Ahsan Hanif – Ramadan 2024 – Tafseer As Sadi #01

Ahsan Hanif
AI: Summary ©
The transcript discusses various topics related to Islam, including the history of the Bible, the use of "ham projections" in actions, and the importance of guidance. It provides insight into various historical context and the use of words like "arogues" and "arogues." It also touches on the misunderstandings of the concept of "meditation" and its origins, as it is widely understood.
AI: Transcript ©
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Santa Monica

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Smilla Rahmanir Rahim Al hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa athlete but today we're talking we're not we're doing a lot of zani mean we should do hola hola hola hola Shetty Cara. Hola Hola. Well you know what I should do and then a B and A Muhammad and Abdo Rasulullah Mustafa I mean la muscley whistling Mubarak Ali who are the the he or somebody here he married my back.

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So inshallah Tada Today's the first day, the reading and the commentary in what is our fourth year of this book of Tafseer TCL, caramel banana, etc, etc. Will Karima rock Manaphy to see the Colombian man none. But the famous Imam and author of the mandible, Nasser Saudi died in the 1376 of the Hijra Rahim Allah Tada. material was yeah, this is our fourth year of the continuation of the reading of the deficit of a Saudi and inshallah Tada it will be our finally about Allah's permission. So we're going to continue to save from where we left off or stopped at last Ramadan, and that is 00221, which is in the 25th jewels of the Quran. And it is the 44th chapter of the book of Allah subhanaw

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taala and Surah two, Doohan is from the Hawa mean from the sores that begin with her meme, and it is known by this name Doohan and it is often also referred to in some of the earlier works of Tafseer, as her meme, a Doohan as one of the house meme or non harming ainsi and cough, Jaime mill Javea tamiment Zakharov. They're often called in or named in both of those ways, either just by the name or with the addition of the word or the letters have mean at the beginning to show that they are from the seal Surahs of the house, I mean, and there is a murky Surah according to the scholars of difficile, such as Toby and others who said by each man by consensus, it is a mucky surah and it

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consists of 59 verses

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hamdu Lillahi Rabbil Alameen wa salatu salam ala Rasulillah Allahu MacFie Lana where they say if you know anybody do you know what the * during all Imam was only for my female hormone law feet of series called Eli Tyler.

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I will not be learning diminishing Utah neurology Bismillah Hiroshima Newton washy in the name of Allah the most gracious the most merciful. hammy Jaime Jaime while kita been moving by the Clear Book

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and now I'm feeling

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bound Okay. In

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the ring value we sent it down during a blessed night for we work for we were to give warning

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v hi you Froggen can we bring hiking on that night all matters are decided on the basis of wisdom. I'm

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singing by Our command Verily We were to send messengers Ross you met him um middle of being in who was semi onlinee as a mercy from your Lord Verily He is the or hearing or knowing

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what this new one I'll bring my mind then you know whom

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to move in Lord of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them if you would be convinced

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in one Yoshi where you will meet Ron banca

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equal learning Lord of the heavens and the earth, there is no god but He He gives life and causes death. Your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers

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bedroom fee shanking and Niven rather they are steeped in doubt and mockery.

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Phone web I won't matter this

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will be the haunting been. So watch on Mohamed salah. It will send them for the day when the sky will bring forth obvious smoke. Your motion is heard

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Other than

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that will envelope the people they will say this is a painful punishment

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benek Shifen ally they're by no

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our Lord love the punishment from us we will surely believe

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and then Calacatta

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moving how is it that now they pay heed when a messenger who explained things clearly came to them before?

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Um matter when no one who walk on who I am I'm Imagine

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then they will turn then they turned away from him and said he is a madman taught by others in cash shuffle neither I've been calling in.

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You do um, we will indeed remove the punishment for a little while, but you will surely go back to disbelief. Yo man I built about one shot 10 coolbellup.

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On the Day when We seize them with a mighty onslaught, who is surely exact retribution by the Clearbrook This is an old sworn by the Quran concerning the Quran, Allah swears by the clear book that explains everything that needs to be explained, stating that he sent it down during a blessed night. There is one in one in which there was much good and Barack blessing, namely later quadra, which is better than 1000 months, the author Hamlet Tada he mentioned that there's zero verse number two and that is that Allah subhanaw, Taala and Surah, two hundreds he does throughout all of the sources of the Quran that begin with letters, any sort of that begins with letters like the flam

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mean, or you're seen or hear her mean, or the flam raw, any of those sources. Usually the verse that comes after those letters is to do with the Quran. It has something to do with the Quran, and it has a description on the book of Allah subhanaw taala. And so here it is no different. Allah azza wa jal mentions that the Quran is a clear manifest Book. And Allah subhanaw taala speaks about his revelation being upon the most blessed of nights. And according to the vast majority of the scholars of the seer, as the author mentions here, that blessed night his data to other like Allah azza wa jal says in Anza, level fee leader to other so there is a position here that this Leela Mubaraka the

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blessitt night is the same as the dealer to other that is mentioned in Surah Takada re crema, or Hema allowed to either the female student have you been a bass from the early scholars was the only one to disagree with this. And he said that this verse is different to that one. This one refers to the middle night of Shabbat and the 15th of Shaban, but he was the only one to take that position. The vast majority of the scholars with difficile disagreed and they said that the two verses speak about the same night and that is because of the many a hadith that we have, that Allah subhanaw taala revealed the Quran in the month of Ramadan, Ramadan Allah the only the fee in Quran, the vs

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Surah Bacara. But also the Hadith where the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam mentioned not only the Quran, Perona of Allah's revelations, the Injeel the Torah, there's a boat the psalms that were given to deal with that Islam, all of them were revealed in the month of Ramadan.

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Thus, He sent down the best of both worlds on the best of nights and days, to the best of people in the language of the noble Arabs. To warn thereby people who were enveloped in ignorance and overcome with wretchedness. So that they make so that they might find enlightenment and be guided by it and following this attaining a great deal of good in this world and in the hereafter. Hence, Allah says, for, for we were to give warning on that night, namely the blessed night on which the Quran was revealed, all matters are decided on the basis of wisdom, that is, all matters are distinguished and clarified and every issue of the Divine decree and religious decree is recorded as Allah decides.

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This recording clarification that take place on layer two quarter is one of is one example of the writing that will take place and be clarified and it will be identical to what is written in Aloha my fourth, in which Allah has decreed has decreed the affairs of all creatures and their lifespan,

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provision, deeds and circumstances. Moreover, Allah has appointed angels to write down that will write down what will happen to a person when he is in his mother's womb. Then after he comes to this world, he appoints noble scribes to write down and record his deeds, then only to recorder He decrees what is to happen for the coming year. All this is a this is part of Allah's Perfect knowledge, wisdom and care for His creation when Allah subhanaw taala says the man that night meaning the night that is blessed, so if you take the seat of the majority of the scholars the night of data to ponder on

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matters are decided on the basis of wisdom meaning that Allah azza wa jal is decreed descends on that night for the coming year. This is what the author says that the angels take, what Allah azza wa jal has mentioned in the lower my for the preserve tablets in which everything is written, everything is inscribed therein, they take the other, or the decisions of the decrease of the following year from one layer to the other until the next day, the other and they bring it down on that night and Shala when we come to the zero column, it is something which will be mentioned there. And also, and that is the position of a number of the scholars as to what is the virtue of leader to

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other unwisely with recorded equal to 1000 months of worship? And what is the meaning of seeking out leader to the other in terms of extraversion. And one of the things that you will find in the Sharia is that when it comes to these types of issues, the raising of actions to Allah azza wa jal or the descent of decisions and decrees from Allah azza wa jal in the Sharia, you will find that in his times of worship, you're encouraged to make dua, you're encouraged to fast you're encouraged to use those times to make actions of worship like the Thursday and the Monday. Prophets, Adam said actions of the week are raised in those days. So I hope that Allah will take my actions and I'm fasting,

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right, the time of answer is the time, which is which is blessing and federal because the actions of the day and the night are raised at that time. So those Salawat are considered to be from the most important Salas of the day. So like this, you find in the Sharia, and this is an example of that the other is spent that night in worship and Allah subhanaw taala makes things and your affairs and your provision and blesses you and your, what Allah azza wa jal has decreed for you for the next coming year. By our command, that is this wise, command is something that comes from us fairly we will send they rarely we were, we were to send messengers and send down the books and the messengers were to

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convey them commands of the sender and tell of his decrees as a mercy from your Lord, that is the sending of the messengers and the revelation of the books, the best of which is the Quran, is a mercy from the Lord of humankind, to humankind, Allah has not bestowed any greater mercy upon his slaves than guiding them, by means of the books and messengers, all good that they attained in this world. And the hereafter is as a result of that, and because of you, verily He is the author hearing, all knowing, that is he hears all voices and knows all matters, visible and hidden. He knew what he knew that people needed his messengers and books. So he had, he had mercy on them, and we

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stood there and blessed them with To Him be all praise, Lord of the heavens and the earth. And all that is between them, that is the creator and control of all of that he controls you as he was, if you would, if you would be convinced that is, and know that for certain you should know that the Lord of all creatures is their true lord is a true God. And he says, There is no god but He there is, there is none worthy of worship except him. He gives life and causes death there is, He alone has control over life and death. And He will gather you after your death and requite you for your deeds. If they are if they are good, then the outcome will be good. And if they are bad, then the

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outcome will be bad. Your Lord and the Lord of your forefathers that is lord of the first and the last, who cares for them and bestows blessings upon them and protects them for from home, having affirmed his Lordship and divinity in such a way as to establish complete certainty and word of Allah now tells us that those who disbelieve despite all this clear evidence are steeped in doubt and mockery. That is they are immersed in doubt and confusion. He lists he lists about the purpose for which they were created. They have been distracted by focusing on falsehood that will only bring them home. So watch, oh Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam there is expect the punishment to

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before them for it is at hand and it's time has come for the day when the sky will bring forth obvious smoke that will envelope the people that is that smoke was around them, they will say this is a painful punishment, or Hamlet the other in this in the verse number 10. Here, your mother at the summit will be the honey mobian On the day that the sky will bring forth a clear smoke. The scholars have received different as to what this is referring to in the author and I will mention those positions, what is referred to being by the smoke that Allah azza wa jal is referring to in these verses Allah subhana Dallas speaking about those people who reject the Quran, turn away from

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Islam turn away from the prophets of Allah where it was said them Allah gives them a warning of a smoke. What is the smoke this is something which the Companions differed over in terms of its the seal and author were mentioned. Now both of those positions. The commentators differed as to what is meant by the smoke. It was suggested that it is the smoke that will envelope the people when the fire comes near, that you will do is on Day of Resurrection. And here Allah is warning them over the punishment of the Day of Resurrection instructing his Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to watch and wait for that day to come upon them. This interpretation is supported by the fact

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that this is the way of the Quran in mourning the disbelievers and giving them respite, alerting them to that day and it's punishment, and consoling the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and the believers by telling them to wait and see what will happen to those who harm them, is also supported by the fact that Allah says in this passage, how is it that now they pay heed when a messenger who explained things clearly came to them before, this will be said on the day of resurrection to the disbelievers when they asked to go back to this world, and they will be told that the time for going back is not over. But this is the first position amongst the companions on

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this holiday to see it. And that is the position of the majority from amongst the companions or ally. And they've been a bass and I will say the history of the Allahu Arnhem and amongst the scholars that have seen many that said that the smoke that has been referred to here is the smoke of human piano, from the signs of the day of judgment of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam current tense signs before the hour. And these 10 are considered by many to be the 10 major signs of the hour, the major signs of Yama, Yama, and from those 10, he mentioned the smoke, the smoke that will come, Allah knows this reality. And so the author says that there is a position one position

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amongst scholars to see there and he says from that, which supports that position, is the context of the verses. Because Allah azza wa jal says, After this verse, a messenger came to you to remind you and you ignored him. So as if Allah speaking to them on human piano, telling them that they will given signs and reminders and messengers came to them on profits before and they ignored them. So this is the first portion as we said, with the position of the majority.

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It was also suggested that what is meant by the smoke is what happened to disbelievers of Quraysh. When they refuse to believe and were too arrogant to accept the proof, the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam prayed against them, saying, oh, Allah helped me against them by affecting them, the seven years of famine, similar to the seven years of use of Hari, therefore, Allah sent against them a great famine until they began to eat dead animal bones, that animals and bones and they began to see the area between heaven and an earth as it were smoke, but it was not smoke that was effective the intent of intent starvation, based on this interpretation, the words, the day when the sky will

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bring forth obvious smoke refer to what they thought they were seeing, and it was not real smoke. This situation continued until they ask the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam for mercy, and requested him to call upon Allah for them and ask him to grant them relief. So he called upon his Lord and Allah granted them relief, according to this interpretation in verse 15, we will indeed remove the punishment for a little while, but you will surely go back to disbelief, a lot of stating that he will divert it from them, and warning them that they will go back to arrogance and disbelief. He foretold that this would happen, and indeed happened. And He foretold that he would,

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he foretold that he would punish them with the mighty onslaught, the commentator said, and that was the Battle of better. This view carries we this is the second position, and it is from amongst the companions that have zero Abdullah and Mr. Wood, or the Allah and the famous companion, an imam of the seer, and that is that this smoke that has been referred to already took place happened in the time of the prophets of Allah while he was selling them. And it was one of the punishments that Allah sent up on Orange based upon this hadith that he mentioned of Sahara Bukhari, that the prophets of Allah Allah he was sending me dua inspiration, and he said, Oh Allah send upon them the

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seven years, like the seven of use of the story of use of Hadees salaam, the king sees a dream. He sees the seven lean, camel's lean cows, what are they referring to years of drought, starvation, famine. So the optimum said send upon them seven like the seven of us have, meaning those seven years of famine and drought. And that's what took place. And so the aeration went through a period of starvation and difficulty. Until after a while, Abu Sufyan came and he implored the prophets of Allah while he was symbol Sofia, and was in a Muslim at that time, implored the prophets of Allah wa lucidum, to make dua, that Allah should remove from them this punishment. And so the Prophet said

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and did so. However, this time period because of their starvation, because the eating bones and surviving are nothing, they will see it's like a mirage, they would hallucinate, as if there is smoke in the sky. That's what Elon Musk said took place. And this is what the author Hamlet data says, is the second position amongst scholars with Tafseer. So one position says that is going to take place Allah is telling us about a sign of your monthly AMA and the second one says, that is something that already happened, something which took place in the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. It is also possible that what is mentioned in the passage, so watch on Mohamed

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Salah Salem for the day when the sky will bring forth obvious smoke that will envelope them they will say this is a painful punishment or Lord remove the punishment from us. We will surely believe how is it that now they pay heed when

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messenger who explained things clearly came to them before, then they turned away from him and said, he's a madman, talk about others

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will all will all happen on the Day of Resurrection and the words, we will, we will, we will indeed remove the punishment for a little while, but you will surely go back to disbelief on the day when we cease them. With a mighty onslaught, we will surely exact retribution refer to what happened to polish on the day of better as mentioned above, these verses may also include both meanings because there is nothing in the wording to rule that out. Rather, they are perfectly applicable to both. And this is what appears most likely to be correct, in my view. And Allah knows best we have these two positions, the author, what does he decide? What does he choose? Are those two positions? Is it

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human piano? Is it something which took place to operation the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam is seeing that it's possible that it's both meanings. Both are correct. Some of those verses are referring to all take place on your piano, some of them refer to already took place in the time of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam. And so he does what we call an Arabic algebra, to reconcile between two views amongst the companions. And that is a methodology intercede, that's a good methodology. If you see companions amongst themselves at the different over verses, and you can agree to both of them, you can accept both of them, both of them can be applied to the verses, then

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that is the best way to deal with those differences and to reconcile between them. So Allah azza wa jal in these verses, speaks about a smoke punishment that took place to polish and he's also speaking about a smoke that will come from the size of your multi gamma, and the mountain knows best. What are called Everton, Gabriella Hong Kong my feeling

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carrying. Indeed we tested the people of Pharaoh before them, when a noble messenger came to them saying and to Isla Yaya the law, in Nila kumara Zulan, I mean, hand over to me the slave of Allah verily I'm a trustworthy messenger to you. What Allah Allah Allah Allah you're in the tea can be so turning Moby in the NABI arrogant towards Allah for our come to you with clear authority.

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We're in New York to be become total Joe moon. Verily I seek refuge with my Lord and your Lord blessed you kill me with a lamb to meaningly fat as you if you do not believe in me, then let me be having mentioned the, the rejection of those who disbelieve in the messenger, Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Allah subhanaw taala states that they had a president among the earlier disbelievers. And he mentioned their story with Musa and how Allah punish them in order to deter these disbelievers Quraysh from what they were doing. Number one in Quran Allah subhanaw taala makes parallels between the story of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam the story of musante Sanam.

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And so Allah azza wa jal is mentioning here for two reasons. Number one, to show the prophets of Allah while he was telling him that he's not alone. other prophets that were sent before him, will also rejected also persecuted also meant through harm. And number two, to show the Quraysh that you're also not the first to reject our prophets and messengers, people that came before you that were more powerful, stronger, wealthier, had more influence, they also rejected the prophets of Allah. And this is the conclusion or the ending as well. Indeed, we tested the people of Pharaoh before them, that is, we tested them by sending to them or messenger Musa ibn Emraan, the Noble

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Messenger who had a sublime character and an attitude that did not exist in others. He said to them, hand over to me the slaves of Allah that is, he said to Pharaoh, and his chiefs hand over to me the slaves of Allah, meaning the Israelites. In other words, let them go and release them from torment and stop mistreating them, for they are my people and the best of nations of their time, but you have wronged them and enslave them unjust unjustifiably. So let them be free to worship their Lord. Verily, I am trustworthy. Verily, I am a trustworthy messenger to you, that is a messenger from the Lord of the world to faithful to the purpose for which he has sent me. I do not withhold anything

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the message from you and I did not add anything to it, or take anything away from it. And this requires you to submit completely to Him. Do not be arrogant towards Allah by refusing to worship Him or being high handed towards the slaves of Allah. For I come to you with clear authority that is with clear evidence. This refers to what he brought up deserting miracles and overwhelming an overwhelming signs, but they rejected him and we're about to kill him. So he thought so he sought refuge with Allah from their evil saying, verily I seek refuge with my Lord and your Lord, lest you kill me in the worst manner, which is by stoning to death. If you do not believe me, then let me be

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that is you have three choices.

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says either believing me, which is what I want for you, or if that does not happen, then let me be and do not be and do not be against me or for me, just do not harm me, but they did not. But they did not choose either of those of these two options rather they continue to stubbornly oppose Allah and fight is Prophet Musa alayhis salam, and did not release his people, his people, those who like for him,

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but bear who

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you call moody moon, then he then he called upon his Lord saying, Verily, these are wicked people. For SCBI Eva de la isla and in

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Allah said travel by night with my slaves you will surely be pursued.

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What to kill Bahara where in the home

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raccoon and leave the sea parted behind you for they are an army destined to be drowned

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come talk

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how many gardens and springs did they leave behind?

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Was oh my god,

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and cornfield and splendid mansions.

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Why not imagine? V faqih he in in a life of ease in which they had taken such delight? Gallic we're only

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human body and so it was

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and we cause other people to inherit such things for my bucket.

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Moon body in neither heaven nor or low Earth wept for them, nor were they given respite. Then he called upon his Lord saying fairly these are wicked people. That is they have committed evil deeds which requires hastening the punishment. This Musa they said I'm describe their condition. This was an implicit, an implicit supplication against them by describing them as wicked, which is more eloquent than praying against them explicitly. This is like the verse which the verse which tells us that Musa alayhis salam said of himself, oh my lord, I'm in need of whatever good you may bestow upon me.

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So Allah instructed him to leave at night with his slaves and told him that Pharaoh and his people would pursue him. This is from the etiquettes of dua that you find in the Prophet Sallim wa salatu salam, and that is sometimes when they would make dua, they wouldn't ask for something explicitly, but they would indirectly ask for something like Allah. The author mentions here that Allah azza wa jal mentions musante Salam says that he made dua against his people by saying, Oh Allah, these are evil people, wicked people, doesn't say oh Allah destroy them, Oh Allah. But it's implicit in the message implicit in the DUA that is saying, Oh Allah deal with them because of the evil because of

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the wickedness. And similar to it is Eduardo Musa Ali's and I made when he came, as we mentioned, Intersil, sorta Cos when he came to those two women of Meridian, and then he saw what was an opportunity there. And he said, Oh Allah, I'm in need of your mercy of your good. I'm in need of it. So you didn't ask Allah for anything explicitly didn't say what Allah grabbed me this or this? Or he just said, Oh Allah, I'm in need of your favor and your grace, and Allah azza wa jal responded to him. So due to the saying that this is from the beautiful etiquettes of dua, that you rely upon Allah, and that you ask Allah without asking for something specifically because you don't know what

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is best for you. So you don't know what's best for you in particular situations. You say, Well, Allah grant me what is good. Grant me What is beloved to you grant me what is most pleasing to you. Rather than asking for something specifically, that you don't know whether it is actually better for you or not,

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and leave the sea parted behind you that is, leave it as it is. This refers to the time when Musa took the children of Israel away by night, as Allah instructed him. Then they were put they were pursued by Pharaoh, Allah instructed Musa to strike the sea. So he struck it and it turned into 12 pathways in between which the water became like huge mountains and Musa and his people follow those pathways. When they emerged from the sea, Allah instructed him to leave the sea parted, that is to leave it as it as it was, so that Pharaoh and his troops could pursue them. For they are an army destined to be drowned. So Allah azza wa jal wants the children of Israel when they come to thee

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when Mousavi Islam comes to the sea. What does Allah say to him? Lazar, Jill says strike it with your staff. And the pathway is open and the children of Israel go through but he's struggling go through at the end. Once he passes through and they finish. What was Mousavi slump going to do? He was going to strike it again. Hit the sea again. What

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A Place those pathways would close Allah azza wa jal ascertain what to kill bhairahawa Leave it as it is, meaning don't strike it again. Why? Because Allah azza wa jal wanted Pharaoh and his armies to go into the middle of that sea, and that's when they wouldn't be in round. So this is what the author was referring to. When they emerge from the sea, Allah instructed him to leave the sea parted, that is to leave it as it was, so that Pharaoh and his troops could pursue them, for they are an army distribution, when all the people of Musa had come out of the sea, and the people of Pharaoh had entered it, Allah Subhana Allah subhanaw taala commanded the sea to close over them. So

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every single one of them was drawn, they left behind all that they had enjoined of this worldly life. And Allah called the children of Israel, who had been enslaved by them to inherit it. Hence, he says, How many gardens and springs did they leave behind and cornfields and splendid mansions and a life of ease in which they had taken such as they like, and so it was, and will cause other people to inherit, because other people to inherit such things, namely the blessings mentioned elsewhere, Allah says.

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And so it was, and we cause the children of Israel to inherit such things, neither heaven nor Earth, wept for them, that is, when Allah destroyed them and eradicated them, neither the heavens nor the earth word for them. In other words, nobody agreed for them or felt sorry for their loss. Rather everyone rejoiced at the destruction, even the heavens and the earth because they had not left behind any legacy except something shameful, which brought upon them the curse and the hatred of All the Worlds nor were they given respite. That is, there was no deferral of their punishment, where they struck them instantly is amazing versus Allah subhanaw taala says, given the lesson to Quraysh

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Quraysh used to say that the best of the Arabs because of their wealth and their position and their status, and where they used to live in the city of Mecca, Allah azza wa jal gives them to them the example of the people of Pharaoh, Pharaoh had mobile, Pharaoh had mentioned for Rod palaces, pero Pharaoh had armies Pharaoh had everything that you could want from the dunya. Were not met in can we have occasion when I met with the Fatah, usually in Arabic language and in the Quran, it is with the customer nearmap But the word namah is used twice in the Quran once here, and once in Surah, two Muslim mean, all in Amity woman whom Kalida and some of the scholars said that the NAMA with the

00:32:21 --> 00:32:57

Fatah is used in both of these contexts in a and praiseworthy way, in a way that Allah azza wa jal mentions that they will given blessings these people but didn't use them in a way that is pleasing to Allah subhana wa Tada. So Allah azza wa jal says that not only did others come and inherit their palaces, and their wealth, meaning after Pharaohs destroyed, who took their money, who took their wealth, who took their land who took the property, other people came from Abu Qatada who was Summit. Neither the heavens nor the earth missed them. They don't weep for them wasn't sorry that they went, in fact, if anything, it rejoices for them. As the Prophet told us of Allah while he was sitting

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there, when you carry the janazah upon your shoulders, then hasten with it. Because either wood is good that that person is going towards, or it's evil, that you're getting rid of your shoulders, the earth and the heavens rejoices when evil leaves the earth. And so Allah azza wa jal says that the earth and the heavens didn't we wasn't sad at the loss of Pharaoh nice people. And that's because they thought that Allah azza wa jal loved them because of the wealth that Allah gave to them this because he approved of them, but Allah subhanaw taala is showing them no, that's not the case. That they weren't missed by anyone, but rather because of the evil Allah azza wa jal destroyed them.

00:33:32 --> 00:33:39

Without God and Jaina Benny is on Al Amin Allah.

00:33:41 --> 00:33:45

Thus we deliver the children of Israel from the humiliating punishment.

00:33:49 --> 00:34:00

In Ghana, Allium Minelli Musa Raven from Pharaoh indeed he was high handed in the land and was one who transgressed or bounds

00:34:01 --> 00:34:12

what are called the auto now Humala. I mean nine and nine me when we chose them knowingly above all other nations of that time.

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00:34:16 --> 00:34:17

Tim Murphy

00:34:20 --> 00:34:44

Mubi in and we show them signs in which there was a clear test. Then Allah subhanaw taala reminds the children of Israel of his blessings as he says that we deliver the children of Israel from the humiliating punishment that they were suffering from Pharaoh when he slaughtered their sons and let their woman folk live. Indeed, he was high handed in the land. That is He was arrogant in the land without justification, and was one who transgressed all bounds.

00:34:46 --> 00:35:00

audaciously, overstepping and violating the limits set by Allah, we chose them, that is we selected them knowingly, that is, that is, we knew that they deserved that virtue of all other nations. That is overall

00:35:00 --> 00:35:35

All nations have their own time and those who came before them and after them until Allah bought the Ahmed Mohamed Salah Salem, who surpassed all the nations and Allah made them the best of Allah made them the best nation that he had brought forth for humankind and he blessed them with virtues with which he did not bless others. And we showed something before the womb of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, Allah azza wa jal honored Bani Israel, because of the number of messengers and prophets that they were given. And many of the great prophets and messengers of Allah that we have in the Quran, Allah mentioned the prophets of Bani Israel. To the extent that the Prophet sets are

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allowed, he was sent them that the Benissa eel they were led by the prophets. Every time a prophet would die, Allah would send them another prophet, they would have prophet after prophet they were the leaders of Bani Israel for generations. And so that has been honored beneath it and made them from amongst the best of nations. And that is also supported in the Sunnah. Because when the prophets of Allah while he was settlement on the night, Jenny, and he saw the numbers of the different nations of the prophets from the greatest of nations that he saw was the national Musa Ali salatu salam. But then when the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam came his Alma his nation is the

00:36:08 --> 00:36:12

greatest and the best of all nations as Allah azza wa jal mentioned in the Quran.

00:36:13 --> 00:36:30

And we show them namely the children of Israel sign of that is, that is dazzling signs and clear miracles, miracles, in which there was a clear test that is we tested them by bestowing much good upon them and clear favours from us to them and proof for them of the soundness of what their prophet Musa is then brought to them.

00:36:31 --> 00:36:32


00:36:36 --> 00:36:44

Kulu, Mon Valley these people always say in here in laminator tuna Lulu woman

00:36:46 --> 00:36:57

in here in monta tuna una wama national OB Moon Sherry in there is nothing but our first death and we will not be resurrected to be

00:37:01 --> 00:37:02


00:37:03 --> 00:37:09

Saudi three and then bring back then bring back our forefathers if you're telling the truth.

00:37:10 --> 00:37:27

Are you open to buying Lavina cobbling him like now in Kenny moody me and they better Are they better in power and strength are the people of Toba.

00:37:30 --> 00:37:34

And those who came before them, we destroy them for verily they were evil doers,

00:37:35 --> 00:38:11

very these people Quraysh that is the disbelievers who think the resurrection is unlikely say there is nothing but our first death and we will not be resurrected. That is there is only the life of this world there is no resurrection, no paradise, no *. Then they said showing, showing audacity towards the Lord and trying to outwit him, then bring back our forefathers if you are telling the truth. This was one of the demands made by the extremely stubborn, ignorant people. What connection is there between the truthfulness of a messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and bringing their forefathers back to life? The science has had already been had already established the truth, the

00:38:11 --> 00:38:53

truthfulness of what he had brought to them. And these signs are many and varied. Are they namely the people referred to here courage better and power and strength are the people of Toba and those who have before them. We destroyed them before verily they were evildoers by these people not mentioned in this verse of the battle the people of Tibet. Tibet is the area in Yemen. The people of Tibet were leaders and kings of Yemen. And the nations were people who resided in Yemen. And the forefather the ancestor to back was a righteous man, a righteous man as according to a number of the companions in the seals such as Ali and Aisha, and our beloved musandam, or the Allah warned him

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that he was a righteous man, meaning that he was a believer. And so we're not a prophet of Allah, not a prophet of Allah, a righteous man. And from his descendants, you have a big kingdom, many descendants came, so some of them will be reversed and some of them were disbelievers, the Hadith and the most of the Lima Muhammad in which the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam as for top bar, I don't know if he was a prophet or not, seems and Allah knows best that was early on. Because then we have another Hadith in which the Prophet of Islam later said that to borrow someone who accepted Islam, meaning at this time, it was a believer, to the prophets that was sent to him. And so He is a

00:39:31 --> 00:39:40

righteous man from Yemen, from the kings of Yemen from the kingdoms that were established in Yemen, and he had many descendants that came and succeeded him.

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There are no better than them, for they have committed the same evil, same evil deeds, so they should expect the same destruction as that which before their fellow fellow evildoers.

00:39:53 --> 00:39:56

Well, now Haila corners, where do you want

00:39:58 --> 00:39:59

to be in

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We have not created the heavens and earth and all that is between them and in vain.

00:40:05 --> 00:40:06

Now why not gonna

00:40:09 --> 00:40:11

be happy what King

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00:40:15 --> 00:40:29

we have not created them both except for a true purpose but most of them do not know. In a woman firstly me a call to whom and you American, very the Day of Judgment is a time appointed for all of them.

00:40:30 --> 00:40:31

Yo Mata

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00:40:38 --> 00:40:46

sorry to a day on which no friend or relative will avail another or, nor will they be helped

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email log in now who another user rocking, except those to whom Allah shows mercy fairly, He is the Almighty, the Most Merciful. He Allah tells us about the perfect nature of his mind and wisdom, and that he has not created the heavens and the earth. He has not created the heavens and earth in vain or for no purpose, he has only created them for true purpose, for true purpose. In other words, they have their very creation is based on the truth and contain and contains truth. For he has created them to worship Him along with no partner or associate, and so that he might issue commands and prohibitions to them, and reward them or punish them. But most of them do not know. Therefore, they

00:41:31 --> 00:41:57

do not reflect upon the creation of the heavens and earth, rarely the Day of Judgment, which is the day of resurrection on which Allah will judge between the first and the last. And between all those who differ is the time appointed for all of them. But that is for all of creation. Allah will gather all of them on that day and he will bring them in their deeds and require them for those deeds. No friend or relative will benefit from another, nor will they be held that is,

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nor will they be protected, protected from the punishment of Allah subhanaw taala because no one among creation has any control over anything whatsoever, except those whom Allah except those whom Allah shows mercy, fairly, he is on my the most merciful, for they are the ones who will be helped by the mercy of Allah, which they strove to attain and worked hard in this world for that purpose. Last primadonna in this verse, the last verse that we just covered verse 42, larger dimensions to names and Aziz Rahim. Allah azza wa jal is almighty or merciful and usually in the Quran has you know, Allah subhanaw taala when he mentions the name of Rahim, it is often mentioned with a ramen or

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Allah for it is other names of mercy that I mentioned. But sometimes Allah azza wa jal mentions mercy with his mind. And that is from the reasons and Allah knows best is because Allah azza wa jal, His mercy is not due to any weakness. Often mercy is shown because of people's weakness, people are weak, they don't have a choice. So they must evolve to others or their client or their generous because the people around them are stronger, more powerful, or they have some something over them that they don't have a choice they have to be nice to them. But when Allah azza wa jal shows mercy is not due to any weakness, not due to any need. It is from a position of might and that is the best

00:43:13 --> 00:43:50

type of mercy when you're over and above someone and you have the ability to exact revenge upon them or some harm, and you shall mercy that's the best type and the greatest type of mercy and that's why Allah azza wa jal in the Quran praises those who are who suppress the anger and Kalinina live. They can if they want, show their anger, but they suppress it, like a father to the children or parent over the children, a teacher over the students and employer over the employees a ruler over his people. These are the best because they if they wanted they could do it. But they hold back because they know that there is something more pleasing to Allah subhana wa Tada. So Allah azza wa jal when

00:43:50 --> 00:43:55

he shows mercy to whomsoever he shows mercy to it is from a position of miton power subhanaw taala.

00:43:58 --> 00:44:14

National Jura Xapo vary the tree of the poem by esteem will be the fruit of the wicked can emotionally ugly if it will go to like jugs of oil it will boil in their bellies

00:44:15 --> 00:44:21

to avoid having like the boiling of scalding water who fire it Lou elands

00:44:24 --> 00:44:29

jacking it will be said seize Him and drag him into the middle of the blazing Fire

00:44:30 --> 00:44:40

um so both our gotta see he mean either been honey then pour over his head the punishment of scalding water

00:44:41 --> 00:44:46

local like the lazy is will carry him

00:44:48 --> 00:44:51

tasty or you were mighty and honorable.

00:44:52 --> 00:44:53


00:44:54 --> 00:44:59

can be eaten to that is

00:45:00 --> 00:45:00

Will you sit out?

00:45:02 --> 00:45:33

Have you mentioned the Day of Resurrection and stated that he will judge between his slaves on that day, Allah now tells us that they will be divided into two groups, one group in Paradise and the other in *. The latter are the sinners, who did deeds of disbelief and disobedience very their food will be the tree of the comb, which is the worst and most terrible of trees, is food is like dregs of oil, or like stinking pus, with a foul stench and taste exceedingly hot, it will boil in their bellies, like the boiling of scalding water.

00:45:35 --> 00:46:10

The loss of hundreds or dimensions here and the dregs of oil, drugs of oil, meaning that when you have oil, that's that's that you boil and then at the end, you get that frost which is the dirty part of the oil. That is what Allah azza wa jal will give to the people of the fight, that's what they will drink, and that's what they will be their sustenance. So it's not even the nice part of the oil because in oil, you get pure parts of only olive oil, you get a nice oil, the oil that's beneficial, Oh, that's good. And then you get oil which is just full of dirt and it's full of all of the impurities that come out of the oil. That is the type of woman that Allah azza wa jal will give

00:46:10 --> 00:46:13

when it is boiling to the people of the farmer last eight years from now.

00:46:15 --> 00:46:49

And it will be said to the one who is being punished, tasty, that is taste upon a taste of painful punishment, or you who are mighty and honorable as you thought you were mighty, and will be protected from the punishment of Allah. And he thought you were dear to Allah and no punishment would be for you. But today it will become clear, it will become clear to you that you are humiliated, insignificant and worthless. Allah subhanaw taala humiliates the people or the fire nuisance to them or some of them look, paste the fire in Naka, until as usual caring, because you consider yourself to be mighty and honorable, meaning those people Allah is not calling the mighty

00:46:49 --> 00:47:24

hon. That's what they used to call themselves in the dunya. So Allah azza wa jal is saying that if you were truly mighty truly honorable, will this be how you will be rewarded is this will this be your recompense will this be the way that we will treat you and it is said according to as we mentioned, when we did the tour of Geralyn, according to some of this holiday seal is referring to Abuja handle this verse, and people like him, because I would generally used to say to the Prophet sallallahu, it was send them there is no one more noble and no one more stronger than mean Quraysh on the most strong, strongest personal courage and on the noblest of all Quraysh and so Allah azza

00:47:24 --> 00:47:30

wa jal will punish them in the financing teach this now, if you think that you will, noble and that you will honorable and mighty.

00:47:32 --> 00:47:38

This namely the great punishment is what you set out, but now it has become clear to you that is certain and true.

00:47:40 --> 00:47:44

In Turkey, Nephi Malko mean,

00:47:45 --> 00:47:49

vary the righteous will be in a secure place. V. Jen,

00:47:50 --> 00:47:54

are you moon, amidst gardens and springs.

00:47:55 --> 00:48:09

l best wound I mean sudo su instable, rocking cobbling, wearing green garments of fine silk and heavy, heavy brocade, facing one another

00:48:10 --> 00:48:12

Guernica was gonna

00:48:14 --> 00:48:34

be holding. So we said, so it will be and we will marry them to fare companions with big beautiful eyes. Yeah, their own eye fi have equally fac yachting meaning, there they will call for every kind of fruit secure from all ills.

00:48:36 --> 00:48:38

liars who Nephi had an moto

00:48:39 --> 00:48:44

turtle who will call her mother abandoned Jeffie

00:48:46 --> 00:49:19

they will not taste death they're in except the first death and he will protect them from the punishment of the blazing Fire. Problem. Big Valley guy who won films we're now living by the grace of your Lord. That is a supreme triumph. For in MIS certain hillbilly Seneca I love him yet, too. We have made this Quran easy in your own language so that they may pay heed, followed up a bit in

00:49:20 --> 00:49:23

Turkey boo. So we fairly there are two waiting.

00:49:25 --> 00:50:00

So very They two are waiting. This is the award of the righteous who feared Allah and feared his wrath and punish him by refraining from sin and by doing and by doing deeds of obedience and they are not subject to divine wrath and punishment. It is confirmed that they will attain the pleasure of Allah and the immense reward in shady place in shady places, with many trees and fruits, flowing springs, and rivers flowing at their feet in gardens of bliss. The gardens are described as containing all kinds of Delights perfect in all aspects and not tainted with any unpleasantness in any way whatsoever. There

00:50:00 --> 00:50:41

got their garments will be a green silk fine, fine silk and heavy brocade brocade such as such as they desire every brocade meaning which brocade brocade is the type of silk. So Allah azza wa jal mentions two types of silk in these verses Syntocinon stub rock Sundews is the fine silk. And Stabroek is the is the rich silk. So heavy, heavy as in it's just heavy for the sake of being heavy, meaning which meaning it is because sometimes people where it's light in terms of its material, and sometimes it's rich, meaning it's heavy and thick. Because it's something which is used at different times Allah azza wa jal will give them both types of clothing,

00:50:42 --> 00:51:16

facing one another in their hearts and physically imperfect form, reassurance, love good companionship and the best etiquette. So be that is there will be perfect bliss and happiness, we will marry them to fair companions with big beautiful eyes, that is beautiful women whose beauty is astounding and dazzling. They will have huge and beautiful eyes, there is in paradise, they will call for every kind of fruit, both that which has a name in this world and that which has no equivalent in this world, they will call for every kind and type of fruit,

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which will be brought to them immediately with no effort secure from all else that is, they will be safe from that coming, that we save from that coming to an end. And safe from home safe from anything that could spoil their bliss, say from being exposed from Paradise and safe from death. And Allah says they will not taste death they're in except the first death, there will be no death there at all. Thus they will attain everything they love and wanted. And He will protect them from the punishment of the blazing fire, by the grace of the Lord that is attaining bliss and being protected from the punishment which the punishment will happen by the grace and kindness of Allah towards them

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for is he who enables them to do the righteous deeds by means of which they will attain goodness in the Hereafter. And he will also give them more than they could deserve, they could deserve by virtue of the deeds, that is the supreme triumph and what triumph could be better than attaining the pleasure of Allah in His paradise and being safe from his punishment and wrath. We have made the Quran easy in your own language, that is we have made it easy in your in your language, which which is the most eloquent and most sublime of all languages. So it was the meanings have been made easy,

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so that they may pay heed

00:52:33 --> 00:53:10

to that which will benefit them and do it and to that which will haunt them and refrain from it. So wait, that is wait for what your Lord has promised you of goodness and victory Valley they too, are waiting that for what will before them of punishment. What a great difference. There is between the two kinds of waiting the messenger of allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and his followers are waiting for goodness in this world and the hereafter was the opposite. Whilst the opposite numbers are waiting for evil in this world and hereafter, is the end of the commentary of Surah de Haan our praise and thanks for Allah and May the blessings and peace of Allah be upon the prophets of Allah

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Allah said Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam, his family and his companions abundantly until the day of judgment. We now come to the 45th chapter of the Quran which is surah jatheon surah three jatheon It is known by this name in many of the books of difficile but it is also known by another name that is reported from some of the companions such as I'm delivering our bass, and I'm delivering Zubia the Allahu Anhu among others, for most of them are the Allahu Anhu Jemaine and that is that they used to call the Surah Surah. To Sharia, the sort of the Sharia because it contains a verse that speaks about the Sharia, and it is also known by some of the latest scholars with their

00:53:47 --> 00:54:01

seal, a surah to Tao Surah of time Surah Adar it is a murky Surah according to the majority of the scholars have seen it or some of them mentioned it by consensus, and it consists of 37 verses.

00:54:03 --> 00:54:03

This means

00:54:04 --> 00:54:07

manual IP,

00:54:08 --> 00:54:11

in the name of Allah, the Most gracious the most merciful hand

00:54:13 --> 00:54:24

I'm having done zero kita we mean a lot he lies easy and hacky. The revelation of the book is from Allah and

00:54:25 --> 00:54:27

from Allah the Almighty, the most wise

00:54:29 --> 00:54:32

Nephi summer where it will be like

00:54:33 --> 00:54:39

meaning valley in the heavens and the earth, there are indie signs for the believers.

00:54:41 --> 00:54:42

Well, if you have to click

00:54:44 --> 00:54:59

the button to call me hoping and in your own creation, and in that of the creatures who scattered throughout the earth, there are signs for people who are certain in fate

00:55:02 --> 00:55:04

Well Tila Layli one

00:55:08 --> 00:55:10

Allahu Meena Surma

00:55:11 --> 00:55:14

immediately screen for Africa be hidden.

00:55:15 --> 00:55:39

Yeah Bill Baba dama what else three theory yeah to me, too. And the alternation of night and day and the provision, rain which Allah says down from the skies and gives life thereby to the earth after his death, and the changing of the winds are signs for the people or songs for people of understanding

00:55:40 --> 00:55:47

due to Hina to know being held for Febi a hadith

00:55:49 --> 00:55:52

the law he went to mean

00:55:54 --> 00:56:04

there are these other signs of Allah which we recap recount to you in truth then in what message after Allah signs with a belief

00:56:05 --> 00:56:17

why you know, Nikolay f king S E wo to every evil liar? Yes Mal. De la, la la

00:56:18 --> 00:56:21

mangalsutra rooms tech build ot

00:56:22 --> 00:56:31

mangalsutra long stick belong can yes ma her veribest Shiro will be either been any

00:56:33 --> 00:56:45

who he is the signs and revelations of a law being recounted to him, yet he persists in his arrogance as if he did not defeat it as if he did not hear them. So give him the tidings of a painful punishment

00:56:49 --> 00:56:54

Why are you there? It may mean Tina che i need to tell her the who's who.

00:56:56 --> 00:56:57

Era whom either

00:57:01 --> 00:57:09

when he comes to know anything of our signs and Revelation, He makes mockery of them for such there will be a humiliating punishment.

00:57:12 --> 00:57:25

Me or him Jehanne What are you wanting Makka Cebu che, um, when I met her, I mean, do he only

00:57:28 --> 00:57:42

what a Hamada banaban. Ahead of them is ahead of them as *. Neither their gains nor those whom they take as protectors other than Allah will avail them anything and there's will be a grievous punishment.

00:57:43 --> 00:58:28

The WHO THE ONE letting agathon be to be him no mother, Middle Ages in early this Quran is true guidance. And for those who deny the signs of their Lord, there will be a punishment or painful suffering. Here Allah issues and implicit command to venerate the Quran and pay attention to it. For it is revelation from Allah, who is the only one who is deserving of devotion and worship because of what he possesses and have perfect attributes. For he is the only bestow of blessings, the only one who possesses perfect power and wisdom, then he supports that dimension of science in the universe and in their own selves, such as the creation of the heavens in the earth, what what he has

00:58:28 --> 00:58:30

scattering them of creature of creatures.

00:58:31 --> 00:59:08

He has what he has placed in them of benefits, and what Allah sends down of water by means of which he gives life to land and people sought after Allah azza wa jal begins by mentioning her mean and then the revelation of the Quran. Allah subhanaw taala. In this opening passage calls upon us to reflect upon the many signs that the Quran contains and from the greatest signs that Allah azza wa jal mentions in the Quran, are the signs of the universe, that which you see around you in the equation of Allah subhanaw taala. So this opening passage, as you can see, Allah azza wa jal tells us to reflect in the signs of Allah and His creation, the heavens, the earth, the moon, the suns,

00:59:08 --> 00:59:44

the question of people and animals, the wind, and the rain, all of those signs of Allah subhanaw taala because in those signs, you see the power of Allah and His Majesty, you see Allah azza wa jal disabilities subhanaw taala and through it His names and attributes and so, it is one of the greatest ways of coming closer to Allah subhanaw taala and increasing in Eman and increasing your towhead of Allah azza wa jal by knowing the many signs of Allah subhanaw taala and reflecting over the many signs that Allah azza wa jal mentions, all of these are clear signs and proofs of the truthfulness of this mighty Quran and the soundness of what it contains of wisdom and rulings. There

00:59:44 --> 00:59:59

are also indicative of what Allah subhanaw taala possesses of perfection and of the resurrection. Then Allah divides people into two categories according to whether or not they benefit from his son. The first category learns from them, reflects upon them and benefits from them.

01:00:00 --> 01:00:32

Thus rising in status. They are the ones who believe in Allah, His angels, His books, His messengers in the last day, with perfect faith that reaches the level of certainty. Thus, they increase in mature thinking and knowledge. This is the first group of people, they see the signs of Allah azza wa jal, and they're amazing. You come across something amazes you in nature, you go and you see a mountain, you see an ocean, see something and it's amazing. But in the back of your mind, you always know that it is Allah subhanaw taala who was the creator, and Allah azza wa jal is the one who placed it there and Allah Subhana Allah is the One who has power over it. And so it brings you

01:00:32 --> 01:01:02

closer to Allah you say law in Allah Subhana Allah you praise Allah, you glorify Allah, you say Allahu Akbar always reminds you of Allah subhanaw taala This is the first group of people, whenever they see a sign from the signs of Allah, Be in nature, be in the question of Allah be in themselves, the way that Allah azza wa jal makes you sick one day and healthy the other day, how Allah azza wa jal brings different situations to in your life. Once you have Allah subhanho signs of Allah azza wa jal so the believer always brings them or reminds them of Allah subhanaw taala.

01:01:04 --> 01:01:40

The other category here the signs and revelations of Allah being recounted in such a way that proof is established against them, but then they turn away from them in ignorance, as if they did not hear them because they did not cleanse and purify the heart. Moreover, because of their arrogance towards them, they increased in terms of in transgression, such people, if they do not such people if they do come to know anything of the signs and revelations of Allah, make a mockery of them. Allah subhanho wa Taala one such people of doom and says, well to every evil liar, that is everyone who is untruthful in his speech and sinful in his deeds. This is the second group of people, they see the

01:01:40 --> 01:02:13

same signs of everyone else's same signs, same signs don't change. But those people their hearts are heedless of Allah subhanaw taala they're neglectful of Allah azza wa jal, so they they see the signs, and it doesn't remind them of Allah doesn't bring them closer to Allah. They don't connect it back to Allah subhanaw taala. And so there's a difference between the two. And that is why the believer sometimes only needs a small sign itself for them to increase them in Eman. This is something small, it's enough for them and the Companions, how many of them accepted Islam because of the verse of the Quran, because the surah they heard being recited because the prophets of Allah or

01:02:13 --> 01:02:51

you spoke to them once or twice, and then those people whose hearts are sealed, that is the the biggest and most major of signs miracles that Allah sends, like you said to Pharaoh, desire, mine clear miracles, didn't believe and how many of the Quraysh so one of the miracles of the Prophet boots on Allah while he was sent him, and they didn't believe there is a difference between the two. And so to ask Allah azza wa jal to open up your heart, to make your heart softer as reminders to make your heart soft to the remembrance of Allah azza wa jal, it is something which is a dua that is important to make some of our teachers used to make the DUA Allah monster lb, O Allah rectified my

01:02:51 --> 01:03:32

heart or Allah, purify my heart, so good Dragon, they you should make and I should make so that we can benefit from these reminders, Allah tells us that such people will have a painful punishment, and that ahead of them is held, which is sufficient as a severe as a severe punishment, and that neither their gains in terms of wealth, nor those whom they take as protectors other than a law, seeking their hope will avail them anything for they will abandon them. At the time when they would need the most this was was Tim Allah azza wa jal says in Arabic Nuwara he jahannam. The word war art means literally, behind you. But the meaning is ahead of you, as you see here in the translation

01:03:32 --> 01:04:12

ahead of them is how fire and Arabic language, these words behind in front of they are interchangeable. They used interchangeably, like as we mentioned in the 200 to five in the story of Musa and Hadid when the people of the ship scuttled and he explains how the way he messed up the ship of those people. He said, What kind of whare Melek there was a king ahead of them, he uses the word behind the ship was ahead of them through the Arabic language, this is often done. So here Likewise, Allah Israel says behind them is how I practice in front of them. And one of the benefits of this in Arabic language is to show that there's no escape, because something which is behind you

01:04:12 --> 01:04:24

is going to catch you. There's no escape from it. Whereas if it's ahead of you, you can take right to left you can try to stay away from it. So Allah azza wa jal uses them interchangeably to show these people have no escape from the fire of *.

01:04:25 --> 01:04:43

Having highlighted his chronic revelations and visible signs and stay that people fall into two categories in terms of their response to them, Allah Allah Allah tells us that the Quran which invites people to the sublime aims and goals is guidance. As he says this Quran is true guidance. This is a this is a general description of the of the entire Quran.

01:04:44 --> 01:04:59

For it guides people to knowledge of Allah by describing his sacred attributes in praiseworthy deed it guides them to knowledge of this of His messengers, close friends and enemies but subscribing, their characteristic characteristics. It guides people to righteous deeds and promotes them

01:05:00 --> 01:05:28

It describes evil deeds and forbids them explains the require for for these describing required, both in this world and hereafter those who are guided follow its guidance and thus they will triumph and attain bliss. And for those who deny the signs of the Lord, which are definitive and clear, and no one rejects them except one who has gone too far in wrongdoing and transgressed, far beyond all bounds, there will be a punish, there'll be a punishment of painful suffering.

01:05:30 --> 01:05:57

Along with nothing, so hold on, hold on at JDL, full Kofi be empty, he will eat better who mean fugly he will contest Guru is Allah who has made the sea to be of service to you, so that the ships may sail on it by His Command? And so that you may seek His bounty? And so that you may give thinks was a holiday

01:05:58 --> 01:06:06

knife is Do you feel a bit me I mean, in Nafi, that he

01:06:07 --> 01:06:36

told me to, he has made to be of service to you, all that is in the heavens and all there is on earth. Oh is from him very early in that there are songs for people who reflect here Allah subhanaw taala tells us of his favorites and kindness towards his slaves, by making the sea to be of service to them, so that ships and boats may sell on it by His Command, and so that you may seek His bounty by pursuing all kinds of trade and livelihood.

01:06:38 --> 01:07:16

And so that you may give thanks to Allah subhanaw taala for if you give thanks to Him, He will increase his blessings. And we'll reward you immensely for your gratitude he has made to be of service to you all that is in the heavens and all that is on the earth, and all that is on earth, or is from Him, that is by His grace and kindness. This includes the heavenly bodies and the earth, and all that Allah has placed in them, such as the Sun, Moon stars and other heavenly bodies, all kinds of animals, trees and fruits, all types of metals and minerals, and other things that are prepared to serve the interests of the sons of Adam and meet their needs. This requires them to do their

01:07:16 --> 01:07:54

utmost to give thanks for his blessings, and to think deeply and reflect upon his science and wisdom. And Allah says rarely, in that there are signs for people who reflect to some of the creation and control of these things. And the fact that they are made to be of service to humanity, demonstrate that Allah's Will is always done in our indicative art indicative of his perfect mind. This is from the greatest fingers of Allah subhanaw taala. CO Matthew, somewhat you will all be Jamie I mean, Allah has subjugated made easy for you to control things in the heavens and earth. Allah gave you the ability to traverse along the earth to travel on the land on the sea in the air.

01:07:54 --> 01:08:29

Mala answers was made easy in our time for people to travel even beyond our atmosphere into space, the moon and those types of things. Allah azza wa jal gives you the ability to do certain things, all of these are from the blessings and the fevers of Allah subhanaw taala. And Allah azza wa jal gives them to certain people at certain times, removes them from certain people at certain times. If you look at some of the past nations, in Africa, for example, the Egyptians and the pyramids, it's an amazing feat of engineering, how they used to make those structures without the modern technology and science and engineering that we have. Allah knows best how they had that ability. If you look at

01:08:29 --> 01:09:01

the bones of the people of Saudi Arabia, and the way that used to carve into mountains, dwellings and homes that are big structures, Allah knows best how they had that ability. And so Allah azza wa jal gives things to certain people at certain times removes them from certain people at certain times. But it's seen in them of the precision, precision and beauty with which they are created and amazing way in which they are crafted is indicative of the perfect wisdom and knowledge of Allah. What seen in them of the vast size in great numbers,

01:09:02 --> 01:09:45

is indicative of the vastness of Allah has dominion, dominion and authority was seen in them of specific functions. And an opposite indicates that Allah does wherever he was, was seen in them of benefits that serve human interest in both spiritual and worldly terms is indicative of the vastness of Allah's mercy and demonstrates that his great and demonstrates traits that his grace, kindness and care are all encompassing. All of that points to the fact that he alone is deserving of devotion and worship, and is not appropriate to worship, show humility towards or love anyone but him and that His Messenger spoke the truth in the message that they brought. This is clear rational evidence

01:09:45 --> 01:09:47

that cannot be subject to that.

01:09:49 --> 01:09:50

Level levena

01:09:51 --> 01:09:59

field Wally Levine and I have on Juna Malloy here Dizzy Coleman, the American next

01:10:00 --> 01:10:17

imune tell those who believe to forgive for their offenses. Those who do not fear the ven vengeance of Allah, for he will requite such people in the hereafter for their deeds. Men, Amina saw the fair enough see woman as

01:10:18 --> 01:10:24

fit from Isla or become too humble to

01:10:27 --> 01:11:09

become a total jerk who whoever does righteous deeds is to his own benefit and whoever does evil deeds is to his own detriment, then to your Lord, you will be brought back here Allah subhanaw taala instruct his believing slaves to adopt a good attitude and bear with patients. The offense caused by the polytheists who do not fear the vengeance of Allah and do not hope for his reward. For he will require every bit every four he will require every people for what they have earned, but he will reward you or believers abundantly for your faith, tolerance and patience. But if they persist, persist in their disbelief, you will not suffer what they will suffer of severe punishment and

01:11:09 --> 01:11:21

disgrace. And Allah says, Whoever does righteous deeds is to his own benefit and whoever does evil deeds is to his own detriment then to your Lord, you will be brought back and he says

01:11:22 --> 01:11:51

one according to Benny sorrow or ill keytab I will hook my one watt hour was gonna mean a toy but you were forbidden now not a lot. I mean, we gave the children of Israel the Scripture, wisdom and Prophet provided them with good things and provided them and favored them above all other nations of that time. To

01:11:53 --> 01:12:00

the unit in Malta Phu Lam you are the manager

01:12:04 --> 01:12:04


01:12:05 --> 01:12:32

the inner home in Rebecca Jacobi been man Thea McDuffie, man can he tell you who we gave them clear directions, in matters pertaining to religion, and they did not differ except after knowledge had come to them of mutual envy and rivalry? Well, your Lord will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection concerning that, wherein they differ.

01:12:33 --> 01:13:17

That is We bestowed upon the children of Israel blessing that were not granted to any other people gave them we gave them the Scripture, namely, the total and gospel wisdom to judge between people and prophethood, by which they were distinguished for Pafford was bestowed upon the descendants of Ibrahim and most of most of them the prophets were from among the children of Israel, provided them with good things of food, drink and Kolding and sending down to them the minute and quills, their mana and quills and favor them above all other nations of that time, that is, we favored them over all other nations with these blessings, our Muslim Ummah may be excluded from this general meaning

01:13:18 --> 01:13:55

because they are the best community ever brought forth for the for the benefit of humankind. Mars, which I mentioned several we mentioned already in the 200 to one and that is a bendy straw in from amongst the nations are the best of nations after the nation of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam. So here Allah Azza dimensions this will follow now man and I mean, we favored them above all of the nations meaning all that time until the home of the prophets of Allah while he was selling them and that's why when the prophets of Allah Allah settlement on the night journey, from the things that he saw is that after he passed by Mousavi, Salah Musa cried. And so Musa was asked, Why

01:13:55 --> 01:14:32

do you cry? He said, Because a man will come after me. His nation will be greater than my nation. His nation will be bigger and greater than my nation. And so that shows that Mousavi Suleiman his nation was an is a vast nation and that Allah azza wa jal has honored them the believers from amongst them with those things that Allah azza wa jal mentioned in this verse, verse 16. From the context we may understand that they are favored over all other nations apart from the Muslim ummah, because Allah tells us about the blessings that He bestowed upon the children of Israel, by means of which he made them distinct from others. But all the virtues and blessing by means of which the

01:14:32 --> 01:14:59

children of Israel surpass other nations, namely the Scripture, wisdom, Prophet and other qualities were bestowed upon this ummah, and many more virtues were granted to them. This law the law of the children of Israel is part of the as part of these virtues. But this book the Quran confirms the scripture that came before it and supersedes it. And Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam confirms all the messengers. We gave them, we gave them that is what we gave to the children of Israel.

01:15:00 --> 01:15:41

clear direction that is science to distinguish truth from falsehood in matters pertaining to religion. These blessings that Allah bestowed upon the children of Israel require them to fulfill their religious duties in the most perfect manner, and to unite upon the truth that Allah had made manifest to them. But they did not. But they did. They did the opposite of that they did. They did the opposite of what was required and became divided at the time when they were enjoined to unite. Hence, Allah says, and they did not differ except after knowledge had come to them. They required them not to differ. What made them differ was resentment and wrongdoing towards one another. Well,

01:15:41 --> 01:15:52

your Lord will judge between them on the Day of Resurrection concerning that wherein they differ. So he will distinguish between the follow of truth and the follow of falsehood what made them different was whims and desires in the like

01:15:53 --> 01:15:59

Oh, my God gonna show it to me, Debbie.

01:16:00 --> 01:16:00


01:16:11 --> 01:16:18

Now we have set you Oh Muhammad sallallahu alayhi salam on a clear path of religion so follow and do not follow the desires of those who have no knowledge.

01:16:20 --> 01:16:23

No whom learning

01:16:24 --> 01:16:31

Kameena law he che were in Navali mean about boom only

01:16:32 --> 01:17:14

bow while long while the union dirty, they cannot avail you are all against Allah, very the wrongdoers are allies, protectors of one another, are allies and protectors of one another. But Allah is a Protector of the righteous that is we have set out for you a clear path and sent down perfect teachings that that call to all that is good and forbid all those evil and as we said this is one of the reasons why some of the companions called the Surah Surah to Sharia and because of this verse, from Medina Kerala surely or Tamil Amar, we placed you upon a clear path toward Sharia, linguistic and Arabic language means a path. And the means here in this context are religion. And

01:17:14 --> 01:17:31

the word Sharia or when we say the Sharia, I have the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, it means everything that Allah legislated everything that Allah legislated, we call it Sharia. So its basic meaning is a path that you follow. So the path of Allah laid down for yourself for you. That is the path that is the Sharia.

01:17:32 --> 01:18:09

The following for following at least eternal happiness, well being and prosperity, and do not follow the desires of those who have no knowledge. That is those whose desires differ from what is dictated by knowledge and are not in accordance with you. Everyone who wants and desires something that is contrary to the teachings of the messengers of Allah, Allah will assume comes under the heading of those who have no knowledge from the greatest distinguishing characteristics of the Sharia is what based on this verse, Allah says, Follow the Sharia don't follow the path of those who have no knowledge. So therefore, the Sharia is based on knowledge. That is what makes this greatest

01:18:09 --> 01:18:45

distinguishing factors that is based on clear knowledge, the Quran and the Sunnah. That's what makes it Sharia. So anything that has clear evidence, it's the Sharia, everything which doesn't have clear evidence, people's thoughts, their desires, their whims, their, whatever, it may be ideologies, philosophies, not based upon knowledge, and that's why Allah azza wa jal says, don't follow that which doesn't have clear knowledge. They cannot avail you at all against Allah, that is, they cannot benefit you or before Allah. So they cannot bring you anything good or ward off any harm from you. If you follow their desires. It is not right to go along with them, and take them as allies for you

01:18:45 --> 01:18:57

and they are not the same. Rather they are allies of one another. But Allah is a Protector of the righteous, He bring them forth from the depths of darkness to the light because of the piety and acts of obedience.

01:19:00 --> 01:19:10

Your ruling nurse Eva who then met me you cleaning this Quran contains clear proofs,

01:19:11 --> 01:19:50

and is a guidance and a mercy for people who are certain in faith. This Quran the wise reminder contains clear proofs, that is by means of it, by means of it matters will become clear to people so, so the believers will benefit from it be guided and attain mercy for people who are certain in faith. So, they are guided by it to the straight path with regard to fundamental, fundamental and minor issues of religion. And by means of it they attained goodness happiness and bliss in this world and the hereafter which is mercy. Thus their souls are purified they increase in wisdom, faith and certainty therefore thereby and proof is established thereby against those who persistent

01:19:50 --> 01:19:51


01:19:53 --> 01:19:59

Um, has he been living in Utah who say, TN Jada home care levena Man

01:20:00 --> 01:20:02

Wamena saw you had this?

01:20:04 --> 01:20:07

Yeah, who am I? Who

01:20:09 --> 01:20:11

am I common

01:20:12 --> 01:20:56

to those who commit evil did think that we will deal with them as we do with those who believe and do righteous deeds, and that they will be like in their living and they're dying, how ill they judge is do the evildoers who commit many sins and fall short in their duties towards their Lord think that we will deal with them as we deal with those who believe and do righteous deeds, by keeping their duty towards the Lord and avoiding that which incurs His wrath, so they constantly give President to pleasing him over their own whims and desires? In other words, do they think that they will be alike in this world and the hereafter? How wrong is their way of thinking in how ill and how

01:20:56 --> 01:21:39

ill they judge for the view is contrary to the ruling of the wise, of the wild judgment of the most wise, the most just and is contrary to sound reasoning and sound human nature is the opposite of what was sent down in the books. And what the messengers taught rather, the definite whether the definite ruling is that the is that the believers who do not is that believers who do righteous deeds will attain victory, prosperity, happiness and reward in this world and hereafter, each commensurate with his good deeds. But for the evildoers, there will be wrath, humiliation, punishment, wretchedness in this world and in the hereafter. Plus Pandora says that in the dunya,

01:21:39 --> 01:22:07

you wouldn't accept this. If someone commits a crime in the dunya and someone else's innocent, you wouldn't judge them equally, one on the same, even in the dunya. If someone harms you, someone does good to you. They're not equal in your eyes. Someone does your favor, someone comes in they harm you. They steal from you, they hurt one of your family members. You want to consider them to be equal in your eyes. So why do you think that Allah azza wa jal will judge those who do good deeds? Believe in Allah azza wa jal? Why do you think Allah will judge them and make them equal to those who disbelieve and do evil deeds?

01:22:09 --> 01:22:18

Well, Hala Kola, Sama, Bobby Happy Valley today's call loan FCM Bhima Casa to whom Allah

01:22:20 --> 01:22:54

Allah created the heavens and the earth for a true purpose, and so that every soul may be required according to what he earned, and they will not be wronged. There is Allah created the heavens and the earth on the basis of wisdom, so that he alone may be worshipped with no partner or associate. And after that he will requite those whom we whom he commanded to worship Him, and upon whom he bestowed blessings, both visible and hidden. Did they give things to Allah subhanaw taala and do and do what they were enjoined to do? Or were they ungrateful and thus deserve the required or of ingratitude?

01:22:56 --> 01:23:12

I felt like a time I need to hada ILA who were who were Albula hula hoop is me. Whoo. What am I doing here? Welcome. It will be what Jana? Sorry, Alicia. What Jana? Oh, sorry, Alicia, what

01:23:14 --> 01:23:16

do you mean that Delia

01:23:19 --> 01:23:39

Kuru guru, have you seen the one who takes his own whims and desires as his God, whom Allah allows to go stray knowingly and hirsute upon and has sealed up his and hustled up his hearing and his heart and put a cover on his side? Who can guide him after Allah has abandoned him? Will you not then pay heed?

01:23:42 --> 01:23:49

My call uma here, higher tuna dunya Nemo to one year Why am I lick on

01:23:51 --> 01:23:51


01:23:52 --> 01:23:53


01:23:55 --> 01:24:14

Valley kami CAMI 911. And they say there is nothing beyond our life in this world, we die and we live and nothing but the passage of time causes us to die. They have no knowledge of that they are merely speculating what either to lay him

01:24:15 --> 01:24:19

begginer manca and Jetta whom he

01:24:22 --> 01:24:23

ought to be.

01:24:25 --> 01:24:26


01:24:31 --> 01:24:31

To be

01:24:33 --> 01:24:34


01:24:37 --> 01:24:48

tune so the in when are clear revelations are recited to them. Their only argument is to say then bring back our forefathers if you are telling the truth.

01:24:51 --> 01:24:55

Yoshi comes you need to come to my address.

01:24:57 --> 01:24:57


01:24:58 --> 01:24:59

Fe wildlife

01:25:00 --> 01:25:44

King, what a king Thorin sila lemon. Say is Allah Who gives you life and causes you then causes you to die? Then He will gather you together on the Day of Resurrection concerning which there is no doubt. But most people do not realize, have you seen the misguided man who takes his own whims and desires as his God? So whatever he desires, he pursues it whether it's pleasing to Allah or encourage his anger. multiparameter in this verse, he says, about a 10 minute Taha that Allah Who have you seen the one who takes his desires as a God besides Allah, anyone that turns away from the worship of Allah subhanaw taala, we see that they're committing ship, they're worshipping other than

01:25:44 --> 01:26:14

Allah, even if they don't believe in a god unit. They say, I don't worship any god, don't believe in any god. You're worshiping something else. You're worshiping your desires. You're worshiping your ideology, you're worshiping the dunya. You're worshiping, wealthy, worshipping fame, whatever you're worshiping. It's a type of worship. And so Allah azza wa jal here, it's not just restricted to religion, it's not just restricted to other gods or other religions or other beliefs. Now, even the person that doesn't believe in any of that stuff says, I don't believe in any religion, any god, that person still worshiping other than Allah because they're worshiping their desires. They're

01:26:14 --> 01:26:24

worshipping the dunya or something else. This is what Allah azza wa jal says, For our eater, Melinda de la Hawa, the one who takes his desires as a God besides Allah subhanaw taala,

01:26:26 --> 01:26:35

whom Allah allow us to go stray knowingly for Allah subhanaw taala knows that guidance is not appropriate for him and he won't and will not benefit him and as soon as his hearing,

01:26:36 --> 01:27:14

so that he cannot hear that which will would benefit him in his heart, so that he does not understand what is good, and put a cover on his sight that prevents him from seeing the truth, who can guide him after Allah has abandoned him? In other words, no one can guide him, for Allah has closed the gate, the gates of guidance for him, and has opened the gates of misguided for him and Allah has not wrong team rather, it is he who has wronged himself and is the cause of Divine Mercy being withheld from him. Will you not then pay heed to what will benefit you so that you can seek it and what will harm you so that you can avoid it? And they named me those who deny the resurrection

01:27:14 --> 01:27:54

say, there is nothing beyond our life in this world. We die and we live and nothing but the passage of time causes us to die. This is nothing but the routine passage of night and day. Some people die and some people live and those who died do not return to Allah and will not be required for their deeds. In this first verse 24 Allah subhanaw taala speaks about what they say those people who deny resurrection and they see that we live we will die. Nothing destroys a sub time $1 And as we said some of the latest scholars with their CEO said that from the names of the Surah Surah Tada based on this verse, And the Prophet Allah salAllahu Alaihe Salam, the Hadith that is mentioned about poverty

01:27:54 --> 01:28:28

in Syria and its origin, is the Buhari that Allah azza wa jal says, in the Hadith and could see that the child of Adam curses me, he curses me. He says, He curses time, and I am time Allah says, meaning Allah azza wa jal is the one who controls time, I am time I am the one who changes the day from the night and the night from the day. So when people cause time, when people say that it's just time that's going to kill us and so on. This is also a type of disbelief because Allah azza wa jal is the one who created time and controls time. subhanaw taala.

01:28:30 --> 01:29:08

These words have their stem from lack of knowledge, they are merely speculating, when they deny the resurrection and reject the messengers who speak the truth without any evidence or proof to support them in that where there is mere speculation and unlikely ideas devoid of any reality. Hence, Allah subhanaw taala says, when Our Clear revelations are recited to them, their only argument is to say, then bring back our forefathers if you are telling them the truth, this is odd. This is audacity towards a law on their part, as they made this demand and claim that the truthfulness of the messengers of Allah depended on them bring back their forefathers. But even if they brought them

01:29:08 --> 01:29:12

every sign, they will not believe unless the messengers complied with what they said.

01:29:13 --> 01:29:55

But they were lying in what they said they were only able to justify their their rejection of the messengers. The messengers is call not to speak evidence not to seek evidence for this for the truth. last panel, Tara says, say is Allah Who gives you is Allah Who gives life then cause you to die? Then he will get you together on the Day of Resurrection concerning which there is no doubt, but most people do not realize otherwise. If knowledge of the last day had really reached the horse, they will strive hard for it and prepare for it. Now shall we won't post it for today. Sugar will continue to conclude the sore tomorrow with Nila BarakAllahu Solana Beach, Eduardo early he also mph

01:29:55 --> 01:29:56

rain, snow Marley

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