Ahsan Hanif – Signs Of An Accepted Ramadan

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary © The upcoming month of centers on Islam is highlighted, with emphasis on acceptance, acceptance of actions and deeds, and humility in acceptance of good deeds. The importance of forgiveness, following actions and addressing past mistakes is emphasized, and the need for consistency in actions and giving oneself the opportunity to witness moments of crisis is emphasized. The speakers emphasize the importance of following the message of Islam and not just doing things once a month.
AI: Transcript ©
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In Alhamdulillah, Allah Muhammad who wanted to stop Pharaoh when our ob la Himanshu, Rory and fusina woman CEO Dr. Marina Mija de la Fernando de la la,

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la la, la la la la la la la sharika Masha Allah Mohammed Abu Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman kathira un Latina la porta potti Wanaka moto nylon to Simone yohanna sutopo como la Hanako coming up soon wahida wahala paramahansa jaha obasa min humare Jan and Kathy Romani de la la de de Luna b1 or ham in the LA Cana la cumbre de vida.

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de la have a coup. De De De la cama de como, una mejor de la hora Sula, who for the first Lima, I'm about to finance the Kalahari Tiki tabula in China, Russia, Iran Buddha Buddha Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wish

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to Hakuna Matata certain bizarre wakulla betrachten la la la la la la la la cynefin. Now,

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just as quickly as this month of Ramadan came upon us, it is leaving us. And this shows us and reminds us of how quickly time passes by, and how much and how many times the cycle has repeated itself each and every year. Ramadan comes upon us. And we think that it's going to be a big task to fast and pray and give sadaqa for 30 odd days. And then before we can even contemplate Ramadan, it is leaving us 30 days nearly of fasting 30 days of Salah 30 days of sadhaka making the world of reciting the Quran. But what do we do now that we're coming towards the end of this blessed month? This being the last Friday of Ramadan, tomorrow perhaps being the last day of Ramadan, or maybe

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Sunday? What do we need to do? And how do we take this forward into the weeks and months that come after Ramadan? I want to dedicate this hotbed towards the topic of the signs of an accepted Ramadan. Five signs that we should be applying now in these last days of Ramadan and that they should continue with us after the month of Ramadan concludes and finishes. the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. They showed us in their practical lives and in the way that they would act that they would divide their actions into two parts. And that brings us to the first sign of an accepted Ramadan. The companions are the Allahu anhu matrimony, they would fast and they would pray

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and they would do all of those acts of worship that we do in Ramadan, but then towards the end of Ramadan and in the month of Ramadan, the focus would also shift and it would shift to the issue of acceptance. Whether or not Eliza whittle has accepted those deeds. Our actions are made up of those two parts. The first is the action itself that we perform. But the second and what is more important is whether it is not whether or not it is accepted in the sight of Allah subhanho wa Taala. So the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, this month of Ramadan for six months of the year, they will make to our to Allah, Allah allow us to see Ramadan, online I was to benefit from

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Robin Vaughn online I was to partake in Ramadan. And then as soon as Ramadan began, from that first day, for the next six months of the year, the focus would shift and they would make the drought Allah accept our deeds from Ramadan, except our efforts from Ramadan. Because all of those deeds that we perform not only in this month of Ramadan, but outside of Ramadan, and in all of the past Ramadan that Allah has blessed us with. If we come in the Day of Judgment, and none of that counts for anything, but a symbol Sala has been accepted, not a single fast has been accepted. Not a single penny in charity has been accepted. Not a single dollar was accepted, or a single word that we

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uttered of the Quran was accepted. The none of this really matters. None of it really will help us in this life for the next. So the companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they understood this concept, and they would change their approach, or will accept our deeds in this month of Ramadan, even on the day of read, a day of joy and celebration and happiness. When we greet with one another. And we meet one another. The greetings of the companions would be tabela minimum income. May Allah accept our deeds and your deeds, because even on that day, the uppermost thought in their minds is not that it's a day of evil we can just do as we please. But it's still one of

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those days of Ramadan that have passed, but will they actually account for? And these are people who spent their life serving Islam, serving the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam sacrificing life and family and blood and money.

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For our cause for Islam, but the two are afraid that perhaps their actions wouldn't be accepted. Our shadow the alarm that came in the Hadith that is collected and certain of Amanda Timothy. She said O Messenger of Allah. Allah says in the Quran, Valentina, you tuna moto boo boo Medina and Amina Arab beam Raja rune. Humala, Dinesh rabona, Hamas Ripon, Allah says in the Quran, those who give what they give, they spend what they spend, they do what they do, once their hearts tremble and they're in fear that they will be returning to their Lord, or messenger of Allah, these people who do good, are they afraid of returning to Allah? Because at the same time, they also drank alcohol? And at the

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same time they used to steal? Is it because of those evil deeds, those major sins that they're afraid of returning to Allah? Our Prophet sets on a low hourly or cinnamon reply, liability deal? No autotrophs a deal with Latin hula Xena use alone loyalzoo Moon where the moon Wallachian knowmia, Hakuna LA, Bella minimum. hula.

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hula has no dropsy do. This verse doesn't reply to those people. It applies to those people who prayed, and they fasted Ramadan, and they give sadaqa all of the deeds that we did in Ramadan, prayer, fasting sadaqa. They are those people who do all of these, but they're afraid that en la won't accept a single one of them. They are the people who hates them towards Allah and goodness, and they are the ones who compete with one another in goodness, they are afraid. And that's why even those amazing illustrious major companions of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam like Rama rhodiola one Amaro whose story is so closely closely entwined within our religion, the beginning of

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Islam, and the spread of Islam and the life of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then even after the death of the Prophet salallahu, alayhi wasallam, you can't really divorce any major incident from the life of Amara, the loved one would say that it from all of my life, of jihad of worship of serving Islam, only one deed was to be accepted, I would place all of my hope in that single deed. And you have the same steamid family or the loved one, and scholars that ignore the noun, and forgot it not obeyed. And many of the scholars of Islam who said similar things, that if they had even a morsels worth even an atom suite of good deeds that they thought would be accepted,

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they would place all of their hope, onto that good deed. And so we towards the end of this month of Ramadan, we need to make that whether our Prophet Ibrahim alayhis salaam is to make that Allah mentions in the Quran, this quaint messenger of Allah, when he was raising the foundations of the Kaaba, the same caliber that today 24 hours a day and night doesn't stop people making falafel around it, that same Kaaba where millions of people year in and year out go and visit. When he was raising that foundation. He said, Rob banner up bill Minar in the Qantas Semyon ideen, Allah accept this deed from me, because the prophets of Allah He was salatu salam has that same mindset that we

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also need to adopt, especially Towards this end of Ramadan, that Allah accepts our deeds that are larger, which accepts all of the deeds that we've done, and inshallah we had enough allowance and enough taqwa of Allah in the month of Ramadan, that Allah will accept those deeds. Which brings me to the second sign of an accepted Ramadan. And that is that from the signs of an accepted Ramadan and accepted good deed, is humility and humbleness. Not to be arrogant, but to be amazed by our sounds that we've fasted and prayed. And that we gave so much thought upon. We finished the whole on iron once or twice or three times, and that we did A, B, C, and D, the whistle arrogant that we feel

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that we don't have to worship Allah for the rest of the world that now we hold some favor upon Allah, that Allah must reward so that Allah should answer our glance, because that isn't from the signs of an accepted Ramadan, rather humbleness, humility, belittling your good deeds, that is a sign of an accepted Ramadan. And that doesn't mean that you're not proud of your achievements, doesn't mean that you can't be happier what you put forth, because our Prophet told us on a low hourly, he will sell them either suratgarh cinetic was a sciatic Phantom moment. If you're happy with the good deeds that you put forth, you're happy and you're afraid you become upset when you do

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evil deeds, then you are a believer. That is a sign of Eman to be happy with the God that you put forth. If you finish the whole Koran, that's something that you should be happy about. If you gave hundreds of 1000s of pounds in South Africa in this month of Ramadan, that's something that you should be happy about. If every single night you managed to make it to the masjid and you prayed every single taraweeh prayer from beginning to the end with the Imam, that something that you should be happy about. Our Prophet told us on a lower it will send them in the Hadith Allah Buhari rhodiola

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When he was asked, or at rajala Yamato fail, we made openness or messenger of Allah, do you see that people do good deeds, and other people praise them. Other people praise them for the good that they did. Just a couple of nights ago on the 27th night of Ramadan, we as a community in this mission, we raised over 400,000 pounds for our brothers and sisters in Syria. That's something that we should rightly be proud of something we should praise Allah for. That we're part of such a community where we can give 10s of 1000s of pounds in South Africa, for the needy and for the poor. Do you see that people praise you or messenger of Allah when you do good deeds, he sets on a low it will sell him in

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the Hadith in Sahih. Muslim tilaka. Bushra. Gentlemen, that is the hastened glad tidings of the believer. That's a good sign. That's not what this particular point means that you belittle your good deeds, that you're humble. But what it means is that you don't think that now you have a favor upon Allah, that Allah owes you something because of what you did in this month of Ramadan. The Bedouin Arabs in the desert used to come into Medina and they used to have this kind of arrogance about them. That because they had accepted Islam and were Muslim, somehow the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam owed them something. Somehow they had done a favor to him and to the Muslims. So

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Allah says in the Quran, you know that Allah can Islam, por la mano, Aliya Islam and they come to you seeking favor from you because they accepted your religion Islam, say to them, don't hold your favors upon me because of your Islam. But in law we are minority and Haida community man in quantum souderton but it is a law who favored you when he guided you to a man

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as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to see in poetry will nahi Lola Allahumma Dena Walla Walla Selena Biola baranof para la we will never have been guided? No would we ever give charity nor would we ever prayed? We wouldn't know the meaning of La ilaha illAllah we wouldn't know the essence of Ramadan, we wouldn't be able to perform one of those good deeds, we're not for the favor of Allah upon us in the man. So the believers are those who plays a large diligence, the hamdulillah in la dee, da da da da da da da da da da da da or praises due to Allah who guided us to this religion and moral not for loss guidance, we will never have been guided. The believer is someone who understands

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that yes, they did all of those good deeds, but number one, Eliza which is the needs to accept those good deeds. And number two, all of this was in itself a blessing from Allah subhana wa Tada. So it spurs us to do further good deeds, makes us better makes us stronger. How many of our brothers and sisters participated in this month of Ramadan last year, but no longer are they with us this Ramadan? How many of our relatives and our friends last Ramadan partake in Ramadan they partook in Ramadan with all of its blessings, the fastest and they played and they give such fun. They did everything that we're doing. But this Ramadan the two week they're too ill. They're too frail to be

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able to do anything. They didn't pray a single turabian they didn't trust a single day. They couldn't read any Koran, because of the health situation that they're in. A large religion has blessed us by allowing us to partake in all of those good deeds. Those people have a valid excuse and allow we'll give them that reward before me and human good health. Me and you with no excuse. Allah subhanho wa Taala wants to see from us what we will do the third sign of an accepted Ramadan. The third sign is that good deeds lead on to good deeds. Your Ramadan should inspire you and motivate you and encourage you to do more good deeds. After the month of Ramadan finishes, the month

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of Ramadan finishes then it concludes your sign of an accepted Ramadan that you can judge yourself each and every single one of us is whether this Ramadan improved us in our relationship with Allah subhanaw taala whether report is closer to a larger religion. And that means in a practical way, that the month of Ramadan doesn't mean that we're not doing any other good deeds, but rather what it means is that we've increased in goodness. We've done something outside of Ramadan that we weren't doing before Ramadan. Something has changed within us, brought us closer to Allah azzawajal Minami la Sol de Hamelin Deccan in the world.

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Cinema can we imagine those who do good deeds male and female from the believers, we will give to them a good life. That tranquility that you felt in Ramadan, the peace that you felt in Ramadan, all of those emotions that you had in Ramadan, that is a sign of Eman, but if we you to be able to continue it after Ramadan, that is a sign of an accepted Ramadan and we will reward such people with the reward of the best of the deeds for the believers.

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xojo chooses the highest and the best of their deeds, and that's what he gives to them in terms of reward, good deeds return to good deeds. So outside of the month of Ramadan, we fast those six days of chawan because our Prophet told us a little while he will send them whosoever completes the month of Ramadan in fasting, and then follows follows it up with six days of chawan. It's as if they fasted the whole of the year, we used to give up in the month of Ramadan, outside of Ramadan mean we may not spend the same amount and given the same quantities, but we will make it a habit even if it is only once a month, or once every two or three months, that we will continuously give sadaqa even

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if it means that every Juma prayer, we just put in our loose change into the message. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, I have Bula mal Illallah, the one who have the most beloved of actions and deeds to Allah, of those which are consistent and regular, even if they are small. In this month of Ramadan, you pick taraweeh to lay outside of Ramadan, even if it's only once a week you pray to rockers in Yama, Li rock the Quran you finish the corner in the month of Ramadan outside of Ramadan. That means that you still keep the connection with the Quran. You still recite from the Quran, you still study and analyze and understand the Quran. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam

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was described by our mother Ayesha rhodiola Khanna, Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam either amela better. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, if he performed a good deed, if he performed an action, he would make it a regular thing. He would make it part of his habit, he will make it part of his daily routine. And one of those actions that we should be making now towards the end of this Ramadan towards these last few days of this blessed month, is asking a lot for his forgiveness is still found. Our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam 70 times in a sitting, he would make a steel fall or 100 times a day he would say a stop federal law stop federal law and stuff federal law or

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law Forgive me or law Forgive me over law forgive me and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was forgiven for all of the sins past and future. But to show us as an example, the importance of is still far every single major act of worship in Islam finishes with this stuff up. You read the Salah after every single Salah the first thing that you see after the synonyms is a stop futile luck three times you ask Allah for forgiveness, because even though we perform these actions, we are still weak and we're still human. We still have those those whisperings of shavon that come to us, we still make errors and mistakes. So we ask Allah for forgiveness, when the people have had to make hedge

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and they finished their hedge in the lead from was Delica Summerfield boom in fell bananas was stopped federal law. And law says when you leave from the piece of wisdom, as the people depart with you there ask Allah for forgiveness. So towards the end of this month of Ramadan, we seek Allah's forgiveness, for our shortcomings, for our mistakes and our errors for the sins that we did commit, even in this month of Ramadan. And we ask Allah azza wa jal that he accepts our good deeds, from those actions that we should be performing outside of this month of Ramadan, that shows that they continued, in our way of Ramadan is the good character that we saw in this month of Ramadan. We as

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brothers and sisters, we came together in this Masjid, each and every single day each and every single night, and there was brotherhood, and there was sisterhood. And there was those bonds of Islam. That should continue after the month of Ramadan, your character, the way that you treat people, the way that you deal with people, the way that you resolve your conflicts and your disputes. That is a part of what you take outside of this month of Ramadan. The fourth sign of an accepted Ramadan alamelu will have a team actions are judged by the way in which they end a larger Jesus not only by the way that we start in the way that we perform our deeds and actions, but he

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judges us in the way that we end our deeds as well. Ramadan isn't over, we still have a day or two or three left of this month of Ramadan. We still have a number of taraweeh prayers to pray. It is a sign of an accepted Ramadan. The you don't just give up now that the end is in sight that you think No, it's not either or nearly. And so we start to slack off on the 27th night of Ramadan. For those of you that were here, there wasn't a single inch of space in this Masjid, not in the carpark not in the masjid not in the homes. But last night on the 28th nights of Ramadan. For those of you that came, you would have seen a big difference. A big drop in attendance, because that is one of the

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ways that we don't have consistency in our acts of worship. Allah mailloux inhotim The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam concerning a companion, who made Jihad and fought and was killed on the battlefield. And the companions were amazed, by the way that this man was courageous and brave. They said that this is a man of gender. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam known as a man

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goes into the fire is the man of the fire. And then he said to me that America will have a team because allow will judge a person with the way that they finished their deeds. Someone followed the companion in the battlefield and they found that as he was struck and injured he committed suicide on the battlefield. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is teaching us a lesson. This month of Ramadan is an overnight until it isn't over. We should continue in our good deeds. In the Hadith of

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the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam era de la jolla de Leon is that middle Pablo Muti. If Allah wants good for a person, Allah uses them before their death. They said, O Messenger of Allah. How does allow us someone, he said, Allah guides them to good deeds before they pass away. That is a sign of goodness, that you end everything in a good way, your life, the month of Ramadan, every good deed is ended in a good way. And so the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to make the dua that he would repeat often in his life yamasa beaten pulu Sabbath Paul biala Dini was the one who makes the hearts firm, make my heart firm upon your religion, from amongst those actions that we can

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do, which gives this month of Ramadan and ending there is good is by paying I was a cattle fitter, that the cattle fitter is an obligation upon each and every single one of us. Every single Muslim, old, young, male, female, healthy, unhealthy, every Muslim whether the faster they did and fast, the cattle fitter is an obligation upon them to lead my best brother in law who and whom I said for the Rasulullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Masada Patil fatal to rotten the sun in the middle of we were referred automatically Misaki our Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam obligated the cattle fitter upon each and every single one of us as a means for the ones who fasted that they should purify

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themselves from the mistakes that they made in Ramadan, and as a means of giving food and support for the poor on the day, before they're in prayer, it is your duty, your obligation to make sure that our food reaches the poor and the needy. So if you're going to give it to the question, you're going to give it to a charity, you need to allow them enough time, which means more or less today that you're giving us the cattle fitter at the latest, so that they have the ability to make sure that by the day of it reaches the poor before solitary, these actions that we should be performing to make sure that this month of Ramadan finishes on a high we continue our prayer and we continue to

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pray Torah we we continue to make dua and give sadaqa in the chance that perhaps Allah subhanaw taala will accept these deeds and these these in the dying days of Ramadan will be more precious to us than those that perhaps have proceeded before us. barakallahu li walakum wa Suna when apparently when Jackie Murphy

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Apollo pony Heather stockfeed allottee Welcome when eg American Muslim minimalism infrastop Pharaoh in nawala

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hamdulillah Allah,

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Allah Allah to

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Allah Allah illallah wa hola sharika lahu talim Alicia Machado Namibia Rosa you Donna Mohammed Abu hora sundara Yolanda one sallallahu alayhi wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa seldom at the Sleeman kathira amudha Allah subhana wa tada when he described this month of Ramadan. One of the descriptions that he gave to it is a Yamato that it is a limited set number of days. Not a single one of us knows if you will see another Ramadan. We don't even know if we will be able to see out this month of Ramadan. One of the drawers therefore that we should make is that we ask Allah subhana wa tada that he gives us the opportunity to see many moments of Ramadan, that Allah soldier allows us to take

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full benefit and opportunity from this month of Ramadan. One of the greatest virtues of this month of Ramadan that our Prophet told us a little while while he was selling them, and it's one that we hear how he was making the alpha in the north in the winter prayer. And it's something that we should be focused on especially towards the end of this Ramadan. One of the greatest virtues of this month is that each and every single day and night align, so which will emancipate and frees people from the fire of harm. In this month of Ramadan, a large village will choose his people that he frees from the shackles of the fire, meaning that the fire of Halloween never touched their bodies,

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they will never come close to the fire of gentlemen. And that is one of the greatest virtues and the greatest rewards of this month of Ramadan. Every single night of this month. Lila Hirotaka Amina now Allah has people that he flees from the fire. That is the door that we should be making. That is the door that we should be focused upon, that Allah accept from us our deeds and fears from the shackles of the fire.

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Allah free us from the fire and our parents, our wives and our husbands and our children and our loved ones. Allow frees people from the fire so make that in this month of Ramadan. Finally my dear brothers and sisters a larger version says consenting this month in the Quran, what he took me to the you may complete the days of Ramadan to Kabila Allah Maha de aza, you may glorify Allah say that to be to say Allahu Akbar, for that which he guided you towards, will Allah come to school on the usual gratitude to Allah subhana wa Tada. This month of Ramadan is a month that should have brought us closer to enlarge the origin. It should remind us of the many blessings and favors that Allah has

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bestowed upon us, not least of which is the blessing of the man and being able to worship Him alone. subhana wa Taala and that is why when the day of read is announced his decision that we make the tech Virata that we glorify and praise Allah subhanho wa Taala even more in acknowledgment in humbleness and humility, acknowledging the failures of Allah upon us, and the fever of the man who has a large religion, that he accepts our deeds from this month of Ramadan, that a large social accepts our fasting in our prayer and our sada the larger, which will frees us and our families from the fire, that Allah subhanaw taala allows us to witness many moments of Ramadan, that a large

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soldier eases the suffering of our brothers and sisters. He gives good health to those who are ill from amongst us, and He forgives them as mercy upon those who have passed away wrestlers origin that he allows us to finish this month in a good way and that Allah subhanaw taala keeps a strong upon a man and that he gives us a good ending so cannot be corroborated that Yamaha seafoam was Saddam Hussein al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil aalameen

This talk was given at the Green Lane Masjid on June 23, 2017.

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