Ahsan Hanif – Tafseer As Sadi #03

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary ©
The conversation covers the history and cultural differences between Ghana and the fire, emphasizing the importance of forgiveness and affirming one's own actions. The use of dotox and the dams in Jannah, where water warms and creates cool water, is emphasized. The importance of following instructions and guidelines to achieve success in Islam is emphasized, as it is a way to improve others. Testing one's faith and patience is emphasized, as it is a way to increase their faith and show their true intentions to avoid suffering and reward.
AI: Transcript ©
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I'm on economical oil barakato Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa RT but to determine whether or not Illa Allah the mean, we should do hola ilaha illallah Hua hola Shikara Allah will only know Allah here in Washington in the Vienna Muhammad Abdul Hora sort of Mustafa I mean la masala we'll send him America who are early he was speaking engineering them about. So today's the third day of our reading and commentary of the book of diversity Cyril Karim Rahman features economic manaan more famously known as the field of Saudi by Sheikh Mohammed Abdul Nasir of Saudi who died in the 1376 of the Hijra Rahim Mahalo to Allah barometer USA and inshallah Tada.

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Today we begin with the third seed of the 47th chapter of the Quran, the 47th chapter of the Quran surah Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and this name surah Muhammad is the name that is Surah is famously known by and there is the one that is mentioned in the vast majority of the books of their sin

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and also the books of the Sunnah. However, it has another one or two names by which it is also known. The first of them is Surah, to Patel, the surah of fighting. And this was reported from the companion I'm delighted ibis, while the Allahu Anhu made that he named the Surah Surah to Putana. And it will become obvious why in the first passage of this surah the first few verses in which Allah subhanaw taala speaks about some of the rulings of fighting. And it is also known in some of the books as Surah livina Cafaro. The first two words of the Surah, the first verse, the first two words of the first verse of the song, and that's also something that you will find in some of the

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books and is reported that some of the companions used to refer to it in this way. And as we mentioned previously, the sutras and their names, some of them are agreed upon and some of them you will find that the companions and the scholars, the early scholars especially, they would either refer to the surah by its name, or they will refer to it by its description. So when a Sauron is named by its first verse, like Surah, Allah or the broadbill falak surah is an owner candle and file sunnah. And then the first verse is mentioned. That's the description meaning the surah that begins with a verse, like you've been murdered the Allah who I used to say, the surah, in which the story

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of the cow is mentioned, as a description is not a name is describing to which Surah meaning Surah Baqarah but he's describing it in that way. And so you find both of these, in the early works, especially in the early statements of the companions tab you're in, if you go to like a poverty, and it's the seal some of the very early works that we haven't seen, you will find that sometimes they use the name sometimes they use it by description, and this is also very common in the Sunnah. If you read through the books of Hadith, you will find that the Companions often used to refer to a surah by describing it by its first verse, and that's because perhaps some of those names have not

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yet become settled upon during that time. And during that generation. The surah is a Madani Surah meaning that it was revealed after the Hijrah, and this was the steam to the Lexa we've been ambassador, the Allah one woman others, and I'll call Toby and the BRT and others set by consensus of the scholars of their sphere. It is a Madani surah and it consists of 38 verses

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and reliable Alaminos Surah salatu salam ala Rasulillah he while early he was like to hear Jemaine la Murphy la now what is shaping now anyway, Lena will Hallerin Colin Colin Molly for him Rahimullah theta theta colliculi Tyler or Odoban he Mina che Utah neurologie, Bismillah, Hiroshima and Rashi in the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, a lady in our CAFO who also do

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here by Myrna whom those who disbelieve and bar others from the Path of Allah who will cause the DS to come to not well levena man who I mean or saw your head you are a man or B man Oh Zilla Allah Mohammed Medina who will help Cornell Rob Bing Catherine, whom will who will help Cornell Rob be him Catherine whom say ye the masala Habana, whom those who believe and do righteous deeds and believe in that which was sent down to Muhammad Sallallahu Sallam for is the truth from the Lord. He will absolve them of their bad deeds and rectify the condition. Then he can be an a lady in a cafe, Deborah Lila and Lavina Deborah will help call me Rob be him. Go Daddy Caleb rebula Huling. See, and

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that is because those who disbelieve follow falsehood and those who believe follow the truth from their from their Lord does does Allah set forth for human conduct comparisons? These verses include mentioned of the reward of the believers and the punishment of the sinners. The reason for that and the call to humankind to learn lessons from that. Allah says, Those who disbelieve and borrow others from the Path of Allah. This refers to the leaders of disbelief and misguidance, who combined this belief in Allah and His signs with barring others and others and others from the

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barring others and from the Path of Allah, which which means believing in in which means believing in and following, that which that to which the messenger is called last parameter. And on the beginning of this surah, Allah azza wa jal mentions the two groups of people, the two types of people with regards to belief in the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, those who disbelieved those who went astray those who rejected the prophets of Allah wa salam, those who believed in him and this surah pretty much all of it is going to speak about these two groups of people, and the outcome of those two groups of people. And so it is obviously as we know, a cornerstone of our

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religion to take a man and to follow the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, to love him more than we would love ourselves and our families, our parents and our children. And so Allah azza wa jal here speaks about at the beginning, those people who turned away from the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. These were many from the coloration from the other tribes of Arabia, until Allah azza wa jal gave the Muslims victory over them towards the end of the life of the prophets of Allah while he was still in put in the early years of prophethood. For the years of Mecca for many of the years that he was in Medina, the status

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quo was that many of those Arab crimes and many of the others that lived in the peninsula, the reject to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam,

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he, namely Allah will cause the DS to come to not to not, that is he or he will render them invalid and cause their doom because of them. This includes the efforts to oppose the truth, and the close friend of Allah, Allah will cause the schemes to backfire, so they will not attain any of their goals. As for the deeds for which they hope to be rewarded, Allah will cause them to come to naught. The reason for that is that they followed falsehood that includes every effort that is not made for the sake of Allah, such as worshipping idols and images, and ever stop put into supporting falsehood, because such aims are invalid, and any deeds done for their sake are also invalid.

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As for those who believe in in what Allah sent down to his messengers in general, and to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in particular, and to undo righteous deeds, by doing what is required of duties towards Allah and towards people, both obligatory and recommended, He that is, Allah will absolve them of their bad deeds, both minor and major, and if their bad deeds are absorbed, they will be safe from punishment in this world and the Hereafter, and rectify their condition. That is, he will rectify their religious and worldly affairs, rectify the harsh Andes and rectify all their affairs. The reason for that is that they follow the truth from the Lord, which is contained in this

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model Quran that comes from the Lord who has been caring for them by means of what He bestows of blessings and managing their affairs by means of kindness. So who cares for them by guiding them to the path of truth, which they follow and thus their affairs are rectified. As the goal is connected to the truth that is attributed to Allah, the eternal, the manifest truth, that there means their means of achieving that is sound and eternal, and the reward for that will be stored up for them. We look at the way that Allah subhanaw taala mentions the outcome of these two groups of people. The first are those who disbelieved, turned away rejected the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Allah

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azza wa jal says Ebola or man to whom Allah will lead their affairs into disarray, Allah will cause them to be misguided Allah will take the deeds, the actions and nullify them. The author says in both ways, in the worldly sense and in the sense of the Hereafter the worldly sense in terms of the scheme

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teams in terms of their plots and plans, Allah will make them backfire. So their actions, their plans, their plots, whatever they tried to do, Allah will please no blessing in them, and Allah in one way or another will unravel them. And then on the day of judgment when they come with their deeds, their actions thinking that they may receive some reward, they will be rendered null and void. So there are three misguided both the dunya and both akhira that Allah Azza mentioned the second group of people, those who believed in the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam those who did righteous deeds, which means to follow the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam and to

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follow His guidance, Allah azza wa jal says For those people, we will not only bless them and accept their deeds, and Allah as a blessing in them rectify their affairs, in the dunya. And in the akhira. In the dunya, Allah will bless them because Allah azza wa jal will bring to them we would and Allah will bless the efforts and Allah azza wa jal will show His mercy and forgiveness upon them. And then a numeral piano, when there was a rector there was erected, and under the banner of the prophets of Allah it was salam, and then from his OMA, the Prophet told us of Allah where it was sent him that we are the last of the nations on the earth, but the first of them on the Day of Judgment, meaning

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chronologically we came the last, all of the prophets came before the prophets of Allah where he was to the Brahma Yama This is almost at the forefront. It's the first intergender after the prophets of Allah, it is the first to be held to account or is the first to be honored by Allah subhanho wa taala. Thus does Allah set forth for human conduct comparisons, as he explained to them who the good people and evil people are, and gives TIF and gives for each a description by which they may be recognized and distinguished from others, so that those who choose to perish by choosing disbelief might do so after seeing clear evidence. And those who choose to live by choosing faith might do so

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after seeing clear evidence.

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For either loyalty to moon roof about battery recall we had

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to moon special dual water coffer in men buried in feed.

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Imagine that we're in feed

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dogs, how

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they're Lika Hello,

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Can meow Ba, ba ba, ba ba bow while letting you know putting movies maybe he following you, man. When you meet the disbelievers in battle, strike their neck strike strike their necks. When you have thoroughly subdued them, then bind the captive firmly. Then after that you may release them either as an act of grace or in return for ransom until the war ends. Thus Are you commanded. If Allah had so willed, He could have exactly retribution upon them without you fighting, where he command you to fight in order to test some of you by means of others. For those who are slain in Allah's Cause, he will never allow their DS to come to not say D him or usually Hoba, whom He will guide them and

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rectify their condition. While you do feel human and genuine love for her whom and will admit them to Paradise which he has already made known to them. He Allah subhanaw taala says, guiding his slaves to that which is in their best interest and supporting them against their enemies. When you meet the disbelievers in battle. Then be steadfast in fighting them and strike their necks until you have thoroughly subdued them. We can then resolve and broken their spirit. Then, when you have done that, and you think is more appropriate to take prisoners then to kill, then bind the captors firmly. This is this is a precaution less the captives run away if they are bound firmly in the mess

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but then the Muslims will be reassured that they will not flee and will not harm them.

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Once they are your prisoners, then you have the choice between doing an act of grace towards them by letting them go without payment of a ransom or ransoming them by not releasing them until they have brought they have bought their freedom or their companions have done have done so. Or they are exchanged for Muslims for Muslim prisoners held by the by the enemy. The author Hamlet Allah in this verse he mentioned that Allah azza wa jal gives to the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam a choice when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam would win in battle. And then he had prisoners of war. What does he do with those prisoners of war? The scholars position the author's position in the

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position that is the strong opposition, as mentioned by a number of the scholars to see the structure Sheikh Mohammed elimination of PT Rahim, Allah and others is that the Muslim ruler has a choice like the prophets of Allah, Allah, He will certainly struggle with choice. And that choice is between three things. The first is that he can kill those captains of war, put them to death. The second is that he can run some of them as a prophet did sir Allah while he was cinnamon the day of Buddha. He told those people that will kept us from Quraysh that we're going to run some new backs each one. Their family members from Makkah, were told to bring money

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And whilst in order for them to come and buy the freedom of them, and a number of the famous people who later on become companions were ransomed in that way, including the son in law of the prophets on Allah who already will send them. And including alabaster uncle of the prophets of Allah where he will send them and including companions, intelligibility, Bunny, motoring, and others who in that on that day in the ranks of college, and then later on, they would become Muslim. So that's the second option. And the third one is what we call in Arabic men in my Mina, men is just to forgive on Padam don't take any ransom, you just set them free. And the Muslim ruler as the Prophet did, sallallahu

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alayhi wa sallam has a choice between these three, whichever one he thinks is better, there is a greater benefit in doing he has a choice between these three and the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam did all three. Sometimes he would put some of them to death because of the harm and the evil. Sometimes he will let them go free. And sometimes you will run from them depending on the situation. And if you read the Syrah, and the different incidents, you will see that the prophets of Allah while he was salam applied all three, this should continue until the war ends. That is until there is no more fighting and you reach a peace deal or choose. For every situation there is a different

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attitude and different ruling rulings mentioned in this first have to do with situations of war. But sometimes there is no war. And if there is no war for some reason, then there is no fighting and no taking of prisoners. That Are you commanded that is the ruling mentioned above is for the purpose of testing the believers by means of the disbelievers and to make fortunes and victories out alternate between them. If Allah has a word, he could have executive retribution upon them without you fighting, for he has power over all things and is able to never let the disbelievers be victorious of over the Muslims in any place until the Muslims completely defeat them. But he commands you to

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fight in order to test some of you by means of others, so that you had will flourish and it will become clear, who is sincere and who is lying. And so that some people will believe sincerely on the basis of understanding and not on the basis of following the group that has the upper hand, for such faith is very weak and can hardly survive. trials and tests. That's why the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, sometimes you will be victorious, and sometimes the Muslims will suffer casualties, the difference between the Battle of battle and the battle. So the prophets of sensitise would have the upper hand sometimes they would suffer casualties like they didn't know how to win 70

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companions or Martin Luther is saying that Allah azza wa jal is saying in this verse, that Allah subhanaw taala tests you in this way, because if the Muslims are always winning, winning, winning, then as we know, in the time of the prophets of Allah, while he was sending the hypocrites, if they saw that the battle was easy, they would be in the ranks of the Muslims, they would go and fight with them because they knew there's money to be gained. There's going to be beauty at the end and war spoils. And if they find that the enemy's difficult, then they will make excuses. So Allah azza wa jal tests people in that way. And that's why when Abu Sufyan before he became a Muslim, when he

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went to the Byzantine Roman emperor, the Caesar of that time he rockin and he said to me reckless, and he asked him a number of questions. One of the questions that he asked most often is that when you fight this man who claims to be a messenger, do you win or does he win? He said, both. Sometimes we win, sometimes he wins. So the, the bison team, Roman Empire emperor, he said, This is the way that Allah always does with his prophets. Sometimes they win. Sometimes they lose until in the end, Allah gives them the full victory. So it's always like that at the beginning. They have times like this times like that, until Allah azza wa jal decrees, that the ultimate victory will be for them.

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But those who are slain in in Allah's Cause is a great reward. For they are the ones who fought those who they were commanded to fight for the word of Allah, maybe supreme, Allah will never let the deeds of such people go to waste. In other words, he will not let them come to not and be embedded, rather, who accept them cause their reward to grow and show the outcome of their deeds in this world and the Hereafter, it will guide them to follow the path that leads to paradise and rectify the condition that is their condition, their affairs, and their world will all be complete and sound with no stress and nothing to spoil it in any way whatsoever, and will admit them to

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Paradise, which he has already made known to them. That is he made it known first of all, of all, to make them long for it. He described it to them and told them the deeds that lead to it, one of which is fighting in his course. And he enabled them to do what He commanded and urge them to do.

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Then Then when he when they enter Paradise, who will show them their dwellings, and what they contain of eternal bliss and sound living. Lara's origin says that they will enter into an agenda that has already been made known to them. And the author says is made known to them in two ways. The first is through the descriptions of the Quran and the Sunnah. So the descriptions, the verses of the Quran, the Hadith and the Sunnah, that describe Jana, in many different ways, speaking about the many different blessings that Allah has placed within Jana within paradise. That's one way of knowing Jana and that's to motivate people is to inspire people is

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to urge people to try to earn that gender of ALLAH SubhanA wa Tada. And the second way that you will be made known to them is what the Prophet told us and Allah while he was telling me the Hadith general Buhari of a booster Aedra, the Allah one, he said, by the one whose hand is my soul, when one of you enters into Jannah, he will know the place of his home better than he knows his home in the dunya. That night, if one of you was to leave the masjid, and you're going home, you know the way home you don't need a sat nav, you don't need anyone to tell you, you know the way home. And when you get to your road and you see your house, you recognize your house, you don't need someone

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to point it out to you. He said by Allah, the one that goes into gender even though it's the first time they entered, never been there before, never seen it don't know where to go, they will know the abode in Jannah better than they know their house in in the in this world. And so Allah Azza will make it known to them. So they will know this is my home. This is the Palestine Allah's origin has given to me.

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Yeah, you have nothing in common

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law, sort of youth a bit academic, or you believe if you help Allah's Cause he will help you and instead of your footsteps, while letting you know CAFO Fatah hours and

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as for those who disbelieve How wretched they are, Allah will cause their deeds to come to

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their ally coming in carry home.

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That Allah Who belt are mine and whom they that is because they resent, there isn't that which Allah has sent down, so he will cause the deeds to come to nothing. This is a command from Allah subhanaw taala to the believers, instructing them to support to support his cause by adhering to his religion, calling others to him striving against his enemies, seeking thereby the pleasure of Allah. If they do that Allah will help them and study their footsteps. In other words, he will instill in their hearts patients reassurance and steadfastness who will give them physical endurance and help them against their enemies. This is a promise from one who is generous and true in his promise, and

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whoever supports his cause in word and deed, his Lord will support him and grant him the means of victory, such as steadfastness, and the like. When Allah subhanaw taala says in terms of Allah if you help Allah, what He means is helping Allah's religion by obeying Him by spreading the religion by doing what you can, in order to teach people Islam, that's what it means. You don't literally help Allah azza wa jal, Salah doesn't need any help. Allah Azza is free of all needs, but he means serving his religion, calling other people guiding them, because by doing that you spread the message of Islam.

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As for those who disbelieve in their Lord and support falsehood, they are in a wretched state, that is, their affairs are in decline and doomed to fail it to failure, Allah will cause the DS to come to naught. That is, he will render invalid their efforts to plot against the truth, so their schemes will backfire on them and the deeds which they claim to do for the sake of Allah will come to not that misguidance and wretchedness is for those who disbelieve because they they resent that which Allah has sent down of the Quran, which Allah sent down to show people the path of righteousness and prosperity, but they did not accept it. Rather they hated it and resented it. So he will cause the

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deeds to come to nothing

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Flm Yes, you will fill out Oblivion Buddha okay Fergana labor to letting me call him them. Not Allahu Allah you him while you Kaffee Rena said or her have they're not traveling the land and seeing what was the fate of those who came before them. Allah destroy them utterly. And in a similar fate awaits those who disbelieve, then you can be in Allah and Allah Allah the man who nunca feeding.

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That is because Allah is a Protector of those who just who believe. That is because Allah is a Protector of those who believe, whereas the disbelievers have no protector, that is have have these people who reject the messengers of Allah to send them not travelled, and seen what was the fate fate of those who came before them, for they will not find that anything before them, but the worst of fate.

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Wherever they turn right or left, they will find around them people who perished and were doomed and eradicated because of their rejection of the truth and their disbelief. So they became lifeless and Allah destroyed their property and homes around them. In fact, he destroyed the efforts and plots the disbelievers in every time and place will have similar bad consequences and terrible punishments. As for the believers, Allah subhanaw taala will save them from punishment and bestow upon them a great reward. And this is one of the benefits that people should take from traveling upon the land, especially if they come across areas where past nations used to live civilizations

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like the Romans and the Greeks and the Egyptians and the people of Ireland for mode. And these nations of the past Allah azza wa jal says, Do not travel. And when you pass by the lands do not ponder over what came of them. What happened to them often they were probably mightier, more powerful wealthier than many of the nations

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We see today and Allah subhanaw taala decree that they would come to an end, nothing lasts. Allah azza wa jal has decreed that those civilizations will come to an end. And so do you not reflect upon this? Do you not see how Allah azza wa jal punishes those who turn away from his message and who turn away from his from believing in Him. That is because Allah is a Protector of those who believe. So he cares for them and shows them mercy, bringing them forth from the depths of darkness to light, warning them and supporting them himself. Whereas the disbelievers who disbelieve in Allah subhanaw taala, and deprive themselves of divine protection and mercy, have no protector, to guide them to

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the paths to the path of peace will save them from the wrath and punishment of Allah. In fact, their protectors are the false gods from light, from light, they they will lead them forth into the depths of darkness, they will be inhabitants of the fire, they will abide therein forever. So all of those paths, nations despite their power, despite their wealth, despite everything that they had of the dunya when they turn away from Allah subhanaw taala, that none of them lasted. All of them come to an end. No civilization has lasted in its original form until today, the Egyptians, the Greeks, the Romans, whatever it may be hard to move the people of Pharaoh all of them, Allah azza wa jal

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destroyed them. So who are the people that have lasted since the time of Adam Ali salam until today? The meaning the believers throughout the ages, those people who worship Allah subhanaw taala because the Eman is stronger than any bond of civilization, any type of cultural reference any type of, of tribe that they come from. The bond is the bond of Eman and Taqwa and that is what endures a Nast's. And that's why when, in the Battle of wahat, at the end, when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was in the mouth that were heard with some of the companions and amongst them as Amara, about the Allah one, and the herbal Sofian came out and he started to chant. And he started to shout, and

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he started to declare his God's and how good they were. And Allah azza wa jal, or rather, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam told the companions to respond back and say, but Allah is greater than your gods. One of the things as Michelle said, Bukhari one of the things that the Muslims said on that day, to Abu Sufyan is Allah Who Mowlana Well, I'm Allah, Allah, we have a protector and Allah, you have no protector. And so it doesn't matter you if you overcame this today, or you won in this battle, Allah azza wa jal is our protector, it will endure, Islam will enjoy and as for you, according to they won't enjoy and that's what happened only a few years later, the

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Quraysh in terms of their belief system in terms of their practices in terms of their polytheism it comes to an end

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in Allah who the

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man who saw the hydrogen into God into the hull and

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while letting you know Cafaro down, dang cool, we're gonna come at that cool and now Wilmoth 101 Verily, Allah will admit those who believe and do righteous deeds to gardens through which rivers flow, as for those who disbelieve they are taking their pleasure in this world, and they eat as cattle eat the firewall that will be there about having stated that he is the protector of the believers, Allah subhana wa Tada now tells us what will happen to them in the hereafter admits admittance to gardens through which rivers flow which irrigate those verdant gardens and beautiful trees that bear all kinds of delicious fruit. But lots of Panther in this first mentions the

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believers and the disbelievers again, but this time in the context of what they enjoy. So when Allah Azza speaks about the believers, he doesn't mention the dunya for them. He didn't say they enjoy the dunya they'll say that he ate they ate in the dunya that they had a nice comfortable life in the dunya know Allah says, Those who believe in the righteous deeds for the gardens of Paradise. That's what they eat. That's where they enjoy it. That's where they have comfort. And then Allah azza wa jal will mentioned the disbelievers and he will say, they're the ones who enjoyed the dunya and they ate like the cattle ate. This is what they did in the dunya. Because in the dunya, the believers

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yes, they ate yes, they enjoyed themselves, but it was always within the confines of the Sharia. They stayed away from what was haram in food and drink in enjoyment. They only did what was pleasing to Allah azza wa jal. So Allah gives them the unrivaled blessings of Jannah in the Hereafter. And as for those people who enjoy the dunya by disbelieving and Allah disobeying Allah Azza, wa jal, then they take only that portion from that dunya.

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Having stated that the disbelievers have no protector, Allah now tells us that they are left to their own devices. So they do not have any qualities of dignity or humanity. Rather, they have sunk to the level of, of cattle that possess no reason or virtue, and all they care about and seek is enjoyment of worldly pleasures and desires. So you see that all their thoughts and activities are focused on such matters, and do not go beyond them to that in which there could be some goodness and happiness. There's no goodness and happiness in it because even when they follow their desires, do they achieve contentment and peace in their heart and true happiness? No. Even what they think will

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bring them happiness and what they spend their lives trying to pursue. is still avoids them.

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Still the still can't find it anyway. And so far we'll be there about that is it is prepared for them and they will never leave it and their punishment will never be alleviated. We'll get a yin Kataria thing he should do what?

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Korea Tikka allottee. Project. Luck No, luck. Lucky fella now, so how many cities there were, that were more powerful than your city which has exposed you here we destroyed them and there was no one to help them. That is, how many cities of the disbelievers there were that we're more powerful than your cities in terms of wealth, sons, helpers, buildings and technology. Here we destroy them. When they rejected Our Messengers, and when exhortation proved to be of no value in their case, and there was no one to help them, their strength, their strength did not avail them at all against the punishment of Allah. Allah subhanaw taala. Here he speaks about the difference between correlation

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between those past nations, Allah Azza says how many past nations do we destroy? The mood Pharaoh, the people of Lord Medina and all of these major nations that were far stronger than the people of courage? So if Allah Azza can destroy those fascinations, then what's courage in the coalition no army arratia no wealth creation of pyramids question of anything in terms of that type of power that Allah azza wa jal mentions that some of the previous nations had but look at the, the etiqueta Allah azza wa jal mentions here because what is the city of Quraysh?

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The city of courageous Mecca, Mecca is the most beloved place to Allah azza wa jal on the earth. And it is a place of purity and the place that Allah azza wa jal is blessed. So Allah subhanaw taala doesn't say the city in that sense, but he says, the city which has expound you, who expounded the Prophet of Islam, was it the city or the people,

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the people, meaning the people of the city that expound you? So Allah azza wa jal doesn't mention Maccha in the way that he mentions other cities because other cities, yeah, they expelled you. Because the city and the people are wondering the same in terms of there's no added virtue to those places, that Makkah is the best place. So Allah azza wa jal doesn't refer to just as a city, but he says, the city that expounding meaning, its people, the people in the city or the people of the city that expound you know, how about these weak people, the people of your city, when they expel you from your homeland, homeland, rejected you and oppose you at a time when you are the best of the

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messengers, the best of the best of the First and the Last? Are there not more deserving than others of doom and punishment? We're not for the fact that Allah sent His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to show mercy towards every disbeliever and not be hasty in seeking their punishment.

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FML Ghana you and your team Euro rugby can Xuyen Allah who wanna Lee whatever who

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is one who possesses clear proof from his law, like one who's evil these are made for seeming to him or those who follow their own whims and desires. That is they are not equal. One who clearly understands his religion and acts upon it, by learning about the truth and following it, hoping for what Allah has promised to those who follow the truth is, is not like one who is spiritually blind and has rejected the truth, gone astray and follow his whims and desires with no guidance from Allah. Yet he thinks that what he is following is true. How great is the difference between the two groups, the followers of truth and the followers of misguidance.

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are you young Tom woohoo and

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when I'm in humbling that thing Sherry been our an

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attorney most of what the

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Emirati will not feel like to be him. Commando Holly don't think thing. It was uma and Honeyman Akbar and

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their likeness of paradise, which the righteous are promised is that of a garden in which there are rivers of water forever fresh rivers of milk, of which the taste never changes, rivers of wine delightful to those who drink it, and rivers of honey, pure and clear. There they will they will have all kinds of fruit and forgiveness from the Lord. Can they be like those who abide forever in the fire and be given scalding water to drink they will tear their intestines that is a likeness of Paradise which Allah has prepared for his slaves who feared his wrath and sighs sighs pleasure is a beautiful likeness posited in the previous verse, if you remember the last Panatela

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made a comparison between the people of Ghana and the people of the fire in terms of what they eat, what they will be given a food. So he said that the believers will have the food in Jannah the restaurant Jana, and as for the people of the fire, they enjoy the fruit of the dunya mean this is what they get them enjoyment in this verse Now, Allah azza wa jal compares them in terms of their drink, in terms of what they will be given to drink the people of Jana and then the people on the fire

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in which there are rivers of water forever fresh that is, it never changes become stagnant, develops a foul smell or becomes bitter or murky, rather is the freshest and purest of water with the best fragrance and most delicious taste. Reverse of milk which the taste never changes by turning sour or otherwise rivers of wine delightful to those who drink it. There is the one who drinks it enjoys it very much is not like the wine of this world that tastes bad caused a headache and makes people lose their minds and rivers of honey pure and clear free of wax and other to Allah subhanaw taala in Jana, everything in Jana is pure and everything is Jana is free of harm and free of defects. Allah

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azza wa jal is main Jana, perfect for the people of Jana. And so what they eat, what the drink what the where everything that they have, it is something which is perfect as the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in Jannah liablity Yeah, but what if Nasha Bible, people's clothes don't even wear out, you can wear the same clothes over and over again. It will be like it's brand new, the first day that you wore it, and people will never become old, the youth will endure each and every single day. You're exactly the same age. There's no getting old, no weakness, no sickness, nothing all of the things that we have to face in the dunya by virtue of our weakness, and being humans and the

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different problems that we come across and afflictions that are close to us. None of that isn't gender gender is perfect in every way. They are they will have all kinds of fruit such as dates, grapes, apples, pomegranates Citron's figs and other fruits that have no equal in this world, they will have attained all that they wanted. And that was dear to them, and forgiveness from their Lord, by means of which all that they fear will be kept away from them. Are they better or those who are bad who will abide forever in the fire with its intense intense heat and multiple punishments, where they will be given scalding water that is intensively hot water to drink, that will tear their

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intestines Gorby to the one who has differentiated between the two about the two recompenses the two types of people and the two types of deeds and that is because everything that is in the fire is boiling, it is all fire, the food is fire, the water is fire, the abode is fire, the clothing is fire, everything is fire. So when Allah Azza describes the people of Jannah look at the variety that Allah mentions in terms of the different types of foods and the different types of drinks, the different types of clothings and the colors and the different materials they're made from because Jana has everything of beauty in the fire. Everything is just fire different types of fire different

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types of boiling and scalding water and fire and food everything is consuming them and it is all punishment. Well I mean

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Samuel Elaine can

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either hold on you mean call to letting you know oh to nine my mother call and if

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you can let me know Baba long wide up who beat him whatever, Who? Who?

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Whom, among them? Are some who listen to you or Muhammad Sallallahu sallam, but when they leave your presence, they say to those who have been given given knowledge, what did he just say? What did he say just now, these these are the ones whose hearts Allah has sealed up and they will follow their own whims and desires while living in

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Toccoa but as for those who follow guidance, Allah increases them in guidance and instills in them righteousness. Here Allah tells us that among the hypocrites are some who listen to you on Hamad sallallahu alayhi salam, that is they listen to what you say. But he's not by way of accepting and following following. Rather they are not really paying attention. Hence Allah says, but when they leave your presence, they say to those who have been given knowledge, asking about what you said, and what they heard. And they had no real interest in what did he just what did he say just now, this is a criticism of them for for if they had really been eager to attend good, they would have

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listened attentively and with understanding and they would have complied, complied with it. But the attitude is the opposite of that. Hence, Allah says, These are the ones whose hearts Allah has sealed that is he has bought them he has bought them the goodness that could have reached their heart because they follow their own whims and desires and had no inclination except towards falsehood. Then he describes those who follow guidance. But as for those who follow guidance, by believing, submitting and seeking that which is pleasing to Allah, Allah increases them in guidance in appreciation of their doing

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doing that in us and instills in them righteousness. That is He enables them to do good and protects them from evil. Therefore, he mentioned to awards for those who are guided beneficial knowledge and righteous deeds. Las Panatela again makes another comparison. As we said, this whole surah is a comparison between the believers and between the disbelievers here Allah subhanaw taala speaks about them in terms of their acceptance of guidance. Those who disbelieve are unable to accept guidance, they may hear the message, but because their hearts are sealed because the hearts are impure, because they don't want to learn because they're not sincere and seeking the truth. They live from

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the prophets of Allah Wildings cinnamon, they heard the same words as everyone else had, but they come out saying, What did he just say? What did he mean? What does that refer to mean that that guidance didn't penetrate into their hearts? And when Allah azza wa jal describes the believers will Davina Tado Xherdan Buddha, those who truly seek guidance, we will increase them in guidance. So if Allah azza wa jal has made your heart soft to the reminder made your heart soft to Eman to guidance, then that's from the greatest blessings of Allah subhana wa Tada because everyone has ears. Everyone has eyes. Everyone has the same senses. For the most part, everyone has those same abilities, but

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only Allah azza wa jal opens up certain hearts and doesn't allow other hearts to open.

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The Hylian Luna less

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to bolted falcoda

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Ash flow to her for en la whom either

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to the Quran what are they waiting for? Before the hour to come upon them suddenly it's portents have already appeared. So what good will it do them to pay heed when when has actually come upon them? That is, are the disbelievers waiting for anything, but for the hour to come upon them suddenly without them realizing its importance? That is its signs which indicate that it is a hand have already appeared. So what good will do so what good will it do them to pay heed? That is when the hour comes and their lifespan is over? How can they pay heed to it and amend and mend their ways? It will be too difficult for that the time for paying heed will be over and their lives will

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have been long enough for anyone who might reflect and pay heed to do so. As a warning did indeed come to them. This first urges people to be prepared before death comes suddenly for a person and death is the beginning of the hour for him

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for them and who

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long was still fairly them big meanie you know one minute Wallah we are a lemon water Code Lab mammoth work on no then that there is no God but Allah and ask forgiveness for your sins and for the sins of believing men and women.

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For Allah knows your movements during the day, and your places of rest at night with regard to knowledge is essential to affirm it in the heart and understand properly what is required of knowledge and the perfection thereof is to act in accordance with it. This knowledge that Allah enjoys, namely knowledge of the Oneness of Allah is an individual obligation upon every human and is not and is not wait for anyone, no matter who he is. Rather, each individual is obliged to know that and the way to know that there is no god but He is by doing the following. So how am Allah subhanaw taala in this verse tells us to seek knowledge first and foremost and he tells us to seek knowledge

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of that which is most important, what is the most important knowledge, the knowledge of la ilaha illa Allah know that there is no God worthy of worship except Allah meaning learn your belief, then you're to heed know Allah azza wa jal through His names and attributes and the rights of Allah subhanaw taala and what is due to Him in terms of worship? So Allah azza wa jal begins with this, know and learn what is the most important thing and once you have done that, then Allah azza wa jal says later on, we'll stop filling them back then seek forgiveness meaning your action should be based upon the knowledge that you have. Because if you truly know Allah, is named, his attributes,

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His forgiveness, His mercy, and then you make Toba to Allah and seek Allah's forgiveness. It's more likely that Toba will be accepted, as opposed to someone who doesn't really know doesn't really understand the laws, names and attributes, doesn't know what Allah's Mercy means. And they just see words that they don't really feel from their heart. So Allah azza wa jal, Towson enjoins upon us the issue of knowledge first.

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The first and greatest way is reflecting upon His names and attributes and his actions that highlight his perfection, greatness and majesty that compels one to strive one's most in devotion to Him, and in worshiping the Lord who possesses perfect names and attributes, and to Whom belongs all praise, glory, majesty and beauty to knowing that he is the only creator and controller. Thus one may know that he is the only one who is deserving of devotion three, knowing that he alone bestows blessings both visible and hidden, spiritual and worldly, that makes one's heartbeat attached to him. Love

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him and be devoted to him alone, with no partner or associate for what we see and hear of the great reward for his close friends who affirm his oneness of divine support and blessings in this world, and the punishment for his enemies who associate others with him. This makes one realize that he alone is deserving of all worship, five, understanding the nature of the idols and rivals, that that are worshipped alongside Allah and taken as gods, for they are helpless in all aspects, inherently needy, and have no power to benefit or harm themselves, or their worshipers, or to cause death give life or resurrect, they do not support those who worship worship them. And they do not benefit them

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in the slightest by bringing good or warding off evil. Knowing that knowing knowing that leads to

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leads to knowing, knowing that leads to knowing that there is no God but Allah and there are gods besides him or false look at how the altar having a toddler when he speaks about hola hola, hola. He speaks about both aspects. The aspect of this policy because the statement of la ilaha illallah is made up of two parts negation, affirmation, none has the right to be worshipped. That's negation, except Allah affirmation. So you have to deny all of the gods besides Allah, because if you don't deny them, you say, I worship Allah. That's what the courage said. But they said, we also worship Latin origin, all these other gods they didn't deny, they just affirmed. So you have to deny NFM.

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And so here the author is saying that, knowing like that, in Allah is both of these things to know Allah, His names, his attributes, His power, His Majesty, his supremacy, all of his ability, subhanaw taala. And at the same time to know, the weakness of those other gods that people claim besides Allah, how their false gods how they can't do anything, how they have no, no portion of the heavens of the earth. As we mentioned this day, they didn't create anything in the heavens and earth. So when you have knowledge of both, then that's when you truly have knowledge of complete Tawheed six, the books of Allah are all agreed on that. And they all stated, Seven Deadly of

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creation, who are the most perfect of people in attitude, mature thinking, wisdom, sound, sound, judgment and knowledge, namely the messengers, prophets and developed scholars have testified that Allah is one eight, Allah has established proof in the universe and in people themselves, that offer the greatest proof of his oneness and point towards that fact because of what he has instilled in them of precise creation, and what they reflect of brilliant wisdom and amazing design. These are the ways through which Allah cause people to the message of la ilaha illa Allah, which He highlights, which he highlights repeatedly in his book, when a person pondered. So, some of them,

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then some of them, he will inevitably develop certain faith and knowledge of that. So how about if he studies all of them, and they all point to his oneness and agree on that, the proofs of Divine oneness come from all directions, then, then faith and knowledge of that become deeply rooted in the heart, so that they are like firm mountains and cannot be shaken by doubt or illusions. And they only increase and go the more one comes across false ideas and and species species, species arguments. Moreover, there is a greatest evidence and the most important matter which is pondering this mighty Quran and reflecting on his verses, because is the main gateway to learning about Divine

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oneness. And through it, one may learn what it says, in detail and in general, and in general terms, that one cannot learn from any other source and ask forgiveness for your sins. That is, ask Allah for forgiveness for your sins by taking measures that lead to forgiveness, such as repentance, praying for forgiveness, doing good deeds, that erasing refraining from sin and forgiving others for any wrongs they have done to you. And seek Forgiveness also for the sins of believing men and women for they because their faith have rights over every Muslim man and woman. And that's from the good attributes and characteristics of the believers. They don't only ask Allah for forgiveness for

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themselves, but also for the others, other Muslims, other believers, those that are living and those that have passed away. There's Allah azza wa jal mentioned in the Quran as you will come to Inshallah, on the 28th, chosen Surah, to Hashem, that the believers are those who say, or have been a Filipina only one in the loveliness of the corner, Bill Iman, Allah forgive us and forgive all of our brothers who preceded us in faith, they may thrive for themselves, and they may throw out for other believers. One of those rights is that they should pay, they should pray for them and seek forgiveness for their sins. If it is the case that the Prophet salallahu alayhi salam is instructed

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to pray for them, which means asking for their sins to be to be removed, and for them to be protected, protected from the punishment thereof, is implied that he is to show sincerity towards them, love, good for them as he loves it for himself he evil for them as he hates it for himself and join them to do that which is good for them and for them to do that which is harmful to them, overlook their shortcomings and faults and be keen that they should be united in

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Harmony and there are graduates between them should be removed. That could lead to enmity and division that would increase them in sin. For Allah knows your movements during the day and your comings and goings, and your places of rest at night where you settle for he knows all about you and your movements. And he will request you for that in full

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via Google via Google letting, Manu know Nanos zealot, Surah for either

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those who believe say, if only a soldier were to be sent down instructing us to fight, but when an unambiguous surah is sent down in which fighting is mentioned, you see those in whose heart is a disease staring, staring fixedly at you like one who is about to die so walk to them by to walk ohm now Ruth fader as am and more fellow solder Kula Halak

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is more appropriate for them to show obedience and speak honorable words. Once the matter is resolved upon and fighting becomes obligatory, then if they are true to Allah, that will be better for them for hair loss as

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well later on and to see to figure out what to do

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then is to be then is it to be expected of you if you turn away that you will spread mystic mischief in the land and sever your ties of kinship.

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Letting in Alana Hula, hula for Al Salam.

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Salam, these are these are the ones whom Allah has cursed and has made them deaf and has blinded their ears. Those who believe such and have as blind to their eyes, those who believe say, in haste, showing eagerness to comply with tough and difficult commands, if only a sorcerer were to be sent down instructing us to fight, but when an unambiguous surah is sent down, compliance with with which is binding, in which fighting is mentioned, which is the most difficult thing for people, those who are weak in faith, cannot comply with the command has Allah says, You see those in whose heart is a disease staring fixedly at you like like one who's about to die, because they hate it. And it is so

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difficult for them. This is like the rest in which Allah subhanaw taala says, Have you not seen those who those to whom it was said refrain restrain your hands from fighting is that established prayer and gives the care. But when but then when fighting was ordained for them, some of them feared men as much as they feared Allah or even more lasers and says here that some of the believers used to save only a surah, meaning an instruction in the Quran was sent down, saying that is permissible to fight. And that's because as we know, at the beginning of Islam, it wasn't permissible for the Muslims to fight. So in the Buccaneers, they were told that in order to fight,

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which is why even though they were suffering from persecution and torture and oppression, they never defended themselves and Muslims were told that it's not permissible for them to fight or to attack or to kill. And so the believers when they came to Medina, the Muslims, the Companions, they wanted to defend themselves, and they wanted to take back some of the wealth and the property that had been stolen from them. And so Allah azza wa jal gave that instruction in the Quran and he said, it's permissible for you now to defend yourselves and to fight. So then Allah azza wa jal says, but then again, this is another distinction between those who obeyed Allah's command and follow the Prophet

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sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, and those like the hypocrites who had weakness in their faith, or didn't have any fatal diseases in their heart, that they stayed away or do they want to follow the Command of Allah subhanaw taala then Allah subhanho wa Taala urges them to do that which is more appropriate to their situation, as he says, is more appropriate for them to show obedient and speak honorable words, that is, is more appropriate for them to comply with the command and focus on what they are required to do now, and not to demand that there be prescribed for them, that which is too difficult for them, they should rejoice in the fact that Allah subhanaw taala is letting them be be

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and showing kindness to them. Once the matter is resolved upon, and fighting becomes obligatory that is, once the issue becomes serious, and the command becomes binding, then in that situation, if they are true to Allah by seeking His help, and doing their utmost to comply with his commands, that will be better for them than demanding a verse with the command to fight. That is for several reasons. The individual is helpless in all ways and has no power unless Allah helps him. So he should say you should not ask for for more than he is obliged to do at present. If you start thinking too much of these to do in the future, that will lead to his resolve becoming weak.

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In with regard to what he has to do now, and in the future, as for the President, his resolve will be weakened because his focus has been moved to something else. And resolve is connected to focus as for what he wants to do in the future, the time for that, the time for that deed will not come before he leaves the resolve and motivation, and he will not be able to do it, the one who thinks of what he wants to do in the future, at a time when he is too lazy to do what he must do at present is like someone who is helpless, yet still thinks that he will be able to do whatever task he will face in the future. Therefore, he is more likely to fail and not do what he wanted to do, and, and

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thought of doing. What you should do is focus on his thoughts and energy on what is to be done now. And do it do it to the best of his ability. Then after that, when he is faced with a new task, he will, it will be able to do it with energy and motivation and with proper focus, seeking the help of his Lord, such a person who is more deserving of divine help and support in all his affairs. Then Allah subhanaw taala mentioned the situation of one who turns away from obeying his Lord, saying that he is not turning to anything good. Rather, he's turning to something bad, as he says, Then is it to be expected of you if you turn away, that you will spread mischief in the land and sever your

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ties of kinship? That is, there are two scenarios either to adhere to obedience to Allah and comply with his commands, which will lead to goodness, righteousness, and success, or to turn away from that, and fail to obey Allah, after which there is nothing but spreading mischief in land by committing sins and severing ties of kinship. Namely, these, namely, the ones who, whose who spread the mischief in the land and severed ties of kinship,

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are the ones whom Allah has cursed by casting them far away from his mercy, and they are subjected to the Wrath of Allah, and has made them deaf and has blinded their eyes, that is, he has caused them not to hear or see that which will benefit them. So they have yours, but they do not hear in the sense of obedience and acceptance. Rather, they hear in the sense of, they hear, they hear in the sense that the proof of Allah is established against them, and they have eyes but they do not see the lessons and science and they do not pay attention to proof and clear evidence

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FMLA at the Bell Runa

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Kulu been a poor fellow,

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Will they not then ponder on the Quran? Or are there locks on their hearts? That is, why do these people who turn away not ponder the book of Allah and reflect upon it properly, for if they did that, it would guide them to all that is good, and warn them against all that evil, and it will fill their hearts with faith and certainty, enable them to attain sublime goals and great reward. And explain to them the path that leads to Allah and to his Paradise would show them what would help them to attain that and what would hinder them from it, and it would, it would work, and it would highlight the path that leads to punishment, and what to be aware of.

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It would tell them about their Lord, His names and attributes, and his kindness will make them long for the great Ward and will alert them to the dire punishment. This is one of the verses which Allah subhanaw taala tells us that it is important to contemplate over the Quran. And reflection contemplation of the Quran is one of the highest levels of connecting with the book of Allah subhanaw taala. But it is based on tafsir understanding. So in order for a person to be able to contemplate the Quran, they must first understand the Quran you can't contemplate, reflect over something that you don't understand. And so in this verse, Therefore, is an inherent command or an

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implicit command to study the book of Allah azza wa jal and to learn the book of Allah subhanaw taala. And to read the book of the Quran, or the Quran over and over again, as was the way of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the Companions, the Companions when some of the tabbing ask them how much of the Quran? Or how often would you finish the Quran? Meaning you the Companions, what was the norm? They would say, every seven days, every seven days, they would finish the Quran, and then they will start it again and again and again. Why? Going over over over because the more you understand of the Quran, the more you study of the Quran, then the more that you learn, and the

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more that you learn, the more that you're able to reflect and contemplate. So Allah azza wa jal tells people to contemplate over the Quran and focus because sometimes when you just read the translation, we just read the book, even in a lesson like this when where it's quite a fast pace. You don't really stop and think it's information that comes information that goes but sometimes you need to stop and to think and reflect. So you take these books, you take these lessons, and then you go back and you study them again, and you ponder and you reflect, because the point of this is to increase in Eman, bring you closer to Allah azza wa jal allow you to benefit from the Quran. And

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that's only done when it's done in a way that is alongside understanding it is also with reflection. Are their locks on their hearts? That is, are their hearts closed on all the evil that they contain? So that nothing could? Could? So they're nothing

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Good can enter them. This is how they really are meaning that there's only two types of people, according to this verse are those who reflect upon the Quran are those whose hearts are sealed to the Quran, two types of people, Allah says why don't you ponder over the Quran or your hearts locked and sealed. So that shows the importance of reflecting upon the Quran. And there are many a hadith of the prophets of Allah while he was Selim Nucci. himself would reflect upon the Quran or he would tell the companions to reflect upon the Quran. And so this is something which is important for us. It's something which we've lost, especially for those of us that don't speak Arabic. It's another

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step that we have to take in order to come closer to the Quran. That doesn't mean that it can't be done. Especially now time today when we have so much available in the English language for you to take the book of Allah azza wa jal to stop to ponder to reflect even if it's only two or three verses at a time. It is something which will greatly bring you closer to the Quran.

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In the novel, do

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that Dima Deborah Jana la Houma LA who does che it on so what

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very those who turn back to disbelieve after guidance has become clear to them. So your turn has made their evil deeds fair seeming to them and has deceived them with false hopes of a long life then you can be in call Loli living in a curry who woman is at a loss and only are comfy Barbie and while law we are learning is raw.

01:01:34 --> 01:01:51

That is because they the hypocrites said to those who hate what Allah has revealed we will cover up we will cooperate with you in some matters but Allah knows the secret dealings. Okay if either there were fair tune mana eager to your brain guna will do her homework.

01:01:53 --> 01:02:01

How How then will they will they fare when the angels take their souls in death, striking their faces and backs, their early cabbie n.

01:02:04 --> 01:02:07

S Hautala who carry Who do I know?

01:02:12 --> 01:02:13

Then you can be an

01:02:16 --> 01:02:21

assault Allah worker, you know who bah bah murder whom.

01:02:25 --> 01:03:02

That is because they pursue that which angers Allah, and they hate that which pleases Him. So He will cause the disease to come to nothing. Here Allah tells us about the situation of those who are past dies from the right from from right, the guidance and faith at turnback did misguidance and disbelief, they do not do that on the basis of evidence or proof that lead them to, to that conclusion, rather, is misguided from the enemy, the shaytaan, who made that fair seeming to them and prompted them to do it. Satan makes promises to them and fills them with false hopes. But Satan makes promises to them only in order to deceive them. And this is often the case those who leave the

01:03:02 --> 01:03:36

faith of Islam. If you were to sit with them, and ask them and speak to them, you'll often find that it's as Allah azza wa jal mentioned is because of some misconception that they have, because they didn't study Islam, they didn't learn, they just listen to what people were saying or propaganda that's out there. And they just followed it was because they have some other issue they got some desires that they want to fulfill or they have some other issue that they have to deal with. And as a result of which they they are taking it as a or they take a path other than the path of Islam. Allah is what it says here. It is Shavonda entices them, and shaytaan that makes it makes them think

01:03:36 --> 01:03:40

that they live forever, that they don't have any judgment or country to come to.

01:03:41 --> 01:04:17

As because guidance became clear to them, but they showed no interest in it and rejected it. That is because they the hypocrites said to those who hate what Allah has revealed and showed upon and showed open enmity towards Allah and His Messenger Salallahu Alaihe Salam, we will cooperate with you in some matters, that is in those matters that suited their whims and desires. Therefore Allah punish them by causing them to go astray and making them persist in that which would lead to their eternal doom and everlasting punishment. But Allah knows their secret dealings. Therefore, we expose them and disclose their secret to his disbelieving to his believing slaves, lest they be deceived by

01:04:17 --> 01:04:57

them. How then, do you think the terrifying situation will be when the angels whose task is to take people's souls take their souls and death, striking their faces and backs with rod of iron, that punishment which they deserve and will be given is because they pursue that which angles Allah of all kinds of disbelief, evil doing and sin, and they hate that which pleases Him. So they have no desire for that which would bring them closer to him. So he will cause the deeds to come to nothing. That is, he will render them invariant and cause them to be lost. This is a this is in contrast to those who pursue that which pleases Allah and hate that which angers him who observed their bad

01:04:57 --> 01:04:58

deeds and multiply their reward.

01:05:00 --> 01:05:07

impassible NFE colo being him Robin and Rachel law who are born

01:05:08 --> 01:05:13

to those in whose heart is a disease think that Allah will never bring their malice to light

01:05:14 --> 01:05:15

while ona shall

01:05:18 --> 01:05:29

come fell out of them BC man whom what are the fun fee like Nicole? Will who yeah Lemoore atma like whom

01:05:30 --> 01:06:15

we saw world we could show them to you so that you would recognize them by their marks, but you will surely recognize them by the tone of their speech and Allah knows all that you do. What another one knucklehead lemon mangia he Dean I mean Kuhmo saw BTW you know whenever to bail doklam We will certainly test you. So that we may make known those among you who strive in Allah's Cause and are steadfast and we will expose your deeds to those in whose hearts is a disease caused by doubt or desires. To the extent that the heart becomes unhealthy and unbalanced, think that Allah will not bring to light what the hearts contain of grudges and enmity towards Islam and its people. This the

01:06:15 --> 01:06:54

notion that is incompatible with the wisdom of Allah, for you inevitably distinguish between those who are who are sincere and those who are lying. By means of tests and trials, Whoever remains steadfast and persist in his faith, when faced with such trials is truly a believer. But whoever turns on his heels and shows no patience in the in the face of trials, or when subjected to a test or panic. His faith will grow weak and he will show that his heart he will show his heart contains of grudges and hypocrisy. This is what is dictated by divine wisdom. Even though Allah subhanaw taala says, If we saw world, we could show them to you, so that you would recognize them by their

01:06:54 --> 01:07:30

marks, that is the signs which are like marks on their faces. But look at how in these verses the last parameter in this surah is speaking about, as we said, a comparison between the believers and the disbelievers. So Allah is ordering these verses now speaking about the way they respond to the message of Islam. So some of them, they listen and hear the admonition and they respond to it. And others hear it and they ignore it. Some people are seeking true guidance or Allah guides him other people don't want guidance. So Allah azza wa jal doesn't give them guidance. And look at here last Panatela speaks about those people who who truly want to learn truly want to come closer to Allah

01:07:30 --> 01:08:04

azza wa jal even in terms of trials, and tests, because everyone is tested and tried. So the believers are patient upon those tests know that it's something which Allah azza wa jal gives to the believers to increase them and reward. So they follow the path of Allah azza wa jal in those tests as opposed to those people who when a test comes to them, it makes the faith shake, and it makes them weak in their faith. And so it turns them away from Allah subhanaw taala. So Allah azza wa jal in this surah is giving a comparison look at the way the believers are, everything they do, is about pleasing Allah, what should I do that is pleasing to Allah? How do I come closer to Allah? What does

01:08:04 --> 01:08:41

Allah want from me in this situation, and as for those people who turn away from the path of Allah than the only seek their own comfort and their own desires, or you will surely recognize them by the tone of this speech, is always in the heart will inevitably appear through slips of the tongue for what people say a flip. So So for what people say, reflects what is in their hearts of good and evil. And Allah knows all that you do, and we're all quite you for your deeds. Then Allah mentions the great test with which he tests his slaves, namely, jihad in the Cause of Allah as he says, We will certainly test you that is, we will test your faith and patience. So that we may make known

01:08:41 --> 01:08:58

those among you who strive in Allah's Cause and are steadfast and we will, and we will expose your DS whoever complies with the command of Allah and tribes in his cause to support his religion and make his word Supreme is a true believer, whoever is reluctant to do that is due to shortcoming in his faith

01:09:00 --> 01:09:05

in Latino careful who also do sebelum he was

01:09:08 --> 01:09:52

Rasool I mean that the man banging another woman who the mean that I name it when Jana Lahoma knew the name doula che, I say you should be able to mad at him. Very those who disbelieve in bought others from the Path of Allah and oppose the messenger after guidance guidance has been has become clear to them. Not that not the least harm will they do to Allah and He will cause the DS to come to nothing is a stern warning to those who combine all kinds of evil namely disbelief and Allah and barring people from the Path of Allah, which He has set out for people to reach to reach him and oppose the messenger after guidance has become clear to them. That is, they stubbornly and

01:09:52 --> 01:09:59

deliberately go against him not on the basis of ignorance and misguidance not the least harm. Were they due to Allah and they will not they

01:10:00 --> 01:10:01

tract from his sovereignty

01:10:02 --> 01:10:20

and you will cause their deeds to come to nothing. That is the efforts they were made to support for so it will not lead to anything but failure and loss and their deeds for which they hope to attain rewards for hope for the hope to attain reward will not be accepted because they fail to fulfill unnecessary conditions.

01:10:21 --> 01:10:22


01:10:24 --> 01:10:24

You have

01:10:27 --> 01:10:28

two young

01:10:29 --> 01:10:34

boys who don't want to go to Ironman,

01:10:35 --> 01:11:10

or you believe obey Allah and obey the messenger and do not let your deeds go in vain. He Allah instructs the believers to do something that is essential to their well being, whereby they may attain happiness in this world in the Hereafter, which is to obey Him and OBEY His Messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam with regard to fundamental and minor matters of religion. Obedience means complying with the commands and heating and heating the prohibitions in the manner, enjoined with sincerity and following in a perfect and precise manner, and do not let your deeds go in vain. This includes a prohibition on rendering deeds invalid after doing them by doing things that spoil

01:11:10 --> 01:11:19

them, such as reminding people of favors self admiration, pride and seeking a good reputation and committing sins that spoil the good deeds and cancel out the reward thereof.

01:11:21 --> 01:11:57

It also includes a prohibition on spoiling good deeds was doing them by giving them up or doing something that renders them embedded. Lars was an associate to the believers obey Allah be His messenger and do not lead let your deeds go in vain. That means two things as the author mentioned, the first of them is doing that which will make your deeds rendered null and void. So for example, showing off when does an action null and void arrogance? When does it null and void not following the Sunnah, or having sincerity in it renders it null and void. So that's one type of rendering your actions null and void. The second one is what the author also mentioned, which is more of a filter

01:11:57 --> 01:12:31

issue. And that is that if you start an action, then you shouldn't just stop it for no good reason. Without a valid excuse. Someone starts praying, for example, they break their prayer without an excuse they're fasting, even if it's an optional, fast and for no good excuse, they just decide they want to eat now, those things Allah azza wa jal says, don't render your actions null and void and scholars differ over this issue in terms of the obligatory deeds is haram obviously, just to break off a deed without a good reason without a valid excuse. With the optional deeds they deferred, whether it's permissible or not. And then the different that if we do it, should you make it up

01:12:31 --> 01:13:05

afterwards or not? Also, these are issues that they differed over based upon this verse. And that is because Allah azza wa jal doesn't want you to just give up your good deeds to the extent that some of the scholars said that if you start preparing your Sunnah prayers and the Jamar begins, the Imam begins the generic they said, finish your Sunnah prayers before you begin the Jamaat based upon this verse, and obviously, as you know, there's differences of opinion on some of these issues. But the point being here is the principle that to the best of your ability, when you start a good deed, you should keep it intact to the best of your ability, because those good deeds are precious, and the

01:13:05 --> 01:13:42

reward is precious. So the short answer is Don't waste them. Don't be like those people who take it lightly start fasting when it suits you breaking in the day when it doesn't suit you give some sort of I want to give sadaqa and then decide half an hour later not giving us all of those different things. If you make a determined effort or you make an intention to do good deed, then see it through to its end unless you have a valid excuse. If there's a valid excuse. That's different because the Sharia allows for those types of excuses. Things that render prayer, fasting, Hajj, and so are invited, are included in that and are forbidden. The fuqaha quote this first as evidence for

01:13:42 --> 01:14:04

being forbidden to interrupt and obligatory prayer. And for it being disclosed dislike to interrupt the supererogatory prayer for no good reason. Because Allah has forbidden rendering good deeds embedded, he enjoys doing them properly in a completely imperfect manner, by having knowledge and acting upon it. In a levena CAFO do one savvy

01:14:05 --> 01:14:06

mama to

01:14:08 --> 01:14:59

failing your field Allah who know whom very those who disbelieve and bought others from the Path of Allah and die as disbelievers Allah will never forgive them for taking my dad to either selling me what to move out alone, what am I alone our love whom I went to Lachlan, welcome, do not falter and call for peace, for your, for your overcome. Allah is with you and whenever this whenever detract from the reward of your good deeds, these verses and the risks in Al Baqarah. And if any of you turn back from their faith and Daya disbelievers, their deeds will come to nothing in this world and in the hereafter. Make specific every every text that speaks in general terms of these being nullified

01:14:59 --> 01:14:59

by disbelief and

01:15:00 --> 01:15:35

limit it to the case of those who die in a state of disbelief and that's clearly the strong obviously the clearly the correct position that when Allah azza wa jal says that the disbelievers are in the hellfire, the disbelievers, the actions will be rendered null and void. We mean those who die upon disbelief, not those who are wants disbelievers. But then they accept Islam mindsets always about what they end upon. And likewise for the believers. Those who believe in the righteous deeds will have Jannah without the reward of Allah, meaning that they live upon Eman and they die upon the Iman. Because that is what Allah azza wa jal will ultimately hold us to account for what we die upon

01:15:35 --> 01:15:42

and the state that we die upon. The Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam in the mullah mobile home our team actions are judged by the ending.

01:15:44 --> 01:15:54

Allah says here, very those who just they're very those who disbelieve in Allah, His angels, His books, His messengers, and the last day and what others from the Path of Allah but making them

01:15:56 --> 01:16:34

disinclined towards the truth and calling them to falsehood, making it fair seeming to them, and die as disbelievers without repenting their for their from Allah will never forgive them, by means of intercession or otherwise, because the punishment will have become inevitable for them, they will have missed out on reward, they will deserve to be, they will deserve to abide forever in *, and the mercy of the Most Merciful us forgiving will be denied to them. What the verse means is that if they repent from that, before they die, then Allah will forgive them have have mercy on them and admit them to Paradise, even if they spent their entire lives just believing in Him, barring others

01:16:34 --> 01:17:10

from his path and coming since Glory be to the one who has opened the gates of mercy to slaves, and has not bothered them to anyone, so long as he is still alive and able to repent. Glory be to the Most Forbearing who does not hasten to punish, does not hastened to punish those who disobey who disobey Him. Rather, he grants them well being and provision as if they had not disobeyed Him, despite the fact that he has power over them, and that it's from the Great Mercy of Allah subhanaw taala that when a person sins or they leave, lead a life of, for example, disbelief, or even if they're Muslims, and they lead a life of sin, and evil. And they do that for five years, 10 years,

01:17:11 --> 01:17:47

20 years, maybe a whole lifetime. Then through one act of Toba one act of repentance, Allah azza wa jal forgives that whole lifetime. Allah subhanaw taala doesn't say to someone you did five years of sin, now do five years the good deeds, you did 10 years of evil now do 10 years of good and then we're even know Allah azza wa jal says even if you spent a lifetime of evil, then you do one act of repentance one good deed Allah can forgive all of that, like the Hadith of the man who killed 100 Men 100 Men in cold blood, and then he makes Toba to Allah azza wa jal, Allah forgives him for all of those says by a single act of Toba and that is from the Great Mercy of Allah subhanaw taala then

01:17:47 --> 01:18:28

Allah says, do not falter. There is do not grow weak and lose your energy to fight or let fear overtake you. Rather Be patient, be patient and steadfast. Make firm your resolve to fight and stand firm, seeking the pleasure of your Lord in insincerity toward Islam. And so as to annoy the shaytaan do not call for peace and give up the fight between you and your enemies in pursuit of comfort for you or for you overcome. Allah is with you and you will never detract from the word of your good deeds. The following three things should motivate one to remain patient and not feel weak, for they will overcome. So therefore they will overcome one all means a victory or available and they have a

01:18:28 --> 01:19:08

true purpose from Allah. Usually, they have a true promise from Allah. Usually people do not fall to falter unless they feel inferior to others and are weakened in terms of numbers, equipment and psychological and physical strength to Allah is with them, for they are believers and Allah is with the believers, giving them his help and support that should give them strength of heart and courage against their enemies. Three, Allah will not detract from the from the reward of their good deeds in the slightest, rather, he will reward them in full and give them more by His grace, especially for the act of worship of worship of jihad, for the word of spending in Jihad will be multiplied up to

01:19:08 --> 01:19:49

700 fold up to many times more than that Allah subhanaw taala says that as because whenever they suffer any thirst, weariness, or hungry and Allah's Cause, or they have or they take any step that angers the disbelievers or inflict any loss on an enemy, a righteous deed is recorded to their credit thereby for Allah will not caused the reward of those who do good to be lost, nor do they spend anything for Allah cause small or great or cross or cross any Valley valley, but it is recorded to their credit so that Allah may reward them in accordance with the best of their deeds. If a person knows that Allah subhanaw taala will not cause his Ds and Fs to be lost, that will

01:19:49 --> 01:19:59

motivate him and make him strive his most to do that which that which will lead to reward. So how about if all these three factors are put together that will motivate him completely?

01:20:00 --> 01:20:08

This is an example of Allah encouraging and motivating his slaves and strengthening their resolve to persist on the path that will lead to their righteousness and success

01:20:10 --> 01:20:16

in a manner higher to Daniela even wider who want to

01:20:17 --> 01:20:33

double your Deacon you're rockin is elkem AmWell icon. The life of this world is nothing but playing distraction, play and a distraction. But if you believe and guard against evil, he will grant you your words. He did not ask you for all your words.

01:20:36 --> 01:20:41

Yes, l Kuhmo. For your table Hello, are you afraid you're a boy and icon?

01:20:42 --> 01:20:46

If we were to ask you for it and insist that you give it all you would

01:20:48 --> 01:20:52

covetously withhold and that could lead to it will

01:20:59 --> 01:21:05

you too, down at Cebu fees maybe if I mean

01:21:06 --> 01:21:15

the whole Woman Yeah the whole thing am I behind one FC Walla who I need you

01:21:17 --> 01:21:19

to move out or what?

01:21:21 --> 01:21:23

Yesterday will Coleman

01:21:25 --> 01:21:27


01:21:30 --> 01:21:51

are you who are being called to spend in in Allah's Cause? Among you are though are some who are miserably but the one who is miserably is miserably miserly. The one who is miserly is miserly on only towards his own self, Allah is self sufficient, whereas it is you who are in need of Him, if you turn it away, he will replace you with another people who will not be like you.

01:21:52 --> 01:22:17

This passage is aimed at making his slaves lose interest in the life of this world, by telling them of its reality, for it is no more than playing distraction is play in a physical sense and a distraction to their hearts and minds. For for a person keep for a person keeps being distracted by his wealth, children and well being and by pleasures, such as physical pleasure, food, drink, houses, gathering, showing off and leadership,

01:22:19 --> 01:22:58

playing, playing and doing all kinds of deeds that are of no benefit. Rather, he's wasting his time in idleness and negligence and heedlessness, until his time in this world comes to an end and he is faced with his death, then suddenly, all these things disappear and leave him without him having gained anything from them. Rather, he will realize his loss and deprivation and his punishment will be presented to him. This dictates that the wise man should show no interest in worldly game, have no desire for it and pay no attention to all the matters. Rather, what he should do is pay attention to what is mentioned here. But if you believe and guard against evil, by believing in Allah, His

01:22:58 --> 01:23:22

angels, His books, His messengers, and the Last Day, and you feel him, which is one of the requirements of faith and you strive, you strive consistently to please Him and avoid disobeying Him, this is what will benefit a person, and this is what he should compete in and focus on his ambition and efforts on seeking this is what Allah wants from his slaves of compassion and kindness towards them, so that he may regard them so

01:23:23 --> 01:23:42

that he may reward them abundantly. Hence, he says, But if you believe and guard against evil, he will grant you your awards, he does not ask you for all your wealth, that is, he does not want to impose on you that which is too difficult for you, and will cause you hardship by taking all of your wealth and leaving you with nothing or taking so much of it, they will call you home. Hence, he says,

01:23:43 --> 01:24:21

If he were to ask you for it, and insist that you give it to that you give it or you would covetously withhold, and that would and that could lead to a will. That is developing resentment, if he were to ask you to give what you do, what you do not want to give. That's why the city is amazing in this regard, that Allah subhanaw taala even though he gave us all of our wealth and all of our blessings, if Allah had demanded them all back, then that would be his right. But Allah azza wa jal even in his account only asks for 2.5% which is nothing compared to for example, you pay in tax and what we pay. In other things Allah azza wa jal asks you for a small portion of the wealth that you

01:24:21 --> 01:24:53

have, and even then, as the prophets of Allah, while he was telling us to say to the people used to collect the car, don't take the best of people's wealth, meaning if people have sheep and goats, or they have camels and cows, and you have to take this occur, don't look for the best of their wealth, take from the middle, don't take from that which they themselves want to keep for themselves. Their families don't take the best of their wealth unless they themselves want to give that for the sake of Allah azza wa jal. So the Sharia, Allah is really saying here that Allah asked you for everything, then you wouldn't want to give it and that would only cause problems for you. Because

01:24:53 --> 01:24:59

there is Allah's right that he can demand what he pleases subhanaw taala But Allah's Mercy is that even in Salah even in heart

01:25:00 --> 01:25:35

Many 100 once in a lifetime, imagine if you had to make Hajj every year like the man who came to the Prophet Solomon he said or messenger of Allah Hajj every year. The prophets of salaam said if I said yes, he would be so and he wouldn't be able to do it Majan in our time today, maybe then relatively easy, but now, every one every Muslim, all 1 billion of them have to make Hajj every single year, something which is impossible. So Allah subhanaw taala makes things easy for people, Allah demands from you certain things, because there's goodness in it and there's reward in it but Allah azza wa jal is merciful also in the legislations of the Sharia.

01:25:37 --> 01:26:15

And evidence for the fact that if Allah were to ask you to give your worth and insist that you give it all, you will withhold it is a fact that is the fact that you are being called to spend in laws cause in this manner, which is in your religion, your religious and worldly interest, but among you are some who are miserly. So how about if he were to ask you for all of your wealth, for purpose of which you cannot see the immediate benefits? Is it not more likely that you will refuse to give meaning but Allah azza wa jal, for example, in the car asks for 2.5% How many Muslims gives a car and how many Muslims refuse to give Zakat is one of, if not the most neglected pillar of Islam is

01:26:16 --> 01:26:50

something which most people don't give, or many people don't give it if they give, they don't give it correctly, and they don't they don't account for the wealth in a correct way. So it's something which is which is highly neglected. And that's only 2.5% Allah azza wa jal is saying that even when Allah Allah was born amount, many of you or some of you are not going to give that in the way that will not commence. Then he says, that the one who is mildly miserly is miserly only towards his own self, because he is depriving himself of the reward of Allah subhanaw taala and missing out on so much goodness, and he will never end he will never harm Allah in the slightest by the refusal to

01:26:50 --> 01:27:28

spend for Allah is self sufficient, whereas it is you who are in need of Him, you need him at all times in all your affairs. If you turn away from believing in Allah and doing what He commands you to do, he will replace you with another people who will not be like you in turning away. Rather they will obey Allah and His messenger so nobody was sending them and they will love Allah and His Messenger salAllahu alayhi salam as Allah subhanaw taala says elsewhere, oh you believe whoever among you are not as his faith and amount renounces his faith, allow bring forth in their stead people whom he loves and who loves him is the end of the country of certain handmade our praise and

01:27:28 --> 01:27:46

thanks for Allah and many blessings and peace of Allah be upon him masala Lord, He will sell them, his family and his companions abundantly until the day until the day of judgment. So with that we come to the end of the zero surah Muhammad and the end of today's lesson BarakAllahu Li was similar. I'm gonna get them from Eduardo early he will remain cinematic

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