us 20 pounds, in the same rain that we think because they taking our resources and then they they giving us the exchange rate for that. So I think that is another key important point to aid to all this is that not only the land they must give us and education they must give us they must change how we exchange goods and services. Inshallah and then that will actually make a big

01:28:43 --> 01:29:05

difference to the plight of our people in Shang the Oscar shift to make kazinga inshallah she couldn't and and we hope from the massage boo boo cup ever Nicola Baron next week in sha Allah, may Allah give us peace and tranquility and for those that have to take the tablets please do so before we eat inshallah.

01:29:21 --> 01:29:26

Bismillah Rockland Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala mousseline

01:29:27 --> 01:29:56

say you know I want to be one more than that Muhammad in wild eyed wasabia Jemaine Allah Jared jump ahead agenda nakoma What the Federal Columbia balgo Park masuma will pick an earlier rod will deny la SWAT team mafia, Connelly Murphy is learning Bureau Matic Yahama rocky mean, Rob Burnett Uzziel Kulu been about Hadith and our herbal anomala Donkor Rama in the country where herb Robinette accompany me in the in the contest we not only were to Bali we are more than a in that country to

01:29:57 --> 01:29:59

Robin Attica. Dunya Hasina will be laughed at

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