Ahsan Hanif – Tafseer As-Sadi #05

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary ©
The history and importance of the Prophet sallah-ied city ofitantcha is discussed, including the war between the royal family and Muslims, political knowledge, and the return of the Prophet sallua Alaihi wa sallam. The importance of faith and unity in achieving spiritual goals is emphasized, along with the use of words like "twist" and "ar lie" to describe actions and words used by Islam's leaders. The speakers also emphasize the need for individuals to confirm their faith and not share negative experiences, and emphasize the importance of faith and unity in achieving spiritual goals, particularly in ending zero.
AI: Transcript ©
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Santa Monica Lojo Brocato

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some lot of mineral Haman hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen Allah Akbar to remove to clean What are gonna Illa Allah Allah immune Asha to Allah Illallah Juanda hola Shakira. You will only know what if you didn't wash it to another beginner Muhammad Abdul Hora Soto most of it I mean Allahumma salli wa sallam America you are under it he was somebody and you marry into my bad. So today's the fifth day of our reading and commentary of the book of 200 Carry will the zero Karim Rahman with receive economical Memnon more famously known as the tafsir of Assadi by Sheikh Abdul Rahman, the blueness of a Saudi who died in the year 1376 of the hijra, Rahim Mahalo, Tana dama de Lucia Maccarone on the

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tip zero of zero to fat. So yesterday we completed the Tafseer of Surah TL vet. And because it is a Surah, that speaks primarily about the Treaty of her labia, and the different events that took place on the on the on those days, the author I'm Wattana, at the conclusion of the *. He is now going through the full story of the Treaty of Arabia. So we began some of that story yesterday. And we covered the part of the story where the Muslims are now arrived in this place called Hadiya 1400 of them in the State of Iran, alongside the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam, intending to perform Umrah and the Orisha prevented them from doing so. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wanted

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to send an ambassador to Mecca, to show those people the Metcons that we've come in peace we only came for Umrah didn't come for fighting. We didn't come with armor or with weaponry. We haven't come as an army. We've come as people in the haram to perform Umrah So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam center of man about the Allah who happen to be his emissaries ambassador to the people of Mecca, he goes to Mecca, and he starts to speak to the people of Mecca. They see to Earth man Earth man, you go make aamra Everyone else will deal with them later, but you're here now you make ombre. He said no, I would never make ombre without the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, so he refuses

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to do so. As he's going through these negotiations. A rumor comes to the camp of the Muslims. The Earth man's been killed, they will treacherous they killed him. So the prophets of Allah while he was sending him stuff sitting under a tree, he takes the pledge of allegiance from all of those 1400 companions. And this is called the BR Toad with one the pledge of divine pleasure that Allah azza wa jal is pleased with those people, as we mentioned, in the verses that we covered yesterday, so then the prophets of Allah where it was said them took that pledge from them, because if they killed a man, then there's going to be fighting on war. And even though the Muslims are in Haram, they don't

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have the weapons with them. They don't have the armor, they will still willing to fight and to die on that plane of Hadiya. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam takes that pledge, Allah azza wa jal tells us in this surah that Allah was pleased with our pledge, and Allah azza wa jal honors and blesses those companions that will present their He praises them. And then Earth men are the Allah Who am returned. So they know, there actually was a false rumor of man wasn't killed by the Quraysh. So now that he's returned, we're going to have the next part of the story, which is the emissaries that are going to come that coloration that come from the side of the Muslims, in order to settle

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with this issue, it will ultimately obviously transpire into the Treaty of Libya.

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And then in light of the light I mean, also that was salam ala Rasulillah he was only he was so happy I mean, Allah Himself Ilana when he shared you know when he when he was you know, What in * during call him only for Rahima Hola, what's the word? What's the word like that but they were they even work? Well because he came with a group of Hawza who were sincere advisors to the messengers to the messenger of allah sallallahu Sallam from among the people of the hammer and said I have just seen cab even though a and Ahmed have been kept by the prophets water of Allah Arabia. They have Milch. They have Milch camels, camels with them, and they intend to fight you and boy you from

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reaching the Kaaba. The messenger of allah sallallahu sallam said, we have not come to fight anyone, rather we have come to perform Umrah or war has we can arrange and they have suffered great losses. If they wish, I will conclude a truce with them and they must refrain from interfering between me and the people and if I prevail, then they may decide between whether they want to enter Islam as if people have done if not, they will they will have rested and regain their strength and

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will be able to resume fighting me, then by the one in whose hand is my soul, I will surely fight them in defense of this, of this cause of mine until I am killed, or Allah causes his religion to prevail in the time of the prophets of Allah where he was sent them. There were different tribes amongst Arabia's operations, a tribe on SAR are made up of tribes and the rest of Arabia, there's other tribes, some of them were allied to the Quraysh. They were friends of the coalition, some of them were allied to the Muslims, and from those tribes that were allied to the Muslims was the tribal Cozaar. They weren't all Muslims. Some of them were, but many of them weren't. But they liked

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what the prophets of Allah where it was sent them stood for, and they liked his personality and his character. And so they allied themselves with the Muslims. So one of the leaders, they came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and he said, O Messenger of Allah, these people are getting ready for war. They're going to fight you, the prophets of Allah Wehrlein will send him I didn't come to fight, but if they want to fight, we'll fight them. However, what I want from them instead, is that we agree on some type of peace between us a peace deal between us, because duration, their forces are greatly depleted. They fought in battle, the 14th or had they fought in Zab? What are

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these battles that they didn't really win didn't take anything from us. So now they're less a number less in the wealth that they have to spend better for them and for us, that we sign a peace treaty and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam has an different agenda in mind has a greater goal in mind. And that is that in that time of peace, it will be easier for the Muslims to spread the religion of Islam, they don't have to fear for the property for their lives for their wealth. They can go throughout the different parts of Arabia, and they can introduce people to Islam. They said, I will convey your words to them. He said out until he came to Korea to Korea and said to them, I

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have come to you from this man. And I heard him say something, if you wish, I will tell you about it. The foolish ones among them said we have no need for you to tell us anything about him. But the right wise ones among among them said, tell us what you heard. He said I heard him say such and such Ottawa, even Massoud a third coffee said, This man has offered you a reasonable proposal. So accept it. And let me go and talk to him. They said quote in Ottawa, this man, Mr. McAfee later on, becomes a Muslim. He's from the leaders of the tribe of beef, and 30 for the people of dive. They're the people that at the beginning of Islam, and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam want to call them

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and give them Dawa. What did they do to him? they stoned him. And they polluted him until he was bleeding. So Allahu alayhi wa sallam. So they were a major force. The beef is a big tribe. So a third of these people have the beef. They were allies to orange. So when he heard this proposal, he said, this makes sense. It's a reasonable thing that he's proposing. Let me go and speak to him. So he came to him and began talking to him and the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam said to him, something similar to what he had said to who they were upon Allah said, Oh, Mohammed, do you want to eradicate your own people? Have you ever heard of anyone among the Arabs who destroyed his own

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people? If you insist on fighting, then by Allah, I am looking at the people's faces, and I see a collection of riffraff the type who would flee and abandon you. Abu Bakr said, suck the teeth of a let. Do you think we would flee and abandon him? He said, Who is this? He said, Abu Bakr, he said, by the one in whose hand is my soul, were not for favor that I still owe you, and have not yet returned. I would have answered you.

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Every time the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam started speaking, Ottawa reached out for his beard. And what were your initial ABA was beside the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam, and had a sword with him and was wearing a helmet. Every time Otto reached out to grab the prophets SallAllahu cinnamons beard, and mobula struck his hand with the handle of his sword. I said, Keep your hand away from the beard of the messenger of allah sallallahu Sallam are always his head and said, Who is this? He said, and moreover, you're not even sure but he said, arbitrary? Am I not striving to protect you from the consequences of your treaty, and over and over your head accompanies some had a company,

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some people with some people during the jet Helia then he had killed them and taking their property. Then he came in into the slum Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam said, As for your Islam, I accept it. As for the property, I didn't know anything of it. I was always speaking to the prophets of Allah while he was sort of negotiating, and he's speaking and He has harsh words, because the people have the grief, the very harsh in their manner, and very harsh in the way that they deal with Muslims. And so they were one of the last tribes of Arabia to accept Islam, that Islam came in the 90 of the hijra, towards the very end of the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and after the

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conquest of Mecca, the profit center went and he surrounded he laid siege to the people of time to the people of thief, but after a few days, the profit center left them because that siege was going to be too long and too arduous, too difficult. So the Prophet Salam returned. So anyway, he's speaking to the Prophet Solomon he's saying is speaking to many speaking in a somewhat harsh manners Abubakar, the Allah one response to him, and Abu Bakr was a gentle man, kind man. forbearing patient man, but he would become angry when he came for the

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sake of Allah for the sake of the prophets of Allah, Allah will send them and the man Ottawa will try to touch the beard of the Prophet send him to employ him because this is one of the things that Arabs is to do, if they want to show to the need. One of the things that they do is they touch your beard. So he wants to teach the beard of the prophets Allah son to show him I'm serious. I need your I need you to agree to what I'm proposing. And Mahira Sharma, the companion of the Allah one will standing by the prophet send me the sword, because they didn't have weapons with them. But each one took a sword in a sheet. That's the only thing that they had. He will take the sword and he would

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touch hit the hand of Rotorua don't touch the beard of the prophets of Allah where it was seldom.

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And always started watching the companions of the messenger of allah sallallahu sallam, and by Allah the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did not speak but it fell into the hands of one of them, and he rubbed the on his skin and face. If he instructed them to do something, they hasten to obey His command. When he did will do they almost fall over his leftover wall. When he spoke, they lowered their voices in his presence, and they refrained from looking at him out of respect, or went back to his companions and said, oh people by Allah, I have visited kings costs rose and Caesar and the Negus. But by Allah, I have never seen any king whose companions venerated him as a competitor, the

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companions of Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam venerate him so nice and by Allah, He does not speak but it falls into the hands of one of them, and he rubs his face and skin with it. If he instruct them to do something, they hasten to obey Him to obey His command. When he does, we'll do the almost fight over his leftover water. When he speaks. They lower their voices in his presence and they are refrained from looking at him out of respect, he has offered you a reasonable proposal. So accept it from the Hussites from the things that are specifically special to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is that there is baraka in his body still Allah Allah he will send them in his saliva in his

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hair, in his widow or the remnants of his widow there is baraka. So the companions will often take those remnants and they would use it to to make okay over themselves and they would use it to rub over their bodies. And there's a number of Hadith like this, the prophets of Allah while he was telling me when Amara, after he finished his camera, he told the man to shave his head. He took the hair from the right side of his head, and he gave it to a brutal hand on Saudi or the Allah Wang, and the other half. He spread it amongst other companions. So this is something which the Prophet needs to do. He wants went to the house of the mother of Annecy, Ben Malik who mousseline and he

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drank from a vessel that they had, almost when he went and she cut off the lip of the vessel, because it's made of leather. So leather pouch, she cut her off. They said, Why do you cut it off almost saline, she said because the mouth of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam touched it. So she would use this and they would use their hands or the person even after his death said Allah while he was sitting him. So that is one more in establishing the Sunnah. But it is only specific to him. Number one, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and number two only for his established that it is actually remnants from his body what people claim today that they have a hair from the Prophet Salam

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or something else on the process. And most of that isn't really established or known to be authentic, because most of that from the time of the companions, or the very least the time of the tabulating most of it was lost. Like for example, the ring of the prophets of Allah, Allah will send them the ring there used to seal it was given Abubakar, then it was given to Amara that was given to us man as my last it was the Allahu Akbar. So much of this was lost in the time of the Tiberian or the generation that came after

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a man from Benaki Nana said, let me go to him. So they said go to him, when he opposed the Prophet sallallahu Sallam the messenger of allah sallallahu sallam said, This is so and so he is from a people who venerate the sacrificial camels, so send them in his in his direction. So they sent them and the people met him reciting the Tobia when he saw that he said, Glory to Glory be to Allah, these people should not be prevented from reaching the Kaaba. He went back to his companions and said, I saw that that the sacrificial camels have been garlanded and marked. And I do not think that they should be barred from meeting the Kaiba. So the events that lead up to the Treaty of Saudi

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Arabia, there's a number of them, it's not just a simple case that they came and they signed a treaty and they left the courageous man after man, person after person to go and speak to the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam, because they were looking for an excuse. What they wanted, is one of the other Arab tribes because what they would didn't want these people to say, the Polish, oppress the Muslims, the coloration, let them make ombre, they didn't come to fight, they came in peace. They wanted to visit the Kaaba, and they bought them from the house of Allah. So they're looking for an excuse. They want some of these other Arab tribes, like blue thief, like the house in

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one of these tribes to say, actually, what you're doing is correct, fight them, kill them. So then they can say, look, all of us agreed all of us agreed upon this course of action. So the prophets of Allah while he was sent in from his wisdom, from his knowledge, from his ability to understand different people, and what they what impresses them, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam will see someone coming as a representative Quraysh and he will know how to deal with them like this man from Kenya, Ghana, Kenya, Ghana is a major tribe from the tribes of the Arabs. This man was sent by the police

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After Ottawa coffee, now you go and speak to him. So the man from Kenya Anna came when the prophets of Allah while he was telling him approaching from a distance, he said to the Companions, this is a man who venerates the Haram loves the Kaaba and loves anything to do with the Haram and the Kaaba. So send the camels that we have. Remember what we said yesterday, the Arabs, if they want to sacrifice in the Haram, they Gollum, they put a necktie around the animal, and they draw from its blood, just a small amount of blood just to show that this is earmarked for the haram. So the Prophet said, all these animals, put them forward, let him see this is what we came for. The man

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from a distance when he saw this, he didn't even speak to the Muslims. He just turned around and went back. It was enough for him. Because the rest of understood this is a man loves the Haram loves Allah loves the Kaaba like this, these types of issues. So as soon as he saw this, it was in a few and back and he said to Quraysh this man only came for years, the sacrificial animals with him How can you stop a man who wants to come and perform Umrah and sacrifice in the Haram? Lyrical miracle Mikros even have

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stood up and said let me go to him. So so they said go to him. When he approached them, the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, this is Macross even half. He is a vicious man. He started speaking to the Messenger of Allah salAllahu Alaihe Salam, and whilst he was speaking to him, Sohail even Amma came,

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came and the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, Now the matter has become easy. And so he was the one who will then now make the treaty with the Muslims and the prophets of Allah while he was still in ministry. So Haley Muhammad he says, Sir, hello, and welcome. Your affair will now be easy, because the word Sohail or the name so * in Arabic language comes from the word sand, which means ease. And this is what we call file. It is optimism in Islam. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was optimistic in these ways. If he saw a good name, or he saw a name with a positive meaning, then he would take that positivity and he would be optimistic in that regard. So this is something which is

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also sanctioned in Islam. And that's why the Sunnah is that you name your children with good names with positive names. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and he saw Sohail, he said, things will become easy now.

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He said, Come, let us have a deal written down between us and you. He called for the scribe and said, right, in the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful say said as for the Most Gracious by Allah we don't know we don't we do not know what this is rather right in your name. Oh Allah, as used to write, Muslim said by Allah we will not write anything except in the Name of Allah, the Most gracious the most merciful. Prophet sallallahu sallam said, right in your name, oh Allah. Then he said,

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right, this is this is what has been agreed to, to buy Muhammad the Messenger of Allah. So Allah said, By Allah, we knew that you were the Messenger of Allah, we would not have barred you from reaching the Kaaba, and we will not have for you rather right Mohammed bin Abdullah Abdullah, the Prophet sallahu wa sallam said, I am indeed the Messenger of Allah, even if you deny me, right Mohammed bin Abdullah, then the Prophet SAW Selim said that you will, that you will allow us to go to the Kaaba and so can be circumambulate. So he said, By Allah, we don't want that the out of us to say that we yield it to pressure

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to pressure, but you can have the next year so he wrote it down, but now the agreeing on the terms of the Treaty of Abia and one of those terms of the treaty was that the set to the prophets of Allah while he was sending him if we let you go in now and perform Umrah, what are the Arabs are going to say that you want? You overcame this, you overpower this. So you can't make an omelet this year? There's no way but what you can do is go back and come back the following year. Go back and next year come back and this is as we said yesterday, it's known as ombre Takada took place in the sympathy of the Hijra. And Kadar means to make something up. So it was in place of this umbra, that

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the prophets of Allah while he was selling wanted to make in who they via they said, No man of ours will come to you, even if he follows your religion, but you will return him to us. The Muslim said, subhanAllah How can he be? How can it be returned to the polytheist when he has become one he has come as a Muslim, whilst they weren't like that. Abu Jandal had been Sohail came dragging his chains, having escaped from the other side of Mecca and went to the Muslims seeking their protection. So he said this the first one I asked you to return on the basis of the prophets, Allah Salam said, we have not concluded the deal yet. This is another one of the terms the terms that they

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had in the in the treaty was that if a Muslim leaves Maccha goes to Medina, the Muslims have to return him. They can't keep him has to be returned to Mecca. But if someone leaves Medina doesn't want Islam anymore, for whatever reason, they leave Medina they want to settle in Mecca, the Mexicans don't have to return them. So you have to return our people, but we won't return yours as the just negotiating. They haven't even signed the deal. They're negotiating Abu Jandal comes chained escaping from Mecca who is Abu Jandal, the son of Sohini been the one who's negotiate

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Think on behalf of orange. His son comes is a Muslim. He's been chained by his father in Mecca and being told that you can't leave. But he finds a way he manages to escape because he hears that the Muslims are close by. So he arrives now. So Halal says, This is the first one that we're going to apply this condition and treaty to. So the prophets of Allah Azza wa sallam said to him, we didn't even finish the treaty, we didn't sign anything was still negotiating. He says it doesn't matter. This is the first person now we're going to spend or apply this treaty to

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say I said, then in that case, I will not make any deal with you. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said, let him off for my sake, he said, I will not let him off. He said, do it. He said, I will. I will not do it. I will gender said almost seems am I am I am I be returned to the politics when I have when I have come as a Muslim. Do you not see what I have been suffering? For he had been tortured severely for the sake of Allah.

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Allah ibn Al Khattab said, I never had any doubts, since I became Muslim, except on that day, I came to the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and said, O Messenger of Allah. Are you not the Prophet of Allah? He said, Indeed I am. I said, are we not following the truth and our enemies following falsehood? He said, Indeed, I said, How can we accept a deal that as humiliating for our religion, and go back before Allah decides between us and our enemy? He said, very, I'm the Messenger of Allah, and he will cause me to prevail, and I will not disobey him. I said, they do not tell us that we would come, we will come to the Kaaba and circumambulate. He said, Indeed, I did. But But did I tell you

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that you would come to it this year? I said, No, he said, You will surely come to it and circumambulate then I went to Abu Bakr and said to him, what I said to the messenger of allah sallallahu sallam, and I will work replied exactly as the messenger of allah sallallahu Sallam had replied, and added, so stay close to Him until you die. For by Allah he is on the path of truth. I'm not I said, I did many good deeds, in hope of explaining that. This is the statement of her model, the Allahu Akbar Ahmed was one of those people that was tested by these events on that day and the treat of her they be and we haven't regions from a number of the companions, who said that there

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were a number of us on that day, who had problems with this treaty at the beginning, because we could see what was taking place with Abu Jandal. We could see what the Muslims are going to agree to which wasn't going to be favorable to them in terms of the terms of the treaty. And so a number of them said the companions said that it was a difficult day for us Had Allah azza wa jal not kept us firm. And that's what Allah Azza mentioned in the Surah. As we mentioned yesterday, that Allah will let the unzila Sakina defeat Woolloomooloo meaning Allah sent and tranquillity upon their hearts, made them submit to the prophets of Allah while he was still him, and what he had decided, so I'm

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going to be Allah one. It's amazing the story because he comes to the prophet of Salam. And he gives them a number of answers. He then goes to Abu Bakar with the same questions, and Abu Bakr gives exactly the same answers as the prophets of Allah Allah he will send them and that is one of the virtues of Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Allah and over and above Ramadan other companions, that even when they're not together, by virtue of his Eman being acidic, his words would be and his answers and his understanding of the religion is greater than the understanding of the other companions. There's a number of Hadith that we have a number of narrations that show that Abubakar on the Allah one from

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the most knowledgeable of the companions, even though we don't have many generations of him in terms of his generations of Hadith and so on. Because he died relatively shortly after the prophets of Allah while he was sent him. However, in terms of his knowledge, his understanding his wisdom, it is something which you can see from these incidents. When he had finished writing the treaty, the messenger of allah sallallahu sallam said, Get up and offer your sacrifices, then shave your head by Allah, not 111 man among them got up even after he had said that three times. When none of them got up, he got up and went to Selma, or the Allahu anha. May Allah be pleased with her and told her how

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the people had responded. She said, O Messenger of Allah SallAllahu sallam, do you want that to be done? Go out and do do not say a word to anyone until you slaughter your camera and call your barber to shave your head. So he got up and went out. And he did not speak to anyone among them until he had done that. He started his camel and called his barber to shave his head. When the people saw that they got up and slaughtered their camels, and they started shaving one another's heads to the point that some of them almost killed one another out of distress. So the prophets of Allah while he was still him, none of the treat is done. There's no formula they have to go back. He said to the

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Companions, slaughter these animals that we brought shave off your heads and come out of a haram. No one did it. So the prophets of Allah Azza wa sallam entered into the tent of Ermou cinema his wife from the Allahu anha. And he told her, this is what I said, and this is how they responded, No one did what I commanded. She said, O Messenger of Allah, they only didn't do that because they still hold some hope that perhaps they'll go and make ombre. They still have some hope. But if you go out first, you slaughter first. You take out you shave off your head.

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First you come out of your home first, then they'll know and they'll follow you. So that's what he did sort of loud he was sitting him. And it shows that the Prophet Salam wasn't too proud to accept the advice of anyone someone came and give him good counsel. Good advice, he would accept it. So Allah artisan, then some believing woman came, and Allah subhanaw taala revealed the words

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or you who believe When believing women come to you as migrants test to test their sincerity. Although Allah knows best as to the sincerity of their faith, then if you determine that they are sincere believers do not send them back to the disbelievers. They are not lawful wives for the disbelievers nor are the disbelievers lawful lawful husbands for them. Do not, do not hold on to marriage ties with disbelieving women. On that day, I'm on a divorce two of his wives who who were polytheist when we married one of them and the soft one even a year later other than the Prophet sallallahu Sallam returned to Medina, on the way back, Allah revealed to him the words Verily, We

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have granted you, Victor. Verily We have granted you are Mohamed Salah Salem, in the Treaty of alpha Devi, alpha Davia a manifest victory or more said, Is it a victory or messenger of Allah? He said, Yes. The companion said, congrats. Congratulations to you or messenger of Allah. But what about us? Then Allah subhanaw taala revealed the words

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is He who sent down reassurance to the hearts of the believers so that they make them they might increase in faith. So this was the Surah Surah tool that was revealed on the return from the Treaty of Saudi Arabia to Medina. And in Roman Quran in the senses of the Quran, one of the one of the research topics that we have, well one of the topics of study in human Quran in the senses of the Quran, is to determine where different parts of the Quran were revealed, and which one of them is all revealed. When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was traveling from one place to another and this is an example of that. Certain verses will reveal on a journey. And this is an example the

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person was journeying from. They be back to Medina and Allah azza wa jal reveals these verses to him is the end of the commentary of salt and fat, or praise and thanks for Allah and many blessings and peace of Allah be upon Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, his family and his companions abundant abundantly until the Day of Judgment, we're not coming to the 49th chapter of the Quran, which is Surah 200. And 100 is the name by which the surah is known in the vast majority of the books of the Sunnah and the vast majority of the books of illiteracy, and in her gerat is the plural of the word Hydra. And Hertzog refers to a room. It's often referred to as the apartments or the

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compartments of the prophets of Allah while he was selling meaning his homes, because the prophets of Allah while he was selling all of his wives, he would have a room for them, and we call them homes. But it's nothing like the homes that we live in us in terms of how big and spacious the homes are the wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam were just a simple room, just one room, that's where they would live, and that's where they would reside. So the 100 are the rooms the apartments of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, the vast majority of them are either attached to or very close to his Masjid. The surah is a mezzanine. Surah and some of the scholars such as the

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monopoly and an autonomy said, that is by consensus of the scholars of difficile. And it consists of 18 verses, and its topic is all about etiquettes and tickets and the way that we deal with other people, the way that we behave in the company of others disorder is a sort of a ticket from the very beginning to the very end. And it is also the beginning, according to the majority of the Madonna hip, the beginning of the myofascial swap, in the time of the Prophet sallallahu. Ali was selling they used to divide the surah of the Quran in a certain way. The last portion is called more fossil fossil means that they're short. And they have many Bismillah hours in them because sort of

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finishing electron starts. This is called a fossil of fossil means a stop and start. So these are called the Mufasa. Where do the Mufasa start the scholars of Islam different? The position of the Hanafis the Maliki the shattering is three of the former times is that they start with Surah 200. It's only I will make up the middle of you know Muhammad Rahim Allah Tada that says that it starts with Surah Kahf, the one after this? Why did they differ?

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Why? Anyone know why they different?

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How can you differ over the source of the Quran?

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Which one is more facile? They asked the companion in the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, how do you use to read the surah of the Quran? Because they didn't have what we have in the Quran now Jews and you know the way we have it all with these stars in this one, they didn't have that. How did you use to do it? They will do it by Suraj. The so they knew the surah he said we will read three, then five, then seven, then nine, then 11 and then a juice festival. The Mufasa also runs this is how we will divide the Quran in the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam meaning we will read three sorrows than five souls the next stage and seven so this is how they used

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to do the Quran in that time. So some of them ask the questions so

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was the Mufasa begin from? That's where this whole is different Some say this Surah gerat. Some said that Surah Al Kahf. Why did they differ though?

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What's the discrepancy in the country?

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The discrepancy is, do we include al Fatiha or not? In that county? Because I try to have something you read all the time. Like even in Salah. Like if you ask people where do you start? Where does the memstore is throw away is a macaron? It does Fatiha. Obviously, the fact that has just something he does, so do we convert it or not? So those that counted Fatiha said 100 is the first one those are suddenly smart then they want to cough and Allah knows best.

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I will be like Him in a show Utah neurology Bismillah your man you know he came in the name of Allah the most gracious the most merciful? Yeah.

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You have

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to cut the moon bein a day He was holy. What law in Allah has I mean you're gnarly Are you believe do not decide any matter of a religious or communal nature before Allah and His Messenger have decided concerning And fear Allah for Verily Allah is or hearing or knowing

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you Halina Nullah Talofa who elsewhere can focus on eating maybe you that you hold, while I tell you how to do that who Bill Holika hurry bah bah bah

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bah bah.

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Tula tension Are you believe Do not raise your voices above the voice of the Prophet and do not speak loudly to him as you speak loudly to one another. Let's hear these come to nothing without without your realizing it. In Alladhina Boone and elsewhere to whom Rasulillah he

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can lean into Hannah law who perubahan tuckaway Lucha, libre to Agile now.

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Very those who lower the voices in the presence of Allah's Messenger are those whose hearts Allah has tested and purified for purity. For them it's forgiveness, for an and purified for piety, for them is forgiveness and immense reward. This refers to the proper etiquette to be observed observed with Allah, Allah subhanaw taala. And with the messenger of allah sallallahu sallam, and the proper veneration respect and honor to be shown to him, Allah instructs his believing slaves to do what is required of them as believers in Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi salam, which is to obey the commands of Allah and he does prohibitions and to comply with the commands of Allah and follow

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the Sunnah of the messenger of allah sallallahu Sallam in all their affairs, and not to decide any matter before Allah and His Messenger SallAllahu wasallam had have, have decided concerning it, and not to speak before the Prophet salallahu Salam speaks or to issue any instructions before he does so. This is the real etiquette that is required with Allah and His Messenger SallAllahu sallam, and is a sign of a person being blessed and successful. But missing out on this he will miss out on eternal bliss, bliss and everlasting joy. This is an emphatic prohibition on giving prisoners to any view over that of the messenger SallAllahu Sydenham, for once the Sunnah of the messenger of allah

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sallallahu Sallam is clear, it becomes obligated to follow it and give precedence to it over everything else, no matter what it is. So this is the first of the etiquettes that Allah azza wa jal mentions in this surah don't please too soft before Allah and before the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, don't put your opinions, your speech, your ideas, your logic, anything over and above all before the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam wait for his decision with for a while he decides and then you follow that you are secondary to his commands not primary before his command has even been Rahim Allah Tada said Allah azza wa jal in this in this verse is saying, don't speak before the

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Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam speaks. So then what about the person who comes and says that I know better than the prophet of Selim in terms of Sharia, in terms of the Sunnah in terms of the rulings of Islam? And the scholars have to see the difference to why these verses were revealed what is the cause of Revelation? And we have different narrations from those narrations is the narration of Abu Bakr normal Radi Allahu Anhu. Neither one of the delegations that came to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam there were two leaders in that delegation. So Abu Bakr and Omar they disputed as to which of those two leaders in that delegation should be the one to speak on behalf of

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the delegation. Abu Bakr chose one person or more chose another person, Abu Bakr on set drama, you only chose him so that you could have a different opinion so that you could disagree with me. I'm gonna say no, I think he's a better person. So they began to go back and forth and they raised their voices. And so Allah azza wa jal revealed these opening verses, and from those lessons, as we will see, is Don't raise your voice over and above the voice of the prophets and allow it or send them

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Then Allah enjoins us to view him and be pious in general terms, which means, as a Ben Habib said to do acts of obedience to Allah in the light of clear guidance from Allah,

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hoping for the reward of Allah and to refrain from disobeying Allah in the light of clear guidance from Allah fearing the punishment of Allah meaning what does it mean when Allah says a Taqwa Allah fear Allah? What? How do you define taqwa? What is piety mean? This is one of the best definitions and it's from a scholar of the tab you're in by the name of Tulk. Even though Habib Rahim, Allah Tada. He said that Taqwa is to do acts of obedience, for the sake of Allah, in light of the guidance that has come from from Allah, hoping for Allah's reward, and to stay away from Allah's prohibitions, also in light of the guidance that has come from Allah, the feeling Allah's

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punishment, and that is one of the most comprehensive definitions of Taqwa. Verily Allah is our hearing, that is, he hears of voices at all times, even in hidden places and locations are knowing that is he knows what is visible and what is hidden. What comes first and what comes later was inevitable and what is impossible, and what is possible, without mentioning these two divine names, after forbidding the believer to decide any matter before Allah and His Messenger, salallahu Alaihe Salam have decided concerning it and commanding them to fear him, Allah is urging them to comply with those good commands and observe that adequate and warning against not complying. Then Allah

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subhanaw taala says, are you who believe Do not raise your voices above the voice of the Prophet sallallahu Sallam and do not speak loudly to him. This is the etiquette to be observed when when addressing the messenger of allah sallallahu sallam, the one who is addressing him should not raise his voice above his or speak loudly team. Rather he should lower his voice and address him politely and gently with all veneration and respect and this is also from the second etiquettes when you address the prophets of Allah, Allah wa salam, don't just raise your voice. Don't call him like you would call your friend, your neighbor, your colleague. This is the Messenger of Allah, Allah, Allah,

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Allah will send them so the way that you speak the tone of your voice, they should be you should be known. And that is said that narration that I just mentioned Abu Bakr and Omar that Allah then reveal these verses concerning their dispute. It is said that Amara, the Allahu Allah in the presence of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he would speak so quietly that people were asking him to repeat himself. They couldn't hear him because of what Allah azza wa jal instructed them to do. Be respectful to him. If you were to be in front of your parents or your grandparents and raise your voice at them. You will be considered disrespectful. Even though we live in a time

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unfortunately, where it's somewhat of a norm in many families. It's disrespectful, someone who's older than you 40 5060 years older than you and you raise your voice at them, you call them in that way you shout at them. So what about them the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the Companions took this seriously, there was a company by the name of thermal paste, emission mas, Radi Allahu Allah and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said one day, I haven't seen fabric for a number of days. Where is he? They said, O Messenger of Allah. We don't know. But we didn't hear that he's sick. We didn't hear that something happened to him. So one of the companions said,

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let me go and speak to him. Let me find out. So he went to him and he said, Oh, Thabeet, the prophet. sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is asking about you, where are you? How come you haven't come to the masjid. You haven't attended? You haven't sat with him? Where are you? Fabian said Allah will reveal this verse about me. Fabian, naturally, just naturally, he had a loud voice. Some people speak loud. Some people speak quiet. Some people when they speak, it sounds like they're shouting, not shouting, just the nature of the natural voice. The pitch is very high. So Thabeet was a strong man. He was known as the Hatim of these people. It was as soon as a preacher, when people wanted to

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speak, you will tell people to quiet down because his voice was so loud. And so Thabeet said Allah was referring to me in this verse, because when I speak, I'm always louder than the prophets of Allah it was in them. So the man the companion who went to therapy came back and he told the prophets of Allah who it was send him, Fabian said O Messenger of Allah has destroyed because Allah mentioned this verse concerning him. The prophets of Allah while he was Selim tell phablet rather he's from the people of Jana. Missing while this from the people of Jana is not referring to meaning he doesn't do it out of disrespect. It's just his natural voice. And so the Prophet sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam told the fabric, this verse didn't apply to who doesn't apply to therefore, those who showed disrespect to the prophets of Allah while he was sending more dishonor His commands who oppose his teachings and his Sharia in his lifetime to his face, but after his death, it is to his sunnah. Someone mentioned the Sunnah and you oppose it, you turn away from it. You think that your ideals or your logic make more sense than what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, this is all from what is included in these verses. The messenger sallallahu alayhi salam is not like one of them. So they should address him in a different manner when they speak to him, for he is different

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to others with regard to his do rights over the Ummah and the obligation to believe in Him and love Him without which faith cannot be complete.

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By failing to comply with these instructions, a person may be committing a sin, and there is the fear that his good deeds could be nullified with

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Got him realizing by the same token, observing proper etiquette with him is one of the means of attaining reward and of having one's good deeds accepted. Then Allah praises those who lower their voices in the presence of the messengers of allah sallallahu Sallam for Allah has tested their hearts and purified them for piety. In other words, he has tried and tested them. And the outcome of that is, is that their heart, their hearts became fit for piety.

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Then Allah promises them forgiveness for their sins, which implies that they will be protected from evil and harm and will attain the great reward, the description of which no one knows except Allah subhanaw taala the great reward includes attaining all that as good as indicates that Allah tests people's hearts with commands, prohibitions and trials. Look at how Allah azza wa jal makes the comparison between these two verses between these two groups of people. The first one, those people who raise their voice, the repose the Sunnah, they oppose the commands or the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, what Allah say, may well be that Allah will take all of their deeds and run run to

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them null and void, give them no reward because of their opposition to the Sunnah. And the second group of people, those who lower their voices, meaning they adhere to the Sunnah, they submit to it, they hear the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said something and they say we have we obey, even if it's something which is difficult for them or it goes against their desires or their preferences. Allah azza wa jal says, those are the people that Allah subhanaw taala has given to them piety, and they will give to them forgiveness and we give to them an amazing reward. And that's the position of the self, the self would hear something. The Prophet Saddam said something, they would just say,

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Okay, well, that's what we're going to do. They wouldn't ask the word a question they wouldn't debate. They wouldn't try to find a way around it. They wouldn't try to find a way to circumvent it, they would just simply obey because Allah azza wa jal praises those people and promises them a great reward. Whoever adheres to the Command of Allah and 60s Pleasure hastening to do so and giving it President

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giving it presidents over his whims and desires will be purified and be fit to have piety in his heart and his heart will be fit to accommodate piety. Whoever is not like that is known that he is not fit for piety

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in letting you know you're doing a cameo or ill who jurati actor

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too. As for those who called out to you or Mohamed salah I sell them from outside apartments, most of them lack understanding,

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whatever and now, whomsoever who had the raja ILA him like Anna for urine level, Mala who are fooled watching.

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If they had been patient until you came out to them, that would have been better for them. But ALLAH is not forgiving, Most Merciful. These verses were revealed concerning some Bedouin, whom Allah described as rough, for they were more likely to be unaware of the limits prescribed by Allah. And what he has revealed His Messenger sallallahu alayhi salam, they came in a delegation to the messenger of allah sallallahu sallam, and they found him in his house and the parts and apartments of his wives. But they were impatient and did not have the manners to wait until he came up, whether they called him or Muhammad on him. That's what I said. And that is come out to us for this was a

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group of Bedouins that came and it was said that one of them was a man by the name of Allah, Quran, even habits and Accra even habits. And so he came out and because he wanted to speak to the Prophet sentiment, the bedrooms were rough. And they were tough. Because they lived in the desert. They didn't live in communities. They were aware of the social ethical acts, they didn't really know how to deal with people. They live by themselves, they will no man's in the desert. So when they came, and they want you to speak to the prophets of Allah while he was telling me he did as he would do in the desert, what do you do in the desert? The next tent is like 100 yards away. You call out to that

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person you shatter him, come here, come here. So that's what he did. Oh, Mohammed, Mohammed, and his calling man in a loud voice and it's not from the attic Islam but fitting. You wouldn't do that to your father, you wouldn't do that your teacher. If someone was important, have a station you go on you wait patiently until they come and see you. This is the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. That's why Allah azza wa jal says these people who do this, who speak in this way, they are people of little understanding of the religion. Allah criticize them for their lack of reason. Because they did not understand his command, observe adequate with him his messenger Allah, Allah

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Salam, and showing respect for is a sign of for it is a sign of reason to be polite and observe etiquette and what is amazing about the prophets of Allah while he was selling them, even though these are etiquettes that are his rights they do to him. This is how you should behave in His presence. The prophets of Allah, Allah He was selling was gentle, and he was kind and he was merciful to those people. Because he understood that the Bedouins like the Bedouin that came and urinated in his masjid, the chroma cola was gentle and kind towards him, or the Bedouin that came and pulled him by his shirt and said, Give me some money. And it's a cat, gave it to him and smiled

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in his face. You knew this is their nature, what they did was wrong. And it may even be a sin in some circumstances. But the Prophet also knew that he just don't know any better. This is just the way they are. And this is one of the ways that the Muslim also has to be

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Certain people when you come to the masjid certain people, when you go to certain places, they're just going to behave in a certain way their manners. Their actions are not befitting of the Masjid. They're not befitting of certain places or locations because they go against etiquettes that are mentioned in the Quran and the Sunnah. Some people are allowed in the masjid, some people are rough and tough in the message. This isn't the way of the Muslims in the mess but you have to be patient with them. Elderly in age doesn't know any better. Someone tries to explain to him doesn't accept it from them, okay, you just accept it from them, like the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam used to

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and in doing so, that is also from good character is rewarding, but they still should be better but that doesn't mean that you lower your character as a result of them, lowering this person. A person's manners are a sign of reason and indicate that Allah intends Good for him. Hence, Allah says if they had been patient until you came out to them that would have been that would be that would have been better for them. But ALLAH is not forgiving, Most Merciful that is, he is forgiving of what his slaves have committed of sins and lapses of Eric of etiquette, and he is most Merciful towards him, as he does not hasten to punish them for their sins.

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You hire Latina women to

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Fatima Yun Fattah Albanian. to Cebu Coleman Vijay had to spear who

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will tune in or you believe if a wrongdoer comes to you with any news, investigate and verify the facts. Unless you harm people out of ignorance, then come to regret your actions is also comes under the heading of the etiquette that people have understanding should follow. If an evildoer tells them some news, they should verify it and not accept it before that, because that involves a grave risk and falling into sin. If his report is given the same status as one who is truthful and have good character, you may take action or pass judgment on that basis, which may then result in the killing of people or destruction of property without justification because of that news, and that because of

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that news, and that would become a cause for regret. Rather, what must be done in the event of news from around you is to check and verify it. This is also from the important articles. If someone comes to you with news that is unverified that you don't know. And you don't know that person, either in terms of their honesty, are in terms of their integrity, or even if you know them to be an honest person but you don't know where they took that information from. Then verify, ask substantiate before you just believe them. And you embark upon some action based upon what they see to you. It is said that this verse was revealed consenting a companion by the name of Elizabeth

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Raka. And what do you even talk about the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told him to come and collect Zika from a group of Muslims from the tribe of Banu al methodic Benwell Mustafa and Walid Dibond Rockabye, before Islam, he had a problem with his tribe, they had some issues between themselves. So when he went to collect the car, and he's told them writing out the writing out to him to do what? To greet him, and to give him the car, but because he has problems with them from before, when he saw them writing out, he thought, they're going to attack me, they're going to harm me. So he didn't wait. He didn't ask. He didn't verify. He just turned on with straight back to the

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prophets of Allah. While he was saying, he said a messenger of Allah, they refuse to give musica they've left Islam. He just said that. So the prophets of Allah where it was still him, obviously if they've left Islam, the refusing zakat that's a problem, the prophets of Allah where Islam is going to go now and deal with them. So then when the prophets of Allah where it will send them goals, or you send someone to go and say to them, Look, what you're doing is a serious issue. They were like, What do you mean, we just want you to give us a car, we came out to give you the car you run away. So the prophets of Allah where it was telling them realize that we worried, was afraid. But that's

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why he ran away not because of some error on their part. So Allah azza wa jal revealed this verse. And this causal revelation is according to the vast majority of the scholars of difficile. And so it shows that if someone comes to you, even if that person is a Muslim, but you don't know them in terms of the honesty or you don't know where they've taken the news from today, social media all of these things people just here's different spreads across the woman standing when true. And so this is something which the Muslim has to be careful for because you base your words upon it, you actions upon it, sometimes your beliefs upon it, decisions are made according to that you have to be sure

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that it's something first That is correct, before you embark upon those decisions. If other indicators and circumstantial evidence points to it being true, then it may be believed and acted upon, but if they indicate that is that is false, then it is to be rejected and not acted upon. This indicates that news brought by one who is truthful may be accepted. Whereas news brought by a liar is to be rejected and also included in that because author mentions two positions if you think it's true, okay, you see different signs that says truths, okay? And if you see signs that say it's false, okay? What if you don't know either way?

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What if you don't know

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There's no science to say it's true, no sense to say it's false, then you just withhold judgment, this thing that people have today that you have to have a position on everything, you have to make a choice. You have to either believe or not believe or agree or disagree. Now, who said that? Where did that come from? I don't know. That's a pillar of our religion. I don't know. Allah knows best. I don't know. Didn't to me doesn't make sense. Yeah, I don't know. I don't have enough information. I don't know this person. I don't know where they took that story from, until I'm sure, then I'll make a decision. So this thing that people have to know you just have to because you got a tweet, or a

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WhatsApp message, you all of a sudden have to be the same and you have to agree automatically. Now, that's not a principle of Islam. In fact, Allah azza wa jal is telling you to do the opposite. So if you're unsure, then withhold that judgment until you have the ability to make it with with regard to news bought by a wrongdoer depends, as we have mentioned above, hence the early generation who accept the reports of many of the Haughty giants who weren't known to be honest, even if they were wrongdoers. This is a very important principle of stala *, Hadith science of Hadith, the Harada who, those people that went against the companions, and they rebelled against the Muslims, but when

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it came to Hadith, the scholars would accept the Hadith. Why would they accept the Hadith? They're committing major sins, opposing the Companions rebelling against the Muslim rulers causing bloodshot chat bloodshed in there. Why would they accept the Hadith

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mentioned this in his now the freedom syrupy the issue. The Karate the part of the belief system is that if someone commits a major sin, they leave Islam, any major sin, you become a non Muslim. So lying is one

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major sin. So by virtue of their theory that they're not going to lie. And that's why the Scholars of Hadith would accept the Hadith because these people won't lie because by lying they believe that they fall outside of the fold of Islam. And the shows do that if there are reasons or stipulations or certain things that allow you to accept the Hadith the scholars of Islam This is why the amazing scholars of Hadith reviewed study those sciences and the way that they come to their determination that hadith, amazing the level of detail that they went through in order to preserve the Sunnah.

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Why Allah

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and Nephi come Rasul Allah. Lo ut oakum V Cathy eating Meenal Emeril amarilla need to Mauna Kea in La Habra, la common Iman was a Jana who feel Kulu become Ricardo Raha la como floorworld, Faso covenants.

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Eco home overwash you do know that the Messenger of Allah is among you. If he were to listen to you, in many cases, you will surely suffer for it. But Allah has made faith dear to you and has made it beautiful in your hearts and he has made hateful to you disbelief, wickedness and sin such as the rightly guided

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for them you know, he went

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while long running hacky, by the grace in favor of Allah, Allah is all knowing most of us.

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That is, let it be known to you all that the messenger of allah sallallahu Sallam is among you. And he is the wise kind and generous messengers who wants what is good for you, and it's sincere towards you, but you want for yourself evil and harm to which the messenger SallAllahu Sallam would not agree. If he were to listen to you, in many cases, that will put you through hardship and difficulty by the messenger. So Allah Islam guys, guide you to that which is best for you.

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Allah and he has faith to you, and makes it fair seeming to you by means of what he has instilled in your hearts of loving the truth and preferring it and by means of what he sets out for the truth of proof and evidence to testify to its soundness and make it appealing to people's hearts and minds. And by means of what he does of enabling you to turn to Him, and He makes hateful to disbelief and evil doing namely, major sins unless your sins by means of what he has instilled in your hearts of hatred for evil and a lack of desire to do it. And by means of what he has set out of proof and evidence to testify to his corrupt nature. And the fact that people of sound mind the people of

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sound. Nature have no inclination towards it, and by means of what Allah has instilled in people's hearts of hatred towards it.

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Tada says that this verse shows the greatest of Allah's blessings upon the believers. What is the greatest blessing that Allah has showered upon anyone? The blessing of Islam and Eman after Islam and Eman? What is the greatest blessing? What is mentioned here that Allah azza wa jal makes in your heart, beloved, that which Allah loves and makes you hate in your heart that which Allah He has, because that's a major issue for most of us. Allah says one thing, but our heart wants something else. Allah says don't do something but our heart believes in what Allah commands us or something but our heart finds it difficult. So when Allah azza wa jal make

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to your heart something or a you makes you someone who agrees and conforms to what Allah loves, and conform in terms of what Allah wants you to stay away from what Allah hates and dislikes. That's one of the greatest blessings of Allah azza wa jal because when you reach that level, then everybody becomes easy Eman becomes easy good deeds become easy. Staying away from haram becomes easy, because Allah makes you love what he loves, makes you hate what he hates. And so this level of Eman is from the greatest blessings of Allah that you have to strive for. You have to show Allah your sincerity you have to show Allah your willingness to reach that level, that Allah azza wa jal then endowed or

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bestows upon you this heightened level of iman such that is those to whom Allah makes faith first seeming and endears it to them and he makes disbelief you were doing and sent hateful to them, or the rightly guided that is, they are the ones who have sound knowledge, do righteous deeds and adhere to the true religion a straight path,

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their opposites are the misguided, to whom disbelief, evil doing and sin are indeed and faith is made hateful to them is therefore, because they did evil. Because when they did evil, Allah put a smile on their hearts and when they chose to deviate from the truth, Allah cause the heart to deviate from from right guidance, because they did not believe in in the truth when it came to them the first time so Allah turned the hearts away by the grace and favor of Allah that is this good. This good that they have attained is by the grace and the kindness is by the grace and kindness of Allah towards them, not by their own power and strength. And Allah is all knowing, most wise that

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is, he knows who will be grateful for the blessing and He guides him to attain it, and he knows who will not be grateful for it, and for whom it is not appropriate. Therefore he restores his grace according to his wisdom.

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if attorney Mina, meanie Nakata Talofa elsley who Benina Houma for in the what the

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call to let the table we had to Fe

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file slaveholding. Below ideally what are concealed to in law how you hipbone more concealed carry in. If two groups among the believers fight one another, and make peace between them if one of them transgressions against the other and rejects all efforts to make peace, then fight all of all of you against the one that transgresses until it complies with the command of Allah, then if it complies, make peace between them on the basis of equity and be just for very a lot of those who are just

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in MLA Mina if one file select who been a hallway come, what duckula hala, to Rahaman, the believers are brothers. So make peace between your contending brothers and feel Allah so that you may be shown mercy. This is an implicit prohibition on the believers transgressing against one another and fighting one another. If two groups of believers five, then other believers are obliged to try to contain this great evil by making peace between them and intervening in the best manner whereby they may achieve peace. And they should, they should take all measures that may lead to achieving that if they make peace, all well and good. But if one of them transgressions against the other, and rejects

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our efforts to make peace, then fight all of you against the one that transgresses until it complies with the command of Allah.

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That is, until compliance back until it comes back to what Allah and His Messenger SallAllahu Sallam have prescribed of doing good and refraining from evil, one of the gravest kinds of which is fighting. So this is also one of the etiquettes between Muslims, and that is that when Muslims dispute or they disagree, or they differ amongst themselves, then you should try to reconcile between them bring peace and unity amongst them, in whichever way is best. However, if one of them is transgressing against the other, and they refuse, they don't want to come and negotiate, then Allah azza wa jal says to the others, then you should also empower them use force if must be in

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order to make them reconcile between the Muslims because the general the general principle amongst Muslims that they should be united. So when someone breaks that unity, then even if you have to use some level of force in order to make them reunited, then you should do so. But there's still believers, all of these people are Muslims, Allah Israel says if two groups of believers dispute with one another list of Muslims as to your brothers, so you're not there just to try to take their wealth or to kill them or to harm them, because to use some force or a show of force in order to make them reconcile, then if it complies, make make peace between them on the basis of equity and we

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just this is a command to reconcile and just in bringing about reconciliation, because reconciliation may take place, but it may not be just rather, it may be unjust and unfair

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One to one of the two disputing parties. This is not the kind of reconciliation that is enjoined, there should not there should be no bias towards one of the two groups because of kinship or common homeland, or any other reason that may cause people to drift away from justice. For Verily Allah loves those who are just that is those who are fair when judging between people and in all that they do. To the extent that this includes a man being fair towards his wife and children, or fulfilling their rights. In the say, Hadith, it says, Those who are fair and justice will be with Allah on throne of light, those who are just in their judgment and towards their families, and in whatever

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they have authority over Muslim, the believers about brother. This is a bond that Allah has established within the believers, if anyone in the furthest east or west is found to believe in Allah, His angels, His books, His messengers, and the last day, then he is a brother to the believers with a bond of brotherhood that dictates that the believers should love for Him what they love for themselves and hate for him or they hate for themselves hence, hence the prophets Allah wa sallam said, enjoying the fulfillment of the rights of others in faith, do not envy one another, do not artificially inflate prices, do not hate one another, do not undersell one another and B are

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slaves of Allah brothers. The believer is the brother of his fellow believer, he does not run him, let him down or despise him. And he said, the Beavers are like a structure, parts of which support other parts, Hari, and he interlay interlace his fingers, Allah and His Messenger SallAllahu sallam, and join the believer to fulfill one another's rights. And to do that, which will lead to harmony, love and understanding among them, all of that confirms the rights that they have, or they have over one another. Therefore, if fighting occurs, among them, that would lead to division hatred and shunning of one another, that the believers bring about conciliation between about reconciliation

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between the brothers and strive to do that which will remove graduate and ill feeling. And this is also from the greatest advocates that the Muslim should have amongst themselves. And that is that amongst themselves, they're like brothers, they love for others, what they love for themselves, hate for others, what they hate from themselves. And that strong or that bond of brotherhood should be stronger than any of the bond that they have between them, stronger than family stronger than marriage stronger than the bonds of money and trade and commerce stronger than citizenship or anything else. It is the bond of Islam that comes first and foremost. So Allah azza wa jal answer in

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the Quran, as we mentioned in previous Surah, Allah subhanaw taala speaks about how on Yama, Yama, it is only the bonds of brotherhood of Islam that will endure, every other type of connection or relationship will be severed. Everyone's going to be running away from one another, blaming one another, except for those people who loved one or another for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala and that's why the author mentioned this hadith those who are fair and just love Allah and do that which Allah pleases. They will be on thrones pulpits of light, they will be on throne of light with Allah azza wa jal on the Day of Judgment, then Allah commands them to fear him in general terms, and makes

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her feeling the rights of fellow believers and fearing Allah conditions of his mercy, as he says, so that you may be shown mercy if mercy is attained, and all that is good in this world and in the Hereafter is also attained.

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This indicates that not fulfilling the rights of fellow believers is one of the greatest barriers to Divine Mercy. In addition to the above, we also learned that fighting among the believers is contrary to the brotherhood of faith. Hence, it is one of the worst of major sins, faith and the brotherhood that is based on those based on it or not diminished when there is fighting, as is the case with other major sins that are less than the ascription of partners to Allah. This is the view of Alison, Norma Gemma, we also learned that it's obligatory to reconcile between the believers on the basis of justice and to find his transgressions until they come back to compliance with the

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command of Allah, and that their wealth is protected, protected, because Allah has specifically

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made it permissible to fight them, if they persist in their misguidance. But he has not made it permissible to seize their wealth. So this is not the jihad when you reconcile between Muslims is not that type of jihad where you can go and you can take their wealth and seize their property and enslave them and make them prisoners of war. No, it is only done to reconcile between the different groups of Muslims. And so that's why the author says that the position of understandable gemera is that these people that are engaging that fighting, they're still believers, they don't fall outside of Islam, they're still brothers to one another. So you try to reconcile just as when there's a

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dispute in your family, between family members, or there's a dispute between friends, you try to reconcile between them.

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01:04:35 --> 01:04:37

You Hello leadin

01:04:38 --> 01:04:39

Yes, Hong Kong.

01:04:41 --> 01:04:42

Only Nisa

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wala Anissa

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01:05:01 --> 01:05:05

While I tell you the means to full circle

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be surly smooth Koba the Lehman, woman lamea, to be fair,

01:05:17 --> 01:05:46

he can hormone warning, or you believe letting Let not some men ridicule others for maybe that they are better than them. And let not some women ridicule others for maybe that they are better than them, do not speak ill of one another, and do not call each other by offensive nicknames. What a bad thing. It is to be called an evildoer, after having believed and whoever does not repent is the who are the wrongdoers. This is another of the rights that the believers have over one another,

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that some should not ridicule others, you know, in words, or these that are indicative of looking down on one's Muslim brother, because that is prohibited and is not permitted, as indicative of self admiration on the part of the one who is mocking the other, it may be that the one who is ridiculed is better than the one who is ridiculing him, as is usually the case because mockery is only a reflection of a bad attitude and bad manners, and all bad characteristics characteristics. Hence the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, is efficient, evil for a man to look down on his Muslim brother Muslim. So this is the first article that is mentioned in this verse. Don't make fun of others don't

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mock others by using names or by using descriptions or by using words that are going to offend those people. And in the narration, we will model the Allah wa neuroma he said that in Medina, when the prophets that Allah Allah, He will send them first arrived, the people used to do this, often they would make fun of each other, and they would make mockery of one another. And so there's a difference between a joke and that person takes it in the spiritual a joke, they're not necessarily offended by it. And the difference between that and a joke that is made to somebody that hurts them. Other people may find it funny, but that person, they're offended, it hurts them. And so the

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prophets of Allah where it was send them then allows you to reveal this verse, and he told the Companions don't do that anymore. Don't make fun of one another. Don't make mockery of one another.

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And Allah says, Do not speak ill of one another. That is do not criticize one another. That criticism may be verbal or by means of gestures. Both are prohibited and carry a warning of * as Allah subhanaw taala says elsewhere, all to every backfire for finding the literal meaning of this verse is do not speak ill of yourselves because the believers should be like somebody and because if you criticize someone else,

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who will inevitably criticize you, unless you you will have brought it upon yourself, and do not call each other by offensive nicknames. There is no one of you should embarrass his brother by giving him an insulting nickname that he would not like to be called by. As for nicknames that are not offensive, they are not included in this so Allah azza wa jal then mentions two other things don't speak ill of one another. Which basically means by words or by gestures, you say something that's offensive to someone else, you call them, things that they don't want to be caught, or you speak to them in a term that they don't like and they don't want Oh, you make some type of a signal.

01:08:06 --> 01:08:43

Like one of the wives did. Aisha Radi Allahu I know when she was describing one of the other wives of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam Schumann like this like she's short. The prophets of Allah wa Alison said or Aisha, you did something that if he was to be placed in the ocean, you will make its waterfowl the whole ocean because of what you did she meant to in a derogatory way issues a short lady. That's not something which the Muslim does to another person. No use the terms of all the names or the nicknames of Fiske of evil doing, calling someone something which isn't befitting for a Muslim, a liar, a thief. You just go around calling people that for no reason. And so this is

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something which the Muslims should stay away from. In the previous residence. We said Allah azza wa jal said, The believers are brothers. This verse tells us now, one of the major reasons why believers become disunited friends separate, family members no longer speak to one another. Because of these issues that take place between them not only cause enmity, and ill will, what a bad thing is to be called an evildoer, if they haven't believed, that is what a bad thing is to change. After having believed and carried out the duties of faith by turning away from the commands and prohibitions of faith and becoming rebellious evildoers. Calling people by offensive names. So what

01:09:17 --> 01:09:54

will the Prophet sallallaahu Salam do then? How would you address people who would call them in the terms of Eman? You're a bad Allah or slaves of Allah? Because if that person has Eman in their heart, and you call them by the name of iman, that they're likely to listen to you or to at least remember some of the duties of the Muslim and that is what the prophet is to do some Allah audios and whoever does not repent is they who are the wrongdoers? This is what is required of the individual to repent to Allah subhanaw taala and try to settle matters with his Muslim brother by asking him to pardon and forgive him and to praise him in order to make up for having criticized or

01:09:54 --> 01:10:00

assaulted him. And whoever does not repent is if a who are the wrong news. Those people have to tell

01:10:00 --> 01:10:26

helps those who run themselves and do not repent and those who repent and succeed. There is no character there's no third category. We're not playing Hamlet Tada said something similar. Look at this verse at the end Allah says, Those who do not repent, they are from the evildoers alone, he mentioned two types of people, those who tend to Allah in repentance, a rather worship belief, and also don't do that and so then from the evildoers, there is no third category to this.

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01:10:32 --> 01:10:35

You have a loving manager attorney boo Kathy.

01:10:37 --> 01:10:40

One in about one

01:10:41 --> 01:11:23

one just says who? Bow Bow. Bow Bow. Are you hey boo, I had to come and Kula Murphy Matan Zachary tumu. What calore in law had to wobble rushing, oh, you believe avoid suspicion in most cases, because in some cases suspicion is a sin. Do not spy on one another, and you're not backed by one another? Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? You sure you will surely abhor it? Sofia, Allah. Verily, Allah is Accepting of repentance, Most Merciful. Allah forbid suspicion in most cases, and thinking out of the believers, because in some cases, suspicion is a sin.

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Examples include suspicion that is not based on facts and evidence and taking over person, which usually leads to saying and doing many things that are prohibited. That is because harboring bad thoughts, does not usually stop there. Rather, the bad thoughts persist until one says, or does something that is not appropriate. That also includes thinking of a Muslim hating him and showing enmity towards him was enjoyed enjoyed is the opposite of that. And this is also from the important etiquettes of the Muslim that they think good of others, Allah Israel says, Don't think bad, don't have a bad and evil thoughts about your brothers. So what should you do? should think good of them,

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if you see them doing something, hear something about them, then do it hold it in the best light possible that you can, until it's verified and established that actually what they did was wrong, or it's a sin, or they committed a crime. But otherwise you hold people in good regard. The general ruling is that the Muslims are good people that people have Iman and the people of worship and the people who feel Allah azza wa jal, people have honesty and integrity, until you have proved otherwise, to the country. That's how you should behave with people. That doesn't mean that you have to give them all your money or agree to everything that they say no, but it just the way that you

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think and treat people, you should treat them in a good way. And this is one of the ways that Islam enjoins upon us brotherhood, because if everyone you see just suspicious of them, you think there were ulterior motive, you're going to look at people and you're going to think, Oh, he's out there to harm me, then there's no brotherhood left in the community anymore, because everyone's seeing everyone else's an enemy. But if you think generally people are good, they come and they want to do good, they're trying to seek Allah's pleasure to God, then at the very least, you'll think God of them, unless there is established Otherwise, do not spy on one another. There is do not seek out the

01:13:05 --> 01:13:40

forts for the faults of the Muslims, leave the Muslims alone and pay no attention to his private affairs, which, which if they were not, if they were to be investigated, they would appear of them. That which is not appropriate, as the Companions used to say, we judge people based upon their apparent action. As for what they hide, that is between them and Allah subhanaw taala what you conceal is between you and your Lord, and therefore what people do in the privacy of their homes, and other places that's between them and Allah azza wa jal, and so to go as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to look for people in their private rooms and their houses and try to expose them.

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The sense that Allah while he was selling, whoever does that, then Allah will expose them, Allah will turn the tables on them and expose them. You don't go around spying on people trying to find their habits or trying to find the evil deeds and so on. Leave them, leave them and that which they do to Allah subhanho wa taala. So long as they're not doing it openly, or in public, or harming and oppressing others, something private. Leave them, leave them to it. And if you know that they're doing something wrong, privately, advise them privately. Go and speak to them, advise them, remind them of Allah, but only expose them and cause more harm.

01:14:14 --> 01:14:39

And do not back by one another backbiting as a Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said means saying about your brother, something that he dislikes, even if it's true, even if it is true, and if it is not true, then that is called slander, which is the grievous sin because what you're spreading about them now isn't even true. So if it is true, they actually are like that, but they don't like people to speak about them in that way behind their backs, that's called backbiting.

01:14:41 --> 01:14:59

Then Allah gives an off putting likeness of backbiting, as he says, Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother, you would surely abhor it? Backbiting him is likened to eating his flesh when he is dead, which is extremely abhorrent and repugnant, pungent, repugnant. So just as you would hate to eat his flesh, especially when he is dead and lifeless,

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So too you should hate to back by him and eat especially when he is alive. And that's why when the profits are low, it will sell them on one occasion and one of the companions committed backbiting against another one, the profits are lower it was seldom saw a dead animal next to him. And he said, Go and eat from that. Said a messenger of Allah. No, I'm not gonna eat from no one eats from that. He said, What you did is worse than that. You eat the flesh of your brother, that's worse than eating the flesh of that animal. And so to speak about people in evil way. And look at how beautiful the Sharia is the Sharia doesn't like things that are negative to be spreading the community doesn't

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like things that are wrong and those types of things shouldn't be spreading. If someone is doing wrong. Somebody is doing haram, someone's committing a major sin. The Sharia doesn't like that it becomes spread out amongst the community, because it changes the way people think and the way people are. And so you should only speak about those things which are beloved to Allah and pleasing to Allah azza wa jal and you should want again since in a general sense, but to spread the evil in that way, causes other problems. A fear Allah verily, Allah is Accepting of repentance, Most Merciful. Accepting of repentance means that he guides and enables his slaves to repent.

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Then he accepts his repentance. He is most merciful to slaves, as he calls them to that which will benefit them and accepts their repentance. This verse is indicative of this stern warning against backbiting and highlights the fact that Backbiting is a major sin because Allah likens it to eating the flesh of a dead brother over that person, which is a major sin.

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01:16:35 --> 01:16:39

you hand in holla corner

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* rubocop

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Elita for in Corona

01:16:53 --> 01:17:12

de la he adds call come in Aloha Lehman hobby, oh humankind value recreated recreated Are you from one man and one woman and made you into nations and tribes so that you may recognize one another very the noblest of you before Allah is the most righteous among you. 30 Allah is are known on the where

01:17:13 --> 01:17:39

he Allah subhanaw taala tells us that he created the sun, the sons of Adam from a single origin, and they are all of one race, they are all they all come come from one male and one female, they are all descendant descended, they all they are all descended from Adam and Howard, from whom Allah spent countless men and women far and wide, he divided them and made them into nations and tribes small and great. So they may recognize one another. That is,

01:17:40 --> 01:18:18

if each one of them was only known by himself without his roots and origin, that recognizing of one another, which leads to supporting one another, cooperating with one another, inheriting from one another and fulfilling the rights of relatives would not take place. But Allah made them international tribes so that these things and others that are based on recognizing and another by recognizing one another and knowing people's lineage, maybe maybe fulfilled by nobility and dignity are connected to piety and righteousness, the noblest of them before Allah are those who are the most righteous, which means those who are the most obedient and who who must keep away from sin.

01:18:19 --> 01:18:55

Not those who have the most relatives or the globalist and ninnyish as the profit center along it was sitting in the farewell hedge, there is no superiority of an Arab over a non Arab, or someone with white skin or black skin. All of you are from Adam and Adam came from dust. And so everyone goes back to Adam Adams salatu salam. So why then do we have tribes why then do we have families and names and lineage so that we can know one another and recognize one another. And there are benefits from that because that is how you have your relationships. certain rights are connected to those relationships like honoring people, respecting your parents, your grandparents, knowing who you can

01:18:55 --> 01:19:14

marry, marry, knowing who inherits from you doesn't inherit from you. There are numerous benefits in knowing this. But it doesn't mean that those names or those lineages or those backgrounds are anything to do with a person's worth or their value, or their piety or no nobility, that is based upon the Iman and Taqwa

01:19:15 --> 01:19:18

of Allah subhanaw taala is all knowing all where

01:19:19 --> 01:19:35

he knows who truly fears Allah, both outwardly and inwardly, as opposed to those who do that outwardly only and he will require each as he deserves. This verse indicates that knowing people's lineage is something that is required according to Sharia. Because Allah has made them nations and tribes for that purpose.

01:19:37 --> 01:19:37

Oh and it

01:19:41 --> 01:19:59

will them to me no other kin to Islam now when I'm the holy man will feel Kulu they come we're into your Allah How about I saw that hold I need to I'm in our man you can che

01:20:00 --> 01:20:07

I'm in law have a full liking the Bedouin say we believe,

01:20:08 --> 01:20:21

say you have not yet believed whether you should say we have submitted in Islam for faith has not entered your heart but if you obey Allah His messenger, you will not detract from the reward of any of you these very ALLAH is forgiving most Merciful.

01:20:23 --> 01:20:24


01:20:26 --> 01:20:26


01:20:28 --> 01:20:29

he want us to the

01:20:31 --> 01:20:34

taboo to be myt Him we

01:20:36 --> 01:20:37

will see him fee subby

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01:20:41 --> 01:21:00

it comes to the believers are only those who believe in Allah and His Messenger messenger and then do not doubt and strive then do not doubt and strive and fight in the court. In the cost of Allah offering their wealth and their lives is they whose faith is true

01:21:02 --> 01:21:17

will add to the moon Allah heavy Dini Kamala when we are alum, wala who we are lemmo math is Sam our field will be equally che in gnarly.

01:21:18 --> 01:21:26

Say, Will you inform Allah about your faith when Allah knows all that is in the heavens and all that is on earth for Allah has knowledge of all things.

01:21:28 --> 01:21:32

Moon Lake and assalamu

01:21:35 --> 01:21:42

Islam Welcome back. We are moonwalk Aleikum and Coonley Imani

01:21:44 --> 01:21:53

tune saw the 18th they think that they have done us a favor by embracing Islam say do not regard you're embracing Islam as a favor to me. Rather.

01:21:56 --> 01:22:03

It is Allah who has done you a favor favor by guiding us to faith. If you are telling the truth, in your claim to be believers

01:22:04 --> 01:22:17

in La Jolla, lemma ye but summer where you will have walawe who mostly be mad at Arman. Verily, Allah knows all that is in

01:22:18 --> 01:22:47

Allah knows all days unseen in the heavens and on earth. And Allah sees well, all that you do here, Allah subhanaw taala tells us of what was said by the Bedouin, who entered Islam at the time of the messenger of allah sallallahu Sallam without understanding properly and without doing what is dictated and required by faith. Yet despite that, they said, we believe, claiming to believe in a perfect sense, fulfilling all the requirements of faith, which is what is implied by their statement, Allah instructed His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to refute them, as he said, say you have not yet believed

01:22:48 --> 01:23:18

that is do not claim to have attained Perfect, perfect faith, both inwardly and outwardly. Rather, you should say we have submitted Islam that is, we have entered Islam, and you should limit it to that. The reason for that is that faith has not yet entered your hearts, whether you have believed our fear or hope in worldly terms, and the like. This is the reason for your belief, and therefore you have not yet tasted the sweetness of faith in your heart, for faith has not yet entered your heart. That is, at the time when you said those words, is as if it were an indication of what

01:23:19 --> 01:23:55

of what would happen to them later on. For Allah bless many of them with real faith and you had in his course, but if you obey Allah and His Messenger SallAllahu Sallam by doing good and or refraining from evil, he will not just detract from the award of any of your deeds, that is he will not distract even an Adam's weight from it. Rather he will reward you in full in the most perfect manner, and you will not miss out any part of it small or great, well, Allah's forgiving, most merciful, that is his forgiving to the one who repent and turns to him and most merciful to him as he accepts his repentance.

01:23:56 --> 01:24:31

The believers, that is the true believers are only those who believe in Allah and His Messenger, then do not doubt and strive and find the cause of Allah offering their wealth and their lives. That is those who combine faith and jihad in his cause. Because if a person strives against the disbelievers that is indicative of complete faith in his heart, for whoever strives against others in support of Islam and striving to establish its laws is more likely that he will strive against himself to establish Islam and its laws in his own life. Because if a person who has no motivation for jihad, that is indicative of the weakness of his faith, or sort of mentioned, to groups of

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people, the Bedouin Arabs, Allah azza wa jal says that they hadn't fully gained Iman. Why? Because they accepted Islam out of some fear or some hope of some wealth for some Monday benefits. So they were Muslims, they were given the rulings of Islam and the Muslims. But Allah azza wa jal says that I know what is in your hearts. And that's only a warning that Allah subhanaw taala can give Allah Allah knows was in the hearts of people, but some people in the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, they accepted Islam because of the benefits that they saw of being homeless.

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stem so they did it for some worldly benefit Allah Azza dissing knocked yet, you haven't reached Eman because those people had things going against the Muslims than they would have left the fold of Islam. So the true believer is the one who it doesn't matter how oppressed the Muslims are how difficult things have become, no matter what the situation is the firm in their belief in Allah azza wa jal and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and that is wrong, as Richard mentioned in this next verse, who the true believers are,

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Allah subhanho wa Taala has stipulated that there should be no doubts in faith, because beneficial faith is certain and firm belief in that which Allah has enjoined us to believe in and is not influenced by any by doubt in any way is they whose faith is true, that is, is they who confirm their faith with their good deeds, claiming to be sincere in any matter is a fear is a very serious claim that requires one to produce proof and evidence. And the most serious matter is claiming to have faith which is the basis of bliss and eternal triumph, whoever claims to have faith and carry out the duties required thereby, he's a true believer.

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If a person is not like that, it will be known that he is not sincere in his claim, and he will never benefit from his claim. Faith in the heart cannot be seen by anyone except Allah subhanaw taala. So confirming its existence or otherwise, is akin to, to informing Allah of what is in the heart. This is poor, adequate, adequate and thinking of him. Hence, he says, say, Will you inform a lot about your faith, when Allah knows all what that is in the heavens and all that is on earth, for Allah has knowledge of all things, this encompasses encompasses all things, including what is in the heart of faith, or disbelief, righteousness or wickedness, Allah subhanaw taala knows all of that,

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and he will requite people accordingly. If he is good, then the outcome will be good. And if he is bad, then the outcome will be bad. This is talking about those who claim to have faith one day do not either they are presuming to inform Allah, when it is known that he has knowledge of all things, or their aim in saying these words is to give a reminder of favours Dante's messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as if they had given him things that were not in their own interest. Rather, they served his worldly interests. This is a kind of pride and boasting about things, there is inappropriate for them to boast about to the messenger SallAllahu sallam, because Allah subhanaw

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taala, who had destroyed visto DOS, because it is Allah subhanaw taala who had bestowed those favors upon them. So some of those Arab tribes, they would come to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and say that we're Muslims, as if it's a favor that they did for him, as if it's something that they held over him, that it's something that he should be grateful for that they became Muslims and became Muslims to help you, you should be helpful you should be grateful to us. So Allah azza wa jal says, No, rather you should be grateful that Allah gave to Islam, that Allah guided you, Allah did you the favor, Allah did good towards you. And so this is also a problem in terms of their

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understanding. This as Allah subhanaw taala bestowed favours upon them in terms of creating them, granting them provision and bestowing blessings upon them both visible and hidden. The divine favor of guidance, Islam and restore faith are greater than everything else. Hence, Allah subhanaw taala says, they think that they have done you a favor by embracing Islam say, do not regard you're embracing Islam as a favor to me, rather, is Allah who has done you a favor by guiding you to faith, if you are telling the truth, in your claim to be believers, very Allah knows all that is in unseen, all that is unseen in the heavens and on earth. That is, he knows the hidden matters in both realms,

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that are concealed from people, such as what is in the depths of the sea, or in the middle of the wilderness, and was, was covered by the night or hidden by the day. He knows the drops of rain and the grains of sand was hidden in people's hearts and all sorts of issues. Not only false, but he knows it. There is no green in the darkest bowels of the earth, nor anything fresh or dry, but is inscribed in a clear record. And Allah sees well all that you do, he's recording your deeds and requite you for them in full, as dictated by his income, encompassing mercy and utmost wisdom is the end of the commentary of soul to a lot of praise and thanks for Allah and many blessings and peace

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of Allah be upon the Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, his family and his companions upon abundantly until the day of judgment. And with that, we come to the end of zero so 200 and the end of today's lesson BarakAllahu freecom. Sounds like a bit of Mohammed throughout it. He also can be a drain, so nomadic medulla hillberg

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