Ahsan Hanif – Tafseer As-SaDi #04
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So now we're on equilibrium rahmatullahi wa barakato Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa aqui but to the motorcade What do I know in other Lonnie meanwhile should ilaha illallah who the whole la sharika Illa who overly known athlete in Russia do under the Vienna Muhammad Abdul who are sold over most of it I mean, Allah masala was sending my medical articles article Muhammad wa ala alihi wa sahbihi Ultramarine bad. So today's the third day in the reading and the commentary of this fourth day of the reading and the commentary on this book of diversity Cyril Karim Rahman free to receive economic manaan by morpheme, Spinoza tafsir, Assadi, Masha, Andhra mandible Nasir
Saudi who died in the year 1376 of the Hijra Rahim Allah Tada, the raw material wasa and we today begin with the Tafseer of the 48th chapter of the Quran and that is Surah Surah two or the conquest and this name alphabet is the name by which the surah is known and it is it is mentioned in the books of the Sunnah and generations of the companions by this name Surah to fit and there is a Medini Surah a surah that was revealed post Hijra as we will explain when we come to the Tafseer of opening passage. And some of the scholar searches are to be another set that is by eg Maya is by consensus or by agreement of the scholars have seen and that's because this surah was revealed after
the Treaty of Saudi Arabia, which took place around the sixth year of the Hijra. And as mentioned a number of a hadith the surah and his revelation and it haven't been revealed after that point. You mentioned a number of Hadith as we will mention inshallah Tada in the short while and he consists of 29 verses.
the lair of Milan aminos salatu salam ala Rasulillah he was early he was IVIG mine
la Mofi la normalization everybody do you know what in * do it in Harlem was only for Rahima hula foetus fee recording later Allah by the OBS he Manisha Utah neurology team Bismillah Hiroshima ano Rahim in the Name of Allah the most gracious the most merciful in Fattah like effort him will be in a fairly we have we have granted you
earlier granted you or Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam in the Treaty of Arabia a manifest victory
the old Pharaoh like Allahumma Dakka Dakka mean them because no matter what our you team many meta who are like, Why are you eating many meta who are Laika via DNS we are on
the team so that Allah may forgive you, your past and future sins, complete His blessings upon you and guide you on a straight path. Why Soraka Allah Who knows Surah NAS Isa, and so that Allah may bestow upon you mighty support.
The victory mentioned is the Treaty of Aleppo, Davia on the policy polytheist, by the way to the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi salam, when it came to do Umrah is a long story, which ended with them making a treaty with the messenger of allah sallallahu Sallam agree agreeing to a
secession, cessation, cessation of war between him and them for 10 years, that he would do Amara the following year, that whoever wanted to join the Treaty on the side of the Quraysh and join the Alliance might do so and whoever wanted to join the Treaty on the side of the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi salam might do so this verse, Allah azza wa jal says that indeed we have given to the manifest victory. And what does that manifest victory? What's it referring to which incident in the life of the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam the scholars have deceived differed over this, the majority of them the position that the majority took is what the author had mentioned, and that
is, that the victory is the Treaty of Abia, which took place in the sixth year of the Hijra. That's the first position and as we said, the strongest position the position of the majority of the scholars with their seal. The second position, which is mentioned by some of the positive seal is at the victory here is the victory of the conquest of Mecca. So the conquest of Mecca which took place in the 80 of the hijra, and that is mentioned when we did see originally and that was a position that the Jalin took in that series. They said that it is the conquest of Mecca, because that is often referred to as the conquest of Mecca. And the third position that you will also find amongst
some of the scholars of DRC is that it's referring to the conquest of Haber. Haber is an area in Mali.
The Saudi Arabia, that the prophets of Allah while he was selling them also in the sixth year, he made war against them and he overtook he conquered that place, high bar. And the time period between the Treaty of how they be and high bar was only a few months. So some of the scholars said that this is similar to the first position, the treat of Damien Hamer, the some of the scholars made it one because part of the victory then from the Treaty of Saudi Arabia, is that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would have Haber. And so some of the scholars said in that regard, and Allah azza wa jal knows best but as we said, the position of the majority is that it is the treat of who they
be. And it is mentioned in that way in a number of a hadith in the Hadith, Enniscorthy, Allahu Allah. And he explicitly says that the surah was revealed after the treat of who they be. And in the narration in Sahadi, Rama or the Allah one, as we know, and there's a long story behind her they be the author of this book, after mentioning Oh, after we finish, the theater of the surah is going to dedicate like 10 pages or eight, nine pages, to the story of the Treaty of how they be. So we're going to go through that in detail by the telling of the chef, but it's a long story. One of the things that takes place, as we know is that once the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam signs the
treaty, some of the companions objected to it. They didn't like the terms because the terms didn't seem favorable to the Muslims. So from those companions was Amara, about the Allah Allah and he came to the prophets of Allah, Allah He was telling me he went to Abu Bakr Radi Allahu Allah, and he said to them, Why are we accepting this? This treaty is not in our favor, it's in their favor. So why do we accept this? So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said Allah azza wa jal will not forsake me. I am Allah's Messenger. And Abu Bakr said the same thing is Allah's messenger, Allah will not forsake Him. So when Amara, the Allah one on the way back from Davia, he says that as we will,
returning back, I wanted to because he realized he had remorse. He regretted his outburst. So he wanted to go and speak to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam just engage him in conversation and they're riding back. He said that I went to him and I spoke to him once and he didn't answer, spoke to him a second time but didn't answer spoke to him a third time he didn't answer. So I thought to myself, well armario destroyed three times you call the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam three times he ignored you. So he said, Amara said, so I went ahead, went to the front of the caravan when the front of the army as they leaving back or the front of the group of Muslims as
they're going back to Medina. He said that after a short while, he said someone called me and he said Amaro, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, once you almost said that I thought to myself, Allah has revealed something about me in the Quran. Some verses have come down about me and what I said, and the way that I spoke to him. So when I went back the prophets of Allah while he was Selim said, or Amaro, Allah has given me verses that are extremely precious to me. And then he recited this opening passage of surah. Two, we have given to a manifest victory. And so Allah azza wa jal calls a treaty will they be a victory because they would begin the victory of the Muslims that would
culminate with the conquest of Mecca, and then after obviously, beyond Mecca, as well, as a result of that once the people were safe from one another, the opportunities for calling people to the religion of Allah expanded, and any believer in any place in those regions was able to call people to Islam. Anyone who wanted to find out about what Islam really is, was able to do so. And during that period, that people enter the religion of Allah in crowds. Therefore, a law called the victory and described as a manifest that is clear and obvious victory. That is because the purpose of conquering the lands of the polytheist was to make the religion of Allah supreme and cause this call
and cause the Muslims to have the upper hand. This happened as a result of this victory. And Allah calls this victory to lead to many positive consequences. And one of the things that this verse shows also therefore, that Allah azza wa jal wants people to spread his religion, Allah azza wa jal calls it a victory because it wasn't a military victory. It was a victory for the Dawa, that people can now spread the religion of Islam. And that's why the number of companions or the prophets of Allah it was said in the tweet of her they BIA was around 1400 1400 Muslims. In two years after that 1400 Muslims from the beginning of Islam to the treat of her baby, we're talking about nearly 19 odd
years, 18 years, and 1400 Muslims are making ombre with the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, but from the Treaty of how they appear to the conquest of Mecca in just two years or less, that would increase by fivefold 10,000 10,000 or more. And then after the Treaty of the conquest of Mecca, in the farewell Hajj, some year and a half later, it would be over 100,000 Muslims. This is the victory that Allah azza wa jal was referring to that the people would enter into Islam in droves.
But that Allah may forgive you and your past sins. And so Allah so Allah may forgive you, your past and future sins that Allah knows best is because of what happened as a result of many acts of worship and many people become a Muslim. And because of what the Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam had to put up with of conditions that normal could bear except the messenger of messengers of struggle. This is one of his greatest his greatest attributes.
virtues and that is why Allah forgave him his past and future sins. Complete His blessings upon you by making your religious commitment strong, causing you to prevail over your enemies and making your call to making your call go further afield and guide you on a straight path by which you will attain eternal happiness and success so that Allah may bestow upon you mighty support that is strong support because of which Islam can never be shaken. Whether it will, it will attain complete victory, and will suppress humiliate and we can disbelieve the disbelievers whilst sparring the strength of the Muslims and causing them to increase in numbers and their wealth to grow. Then Allah
mentioned the consequences of this victory for the believers in these first three verses of Surah Al Fateh Allah azza wa jal honors the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Allah says we give to you a victory. We will forgive you for all of your sins, we will complete our blessing upon you. We will guide you to the straight path. We will give you Allah's assistance and his protection, five things that were given to the Prophets of Allah while he was sent him in seminarians, the Muslim believer Muhammad, when these verses were revealed, the companion said O Messenger of Allah, this is what Allah gave to you. Five things he gave to you, but what about us? What about us the Companions what
we suffered what we went for. So now Allah azza wa jal revealed these next few verses which speak while is the next two verses, which speak about the reward of the believers. When lady Ella second atrophy Apolo
to Imani
Imani why, well in
the summer, it will work and Allahu Arnim and Hekima Is he the sent down reassurance to the hearts of the believers, so that they may increase in faith to Allah belong the host of the heavens and the earth and Allah is all knowing, most wise, beautiful La Mina Mina Dejan thing that God
the * and how Rohan Ed Nephi what you can feel him say yeah team worker another league, the law he felt was a Navin so that he may admit the believing men and women to gardens through which rivers flow to bother him forever and absolve them of their bad deeds. And that before Allah is before Allah is a great triumph.
Well, you are the Bella Mona filter you know when the moon I feel God you are emotionally key and emotionally caught up on I mean, I believe he won so I lay him the
Euro too. So what are the people who are lay him Madonna whom are dead or whom Johanna Jehan was
mostly your so that he may punish the hypocrites, men and women and the Polly's policies, policies, men and women who harbored evil thoughts about Allah and evil turn of fortune will before them. Allah is angry with them and has cursed them. He has prepared * for them and evil and evil journeys. And here Allah subhanaw taala tells us of the blessing that he bestowed upon the believers when he sent down reassurance to the hearts which is peace, which is peace of mind, tranquility and steadfastness when faced with disconcerting trials and difficult circumstances that make people worried, distract their thoughts and weaken their resolve by his blessing to slave in in such
circumstances he makes him steadfast strengthens his resolve and gives him a sense of peace, so that he may feel so that he may meet those difficulties to steadfastness and focus of mine, and thus he will be prepared to comply with the commands of Allah in such circumstances, and thereby increase in faith and certainty. When, when the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam agreed on a deal between him and the polytheist. On the basis of those conditions, which appeared to be unfair to them, it seemed to undermine the status of the companions for the Aloha mind, and appeared to be an insult such that people can hardly tolerate but when they bore it with patients and decided to
accept it, that increased them in faith was reserved these verses speak about now the blessings that Allah gave to the companions to the believers. What are those blessings number one, that Allah azza wa jal sent into your heart tranquility and peace, and that peace and tranquility allowed you to submit to Allah's Will and his messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam his command, because as we know in the story of who they be, many of the companions didn't like or good number of them didn't like, what the terms of the treaty were they totally they weren't favorable, and they did seem to be unfavorable, at least on the outset to the Muslims. So Allah azza wa jal says that he gave to the
believers, a Sakina give them heart in their hearts contentment and peace, that they were able to accept and submit to what Allah azza wa jal wanted or what the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam also wanted. And so that then also increased them in Eman. Yes, there do Eman and Mary Imani. So they were able to accept that increased me
Eman and they saw the hikma of Allah azza wa jal in his wisdom, in that which Allah subhanaw taala decrees,
to Allah belong the host of the heavens in the earth, that is, all of them are under his dominion and control. So the polytheist should not think that Allah will not support his religion and His Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, rather Allah subhanaw taala is all knowing most wise and his wisdom dictates that people's fortunes
dictates that people's fortunes should alternate and that the victory of the believers should sometimes be delayed until another time, so that he may admit the believing men and women to gardens through which rivers flow to abide by when forever and absolve them of their bad deeds. So now this is the reward of the Hereafter. So in the dunya, to your tranquility in the dunya, the extra Eman will increase the man and on the day of judgment on that as a job we'll give them the card as of June. But this is the greatest thing that they could achieve, to attain what they hoped for by entering those gardens and be protected from what they fear by means of the of the apps app so
absolution of their bad deeds.
And that, namely, the reward of the believers mentioned here before Allah is a great triumph. That is what the believers gained through that manifest victory. As for the hypocrites, men and women, and the policies men and women, Allah punish them by means of that, and show them that which caused them distress for the aim had been to humiliate the believers, and they thought it would have Allah supposing that he would not support they will not support his religion or make his word supreme, and that the followers of falsehood would gain the upper hand against the followers of truth. But Allah made their evil thoughts backfire on them, and the evil turn of Fortune before them in this world.
Allah is angry with them, because of their poor opposition to Him and His Messenger SallAllahu sallam, and as Chris them, that is, he has cast him far away from his mercy, and he has prepared health for them and evil, evil journeys. And while he during the summer, it will be work. No Allahu Aziz and hiking to Allah belong the hosts of the heavens in the earth. And Allah is almighty most wise, Allah repeats a statement that To Him belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth, and all that thick contain of hosts, so that people will know that it is he who honors and humiliates and is he who grants victory to his hosts who attribute it to him, as he says elsewhere, and is
surely our troops who will be the victors. And Allah is almighty there is strong, prevalent sub sub DOER of all things. In addition to being Almighty and strong, he is most wise in his creation and control, and he controls things in a manner dictated by His prophets wisdom, in
Olson, Gesha hidden by Shillong when the Yarra Valley we have sent you or Muhammad salallahu Alaihe Salam, as a witness bring up glad tidings and a warner. He told me no bill, he want us to leave he what was zero who were to work to to be who kratom what else we so that you are people may believe in Allah and His messenger and support and honor Him and glorify Allah morning and afternoon. Well, you have sent your Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam as a witness to your alma of all that they do, both good deeds, both good and evil, and as a witness of what is said and various issues, through true and false to testify to Allah's oneness and perfection and always a bringer of glad tidings to those
who obey you and obey Allah of reward
and both worldly and spiritual and in the Hereafter, and as a warning to those who disobey Allah of punishment in this world and the Hereafter, part of bringing glad tidings and warning is explaining the deeds and behavior that are subjected the glad tidings and warnings. The Prophet salallahu Alaihe Salam is the one who explains what is good and what is evil, what leads to happiness and what leads to do what is true and what is false. Hence, Allah follow, followed that by saying, so that you so that you people may believe in Allah and His Messenger, that is because of because of the messengers call to you, and his teaching of that which will benefit you. We sent him so that you may
believe in Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi salam, which requires you to obey them in all your affairs
and support and honor him, that is support the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and honor him that is venerate him, respect him and fulfill his rights because you owe him a great deal and glorify Allah morning and afternoon at the beginning, and end of the day, in this verse, Allah mentions the right that is shared between Allah and His messenger. So Allah live Salam, which is to believe in them both the right which is exclusive to the messenger, salallahu alayhi salam, which is veneration and honor and the right which is exclusive to Allah which is to glorify, glorify and worship Him by prayer and otherwise, just verse, verse number nine is a comprehensive verse that
speaks about the rights of Allah, the rights of the prophets of Allah while he was salam. Allah azza wa jal begins as the author says by mentioning
That which both of them share in terms of rights, and that you believe in both of them that you accept both of them in terms of their own respective beliefs. So Allah azza wa jal is the Lord or the creator, the prophets of Allah who he will send him as his final messenger, so to believe in both of them, that is a shared right meaning both of them requires part of Islam is to have Eman and both Allah and His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and then there are rights that are specific to the Prophet Salam. And that is that you honor him, your honor Him you respect him, you help him and support him meaning during his lifetime after his death, it is by honoring his sunnah.
And by supporting and defending his sunnah and his teachings and his guidance. And then Allah azza wa jal it's right to him alone. And that is a you glorify Him and that you worship Him and that you praise him Subhana wa Tada
in the in your own in your own law hey I do law he fell okay add him for men neck etc. In Emma young go to Allah and FC woman beam I had a lady who law half sal de rana
very those who swear allegiance to you or in fact swearing allegiance to Allah, the Hand of Allah is over their hands.
Whoever breaks his oath Does, does so only to his own detriment. But whoever fulfills the covenant He has made with Allah, He will grant him an immense reward. The allegiance to which Allah refers here is
we are taught with one by one in which the Companions roseola and swore allegiance to the messenger of allah sallallahu Sallam pledging not to desert him on the battlefield. This was a specific covenant, one of the conditions of which was that they will not flee from battle, even if only a few of them were left and even if things reach the point, which is ordinarily permissible to flee. A lot you see in the Quran. As we've mentioned before, different sources of the Quran focus on different events from the life of the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as we've mentioned before, like Surah Al Imran deals with a backlog word, Salton and foul deals with the battle of budock this Surah
it deals with the Treaty of Abia, one of the things that took place in the treat of her they BIA is this pledge of allegiance that took place and that is known as be uttered with one with one means the or by means the pledge of allegiance or with one means of pleasure. Meaning the so Allah's pleasure because Allah won't mention in in a couple of in the passage or so in the same Surah Nakada Radi Allahu Allah is pleased with those who gave the Pledge of Allegiance under the tree. This is called the bare accurate one who was the pledge of seeking Allah's pleasure. What is this pledge, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam before the treaty was signed. And as Otto mentioned, it's a
long story. A number of incidents took place before the treaty was signed. The one of the things that the Prophet salAllahu alayhi wasallam decided to do was to send an ambassador to Makkah, in order to make clear to the people of Makkah declaration that the Muslims didn't come to fight. They didn't come to wage war. They didn't come with their weapons to the armor, they came in Haram. They came only to perform Umrah as all the Arabs would do at that time the Arabs will come and they will make armor and they would leave. We're not coming to cause trouble we're doing all the Arabs do we're coming to make ombre. And so this is what he wanted to convey to them. So the prophets of
Allah Azza wa sallam wanted to send someone in some of the regions is said that he first chose armor and he said armor you go because Amara was known to be eloquent and known to be a good negotiator, an ambassador, and it said even before Islam in the days of Jaya Helia this is something which used to do on behalf of Quraysh Paramahansa messenger of Allah me I come from a week family, meaning I don't have many people in Makkah going to defend me since someone that is from the noblest of the families of Quraysh that his family is going to protect them even though they're not Muslims. But just because they're related. They won't allow anyone to harm their family member that tribal
allegiance that they have. So he said send us man because Earth man is from bamboo Omiya. But omega is the clan or the family of Abu Sufyan. Abu Sufyan is the leader of Quraysh. He's not going to allow someone to hurt hurt his family members, someone that's related to him to serve the tribe because of the tribal allegiance to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said to Earth man of man of the Allah who went and he spoke to Sofia and told him and made clear to him what's going to take place. I will Sofia and said Look, we're not happy. We're going to think about this for you go and make Amara if you want. You can make Amara as for everyone else, I don't know. He said No, by Allah.
He said I would never make Amara without the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa salam, as he's in Mecca and doing this Earth man room has come out of Mecca, that has spread the Earth man has been killed. They killed him. You went in as ambassador, and you don't kill her an ambassador of peace has come just to negotiate on behalf of others. So he's killed. That's the room and that's mentioned. This comes to the Muslim camp, the prophets of Allah Azza wa sallam hears this. So that's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam takes his pledge of allegiance from the Companions, that they would give this pledge that if he can
To War because if they kill us, man, now there's going to be fighting there's going to be a battle. And if it comes to that, because the Muslims didn't come prepared, don't have weapons don't have armor. They only bought one sword with them in a sheet. That's what they bought. They didn't bring what they would normally bring for a battle. But even so we're going to fight until the death that's the pledge of Ridwan and Allah azza wa jal praises them, because they were willing, despite their circumstances, despite being in Haram, despite being nowhere near ready for battle that they were willing to fight for the sake of Allah subhanho wa taala. Obviously, it was a rumor that proved to
be incorrect. However, Allah azza wa jal praises these people. And that's why in the books of our feeder, when we speak about the generation of the companions, and their status and the different levels, the breed the best of the companions of the forecolor, fat, and then the remainder of the 10, that will promise paradise and then the Muslims that were there on the battle of Buddha, and after them comes this group of people, those who were there a better tolerated one. They were there this pledge of allegiance because Allah azza wa jal in the Quran, speaks about how he was pleased with them about the Allah when
Allah Allah subhanaw taala says here, those who swore allegiance to you were in fact swearing allegiance to Allah and making their covenant with him, so as to emphasize so as to emphasize the idea. Allah says, The Hand of Allah is over their hands. That is, it is as if they were swearing allegiance to Allah and putting their hands in his hand in this instance, to show how Allah azza wa jal approved of this allegiance, it's as if they were making and touching the Hand of Allah Azza. Because when you make the pledge of allegiance, you shake the hand of the person that you're giving the pledge to the Companions would come, they would hold the hand of the prophets of Allah where it
was sent them and they would make that pledge. Allah says, it's as if it was the hand of Allah, they were holding to show Allah's approval of this pledge. All of this serves to emphasize the importance of the oath and motivate them to fulfill it. Hence, he says, Whoever breaks his oath and does not fulfill the pledge he made to Allah does so only to his own detriment. That is, the consequences of that will affect him and the punishment thereof will before him. But whoever fulfills the covenant covenant He has made with a law that is fulfills it completely. He'll grant him an immense reward. No one knows how great he is, except the one who have bestowed upon him.
Say aku like animal food, I mean vicia or Letna.
Luna still feeling Lana? Aku Luna Ibn Sina team laser fi Kulu the hem firming am Nicola Quran Allah He che and they become one that'd be cool.
Belka and we met Luna Hobie are those of the bedwin who lagged behind will say to you, we were preoccupied with looking after our wealth and families. So pray for forgiveness for us, they say with their tongues that they say with a tug of war is not in their hearts. So who has say who has any power to ought to intervene? Who has any power at all to intervene on your behalf with Allah, if it be his word to do you harm or benefit you very well Allah is well aware of all that you do.
Better Belconnen.
Kalibo wants to know
Him was with
him ever them was a you know the early caffeine gooloo become more one to one. So you are going to Coleman Bura whether you thought that the messenger and the believers would never return to their home to their families, and that was made for assuming in your heart. You harbored evil thoughts for you, our people have devoid of good and doomed
women name you,
Bill, he also he fell in
care feeding so I yield all whoever does not believe in Allah and His Messenger Verily We have prepared for for the disbelievers a raging fire.
He Allah subhanaw taala criticizes those who lagged behind and did not join his messenger Salallahu Alaihe Salam in striving his cause
and striving in His cause, such as a Bedouin, whose faith was weak and in whose hearts was a disease and who thought ill of Allah subhanaw taala they would make excuses and say that they were distracted by their property and their families from going out for jihad. They asked the Messenger of Allah salAllahu Alaihe salam to pray for forgiveness for them. But Allah subhanaw taala said, they say with their tongues was not in their hearts. The request for prayers for forgiveness from the messenger of allah sallallahu Sallam may have been indicative of regret and may have been an admission of their sin.
For lagging behind, for lagging behind record required repentance and prayers for forgiveness, if this is what was in their hearts than the messengers, prayers for forgive the messengers prayers for forgiveness would benefit them because they had repented and regretted it. But what was really in the hearts was that the only lag behind because they thought ill of Allah. So Allah azza wa jal criticizes this group of people after praising those companions, those companions who are in the street of a haram, who weren't ready for war, but when the time came when it came to fighting and dying, they were willing to do so for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala. So Allah azza wa jal
criticizes those people who had the means to fight who could have come and helped, but they make excuses, they want to stay away. They're going to make excuses and say, We were busy, we had family, we've got money, all of those different things that will stop them from being in that line. And being with those people who are alongside the prophets of Allah, Allah, He will send them and so Allah azza wa jal is criticizing this group of people. They thought that the messenger and the believers would never return to their families. That is, they thought they will be killed or eradicated. And this notion became first seeming in their hearts, and they were content with it,
until it became deeply rooted in the heart. There are two reasons for that one, they were people who were devoid of good and doomed, that is, there was nothing good in them. For if there had been been anything good in them, this notion would not have taken root in their hearts, to they were lacking in faith
and certainty of the Promise of Allah that his religion would eventually be victory, victory victorious, and His Word would become supreme. And this is the way that these groups of people were, if they thought that the most students would be having easy victory, they're going to quickly overpower the enemies in the battle, they would come and they would spend time they would be in their ranks, and they would join them because they knew that they would quickly get some money or some mafia at the end. But if they saw that the enemy was a difficult enemy, hard enemy, and it's going to be a difficult journey, it's going to be difficult battle. Like what happened in the back
of the book. None of the hypocrites went out to the vast majority of them stayed behind. Why? Because they thought, we're going against the Romans, this is going to be easy. If anything we're going to lose, then they will start to make their excuses. And that is what Lara's already saying here because of the evil that was in their heart. And Allah says, whoever does not believe in Allah and His Messenger, and therefore is a disbeliever, who is deserving of punishment valley we have prayed for the disbelievers raging fire. Why didn't he Moon calls to you while you're fueling me,
while you are the woman
Walker and Allah who call for walking
to Allah belongs belongs with the meaning of the heavens and earth. He forgives whomever he was, and punishes whomever he was, and Allah is oft forgiving, Most Merciful.
That is, he is the only one who possesses sovereignty in the heavens and on earth. He controls them as he was in accordance with the Divine Decree, religious decree and rulings of required. Hence, he mentioned require that was that has to do with shouldering obligations, He forgives whomever he wills, this refers to those who carry out what Allah commands and punishes whomever whomever he goes, of those who neglect the commands of Allah, and Allah is oft forgiving, most merciful, that is, his constant attributes are never separated from him or forgiveness and mercy at all times. He forgive the sinners and pardon those who are he accepts to exceed the repentance of the penitent and
sends down abundant goodness by night and day.
They are Kulu Mukalla funa
Polacco tune Isla Malvani manitech Who had the rune and be at home you do you do nothing but do you can
anything for Allah Allahu Mian cobble fossa guna Belen tech so Dawn, Anna, Belka and guna have gone Kahuna in Cali. Those who lag behind will say when you set out to collect the spoils allow us to follow you. They want to change the word Promise of Allah say, You shall not follow us. Allah has already been lucky that they will say you begrudge us a share of the spoils out of jealousy. Rather, they understand only a little Have you mentioned and criticize those who lag behind Allah subhanaw taala now mentioned the word the worldly punishment, when the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi salam and his companions set out to collect the spoils for which there was no fighting involved in
seizing them. These people asked to be allowed to join them and have a share saying allow us to follow you. They want thereby to change the word Promise of Allah as he decreed punishment for them, and that only the believing companions should get a share of those spoils, as Allah decreed that in terms of both religious rulings and any divine decree, Allah azza wa jal mentions the statement of these people who remain behind that when it came to the war booty they said Now there was come and join you because they saw that there was more beauty to be gained meaning after the conquest was
has done now. Give us that war booty. Now we want to join you. But which conquest is Allah azza wa jal speaking about because in the treaty or the BIA, there was no fighting, there was no fighting and there was no killing. They signed a treaty and everyone went on their way.
Speaking about the battle that comes a couple of months later, which is the conquest of hyper and hyper bought a great deal of wealth to the Muslims, because Haibo was a land off of agriculture, a land that was very fertile, known for the state, palm trees and so on. And so they used to take a great deal of wealth from a big deal of wealth and it was split amongst the Muslims. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam took his share for himself. And then it was split up amongst the Muslims and spread amongst those who were here at the Treaty of Sardinia. And so it was only specifically for them. And that's why Amara, the Allah one used to say that from the oh, he said in the Hadith of
the prophets of Allah while he was still a messenger of Allah, the land that I have in haber is from the most precious of wealth to me, is from the most, the best piece of work that I own, but I want to give it for the sake of Allah. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam hold on to it, and give its profits in the sake of Allah meaning make it an endowment. Make an endowment, meaning you own the actual land, but all of the profits that come you give it to, to other than yourself, meaning give it to the poor, they need the another's, and that's what I'm gonna do Allah who I did, until after him, his son, even armor and then after them, it continued in that way. So that land of Hamer
it was considered to be very good wealth, but Allah azza wa jal restricted only to those people who are they be and as for these people that didn't want to come out, they didn't think that the Muslims would win, they thought that they're going to die. Once the ball booty was taken, once the land was conquered, they say give us a share as well. And Allah Allah says, No, you have notion now. It is them, you shall not follow us, Allah has already decreed that
you are to be deprived of it because you wronged yourself and because you fail to fight the first time, they will say in response to these words by which they are prevented from going out, you begrudge us a share of the spoils of jealousy, this is the best that they can come up with. concerning this matter. If they were mature enough, they would have realized that their being deprived of a share was because of their sin, and that sins have consequences in both worldly and spiritual terms. Hence, Allah says rather they understand only a little
or little more holiday laughing I mean and be settled down I mean Lee Batson cheerleading to call de Luna whom I will use him for, to to you to come along and John has well
known command line tool
called VB Kumada. When any say to the bedwin, who like lag behind, you will be called upon to fight people formidable in warfare and warfare, and you will fight them unless they submit. Then if you obey, Allah will grant you a goodly reward. But if you turn away as you did before, he will afflict you with a painful punishment.
Laser Island halogen,
ology How to
Marry you'll be held women.
Also there sudo, who they feel hujan natten integer add me into the * and
people who either when Lima there is no blame on the blind nor any blame on the lame nor any blame on the sick, if they do not go forth to fight whoever obeys Allah and His messenger who had made him to guardians through which rivers flow over to whoever whoever turns away, he will afflict him with a painful punishment. Have you mentioned those bedwin who lagged behind from the head and its cause and who gave him valid excuses and as to go out with the Muslim when there was no fighting involved, just for the purpose of getting a share of the spoils. Allah said to them, by way of testing them, say to the bedroom veteran who lag behind you will be called upon to fire people for miracle in
warfare, there is the messenger Salallahu Alaihe Salam and those who take his place among the Rightly Guided caliphs, and rulers will call you to fight. Those people who were who they were to be called upon to fight were the Persians, Romans, and others of their ilk. And Allah is really saying to those people that remain behind in the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam, that time will soon come when you will be called upon to fight again and your enemies will be more formidable than what the President faced because he fought the likes of coalition others, but your enemies will be the Romans and the Persians, and some of the bigger tribes of Arabia like the housing and therapy
from these major tribes of Arabia.
And you will fight them unless they you will find them unless they submit that is either one or the other will happen. This describes the real situation for when they engage them and for them, as these people were still familiar
But in warfare, in that situation they did not accept to pay the Jizya. Rather they were they would either enter Islam or fight in defense of their religion to which they chose to adhere. But when the Muslim defeated them, and they grew weak, as submitted, they lost their strength. Therefore the options were either to become Muslim or pay the Jizya. Then if you obey the one who calls you to fight these people, Allah will grant you a goodly reward, which is the reward that Allah and His messenger Allah, Allah Salam have connected to jihad in, in Allah's Cause. But if you turn away, as you did before, when he turned away from fighting those who the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa
sallam called you to fight, you afflict you with a painful punishment. This verse is indicative of the virtue of the rightly guided, Rightly Guided caliphs, who called for jihad against people who are formidable in warfare, and that it was obligatory to obey them in in that regard. Then Allah mentioned, valid reasons that they excuse a person from going out for jihad. As he says, There is no blame on the blind. No, no blame, no any blame on the lame nor any blame on the sick if they do not go forth to fight. There's no blame on the blind on the one that is sick, or the one that is lame. Lame is someone who has a disability, like a leg disability, they can't walk properly, they can't
move properly. Allah Azza says these people have valid excuses to not go out. And similar to them, or those people who can't afford to participate as to place for example, in the back of the book, they were companions, didn't have enough money to be able to find an animal to take them there, to have enough money to go and fight alongside them. These people have valid excuses. There is there is no blame on them for staying behind from the head, because they have excuses that prevent them from doing so. Whoever obeys Allah and His messenger by complying with their commands and heating their prohibitions, who had made him to garden through which rivers flow in which there is all that their
souls may desire, and that may delight their eyes. But whoever turns away from obedience Allah and His Messenger Salallahu Alaihe Salam, he will afflict him with a painful punishment, or happiness, or happiness is in obeying Allah and all misery is in disobeying Him and going against his commands.
lcada Radi Allahu I need a meaning interview by your own I got the sheduled a diva Lima mafia go to be him. For aneema Mafia Kulu be him for a second in LA him.
Fat kaliba.
Allah was, was well pleased with the believers when they swore allegiance to you or Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam under the tree. He knew what was in the hearts. So he sent down reassurance to them, and He rewarded them with the glad tidings of a victory soon to come. When Allah Nnaemeka theory
why Maha Nnaemeka theory thing who
worked long lines ins and hacking
and upon an abundant spoils that they would cease and Allah is almighty most wise. Why the common law Houma ha Nnaemeka field
that who I am happy, I am happy welcome Fabian s Yang. Hakuna,
meaning, Juanita Guna.
Meaning the corn syrup I'm stepping. Allah has promised you abundant spoils that you will see is and has haste haste in this for you. And he has restrained people's hands from harming you, so that it may be assigned for the believers. And so that he may guide you to a straight path.
We're all raw lamb tacos. They call them a hat all along be Walker and Allah who is cliche, Cody are all in there are other spoils that you have not yet been able to see. Allah has earmarked them for you, for Allah has power over all things. He Allah subhanaw taala tells us, tells us of His mercy and of His grace and mercy, and that he was pleased with the believers, when they swore that oath of allegiance to the messenger Salallahu Alaihe Salam that led to their triumph and by means of which they attain happiness in this world and the hereafter the reason for their oath of allegiance, which was called Baotou red one, the oath of divine pleasure
because Allah was pleased with the believers because it is also known as the Oath of the people of the tree. Was, was that one was that when Nico we're negotiations took place between the messenger of allah sallallahu sallam, and the polytheists on the day of alpha day via concerning the reasons for His coming. And he stated that he had not come to fight anyone, and that he had only come to visit the venerate sacred house, the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa salam, st Earth man when I found all the Allahu Anhu may Allah be pleased with him to Mecca with that message. Then there came false news that the polytheist had killed a man so the Messenger of Allah so the Loyalists
Tell them gathered together the believers who are with him, of whom there were approximately 1500. And they swore allegiance to beneath a tree, pledging to fight the policies and swearing that they would not flee until they died. And this is what we mentioned before the story of the bear two red one. And it's also known as the otter mentioned here, the bear to shatter all the people of the shelter because the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was under a tree. When they came to you in the Pledge of Allegiance, he was sitting under the shade of a tree. And then people came to give him the Pledge of Allegiance. And so it's also known as the pledge of the tree, because of where he was
sitting, so allow the Muslim and this is what Allah azza wa jal says concerning them that Allah is pleased with them, that Allah is happy with them, because of those believers and what they were willing to do and sacrifice for the sake of Allah subhanaw taala. And here the author mentions that in the Treaty of her they be they will 1500 Muslims and the scholars differ as to exactly how many people were there at the treat of the via the narration of what Buhari however, is 1400. And that is probably the most authentic narration that we have inside Buhari, that there were approximately 1400 companions and Allah knows best. So Allah stated that he was pleased with the believers in that
situation, which was one of the greatest acts of obedience and means of drawing close to him, he knew was in the hearts of faith. So he sent down reassurance to them in appreciation of what was in their hearts, and so as to increase them in guidance. He also knew was in the heart of this of, of distress as a conditions imposed by the polytheists on his messenger Salallahu Alaihe Salam. So he sent down your assurance to them in order to make them steadfast and give them peace of mind to Allah azza wa jal, as you said, Give Sakina to them two ways. Number one, Allah Israel giving them Sakina because he made them appreciate what they heard of Eman and of guidance. So that's one of the
greatest blessings of Allah, that Allah allows you to understand the value of what you have and how precious it is that you believe in Allah azza wa jal and worship Him. And the second way that Allah azza wa jal gave them tranquility is as if don't pay more Hamlet's artisans. And this is where the author takes it from, takes it from me with no pain, that he made it easy for them to bear with the treaty that was going to be signed with the terms of that treaty. Because that was something which was a challenge for many of them. It was a problem for many of them. And so Allah azza wa jal made their hearts firm and they submitted to Allah's Will and Allah azza wa jal gave them a manifest
victory, and he awarded them with the glad tidings of a victory should come, which is the contour conquest of hybrid, which no one was present. For those who had been Davia they are no more present at Harbor, the booty of which was for them are known as appreciation for what they had done, obeying Allah subhanaw taala and seeking His pleasure and abundant spoils that they would seize and Allah is almighty most wise, that is he possesses might and power by which he subjugates all things. If he sold, he would have defeated the disbelievers in every battle that took place between them and the believers. But he is most also most wise. He tests some by means of others, and he tests the
believers by means of the disbelievers. Allah has promised you abundant spoils that you will seize. This includes all the booty, that the Muslim will seize until the Day of Resurrection, and has hastened this me the spoils of hybrid for you. So do not think that this is all there is rather, it will be followed by much more. And this is one of the things that the treat of her they BIA started. And that is wild to the Muslims before the treat of her they be at the Muslims are poor. Most of them they are very poor. And they're very hard up for since the beginning of Islam since the beginning of the Prophet until the treat of her baby, the first like 18 or do 1617 years. The
Muslims generally speaking are very poor, especially the MaHA Joon amongst them. Those who came from Mecca they migrated to Medina they didn't have that leave behind everything. But from the treat of her they be Allah azza wa jal opens up for them wealth and makes them rich Allah azza wa jal gives them war after one battle after battle that they win and they take the spoils of war from like labor. And then who named after some of the scholars said, is also what has been referred to here. Like other battles that will then come to book and so they would get a great deal of wealth. And then obviously after that, in the title of a book on armor off, man, it would only increase in his
haste in this game, the spoils of hybrid for you. So do not think that this is all there is whether it will be followed by much more, and give thanks to Allah, for he restrained people's hands from harming you when they came to fight you and when we're eager to do so this is a blessing by means of which he made things easier for you. So that it namely this blessing may be assigned for the believers by means of which they see proof of the Promise of Allah and know that his promise is true. And so that they may be certain of his reward for the believers, and that the one who decreed that this should happen may decree other beauty for them. And so that he may guide you by means of
what he makes available to you to a straight path of knowledge, faith and good deeds. And, and there are other spoils
That is He has promised you others points that you have not yet been able to seize at the time when these words was first spoken.
Allah has embarked them for you that is house Allah has earmark them for you. That is he has control over them and they are subject to His sovereignty and he has problems and he has promised them to you. What he has promised, will inevitably come to pass because of the perfect might have Allah subhanaw taala hence he says for Allah has power over all things.
While I will call it La comunidad latina Kapha Runa What about
Mala G do not worry young
at all, if those who disbelieve had fought you, Allahu Davia, they would have turned and fled and they would have they they would not have found any protector helper.
So when not Allah He let the call the holiday meal.
While Daddy Daddy son, whatever the search was the way of Allah in the past, and you will find no change in the way of Allah. He's glad tidings from Allah to is believing slaves of the victory over this believing enemies. And then if they had confronted them in battle and fought them, they would have turned and fled. And they would have and they would not have found any protector to take care of them or helper to help them and support them in fighting you rather than where they would have failed and being defeated. This is the way of Allah in dealing with the previous nations. That is the troops of Allah who will be Victors and you will find no change in the way of Allah
wa who will lead the cafe the
ADEA command can be brought to me maquette I mean that the photo can it him work and Allah will be mad mad whenever I'll see y'all is he who is string their hands from harming you and your hands from harming them inside Mecca after giving you the upper hand over them. And Allah says well, all that you do
when we're letting a cat photo also do combining Masjid Al haram you had EMR coup and build over Mahila Walla Walla region
mu and lambda mu whom and Tata womb fair to see welcome in what area in you the field a long field committee he mean
load as a lulu levena Kapha room in Houma, urban any is they who disbelieved and body from the sacred mosque and, and prevented the offerings from reaching their place of sacrifice. Were not for believing men and believing women in Mecca, of whom you were unaware, whom you might have trampled under foot and thus unwittingly incurred a burden of sin. Allah would have commanded you to fight the disbelievers. But he ordained it does so that he might admit whomever he wrote his mercy. If they if they believers and disbelievers had been distinct from one another, we would surely have affected those among them who disbelieved with a painful punishment, who Allah subhanaw taala
reminds his slaves of how he blessed them by saving them from evil of the disbelievers and from having to fight them, as he says, is he who is trained their hands, that is the hands of the people of Mecca from harming you, and your hands from harming them inside Mecca, after giving you the upper hand over them. That is after after you gain the upper hand over them, and they came under your control without any peace deal or covenant. They were approximately 80 men who charge at the Muslims hoping to catch them unawares, but they found the Muslims alert and ready. So they seize them, then they let them go and did not kill them have mercy from Allah towards the believers, because it was
not in their interest to kill them. This is also one of the things that took place up in the lead up to the battle or the treat of how they BIA as mentioned in different durations one of the minions a Muslim
when the Prophet salallahu alayhi wa sallam came to her Davia he had heard already because he said that scouts ahead of him. He told that one of the things that the operation decided was that they were going to bar and stop the Muslims from getting anywhere close to Mecca, and drink anywhere near the Haram area. They would give them far away. And so the prophets of Allah Azza wa sallam took a route that would allow him to go as close to Mecca as possible because the closer they are to Mecca, the harder it is for Quraysh to fight them. Because the closer to the Haram zone. One of the things that group of people did,
from Quraysh, or from one of the tribes that were that had legions to Quraysh, around 80 of them is that they hope to come and engage the Muslims in war. Because what the Muslims wanted to do what the Kurdish wanted to do was to incite the Muslims to fight
because if the Muslims start fighting, then they can repel them, attack them, so that we will only defending ourselves they started the fighting. So they wanted to save the honor Oratio to save its honor in front of all the Arabs, but at the same time, they wanted to fight the Muslims. So they were looking for an excuse. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam became aware of this group of 80 Odd men that was coming to fight the Muslims. And he told the Companions beware the coming. So they caught them before they could even get ready to fight and attack the Muslims. And the prophets of Allah, Allah, he was salam, let them go. And he let them go because of the benefit muster. Ha.
And that is to show everyone all of the Arabs that were gathered there, when I had to fight when I had to kill, they were going to attack us, we're letting them go because we've only come to make aamra And Allah sees well, all that you do, and he will require each person for his deeds, and he takes care of you as he's the best to do that. Then Allah subhanaw taala mentioned the reasons that encourage the Muslims to fight the polytheist which is their disbelief and Allah and His Messenger, salallahu Alaihe Salam, and they're boring the messenger of allah sallallahu Sallam and the believers with him from going to the Sacred House to visit it, and venerate it by performing Hajj,
and Amara because the coalition never prevented anyone. Even the enemies before Islam wouldn't be prevented from coming to Mecca to perform Umrah. If they can find one on hunch. They wouldn't stop anyone. So when the Muslims wanted to come, they stopped them. And that was something which was different and that's why Allah azza wa jal says they barring people from worshipping Allah at the Kaaba is also the who prevented the off the offerings from reaching their place of sacred sacrifice, which is a place where they are to be slaughtered, namely Mecca, they prevented them from reaching get wrongfully and out of enmity, all of these matters or reasons to fight them. Because one of the
other things that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam did when he set up for this camera is he took animals to be slaughtered in Mecca. This is called the heavy animals that are going to be slaughtered in Mecca and they were marked because the Arabs and even in Islam we have what we call a marking that is placed on the animal so that people know that this is for the home. This is going to be sacrificed in Mecca. No one steals it, no one eats it. No one sells it. No one buys it. It is only for the haram. And so the prophets of Allah wa Euston had a number of these animals that he was taking with them. So not only do they prevent and this is something also which the Arabs even before
Islam, used to respect and honor. So not only do they stop them from performing Umrah, they also stop these animals from reaching the harm to be slaughtered
when they will, but then there was a reason not to fight them, which was the presence of believing men and women among the policies. They were not living apart from them in a separate place such that harm would not reach them were not for these believing men and women whom the Muslims did not know and whom they might have trampled underfoot. In other words, were not for for fear that they might have trampled underfoot and thus unwittingly incurred a burden of sin that would result from fighting them and causing them harm and injury. Allah would have commanded you to fight the disbelievers because there were a number of weak people, weak men, women and children in Makkah that
will believers but we're able to migrate from amongst them was even our boss and his mother while the Allahu Anhu. Even our boss, his mother's name is Amal father. They accepted Islam even before their father, our best uncle of the prophets of Allah wa he was salam. And they've been asked us to recite the verses of the Quran that say that the week from the men and the women and the children they have an excuse, he would say me and my mother were from amongst them, until the conquest of Makkah, you only came to Medina, after the conquest of Mecca. There was also another benefit from not fighting, which is so that Allah my admit his mercy whomever he wrote, and bless them with faith
after disbelief and guidance after misguidance therefore, he prevented them from fighting them for this reason, if they believers and disbelievers had been distinct from one another. That is if the if the believers had been separate from the disbelievers we would surely have afflicted those among them who just believe with the painful punishment by making it permissible for you to fight them giving you permission to do that and granting you victory over them
is John Levine and Kapha Rufio Kulu bimodal me yet Jaime yet LJ Haley yet Eva
Allah along second at the Hawaiian out law school he lied and meaning for a long second now he while Mininova Adams mmm Can
I have Bobby
Walker know who the cliche gnarly man. Remember when those who disbelieved harbored bigotry in their hearts, the bigotry of ignorance. Then Allah sent down His reassurance to His messenger and to the believers and cause them to adhere to the word of piety. For they were more deserving and worthy of it. And Allah has knowledge of all things. Remember when those who disbelieved harbored bigotry in their hearts that we actually the bigotry of ignorance as they refuse to write the words and then
Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, and they refuse to let the messengers of Allah salAllahu Alaihe Salam and the believers enter Mecca that year, less the people say they entered Mecca in spite of college. This is the bigotry when the Prophet student came to actually make the treaty as we know in the generations in the Sunnah. He said to God, Allah one who was writing the treaty down and the process animals dictating right Bismillah R Rahman r Rahim and the representative Quraysh so he looked at me and said, No, you don't know these names are Rahman or him, while they say in the name of Allah only. And then when he wrote from the Messenger of Allah
between this is a treaty between Muhammad the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, he said, No, if you were the Messenger of Allah, we wouldn't fight you write your name and the name of your father instead. So this is the bigotry that Allah is referred to.
These and similar matters of ignorance still remain in the hearts and that lead to commit many sins. Then Allah sent down His reassurance to His Messenger, salallahu Alaihe Salam and to the believers, so that anger did not make them respond in kind, in kind to the polytheists. Rather, they showed patience and self restraint in obedience to the ruling of Allah, and they adhere to the conditions that involve respecting the sacred limits of Allah, no matter what the conditions were.
And they did not care about anyone who blamed or criticize them, and cause them to adhere to the word of piety which is like Allah Illa there is no God but Allah, and the duties dictated by he caused them to adhere to that. So they adhere to it and carried out the duties dictated by dictated thereby, for they were more deserving and worthy of it than others, because of what Allah knew of their character, and what was in their hearts of goodness. Hence, Allah said, and Allah has knowledge of things.
The goddess or the Kola, who rasool Allah who will help all that other whole
mess Masjidul haram.
Allahu ammini.
ruse Kumamoto city, Hall foon for Alima madam, Moon federal, and I mean do neither Lika Tong Corrie.
Indeed Allah will fulfill the dream of his messenger in truth, you will surely enter the Sacred Mosque. If Allah was in peace and safety, and you will shave your head or cut your hair without any fear. He knew what you did not know. He knew what you did not know. And he granted before that victory soon to come.
Well, Larry Rossella Rasul Allah who will who the wedding hub paleo Hilda who are the Dean equally work I've been Isha, he is He Who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth and the religion of truth, so that he may cause it to prevail over all other religions and sufficient is Allah as a witness, indeed, Allah will fulfill the dream of his messenger in truth, and the messenger of allah sallallahu Sallam has seen a dream in Medina and had told his companions about the dream said that they would enter Mecca and circumambulate. The Kaaba, this is the beginning of the story of the treaty are they be why did they go for Umrah because of a dream that the prophets
of Allah while he was salam saw that he and the companions were making aamra And as we know, the dreams of the prophets are revelation. It's a form of Revelation. So he said to the Companions that I seen a dream that we're making a camera, but the dream didn't say which. And that's why the author will mention now when Armando said O Messenger of Allah, you promised to make Amara, he said, but I didn't say it would be this year, Allah will something else. And the then obviously, as we know, came back the following year to make ombre. But when as a result of the Treaty of elephant Abia, they went back without having entered Mecca. They had a great deal to say about that, to the extent
that they said to the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi salam, they did not tell us that we would come to the Kaaba and circumambulate. He said, Did I tell you that it would be this year? They said, No, he said, You will surely come to it and circumambulate and Allah says here, indeed, Allah will fulfill the dream of his messenger in truth, there is it will inevitably come to pass and he and be fulfilled and, and whether it comes sooner or later that does not undermine the promise, you will surely enter the Sacred Mosque. If Allah wills in peace and safety, and you will shave your head or cut your hair, that is you enter it for the purpose of venerating this sacred house and you will
perform and complete your rituals by shaving your heads and cutting your hair without any fear fear this is known as Ramana to Allah and it took place the following year. So the one of the terms of the treaty was economic Umrah this year you have to go back then you can come back the following year and you can make Umrah so that's what they did. And as long as I'm rattle Kadar, and that's what the prophets of Allah while he was setting then came performed with those companions the following year. We'll look at her Allah azza wa jal says concerning the dream that you will come back in peace and safety to Makkah, and you will shave your heads, even though when you think of
camera, what are the most important parts of the camera? So tawaf and the side that allows you to do this
Do you want to come back to Macau you want to come back to make say, he says you will come back and you will shave your heads which is the last thing that you do in Amara and the reason is why the author mentioned it to show that the dream will be fulfilled that you will complete your Umrah because that's what shaving the head signifies. So you'll come back and in peace in security you will make your camera and then you will go back and in the omelet ricotta we have a number of different lessons and different etiquettes and different rulings that we also take from them is the Rommel the jogging Dustin lightly in power off in the first three seconds that's taken from the
camera to Kedah, from them is uncovering of the right shoulder was taken from the Umbra Allah. So there were a number of things that the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam legislated within the Trump era. He knew of what was in your best interest, where he did not know and he granted before. And he granted before that, that is before entering Mecca in the manner described a victory soon to come, because this incident caused some distress to some of the believers and they did not understand the wisdom behind it. Allah explained the wisdom behind it and the benefits there are. The same applies to all of the his shorter rulings. They are all guidance and mercy. Allah explain
the matter in general terms and apply and general terms that apply to our rulings. As he said, It is He Who has sent His Messenger with guidance, which has beneficial knowledge and guides and guys that guides people away from his guides and shows the path of good and evil and the religion of truth. That is the religion that is based on truth and and is justice, kindness and mercy. This refers to every righteous deed that purifies the heart, cleanses the soul guys to good characteristic characteristics and raises one in status so that he may cause it to prevail over all other religions on the basis of proof and evidence and and subdued the disbelievers.
Mohamed Madeline was too long while living in Emma who she
while Khufu wahama obeying Tara whom little guy is with Jordan yeah beta one Alpha
law he waited blind. See man he will do he him in atheris will do the Valley Camp method whom fit or one method whom Phil
Kessel Run Roger shutaura Who
first of all love I first saw the JB zoo are your enables zoo Riley Lila behemoth in Kufa why the love will levena
mean oh Saudi had
to run now.
Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah
and those who are with him affirm and unyielding towards the disbelievers, compassionate towards one another. You see them bowing and prostrating in prayer seeking the grace and pleasure of Allah. Their Mark is on their faces from the effects of prostration such as their description in the Torah, and in their likeness in the Gospel is that of a seed which sends forth its shoe then makes it strong. Then it goes stick and stand straight on its stem, the lighting this sours, source, the lighting the source, so that he may infuriate the disbelievers through them. Allah has promised those among them who believe and do righteous deeds, forgiveness and unlimited reward. So this was a
description of the companions of the Allah who are humans Marine. He Allah tells us about the His messenger and his companions, both Nigerian and unsought describing them with the most perfect attributes. And in the most sublime situation, namely bowing and prostrating and he tells us that they are firm and unyielding towards the disbelievers. That is they are serious and strive. They are serious and strive hard in opposing them, putting their most effort into achieving that. Hence, the disbelievers saw nothing of them except harshness and toughness, therefore, their enemies submitted and yielded to them. And the Muslims have viewed them compassionate towards one another that is
loving one another showing mercy and kindness to one another, like a single body. Each of them loves his brother when he loves himself. This is how they treat one another. As for their interactions with their Creator, you see them bowing and prostrating in prayer. That is, the main characteristic is that they pray a great deal. And the most important part of the prayer is bowing in frustration, seeking by means of this act of worship, the grace and pleasure of Allah. That is, this is their aim to attain the pleasure of the Lord and his reward. And this is the way of the companions in terms of their dealing with others, kinda compassionate to one another. And in terms of the worship of Allah
azza wa jal, people have really bad dedicate their lives to the worship of Allah subhanaw taala and seeking His pleasure, and it's even mentioned in some of the narrations that when Abubaker the Allah one was Khalifa he asked me to be a judge, the judge of Medina.
Hina whilst he was the Khalifa and after one year or more came back and he said you don't need a judge because these people meaning the people of Medina, the Companions, they had don't have any disputes. If there's disputes they settle them in the way that Allah azza wa jal is pleased with the kind to one another, they know each other's rights. They fulfill those rights and they don't go beyond those rights that Allah azza wa jal has given to them. So this was the description as Allah azza wa jal mentioned. So in the Quran of the believers of the companions, crying, compassionate merciful to one another. And people have very bad that people have Salah people of sadaqa people of
worship to Allah subhanaw taala and monkeys on their faces from the effects of prostration. That is the act of worship as a result of they're doing a great deal and doing it well has left a smile on their faces, which shine brightly just as a prayer illuminated the heart has also illuminated their faces, such that is, what is described here is their description in the Torah. There is this description of them that is given by Allah is also mentioned in the Torah. As for the likeness in the gospel, they are described in a different way. In their perfection and cooperation. They are like a seed, which sends forth its shoe and makes it strong and grows thick and, and the N stands
straight on its stem delighting the sewers, so is the one who planted the seed
with his perfection, upright growth, beauty and reaching maturity.
The command the Companions, Roger Lavon, whom are like such plants in that they benefit people and people need them. strength of faith and righteous deeds are like the strong roots, roots and stem of the plant. So Allah azza wa jal gives two examples of the companions, one in the Torah, one in the NGO, the Torah speaks about them in terms of their worship in terms of their compassion to one another. And in the gospel. They are described as people who benefit others, like a plant the plant grows, and it goes big, and it benefits the one who planted it and benefits others who come and also take from it and the animals and insects and others that also benefit from it. The fact that the
minor companions and those who came to Islam later join the Senior Companions and help them support them to their endeavors to establish the religion of Allah and call people to it as to call people to it is like the seed which sends forth issue then makes it strong, then it goes thick and stands straight on its stem. Hence, Allah says, so that he may infuriate the disbelievers to them, when they see the believers is unity and from adherence to their religion. And when they confront one another in the battlefield. Allah has promised that those among them who believe and do righteous deeds, forgiveness and an immense reward, the companions are the love and when you combine faith and
righteous deeds, so Allah combined for them forgiveness that results in protection from the evils of this world, and the hereafter, with great reward in this world and the hereafter. Here, we will tell the story of Elijah Davia, at length, as narrated by Imam shamsudeen, even LKm in El, el Hadi, and never we, as this will help us to understand the Surah, which speaks of this event of the automaton has not completed the seer of the surah. And the only thing that remains now is he's going to go through the whole story of what took place in the BIA in the next like, I think it's about 1012 pages.
Let's see what we can what we can get the story of Alfa Arabia. Now having said that it occurred in the head it will cada six, six year after hijra, which is the correct view this is the view of zaharie cortada Musa even Akbar Muhammad even is hap and others. Hashem in Ottawa said, No waiting from his father or the Allah and Huma may Allah be pleased with both of them, that the Muslims are wiping his Zubayr at the messenger of allah sallallahu Sallam set out for Allah de BIA in Ramadan, but the fact it was but in fact it was in Chawan. This is a mistake on his part, it was the conquest of Mecca that occurred in Ramadan. I will as what said, narrating from Ottawa, that it occurred in
the duel cada, according to the correct view, in Asahi Hain is narrated from NS that the Prophet sallallahu Sallam performed Umbra four times, all of them in the lcada. And he will and he mentioned the unraveling of Abia as one of them when he was when he when he was accompanied by 1500 believers. This was also an add in as a hanging from Javid in the same book. It was narrated from Abdullah bin Abi opha, that they were 1300. So these are the three integrations concerning the numbers of the people who probably be 1300 1400 1500 generations differ. And so it's possible that it was in that range because obviously the Companions weren't counting each person one by one wasn't like a system
like that. They were just guessing. And so anything between that range, or that Qatada said, I set aside even Alamosa, yep. How many were the people who were present? Bear to bear to that one. He said 1500 I said, Jabir ibn Abdullah said that they were 1400 he
said, may Allah have mercy on him, he must be mistaken for he was He who told me that they were 1500. I said, both views on radio sound be from Javid. And it was narrated soundly from him that in the year that they be they slaughtered 770 camels, and one camel may be sacrificed on behalf of seven people. It was said to him, how many were you? He said 1400 on horseback and on foot. One feels more at ease with this view, namely that they weren't 1400 And this is the view of Al Bara even as if Mark Martin ebene Asad
Salah may have been a llama, even rocker and all of these are companions of Barra. You will know as the market in New South salami blackwattle The alarm according to the more sound of the two reports, and an Elmo say even has an unstable husband is the father of three diplomacy by setting the rain from Qatada from inside even MSA from his father, we are with the Messenger of Allah. So the Lord is telling them we need to treat 1400 Men, those who say that they were 700 are clearly mistaken. The reason for their mistake is that on that day, they slaughter 70 camels, and it was stated that camel is sufficient for seven or 10 men, but this is not in harmony with with what he stated concerning
the number because he stated that a camel was slaughtered during this campaign on behalf of seven. So if the 70 camels were for all of them, they would have been 490 men, but at the end of the same Hadith, he said that they were 1400 So this is obviously the author's taking this from Auburn Oklahoma him Allah Tada even though pm in his books, this is his way, brings different aerations different wordings, then compares them does an analysis of them. This is just his methodology Rahimullah Tana, which is one of the reasons why is considered to be a Mohaka. Someone who verifies brings different durations, and tries to see if there's any discrepancies between them. So one of
the reasons says that they have 70 camels that they slaughtered in Islam. If you have a camel, one camel is for seven people. A sheep is for one person, or cows and camels, you can divide between seven people. So it says if there was seven people and 70 camels, then it's going to be as he mentioned here, 400 or 90 men, but the ration said that they were far more than that. So what seems likely is that not everyone had the camel that they were going to slaughter meaning it wasn't for everyone. Not everyone has to sort in the umbra. It's, it's not even watch. It's not a part of the camera that you have to slow to anything. It is recommended. It's a sunnah if you want to go and
slaughter in the camera. And so therefore it's possible that not all of the companions intended to give a sacrifice when they're in the Khalifa the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi salam Gotland and mocked his sacrificial camel and entered haram for Mr. Gulen did and marked his sacrificial Cameron. What this means is we've mentioned in the books of faith is that if you have an animal that's going to the Haram, specifically for the Haram that is going there to be sorted there in Arabic We call this al Hadi. That is one of the sacrifices that you can have different to what we do on the bigger eat. What we do on the bigger eat in Arabic is one year old here is what you start a
home for your family. A hadith is what the people do who are performing hajj and umrah or people sent to Mecca to be slaughtered. That's called heavy in order to make the difference between them to show that this animal is earmarked for the haram. For example, if I was in Birmingham, I want to send an animal to Mecca. How are people going to know that this is a hottie. So what the Arabs used to do is that they would mark it and garlanded market, meaning that they would come to the animal like for example, the camel, and they would come to a tamp and they would make a small cut. So bit of blood would drain down the marking of the blood that would dry on the skin. That's a shower. It's
a sign that this is for the haram. This is what the Arabs used to do before Islam and Islam came and they were approved of this and garland is to take like a reef and place them on the neck of the animal. Alright shadow the Allah Allah says that I used to make Garland's for the sacrifices of the prophets of Allah Allah, He will sell them, then he would place them on his camels and he would send them to Mecca, meaning if he wasn't performing hajj, he would send it with one of the companions to be sacrificed in Mecca. So this is the two things that they used to do, they would put something around the neck of the animal and they would draw some of the blood in a way that doesn't harm the
animal but just a small amount of blood just so that this animal is something which has been earmarked and even before the stem if someone saw that type of animal they wouldn't touch it wouldn't steal it wouldn't eat it wouldn't Rob know this is something which is for the harm of Allah subhanaw taala and is to be sacrificed there. And this meat then distributed amongst the poor and the needy of Makkah. He sent a spy from Gaza ahead of him to find out about courage for him and when they were new, was fun. It was fun it was fun was fun despite came and said I have just left cab even though
they have got they have gathered the hobby sheesh some Arab tribes
and many others against you, and they want to fight you and bar you from reaching the Kaaba Prophet sallallahu Sallam consulted his companions and asked him, Do you think we should attack the land of these people who are supporting courage? Or should we head towards the house and whoever tries to borrow us from a We should fight them, and we will concede, Allah and His Messenger know best, whether we have come to perform, Amara, and we have not come to fight anyone, but were prevented from reaching the house, we should fight them. So the Prophet sallallahu sallam said, and let us move on. So they have a choice, the Prophet salallahu Salam could have fought those people could
have gonna attack them in their homes because they're preparing to attack the Muslims. Probably karate Allah, Allah gives a good good advice. This is a messenger of Allah we came in peace we came just to perform Umrah. And if you're in that state of haram, and you come to form umbra, then you don't want to hurt anyone or fight anyone you just want to go. But if someone comes and attacks us, we defend ourselves. But otherwise, we shouldn't go out and seek to fight others. They moved on until when they were partway there. The Prophet sallallahu sallam said Khalid even a lowly Hall Dibner Walid is in a low name with the cavalry of Quraysh go to the right, then later said, By Allah
Hardy did not realize that they were there until he saw the dust of the oncoming army. So he rushed to one chorus, because when the coalition heard that they're coming, what do they do is they center different people to stop them on board them on the way and they were trying to trying to incite the Muslims to attack these people, because they're stopping them from coming to the Kaaba. When the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam had the Heartbleed. And obviously, this is before he becomes a Muslim. He has some cavalry, and he's waiting on the path. The Prophet of Saddam said take a different path. In some regions, it is said that he goes into companions, and he said that the path
that we will normally take, Khalid is waiting there. Does anyone know what different paths that we can take to get into Mecca? And a man said yes, or messenger of Allah. It's the path of the shepherds meaning you go up the mountains and the hills and that's what the shepherds take, we can take that path to the Prophet has been said to him leaders. And that's what the narration says, until he didn't realize that they were there until he saw the dust, meaning it's too late and past him now the into the zone where he doesn't want to attack them because then the other Arabs will criticize the Quraysh. So instead, he rushes back to tell the Quraysh that he missed him. Part of
Salah Salem continuing on until when he was in when he was in the mountain pass from which he would come down upon them. His mouth set down. The people said move, move, but it will not move. Then they said a cuss word is being obstinate. The prophesy centum said of course what is not being obstinate for that is not her nature, her nature. What is restraining her is the same thing. That restraint the elephant CASA is the name of the camel, the sheik one of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So when it came to this piece in her they were just sat down, would it move, the companions are coming in, they tried to move it move, move, and it just won't move. So they said holla till
CASA is obstinate, stubborn, come on. The Prophet said it's not stubborn. It's not in the nature to be stubborn. But the one that stopped the army of the elephants from reaching Makkah, is the same one that stopped this come on here meaning Allah azza wa jal. So Allah has a wisdom there's a reason why this common will move beyond this place. And he said by the one in whose hand is my soul, they will not ask me for any deal that is based on venerating what Allah has made sacred, sacred, but I will agree to it. He prodded his camel, and she jumped up and he turned back and camped in the furthest part of Allah Davia beside a world that had a little that had a little water, that people
took the water a little at a time, but they soon used it up, and they complained of the thirst to the messenger of allah sallallahu sallam, he took an arrow from his quiver and instructed them to put it in the well by Allah it kept flowing with what they needed of water until they moved on. And this is also from the miracles of the prophets of Allah while he was telling them that they came to the wild had a very little amount of water soon finished. So the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam took an arrow from his quiver. And please do within that while and he started to bring up more and more water. Race got worried because of his coming down towards them. So the messenger of allah
sallallahu alayhi salam wanted to send one of his companions to them. He summoned Ahmad even a lotta even hotter in order to send him but Omar said almost drove a lot. There is no one of my new cab in Makkah who can who could defend me if they want to harm me send it with mine, even I found it said for his clan is there and he will be able to tell them wherever you want, because the way that the Arab tribes work is you have a tribe and it's made up of families and clans. And the stronger the clan means they have more people more numbers the bigger the clan the stronger they are the more influence that they have, or more of the Allah who came from one of the smaller clans of Quraysh
been or the than or from the big cleanse the big cleanse is like the time of the Prophet Solomon who Hashem and but Omiya will Sophia and on earth man's cannon zoom, which is the tribe or the clan of Abuja, Helen Harden, what do you do?
The big cleanse. So Arman says a messenger of Allah, I'm from a small clan, if they want to attack me, they'll attack me and my family can't do anything about it. But cenarth Man is from Benin. Omiya I will Sophia and his his family. I was a friend, Won't anyone hurt someone who's from his own clan. And so that's what the Prophet did not allow usin the messenger of allah sallallahu wasallam somebody with made him in a fern and sent him to college saying, tell them that we have not come to fight we have only come to perform Umrah and call them to Islam. He instructed him to go to some believing men and women in Mecca and give them the glad tidings of victory and tell them that Allah
subhanaw taala would cause his victory, his religious his religion to prevail in Mecca, so that no one would have to conceal his faith in the city of mind set out and pass by coalition builder.
They said, Where are you going? He said, The messenger of allah sallallahu Sallam has sent me to call you to Allah and Islam and to tell you that we have not come to fight rather we have come to perform. Mr. They said we have heard what you say you may carry on
a ban even
a ban even side even
last stood up to welcome him. He put a saddle on his horse and seated Earthman on the horse declaring that he was under his protection and Eben upon an event. road behind. It's not until they came to Mecca before a man came back, came back. The Muslim said, This man is the first one of us to reach the Kaaba and so come circumambulate but the messenger of allah sallallahu sallam said, I do not think he will commemorate the Kaaba, when we are detained and, and prevented from doing so. He said, What is here? What is there to prevent him from doing that messenger of Allah. When he has reached it, he said, that is what I think he will not circumambulate the cabinet unless we
circumambulate it with him and look at the man of the companions to cut the love for the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. Look at the obedience to Him. That even though the Quraysh said Taurus, man, you can go make Tov you go make umbra. Everyone else will deal with them. Anita, you go your hair now you can go and make ombre. He said I will never make it without the prophets, Allah Allahu Allah, He will send them even though had he done it. It's not haram upon him. Listen, there wouldn't have been good etiquette that the Muslims and the prophets of Salaam has been prevented. And he should just go forward and do something by himself. And look at the Eman look at the fecund
understanding most of us in opportunity, which is one of the lumpia I'll just go and do my Omraam done I'm finished. Now look at how Earth mama the hola Juan has faked his understanding as knowledge. And he says know something that the Prophet Selim doesn't do. I don't do and so he refused their request. And the Muslim that posted polytheist to discuss a peace deal. And then from one of the two group groups threw something at a man from the other side, and a skirmish took place in which they shot arrows and threw stones at one another. And the two groups shouted at one another and detained whomever they could have the other party.
The messenger of allah sallallahu sallam, her death man had been killed. So he called the Muslims to swear allegiance to the team. The Muslims rushed to the messenger of allah sallallahu Sallam who was beneath a tree and swore allegiance team pledging not to free than the Messenger of Allah. So Allah salam to hold his hand and said,
This is on behalf of Earth man, meaning that after all the companions 14 1500 of them they gave given the Pledge of Allegiance. The prophets of Allah Azza wa sallam took his hand with the other one and he said, This is on behalf of Earth man, meaning because Earth man wasn't there with man isn't in Makkah. So he made the pledge on behalf of Earth man about the Allah one. When the oath of allegiance was complete, this man came back and the Muslim said to him, Have you had your own? Have you had your fill, or Abu Abdullah? Have circumambulating the Kaaba. He said, How do you think of me by the one in whose hand is my soul? Even if I stayed there for a year in the messenger of allah
sallallahu Sallam saying who they be, are not circumambulated until the messenger of allah sallallahu Sallam did so Koresh invited me to see circumambulate the camera but I refused. The Muslim said, the Messenger of Allah is the most knowledgeable of us about Allah and the most positive in thinking and what had taken the hand of the messenger of allah sallallahu Sallam to swear allegiance to him under the tree, and all the Muslims swore allegiance except a legit even case mapping in ASR held a branch up away from the messenger of allah sallallahu Sallam meaning he held the branch over him like a branch with leaves in order to shelter the prophets of Allah has
given shade. He was under a tree and there was sun so mark it yourself this companion had a big branch like a deep palm branch with those leaves and he pleased to share the profits are low and he was
the first one to swear allegiance to him was a boo syneron as a sad, sad, sad sedima Even acqua swore allegiance to him three times among the first group of people, the people, the middle group, and the last group, they were 1400 people to give the br This companion selamat ACWA or the Allah one, the prophet has seldom said to him at the
Beginning give the br So he came in he gave me the br and then after a while after a good number of people are passed by around the middle of the br He said to ceremony so said that come and give the br Is that a messenger of Allah gave it already the narration is in most of the Hamid. He said I gave it already he said doesn't matter come and give it again. So he came and he gave it a second time and then he left and then towards the end the bruxism so selama sitting he said oh salamat come and give the BR instead of messenger of Allah he did it twice already. He said come a third time. So he came in he gave the beer at the same beer three times but the Allahu Allahu Allah. Okay, I think
we will we will pause here because the story the narration is longer and it goes on for at least a number of pages yet but this is the point now where we come to the end of the BI and then the author Hamdallah will mentioned Republic team will mention what took place next after this pledge of allegiance was given. So inshallah Tada. We will continue with that tomorrow. BarakAllahu li can also learn a bit of Mahamadou either early or savage mine, Santa Monica.